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Woodville Advocate (1878), 30 Oct 1879, p. 6

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50-“an want on' to In that it ”bulk-db“ “may. qum} eelled by the Dimtou to dlecuu the queetlon ot melon with the crud 'l‘xnnk coupe”. wee held to-dey et the Gen- Ioo etreet hotel. The choir wee token by Col. Frenole Guy. the newly elected Meat 0! the Compeny. et one o'clock. Eh. ettendenee wee numeroue. the hell Wily well filled. end meet 01 the . ‘ own end influentlel ehereholdeu one-mu. It. Ohfldeu «(coupled-net 8th. body of the room. lone dletenee h. the Dlreetou' teble. The dlnge ”e qunelly lon¢__end noley._ _.'l:h_ey__he_gen luau on Gm: Woolen rumour}â€" !‘ho I've-Maui'- lynch. (Reported for the Globe.) lac-non. Thu-any, Oct. 2. 1879. â€"'rho maul; sound muting of damp :Mon 01 Gun Wuum #301", 03 Candy. m Pmidom culling upon Mr. B. Biker. MM, :0 tend the notion convening h noting. nnd this Inning been done, and III-gm" Mn: “k...“ '9 fl.“- 'â€"â€"v m were building to Ohioeso wee being nude in eompetition with the beet oonneo- In! of the Greet Weetern. end eonee. quntly nay eliienoe with the Grend Trunk would render theee eonneetione their oom- petiton. ' The Grend Trunk reeiiy deeired . niiinnee with them, not for the henente whieh the end oi their competition would ”than, but to etrengthen their bend in eutinuing the greve competition they were min‘onwith the other trunk iinel. In themeiei report they hed eiiuded to thie ”petition, nnd they were very much d-ueltoeelinoneoithepe re.e dey or man“. e telegrun from ew York eon- Indietln. the eiiegetiou. He thought there heve been e iittie inepiretion ehout thet an, end the euthor at it nut credit the rho Omm aid that in tho ant plus to had to that tho Ihmholdou for Ittond- .1 than 1t that very unuuonnhlo timo. War. it not to: the very yarn" intonat- st HID. muting our: lndividnd than punnt at meeting the Company whloh ho Ind his nu were bound in honor to urn. :1 might be quite sure he would hue bud new! in 0.11193 than there. Alto: III-I pnlntory rem-1h. 00]. Grey. In ”has to t1. qtmtion before the n-e-f'v- 7"} on to _u! the i! “mealthemkom being their (dead intoum o competitor. end In mt they two eompotltou. Therelore “who coins uenthely wrong on it 1. tot them to so. In their on It won their duty and policy to divide “Mun tune when": they could. ind tint they clued todo. If. on tho oth_er_ bend, Dal-own mans um pxopouuronafi'plbpoul. line. it {or the Great Walton: proprietor- Mflu Grand Trunk Bond mum“! the mu 0! that: Ihmholdon. It nu me a mid It would be tor the tuteer 01- both . Ind tuguut. any land it In! __A._ _.___4L _A._A- n,_ AL- )_A-_-_L -1 AL_ fl---‘ my mob more” for'tho intoroot at tho Grout Walton: thon to: tho Grond Trunk. Bo wu not. mhhthodfl not look tor phflnnthro. to n joint look oompony. Thou pntlornon who‘ are in thot room h 1066 would who: the obomotionr by on gontlunon who no or well gall“ to sin thornâ€"8i: Fronoio Hood, hon tho first hod boon in (“or 01 mm. Ho nid. “Do not go and Into on “demotion ogroernont first um! “I: so ond not (or legal nnotlon ulter- Ull.’ Ho undo ouo tome observation- lltotht ton. in whioh tho Grnnd Trunk meor to oom to no. Tbot tono in, rnnot hon abound In tho rcoent oor- Npondonoo land not improved It 11], And III. ho might any. vory dlototorlol. But lad to any first the proxgu tho, H received were each ee to enehle him to o whet otherwiee he might hen to do. thet wee to queetiou very ciceely conduct oi the Grend Trunk on the totallyeeto the method but eieo lengnece employed in the corre- ce. Hemishtee well tell them et nee thet the. prcxlee were twenty to one in their lever. (Cheer-e.) Mow Del; 0! the minority. hycfer the pert were proxiee iron dread Trunk wey ehertholdere. He did not wieh to eeyone word egeinet the Guru! Trunk, but he intended to do whet the Boerd did not feel ”fled in doing in their report, so into me deteil on the queetion. ror e moment he would euppoee thet they hed got the Wee . end would eek then: to locket eetheywere.endheheuno hedtettcu in eeying thet‘ he could ehow the:- tint fueion wee very fer from wiee. ' It wee quite true thet Sir H. Tyler took the to View. end thet very poeitively. eeld in hie letter, “ thet the edventegee to he ohteined iron the (mica o! the. re- “. end from united nenegement. in One“. ie not e queetinn 01 confidence but eeleuletiou. end thet the Grend Trunk loud did not overeetimetejt ie ehundently proved by figuree which on cmciele in Where recently worked cut end cereiully W in eecordenee with inetruetione." Buthedoee not eupplement hie etetement h eey tehle oi hie fisuree. He (the epeeker) 'wee not eeretul to diepnte hie etetement. He Mt, however. my thet they did not run shut-“being: The! my: molten E!!! J to E I in: anal them-om- with the Gund Trunk; I. w truth» they put I flop to competition wee true thet they put 3 etop to eonpetition them. but they would immedietely in- the eonpetitlon with other line. thet now to e certain extent their em". I! looked weetnrd they would see the tune k pipe.“ The ne: _line the (item! as“ E! it (had Trunk at nine. Ind at only in. “bone would n be pnotioablo to no mo quonl. 3nd um onl by “Bonn. «pm! ontluy. 8!: R. 1’11“ “Idlmthnnwonldbowth. Hull. (" Oh. oh. ”) And ho oauld- fill thi- um out of All tho action! on flat.“ .Wuurq ling they on]! W mum Iron: tunic. vhio to m from 0th.: lino- 3nd the nilm oi the Grend Txnnk by the Gté'e’t Wooten. end vice ocna. Now, given on bone“ end intelligent mneger, then won two nqnieltee {or nilwey emu. mgood tremo end good ntee. end mtwo re quieitu were only to be obteined twoweye. qvi: .good goodtnme by ymeny enl- Mend rete- by flew oom petiton. lithium.” theee main" to their own one, theywonid enrely be quite eonvineed whether their policy wee good or bed. bed on the one bend three good eon- ,tbe New goxh_0ent_rel.rthe Erie. “6 “I5 Gnnd Trunk. It ihoy nllled Wm with the Gnnd Trunk may would Ion two_ol__ thoir_ oonngotjonl, Ind , ulna» '11:va up GREAT warrant! k WLWAII. Mom vnp a very lhofl memo. t m not now-m “no It: Bony lo} not. to the The: on the cabins. Al to they con. but tho Grond Trunk roluood to ogroo. They hod uourod o logitlmoto tromo ond hod not ondcovorod to divert trodlc from their lion. 0! oll tho groin thot wont to tho Atlontio oooboord fifty per cont. wont to New York ond Booton ond only oi: por cont. to Quobeo. Montrool ond Portlond. Undor thooo oircumotoncoo ho thought tho pro rlotoro would not wioh tho Board to torooko o high rood. whoro thcro woo plonty to do. to go to o trofllc which cortolnly but not proved vory ouccooolul to tho Grond Trunk. It woo o dollcotc motior to touch upon. but ho wlohod toloy brloro tho ohoroholdoro oll thot ‘hod boon prooont in tho mindo at tho Directors. ond ho would ooh. woo It poooiblo thot tho Groud Trunk. wbon thoy oonfldontly ox- prooood thoir holiet oo to tho ouccooo 0! on opplicotlon to tho Dominion Porllunont tor logo! poworo. hod on ldoo tbot tho Govorn. mont would opprovo tho ottolnpt to lorco thlo lllcgltlmoto trofilo through Oonodo 2 All ho could coy woo thot it would be on 9le do, tor Condo ii ouch o thing woro to occur. for it would not only lncroooo tho wor botweon tho Componioo. but night couoo tho wor to atom! to tho two'pooploIâ€"ho moat. ol couroo. oo murdo rootrlctlono onu dutioo. Tho Grout Wootorn bod boon oubjootcd to o vory oovoro trlol by tho oonotruotion at tho Uonodo Southern. Not only lo, the trio] toll upon thorn: _ot o gory nniortnnoto wwgfifim ,elue It! may his I wrote to e no: on theenhjeot. “gum? loeelretee,they were ee high ee they could I: then. end it wee owing to their through retee thet they eufleud. All thet they could do wee to eet the ample by ofleth); to dtvtde the mflee whenever they could. They hed don: th|e_ 13. he. might ny. oven ‘3 A_ -___- ried more tramc than they had done at any previoue time in the Company's hietory. With regard to the Grand Trunk'e position out of Toronto. the line ran along the banke hi the Birer Big. Lawrence“ along which all through ‘the saumroer cargo boate travelled. while on tho oppoeite bank the North Bhore Railway wee being. and in partzwae. conatructed. Ac to the new line to Chlcagotheymuctknow , talthonghChicego- wae a very great trade . tre. therealcentre oi the grain trade " arbehind. and the practice now wae to _ all the grain direct to the American porte vgtliout going to Chi. cago at all. They (the Great Weatern) had acceee to the railwaye which go to tho reel eouree 011.11. grain trade. A few daye ago a circular wae iaeued by a Committee of