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Woodville Advocate (1878), 7 Nov 1878, p. 8

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Noe. for largo box, $3.00, or 4 boxes for 810, wt by mm! to any part of United States Danni» on receipt of price, or by 355p: , C. D. D. Address, ' - «Ian I: annms. {From our own Correspondent.) ACCIDENT.-â€"- Mr. John McKenzie was .badly hurt a few days ago by falling oll'a load of eawloga. He is recovering favourably Bmuc Some-r? Marxismâ€"Tho annual * meeting of the Kirklleld Branch of the ”; Upper Canada Bible Society was held on the evening of Friday, the lstinat. The ; meeting was addressed by the Society’s ; agent, Rev. J. G. Manly, of Toronto who ‘ )po'ke with greatearnestnass aml eloquence upon the claims of the Bible Society up»: thelibeml support of all proll'essetl Christians He was followed by a short address by the Rev. D. D. McLennau. The following olfice-bearerslwere then-appointed for the ensuing year :â€"-President, Rev. D. D. Me- Lannan; Secretary and Depository. Julm McTnggart; Treasurer, 'l'lms. Munro ; Committee, Messrs. R. Armstrong, Wm. Bruce, Alex. McKenzie, Jan. Jewell and 3.10. Campbell. Collectors, Mrs. H. I). MoLenna’n, Mrs. R. Armstrong, Miss Helen McRm, Miss Isabella Murray, Miss Ann Munro, and Miss Mary Gordon PERMANENTLY CURlZIFâ€"no humlmg ”by one month's usage of Dr. Unulnnl’s Celebrated lnlallible Flt Powders. To 4:0". Vince sufferers that these powders will do all we claim for them, We will send them by «null, post paid. a free trial box. As Dr. Goulard is the only physician that hes ever made this disuse a special stud), m, .1 as 1;“ our knowledge thousands hue been perma. nentl cured by the use of these powders, ‘ \vo wlll guarantee a permanent cure in ever cue, ol‘ refund you all money ex ended): All mfl‘ora should give these pom or; an early trial, end be convinced of their cura- tive powers. ‘ FITS EPILI' 'PSY, Falling Sickness ,_ ._-_.- -v IIvJ luv-uh “h lady from Lindsuy was about to step on the platform, with a child in one hnml and e. parcel in the other, and fell with great force upon the platform. and was taken up ve seriously injured 2" (Now read this). “ ad lhe let the’ child go it would have been crushed between the train and the plat. form.” (“ \Vhere ignorance is bliss, ’tie folly to he winc’â€"~â€"the rli<tnncc between the can and the platform at Beaverton is about one foot. Poor child, how it would have been ground up by such a fall, but the child and its mother happened to be dragged about ‘ ten feet from t e car by those klud gentle- men who helped .her from the train, which wee in motion ; and no person is alloWed to fiat on or off the train while in motion. I now a city in Canada where a man was fined 85 for getting off a. train while in me- ‘Vtion I) “Mr. Mulligan, the agent, did all in his power" (administered sympathy) “ to relieve the injured party, and secured a car- tinge to .coggey her to a friend’s house. where she wee going on a vist." (Now he dictates to the Superintendent about how the time ehnll be spent at wood piles and inter-tanks, as if the Conductor ie respon. eible for the wood and water used by an en- gine). Mr. Correspondent. the next article {on write, try, if only to give the public in- ormation-while attempting to do me an injuryâ€"do try and get close to the truth. \V. RE v NOLHS. Self-important end Sarcastic Conductor )l. R. R. fi. _~ I' .......... Aun- Holf, this hay-seed thinks it is self important. Poor fellow, how awful clcwr you are, at home !) “ and gave the engineer the usual sign to start. J net as the train moved 011‘,” (speed three miles an hour for ‘thircy feet), “ . lulu (-A... 1' :__x_ . ”V- -v - vu' u-u . , , w " and self-important style called all ahealfil" (the correspondent has never, perhaps, seen any other railwayibut the Midland, auu an Conductor Reynolds’Istyle is; pequliar to him- ..