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Woodville Advocate (1878), 6 Nov 1879, p. 4

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A heavy snow stmm began here on PI 'iday Inst and Continued IIItI-I Inittinuly Emil Tuesday. Not enough snow has at fallen to make good slviglIiII-g and Elie loads not bring frozen navel 13 con- quently Ier had. ‘5‘ See \Vm. lleIIIy's human" 0 stock of to and Shoes \I lIieh lIe is still selling at he old rrIcen, notwithstanding the recent 6 in tli Io price of leather. Shooting M310h98.â€"-\Ve have lit-art] ‘of two shooting mate I: :s to come of} Lu day, one {mm the vilimw and the other fwm Lmnevillu. Gum an: in gnmt demand just now. Dentistry.â€"~0..e of the firm nf Neeâ€" )gnds .K', Pentium], Dentists, Limlmv, will [)6 at the Queen’s Hotel, on Tues- day next. in” The highest cash price paid for good hides at Rod. Campbell’s. THE unusually excellent wheat crop of this season has induced farmers in the United States to plant a larger amount of wheat than in any previous year. A report from ()incinnatti, states that thesowingol‘ fall wheutin Southern Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana is completed. The area. devoted to wheat in the two latter States being from 50 to 100 per cent, greater than any previous season. The appearance of the young grain is very promising, except in a. feW lociil- ities where the Hessian fly has appeared The weather has been favourable and to all appem'arces the wheat crop in 1880 throughout that section will be far greater than that of the present year. The piesent high price of wheat has in~ 'gillced farmers to neglect other crops in i(n'tiel' to increase their wheat acne-age. This is. not a prudent line of action. The next year may not he so favorahle for Wheat and it is never well to put all your eggs in one ha'sket. Thmks,iving.â€"-’l‘o~day is the day mpointed as il‘hnnksgiving Day, and 10] who can should attend divine worship. iorvice will he held in the Fresh; tm-iun Emmi: at 11 o'clock, a. m., and in the ethodist church at 2 o'clock, p. m. We welcome to our sanctum a new laily. visitor hearing the title of the .'_’ort Hope Daily Times. It is the neat- lt little paper on our list,_an«l its news plumns are full of the latest news. We ish its enterpiising publisher much Local in his new venture._ Ma- 25 cases of new stock in Boots and jhoes, just arrived at Rod. L'nnmholl‘s. Attention lâ€"Purlins having Printing lone at this oliico will receive it free iotioe in the (millnlllfl of ’l‘u‘s Auvo- LATE“ Those rwluil'ingJoh \Vork will in] it to their xulvuntngo tn [mtronizv Our prim-sure llHNlUl'ale. Busi- Pee men and others should make a. note 50:an giInOttcrfi. NV l this. . The wunnwenthor through October is made the fall wheat in this section row very rapidly. The earliest sown lvery forward and has completely cov {ed the ground and the (hunger now is at it will he too far advanced before i. actual cohl weather sets in. Full heat has been oxtensviely sown this jar and it is hoped _the season will love favourable. ' See the beautiful stock of Full and ‘ nter Goods they have just opened at the gulator." lndignant.â€"â€"A lady writes an indig~ .I. note, in, which, Mth true rustic 'ocence, sire expresses a belief that torsnever go to heaven. We thought fl even country people knew that. rnalists never went anywhere. 'I‘hey ' 't, get. the chance. They just sit; up its thinking how to do good, until I" tops of their heads wear holes ‘gough their hair. argo flocks of sparrows are noticed ut our village stables since the ad» t of the snow. _ It would be a good‘ . for our lnrmers to lollow the ex-. door the Norwegian peasant and chem-u little grain from time to during the winter, the Cost would [“1ng and we are sure it would be uppi-ecinted by on! little feathela ieuds. The method employed in way in to erect a pole in the barn The Adeam. :6 which is attached a smu‘ll bun. fgmiu, which is renewed at inter- hrough the season. Try it“, WOOD VIII/IE, A'O V. b”, 1879. “ l’ro liouo Publicn." Hallowe‘en ' passed with lmt'fcw de- predations this year. Some gates were removed, and one belonging to Mr. E. Leclure.