Applicatlonn aropo upâ€? infrom 5111»: of the counny {torn men cutting to 011]!†{or ecu-111.9 in “C" Battery. British Coha- for survico In “ bit. Honi'Mr. Gingtu, Leglalatlve Councillor 84 yesra of age, wan married in Quebec on the '22 J1], to )liuGadbout, of Sc. Lawrence, aged '28 years. Indien farmers in the North-“Vast Terri- tories have done reunuksbly well this year, and those of (hooked Lake will be keen com- petitors at the forthcoming Agricultural conâ€" vention. " Mgr. D'herbomez, of British Columbia, who has been a guest uf the authorities at the College of 05me for some days, has left for the West, accompanied by tenprleato, who will devote their time to missionary lchour nmong the Indians. Most of the Rev. Fathers am from France, only three out of the ten being Canadians. It appears to be deï¬nitely settled that flit) ' miles of the North West Central rail way will be built this year, probably in order to save the charter. It is rumoured that Mr. J. H. E Secretan, Wno recently visited Ottawa, has been appointed engineer of the line. Mr. Sp male 13 reported tohave been aw 111 ded thep contract for building the ï¬fty miles. The corner stone of the new synagogue for the Spanish and Portuguese congrega- tion in the West end of the city of Montreal was laid on_Thursday afternoon, of ‘22 ad inst. , by Mr. Gersham Joseph, the replesontative 01 one of the oldest Jewish families in the city. The new synagogue will be in the Egyptian style of architecture, and will be one of the most handsome Jewish places of worship in North America. Sir Arthur Blackwood, who has just re- turned to Montreal after a tour over the Canadian Paciï¬c railway to the Pacific coast, states that in his opinion the C. P. R. route for the mail service to Japan and China would save little in point of time over the Suez canal route, its advantages beinv national rather than postal, but admitted that it would be of the utmost value as an alternative route in case of war or European complications. The Mormons intend to obtain a foothold in the Canadian North “'est. Twelve fami- lies have settled in Southern Alberta, and it is thought that others will settle shortly near Medicine Hat. It is said that the Mormon rulers have been in correspondence with the Canadian Government on the subject and that the answers they received were not such as to prevent their endeavoring to ef- fect their pur ose. If the Latter Day Saints wish to estab ish any settlements in Canada they must leave behind them polygamy and all organised immorality. ago. It is alleged by the trustees of the es- tate that a few days before the failure Charles Maguire, then representing the ï¬rm in New York, purchased a ship for 317,0 .0 and drew on the firm here for the amount, subsequently transferring it to a German Jew in New York, but notwithstanding that, the members of the ï¬rm in Quebec entered the ship amongst their assets. It is alleged that Charles refused any satisfaction. He only arrived a few days ago in Quebec, and proceedings for his arrest were taken at once. He is now held in default of $17,000 Mr. Charles Maguire, shipping merchant of Quebec city, :has been :urreated on a capias of $17,000. The ï¬rm of J. 8: \V. Ma.- uire, of which the prisoner is a member, ailed for half a million dollars someA time bail. A dispatch from San Francisco says : â€"The agents of the United States Transcontinent- afroads are beginning to realise the fact that the Canadian Paciï¬c railway is not en- tirely depending on the advantages given to it by Congress through the Inter-State Com- merce bill. Indications are clearly appar~ out that the Canadian road has live agents in New York, Chicago and other Eastern cities. Tho steamer Mexico which arrived last week from Victoria, B. 0., brought seven carlosde of miscellaneous freight, all of which ‘oame from the East by way of the Canadian Paciï¬c. Passenger business east and west bound is also good, and Agent