share- hoidere at Mancheeter. and no doubt meat of them had eecn it. In that circular the ex- prceelon wae need that thie Company was a mere ehuttleeock in the hande of American epeculatore. Be (the Chairman) begged to etcte to there who eigncd that paper. that the could very eaeiiy have found that the We aeh Railway of to-day wae one of the greatcet eyeteme of rallwaye on the American continent. Further. be much regretted that the Manchuter aharehoidere did not elect among their repreeentativee at leaet one gentleman not interacted in Grand Trunk etocke. There wee one point more he would venture to put before them, namely. to point out to them that a idaion would force them to adopt a policy directly oppoeed to that of non-exteneiou which they had forced on their Directore. But if they wiehcd to extend in that direction. he ventured to lay it down ‘ae a rule that when they wiehed to reach it place already touched by any oi their neigh- bore they muet do it in a cheaper way and by a ehorter road. and with eaaier gredicute; and if they made up their minde to go to Montreal. Quebec and Portland. the woret and deareet way would be by the linee oi the Grand Trunk. and he iirmly believed that an ‘arrangement with the coneeeeionairee oi the new line to Ottawa would be a far better plan. But what had they got to do with mcaeuree of that kind. for by euch action they would beviolating the leading maxime of railway government; they would be throwing away their cuetomera and making them their com- petitore. He wiehed aleo to eay a few worde about Hr. Vanderbilt. Now. he believed that the oi the Canada Southern wae d ed upon by him owing to the agitation ior amalgamation between the Grand Trunk and Great Weetern. which wae then going on. Hie eubeequent acquialtlon of the Michigan ventral wae neeeeeary to etrcngthen hie iirat pur- chaee. They had been led to regard Mr. Vanderbilt ac their worat enemy. but he (Col. Grey) could eay that he had been agood friend to them. and he only wiehcd he could eay the cattle of.the Grand Trunk. No doubt he had acted with purely eelf-intereet in the matter. but he would much rather have deal- inge with a man who wae dealing thne than one who wae not. Col. Grey then reierred to the poeeibility oi some general agreement being arrived at by all the leading linee on the American continent by which forced compe- tition would be put an end to. He eaid he believed he wee juetided in laying that all the chief linee were in favor of eome euch uuderetanding being arrived et. though the Grand Trunk had hitherto rcfueed. and he urged upon the eharehoidere the neoeeeity of cndeavoring to get the Grand Trunk Di- rectore to join in the movement. If thie were done, and come agreement come to. he wae cure there wae a very chance oi their getting an immediate di and. (Cheere.) The queetion oi euch a general arrangement wae not one which aiiccted only the charc- hoidere oi the Great Weetern and Grand Trunk. but it would benefit all the American and Canadian liuee who competed with them or worked with them directly or indirectly. He. therefore. a eated that the holdere of all elaeeee oi hcee securi- tiee aheuld eeleet repececntativee oi their intercete to meet and diecuea the euhject. and that come of the gentlemen thue eclectcd enould go to America with ac little delay ae poeeibie to' meet the leading repre- eentctiree oi the chief railwaye there, and eeewhat could be don. to bring about the general arrangement he propoecd on equita- ble and etable terme. u. could not think it would be diflcuit to find in their Company men of Inch experience ae tobe well fitted for the tack. Baring referred briefly to th_e_ recignatlon of Mr. Chlldere. which. he time. whomtha dapuuiol 01 trade I“ such “I“ the Ordinary mm. of the railroad- mu lugoly dimlniahod. Moreover. tho mud loll into the hind: of one who knew very well how to yoxk it for his own good. But by: rigid coqnomy they bud mun-gal to survive thsttrcublo. {or which he; thought they all 99gb: to _b_é gar: “Quin! tgjhoh Gain-n! ongh: to be very sum to their Gown Map-gar. Mr. Eton; :99. an} up! now_ on- sold. More from motion which ho would not “an on“: Into, 001.0", moladrd by making tho proprietors tor tho patience win: which m5” bod "find to him, and by finding “no, tuolutlon tho