TORONTO a. NIPISSING “A“.w‘ug Tug!!! going South -~8:05 8:10,}. i. Iain. going Northâ€"11ml), um; 2:11pm. ; 7:50 pm:- Tums going normâ€"11.00 l. m. .. 12:35 pm. And I :40 p.11: Trains going Suchâ€"7 :50 .1. m., 11:00 mun, 3nd 3: 00 p. m. a- Mmufacturers of lhsapeu Mow/era and Threshing Machines prefvr “ Guanine.†8611001. Inspector Reazin was in #0le on Monday and Tuesday Inst. @- Get. your Machine Oils at. Gunn Bros. g Vulises, Satchuls and Trunks, in glut. variety. New Styles. Cheaper than ever at. Rod. Campbell’s. @' Now is the time to buy your Boots 61, Shoes. All are invited to in- ‘spuct. McIubyl-a Pripr’a Large Stuck. g- A (3000 Cup of Tea. is a rare “thing, but. you can gut the very bass at Gilcln-isb'u, from 25m. to BOcts. g The Highest. Cash Price paid for Hides J; Skins at Rod. Cnmpbull’s. @‘ Glycerine Mucl'iue Oil, Coal Oil, 620.. at. McIntyre dz Prior’s. @‘ Go to Gum: Bros. for beauvalue in Teas. - .-\ MYSTl-zluous lire cccnrrml in town on Tuesday moniug lust. Aboutaewu o'c'ock n lnrigllt and unusual light mm noticed issuing [run .1 windows in the “mien-storey of Mrlflmm’s Bakery, occupied by MnJolm Snmlx Is. On im 08 tigntion it \vns discovered that n lady’s (“1388 hanging on the wall Inn] by some unaccountable Iuems become ignited. nml wus luu'niuglwialaly. Assistance was promptly to lmml, and the flames 'oxtinguislned with but little danger. An tlw. room had not been entered for mm. time the cause of the fire is a Infound mystery. @“ Clouds and Mufflers for the cold mm dreary winter. Protect yourselves by culling at. McIntyre 6; Prior’s and purchasing one. Tux big pumpkins have been shelved for another )ear. '1'le rains have mule the roads very heavy. Business is accordingly dull. g. I: ulpbers am‘ Oven-shnes-vA large stack just, univud, cheap, at. Rod. Campbell's. ABOUT twenty milen of the third rail on the Nipissiug, making is the scum! ald guage, In†been laid in sections. ASK your dealer for Cuueorine Ma- Machine Oil and see that, the barrel is ‘l-ramlml “ Castoriue,†as none other is genuine. Tut-1m: is a good Opening in this vil~ Gage for u number of trades and induv tries. Also for a law ofï¬ce. Qt, Oudmed Suits 39. 50; good all \Vuul Tweed Suits lm:de to order out} 2811.00. A ï¬rstwlass 'I‘uilor on the premises. McIntyre «1'. Prior. \VE welcome to our exchange lisulle Markham Sun and Cobourg Sentinel. The b'etm'ml is one nf the Oldest jour- Imls in the Province and the Sun has just. entered its seconi volume. IF any of our .readers are in posses~ :aion of a copy of Tm: ADVOCATE of Sept. lst, we would feel greatly obliged by its being runilted to us. @' Boots and Shoes. “he have a complete assortment of Boots mu] Shoes in Men's, \Vomen'u, and child ren’n wear, Rubbers and Ovenshoes. McIntyrexé Prior. The Millinory sensun has again opened and our Miss: Brownlmv is on Lund for the Full Trade. “’0 have in trmlum-d our new Stuck in this line \\ Iliuh will lm funnd mph-(o witlmll the latest stylvs in sham-s. trimmings No. The ladies uf \Vomlville mul \‘ic3ni6y slmuld give "a u call bufuro plncmg llwir full nnlvrs. Mointym «0 I‘u'ior. .XIDLAND RA1LW4Y OF CANADA. w I“ you want 3. Suit. no order 01 Ready Made, go to Wilson's. POTATOES have sufli‘red a. slight. de~ cline since our last. They me now quoted at 400w. @' Just opened out at. McIntyre dz Pnor‘s :1 choice stock of Furs. Cal) and see them. NEW snlmcribem are fust flocking in. The libvrul terms oï¬â€˜cred should «hmble our hat. From now to Jun. 13“., 1883. fur $1.00. Evmw man is fond of striking