S;el'l, '0 he Canadain Paciï¬c road, is in additio curing his share of the Australian busines ‘gnuch {o the discomï¬ture of the Burling n road, which has hitherto practi- cally monopolized it. In Montreal a few days ago, an interes‘in ï¬nd was made in connection with the 01% Portuguese Jewish Synagogue. now being ulled down. \Vhile the corner stone was eing moved from its position a small lead casket with “ 1835" stamped on its face was noticed, with a number of ancient and mod- ern coins lying on top of it. Amongst these werecoins of Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, and the United States ; and some early Spanish coins which are supposed to have been brought out by Jewish colonists. They are in good state of preservation, althon h some 0 them are dated 300 years ago. n opening the casket a package wrapped in bellum was found, containing an inscription dated l777. It showed that the ï¬rst Jewish Congregation in Canada was formed in Mont- real in that year. A number of co per plates were also found, and a copy 0 the Alontrcal Herald and Morning) Courier of date J not, 1835. One of the principal topics of discussion at the late Imperial conference was the pro os- ed transl‘acific cable between British Jol- umbia and New Zealand and Australia. The stron representations made by the colonial de egates, headed by Mr. Ssndford Fleming, who may be considered the father of the scheme, in favour of its adoption has led the Imperial authorities to thoroughly consider the matter of a survey. The Do- minion Government has recently received an intimation that the British Government cannot undertake the cost of a special sur- vey unless some guarantee is given that the cable will actually be laid. In view of this decision, .\ir Fleming a few days 0 wait- ed on Minister Foster and urged t at Can- ada should take the initiative in proposinv to the other colonies the uniting of a survey, suggesting that the llmninion's roportion toward it should lie the loan 0 a vessel. Mr. Foster was favourably impressed with the proposal, and if his colleagues are a ree- able the Australasian Government wi i be asked to co-operate in the scheme. ‘ANew York Amrchist declares that to nova Ms condemned brothers In Chicago â€DUI. Application: no pourln the countrv from men ( ‘ ABIRBICAI. Robt. A. West was ï¬ned 82,000 It Detroit last week for opium smuggling. THE WEEK'S NEWS. Mingus, Leglfla‘tiye (.‘ouEmiIIOr from the gallowr he “ would do anything. own to tiring a olcy." 'l‘hroo thouuud people are 30ng into Kon- mevory doy. In it any wonder it boom- 2 Never before in the history of the State has the population grown so rapidly, unless it was in than time just after the war, when emigrants tumbled over each other in their haste to usher the land of promise. All the crops on the bottom land between Mammoth and Benson. Aria, have been destroyed by the recent floods. Fields of growing can» and corn are now but a bed of sand. Such a rush of waters he! never before been known. It will take Several years before the ranches can recover from their losses. Superintendent Homer, of the Kansas Silk Station, at l’oabody, has given away 100,000 mulberry trees to be planted in Western Kansas. Mr. Homer advocates the planting of Ruuian mulberr trees in Western Kansas, not 0111 for latest pur- poses, but chiefly for fo for silk norms and thus lay the foundation for an import. ant Kansas industry. A mammoth salt company, composed of all the salt manufacturers in the United States, is about to be formed. It will be known as the N stionnl Silt Union, and will be the head-quarters for the salt sup ly of the whole country. The object o? the union is mutual protection, and to keep up to the prices so as to be able to compete with foreign manufacturers. The organiza- tion will be composed of 63 companies. A laWsuit which came to a conclusion in Atlanta, 6a., a few days ago involved the question of the ownership of not onl a lot