Board pro It; Bm «mud tho Incl-non. it .7“ .. t‘ ”he . (liontreelI f pootetcr.) Nicene! the moot opproyriete oi nemoe. â€"euphonlouo to the oer in Englieh. etlii more ea in Iudlenâ€"Ne-eh~geh-reh the opirit oi the wetor)-â€"whonoe come it 2 he guide booke tell no oi one Fether Boone in ee the tint recorded vieitcr : but he cant not heve 50.) godiethor. or the world would heve been eiliictod. perehenco. with eomo eelntiy et- teehmont. ouch ee 8t. Jcen Beptietc or St. Oun onde. Much more probeblo wee it thet the o d Ohlei Biewethe. returuln item the wer peth with hie lovely bride inne~he~he (leughing weter). iiret row the grend eight end become lte oponeore. Surely there muet heve been poete unenget the red men in thoec deye. Whet e coutreet with the white men'e oommon~plece nomencletume-Horee- Shoe. Goet Ielend. Tobie Bock. Devil’e Role. etc. ! Enough to note «on Donatellow'e long heir otend on end. But even here the truiem oi the inevitebic proximity oi the eub- lime end ridiculoue eppeereâ€"men epolling by deiecing whet God hee mode eo beeutiiul ; end the enreptured touriot no eoouer gete hie iiret glimpec oi the gorgeouo econe then the dieeordent tweng oi e runner dlepoie the cherm by inviting him to e equere meei ior twenty. five eente ; or to buy tebie rock prne- mente irom Derbyehire. end indien curioeltiee ireeh irom Celtic heude. Ah me iâ€"ie there no epot ioit in thie uttiiterien greeping ego tor e iew momente' quiet contempletion oi whet Providence hee eo beneficentiy in- tended ohould be eontempleted 2 To whet higher. better purpoec ceu ouch e glorioue heritegc be pugthen e rooting piece, emidet the world'e buetle. where one out revel in neture'e grendeot end moot xblime picture, on iorget the tineol oi liie'e uggle t The epproprietion oi theYoeemiteVelloy Perk .wee eheppy conception. end worthy oi the notion which eo promptly edopted it; end now the eente epirit ie riie ior u like grecciul eot et Niegere. which will rebuke ite deeecre- tion end meke it the world'e property. The Iidoe cem'e irorn Lord Duiierln. eiter witnoee- ing the vendeliem eo long rempent. ee to ‘ meke e vieit to the Belle one nth». oi cflort then oi pieeeure. Howato remedy the evil her long been the queetion. end the object at the writer will be eccompiiehed ii the geniuo oi our kindled neoplee een he eroueed to the immanent the mettor. end to remove the idimcuitiee which eech yeer'e doley -eggre- vetce. Leleim lever ior the movement on eeverei ‘gro do. let. Onenetionel ground-.beceuee the elle in themeeivee cennot. end ought not to be utilized, but kept ior the edmire- tion oi the world et lergc. under the eagle oi governmental control. 2nd. 0n remediel grounde. beceuee oi greet end growing ebueee. which ere yeeriy becoming more firmly riveted end dificuit to deel with. 3rd. 0n economic grounds. without which the othere would too likely ieii, end on thie point I pronoee to enierge. ”ne'- ~ 5" “UN“ moon. Bumâ€"Tho triel oi Uoopor. the elleged iorger. will probebl all on There- dey. Ell identity with t e uited Btetoe nevy deioulter end Oeiiiornie iorger bee been completely eetebliohod. The requoet oi the Ben oi Engiend eoiicltore thet the United Stetoe ehould epply ior Cooper'e extredition ii he wee wented on old ohergee hoe been ogein eubmitted to the Americen logetion. end declined on the ground thet Ameri- ceu Government would be put to ooery ex . he Timer. in e ieeding oditoriel erticle. eiter reviewing the epeech mode by Lord Bellebury et Mouchceter loot night. eeyeâ€" “Such ie the oubotence oi the vindlcetlon with which Lord Bellebury ie prepored to 6])? peel to the country. end it ie eteted with e iorce whi the Oppoeition will tied it herd to repel. hey heve denounced our policy to vehemently thet. ee Lord Soliebury urged. their euccoee et the next election would neturelly be eccepted by Europe or e oign thet the work at the precent Minietry woe to be undone. He hee ohown thet the intereete oi the Empire end not oi e perty will be et ieeue whenthe country to eppeeled to. end he hee given good reeeon to believe thet they heve hitherto been role in hie hende." The Hencheetor Guardian. in en erticio on the come subject concludeeâ€"" It ie thie ox- eggeretion oi toneâ€"thie edoption oi wild expediente to meet iliueory dengueâ€"which bee iuotly elermed the country. Ii the eecurity oi the Empire bethe object we ell heve in view. it ie ior the country to judge whether it ie moot likely to be echieved by ouch meeeuree. r by more ceutioue end loee exciting ruethmfi’.n A St. Potereburg correepondent eeye he ieerne irom en ebeolutely truotworthy eouroo thet Eu 1 hee iniormed Bueeie thet Britiehin deuce muet dominete in Aighen- ieten'eioreig’n relotioue. Penre. Freuce.