Wmmmillflt (Late of McDongsll . Sinclair. Toronto.) Wt, lacucuor, Noun-y £43., Ofï¬ce aver Standardâ€" Baâ€"nk, Cmnington, Ont. - «mm, ‘6. [audit], Ont. Onecfthe shove will be At Hamilton’s 31ml, Beaverton, on ‘the SECOND MON- lDAY of each month. He will also visit “’oodvillo on the Second TU AY of each month, stoppinth McPhersonc H 0601. Conveyancer, Commissioner m 8 IL, Issuer ~J. mumps, 1.1;.3. : J08. rnmxp. no.3. nut EDWARDS, Proprietor. i ‘ Lively Rig: At anytime sad at all hours“ on the chm-teat notice. Speck] attention‘ given to Commercial Tnvellors. ~Ch3rgea‘ flmyl modento. TERMS; pdflfl. Sta.-3 biotin 'wnneotion with the Eldon :Houé. GEORGE SMITH, Sow-I‘M. (flu-It, II-Iclpaluy '0! nor-h. GEO. F. BRUCE, Clem Dlvlslo- Court County «an». Eldo- I‘ownhlp clerk and Treasurer, Ofï¬ce at Mr. Reid's store. Lorneville, Ont. (â€NEILâ€"Booms latel, \Vfl. ‘CAM ERON, 'Woodville. “for Non loan a dun-tree. Money to Loan on Gut-clu- security at .6 to 6‘ per cent. Agate .for A. HABRlS, SON k. 00.. .Brautford, Manulacturen of Reapers, Mow- .erI, SelfBindau,.c. of Marriage Licenses to. A gent ior the heehuld‘Loan and Swings Co on“. rum. 3:. North ofrthe bridge; ' ‘ ¢ Beamrtou. ’08. J. CAVE, Publisher. WOODVILLE LWERY STARE? ‘The highest cash priw paid for ill kinda of Gal-ting done to and from dl Bath-of the I village, Nipiaaiug Anti Midlnn Ra'ilwsyf‘ stations. ‘Chargés moderate. Residencemne dom- poï¬h‘of Eldon House, Queen Street,' PARSONS a; DUNCAN, Bantam Tangary I “'ooduille. RIDES, ‘SKLNS, TALLOW c. Anyqnmtity of TAN BARK ‘WANTED. for which Cash will be paid. ELDON HOUSE, Woonvmm, ms. nnvum Prom-lent. Emits: accommodation and attentive cervnnu. Bar well supplied with tho chuic. est liquors and oigurs. Bus to and from all trains and every convenience for the tuvcl- ling public. urï¬ce of Wilson “A." Wilmn â€B" and "Royal" Sewin Machines and Needles kept constant- ly on and. )ew Work made to order at shortest notice. Best nutterinl and unrkmen used. Repairing-o! all kinds neatly and Promptly executed. All kinds of Blacksmithing. Auoney-at-Iaw. solicitar In Chancery, Conveyancer, 41., ac. Um Surgeo- Dentist, ‘(Late Of J. G. Adams, L.D.S., Toronto.) Ofï¬ceâ€"Boswell’s Block, Cmnington. 615,0“)?de Funds to Loan. Mr. Sinclair will be {it Woodville eVery J. SNELLGRUVE, ammo" mm; mm, J NO. Mc’l‘AGGA R'l‘, Kirk ï¬eld ton-lung: I! I. I.. annual GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. â€"\|0NEY T0 LOAN nt6 per cent. ~ IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE Money to Loan atï¬ per cent. Onions-Kent Street. Lmduy, Ontario. DONABD ROSS, Annular (or the can" clonal-lo. Abounâ€"«nuvxn‘mx, P. 0., onmnlo nonâ€"Booms lately occupied by \V. Sochmne. Biglow'a Block, Port Perry. ARCH. CAMPBELL, VIO‘I'OIIA COUNTY AUCTIONBBB. OFFICEâ€"One door east of Post Oï¬ice, “'oodville. Out. .Peas andmther Seed Grains on Hand. NEELANDS .5; PENTLAND i. MA any. Gum: ‘3) Town Hall. Benetton. M A R’l‘l N J; IIOPK INS, mums-mks, soucrrous ac. Ecru-Shauna a Snowiw. HUGH D. SINCLAIR, ARCH. J. SINCLAIR, JNO. A. JACKSON. JAMES LAWSON, gummy: wards. Monti-ea! Telegraph Company H. WELLER, L.D.S., G. H. HOPHNS. 7V , W . ‘ (I ‘ > . To accommodate our numeroce patrons au'd the‘publio generally we have secnrod'the services of a ï¬rst-class repairing hand and are now prepared to execute all work entrustedjo our care at the lowest retell.l ‘8‘ Persons 'froin a distance can’ ( taking thdr work book the someday if brought in good time. Leather of the Best Brands in French and Canadian Calf, English, French and New York veal Kips. Spanish and Oak-Tanned ' Sole Leathers, best quality in the market, If“ you aria/2i a ï¬rst-ohms pair of 2’0on or 671063 111229 is your apporz‘mzzbz. By purchasing your footaveu at the atom of the undersigned. We are new pentng on t the nest assortment of Boats and Shoes ever seen in this vicinity, ha/vtng ear ally selected our stock from the leading Makers Lamp Goods. mandolin“. Shades c. A full and mind stock 0! Building Hud- wm, carpentm' Tools. Blacksmithu' Supplies. 