of mules, horses hogs and cattle, ut of sixty slaves as well. The suit was institut- ed in the year 1859, but was never tried un. til this year. The value of the property in question was over 850,000, and the suit was brought upon a written transfer of it signed Sept. 13, 1858. On the same dayâ€"(22nd Sept.) of the present month a jury set the transfer aside and rendered a verdict for the defendant. In the meantime the mules, horses, hogs and cattle had died, the negroes had been set free, every lawyer originally in the case except one had died, men had grown grey waiting to testify, and children ad been born and raised, after the case was brought, to sit upon it as jurors. There was great excitement in Toledo last week owing to an immense oil conflu- ration in the \Vood County oil ï¬elds. The re was caused by an explosion in the Park- er well No. l, the greatest oil well in the world. The oil caught ï¬re from the engine and rapidly spread to the other derricks and tanks. At the time of thezexplosion, without warning, a column of blue flame or smoke, shot up into the air at least a thousand feet, and extended over acres of ground. The heat was so intense that it was impossible to approach nearer than half a mile. It could be plainly felt two miles away, and the sight of the burning well was visible in Toledo, thirty miles distant, One of the drillers Was caught in a whirlwind of smoke or flime and was so badly burned that no hopes were entertained at his recovery and other drillers it was feared had perished in the flames. The London Standard accuses Mr. Mich- ael Duitt of cowardice in leaving Ireland at present. '“Finnncial houses in Paris have subscribed for 48,000,000f. Worth of shares of the Sim- plon Tunnel Company. Much ill-feeling stilluexists between the English and French ï¬shermen in the North Sea, and the presence of British cruisers continues necessary. A French Cabinet Council has been held to decide upon the expediency of expelling the Orleanist Princes. The magistrates of Exeter have issued a summons to the lessee of the recently burned Theatre Royal, calling him to acccunt for a breach of the buildinv law regulations. ' MI. Parnell is recruiting in the South of England, and has not been seen by his col. le-{gneg sine}: t_l_le proxcggatipn of Parliament. Archbishop Welsh has issued a pastoral in which he says he hopes the people will refrain from violence and continue in the paths of justice. Such a course only, he says, will bring peace to Ireland. The coroner‘s jury in the case of the Mid- land railway accident, on the 22nd inet., rendered a verdict of man-slaughter against Taylor the engine driver. and the ï¬remen of the express train from Liverpool. The Naval Department, after a long series of secret trails, has just adopted an automa- tic torpedo which passes through water for four hundred yards at the rate of 27 knots an hour, steered with absolute certainty and set to remain at any depth. The armorclad barbette fast cruiser \Var- spile, which cost the British Government half a million sterling and proved a failure, is to be employed as a. training shi for boys. She will be the most expensive 0 the kind possessed by any power in the world. It is ollicially stated in Constantino is that the Bisunarck-Kelnoky interview id not result in favor of a settlement of the Bulgarian question, Count lialnoky not con- curring with Prince Bismarck’s views as to the removal of Prince Ferdinand by pressure upon B_u_lga_ria. . A , i “A ,AWLI_4 A- rDr. Mackenzie was reported recently to be at Milan inquirin an to a suitable health resort for Crown Pr ce Frederick William of Germany, Toblech having become too cold. The German physicians ever that Dr. Mackenzie is far too sanguine regarding the Prince's condition. a verdict that they came to their death through an accident, but blames the architect of the building for not providing sufï¬cient mean: of exit, and censure: the authorities for not having this defect remedied. According to ‘the most .recent ï¬gures the Channel Islands are hardly; source of proï¬t to the British em ire. he total receipt from all the Ielam e for the last ï¬ve years Were about £500 below the expenditures, the Isle of Snk contributing the magniï¬cent sum of 12:. 