-â€" Yeeterdey e deputetion weitedu n Preeident Grevy to report the reouite o e public meeting held on the 6th iuet. ior the object oi promoting e reciprocity treety with the United Btetee. M. Grevy etetod thet himeeii perooneliy end the Gov- ernment iolt the greeteet deoire to renew commerciel reletione with the United Stetee. end Frence etteched greet importence to the movement icohing to extend her reletione with the greht.Amerieen Republic. In die. mining the delegetion the Proeident eeid. “ Weiere henceiorwerd going to lebor in con- cert to obtein’ the object you pureue.” MADRID. Bphln. â€" Further inundetione heve occurred in the provincee oi Almeire. Meiege end Alicente. Beverei pereono heve been killed end much demege done to pro- perty. In the Allelege end Alicente dietricte 2,000 houeoe heve been deetroycd, end it ie believed 500 pereoue perlehed. The demege to property in eetimeted et 30,000,0001rence. A ietcr telegrem irom Marcie etetee thet 570 Hodiee heve elreedy been iound, end it ie VIII-VD,- . i. . m nun-now port a gluon-u During 3 into protneted visit to the Fells. I wee led to pennine the Inbj eet end eliminnte everyp hue of opinion baring on it. Mr. A. 0. Hill, the efficient Stipendiuy Magi-trots at Oliiton. gave me impatient dots. from which I mute the following deduction. Btetemont ot the present ex- penditure o! the. ordinuy modente eius oi tourilte. visiting the Full: tor the first time. say I visitor with his wife. and meking the round- 01 name :â€" Golt Islend............................ O 50 each _ $1 00 Gave 0! the Windham. ....... . 1 00 “ .. 2 00 Prospect Pork ...... . 50 ‘_‘ a g 99 git-dew“ oi thedmgfiaJ...-l. 1 33 3 I: g 83 r no u on o .. = anm..?:...... ..8. ... 60 . {3% u T.bl° Bock. "canons eeecee one one no 1 w “ inching 810 oi en outloy oi two people 10: seeing the eighte (without including eerriege hire) to: thoee polnte which will probohly be included in tho propooed Perk. Out oi thie tlie driver gete 584. 60 ior himeeii ior roping them in, end2 00:.“ cent. cdditionol on oil nurohucc oi a mode while he in driving. With the Pork ootehliehod, the come round will ooet It the ntrnoet 92.50, thue eiieoting o loving oi 07.50 ior two people. or 83.76 eeeh. Now I hove by cereinl enquiry ot the verioue pointc eetieiled nay-cl! thet the num- ber oi vieitore to the Fella this yeer. includ- ing exonreioniete (now in ouch ievor with the reilwey compenice), will mount to inlly 200,000 people. Boy 10 per cent. oi then. or 20,000 come under the clue roiemd to ebove. end who would ii the Pork exietcd ope nd $1.25 ior whet now ooetc 05; thie would eiiect a loving oi 075 000. Ct the hol- once eey 100, 900 people who epond now 92.50 will with the Pork epend $1.25. eqnel to e roving oi 8125.000. Then the helence oi 80,000, or people who cpend now 81 each. will with tho Perk lpcnd only 25 oente, loving 75 cente eeeh or eqnel to 860,000. Thu- we get on eggregete oi $260,000 per ennum whloh will he loved to the public by the Pork errennement. Then on to revenue. It muet be epperent thet tho conctrnctlon oi tho Perk. end consequent removel oi preeent ebneee will lergely ineroeee the number oi vieltore. end 250,000 would be e eoie overuse tor the tint live your oi Perk liie. Auume tbot they only cpent 81.26 eeoh ior the entire round oi ehhte, we get o revenue oi 9312,- 500 to meet expenee oi meintenenco end intereet. Tn: Tum FAIIIM.â€"Th0 dologntlon of tonnnt tumors {tom Englnnd and Bootlnnd ruehod Wnlkeflon on Wodnudny night. mompnnlod by 11:. D. D. Hny. of Linton], thun whom they could not find n bum guide. Yoltordu morning thoy drove thrgugh npjrg 9! ‘ :91“. 