-It AL! I DEAR SlB.-â€"please allow me space in your columns to refer to a paragraph which has appenred recently in sevens! )ille's publile ed along the line of the Midland Railway, originating, I think, with the Wuodville Advocate. I can better explain this con- temptiblo efi'ort to injure m.- by Copying the Baragraph and running my remarks into the Ody of it paranthetically :â€"- ‘ As the mail train, in charge of Conduct- or Reynolds, came up to the station, going north, Beuverton was announced by one of the olficials.’ (The brake-amen). "The train having stopped, the passengers who intend- ed coming eif, made a move to do so.’ (There was only one, and that one was the woman in question). “ Some of them got off and others were in the act of stepping on the platform,”(the Woman came out of the coach after the ‘train had started, and I called to her to stand still and I would stop and let her off, but two or three men on the station platform reached and got hold of her and drag ed her from the car to the plat- form, and she landed upon her feet, but im- mediately sat down, the train having mov- ed just thirty feet), “ when the Conductor, in his Sarcastic” (sarcasm is used by Con- ductor Reynolds only when a certain man wants him to pass his relatives. to Port Hope) _ ‘ “ .hl‘ -nlt : ..... L-_L u, I 8w Fulton Strict, Brooklyn. N. We refortoMr. W. Reynolds, Conductor on the M. R. IL. who ‘ eat" on us through the column- of last Week’s Port Hope ’l'imra \Ve insert his letter, as we feel it Would be an injustice to Mr. Reynolds as well as our radon, if we failed to pu lush such a man- terpiece of ntcasm. We are sure the cor respondent who penned tnat article to the Liudny Peal, will never again attempt to } remind Conductor Reynolds wherein his 1 duty lies in regard to the 1ch3 and limbs of puungen entrusted to his care. We will only trouble Conductor Reynolds with one' piece of advice : keep out of the newapapera. you we too verdant. hIRKFIELD. T00 VEBDANT. wno ' at." on us through It Week's Port Hope Tim", or. as M: feel it would be '. Reyquda as wall as our SASH.D00Rs. AND BLINDS v The sulmctihnra have now got their Factory fitted up in first-class acylo and are prepared to furnish anything that may be entrusted to them in the shape of Sash ’Qn'd Door Factory PLANING, MATCHING, MOULDI NO, SCROLL SA WING c. on short notice Audit bottom prices. Also mingle: and lumber for sale cheap. coumcmn AND suunmc A SPECIALTY. St“. in win: papor Addressâ€"- On receipt of a Three Cerzt Stamp, to in- sure an early reply, the above prescription will be sent F {EB to any address. “ _â€"__.._.~ ALL COMMUNICATIONS STRICTLY GUN Fl DENTIAL. FOR THE SPEEDY AND PERMANEis‘T BUSECURE OF 3‘13? A “ Les-r amour, SPERMATORRGA. Seminal Weaknosa. AND ALL DISORDERS BROUGHT 0N "Only 3 Thm Gent Stamp” _ EGS leave to announce that he has open- B ed out in the premises lately occupied by Mr. M. Campbell, where he is prepared to turn out first-class Photos in all the latest styles of the art. Enlarging Old Picture: a Specialty. simcoo St., Benetton. Youths Indlscretions OTICE is hereby given that the Partner- N ship lately subsisting betwaen Amos Hawkins and Dennis Hawkins. of Muriposa, bounty of Victoria, Province of Untario, un- der the name of A. t D. Hawkins, was dis- soivad by mutual cause .t, on the 18th day of October, 1878. AMOS HAWKINS, DENNIS HAWKINS. PLANING MILL Eggqfiption Free ! QEdlans SUE. QQI‘LTED, FRUIT CAKES. M IXEDTEA CAKE 98-31n.pd PARTIES SUPPLIED ‘VHOLESALE. JflHN BERRIE, Dr. Janos Garnett. 