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Woodville Advocate (1878), 13 Oct 1881, p. 1

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“Cal-ting «Ivno to and from all Hort-I of the “Mo. Silvissing MNI .‘liIIIaII IInIIWn“ “Minus. I" barges Immora l‘. III-siIIeIICII. one (Imr “UT”! of I‘jIIIOIl “Unst‘. Queen Street, “.0 orIVIIII‘. Livery Rigs at any time and at all hours on the shortest nutice. Special attention given tn (.‘umnwrcial 'l‘ravellore. Chars!” always mmlerato. TERMS. CASH. Sla- blos In connection with the Eldon [{uuso. .LNHEMNM. I..I .s. : ms. PBNTIAND. LIN. Wilson “.\." Wilson “H" and "Royal ‘ Sewing Machines and Needles kept constant Iy nu hand. (“lice of Montreal 'l‘ologmph Company. Kilkfivhl. Ont. Nancy to Loan on first-class seems)! at 6 tuft} ‘our cont. Agent. fur A. HARRIS, SON ‘ C0.. “rantfuml. Mmmlacturera of lit-apart, Mow- ers, Svlf-Hilulvrs, .h‘. ' Onecl‘tim nlmve will be at Hamilton's Hotel. 3emurtun, on the Sl’P‘lNU MO\- D-\\' flf each month "a will also \isit “'oodhllc on the 8853i. d i‘ijlélq'fifi’éf £531; muuth, stopping at Mol’herson's Hotel. 'W Clerk 7th Division Cnnrt County Victoria. '(‘mn'eynnccn Commissioner in Queen's Munch. Notary 'Public, kc , 81c. Office, Vic- ioria Rand Station. WM. mum Proprietor. This hotel is in every way complete t0 meet the requirements of the travelling pub‘ic. Meals served on the arrival of all trains which step here. on both railways, twenty 'minutes for refreshments. Good waiting rooms. Bur always supplied with the best brands of liquors and cigars. 0rncn.â€"Rmmt lately occufied hy W. M. '(Tuflu-ane. Biglow‘u Block ’urt. Perry. Cler‘: lat Division (‘mrt County Victoria. Secretary Eldon B. A. Socictv. Agent P. B' S. Company. Conveyancer, Commis- smner in Queen’s Bench. H NOlt'l‘llE RN HOTEL, “'oudville. BEN-l A)! l 5' SCAMHOV, Prom-[etch This Iirst~clnss house has just been re- fitted. furnished and otherwise renovated mid unpmvml. Being in the. centre of the business part of the village, and furnished with splendid sample rooms. it is therefore most convenient for travellers and commer- cial mun, and the public generally. The Ear is supplied with the best of Liquor: and ('igms. Goad Stables and Hustler in at~ tendnnce. \V M. CA Firebclass accommodation and attentive lgrvants. Bar well supplied with the choic- 4 at liquors and cigars. ‘Bus to and from all 1rains and every convenience for the travel- ling public. R A'R'I‘IN HOPKINS, BA BRISTE'RS, fi0ll1'm38 *c. Money to Loan M. 6 per cent. Orru-mâ€"Kent Street. Inndsay‘ Ontario. I’. S. Mums. I G. H. Horxms. M Mam! Strwt. New York. J08. J. CAVE Publisher. PROFESS’I ONA L CA R 08’. VOL V. .utorncy-nt-lmw. Salk-"ol- In Chancery. (‘onveyunrrn 4th, it. JAMES 11A WSON. \gom fur l'nion Loam .t Savlns'i To. “Ermaâ€"093 .dqozlwgnstrof Post 0500. G E I‘LDON HOUSE, \Voodvidu. IRE’D. \R‘r. MILLAIL _l.“0 RG E WILLIS M I LLA R, EE' ANDS Pluf'lLAND 30H. CAMPBELL UG H D. SINCLAIR, ‘1 INLAND AND NIPISSING HOTEL Luruuville. ()0[)\'ILI.E LIYERY STABLES. RIBS!" l-IIDWAIIIIS. I’mprletor. ’3 I’S'LVESS CA R 08. 0523115111, an. llndsny, om. Tuos. EDWARDS Proprlflor. 113112“. THI‘IS'I‘IIR. IN'. ('DIYI'I'Y All'TIISfJII. HOTEL ( A1308. AM ERON. “bod \‘ifle. Ont. Try 3 lbs and get a book, YOUR OWN L'HOIL‘E- , 5. (3. GILCHRIST, Postmaster, “'oodvillo. Don‘t forget your Insurm‘ce. J. C. Gil- christ. is also agent for sworn] first-chm: In- surance Companies. Farmer's risks taken at luwest rues, According to amount required nndfiermn of aymcnt on a Straight Luau o" hinking ‘nndSysti-m. lnstalnwnts required to re- pay a Loan of SLUW in the following periuds : 10 years, ”43.20. 