190mg 3} “101m: of Mona. Eokiord, Wmhtot, Toiion,Bivon. etc. On touching the inn of Mt. Riven they was «not! with lunch. The, war. high}! pious}! will: w_h_|t Aihoy q“ in this Tho "hnrdly over” 01"P1nnforo" in nortdnly pluglnrum. It :- tnkon tron: tho story of on :oolulutlo who no confused by the honor of pronouns baton Loni: XIV. During his disoonru ho hndoooulon to any. “We mnrt m dlo." Thou. ontohlng hruth. ho tnrnod In n complimentary way 8to Loni- nnd nddod, "Nanny m of nu.” noiglibérhood. Tho: 1m Sonia to: Clinton on Tum-Id” dumoon.â€"T¢lacopc. Bpomlnn unziouniy unit tho long doiomd “in to bring on the nip. uni pionr. When the an “int n. Moor limited thou migniing birds can. mum and in mail qmniiuu. The ma hot with“ bu rendered dnokjiiooiing poor ut‘ihg ‘pondg, tine bin-gin roughing 1.; 511! on tho hi. “ti tron in. mountain gnu. n eppem Ihet eutnnm leevel drop more reeduy under the Influence of wem nether then when eerly from ueher in the «fly pert of October. Sub. e0 lee», u m- yeere It in reported thot tho heeviut looen by the cloning out 01 John Wolker, the Breeon eottle denier. no tho memben ot hie own tomfly. Some of the liobllitleo ore let down on tollowo: Christopher Welter. Culiole. 8300 ; hue and Jouph Wolker, Lobo, 87.000: Benjomin Phillipe, Oullolo. 8700; , Mr. Grody, of Ohothom, 83.000 ; D. BrezeII.Bteeon. 8500; John Bereloy. hobo. 81,000; Mr. MeBobettom! lumen. “00; Mr. Brown. Kerwood, 81,500; Mr. Mitoheltxee, London, 01.500; Joseph O'Neil. London Township. 8500. end 1 hoot of othoro whooe nomee heve not been leerned u yet. The onmo odvoneed by benko on Donnld Mobeon'o endorootlon, together with the Inge emonnto odvoneod by Jon eoeietloo on the volnoble homeeteod end mm property ot Breeon. ere vodonoly utimoted It hom 920,000 to 035.- 000. Donnld MeLeen, who to on warm pope: to o Inge extent. is oleo mining. He lotely oold on his term end etoek, poid on o mortgogo. end put the bolonee, “301333.000, in hie poeht. Mme-on, 0ntorio.â€" There woe quite on excitement in the wheot moxket here to-doy, end the pflee wee {creed up to 81.31}. The nome of Mr. John White woe omitted In the loot deepeteh {tom the 1m 0! buyerl. ot whom there ore olx. The Time. In e leedins edltorlel extlole. eiter reviewing the epeeoh mede by Lord Beliebnry et Menoheeter leet night. eeyeâ€" “Bach ie the enbetenee oi the vindloetlon with which Lord Beliebnry le prepered to 5;» pool to the country. end it le eteted with e tom whi the 0 ppoeltion will find it herd to repel, hey heve denounced our policy so vehemently that. ee Lord Sellebury urged. their enoeeee et the next eleotion would neturelly be eoeepted by Entope ee e elgn thet the woxk o! the preeent yIllinziletry wee to be undone. He hee ehown thet the intereete oi the Empire end not 0! e petty will be et lune whenthe country in e ppeeled to. end he hee given good tee-on to believe thet they heve hitherto been eele in hie hende." Conlenlgd Telegraphic News The Hencheuer Guardian. in en ertlcle on he eeme subject concludeeâ€"" Ir in thin ex- mentlon o! toneâ€"We edoptlon 0! wild expedient. to meet illusory demonâ€"which he. iuetly cleaned the country. It the security of the Empire hethe object we ell hue in vlew. it in {or the country to judge whether It in meat likely to be Achieved by melapcuugemprj; more oeulioue end leu when. Româ€"Tho tdol o! Uoopor. tho ouogod ton». will prohohl aln on Thou- doy. nu tdontity with t o nitod Btotoo novy doloulto: ond Oomomlo largo: hoo boon con toly utobllohod. Tho toqnoot at tho Hon 0! England ooltottoro thot tho Unltod Btotoo ohould oppb lo: Coopox'o oxtnditlon fl ho woo wontod on old chugoo hoo boon ogoin submitted to tho Amorioon louotlon. Ind declined on the ground thot Amort- oon Govornuont would bo put to oory A at. Po'tossburg correspondent nyl ho loun- {tom nu absolutely trustworthy source shut En loud hos intoxmd Buuin um Brltlshin (1an must domino“ in Afghan- lstgn'llorgig'n "lotions. Pun. Franco.-â€" Yutordny o deputation woitodu n Pruldont Gravy to report the mult- o a public meeting hold on the 6th inst. (or the objoot at promoting o reciprocity trooty yithA the gutted Btgtu. _M: Gravy MADRID. Spun. â€" Further lnundetlonr have occurred in the provinces of Almeln. Mdege end Allocate. Bevenl 90er have been killed end much demege done to pro- perty. In the Mel-g e and Minute dietrietl 2 000 houses lieve been destroy ed, end it in believed 500 per-on- perllhed. The dung e to property is eetlmeted et 30 000 000 trance. A Inter telegr an Iron Maren etetee thnt 570 Hod!" hue nlroedy been found, md it In beyond ov_er_1. 