51 EAST 12m, STREET, 100.2 A LL parties indebted to me are requaut- ed to call untl- pay up immediately, as all accounts not paid by the 12th day of November. will be placed in other hands for wilectiou. PHOTOGRAPHY. SODA WOODVILLE Notice to Pay. 1100‘":sz Bros. ‘A, ABERNETHY, AND FRUIT BlSUUl’l‘S, \VHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ron: and Pastry a Specialty. IS UNXLD AND IN THE COUNTY \ law You or", you saw advertisement, IY Cor . King and Stuart St A. McFADYEN. O'Q G. C. SMITH. v 'OI And TRIMMING, and .100 SIGN PAINT. 1 NO. All work dam nestly and with do:- patch and warrautod to give perfect utiafac. tion. 87-3vn wbodvialbj’ He in now prepared. with im to execute nll kin flags to inform his friends 4 generally, that having rented Mr. J. Armsquqg's _ syn, Glnnarm, Sept, ; m‘ Aftor the IbOVO date t books will be handed over to the for Collection. TER MS Dry Goods, Boots and Show GROCERIES, C. The subsériber begs to inform his customers that he will on the 15th of October close his books and have a settlement either by cash or note uml as he has got a large and WELL ASSORTED STUCK Carriage ‘Baintin u! mn'lllllx‘lu g, Public Name; Satisfaction to All 1 REE by mail. Egan's Inpznmn Sun Y PAD TRUST; gives immediate relief; cures in 4 to 12 weeks. Endorsed by high medical authority. The most val .ablo sur- gical invention of the century. The secret of cure is, this Truss holds rupture during hardest exercise, 3nd can be worn night and day with great comfort. Very cheap. Prof. J. Y. EGAN, Hamilton, Ont. REFERENCES. ~By kind permission we refer to the following :â€"Frankliu S. Lane, Louisville, drew $10,000 ; Miss Hattie Banker, Charleston. $5,000; Mrs. Louisa T. Blake, St. Paul, Piano, 8400; Samuel V. Raymond, Boston, $5,000 ; Eugene P. Bracket, - Pittsburgh, “'atch. 875 ; Miss Annie Osgood. New 0rleaus,$5,500; Emory L. Pratt, Columbus, phio, Melodeon, 8125. Tickets, 25c. 5 for “.00; 11 for 82.00 Agents wanted, to whom we offer liberal inducements and guarantee satisfaction. Aromasâ€"â€" E. HALL, __ ou. â€"” rnuy Tribunv, July 7. They give general satia- faction. ~Slaata Zeilung, Aug.5 .1 Customs or was Pumaâ€"Fair dealing can be relied on.â€"N. Y. Herald, Aug. 23. A genuine distribution.-â€" World, J uly 9. N at one of the humbugs of the day.â€"â€"Wrel:ly Tribunr. Julv 7. Thev nil": :- nnnnn I __4: , .v 7..--.. ...._, v. cur: auuve prizes for 25 cents. Tickets describing prizes are sealed in envelopes and well mixed. ()1) re- ceipt of 25 cents e Sealed Ticket is drawn without choice, and sent by mail to an, address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to 'the ticket holder on payment of one dollar. Prizes are immediately sent to any address by express or retum mail. You will know what your prize is before you pay for it. No blanks. Our patron- cau depend on fair dealing. 400 Gold Watches.............. 175 Sewing Machines .......... 75 Elegant Pianos ............. 50 ” Melodexus.......u Cash Gifts, silver Ware, ( $25,000 1 Cash Gift,$3J,000 | 20 0th Gifts,each$500 l u u 10,000 I 40 d 6‘ n 200 1 u u 5.000120 " .. .. mu 1 ‘5 43 2’51”!” u ‘5 H 50 400 Gold “’atches ............................. 75 175 Sewing Machines ........................ 50 '71" Win ..... 4. D:. g __ . MOORE. DAILY DRAWINGb x Obtained {or Inventors, in the United State; Canada and Europe,“ reduced rates With our principal office is located in Washington, d'recily opposite the United States Patent Union We are nhle to attend to all l'nteut “ll‘lllCSJ with greater promptness and des- patch and less cost, than other patent attor- neya, who are at A distance from Washing ton, and who have, therefore, to employ “ associate nttornevs.” We make prelimin- ary examinations and furnish opinions as to pntentn ility, free of charge. and all who are Interested in new inventions and Patents are invited to send for n copy of our “ Guide {or obtaining Patents,” which is sent free to any addaess, and contains Complete instructions how to obtain Patents, and other valna'hlc matter. “’0 refer to tine German- American National Bank. \"ushington, l). (1.; the Royal SWedish, Norwegian, and Danish Leg. ntions. at Washington; flon. JoSeph Casey, late Chief Justice U. S Court of Claims; to the officials of the U. S. Patent Ullice, and to Senators and Members of Congress from every State. Address: LOUIS BAGGER Co., Solici- tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, Le Droit Building, \\'.isni.