6]. towards the maintenance of the English Government. The coroner‘s jury in the case of the vic- tims of the Exotor theatre ï¬re has rendered To Care a Corn. There is no lack of so-called cures for the common ailment known as come. The vege- table, animal. and mineral kingdoms have been ransacked for cures. It is a simple matter to remove come without pain, for if you will go to any (in: gist or medicine dealer and buy a bottle of 'utnam’a l’ainleu Corn Extractor and apply it as directed the v thing is done. (let "Putnam a," and no of h r6. FOREIGN. YOUNG Ill “Bonn: hon: tho oloou 01 on.) all mu... an mm o! Ixnonnoo no tony. who luo would“. we“. nuvoul um unto-ted ; duo In» nu-ulo nod 01.» III: who on brain down Iran: the moon 0! obuu or over-work. tad u: mvwooo “to fool the oomqlt’lguou o! youmul um... and for u d sun I. V. Lu u'o Truth. on Diana 0! Ion. The book will be con! oodod to to Andrea on nod t on two to. camp. Addre- l. . LUBON. 41 We in; too at. I. Toronto On. r If you want to get a good Idea of tumult~ noun motion you wane to much the ugitntion of the bustlea of two women dancing a hop waltz. A. P. 366 PAIEN [S Mom“?“a“cmiï¬zmuxazzoua AGEâ€"N'TB an}! Ummm I'Auwtl.nul ox Feuyxlg, whole or_spare tune,‘ ox! yum->10. 30mm“- .... .nu don. luduï¬ialljulduolth. A..45 Amhekruronm G. C. Ron, Chief E-ugideer.‘ A. Fun“, Sec’y-Treu. “kl-2011055 for S'I‘AHI’ING. unll Bli- (‘I-lll‘l‘s for manuhctunnz (our different p0“ - acreâ€"blue. wlute, yellow and the French liquid stamping [qr ush, \'cl\ ct and silk. mlnuwlv describ- ed in mint. u lsent. by mail for 40 cents. C. STILL MAN l-‘ll-IllOE. 41 Kim: 3%. 8., Toronbo. llunerick'u Patterns and Books for October always on hand. ILLUSTRATE CIRCULABS tron. Something lie-v and int mating. Seni at once If you w-ul the he1t.b.\\'£l)l\\' BUSINESS UNIVERSITY a SliOR‘l‘tIAVO [\SI‘ITUI‘E Public Lbrary Buiding. Toronto. Tuouu BBNGHL‘dl'l. l’nesi- dent; Can. 1!. Banana, Secretary and Managu’ 7 7 7 7 __uolmuan'n a‘prym AERIHEE tllgsotXEF-[ygnts iglrntyg. MngLsze by mail 45 cents. CLEMENT 00.. Toronto. Dairy Salt, 1,000 Miles of new Line of [hilwav built this season. Lan'i all for semement. Unsurpassed for grain or stock (arms. 480 acres free. To learn how to get it, send your address oyyostul cud. STOCIIIN. [in this valuable pro- panflol a. Mr ma. It wont-- Empuyud “actually in deltro oh and o." "rump-h, u w ~ A: In audio-In: Ill union“ the ukln to which Shawna Illb out Iold In ma 350.,700. undsl. A 850.111 clot-IO Sleep 0285 lambs. HUGE mum a 00.. Toronto. fir-M ‘u-n,‘ Provinces and States, touching both the Atlantic and l’dciï¬c Oceans. are represented this year among its students. Send for 18th annual circular. W. 8.1lomx- sox and J. W. Jonxsox, l-‘.C.A.. Principals. Anau mun uoyag Maudsgeamsglps Balllng during mnfer lrom Portlnnd eve Thin day and Bull!“ every Saturday to Liverpoo , um! I: augmeyï¬omï¬ugbeo oyery gating-y tq Liverpool. 0S 'I‘A R10 calling: at Londonderry to land malls and tiger tor Sm‘lond and lrehnd; olso lrom Bul more. vb 11th um! St. John’s, RE. to Liverpool fortnightly durln,f summer months. The atenmen ol the GI» grow Ines gall durlnï¬) winter to and from Hull!» Portland, Boston and hilndelphll ‘ and during sum mer between Obs w And Montrell weekly : Glugov and Boston week y. 5nd Glasgow md Phuudelphll lortnlghtly. For height, passage. or other Information 5 gly h A. Schumnoher 00.. Baltimore; 8. Cum Oo. BABY’S BIRTH DAYG ForTreikht, pangs. or other information 3 £137 0: A. Schummher 00., Baltimore; 8. Cum 00. Hdiipx i Shep 99.. St. John's, N Fa; _Wm._ [hemp 0â€"0:: a co 8:. .ich'n, Nun; Allan'.,Co ,omcag‘: Love A Alden. New York; 11. Boufller. Toma Allmr, Ru00.. Quabao; Wm. Brookie. Phllulol phln: H. A. Allen Portland Boston Monty“! 