000 geoyple perished: Bum, Gemmy.â€" The Prussian Budget for the canning fiscal your show. u deficit of 810,500,000. Prunis'a oonuibution to the oxohcqnor o! the Empire ll animatpd at $5,550,000. Ban. Italy.â€" The brigmd Gupuoni. formerly the tenor of holy. died reoemly in I poor home at Abbmogrulo. Lombudy. nggd ninety_yura. Bnmvmu. Ontuio. â€"0no 0! our 10031 bulk: in aid to have lntinntod tlnt money wlll not be adnnood on hula: alto: Nov. ht. tad little more than . tithe ol the crop has 105 been mqkotogl. Dunn, Ontario.â€"Parli|mont ha been Ingmar ptoxogued tiniNoveimbor 8th. Lonnon. Datumâ€"It in reported thnt tho nu what in this county in being nngod by tho Benin fly, or, :0 Ion. lumen contend, the wire worm. Mon: no ploughing up nigh-jibe“ nnq lounging. Wooneuocx, 0nterio.â€"A young led ehout eeven yeexe old. the eon oi Mr. H. J. Hill, stein merehent. hed e umow eeoepe while pleying in the etorehouee whete hie (ether wee Iehing stein. The boy jumped inio e bin oi ebout 1.500 huehelegoi wheel, which they were drewing out et the time. Hie eoreeene drew the etteuiion oi hie tether, when he ten to the bin juet in lime to eee the boy'e heed going under. He jumped into the bin end ihruet hie hend down end oeught the boy'e heed. end with the eeeieteuee oi e men who heppened to be eloee hy exuioeted him. A few eaoonde longer end life would h_eye been afloat: 01.1mm, Datumâ€"The wile 0! Mr. Jemee Blew-tor, Nlegen Fells. N. Y.. met with e moet damning end probebly tetel mldent et her home thle eltemoon through the exploelon of e een o! eoel on, while ehe wee emptying I portion of In eontente Into the etove to eooelente en elxeedy lighted fire. When ueletenoe "rived her elothee were met], on oonenmed, end her penon leverely Qonno. October.â€"'l‘he echooner Ledy Belloeu with a «mo of fleh nnd oil (or Montroel hee ”rind In port. The oeptein reporte thet the eteenuhtp Elton. in on the roeke tn Gmnleh Bey, shout ten milee to the eneth 01 Red Bay, Btteite of Belle Iele. The donkey enginoe kept the ehlp deer the am two deye, but I etonn coming on iron: the out the man went eehora for “My. When the etonn ebeted they tetarnod to the eteemer end found her full 0! enter. They lend nbont ninet head of oettle Ind loeded I eohooner fifth our, «0,. end lent he: to can»... mu. Pu": of“: um. um. dmhmul and tho gum loaded In a Tronhlc lc Mowing in tho Mcdlccl School. the ctudcntc com planing thct thc cllnlccl tccchlng in very unutlclcctory. u pctlcntc crc prclcrlbcd lo: It thc Hoop ltd without tho ctudcntc hcvlng proper opportnnltlu of ctndy- gthclr dtuuc. A mcctlng o! ctudcntl wu rcccntly hold to_cgpcldcr thc8 pnbjcct. A mun named Fleniaen. who won melted a low deye ego tor the euppoued kidnepplng ol e child. nnd e nt the interval between hil erreet and trinl jell. wee diuhnrged it the Auizee. the Grend Jury hnvlns returned no bill. nnd on his dilohurge hnd the ohild (which he an wu hnnded to him on the etreet by an unknown womun. who then dil- uppeued) returned on hie hnnde. He in now going round with the child in one um and 3 bottle of milk under the other, looking (or the unnetunl mother. Tare-nun Troop. Joining the Tunnel-- Bcporlcd Capture oi incl-v. Sr. Pmununo. Baumâ€"Tho Goloa nu the non of the Khan oi Harv hu Inooudod in bringing uvonl thou-ad Tumm troopu to the aid of the Tenn. Is it to be noted um 3 preview requut oi the Klan of no" (or lid wu Maud. ‘Fmther infomtlon from Oonml All: reports the tenant oi Gown! Inmtkin’l tom was 0! Baum“. Conan! Torgnkuofl will sbmdon the dart to nuke Gook Toppo the bus 0! openiionl. no will win“: bemoan Tahitian: Ind Duznlnm. uni begin 3 new «13pm in_il_10 upring._ e‘totel m Tom Ontalo. - lndleetlnee eppeer to ehov thet otter ell the Dull will get on lightly. The verdlot lode the 0140! vlrtuelly guilty 0! e IMemeenox for whleb he unnot. ll thle View be sustained. be lent to the penitentluy. end the younger at being me- my elter the teat. AI 3 otlmlnel oeunot be eooueory to e mledemeenor. lt le probeble he Ill] set on eltogether wlthont pnnlebment. A motlon wlll probably be nude In I dey ox tug by the prieonen' qonneel. Th3 Foreign 0mm hu remind no eon- firmuion 0! me new o! the capture of Men. The upon in qndonb‘gdllfnlu. The expedition to explore the eneient bed 0! the 0m. Blur wiih the View of connecting it with the Ouplm Bee he. been ebendoned, the ditfieniiiee in the wey oi Inch nonunion beige pmtieglly inlqmpnnubie. Léinou, En'g.