9.0 years, $95.30. These Sums pnyahln at the end of each your pay 0!? the eutim dcht. Principal and “trim“. NO COMMISSIOV. NO FINES. A Expenses reduced. Dmnininn. Rtnmlnul tQ'. (‘lt lmens lusul‘nnol‘ L'nnnmniau. Also Agent fur the The Subscriber is pwpared to lend Money at greatly reduced rates of interest in sums of Buns- Rona and Pastry a. £969th SODA, ABFRNETHY AND l-‘Rl'l'l‘ BUISCUITS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Farmen wanting meat “ill please leave their «Mm the night bctore at the shop. The highest cash pri‘e paid for RIDES. Parties having {at cattle to dis mm: of will please call or leave mm! at my a up. FRUIT CAKES. MIXEDTEA CAKES. Having bought the shop and fixtures of Mr. (1. ,,.Slnith Butcher. customeIa can rely on geIting the best of Beef at. all times. and other meats In season. A large assortment of whips from )5cts. up. WOODVI [LE 8 AK ERY. -â€"â€". ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. HARNESS COLLARS, HALTERS, “IFS CURRY COMES, BRUSHES, TRUIKS VAllSES AND All. KIND 0F HORSE FURNISHING FAMILY BREAD REPAIRING 930M211? haunt“. Cistern and Well Pumps, WOODVILLE HARNESS SHOP. JAMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER m PA RTI ES SU PPIJ ED \\' HOLESALE. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. LI~QUOR TEA} C0. ALL NEW “'0le WARRANTED. CHEAP MONEY ! $200 to $20,000, UG H MCCORQUODALE. ’OODVILLE PU MP FACTORY. “'OOD"II.I.IJ BUHJIHI BIOP. JACOB BARNES, FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WOODVILLE’ ONT. TERMS CASH_, JOHN BEBRIE’S JOHN BERRIE. ORDERS SOLICITED. 0RD ERS SOLICITED. 6 T0 7 PER CENT. IS UNXLD ESTABLISHED, l850 MAN UFACTURER Ol' IN THE COUNTY Agent for the At from Cor .King and Stunt St \VOODVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 188] 1 A mysterious business is related from Claw- \ unit. in the depths of nugary. Bot-go ‘ Levies. a bricklayer of that town. was near- ing his cottage at’er the day’s Work. when a l strange man stopped hun in the road and asked him if he would undertake a job, for j which he should he \rell remunerated. ”l t and my wife are living in a Country house a little way out of town. and I want you to ; come with your tools and wall up a sort of cupboard. But you must come at once, for my wife declares she will not sleep another ‘ night in the place it the thing be not done before dark. I fancy the cupboard must be connected with some drain or passage. for it swarms with rats and mice; and that is whv it must be walled up. If you will come at once you shall have 50 guldon." Needless to say that the poor Workman col. lected together the necessary implemenm in ll." haste,'and marched all after the stranger. who led him to a tumble-down looking; and long-unteuauted house about a mile out of town. A pretty young Woman. who...“ peared very nervous and anxious‘ met them at the door. They traversed several rooms. and atlast reachcda kind of kitchen. A dark closet. which evidently reached some way back. opened into this room bv a low doorway. «.vl‘herc's the place,” quoth the lady. ":t'n full of rats; wall it up quick. ugh !" Levies treat to Work, but: stopped short with a ftart of smprisc at a noise he heard issuing from the hole. “Oh. those deteetahle rats !“ exclaimed the lady, “only listen to them 3" Once more. the man took up his trowel, but after too or three art'stic tlops With the mortar. dropped it again with a jump. "(in 0". go on 3" begged the lady. But Levies now declared he would not lay abrick till he had looked for him- self with a lante-n what manner of place this Was. More demands that he should finish his job, threats. tears. and oll‘em of l00tl.. 1509,. up to 500" . if he would 'go on. But this only eteited his suspicions the more. and he remained ltlrm. "Well go and get a lantern. "It‘ll." said the gentle- man. “but take a class of wine first." You can guess what ellrct this had. He drank and went to sleep. When he awoke the house. was empty. lle staggered to the police station (for his head was still swim. mine' from the doctored Wine). and related what had happened. Search \vas made. and in the recess they found an 'iuf:mt almtlt six weeks old. naked. and with its "Hum. .134. evil. lt \\ 1H utill :lllYt‘. lmt *lqu that mm“. ing. S.» now the pallet have got a nim- nut to eravk. lt w ill take tlu In all their time. I thoulcl faiiey..