the nail on the head, but when it happens to be a ï¬nger-mail the enthusiasm in the majority of cases become wihl and incoherent. Tvmom fever is becoming quin- premlent in this neighborhood "gain. Already some six or seven cnses m-o- mported, and ifthe pn-ï¬ent weather hate the nnmhm \viil pmhuh‘v increase. No fatal results have yet occurred. gout gamma. , gm. , 7:46, Lu). w. “’u hives large stuck of all mml Blau'h‘ and Brown lehumrvn, which \w .tmufl'ariuu «t. unequalled prions. McIntyre «l: Priur. @' Lutlles' Pebbled Bulnm-ruls for 31.00 per pair at. Rod Campbell's. Tm: next ulvp on the I'Ulhl ul' pl'ogl'ess uml civihzu inn is the iutmdlwtiuu ul‘ u telephune. A scheme is now on fuel t» furnish us with this the: lutv‘s' mmms uf cummunicntiuu, Lecwwl‘ .hu \‘illugu uml T. W. N. R aluliul.‘ We exp-ct. it to sucueel. Tlo next. thing u the electric light. @- lluhlwl‘s and Ovm-slmelï¬ Ht “hulesnlu list prices at Mclulym dc Priur's. Xl‘lus cummutee who have the town hell pmjuut in hand have so far uuo vealed in their cauvuas that the hell has been nr-lrwd and will likely aI-iiw in the cum-m M" a fortnight. It is to l weigh 190 lhs and will be mounted on ‘ a frame 35 -.r 40 feet. high. XWE umlmsmud another accession to our active husiness men will soon hp made in the person of Mr. A1). Camp- hell, whuis t») commence business again in the smud uccupied by Mr. Arch. Campbell, who removes next «luur euut.‘ Mr. Cmnpuwll is one ofgthe oldest mer- chants iu um Village and we are pleased tto see him Hum" casting in his lot with us in aclivv business. -. MR. \V. (: 81‘0an is sullen-ins how u Pfclllilll infection of the (WW 1\ inch llus 1e -dered him partially blind. \Vhile working at the lathe his vision became suddenly obscured, and al- though nothing apparently is wrong or ‘ can he'notlced in the eye objects have Iwcome quite obscure. Mr. Stoddarl I has been peculiarly unfortunate of lute, ‘ it being Inn. :1 short time since three ol his ï¬ngers were severed by a circular , 821W. XTuE hmlv or the late Edward Hoe". man. or \Vemlt as he was more famili- ally known here, was sent to Lind sav 101' inteiment on Monday last. iDeoeased (lied at Buffalo, N. Y.I on ‘ the 17th inst. Wendt Bros†of which he was the elder, carried 011 business in Woodville :13 cabinet-makers some years ago, hnt were somewhat unfnrr. ‘ innate, the factory being destroyed hy lire and almost everything lost. De~ ceased was a member of \Voodville Bruss Band during his lesidence here, and was much respected hv all “ho knew him. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. ’ Fa“ Wheat ‘ Spring)Wheat Barley . Oats Pens Rye Hay Potatoes . Butter Eggs Apples Hides Sheepskins... Dressed Hogs ‘ Beef - o can u I . Flour, per cwt. I Spring \Vheat, per bushel Fall Wheat do Barley do 019.8 (10 Pens do llye (lo Potatoes per bag Butter, per pound, Rolls Butter, do Dairy Apples, per barrel Eggs per dozen (FROM BRAZIL. ‘ The New Compound. its wan- derful affinity to the Digestive Apparatus and the Liver. Increas- ing the dissolving juices. mliev- x'ng- aim ost Instantly the dreadful results onys e 513, Indigestion, and tho TOR I LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in avgry house. It acts gently and speedfl In Biliousness, Costtvoness. ead- ache, Biol: Headache, Distress af- ter Eating. Wind on the Stomach. Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back, IVant ofA eute. Want 0! Energy, Low Sp r ts, Foal Stom- ach. It Invigomtostheleer. can» ties offal! surplus b119, retuletos the Bowels. and gives tone to the wlgole_sxstem. Cut this out and take It to your Dru: st and get a 10 cent Sample an: amp botulo for 76 cents, an 0911 yournolgbbot About It, ZOPE SA. “’oodv lue Farmen‘ Dbl-lieu. Toronto Slut-lieu. per bushel 65 to 70 per bushel 85 to 0 9! per ton 8 00 to 9 (M per bushel 0 35 to 0 40 ... par and 13 to 2!! . . per ozen 16 to 00 . per bushel 0 40 to 0 6 « .. 6 00 to 7 00 ... 0 53100 75 7 75 tuS ‘10 6 (M tu 7 (N! 3 25 to 3 50 00¢ l 25ml 50 l 30 to! 1'5 .. 751:0 95 3G to3S 33 to l 35 3:! to l 34 88 to 0 9r] 0 43 to 0 44 0 80 NH) 33 0 95 to 0 9“ 0 85 in l 00 . 26 1030 ‘21 to 2'3 Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery 8w, A! a Great Reduction on Cost. “ROMAN,†THE LATEST OUT IN DRESS Goons Ghaapast {’19} NM est Dress Gwds Wincevs from 4cts. per yard up. Felt Hats, Latest btyles. from 250ts. up. 4 palrs Kid Gloves, good quality, for $1. WE HAVE THE LARGEST ASSO‘.TMENT 0F PRINTS IN TOWN SUII‘ABLE FOR FALL WEAR. Ladies Mautles for $2.00, Ulsters from 32.50 to $4.00 A Lamga Stack Qfl @hï¬lldmnz’s Swami Wear. 6 pounds Ten Dust $1.00, Good Laundry hoap 25 bars for $1.00 Good Japan Tea 3 pounds for CHM. URUUKERYâ€" Bedroom Sets from $L50 to $2.00. Splendid Value. Sewing Machine Oil, Best Sperm, 3 Bottles 2501.3 New Black Cushmeres. New Prints. Ready-Made Clothing. Boots and Shoes. Crockery xuul Glassware. Tens, Sugars, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, Coal Uil c. c. MORRISON’S OLD STAND VVoodviHe, Sept 7, 1881. I). fliflw Eï¬ï¬ï¬‚ 6035 Â¥ Clothing Made to [Mar at the Shortest Fossilï¬e Notice! 5'00 IUBSOF BUTTERAA/D A/vrou/z/vr/rr 0F £668 PORK, HAMS, CHEESE, FLOUR. OATMEAL CORN MEAL, PEA MEAL, .CRACKED \VHEAT, COAL 01L, MA- CHINE 01L, all of which will be sold $ARMER HGNEY'S IMPROVED FANNING MILL We desire 10 call the attention of the farming connnnnity to the above well known Fanning Miil, now being manufactured at uur wol ks. \Vc are prepared to give It Is ll pellect cleaner. and chuffcr. It will take out “'ilIl ()IIts pcrf. otly. It will take nut all 1( ocklc Chess and other luul seeds. makinI, v II perfect. sample «If Marlywt \\' IIuIt. ll is II must pcIiect sepnmtor, and will sepmnte all bthe lIII'un kernels {mm the small and shrunken "ruins it Is very rapid in its action. it. flcpululcs all kinds ul' gIIIiII III; II L“ II: souls. mule il Uuts and Pr was, ur 'l‘iII utlIy mul Cluv eI accd aru Iant'll tugetlwi and put tlIIIIIIg lI this Mill they \Iill come uIII IIcIIchIy xcpurnlml. it \IillscIII um: small and s Ilil l’eIIs hum large l’can, faking them lI-IIII the c'lmll in the most peIlcct IIIIuIIIer. l"II- Honey lumeed Fanning \lill uml Selimator. is acLIIuwchlguu by all to be A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT OUR MILL IS AtL THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. Andin proof of this strong statement, we can furnish nhumlant testimonials 'rmn tlmse having them in line. To intended purchasers “e w‘mih’l my, c-unc uml But: it. for yourselves, and, We fuel conï¬dent you \\ ill I»: untimely satisï¬ed Lhut. they are all they are repreaqutccl. The Best Mill Manufactured In The Dominion. and the Honey nn§g§gg§1;gr,. A" kiwi-â€cm! TORONTO REAPERS AND MOWERS, OSHAWA CHAMPICN’ REAPERB 6c. MOVVLRS. $W.G.