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Woodville Advocate (1878), 13 Nov 1879, p. 1

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- '- AT THE”! O‘n’"(‘l".,»-- King Street, Woodvillo, Bl‘BDCIHI'TInN â€"~()ue Dollar per you, Strictly in Advance, Auvumsmoâ€" (em-1y Advertisements pnid quarterly; Transient Advertisements, wimn ordered. EVER Bar suppliud with the beat wines, liquors and cigaru. Salnpic Rooms for commercial travel era. Gond stables and sheds. Atten- tive hostlur. First-class accommodation and attentive servants. Bar well supplied with the choic~ est liquors and cigars. ’lSus to and from all trains and every convenience for the travel- ling public. This House is situate in the centre of the business portion of the Village. and has re- cently been refitted and refnruished, and is therefore moat aui'aliic for commercial men and the public generally. The Bar is sup- plied with the best brands of Liquors aml Cigars. “and Rubles and attentive Hustler. JIENC'I‘ION HOTEL, 'Lm-nevine. DONAL!» Mcii'fl'nfi, Proprietor. NORTHERN HOTEL, \Voodville, BENJAMIN SCAMMON, Proprietor. 'Thi: first-clan lmtol is situated at tho Junctinn of the Midland and Toronto Nipissing {ailwnym and is noted for its superior nevmnnu'ulatim for the travelling public. The bar ix (dwnya snppliéd with the best brand»; of hgnurs and cigars. Good stables and hustlcl. I“) H Clark lat and 7th Divisiun (‘muts ('onnty Victoria. Clerk 'l‘ownship uf Eldon. Suc- retnry Eldon B. A. Sncictv. Agent P. If. (i. Cumpany Conveyanccr, Cummisawnur in Queen's Bench. lenderson Cave. ADAM HUIISl‘l-Z'l‘fl. H UDSPi'I'l‘ll é: BA RRUN, E i'JANDS 8'. 1‘ LL'TLAKD, Denhcts, N LIHDHAY, - ONTARIO. Oncrftlle above will he at Hamilton's Hotel. Benvurtun, (m the SECOND MUN- ]L-\\' of caclt month. llu: will also visit \Vumlvllle on the Second TUESDAY of each muutlx, «topping at Mcl’hu‘smz's Hotel. .1. NEELANDS, l.l l .105. I’B.‘"l‘|..\.\‘l", 1.1).3. W Orders by mail hug. 3.1a, will :vcen'c {urns run: unvu AND LII :..~.rz.-\'rc: N HYXJ‘N'UIMH’C «(Ulsa‘m “'ulncn) pnu-va‘ in ”my dm‘utctl to Uisvnr‘vd of “'u and hdin'uurgh mzsz‘u- A SH PROF. l.‘l.\"l‘K-'.l‘.'h'Appllu I‘I‘JH’. LIS'FK'IX‘CS .‘xppllnnmx and nm-ar- ntus fur tho Alum-mic Sysa'vm ul‘ 'I'nmzmcuf Hm- mlnptud In' all the. leading Sin-genus u! Europe on lmuul. N. 1.»-â€"1)r. McKay's \‘zv-ind and extensive) experience in the ll-mpituls of ilughml aml Scutluml wthe four liiplnnms which he holds from tho: best (‘nllugui «If the Muther Funn- try in mlditlun to his ('mmdizm lkurccs should he a sure guarantee 01' his efficiency. ..l. HALWARD BROS. nmcxmmns, PL.-iS’/'Iz'l.‘l;‘l.',\' .Al .\'I) MASONS .i'c. LDUN HOUSE, \Voodville, '1‘. EDWARDS, - PM 113' 1'“ YSICIAN, SF HURON, .U (,‘Ul't‘lll‘ll' R. listinmth furnisth mu] cnntrncts taken fur any or all of tlu- Mum: work. Materials lur- nishod if required. UEEN’S HOTEL. Wonm'lLua, DmrauTSMAx Arm YALtn‘on 6w \\'ATUHM.»\KÂ¥5‘.H (’IIO'I'UU {AI'HEIL ONE DOOR WEST OF NORTHERN ROTEL Urncumlloach‘s Hutu}, Brochin. Music Lessons on the Organ At he‘r rosiflvn Mr. Mcngyn‘ thorv own rmi 8U BSCIHBE FOR THE ADVOCATE ”Him-«Ki garafrmsiamu Guréfi. mm; i\;'ii§1,x§ ‘Mxl~l;l.;\\]\1.\ MISS H. G. STOTT H G. CAVAT'I A, 1’. 1.. 