" The, are menuleotund in vetloue plnoee.†aid the doctor; "end I be" seen them. though I never heppened £0 no then employed. Then neuve neme u Pemboo- heed. "A few yeere ego our regiment wee going from one etetion to enother, end one morning we were merching beiore deyiight. when e netive eervent. who wee very neer me. uttered en exclemetion oi pein end put hie hend down to hie foot. I eeked him whet wee emiee. end he replied thet e thorn hed gone into hie toot. end wee hurting him bedly. end mehing him feel lick. He Ito:- gered as he epohe; end bidding him eit down. I oeiied {or e light. end bent down to exemine the piece end try to cxtreot the thorn. Not men, minntee hed eiepeed, but the men wee now very ieint end nnebie to enpport himeeif. lo I etrongiy empeoted it wee eomething more then he lencied. A moment'e inepection ehowed me two tiny punc- tnree like etinae; e emeil livid ring wee eireedy forming round the piece, end I beceme eerioneiy elermed tor the poor fellow. for whet he hed imegined to be the prick oie thorn wee the bite of e deed], enehc. Excieion oi the pert. end brendy end other reetoretivee were immedieteiy edminietered; but eii to no pnrpoee; the poor men wee e corpse in ion then en hour irom the time he hed been bitten." " It man be I moat and!) poison to act no npldly." and a gontlomun who stood mu the doctor. "H“ no untidou never been (ll-covered Io oonnunot It? " " None thet on be relied on.†replied Dr. Beemteh. “ Tho bite o! the calm de oepeuo u eerteln dooth to the unfortunate victim, and that within e very ehort rpm of time. I hove known men: instenoee of Individual hevlng been bitten. and heard of nanny more ; but I never encountered e one in which the toaster recovered from the efleete ot the poison, though I hove bond 0! Inch 3 thing huing occurred emong the netlvel." " You neon by the epplloetlon of tho snug-none! 7" engaeeted‘thojndge. “Y“. I have «thinly heard of some appnrontly won mihontioaud OMOI of cum having been effected by mom; hm nova: hning witnuud one. I ounnot uy 'hnt nmonntolnlnnoo my be plmd on web “Manchu." "Bnno-Itonuâ€"whnt no they? Where no they tonnd ?" onqntmt one or two 0! the Intonat- mud. The rownrdl oflorod by Government hove done much to affect this; 3nd Ihcpo the time it not for of! when one moy him an evening “roll “that" ‘ho rink of being curried of! to form rho upper 01 Homily o! hungry cub-ff " All the better. too." replied e let good- netured little men. Dr. Beemish. “ The exiuenoo of tiger: In only deeizeble to e parcel o! idle upon-men, end is ie to be hoped they :11] gndnel}, btexeenplneged. or non]! eo. “ I don't think tigere ere the ehiet objec- tion to en evening stroll," eeld Mr. Berry, e elvlllen o! eorne eteudlug in the Bombey Preeideney. " I een't u: I ever en- countered one myeelf, nuleu I went epeolelly to look for it. Except thoee horrid brutee the menoeetere. which nick et nothing. I tiger will generelly keep out of your we, 11 you keep out 01 hie. The enekee ere the reel obeteelee to e oomiorteble welh. There in eomethlug peeulierly dieegreeeble in the idee oi kiekin; whet look. like e bit of wood out 0! your wey. end getting in return e emell prick tron: e eol're, which leevee you e deed rnen en hour or two efterwerd." It was our lest evening but one in the Medinn. and e gtonp of us were sitting on deck eiter dinner. enjoying the pie-nut light breeze thet wee blowing. ehetting o'er the verione incidents of the voyage. end die- enuing the probobilitiel end possibilitie- thet united some emong III in on: new home. Elephant-hunting end tiger-shooting were pee-ed in review, and some anecdotes oi nthge thrilling neture were related. and tom. of then worthiel wen o little inclined to human the opportunity Ind “out the “ gtiflinn"â€"u the now-coma" m unnolly calledâ€"to not a tow travellon’ “In. For my own put. 1 had mode several good friend- .unongfho olgl Anglo-Iqalui- on bond. 1nd " The big gun. on getting very much shot down.