â€"\Vo have great pleasul e in announcing to our readers that Mr. Joe. Murdoclueditor of The Highlander, Inverucsa, Scotland, will lecture in Spencer ”all, on Monday next, 10th inst., subject : “ 'I‘he Heroes of ()ssian, an evening with the Ancient Bards ot' the Gael." Mr. Murdoch is recommend- ed as a Very talented lecturer. In a speech made at Glasgow, Prot. Blackie said of him :-â€"As to John Murdoch, he is a noble lollow. lie is hotter titted, perhaps, to he an apostle than the editor of a newspaper._ But. he isa nohli- apostle. If he sometimes ovm'slati-d or miSstnted certain things, I nhould like to know what newspaper is not a special pleudar. lahould like to know if the , Times does not sometimes betray irSr-lf into an error or slip, l, helievo there is no man who has done more fun High lenders than John Murdoch. Then get up a newspaper for him, or hoop thn oldone alive, and you are not to think that l or any Susemnch will respect. you if you do.not respect. yourselvre. Tho careful and prudent purchaser always looks thoroughly through the mlvm'tiuing columns to ascertain the character and rxtont of the attractions and bargains ollured by business men. Houses that udVortiso properly are at ' ways preform-d. and our readers will have noticed that many of our merg chants urn now once. or twice a month. matting forth in a IWW :ltlt‘t'l'llsl‘llwltl what they. have to sell. The old idea of a stereotyped unnounceumnt, standing For months, is rxlilmlod as altvgotlwr behind the tinws. ()ur advertising columns am getting to he jn<t as at- tractive as our news columns, and w.- lmlievc thn «lay is not far distant when every morcantilo adrertiucr will make it a lulu to write a. fro-ah mlvortismnvnt every week or at loast cvury t'm tnight. Then he will get the utmost value for his expondituro in ndveltisiag. 66" (fall and see the ” Imperial "not." a. new style, at. Rm]. ('iunpbcll'u. 'l‘liis Hoot took first prize at. the l’ruvinciul Exhibition. Dangerousâ€"We h ous complaintq real some heaps of legs which have lying by the roadside, on the town me in the neigli umer~ honrhoml of Mr. Donald Jackson’s f more than a your past. The logs have been placed there for the purpose of building a fence but not having been utilized for that furpose they have been allowed to remain there. They are a source of much annoyance to teams passing, an they are constantly falling into the road. The pathmaster for the beat should see that they are removed. ‘ ‘ 'T he meant rise of 30] :m‘ cent. in. the price of lvatlwl has nut affected 1 Having buuuht a hr '0 and ' stuck prcviuua to the rise I sell cheaper than ever. Ito Tremendous Yield.â€"â€"Omt exchanges have been talking ull full of “big yields" but we think we have one that. can beat them all. Mr. Peter Anderson, of Muriposu,informsus that from two and a half acres of land he took ovvr one thousand bushels of turnips, some of them weighing as much as fifteen pounds. The tui'nips were of the Swede variety and ull good and sound. If any other farmer or any othcn Township can beat this we would like to hear from them. Know Yourself.â€"--Tho Phrenolngical J ournu'l is to hand for November, bright and early, and the contents of the num- ber are such as to make it a. very inter- esting one. A very excellent portrait of the Rev. Dr. Hall. pastor ofthe Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York, graces the frout page of the magazine, and is made plain by a pithy desciiptive sketch of his life and labors. S. 1:. Wells 6:, 00., 737 Bioailway, New York, are the publishers. News.â€"â€"â€"\Ve shall be glad, at all times, to receive items of local news, accidents, or any incident which may be interesting, either in the locality in which it occurs, or in the country gen- erally. Matter of this kind may be sent. as “ Printer’s Copy," ut the rate of one cent per 02., if so marked, and not sealed ; but to ixrsure its appear- ance, would require to be received by Tuesday before publication at the latest. 65!? Just received this day at tho " Rogu- lator," a very stylish assortment 0t Lzulieu' l’n‘a in all the new styles and colors. Culroadh eile do'n a Gaidheil.