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. f 5209 Yonge Street, City Ofï¬ces: 393 Queen St». West, TORONTO. 1 225 Queen St. Ea“. 100 Colborne Street ............... Hrmtford, Ont. 4 John SheetNorth ............... lhmmon. Ont. AGENTS WANTED... in Every Town and I Illage In Canada, to sell our It.“ BRAII‘I‘ll-‘I'jJJ R. PARKER CO. Sell at sight. Ivory hon-a needs them. (help. Durable and liconomlcul. No WMIII: or Ira-Inf. and will Ina: ten times as long he ordlnnry cotton nlinds. Hole Township Iluhtn. Our Axon“ Are mnkmg $3 to $5 a My with Easy “'OIIL Enquire early. Comp eta outï¬t, including Sample. Hhmlu. Rprlng Roller. Stationery and all lnlonnation, by Mprt". 250. _ umscunnnu £ 00.. 41 King at E. Toronto. ‘ l‘EClAl. N~iTlCl-1â€"-Wo b have decided In N- iure to put Dr. Jug“: Medi- cine in a brown jug, iu‘ stead 0! n glans tome M heretofore. The jugs thu we will use iorthis purpose are undo ot the ï¬nest im- ports-(l llockinglmm. n! a moundlnrowncmourmlth â€hr. Juq's Medicine (or Lungs, Liver and Blood" in raised letters on :h- side. Uur reasons {or llllk‘ ‘ ’ [‘1 ' 1" l ing this clungo are: lair-- LUNGS‘LIVER ’ Its wondvriul (‘nmin'e «wâ€" I qualities will lie lien" 8L 0 OD , reserved by the medicine * wing kept entirely in the ' -~vr ‘ dnk. 2nd‘ "A. the jug I“: will lie rogintarnl it Iill M 3} imposfllile to (Inunterieli it. 3rd -‘l'hr- name " Dr. FACOIMILI .lng‘s )ledii-ine" will be Dr A Jun 0' 0n. JW'moro euily rememherod Mtoucmt. by usoo'ulon. 4th-Om rlomls will be able to romqniro M. once um they Are sewing the enuino nru'rle. u- lhere in no other modi- vine put upgn A jug. DR. 1ҠMEDH‘INE Pu†Toronto and Sinuonl. ‘Illi BOILER INSPECTION and Insur- ance. Company or Canada. LConsulting Engineers and Soliv non; of Patents T 0 I! 0 s 'l‘ 0 . FOR BUTTER. ETC. EW Importation!) â€"-Higgips' Eureka, Washing ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacka iso Rice' 9 Cananiian Salt. Write for prices. MILLER’S TICK DESTROYER. 00!) mu: AGE!“ WANTED IN EVERY Councv ln Cumin. Address FI-‘llllls gt (“0" 67 Church 8%.. Toronto. D'EUOï¬KTEï¬' WINDOW BLINDS. ‘J. St. Idem“. 96 Kim: 8:. W.,Toronto. JAE Wells. BTETNEAND CLEANING. A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card lent: to any baby whose mother will send oath; names of two or more other babies. and thus parenu' addresses Also a handsome Dior mond 1:1" Sample Card to the mother am‘ much 1 uahle information MES PAR.“ . 501$. Wholesale Produce Merchants."l‘oronto. Bumugus, oymmo, Works and [lend omen x Blohu-dnol a; C... RUBBER STAMPSRKQS cils, and Burning Brands, 50. bend torCamlogue. BARBER BROS. 00.. BIISIAI'JSS COLLEGE Manned: Dis. “9!. Aulsi‘uofli. a ermatoloxiu. Specially. skin diseases, Sbrolulu and all dil- emuol the blood. All caucus. cured that are cur- ahle, without lhe use d the knlle. (mice hours, Iron) 9 to 12 mm. and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.. Sabbath: ox- oepwd. 2s l)un-Ias_Street. Toronto. D Pinyin-Mn." I complete donieatw me liool enoy uopodla. This are“. work is prepared 60 went the wont. of -iu common p oplo. who hue lung M; the need 0! a complete. oomprehensiw, ramble “ dootor u ok " at a prion within their roach ; no lamlly medi- c J book has ever been writtm by wen more urine“ in the proton-ion thnn the authors or The Cottngo i’hyslcian ; the trentluent i. not conï¬ned l0 one whoa] 0! medicine. uin i-innlnr books, but cm‘w‘acn the four principal treatments :thin contains Ml page! ill zstrated with unrly 200 enunvnngs including nu- merous iullpage colored plates ; ternm lilwnl â€and lo ' Circulars. WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher. To-outJ. \ouosru Cami; M‘houl.