80.. 8-0, In Cooking, mm. In an Beam Steve: and Agricultural Merl. our stock this season surpasses anythiu we have yet ehown in the department 0 our business. Havins largely increased ac. connnodation for our ;Stovea as well as Hardware. \\'e are now in a position to show extentively in the Swve hne. \Ve will not here particularize the many new and bountiful Stores which we have intro- duced this year alcu with the old well known lines, but wil only ask our many customers and the public in general to inspect our stock, which is certainly the most attractive we have ever offered MONEY CAN BE SAVED! In“) Goonâ€"In Lamp Goods, Glasses, hluules. Ulmmlelieu, Burners, c. our stock will he very large and in future kept complete. It is now the largest and most attractive in tho town. Goods in this 0°51 011,--\\'u make t specinlity in the Coal Uil trula. Our retail trade in Coal Oil in extensive. We purchue by car hand, And always sell our Oil, either Cann- dian or American, and the very best. at and below Toronto prices by Barrel or TERMS :â€"-â€"Low Prices for Cash. Regular customers allowed our usual Terms of Credit. Wï¬wgmm mm Raw .mflww m gém amwateww BEPMRINBQ SPEGW mm: 39‘ CAMERON “’ESTCIDTT. «W - ~0\ 3$IMCOE STREET, BEAVERTONi ONT. "uh-B sun... .. WALLER, Sign of ‘the Golden Boot â€13 Oldest Established Cash Store inf‘ngqgrlfL When you are in town don’t forgec to call At The Benetton Hardwue and Stove EmpOrium.- "STOVES" and we are pmpued to 066: SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS T0 CASH CUSTOMERS. We are receiving and completing for the fell trede an immense end complete stock .For the Fall and Winter trade we have bought a splendid stock of BEAVER-ION WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1882. Bar Iron and lino very cheap this season. Exsmine our stock l-eforc pumhuing. mumâ€"We have a large suppl of Tubular and other Lanterns. \\ e ave also secured n lot of Stone‘s New Patent Lanterns See them and you will buy. Clothes wannaâ€"We kee the “Im- perial." A lar a: number ooh this season and giving the est satisfaction. Axes and Gross-out sunâ€"We have all tho well known Mid best Axes to choose from. Also the real Ms )le-Ienf Cross-cut Saw. as Well as other le inn Saws. We cannot be be nten in Saws or Axes, and our prices are low. Rope, all sizes. Rope Halters, Chain Bal- ters. Jack Claim, and an immense sup- ply of Dow OW, with snap, Togle or T.. o n or closed llingJIght or hesv , at ow prices. l’nrchsss early on get best selection. Ap 0 tutorsâ€"We have in a full unpply 0 Apple Pare". mum._we keep an mu- shelves 3 well selected stock of I‘mkgt Knives. Table Also 1 large and complete stock of h MM“? Dugâ€"“’9 keep from ten to ï¬fteen qullitles of Machinery Oils in av'ck._g\uy kind 3:011 \gnntffmm‘ 25_ can}: rgdlon upward-o Leather Rollin in nll supply. Planter Puriu, Water 'qu Cement. Uoil And Cable Chaim. Godofloh wt in Barrel or Bulk, jult ur- rivod l50 nuke. Fina Liverpool Suit for Dairy uuo. Parties requiring this Salt should pin-chm at once us price. are u [- vuncing and Fine Liverpool cannot be obtained. Id. ï¬hmmï¬t a distancé can"depend on Weld. From our our: EWndeu. On Monday evening last two modest females from Eldon Station and Pales- tine called upon Mr. McLaren at the Manse, and in a very unassuming‘ manner kindly handed him a purse or $7.50, which, with another donation from the same source, amounted. to nearly $_ll.00, accompanied with the following address :â€" - Mn. MoLARssLâ€"Our very dear and re- s .cted friend, we the undersigned, take t is opportunity of oï¬'ering you this small gift as a slight token of the respect we en- tertain towards you for the exemplary zeal you have thus far evinced in the accomplish- ment of the onerous and responsible work assigned you by ‘llilll who is