â€" It in rumored um tho Benin- 1!“. occupied Mon um n unto . ongugongnt.‘ A eoneepondent It Ben-Ila ny- Gen. Ken!- Innn. Governor oi Turkeeten. who he been for eonetime in St. Petereburg. atone to Torte-ten immedietely. He will be pro- vided with iteeh inetruetionl beeed on re- cent important evente in Kuldje end Alumni-ten. 8mm. Indiaâ€"The Bunion troope which were deieetod It Geok-Teppe will winter on the ehore o! the Oupien Bea. 8mm. Qumranâ€"It in omohny onnouneod Ila» the upon received through the Governor at Jollolobod o! the occupation 0! Men by Bunions in known to bo ammo. Hwy per-on! will be surpriudtolum tint than in Icing": {mile no“ in this Northwutom diam“ o! Ontuio. Mr. Bell ny|_: “ Following the cenoe route from Michipio cotin to Moose Fectory. the country is more or less rocky es ier ee Hiselneibi Leke; yet even in this section the proportion oi rock suriece to the whole eree mey be compete- tively smell. But eiter psesing the swempy grounds north oi Miseinsibi Leke the true!- ler cennot tell to be struck by the ebundenee end the generei fertility oi the soil exposed in the benks oi the Missinetbi end Moose River. All the wey to Moose Fectory it consiete moetly oi e brownish end somewhet grevelly ioem or eerth, resting upon slit end sometimes upon stretified eleys or the solid rookâ€"which, however, is seldom seen except et the prin- cipel repids end ielle. But in the centre] third oi the eectiou between Leke Superior end Jemes' Bey, or iron the Brunswick to the Long For tege, e lightocolored cley usuelly form the suriece. I exemined the country ioramileor two back iron the river in several pieces tor the speeiel purpose of escerteining the neture oi the coil. end iound it excellent in ell eeses. but tending to be- come more ewempy in receding irom the river. In the Devonien region below Long Port- ege semplee oi the soil were collected in e iew pieces ior subsequent exeminetion. In treversing such e greet extent oi elmost un- broken wilderness one is eptto iorget the possible velue of this veet region ior enri- eulturel purposes, but the exemples oi the ‘ierme et New Bruswick House end Moose liectory show upon e emell scele whet might ‘ be extended over e greet pertoi the country. I heve no doubt thet et some inture time this territory will eupport e large popuistion. _ Dleoontlnulns temporally lrom quoting further the report. the publlc'e ettention le here directed to the lect thet thle net lertlle territory, hitherto euppoeed to be e eterlle wilderneee. the home 0! eternel frost end enow. hee, through the pereleteney ol the Mowet Admlnletretlon, been Included within the Province 0! Onterlo, end the eunrnptlon o! poeeeulon le only deleyed through the Domlnlon Government'e peltry pretence thet the pepere hed been loet. Enornmrr ll "Bron marâ€"A derpeteh from Pnrie, Onterio. deted October 17. eeye: Quite e eeneetion he been ere-ted here over tneeiopernent oi Mr. 0. H. Boherte. drngglet, end Miu Kete Oomphell. both oi Perle. Their parente were much oppoeed to the love- rneklng, but the couple were determined to get worried. Night beiore ieet they tried to get 03 on the night trein. but they were found hiding end the perente oi the ledy got them toretnrn home. - Early next morning they! drove to the reeldenoe oi Rev. D. D. McLeod end got mnrried end mode treoke rapidly ior Brentiord. It would be tutereetlng to lean how the men hove feted who lut yeer emlgnted from the Stetee to New Eouth Welee. The leet hell yearly report of the etete o! tnde In thet eolouy oonveye every eomhre picture. When the Government began building the Interne- tlouel Exhibition et Sydney the eervieoe c! 1.800 workmen were eeelly obtelued, hundreds being turned ewey. end thoueeude ere now out of employ. In Vietofle mm. efe worn. M 'l‘uu onion parties I mun km“ tho gm. to «Home: which hit the onion. 3nd I! In in“: to on right. I“ the 31m Inn to flu hll. p to 09th 16, no mu: had on: new mm. ' Fertility of Northwestern onlarlo. THE ME RV EXPEDITION. w and tho mt to as. John. Tho think. a» mu! I. likely to bacon.

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