3.. DDMNIGJ lAHD SURVEYBR. Y THURSDAY MORNINC, MvKA‘x Barristers. c.. 8:0. (Mice-«Kent, St, Lindsay. "LSl‘l-Z'l'fl. ' JOHN A. BARRON. who Savant: . ft‘. LEEDHAM, TERMS MODE! rosidvnce on Kim: 5"... Next. flour to 31mm warm. aflusivws Gums. is 'mw prepared Q0 give “mommy, oxnmo. IS PUBLISHED J. CLIFFORD, Proprietor. THEIR OFFICE» 134-th \\'ond\'i‘.‘.e. {SHAY MURNIN( mm ~" ‘ ' .‘ 3:11.151!!!» , ll FE 1 if I c BY - 111 Xr “HVQ. 1 (‘ll \\ ll.\l‘ I'lli'l131 n, if re‘q fur Surveying. Level- pronzpt am-ntmn. I I- n.“ S I‘X-IUI A l .'i‘\'. Imll. {A 1‘ l3. -;‘.n",‘m nth-“dud M. g‘quirml.~ I'(H.|.‘;'; Proprietor 35 («CHI u. in I. I'HV n {m r HT r’m‘. ANN and 1 Hluh Appraiser for the Canada. Permanent Loan 8: Savings Comlmny. MONEY TU LOAN an a low rate of interest and on easy terms of payment to suit borrowers. Agent [for the LANCASHIRE FIRE LIFE INSURANCE (70. Capital, 310,. 000,000. The ISOLATED RISK - FARMER’S FIRE INb‘URANCE CO. Capital, $000,000 The ONTARIO MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE 00., of London, Ont. The STANDARD FIRE- INSURANCE CO. Authorized capital, $3,000,000. Agent for the sale of the celebrated W ILSON A., and LOCKMAN SEWING MACHINFS. T0 L0 A N AT NV E PERCENT. Apply to :“'M. JOHNSON, Law OlIice, over Watson’s Store, May 7,‘ 1879. [127-3111] LINDSAY. sunzdple rate of interwt. ‘09“ Mortgages and Municipal Delmnmrcs bought. Apply to DUN. CAMPBELL, Agmt London and Canadian Loan 8: Agency Company. . 67']? \Vuhln‘ILIJE, ONT , O\EY TO IOAN on l M! 31 PRO- J‘j’ PE. R’IY, fur a term of \ cans, at a rea- sunuble rate of intercct. (c9 Moxtg {flag and If you want money to buy more lmul,‘to pay oif a mortgage or other debts, we would advise you to see the ream-ed terms of the Canada l'crmmzcnt loan and Sayings Com- iany. which has made more loans to farmers ior the last twcntwthrcc' yuan: than any other You can get any time 5m: want to repay, up to?” years. The full amount of the loan is advanced, no dcdn. {ion being mad» for commission, pnynlcnts in advance or expences. For fuztiier particulars apply to gamma (Bums. IOIIN MCTAGGART, Kirkfield, Cummissioner in B. 8., Conveyancer. ()\ good Farm and Town Property, in sums of 8:200 tos 20 000, at a low rate nfinicrest, unmost fawrablc terms of re- 11;.) uncut. WET (.001) MORTGAGES AND \1 vacuum Dnnsx'rl RES 13’! m memo. All classes of buildings insured at a low rate. D. B. CARMH‘IIAEL, LAND nu] General Agent. ”FUCKâ€"One door oust uf Post (Miov, WOODVILMI, ONT. LOAN AND. INSURANCE 67-15’ VOL. III. 141175ka ED\\’;\1H>;~' is prepared to an},- piy LIVERY JUGS at any time mud on the shortest notiut‘. Special nttuntinn given to ('unnnerciul 'l‘m':ullcrs. (.‘lmrgcs always moderate. TERMS CASH. Sta- bles in connection with 11m Eldon Home. HAIR-DRESSING, 8w HAIR-DRESSING, SHAVIB'G. LIVER’Y kc. ., C. In thelatost st} lest a. tho ”Parlor" opp p0- site the Naitlwm Ha! I, \\ oudville. .3! OJ} E 2" J 0 .[1 0.11.3}. Comm King and (‘1 hunch S". oats. \VOOI)VIL[J'.. A‘ARTER «QC. ('Aflizv : done to am] 1 x ,I the L‘aiiway 8‘. m m and thr ung‘i "Wage at Moderate rah-s. )xpyees parcels awfully guarded to. Money! Money ! PETER CLIFFORD _I{(‘ll. CAMPBELL, $10,000 Money to Learn D. POWELL, GBUNTY AUGTSUEEER Cure» for Rare. Times. MON EY T0 LOA N . Fotheringham, 'XVOOJ ”I I 11111“. HENRY EDWARD JR. WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1879. II prepared to do JNO. 0. GI LCIIRIST. GENERAL A G EXT. sn -\.