â€"-l.omlnn (.‘t‘o'm's l’iuuur (fur- )‘,J/AQ“I!’(N’. “ PRO BONO PUBLICO." Yesterday when the Union Pacific train arrived, bringing In fifteen ear loads of Mor- ‘ mon emigrants, there was much hustle, and people wore seen running hither and thither in Sealch of expected friends. Many scenes of iutzruat Were witnessed, {where relatives met and shed tears of joy together after a Separation of many years. But there were other meetings less affectionate and more in the shupe of business. One case will illus~ trate how the old polygamists enter into the business of bartering for the transportation and purchase of young girls to become addi- tions to their hart-ms and enter into poly- gamy and a life of wretcheduess iu the name of religion. Missionaries are I ~ut hy the church to proselyte in Europe for converts to the shrine of Mormonism. When a suiti- cieut number are persuaded to leave the low walks of their native homes and come to Utah, where they are promised an earthly paradise. they are gathered together and stowed away in a \‘eSSel and sail for America. 'l heir trip across the ocean, and thence by cars from New York to Utah, is made under the direction of some of these missionaries, ‘ who look after the matter of transportation and keep, if possible, members of the crowd from straying. These missionaries are of ‘ the shrewd class. and know how to act the part of shepherd over the flock. - ml at the 1 same time make the most out o the business. ‘ They, too, are very accommodating, and ready to take charge of special cargoes of girls. When the train arrived yesterday that old reprobate polygamist living down “’cher river had no trouble in tinding the returning missionary who could point out to lnm the fourteen-year-old Swedish girl who had been imported especially as an ad- dition to the harem of this old gray-haired saint. Going up ta the girl he greeted her in a very business-like manner, and taking her by the hand, went wandering among the crowd and around the depot. The girl was not specially pleased with his appear~ ance and preferred not to accept him as her fractional husband; but then her fare had been paid all the way from Sweden by him and she had been shipped on the condition of being his u on her arrival, and she felt that she was liouud and must accept the situation. The old brute. in his attempts to console her and make the situation plea- sant, put his arm around her waist. l‘his was too much for the young girl, and in her innocence she broke down in sobs and tears. The last seen of her she was in a waggon 'with a motly crowd and by the side of the old sinner, travelling toward his home, and we presume she is today mom of a slave than ever was any of the colored race in the South. for the breaking of whose chains came the long and hloody war of the rebel- lion. Such cases as tl is. We presume, are far from being uncommon, but the actors in most of them possess too much discretion to permit a public expose. “'hen girls are so- Ic-tcd in Europe inthe emu) manner that fine stack i; tn be shipped to America. as was the case in this Instance, it is time that the nation should arise and crush out; the hellish ayatum whluh nae-rice ml its disgust. inu business in the mum) of wllgiou,.â€"Ollgen Pilol. «4.. ..â€"â€" A llol-rlblo Story, “all Ilnrems. SOCIAL.» A social was rocentlv held in the residence of Mr. Spring, in aid of the Presbyterian Mission. A large nmnlwcr of people assembled togeilier and a very pleas- in“: evening was spent. After ten lmd Ireen 'éervml, a few short but pithy lectures were delivered. when the “young folks" as usual spent a very enjoyable time in singing and playing. The proceeds amounted to about. QIS .. . but as yet only one has hccn known to suc- cumb to the lunch-n pill. Messrs. liIm-k Emmott have lwmmht a new threshing! machine into the "0‘ng . From our own (’orrr.