the blessed and only otentate. We must in sincerity adâ€" mit t at you are indeed one of those who reach the truth' in Christ faithfully and earlessly. And as a proof that your ser- vices are duly appreciated, we need only refer to the large number who assemble regularly to [learn from you more 'fully or!» cerniug Slim who gave His life as a ransom for sinners. \Ve regret that our present on this occasion is so insigniï¬cant and unworthy of acceptation, especially when we believe that much 300d has been effected among us by you ; also when we consider the evident interest you manifest in the spiritual Welfare of the congregation committed to your charge._ ~But durknowledge of your. good- neuzf heart assures us that our huamble efforts will not be slighted, and that you will favorably accept the “will" for the “deed.†\Ve trust though circumstances at present necessitate your separation from us ton-stoma) college. that xou will he- rmitted to return to us again, and Wu ope and ay that the great Head of the church wiï¬guide and direct you in all your ways, support and comfort you in all your difï¬cultiea. and'make you increasingly useful in His vineyard, that you may have very many real: to your ministry when called to 've an account of your steward- ship, and ave an abundant entrance into His everlasting kingdom and glory. Palestine ‘andEldon Station Preabyteriana. Shortly after the above incident translrired, crowds began coming into oâ€"J mmdnaé laden with hesketi, contain“ ing the niche“ provisions and bags full of the rich plodncts of the farm. The ladies who are always prominent in everv good worl, immediawa took pomsion of the tables, which were extended to their utmost cupecity, und which were soon leden with the richest spread known to the onlinery net, of which Mr. and Min. McLaren were. invited to partake. Table after table wae soon ‘eun‘oundod by the many visitors present. After nmp.‘e justice had been done to the viende, Mr. and Mrs. Man-en were called forward, when he was presented with e purse containing 850.00, ecoompnnied with the following address :â€" Ms. J. B. Meme", Due Sueâ€"We, n few of your many frienda and admirer-a in thin vicinity and from Victoria Road, haw- mnch pleasure in convening here on this occasion for the pnrpoae of tenderin you an humble expression of our good wil a: an acknowledgement of your many faithful and acceptable union in our midst daring the abort time you have been with III. N ow that you‘ are ahout leaving no for the rose- cntion of your college work. we have cem- ed it our duty, as it in our privilege, to giVe you some tangible proof of our due apprecia- tion of your labor: in this corner of the Lord’s vineyard. in actions more eloquent. than wordl. This we do by presenting you this purse and these effects. which meagre as they me, you will plane accept, not mereley for the s’mall value they possess, but an a free-will oï¬'erinu of a gratetnl people. At the some time We Would not target to express our admiration of ‘the esti. lor et to express our mmlreuon 0! me enn- meï¬le character of your putner in life. In Mrs. McLeren we in heppy to ï¬nd thet you hue e tme help-meet. and we ere leased to know that you purpose leaving ller with on in the meantime. Dear Sir, We shall glndl accept of bar end retain her as a hostage or anu- return in the spring, to resume the It I» which you how no eur- eessfnlly prosecuted during the past lum- mer. a well u of frequent unit- from you during the epproeching winter. noun Anus-mom, 'l‘noms Tnousox, Jame Mo’l‘mmn‘r, Cmnm Mclsxse. JOHN Gannon. Nnuox Hueur. "Kikinnln Max“ 21:. On behalf of the members and udherents of the congregation. To which MLMcLaren briefly and feelingly replied. The large crowd prusent than dispersed to their several homes, after spending an enjoyable evening, Elm Wumlvillc 3mm. JCS. J.CAVE, Pnowumon. OFFICEâ€"ulna 3mm, womvnm , on. VOL VI.â€"NUMBER 39'