W. 1L8, Miss K. 0‘. Gimme“; W. I. 8., MmsJawSidey,P W. " Alex. Taylor. choir. We hope in will succeed. I. 0. G. Tnâ€"nl'ulst Friday cvelxingttho following ofï¬cers of Blooming Ruse Lodge, \Vnmlville were insmkkéd by P. Mcswm'n T. D ,-â€"\V. 0., J 13. â€(NHL Orson; W. V. Miss H. 0. Sum; W. S. E. J Sidny , W. A S. Miws M Grower; W. F. S. I"\IIII. Smith; \V. '1'., Miss Clmk; \V. (I..,J Muthiesm; W. M†1%. DIIIII-‘ï¬lmfltll ; \V 0., D W. Stumt; MnsicaI.â€"â€"Wu uninformed that some memh rsof the Presbyterian Clnm h ale intorosting Lhenmelws in the fol um- tion of" a choir in connection with the church. “R: are glad to hear thin, as it, is u step in the right(lil'ecli-)n,VVood- ville wa think contains enough musical talent to produce a. really limb-clams choir. We hone in will succead. Arbitrationâ€"4a-bi;raci«m cases are becoming common in \Vomlvillc. This week No took place. I). Shiny, Wm. Gammon, A Mon-r130". m-bitruuns. The Uuuplwll Vs..\Ic.\[illan 6.: McNuhl), disputed account, award c123.7" for d plainbifl'. A'Cannplwll vs. J. JunuieSUn award forpluincifl' $25.90. Cotswolds.-â€"\Ir. Donald Jackson, Stoneï¬eld, ha .just purchased from the from. a pen of 'l‘horuughln-GJ chswuld ewes. Mr. Jackson is determined to import. nothing but ï¬rst-class animals, and every year he is adding to his a!" ready large stock. Passed.â€"â€"\Ve congratulam ouryoung friends, Messrs. John Argue and John Campbell, of Woodville and Mr. Donald Mobuugal, of Lornevillo on passing a creditable examination, at. the Lindsay Model School, and receiving their cerh tiï¬cates. Beaâ€"A bee for the laying of the sidewalk in front of the church took on Saturday last, quite a number of hands turned out but owing to uhe ina fawourable weather not much wao ac- complished. “ Always shoot quail.on the wing,†'aaya a sporting journal. But when we go a gunning we are not particular whether we shoot ’om on the wing or on the head. A partridge shot. on the head is just as good as one shot on the wing. Enlarged.â€"-The Omemee [Icraht has bean enlarged and is now a double royal abeet, and a neat spicy paper, full of general intelligence. .We. hope the enâ€" terprise of the Herald will be substam tially rewarded. BemovaI.â€"â€"1'he “Methodist cogregas tion have removed from Spencer Hall to the Baptist. Chuich, and last. Sabbath held services there. The church is much mom commodioul. The increasâ€" ing numbers of the congregation render- ed a change absolutely necessary. Sermon.â€"â€"Rev.Mr. Ewing,of George- toWn, preached in the Presbyterian church last. Sabbath. Mr. Ewing is an eloquent speaker, and was much up prqziated. He will also conduct the Iervicea next. Sabbath; Agent -â€"MI\ G. W.Millar has been ap- pointed agent for Messrs. J no. Donald‘- 8011, 6:00., otï¬cialassiguee,in the mateer -of Almon Spencer, Insolvent late of this place. The drowsy, innocent wasp has come indoors for the season, and the lively shouse fly has gone into his winter quartets. Fatal Accidentâ€"VVhile Mr. Dougall McIntyre, 7th Con. Muniposn, was driv- ing home from a sale on the lac instâ€, his horse ran away throwing him out. and killing him. A Man has invented yellow spsctacles for making lard look like butter. They are a. great. saving of expenseâ€"if worn while eating. Always read the advertisements if you want to know where you can imest your money to the best. advantage Wood wanted. Apply at this ofï¬ce. The dog and gun are abroad in the Woods. Making game of them as it Wore. Now is the time for the merchant- wiso in his day and genexation, to udver tise in Tm: ADVOCATE. Mail close at Wumlville Post Ofï¬ce as fol- lows :- Ninisuiug North, 10:30. a. In. ; Midlaui North. 12:30, p. m. ; Midland South. 