0018 \I. I! \YI‘S, Bun-inter. Solicitor. arc omces: Caumrou' s New Inock. Beavorton. Money to Loan. GEO. SMITH, Clerk Townshigm 0t Thanh Moe Town Hall, Benetton. HJOHNSON. II. D.. C. M.. L. C. P. a 8., . (indium of Toronto University. Member 0 College Physicians and Surgeons. Ont" Ex- aminer tox- Sun Life and Contederauon Lite Go's. 011100 and Residence. Victoria. Road. Ontario. A 0R ANT. M. D.. Physician. Surgeon and A0 . couchuur. omce and Residence. 001‘. Main an! Inn Stree‘a. Benetton, Ont. M. JOYCE. “8.3“.de of Ontario Veteri. nary College. Toronto. Treats all diseases domesticated animals by the latest scientiï¬c nndmost approved methodn. Orders by telev graph or until promptly attended to by do. or night. om uâ€""Mch’iunou's Drug Store," ea \‘erton, Ontario. ‘ ]' GALLOXVKY. M._C. P. S. “0.. Physicist], Sur- ,.,_x;A__A I, . you and. Acéouehe'u‘rl wOil‘l'ce kind residence Shnooo street. Beamrton. Eniu'io aiï¬msitu Post Oflice. ARTIN HOPKINS. But-Esters. Solicitor dzc. Oflices, Kent Street. Lindsay, Ontuio Money to Loan at 6 percent. RICFARTIW. EVANS, PEPLER Mc- CAltTHY. Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries. (‘onveyanmrm etc. Othoe. Quinn's Block. Orillia. Money to Lend. Telephone communication. D'ALTON McCain“, Q.C., ‘ F. EVANS, 1-313. P. 1’31)an J. A.Mc0m'my. Ir. mum; n. 0.. L. L n. s. [DOCTOR 0F DENTAL BUBGERYJ Grain-to oi the .1 College 0! Dental Burn goon! of Ont-110. ï¬fteen eon established anotice. Teeth extracted In 1: pain. Arti- ï¬cid Teeth inserted without place or on Gold. Silver. Aluminum or Rubber bones. Full upper or lower nets of Teeth only N. All irregularities of the natural Teeth corrected. Preservation of the naturnl Toot-h o Ipeclsllby. Ofllce, “Cemeron Block." Benetton. Q Will visit Bxechin every second end fourth indavoi each month. VETERINARY SURGEONS. LINDSAY. oumnxo. Will visit Woodvlllo. (Edward's Howl.) r luly on the um Monduy And Tuesda . And oner- ‘Ion.(flunlltou Rommnho um odnead. sud Thunduy olmh month. PURE VITAL ZED administered. Bountiful sad durable ART- CIAL TEETH made. His gold lined rubber 1113th no gronounood “perfection." Over an I.) ENTIS 'I' LINDSAY. ONTARIO. Visits nnnvorton (Hamilton House) the 2nd fut-why at one!) month. Mr. Noolnnda has had unparnnnhd snr‘ocsn in the use of an. (vitalized «in in this part. 0! Canal: having “ministered “continuously for than: 19 can mule a Itudy one under Dr. Cohen. 01 ow York. the am on who gave It for extracting tooth bu van in» “6.000 persons. Bomtitulutmoid 6th inurtod. N0. A. JACKSON. Clerk and Treasurer Town- ship of Eldon. Lornevillo. Ont. I’IANOS nndORGANS TUNED n nd Bl’A IRED. D MONABB. ; warmer at wartime gmuszm pluto- uo roam \ou'aupor nos. ICINTYBP. d! STE\VART, At rneya. 801k: ' itars etc. 0mm our Ontmo unk.Llndsay I). J. Mela-r233. 1 '1‘. S'rawun‘. June 1886. 