Highest Price Paid. for BUTTER and EGGS and. taken as Gashâ€"Any Amount Wanted. tl k 0 r man friends and customers for the very generous and hberel support they have given us in being able to fully nealize the truth of the old proverb, for indeed the volume of busineeeye 333‘; {101:3 itinceagpeni‘hg up liytst spring has so far exceeded our most sanguine expeclationn. that to supply the growing demand we have laid in one of the Largest Stocks ever brought into Beaverton, hlhng every department from floor to ceiling consisting of the following lines F88 BARQAENS 3 Havrng had unprecedented success in this branch of the business, our MISS LEE the lady whose man- agement this department is under, and who I may say is so widely and favorable known for her stylish and fashionable Millinery has selected early in the season from the best houses in the trade. a large and beauti- ful stock of all the Latest Designs and Novelties of the season, consisting of ENGLISH. FRENCH and NEW YORK Fashions. with trimmings to match, making one of the most Elegant Stocks to select from EVER SHOWN IN. THIS VILLAGE. We therefore look forward, with all conï¬dence in doing a larger trade in this department than was ever done by any ONE HOUSE IN NORTH ONTARIO, and now feel seared we can suit and please all who may favor us with their patronage. DRESS GOODS. FINE GOODS. ‘_,._-.‘-_-- . "’1‘-- makes PLAIN COLOURINGS. COMBINATION STRIPES. UMBER STRIPES and COMBINATION CHECKS at 7 CENTS PER YARD up to any price. with all the newest makes and styles of trimming. and something especially cheap for warm and comfortable school dresses. BLACK GOODS. A SPECIALTY. Also a large range of SILKS. VELVETS and PLUSH- in all latest shades. QB . viva? “9:28 ’13 w: “?BRBNTG @ QM?" ‘ f U V r still going on. SEE Dress Goods, \ Woollens, Cottons, General Dry Goods. Read -Ma.de C othing, to Q39†1888. ~MILLINERYcâ€" “NO'I'HINGâ€" SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS-" Beaverton, Oct. 12th. 1888. The Slaughtering Sale of Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, ‘THE LEADING HOUSE.†.................................... DON’T FORGET TIE-IE PLACE- still going on. The Largest Sale ever held in Beaverton as Stock must be sold. E. TESEQJQE, M {PAL}; ~ SEE THE BARGAINS NOW BEING OFFERED IN to be sold at Slaughterng Prices. mama as MANTLE "cmwns. Now this is something we have given special atten- tion to. this season, having carefully bought; our stock in the Montreal, Toronto and Hamilton markets, at the closest pOssible prices. We are enabled to give the best values ever offered in these goods. Just fancy, MEN’S GOOD OVERCOATS for 84.00 and up. MEN'S SUITS for 85.00 and up. MEN‘S ALL- WOOL PANTS for 81.60 and up. Boys' and Youths‘ Suits in all varieties. Come at once and secure some of these big bargains as they will soon be gone at these prices. I D llllllllllulllll‘ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ 60on in ALL COLORS and ALL PniCEs. and somethin especially pretty in EIDER DOWN JERSEY CLOTH or Children's Jackets. everythili'g the men want and e‘rerything' the boys want in NE‘V and STYLISH T‘VEEDS. NE“’ and FASHIONABLE NEUK TIFS and UNDER‘VEAR in all makes and sizes from Q5 cents up. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORI‘EST NOTICE. II] 51118 "118 WB maKe a. 013 unspxa HIIOWIH‘: some tying in_evgr_v_style of Mantle} g9 _ eggtly‘ 111ng of Tweed: and Gents’ Furnishings. Notlï¬pg cgn beat us in _this _departhqut. we have In this line we_m_ake a. big _giisplay ahowmg game Remember this Great \ Sale at Lair 9 Stoék ’ Wegds, Ulstenpga, Cleakmga. READY-MADE CLOTHING. E. TISDALE, “TORONTO HOUSE." \ Men’s Hajs an dmCaps, D. MONABB. Nexï¬ Door to “Hamilton House, â€Beaverton,.0ntario.. I'll". ll'l'flllll“ In this department we have every line from the Finest BASSES KID to the Strongest COWI-IIDE. in Ladie‘ 8. Men‘ 8. and Children' 3. consisting of BUTTON- ED. LACE and LONG BOOTS from No. 0 to all sizes and AT PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN THE WORLD. Don‘t fail to see them. {MUM our otherwise large stock we are selling them 03 at a SHADE ABOVE COST. You will ï¬nd a large and , begytjfnl assortment to select from. â€maul†illllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIII“IllllllljlllllllllllIlllululu“ “HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII "I! Furnishings. In those goodi we have the BIGEST, BEST and i CHEAPEST Stock north of Toronto. Iu Men' 3, a Ladies‘ and Children'sb‘ap} we are showing SEAL, =‘ BEAVER, OTTER, PERSIAN LAMB, ASTRACHAN. NUTRIA. OOONEY and CLOTH. in every make and colourâ€"~MUFFS and LADIES' SETS in all varietiesâ€"GOOD! COATS and ROBES in all sizes and prices that dofycompetltion. Be sure and see this big show of fats before buying elsewhere. We call apeoxal attention to our PERSIAN LAMB CAPS at 03.60 worth $5.50. Iluumuuuml luuum POPULAR‘PRiCEs. We lmveaLarge and Complete Stock with fresh goods arriving daily and all AT ROCKBOTTOM PRICES. Special Value in Teas. LOOK! 12 lbs. for 81.00. Our 250 Japan DOWNS EVERYTHING IN THE MARKET. CROGKERY 86 GLASSWARE l Not‘. having sufï¬cient space for these goods owing to our oghgrwise large stock “:9 are pgllipgfhetp off at I} 1‘." . . “.‘---‘ AA...â€" EATS, GAPS and ROSES I 1888. g 23% wï¬ï¬dï¬m BOOTS 86 SHOES I IN GROOERIES