\{P001Nu, dune tn and from and “I! 011811ch Manilla, Ont. DY RING. We are nubmly then ; it is curious ! Only the slave of the pen ; The plaza when: “'0 designate “ sanctum” Is the lair of n beast or a den. Our work any one could accomplish ! ' Just try it. dear air, if you can ; You’ll find that in one thing your lackingâ€" "l'is the snap of n nen’spapor man. w....r~~\'\-Jv»v.-\A\ I’ve stood in the parvonu’s parlors, \Vhem Wealth to the cyejs unrolledâ€" \Vherg I:1zm!¢infl_ is put in Hie bglance, And weighed by Ehe standard of gold ; And creatures of beauty and fashion, \Vhose life is a frivolous span, Drew aside as if there were contagion 1n the touch of a newspaper man 3 And I thought ; are my hands red with murder 2 Do 1 merit. the Signet of Thin? Nay, surely I must be a. leper-- All marked with the hideous sthin ! But no there are more potent reasons For putting me under the ban ; The sneer and the look say I'm onlyâ€" Only :t newspaper man. Is it wrong to use paper mid scissors, Is it erime to get bread by the pen? \Veuld intellect shine like a diamond If newspaper? never had been 1 The man who a rsconds with-u million In smn \v’clcoméai back from Japan ; While he whose page sparkles \vitli'beaut'y ls only auxowspaper man. I'm proud-of my‘rank and my station, A's the monarch'is proud of his throne; I've kindred in every nation, And brethren in every zone. The high. the rich. and'the haughty - De‘ny it today if you canâ€"â€" \Vill fawn for the sake of n “ notice" At the feet of a newspaper man. I wonder, sometimes. in my sanctum. When alone with the work of the day, If we have a right to that haven, Beautiful, bright. far away. Will the angels who stand at the portals, Tn wvlmme whoever they can, Turn aside when they see us, and whisper, “ He’s only a. newspaper man !" A GILDED SIN. BY THE AUTHOR OF “anA Tnonmc,” ‘fiW’EnnED AND PARTRD," “A 15mm: FROM THE SEA,” “ Fnon GLoou TO SCNLIGHT," c. Slm made no answer. In her heart she wished to he with him, but the may con- sciousness of it prevented her from speak iug. ‘ This is July,’ he said ; “ shall 'we any September, Veronica. ?’ She agreed, and Sir Marc was so deter- mined to keI-I) her to her Word that hr- went at once in Search of Lady Brandon and told her. lo ln'nnght hvr hank with him to where Veronica still stood mulcr the limes. ‘ l have my intwrcsts in ymxrhanvls, Lady Brnmlv‘n.’ he said. ‘1 shall rufum. with ymx'.’ p: ”mission, to marry Vumn‘ca on the twmzfieth of September. You will promise that. '~lzc shall he rendv Z" In 15' l’nranllun pmmisvd. ‘ I «In not think that I can live away from her uhogvthcr until then, La'ly Brandon “UH ynu invite me to cmnc clown m Ang- ust ?' August ha‘l coma! with its rilw. rich "(mn- iy 11:9 fruit hung m the orchari‘h, the gar- flvns were a blaze of culour, {he barley and ”the corn Were reatv for file reapvrs. Sir Mm: had come dnwn again to the Clmce. ‘ ("nur- whenever you “'3”, Sir Mm-c,’ said I L1 ly I‘u-nmlnn. No. 311139011 the hand of his Iorc. "I have bound you, mveethcnrt." he saidâ€"- ‘ yrm can never free yourself amin.’ An-l, looking at his Immlmmc face. his { eves H with low, shv said to Inn-self that ‘ separation {rum him would be death. j Those whn had seen Veronica when she first reached England would hardly have re- cognized her had they seen her now. The heautiful face had changed so completely the pale. passionate lnvelineae had deepened into something more lovely still ; there was more colour, mare brightness ; thedark lovc- lit eyes had in thorn the radiance of full and perfect content. Love had lwautified her even as it had heantificd her lilo. On this August morning she was in her pretty houdoir nloncunlnna, for Sir Marc had gone in search of something to please her. He lived only tn m alto herlmppy. ”he stood in the midst of a hundred beautiful things. Lady llrmidnn had determined to presmit her with her trauma". and a large vhe‘t had nriivml that morning from l‘nnis. Vermin-n looked at her magnificent ght‘ It did 1th strike ln r us it would have done at another time. She could think only of her ONLY A NEWSPAPER MAN. Pro Bcno.Publico." g3»; , ctm; ('HAIVI‘ICI! IX. ((l'onlinutd.) Veronica. looked up with haughty dis- 'ploasure. happinms and her love. She Was smiling tn herself, wandering whether a girl, was ever so blessed, so lumpy, when Home one mapped gently at her door. She looked up in sur‘v prise when her maid (“lam Morton entered the room ‘ I want to speak to you, Miss (1i Cyntlm, if you can spare time,’ she said: Veronica made some courlcuus answer, and felt even more surprised when the girl closed the door and fastened the luck. The large long wixidow that led to the terrace was open-neither of them thought of it. ‘ Vlny dovyou do that, Mortou?’ a‘sked Veronica. ‘ Becausd I‘have that to say to you'which must be said without interruption.’ ‘You behave very strangely,‘ she said ‘ I do not like it.’ She looked fixediy at the girl, whose face was not pleasant to seeâ€" therowas a. livid iight in her eyes. an air of cringing, yet of defiance, .in her whole man- ner. ‘ You must listen to me, Mm di Cynthafi she said. ‘ I hold a secret of yours, and I mun. be paid for it.’ ‘ You can have no secret of mine,’ return- ed Veronica. ‘But I have,’ said ‘the girl. ‘Listen to me. I am engaged to marry John l’nldiug. who once lived here as Eheml-grnom. “'e have been engaged‘to be married for eight years. and fortune has never unce smiled on- us. He saved three hun'dml pmmds and put it into a. bank. The bank brake, and he‘ was left penniless. 3I sawed sixty 'pnumls, and invested it in a- building society, which became bankrupt. Fortune has Hie-ven- once smiled on us until'now. Now John l’ultling has an offer from n farmer in Australia. If he can go out there, 'an‘d ‘ take five hudllrod poundswvith him. 'we shall make our fur- tune? ‘I'do not see what: this has to do with me,’ interposed Veronica. ‘ I (10, Miss (1i Cyntlm. I hub! 11 secret of yours, and I want five hundred pounds as the price of my silence.’ "You are talking nonsense, Morton. I can only imagine that you have lost your sansea.’ ‘ You will find, on the contrary, Miss di Cyntha, that I was never mm‘c sensible in my life. Let me toll you what I have to say.’ Veronica looked at her. In the excite- ment of the interview she had risen and con- frontecl her. ‘ Come to the point at once plenae,’ said Veronica. ‘ “'hat have you to say T' The girl looked uneasily at her mistress; the colour came and Wont in her face ; her eyes droupcd. liaising hcr Lead, she said suddenly -- ‘ It is for John’s sake~1 would do any- thing for Juhn.‘ Veronica gave a. sigh of resignation. \thb Um stmnge Smmc meant sir: cen‘ui nnt tell, lmf it Would end at some time no (hum.â€" .