~7)ondmal. BEAR sno1'.â€"-\lr. Joseph Dowles shot a benriu Poverty Lake recently. I)RP.\RTUt:t:.â€"Tho Rev. Mr. Harold as mentioned in last week's issue. tank his 111» parture for college on Monday last. Fare- Aluuv.\L.â€"â€".va that the hunting season has come, the Indians have once more made their \rrivnl. and now the nouml of the "musket" is heard on all sides of us. Moved by Mr. Bowes, socanded by Mr. Broad, that. Mr. “'11). Lownsbrough be ap- pointed Commissioner tn have the bridge repaired that has been destroyed by fire be- tm-cn Lots IO 1nd 1], 9th and 10th Cong.â€" Carried. From our own Correspondent. The following accounts were passed: James Chidley, fnr work on boundary be.- tWevn Manpnsa and Ops, $1 LOO; H. Tink- ham, work on road, 83.00; T. Franks, breaking stone on rum], $3.00. Moved by Mr. Broad. seconded by Mr. Lou‘uabrough, that By-law No. 276 being a Iiy-lnw to provide for appo‘nfi lg Collect”; to cuilcct the rates and taxes in the Town- ship of Mariposa for the year 1881, be now read a first time.â€"â€"Carric-l. liy-law No. 276 after passing through C‘ommitte was read a third time and finally paSSe-J. Moved by Mr. Bmud, seconded by Mr. Townshrough, that. Thomas Wallis be ap- pointed Collectm for the south half of the Township. and Thomas Smith for the north half at a salary of $65 each, to include all duties imposed {by statute. and that they furnish bonds satisfactory to the Rce\'e,â€" Carried. Cvuncil adjourned to meet again on the lst Monday in November next. JOHN I". Cuxxmas, Clerk. Moved by Mr. Parkinson. seconded by Mr. Lownsbrough. that the Reeve give his order on the Treasurer in favor of T. Broad for $18.37, expenses in connection with the funeral of John Kennedyâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Lownsbrough, seconded by Mr. Brmd. that the Reeve be authoriZed to sell the Debentures of School Section No. 14 to Mr. Barron on the terms as agreed to between him and the trustees.â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. Parkinson, seconded by Mr. Broad, that the Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Hughsluup and Mrs. William Brown to remove their fences from off the road alluwance between Lots 20 and 2!. 2nd Concession. by the 13!; day of April next.â€" Carried. The so-cnlled “Seven “'onders" of the ancients, wur mum trillcs compared with those of the present tune. The Brooklyn Bridge, for oxznnple. would make the hang» ing gardenSuf llahylon a. mere toy, while the whole seven wonders put together would sink into insignilicuncc conld thei?‘ builders have been a lightning express train at lull speed. The seven wonders of the World, in modern times, are the printing press. the steam engine. the telegmpll. the photograph, the telephone, phunograph and the electric light. Mariposa Council met this 3rd day of Oct- ober. 1831. Members all present. Minutes of L131: meeting read and apploved. tunes wure mu pyrnnuus u! la'g ' )t, the l’lxurus of Alexnnlria. tin: walls and lmnging gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Diana. the statute of Olympian Jupiter, the Manso- leum of Arbomesin, find the Colossus of llllmlca. 'l‘he seven wonders of the world in ancient times Were the pyramids ".f E n 1%, the I‘I r .- re" The Fourtmn Wonders of the World. BIARIImS.‘ T0‘VSSHI l’ COCSCIL, TIGHNA I} {UA ICII. UFFING'I‘GN. no.-- oQo BOBCAYGEON is to have a public park. 11: l already has a fountain. . _ ,Tng: Uxbriilge 'l‘ownship Fair will be ‘18le ~90‘Goodwopd, on the 13th and 14th of Oc- No wonder many a man's love has 1mm tamed into loathing on account of unsiulvlv cruptiom on the he», and of the nll‘emim Menthol his hanccu. This trnulllc (mull have been avoided if she only lmcl svnm nnmugh to use lhmlnck llloml Hitters. l’ricu SLOT‘, trial sizes 100mm. 