80.83111“. Clerk. Village 0! Batvarton Benetton. Ont TH E0. DU MONT u MCSWEYN, Clerk of the lat Division £01m: county of “atomâ€"omen. ‘ iile. SKIXNER. Bunistar. Solicitor, c. Ofï¬ce. . Cameron's New Block, Benverbon. Ont. 6mm gum!†mm. MUNICIPAL. CLERKS. Best Testimonials on Application.â€" humming J. NEELANDS. - DENTIST doc.- R. S. M. JAR“ Mister and Bolioittr. Tm-ogto. Macs. o. 39. Adelaide St. East, JOS. J. CAVE, Publisher. OFF-ICE :â€""Tonorro Home." 0. Dem-cum). Onmlo PHYSICIANS. MQCmnY. Pnpmm Moon-rm, Barrie and Aliston BEAVER/I ON. Ont. . H. GROSS, LEGAL -â€"â€"North Victoria and Ontario BEAVEBTON. Going Northâ€"11:10 A. m. and 8:10 p. m. Going South-8:39 a. m. and 5:35 p.111. WOODVILLE. Going Northâ€"10:45 a. m. and 7: 45 p.11). Going Southâ€"9:05 a. m andï¬: 00 p.111. Woodville Customers supplied by D. K. Campbell, and orders for Pastry, 810 left with him will receive prompt attention. PRES! BREAD. arms and 2A5?!“ 51w“: on hand. I have now on hand the largest stock of Lumber ever in town. of all rules and at all prices rom $6.00 to $25.00 per thousand. SCANTLING. SILLS, JOISTS. LATH, SHINGLES. (from $1.05 to $2.45 per thousand.) LIME, C. We want One H mired Good Men at once sell for ‘I'IIE FON'l'lIILl. NURSEIIEI. lABGEST IN CANADA OVER “5 ACRES. Steady Employment and no lost time, liberal commission or salary. best ad- vantages. splendid outï¬t furnished free ; any pushing man can aucceed. Apply for terms to, BEAVERTON Brick and Tile Company. 01‘ THE SIIORTBS'I‘ NOTICE. and at Reduced tes. All sizes of tile having been :- . uced 82.00 per M. Bailwav convenience known as To. lor's Siding runs directly into our yards and ilns. sav- ing to purchasers cost of loading. Freight. paid on Tile in our lots to any station within thirty miles of yards. \VM. TAYLOR. Private And Com yFunda to Loan at 6 can. No Oommluo .Apply toA. BKINN B. misï¬t: (#13:. ï¬Ã©nertaon. OM: ADVERTISE MENT. ‘11. S. MQMILLAM. OSBORNE STREET. bu just opened up a ï¬ne now lot of Mellon Cloth Dress Goods. all shades and colors, Cashmeres. Velvols, Prints, Collono. Cottonades. Shlrllngs. Canton Flannols, Grey Flannels, Shawls and Tweods. 810. India on our Tortoise. Amber. Jot and Silver Hut lino. See om- handwme Glunware. the pro“ on thlngl ln town, Choice-l: Tons, Cofloes and Spice! also on hand. dflï¬Ã©ftoLOan. BEAVEBTDH BAKERY. P. D. MoARTHUR. min. to be cleared out 3.1: you Beln under bm little expense we do not require Mg 1 proï¬ts end can consequent! give you better hummus than can be 0 tï¬lllod elsewhere. Benetton Lumber Yard. Bum AN; 111.25 I Bills furnished to order at Shortest Notice. 0100.000 to Lean MB per cent. on farm aro- arty. Apply to C.‘A. PATTERSON, Denver 11. JOHN FRENCH. Address IEAVIIII'I‘ON BRICK AND TILE t" Money to Loan. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. The undersigned beg to announce to the public that the have formed a. partnership un or the aboyo name and nro now prepared to fill all orders for Eggs, Hides, Sheepskins Wool and Wool Pickings. THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH RAILWAY TIME TABLE. THE BEST QUALITIES 0F. Beaverton, Out. 0:0 STONE WELLINGTON. Toronto, Ont. own rrlou. or trade, for WOO DVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, J 01m French, HENRY MOYLE I} I; JAVE [ERTON “'OnDV†J C. GILCHRIST. Wool'llle, Money . at a. low rate of inform. from 2 to s C. GILCHMS’I‘.(SI kvmge o! “R 'l J. Woodville, Ont. 6!" . c. GILOHRIBT. .g‘ c tor ant-cm I . ance Companion. tusurance M4 5 worth and no ageun I required, In I living of 81.50 to the In ‘ :- qurv time.j a. A. com, Hair-Dresser and Ba TOW SAIL, LOT. Bauverton, Ont. MonthlyCuotomon shaved twice wee! hair out monthly st 75 cents per month. Good Currant; 851! §1_- LI OUOR TEAS Aï¬nt for Allan Ling of Stenmahlps Glo . Mall. and all leading now-moon. Wondville theap IEA All who no indebted ‘0 no for him“ are requested to make immediate paym [ have: to some for It at. one?» ' “’M. I Benetton Sept. 16th. ' 1. Whitby :Olark, D. 0. Maodonnoll, Jan. 3. Feb. 2. Mar.2.Apr112.Mny8,Jun 4. Sept. 2. Oct.3. va199..Dec 2. County of tha "51: liJi-ï¬â€˜o;Elâ€":Oâ€"V3â€"; (331}; VET. V ikétlloapio. grove, Feb. 18. April 28. June 25. Sept. 10. By Order. .I. a. FAREWELL. l-v Clerk of the " §:"§;bï¬}iï¬iib‘:' 61%}: 'ï¬ .VGleeson, Gm “931:!" 375, Sam. 3. «n _,. ru__L 1' nl_._.‘ 3, Po 7 try: Clerk, J. W. Burnhcu‘ Perry. 1“ g. April 19, June 21, Sept. 6. Dec. 13. 4. Uxbrid 0: Clark. z. Hemphill. U: Feb.0. Apr , June 28. Sept. '1, Oct. 19, 5. Cauningtou : Clerk. Goo.8mlth. Can Feb. 10. April 21, June std. Sept. 8. Oct. 20, 0. Beavorton: G. F. Bruce. Beavertou, Agrilfl-g. Jurneflï¬f. Qgpt. 9.300. 10. __|_ ' ISII\--_IA M E R0 HANI'S PROTEC‘ Kevlar for "-3 ob) cc: to collocHrom all popsih e to collect from. then publlsh tl of all that cannot or will not ay. whh su ppllad lo eve member 0 the A throughout Cumr s and dUnltod sum. -- Collecting Associaï¬: -â€"â€"DOING BUSINESS [8â€"â€" GANADA AND UNITED SI - "'._V ""(2’ no. a n: 1““ mum...“ mm. mm mam. Run" an lover. a Beaverton Found Inch H. 8-" 1V1 and board without mtcauaoorpl the public In hereby not had that. I 1 responsible for any debts she may can this data. lewd, T. H. 0141‘ Wyevalo. Sari. mm. 1887. My wife. Mn. '1‘. n. OlIvor. havinglol‘ A 31151 hpnyd wi‘thouc just cause or pm: .A _.1A_.I Ak-‘ I no nonni‘run . BIDWELL MILLS d With which you t a. valuable every three poun 0! tea. Division Gout sxmm- 18: Farmers Public Notic School Boo Bible: 850 A11 hunt Me ESTABLISHED "I l884~ PIIOB. 850. FIR BOTTLI. ...., . erip‘g Yifl‘ajéj Clerk, M. Gleason erin Village:010rk .u.__4. angï¬qv. q. - TEAS Group and Consumpti cuneo av ALLBN’S LUNG BALS. J- 0- GILBHRIST Notice. 230. 800. and two per OOUON.¢ GOLD“ Managers. Manama on From 20ct: for Apéa‘rl _- SICK Hy ms LIKE m‘ gunner: an pub-mun“ '_ n‘ cum] : Comm“ ‘ Dlsonl