‘~Im~trm heard the sigh. A ‘ Ynn are impatient. miss,‘ size saidi ‘I am coming to the matter. I (in not like to spunk of it to you ; yon lune been a. kind mistress tome. hit it is fur John’s sake «â€" I Would (in anything for him.’ ‘ ‘ Will you be kind enough just to come to the point ?' sniul Vernniun. ‘I will,’ answered Clara Morton. Yet Veronica. saw that she had to sum- mnn all her courage, to make a most des. IRETIKU? efTurt. She iuukcli up at her. ‘ You remember Sir Jasper“: «loath, Miss M Cyntlm? You remember the «luv after it? Though it was a warm Jnnc day, you Would have a fire in yqur runm.‘ Vuronicn started ; her face grew white, A law cry came from her lips. “(:0 on,’ she said to the girl. who ha] palsud abruptly when she saw the change in her mistress's face. ' That very day, mix“, I thought there Wu: something wrong," she said. ‘Why should ynu want a fire when ‘tlm Juno sun was shining so warm1y? I snizl to myself that ynu had something to lmrn.’ Annthcrlnw cry came from Veronica.â€" Morton continual-â€" ‘ Iâ€"ynu will he very angry with me, Miss (1i Cyntlmâ€"I watched you; I knelt down anal looked through the keyhole. The key was in the lock, so 'thntI codld not we much, but Ismv distintly a roll of parchment in your hands, and I saw you put it on the fire. I saw it begin to Imrn, am] I was wild tn know what it was. All at once I had an i la that yon Were destroying something tlmt belongefl to Sir Jasper, nan was ('letdro mim-«I to kiln“ L’ Slur paused, while the beautiful We gaz- in‘; into hers grew deadly white. :J invented”: excuse? to get you from the No. 152 ‘ I can form no idea “ln you did itâ€"â€" Wit does not canccxn meâ€"pcxhnps It was for your own interest. They mid in the (or. vuuts' hall that Sir Jaspm haul left you mom ey , pelhaps the will you destroyed took it f 1'0“} you. ’ .. . 2-- zoom. Min di Cynthy’v the continued. ‘1‘ told you that Lady Brandon had not uni“; ml a knock at her doorâ€"it was simplyjn‘ excuse to get you from tho room. 'l‘hOIf‘I took from the fire the chum-«l remains of tho parclununi}. l sumquito distinctly thq woi'fil‘ ‘ Lust will aml tostameiit of NirJnsperBrm- don,’ Miss tli (,‘yutlm. It was but a clmrrofl frugment» I took it away with me ; til.“ now, Miss di (.‘yuthu,l (wt-1H: you of ham; iug binned Sir Juspcr's will. You ammo. dony it «l have the proofs.’ Veronica stoml like oIIu tIuIIed to stone. SlIc ilmi lost. all poww‘ 01 speech. The girl continued~ \ oyos. v ' I do not. wish to do you' auy'harm, mil], 1 have not mentioned what I saw to any one,‘ and I new! will; but you must give me fl‘vo- hundred pounds for keefiug your secret. 4,}. Give me tint, and 1 will promise, 1 W1“ awear,’ that niallusion to w hat I have so“ shall ‘over pass my lips. Give me that aha 1 “ill hriur the ‘chnrecl fraument to you.' [do not wish to harm you, but l’rovidencfi has gi\ en me thil chance and I must link... the moat of it. From that one moment 1‘. said to myself that 1 Would keep yom secl’ot‘ until I could use it. Givu me fivo huudr‘d pounds, and 1 will he as faithful as death to you.’ ’ ‘ Then the pawn of speech came to Vero'lik icn. ‘ Even if 1 «Bum comloscend to bribe ybu,‘ she said, ‘ l~cmild not ; l have nbt fiva hdn’. drcd pounds of my own in tho world.’ “YB“ ha“ \ rich lover,’ rogurued the girl, 1“ with a significant smile. ‘ Sir‘ 'MMc wofld‘fi give you anything in the world-his bani?! ' blood if ydu needed it.’ h, ‘ Hush. " said Veronica, sternly. ‘ l W?