2:“); Sipissiugb‘outh, 2:15; Toronto, 9:00, p. m. ; Hartley, Glcuarm and lslny, every Tuesday and Saturday, 12:00. noon. Train: goin’r \“u‘lh from \Vomlville Junc- tiun : 11:1», 4. m. ; 1:13;). p. m. Going Suuth; 11:41.), a. an. ,- 3:0.5 [3. m. Trains going South: 8:30. a. m. ; 6:40, mm. 3:10, p. m. Trains going North: 10:55, 3. In. ; 2:40, p. ‘11:; 7:15. p. m. TURUN'L‘U 8r. NIPISSING RAILWAY. MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. WOODVI LL!) L0 CAI. M ATTEBS. l’US'i‘ OFFICE. All persons huing business at the Court are requiIed Mound at the said time and pine Uat‘d the 22116 day of October. 1878. JOHN F. CUVNINGS, 93.3. Cloth 01 thus mid Municipalâ€. O'I‘ICE is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Voters’ List Act. by His "(mot the Judco of the County Court of the County of Victoria, at the Tuwu â€all, in the Villago of Oakwood, on the 12th day of November, 1878, at 3 o’clock, p. m., to hear and (Iota-mine the several cmnpluinta of errors and omissions in the Voters‘ hint of tho Municipality of Mniposa, for £878. N the IS h inst... between Argv lo and Bnlmvur, A ‘vVA'l‘ ‘H. The owner can have me name by paying the coat of this avlvc-rtinemunt and identifying property. Apply to DON. N. MCLEAN, 1n.‘ n Infonnation relating to the name will be thankfully received. Anyhpersou found with Umpame will be prosecuted. 101-3 100-3 ESIRE to think their numeron: customers for their liberul patron- aga extended to them during the past and toinform (hem at the same Limo that their accounts are now made out :nd unit. their aottlemem It our utlice which owing to the requirements of our business, we hope one and all will avail themselves with an early opportuuhy to es“ and cancel them Fall Wheat,... Spring Wheat, Barley. Oats, ... Peas Eg a, .. Polgk, Hay. Potatoes, Butter, DIED. At Lot 2. Can. 4, Eldo'n. on Thursday, October 30th, the «He of Mr. Chris Ander- son, aged 32 years. MARRIED. At the residence of the bride‘s fsther. on Wednesday, Nov. 6th, by the h'ev. Rom. Ewing. Mr. R. J. harwood. of Plsttsville, Oxford 00., to Min Elizabeth Maud, eldest daughter of Mr. James Morrison, of the Township of Eldon. Concertâ€"The Band announces their Concert for next Thursday Nov. 14th in Spencer Hall. As this is to be a farewell concert to the hand master, Mr. Johnson, who leaves for the old country shortly afterwards, end it will be alto- gether likely the last time our village will have the pleasure of hearing the band under MrJohnson’s lesdershipjhey should turn out on mane and fill the Hall. The programme will consist of Solos, Choruses, Glees. Plsvs, Charades, 6m. and will be one of the heat over of. fared to s Woodville audience. That band an deserving of a hearty support no one will deny, and the best way for our leaders to show that they apprec~ into the band is to turn out to their Concert. Remember Thursday next, 14th inst. Tickets 25 cents. "i TOLEN from the remim of the under 3 signed, Con. 14, J uriposa Two Overcoat: and. One Small Coat. Weather -Signs.-â€"'l'he cnlors of the sly-x at different times are a wonderful guidance Not only does I clear sunswt pix-sag» fair wetther, but there are other tints which speak with c'euruess and aucul'aufl. A bright yellow in the even» iug indicates wind ; a pale yellow wet; at neutral gray color constitutes a favor able sign in the nion-niiigwun unfuvor- able one in the evening. The clouds are full of meaning in themselves. If they are soft undeï¬ned and feathery, ‘.ho weathcr will he ï¬ne, if the edges are hard, sharp and definite, it will be foul. Generally speaking, any deep un- usual hues betoken wind and rain ; while more quiet and moderate hues bespeak fair weather. Simple as these maxim: are, the British Board of Trade has thought ï¬t to publish them for the use of seafaring men. Improvementâ€"The “ Northern Ho~ tel" is undergoing considerable repairs and alterations. The shod: in the rear hue been removed from the old site and will be placed in connection wuh the main building, and when completed and ï¬tted up form n largo wing. The removal makes a grent improvement in the appearance of that part of our main street, and when those unsightly stables am also nemovetl from the front a still greater improvement will be ell'ected. WOODVILLE FARMERS’ MARRET. Township of Mariposa. NOTICE: Voters’ List Court. FOUND, MESSRS. WHITE b BRO. 51mg ï¬ï¬‚dvcrtiï¬cmwts STOLEN. u. \VHI'I‘E dz BRO. A NC US MCLEA N. II) to 0 DU 4 00 to 4 50 )2 00 ta 0.