\'o'ro.\'. D. C. “RAND GIVE chance to gray any of the 1 TO SUIT PURL‘HASERS AND THE TIMES! IN GIFTS TO BE DISTRIBUTED BY THE COMMERCIAL A Prige For Every Ticket I; 0202 (mg? $250,000 he will make PATENTS ‘. 2nd 1878 OF NEW YORK [15 War 8;.omvu‘r, n.1, OI" {nprovyd {militias Ware, eta “wcgmu, and Danish Log. on; don. Joseph Casey. '. 5 Court of Claims; to U. S. Patent Oflicc, and nbers of Congress from .md the public date the old King Street, of '., valued at above prizes Builifl SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. J. SHIEDMAYER, E. LEVASSEUR, ED. FAVRE FERRET, GEO. F. BRISTOW, P. F KUPKA, elastiip touch, acti6 """""""“ 11, With satisfying of voicing, and have ments’a pure and satisfying tone -v-...u. ., wwulnu The undersigned, having examined the fully recommend!- tho same to the United Award, for the following reasons, viz: Product, R1531) 030mg. Name and v”..vvuulu| Wlllllllsfllon nus emf J mlges, and acoepigt‘lfifile following reasons, and decreed therewith. j n II‘AW‘rnxr .- RQapesz Mowers Repairing of Ever}; n H. CAMERGN \Vliicb will be found on inspection more value than was ever offered in this The United States Centennial '05; and unnnnC-g .1 at”. r-" Commission_ has examined the *â€" U The undersigned begs to intimate that he has bought Mr. N. B. CAMP» BELL'B Business in Woodville, and intends canying on the same line of busi. ness in the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Campbell. . Having made fuvournble arrangements with the leading manufacturers of He would call special attention to the combined SEED DRILL made by the Musson Mnnutacturing 00., Oshawa, (for which he is SoleAgent here.) This Drill possesses all the qualities of n first-class Drill and Broad-UastSeeder,und can be changed from the one to the othel while in motion. It is placed in the market this season so cheep that it is within the reach of all intending purchasers. Call and examine before buying. All kinds of REPAIRS kept constantly on hand which he will sell cheap for cash. Be sure aapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, Sew- ing Machines Repaired, and Satisfaction in all the new shapes of FNGLISH, 11-r/‘4 .- -,.___ A true Copy of the record. :53 that by strict anemic" to business and square confidence and receive a large share 01 their patron Blacksmith and Machinist m and good general workmanship ___7 APPROVAL OF GROUP JUDGES. Name and address of Exhibitor, Doxmlcu COMPANY, Bowmanville, Canada. Dominion Organ Co. PHILADELPHIA, 1876 Guaranté'ed, - ENGLISH, AMERIC AN and CANADIAN MANUFACTURE RS. a simple and w musical combinations ecuted. m more reliable as regards ad in this village before. Ju a choice lot of Description Prompt In'l‘l‘l'on‘ 1!! Insult)“ nus examined the report of tho as, and dacreed an award in conformity PHILADELPHIA, December 5th, 18.76. HAS NOW OR SHOW ms .product herein described, reap States Centennial Co mmission FRANCIS A. WALKER, lIL:-l ,l Chief of we But-61?!“ ;:uds. 1by their methoa WILLIAM THOMSON. JAMES 0. WA TSUN... JOSEPH HENRY, J. E. HILGARD. J. R. HAWLEY, Preside“. ss and squane dealing to merit 01 their pajmnage. [inv- in their instru fonmmv, Bowman 1., for D. Philadelphia, 1873. '. A. P. BARN ARD‘ Signature of ii. Judge” vv" Bovnunnnu." 01m OLIVER. as wear and better Just received OM AS No.135 Ex- for

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