“ not nllovr you to “y such wards." k uuv Iulv u JV u vv nu; u- n..- u ‘ Y on may do what you like, miSsâ€"l 311m keep to my word. If you give me' five hun- dred pounds, I ‘it‘ill-nex or rcvea? yhnr secret; if not, I will betray it.’ ‘ What if I refuse ?' Baid‘Verohlcn. ‘ T3113; me thu wornt.’ In her heart she knew the . wonst must. cumc- , it wan as impossible for 5 her to find five lmndrmf pounds as it woufd have been to find five tlwmau-l. - ' ‘ “The worst is that, if I fail to get the money'frnm you, 1 must try tufind out whq is thrnoxt most interested in 'the math": There is one thing tlm you cannot deny, Miss (1i Cynthaâ€"you burned the will.’ Sle' paused with a. sudden cry. Uuporceived by either, Sir Marc bud en- tered through the open window, and stodd with a horror-stricken taco,"fi€teniug to file last few terrible words. There was a‘ flash'us‘cf fire from the (laik \Vith nu ail of terrible bewilderment 50.;1 look-II from one to the other; Veronica Iva. white as death, the nor vaI t girl insolent in the full tIiIIIIIph of her accusation, in the; knowlecl 59 of her \ icton. \ eronica 1001:0le round “ hen she saw t u: an 1 Ion (lawn of “91'“? in the gill’ 3 eyes. She uttered no cry wh she can her 10\ er, but a Call terIibla shad-‘3 do: seized ha. ”I- cmne to her and book}: her hmivfi fr: ‘ What m H; a 1n xttel, W cronicn? ‘Vh‘fi , (hits this imnlcnt “mum 1 say. ’ \\ by do y " allmv her to insult you ?' n .aa 'Say the worxl, and 1 will Send for 9. pb': liccnmn, and “ill gin: her into custody. '1 heard a little of what has passed, and l “0‘, she 15 try mg to cxtnr t money from youâ€"wlly not onlur her from the house.” ‘ Truth is no Morton. ‘ 1 take tha duty upon myself,’ he said-; ‘ 1 order you not only to quit the‘ room, but to quit the housa. Lady Brandon will u}- prove of what I have done when she heart; of your conduct.’ ‘ A- a ‘ Ah, why nut ?' cried Morton‘insfilonufl ' As you say, Sir Marc. why hot 3' ‘ 1 shall not leave the room, Sir Mao}. she replied quietly. ‘until 1 have Mill .1 (leltlla' s MISWUI‘. She knows What 1 won .1, a. let 1101 say if she will give it to me.’ ,' ‘ You know that 1 cannot,’ she answ’e _ Sir Marc look at her in bewilderment. " miso w ith this 11 omen, V cronies? She V,’ be punished- nâ€"IIy attempt to extol‘t mo_ f in a crime that. the law punishes Very 58"}: ly. Do not spank to herâ€"leave her to me »; Then he pat-used in bewildered wondqfi there was something he did not understflii â€"a shrinking fear in Veronica's face and ' insolent triumph in the mnid's. Where V the indignation, the just anger, that ’i t Ihonld fuel? What coulo it meln? Wi' a restless uneasy gaze ho looked from 0119' the other. The dark eyes df the woman loved had never met his own. ‘ ' I heard what pasua,’ he said. "1 fl bringing you these Gloire do Dtjnu tool Veronica, and I heard this insnlen! won! any that you had burned a willâ€"thht’l could not deny it. 1 know the meaning“ that. She brin Is thh'fnlse accusatim agfll ynn, meaning to extOrt mon'ey from nu, I1 you \ch prupcrly refuse to give 1 to In She nu vht to In sent 'to prison.’ ‘ Stop \‘ir \Inrc,’ said the wmnm. a 'you speak {on fast. Ask my ni' whether in) charge against her is fa not.’ i‘ To h Confined insuit, Sir Mnrc,’ put

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