@R§E'E‘H€Jaa Wilkinson Combination, and Whytc Patent Ploughs All Machines warranted to give sntisfani-m 01‘ no sale, sud ant i (M EA 1' far CASH, or ON TIME, 4|an Agcnt fur thu (Jululu'utml leg‘crs ‘8' BIN», WH‘ITEJdc BRO-y ‘1 (SING ELM WEEKS OUR CROUER Y DEPART\IENT CANNOT BE TOUCHED FOR PRICES : Cheap For Cash: â€"-â€"0R-â€"â€" EXCHANGED FOR PRODUCE GRAND EXHIBITION 'We have a'geneml assortment of CHOIUE GROCERIES on hand, also During the past month we haw added hugely to our stock of N. B. CAMPBELL. only uutlwrizml ngvnt in this suclim for -WILL PAY THE. HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR EMERS†ATWEN N. B, CAMPBELL. 1‘. S.-â€" The “tumor my! Raymond Se“ lug Mnghinet supplied clump. New Winceys. WOODVIIâ€"ILE, H. W ILSON’S. mres. Bnies of Cotton Yarn ' Balm; of Bugs. Winceys, Bales of Factory Cotton New Dress Gmdn. Bales of Tweeds. Full Assortment in the Fcuowing Lines : ANNIRU Mi] 1'. All kinds «f 1qu u: lfepairl on hand Castminc and Héal Muchmo Ulla. A CAI I. bh 1C} 1‘ EU. CAR OF FINE SALT, VERY CHEAP. WOODVK LLE ONTIXBIO. ~--I.\' EVERY DEPARTMENT A'1‘â€"-â€" Ca." and see it. Sure to ‘plonso. We are now showing the S {READ THIS. _...oy_ _. 1). ï¬le LA UCIILA. 1", Manager WWï¬ BUSINESS M AN. ARMSTRONG?! ‘sumam BASH a noun nomax’. The Canadian Singer. For Sale. or To Let, GOOD CHANCE’: From Doctors, Drunk“, Merchants. Farmers. GIVING ENTIRE SATISFACTION. l‘icwn, April 20. 1881. Gentlemeu.â€"â€"I ï¬nd that your Pads are giving entire sutisfncziou. and wish you in» creased salua far so valuablu a remedy for disease of the kulueyu. Signed, . A permanent cure for Lamo Back. Pilew, Di seas-J of the Kidney. Bladder and Uniuzufy organs or attendant complaints. W. Gameron, Pricesâ€"Child‘s Pad. 8!.60; Regular Pad, $2 ; Special l'nd fur Chronic Diamuar, $3. . Ask. vuur druggiat fox Pamphlets and 'I‘eszimwiulsâ€"frw. Sold by J. MCRAE Co., Bem'evton: J. A. TODD, lirwhm ; R. l’. DUTIJ‘IH, Uak‘vood W. E. ELLIS, Muuilla. Rates on Farm l'nopcrly only 80cts per sum for a tlnu: )‘czu'a' risk. Fornearly u qum'tei‘ of a cchtury. it. has been managed by hmners fur thu insurance of fay-u} prupqrty, LONDON MUTUAL, g;\tn;;tXu-glc.1tu‘il pibtéction at the: Buildings cost. IL: puliuuu are more (“curable for the lIISIII‘nIICu uf ‘ comeuta' than thule nf nm’ otllcr (:mnpuny. Send me a you. cml and see how quickiy ym will be on] ad upon. 8. FURNISIL. Agent. Lindsay. P. 8.».3mmm Ellis “f Mauillu. isunt allow- ed to innm-u lrnlutcll property of any kind in any part uf Mm-ig-osn. --AN Dâ€" OHEAPEST momma m m MARKET ! Balance of {asets over liabilities $285,272.00 An unfailing cum.- Mr Smninnl Weakness. Sllul‘llm’m'chml, lmpunmcy. and NI diamm-p tlmt Inlh'w us a mnM-qurlwo uf Self-Alma.- ; M Inga pf mmnmzy. Univmn-ul Lnuitudq, Pain in the Brick, Dunner: hf Visiun. l’rumzutm'c Old Age. and rumy nthvr Ill'cl'scl that Juui to lnmnity m- (,‘milumxstiml and a 1n calm-um gnwo. Full particulam in our mynphkt, which w: .lmiro tc. send free by mml tn (-vvry mm. n' The Spurn“: MEDICI)! is suld by all drngtzia's at. ’3! ul‘ puckngu, nr six unclean-s fur 3'). ur “if he xunt freu by mail un rocrip! of run mum-y. by widrcauin; 13?“ W" Before Taking ""3 ARE Taking. -GKEAT ENGLISH REMEDYâ€"â€" l will mail (Fl-cc) flue rwipo fur a .‘hup‘Q mermu; Mm that will 1-: mum ’l‘A N. l‘lll'll‘li LBS. l‘l.\ll‘|.l".“ and El. .VI‘L‘H PH. hearing the akin pull, clunr Mul lrmutifu' g nlminatrnctinm fur prmlm-ing a luxuriant rnwlla nl Imir un a bald howl or smooth am. Adult-nu. im‘ltmillu 3c. stamp. "0|, Van-lull 00.. 5 I'm knmn 5!. N., l WGOflWikï¬E. QNT Inn‘lnbirablc Evidence, ST {UNUER THAN EVER AND STILL INCREASING, TUE GRAY MEDIUM»; (:0. Apply to ARMSTRONG 01208.. ondvillu Pl) PIMPLES. '1‘ H DO [41) -A.G E N '1‘. GRAY? TRADE M RX. SPECIFIG MEDICINE I ix.JV.8, Mommy, ‘l‘nl‘untu. ()nt