â€"Gloi. dhibh nur cuimlme oimid Mhichuu-ich, ann an Tallu Sponcer. air 0idclie dnilu~ ain. Thigibh uilu agus cluinibh air fwr duchn thoiribh failte chlidheal ghaolach dim. Taisbainibh lo sibh bhi latlmir gu blieil mess agaibh air us that e dean- adh air Ion air luclul duclm. “outfitâ€"Malt," Mattie Stodclcrt met with a painful accident on Friday last by which he sprained his wrist. It appears than while driving a home to Parson's Creel: it became restless and giving the driver a jerk threw his wrist. out ot'joint. The hand is very painful but is rapidly gutting well. Gl' W Trunks, Vlliloqsotoholn an! School Mt, u: great variety at Bod Campâ€" bolls. will I; Prope Um Susan ssm lying by the m me in the neigh 31113.1(! (1 ‘ackson's t omn; Remember the placeâ€"mut‘ door Hue “ Nouhom lIote' n I. Of all Descriplimw, In Emllr‘ss Variety. \Vlnich he is Selling at a Grant Bargain PURE TEAS The bit heat price in 0th will be paid for ‘00 (30R. )8 «If lint-class SHINGLE BOLT-'5 or sawing: suitable for shinglnn. l have also uhlaim-d tho nurvicns uf a first- clas» Miller, and as I have nut the expennu of a steam power can famrnhly cmnpctc u ith any ul’ the surrnundinq mills. 'l‘u Hume \vlu. WI“ patronize me with their grmting I will gurantee bath qpnlity and quantity. w GIVE US A TRIAL AND BIC CONVINUEI). Fixst-Glmas Running; 0rd;- TO THE PUBLIC ! TERMS. â€"One tenth of the purchase mon- ey to be paid down on the dayp of sale. For balance, terms will be made known at the Isle. For further particulars apply to JOVFS BROS. MACKF\ZIE, Solicitor-I, Masonic Hull, Toronto Or to JOHN \lc’I‘AGGART, l‘sq.. Kirkiiuld. I HAVE PU {CHASED the Wafer Power Mills hclnuginu to the lute Duncan Mc- ljae, of HULNUVER, and havu put the Under \1ortgag e from Jacob Belfry and Susan Belfry, Lot No. 32, in the 8th Con- asion of the Township of Eldon. County of ria, containing one hundred and six- acros more or less. Also, Lot 8 ('.on Township of Garden, County of \ ictorin, itaining 88 acres, more or loss. The fol- owing improvements are said to be 011 the premises: LotS, Con. 10,(,.1rdenâ€"-al10ut30 neroz cleared, having erected thereon a house and atalllo. Lot 32, Lon. 8, Eldon â€"nl)out ‘20 acres cleared. There will he sold. on THURSDAY, the 13th day of NOVEMBER. 1879, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, at. Campbell’s Hotel, in the Village of Kirklicld. by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the Sale, the following Property : CONFECTIONERY In the ’l‘nnnships of Can-den and Eldon, in the (Bounty of Victmia. Farm Property ! All [mrsons havim, r business at the Court are required to uttciul at the said time and place. Dated the 30th day of October, 1879. JOHN F. CUNNINGS, At 10 o’clock, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and 011113310113 11: the Volers’ List of the Municipality of Mari- posa, for 1879. O'I‘ICE is hereby given that a Court _ will be held, pursuant to the “ Voters' List Act, ” by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Victoria, at the '1‘()\VN HALL, in the Village of OAK- \\'0() D, on the 19th day of November, 1879, R. Irish, 1. P.. we. broken. ; tome nil. were also removed from a fence in the \ neighbourhood of \l r. H. D. Lunndon'l residence Indl Itrewn along the aide. walk. lmst year’s experience does not seem to have produced a. very hunting impression upon our boys, and not until some etern examples have heen made will these unseemly occurrences cease. In celebrating linllowe'en in the mun- ner in which they do,tho hoyeof \Vood~ ville give clear evidence of their igno- rnnce ol' the festival as it cnme in no curring years to the homes in the old land. The older people of \Voodville, who me the sons and daughters of Scotiu and Erin, indulged in the rev-- memhrnncee of the innocent pastimes nnd huriuless frolics of the days gone by. It is a. pity that the youths of this land ennnot assimilate the sentiments which cling round lInllowe’en, for they would enioy thunselves infinitely better and would not cuuse annonyance to others. ' D. MCLEOD’S, TO 1V N; 'IIIP quIIARIPOSA JOHN M'UDONALI). Bolaover, IOU: ()ct., 1879. Toroutn. Oct. 22nd. 1879. Voters’ List Court. UU'l‘IUN SA LE A LA RU CAKES, 40; GROCERIES GRIST MILL Sign 0! me " Bee Hive," Clerk of the said Municipality. -â€"Ol’ VALUABLE â€"â€" ~â€"A1‘â€"~ } l'} STOU K 01" .__]N â€". r! Solicitors, Muonio "all, Toronto. 0:- to Jon Mc’l‘mon'r. Fm .! 'l‘ E R M S .â€"Onc-tenth of the purchuo money to be paid down un the clav of sale. For balance, terms will- be ' made Imuwn at the sale.- For furthor particulars Apply to JOIfF‘fi _BROSA.