'l‘nx reporter of n l’cu-rlmrn paper chrnu- ioles the horticultural fact that nu nmuiu true in a garden in that. tmn . prcmuh :\ singular uppenrnucu. 0n mm Side: .u‘ tin-- true the man of the house kuuclu clown Hm: Jonx S'rnwmr. of Brougham, is in tronhlu. "a not fire t0 pstump near n noighl...r’< fence. and uccuscd «f it fired several shnta {mm nrifle at his accuacrs. He has been nrrostol. Dr. Fowler's Extract of \Vild R‘rmvlm-‘r: is the best remedy for infants tor-thing. it i1 safe pleasant and reliable. and (:Hrc‘l pz‘nmm. lv all forms or I‘ mwel Cumpl: mints I-‘ u Canadian ( 'hnlu-ra or Clinlic and "\3 .-nh -v at either children or adults there Is Im lwt! I remedy. ones for (“Wen-M disease': and found it m be just as you recommended. It has «lum justice to me every time, and is the heat. oil (or how’s I ever used." Mrs. Bates and her dPII-vhter. Hmrict who left Bmoklin about s‘x \ch ks ago tn r0. side. III \lichignn, perished in the tor I-ihln tires which lately a“ opt (nor a large 1.0:th of that. ante. u 1!. Shelia», nf 0: cmln. \Iioh. . write a : “ I “ave Med Dr. Tllmnas' Echrhir nil ml MR. Geo. 0rmiston. nf Raglan hall a \‘nln- nble heifer killed by lightning on l-‘Iillnv morning. September 3th. Mr. (lrtnistuu hml. a day or an previous, ii‘.sur§:cl his stuck against lightning. Blackstone, the name of England's grozr‘h- est lawyer. and the name of a well kunww lawyer's pen of I~Isterbrook's make. Tho stationers have them. Us Saturday last a little lmy. about seven years old, sun of Mr. J. T. H. Haucok, m-nr Foley. had the thumb and first finucrof his lefthaml cut off while playing with other children round a straw cutter. Burdock Blond Biunrs Is not a fancy drink, but A pure Iuvihciuai tonic. “Iterative. laxa- tive mnl nerviuo. whose effect is to purify. reutol‘G and build np‘the impoverished hlnn-l and unfeebled body Price $1.00, trial Sim 10 cents, THE lenid ge Fire Brigade have dishnnd ed because the8 filling“, Fathers haw refused to give them 3250 a year. The engines and boilers for \IcArtlmr .6 Thmnpson’ s will at Fenelou Falls,h ave burn rcc' ivetl DIWHERIA is said to be prevalent in (.‘nu~ niugton and the attendance at the schools has fallen off in consequence. It is reported that ice to the thickness of three-fourths of an inch froze on water In Garden on Tuesday night, Oct. 4th. Get your skates ready boys 2 The OHend Lake correspondent of tho Warderstates that several weddings are about to take place there. Strange to say. several have been talking of tying the ine\'- tricnble knot arnnnt' here :all summer nml have not got it done yet. It must be a bxg one. NoTES.â€"Snow fell here on Monday morn. ingâ€"Wild geese are making for the south-â€" Another severe frost on Monday night. Oct. 10:11. This part of the county can houst of a young man (whose father says he is a gem tleman.) who lids in the fence corners listen. ing to what the people have to say when going from church on Sundays. It is said that he sometimes chases the smaller echo!- ars when returning from school, using :13 kinds of oaths at them. ‘ive deer were recently seen nenr Rm'on Lake, and also three hours at aspiing on the 2nd Con. of Bewey. Partridge mo “\Illfl‘l‘nus along the meek; and groves. The potato crop hero' is behind the aver ago this year, owing no doubt to the sewlo dmu'vht we have passed through. Thoso who planted early had the advantage. hood. It is duiug very good work so far and should this continua it will he a gron“ benefit to the funnels here. who are in smno cases without horns. Considurnhlo loss and inconvenience has been experienced during the last few years thron'vh not wetting in It machine in pmper time to «lo the II 01k. Fr om our own Correslmmlmt TERMS 0!}: ”I’LL“! I'lzll .|.\'.\’Ul strlcl ly In Advance WM and mum BEXLEY. .6. N UMBER 0' -al

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