~udntlihi3ii no. aicouu o! Acquirin n thorough kuowmuxc 0! un- mem cum 3 In uh m nut-hm, would Ipply a one. to s. Conigm. pmpnewr, 122 Yonxe 5b., l‘oxouto. Sign! on upplivution OLD COMPOSITION GOLD. Antique Bronm. ’ Natural Wood, and other Picture and Room, Mouldings, Frames. Etc. Paintings, l2u~ racings, Etchin '3, Artotypes. Arcism’uatcrinla. irrors. etc. W iolcsale and Retail. Trade Cat.- nloguo. llATTIIEWS BROS. -t (0.. Toromo. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CD'S. $0 50 1‘5.“ ACNE to! A. W. ï¬lm! W. 0! N. E. W to! Soc. 1.), ’1" . 12 R c. 2. East, l0 noted, um luuiuoz :51†V See 8, p. 1. kg» 10. We“. 320 sum 02.50;." m 0, near (2mm City. Choice. unvncuxuboml. 10 Augusta Ave. Toronto. TINGLEY STEWARTIM’F’G C0 TORONTO, ONT- Pl: “I mention this Paper when writinir. ASK FOR DIAMOND IF YOU SEE THEM YOU WILL BUY THEM. BARNUM WIRE IRON WORKS, Windsor, Ont; I III We Guarantee the Best and Cheapest Fences made in the _ , ‘ , h Dominion. lRON FENCES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - Send for Catalogue. PEARL PEN AND PENCIL STAMP WITH NAME 500. AM» GURNEY’S Standard STOVES Manufactured by 'FH E E. 8!. C. GU RN BY 00., Toronto, Hamilton, )Ionzrcnl. and Winnipeg. Biï¬ï¬ï¬liï¬ï¬‚bï¬. 37'Yoilié's'tl'i’ï¬runto. nu And Pout once. It coa'u’yo'u uoihinrii 6?. Gill; L" I villculolou. Addnu BR. 3.9; 3021‘, Whoa! uy can I do not mean merely to stop Hum M! "no And men hue them return again. 1 menu a Mlul can. I hue undo the dilute of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALL- ING SICKNESS: IMO-long nudy. l Iva-run my "mod, to cure the worn men. Bean-o others have mm II no "non for not now receiving A cure. Bend u one. for I gull» nag g Prehejomogl my Innlllblg yemgdy. 9."! I (HIRE FITS! 005 was rs wmriu you hnmcuï¬mc ANTEDâ€"5411) AGES R‘sâ€"MAI. And Fannieâ€" L‘rgo pt flru. 0. W. DI‘NNIB. Toron‘o. In this pa er referred to the Annual Meeting of the Associa- tion. his meeting (being the 15th since the Com any was organized) took place on Tuesday. the l2t April, when the iollowing gratifying increases were announced: The Original Wood 9991;, OUR LAST NOTICE RETURN TRAP. SPECIAL BUCKET mm Celebrated Hua- cock lnspirahor. @Gresham's Automatic Re starting Injector. Ifuouison'a Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. (E'Exlgineera' a Plumb- ers’ Supplies of every dewription. Bend for , circulars. ’JADIIIS MORRISON. 758: 77 Adelaid: sum, TORONTO. IF YOU SEE THEM YOU WILL BUY THEM i. MAUDDNALD. Managing Director. um um Lung 'In‘mlm- ; John Wood. 05 Calhcut 8‘. cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousnesa. “30“! only 3 ï¬fty-cent mm a; Mrs. J. Bed. 6 Angle“ 8t. trouhled [or years with Nervous Proetmtlon. “'0 «null bottles gum hat meat rellol. Sold At 509. b .L F. F. “ALLEY C()., Pmpneton. 011i“), £260,000. Domiuéon Government Dopdi. £55,000. Mud omoo: H King 8‘. Em. Tomb. Gentlemen ot influence wanted lu wanna-on“ ammo“. A. 1‘. Human.†Wh\ do _\on me those Expenshe American And Canadian Baking Ponders w hen \o I can get as and wholesome at one half tha price? Prom it by try~ ing: the Cool-1' 3 Gem. Manum tun-ed by ELLIS 85 KEIGHLEY. - Toranta. Cooks’ Gem BAKING POWDER Branch 06; 37 YbnéB'St. Toronto GONSUMWION. Mount-d: at can of mo wom lsud am! at long nuwu In. bun cal-«L Indeed. w strong In my mu: In I. lilac], ID" I I'I'I send 1W0 BOTTLES FREE. “to“ with u VALUABLR TRRATISK on thin M Io m Mont. am up». nnd P. 0 «Mann. DR. 1‘. A. smwu,__ __ . I lane a po-lllvo "well, tor Kln- wove (ll-cue ; b" It. ‘ pansy-d. at can of n}. yon: kï¬ud Au-_I at long â€49‘!" i We are offering special in- I. ‘ ducements to purchasers of Iron Fence for delivery this fall. |Hl LONDON OUARANTII AND woman on um, OF LONDOI. El}. Ito-idem. Socnun' tor'tho Dominion. }. ‘ul‘. UMMD.‘ 00'er of ‘50 y-mutm to: RI!!- .Anxo Yul Boinl. ‘ssu (Yuma ull Bwon. awn-militant»!- A Period Hood Puriï¬er. A to! 1 Hamilton who MN ‘eeu beneï¬ted by lb we: Mn )1. Koo '92 Robert SL, cu ! Erysipelu 0! two ears'suudiux: RON. tome“. 24 Soul: 8t. mughter cured o! lepdc Hts an" .nun'auflering ; Jon- -|ie Birrell. 65 Wain“. m, cured qt Wak- ,AnA