‘ MACK ENZIE, The following improvements are said to be I 0n the premium: about 50 acres elem-ed. I having erected then-non a dwelling. Situated about S’milc: from Kirkfield; Under Mortgage from Ralph Admnson.the East half Lot Eleven. m tho Seventh (You. evasion of the Township of Pardon. in the (Younty of Victoria, containing one hundred acres more or loss. PARCEL 7. Under Mortgage from Henry “'mmamnkcr Lot. No 'l‘wcnty-twn, in the Fifth Concen- 9ion of the Township of Garden. (‘nunty of Victoria, containing hm hundred acres more or less. The following improvements are said to be on tho premises : about 35.1mm! cleared. Situi'ntcd about 8 miles from Victoxin Held Station. The fullmving improvements am said to Im on the premises : about 40 acres cleared. having orvctml thqrooy) a [musojml lmrn. The following improvements are mid to he on the premises: about 3!) sures cleared having erected thereon 1; house and barn. P \RCFL3 . I'nder Mortgage from Thomas Union. the \V out halves of Lots 1‘ wentv- two and l wen ty- tlIrI-u, in the Ei ghth (oIIoossion of the Township of Garden in the County of Vic- torin. containingr together two hundred and ten am us more ”I less. The following ilnprovmnents are said to he on the promises : about 60 aeres elonred. having erected thereon n log huuso and stable Situated about. 9 miles from Kirkfielrl. PARCEL 6. Under Mortgage from Mines “'nrnor. the “'est half of Lot Four. in the Secmul Con- cession of tho'l‘ownnhip of Layton. in the (Jonnty of Victoria, containing one hundred acres more or le II. Under Mortgage from Charles McCarthy. The South half of Lot Nu. Twenty. in the Sixth Concession of the 'l‘ownshipinf Garden, County of Victoria containing one hundred acres more nr less. The following improvements are said to he on the premises : about 30 acres cleared. Situated about 1} miles from \‘ictnria Road Station. The following improvements are said to be on the premises : about 35 acres cleared hav- ing erected thereon a log house and burn. Situnted about 4 miles from Kirkficld. PARCEL 3. Under Mortgage from David Hall, all and singular the North parts of Lots one and two on the North side of Portage 'Road, in the Township of Bexley, in the County of Vic- toria, containing N inety-six acres more or less, and being bounded and determined on the South by a straight line running East and \Vest across said Lots one and two par. allel with the Portage Road. and forty-live chains, Inore or less, from the Portage Road. Under Mortgage from Andrew \Vylio. the West half of Lot Seven, in the Eighth 00n- cession of the Township of Garden, in the County of Victoria, containing one hundred acres more or less. The following improvements are said to be on the premises : Lot 30, 4 0011., Dighy- about 25 acres cleared. having erected there- on 3 Frame House, Vv'oodshed and Kitchen, Log Barn, Driving House. SAW MILL and SHINGLE MILL. Lot 3!. 2nd Con.-ahout 40 acres cleared, having erected thereon Frame Barn, Stable and Log House. Lot 28, 4th COILâ€"about 8 acres cleared, having erected thereon a hewn lug house. Lot 8, let COILâ€"about. 40 acres cleared, having erected thereon a log house and kitchen, burn and shed. Kirk‘nbm. . Toronto, lath October, ‘1879. HERE will be sold. on THURSDAY, the 'I‘HIRTEENTII day of NOVEM- BER 1879, at one o’clock in the afternoon. at Campbell's Hotel, in the Village of Kirk- field, by virtue of Powers of Sale contained in certain Mortgages which will be produced at the sale, the following properties :â€" l’ARUEL 1. Under Mortgage from Andrew Vvashiugton Lot No. Thirty. in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Digby, County of Victoria, containing Ninety-eight acres more or less. Also, Lot Thirty one, in the Second Con- cession of the said Township of Digby, con taining one hundred and four acres more or less. Also, the \Vest half of Lot Eight, in the First Concession of the Township of Lax- ton, in the said County of Victoria, contain- ing one hundred acres more or less. And also, Lot Twenty Einhi, in the Fourth Con- cession of the Township of Digby aforesaid, containing one hundred acres more or less. PROP ERTI ES, In the Townships of Digby, Lnxton, Garden and Bexley, in the County of Victoria. Valuable Farms, SAW 8: SHINGLE MILL . OTICE. I hereby warn any person from accepting or negotiating «note made by me in favor of “’11:. McKay. Eldon, for the sum of $10, due March [at 1830, as I have not rocuived value for the same. ROBERT II. WILSON. Boxley, October 24th. 1879. Pull