} 00 30 to 0 (m )1 Roll 13 Cai'den. 0 85 0 00 080 Twenty per cent. allowed for Cash on old prion for Shoeing. G. .CAMPBELL “- ALL WORK WARRANTED HORSE SHOEINE ! WAGGON S and CARRIAGES mud. on about. notice. CARRIAGE WORKS. AH kinda of Watch, Clock 1nd Jewencry repairing done on shortest notice, and war- ranted to (in perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Dinarâ€"â€Northern Hotel,†Woodvillo. LORENZO MAYBEE. WALTHAM, ENGLISH SWIS 1 wish it to be distinctly understood that unlesl accounts duo me are settled by that date they will be placed in tho hands of | solicitor for collection. All parties indebted to me are requested to call end receive their accounts and settle the same BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, next. Dated at Lindsay, this 2131; day of October A. D., 1878. NDER and by virtue of Revised Ste- tuteu of Ontario. Cap. l07. Section 34, the creditor: of William Mclmloo, late of the ’l‘nwnebi) of Mari e. in the County of Victoria, aZeoumn. incensed. who died on or about the Twelfth «in. of John ry,A.l). l878, are hereby notiiie to send by post. lire-paid on or before the seventh day of Dneember. 1878. to l). J. McIntyre, Esq, Solicitor for James Morison, Aclniinietratnr of the parse :l estate nwl eilccts of the said William Mellidoo. duly appointed by the Surrogate Court of the County of Vic. torie. their Christian end Surnames, ad- dresses. entl descriptions, the full partic- ulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities. (if any) held by them , and that immedia. tely after the said Seventh «lay of Decem- ber. 1878. the assets of the estate of tho. said William Molndno will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the claims of which no. tice shall have been furnished to the ad- minietrator as above required ; and the said administrator shall not be liable for the aesets or any part thereuf, to any p(r- son of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him or his aid Solicitor at the time of dis ribution. 1004 GARRIAGES Of ALL STYLES and PRICES. JOHN SIDEY. Woodvillo, Oct. 15th, 1878. WATCH-MAKER and J EW ELLER, MAYBEE, Administrator’s Noun. DONE NEA'DL‘.‘ AND CHEAPLY. The subscriber has on hand CAMPBELL’S REPAIRING AND VVATCII ES KING STREET. NOTICE. D. J. MCINTYRE, Solicitor [or Administntor. Dealer in The BEST 50 cent. TEA intowm TRY IT ! NEW CAKES CONFECTIONERY McLEOD‘S NEW BAKERY, Mr. J . S. Leedham having erected a Photo- graphic Gallery over MeLeod’s New Bakery, he is prepared to do all kinds of Photograph- Work including COPYING and EN L ARGIN G. thagmphy! Pmmgrapjhâ€"ï¬ Call and inspect his New Stock of general Groceries. Great in- ducements For Cash. HAVING TAKEN MORE FIRST PRIZES THAN ANY OTHER, AND IN VARIA BLY RECEIVES THE HIGHEST RECOMMENDATIONS \VHENEVER AND WHEREEVER IT IS BROUGHT INTO COMPETITION WITH OTHER MILLS. THE 'HONBY’ IMPROVED PANNING MILL. Best and most Complete Mill Man- ufactured in the Dominion. W a would respectfully call the nttontion of the farming community to the FANNING MILL now made at our works. This will is known as WHITE ‘ CAI Fall and Winter Dry Goods, LEEDHAM’S NEW GALLERY. WOODVILLE, October Int, 1878 The subscriber begs to inform the public that on and after the 1st day of November next, 1113 books will be closed and he W111 gositively give N 0 MORE CREDIT hose parties who are indebted to him W111 therefore please call and settle their accounts at once and so save further trouble. Agricultural Works, IS NOW EN FULL BLAST. Warning V We "uk our friends nd the farmer. gonenfly to AND -A FULL STOCK 0F- RM. Gampboll. It is undoubtedly the W00 DVILLE '