When... Spring When Barley .. . Ont: nutter Eggs Potatoes Hay Pen TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 2 WOODVILLB FARMERS‘ MARKETS. AUCTION SALE NOTICE. PARCEL 8. PARCEL 4. PARCEL 2. â€"ANDâ€" _.0p__ per dozen 13 per bushel 25 to per ton 8 00 per bushel 50 to l 12 to! 15 l 10 to! 12 50 to 58 50 to ”7 to 15 30 To. be thoroughly happy. you must be well. To be well. in tlmunamls nf makes, you almulcl take the grant medicine, which relieves, re .. latus nml rennvnteq «lismdcrl systemgâ€"J w. TOMA Brcmr and Unsr. Fll'vr Bright's dis- eases of-the kirlneys,(linbetos and all diseases of the urinary system, its timely use in very beneficial. For sale bypll dealers .0 Cl p9: bottle. , "-m mm Solicitors. Masonic Hall, Tomum Or to J. C. GILCIHHST, [duh n TERMSâ€"Onc-tonm of the pnrclulm money to be paid down on the day of lulu. For lmlance, terms will be made known at the 5.119. For further particulars apply to Under Mortgage from Henry Umphrcy, the East half of Lot Ten in the Sixth Co»- coaainu of tlm 'l‘ownuhip of EMun, in the County of Victoria, cmntaining one huudrod acres more or less. The fulluwing improva. ments are said M) be on the premises : about 5 acres clunred. Situnte about scum lnilm from WOnulvillo. I’ARUEL ll. Under Mortgage from Hubert (rilluph, the Smith hall of Lot Fourteen. in the Seminal (Tone-onion of the Township of Eldon. in thu County of Victoria, conmining ll") menu more or less. The followim; improvement: are Sllll to be on the premium: About 70 acres clnnrctl. having erected thereon a hewn In; house, stable and lmrn. with an orchard. Situated nlnut 5 miles from the Village of \Voodvillo. Nurth side and joining the lamls Mild to the Midland llnilwav L‘omlnny. then North nlnng the Caucasian line one chain mnl thirty-live links. than West at a right angle with the (‘nncesuiun line two chains and fifty links. than H :nLlI one chain and forty- six linlu, than East twu (21mins mul llhy links to the placenf beginning. The fullmv. ing improvements are said to 9w an the pre- miws: .\ Frame Shire mil Dwelling 1nd anic Shed and Driving Ilnuw. Under Mortg '30 from Donald Carmichml, being part of Lot. No. Five. in the Second Concession uf thn Township of Eldun. County of \'icwria,cou£nining Thirty-five-Hundmibn of an Acre murc or less. Commencing .t tho Eastern limit. of said but and nnthu By virtue of Powers of Sale contained in oer» tuin Mortgages, which will be prmlucod It the saw, the following Propert‘el.‘ PARCEL l. Wednesday, 12th Ion, 1879 At one o'clock in the afternoon, at Edwards' Hotel, in the VILLAGE OF WOODVILLE, i Particular Attanuon given to m- .Pmnsa: VALU ABLE FARMS Good references furnished if required. from Uxbridge, Sunderland, Canniugton, Saint- field, and other places. 149-31!) V, ILL form a class for instruction in Piano and Organ playing in Wood- villc. Beingateachcr of fifteen years ex- perience and success. Mrs. Pringle is fully qualified to give instruction. Pupils wishing to join the class can have thexr names at Tan Anvomsx Ofiice. T KRMS.â€"For a. test term (if a class of 10 is formed) $4 for 20 lessons. \Vdmhi' lo. Toronto, 1311) October, 157'). A Full Stock of WHIPS,BRUSHY18, CURRY COMBS, c.. always on htfld. MUSIC CLASS ! Opposite the “ Eldon Home,” and is prepar- ed to faithfully execute all work entrusted to him. EGS to inform the farmer! and enora! public, that 110 has opened a tram Shop, on the South side of 43- Highest price pan in Cab for Bid“ and Sheepskins. IN THE T0\VNSHIP 0F ELDON IN THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. New Harness Shop ! TEE Public are hereby cautioned agnhut ‘hc purchase of two Promissory Not" drum by Inc, and endorsed by Robert. Burnt. in fuvur n! (ma Daniel Hacker, fur the sum ol'l‘hirty Dollars (83”) each. and payable, respactively. on the lat of February. I879. 3 cl on the lat (lay of March. 1980, for which payment is refused, u l have received no value for tho sauna. l Dntod at Eldon, this 27th day of October, 879. 150.3% JOSEPH BURNS. BY THE QUARTER lfiBofimfiMa There will be sold, on “’oodvillo, Oct. 22nd. 1879. KING STREET, W'OODVILLE, UCTION SALE MRS. EDWIN PRINGLE JUNE-.3 BROS. MCKENZIE. wâ€"IIAS BEEF FOR SALE Or in quantitiu to suit buyers. $1. .7. 8/7112]! NOTICE, . :71 Z72 011E152, PARCEL Hf. m 149-301 H7

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