†remukedenold judge. who hed been many yoen out. “ Tigen ere quite name now. competed with whet they used to be. In hot. it is becoming tether diflieult to ï¬nd " Ay, agood deal Ioonor thm thnt. some- “may". opuncd Dr. Bomuh. nqdding his loaned much 1mm them of puma! Im- portance to myult, and had, ligand to may 3 olplhl moodoto on mitten mining to mid life. and to hunting und unveiling oxporlonou. I wee e peeeenger on boerd the Peulneuler end Orlentel Iteelner Medine, one emong eeverel young fellowe who hed eterted ln verloue oepeoitlee on our " trlel trip " to Indie. We bed encountered eome rether rough wee. ther elter quitting the Red Bee. but thet wee ell over; we bed but levorlng gelee lor eeverel deye end were now within twentylour home or no 01 Bomhey. Our promleed lend wee elmoet in view; we were lull ol lte men: end Verled ettreotione; ell the derk eolore hed venlehed Iron: our picture. end our ine- slnetione were kindled by the reoolleetion 0! e11 we hed reed end heerd; end we longed to reellze tor oureelvee the new end etreuge experieneee whieh we hoped were in etore lor urn Indie end Indlen mettere were now the eteple toplee or oonvereetlon; thoee going out 10: the ï¬ret time were eegerly eeehinu informetion on meny pointe from the “ old etegere †emong their lellow-peeeengere ; v __-â€"â€"_'. ‘Vâ€"‘vâ€"' ".vâ€" uv-ov "I... ""lidht; ’ Yet {0‘13 In I. pun: {or the Iuongth you mu no - Apuoyér which no grant: to the warm-beaten I' For utrehflh in “I wonknouâ€"h It: ovennoro Until winters And summon on e. shall boo'or You up tho taboo which tho cannot hoo hhood, Loy thou: on], tho, will not Do mloood; Onunplo tho turbolowo. floooy ond Ught' Ont-h down the or nootlnz And whlto: Fold them I: oo I . owoot mudon. to-doy. For tho Innonxno o oummox hoo moltod svoy, Tho roooo ond mm IO tot: on! no troll. Bovo none [tom tho gudon ond dlod in tho vole. And pauoloo oud gonuon ond owoot misnonetto. With tho tau 0! October no drooplna um wot: lo, lot: mu. motdon. tho light tloouoo told Eto tho on o! Novomhor ohlnoo white): and cold. Yot drum not to woo: them ouoln oo to- doy. Who? It‘h‘o woods of tho year omoh tho btouomo o . For oh! tho. to! bodloo moy chop in tho brout A hoott full 0! oomw ond weary unuot: And oombro-hnod mloloth tho optrtt my -L_-..j Wsin'i‘ï¬ti-iinbmm you": with 11th Manama Il-LA â€ï¬llfr'cï¬ci" __‘_ "WW" â€"' -,.... While the form ban the colon u nuanced un- bowed. lo (aiding thy "91939 90' 19y egg (1 night â€ALIâ€" .__._A -_ -u INDIAN SNAKE STORIES. Una! Nut Inn-or. " Como, now. doctor. in th» I {not 2 †nid old Mr. Roberta. sinking his hand doubuully. “ They ny misfortune nukes u aoqnlinhd with flange bedtollows, but I oobu would nugget moat poopla.†engeged in eome household mettere in the next room, quite eeeured oi the boy‘e eeiety, ee ehe wee oloee et head, end oould heer hie elighteet movement. Some oeuee or other took her into the epertment where the ehild ley, end, gleneing et the eredle, ehe beheld e terrible eight. The inient ley in e deep end trenquii elurnber; but et the foot oi the eredle, ooiled up on the quilt, wee e eneke. which the leeet motion oi the child might et eny moment dieturb end irritete. when the meet irightiui reeult would probebly ioiiow. Knowing hereeli to be powerleu for good. the poor mother out en egonined look on her eleeping bebe end with trembling limbe elipped iron: the room end rushed to the pleoe where ehe knew ehe ehould ï¬nd her huebend. In e moment he hed deeided whet to'do; end eeieing eome implement with e iorhed extremity. he iollowed hie wiie beck to the houee. Stepping eoitly up to the eredle, with one ewiit move- ment he dexterouely twitohed the deadly reptile iron: the epot where it ley. end with e weii-eimed blow killed it on the ground where it tell. Nothing like presence oi mind on each oeoeeione; no time ior deliberetion with oobree. Now I think I here pretty well done my ehere oi the telking end herrowed your ieeiinge up to the proper plteh ior the judge’e etorg’ u " Well, wall," «it! the judge, " 1 xuppou Hum! uy. Once upon u limo, thenâ€"lo begin like the old {my luluâ€"I won mm young follow. like 3 good muuy oi you here; out! I vvn lucky onough lo ohluin 3 civil uppoinlmonl. which vvu a very good thing in thou doâ€. and isn't a bud thing novv. let me ullyou. My mm hull an old ltioud. I olvlllaa. who lived in Bombs); and when I “ No doubt ol that,Hr.Boberts, but unluchily we can't always manage to keep out oi the wey oi snakes; I only wish we could. Why.l could tell you a dozen instances of their being found in the most unlikely pieces, and ct reverai moat providentiel eecspes lrom being bitten. A brother omen- 0! mine, who ‘ wee with his regiment on the line of march, elept every night on a low charpoy. or camp bed. in a corner oi his tent, which was curtaiued round. but of course rather loose inits conetruetion. Hie servant's entrence one morning disturbed a snake. which rapidly slipped iron the bed, and made 0! through an aperture in the tent. Another servant on the outside perceived it. and killed it instantly by I blow from a switch which he chanced to have in hit hand. It proved to be a cobra. three and a hall feet long; and my friend’s thsnhiulneu for his‘ escape may be imagined when he discovered on an examination oi hie bed that the deadly ‘ reptile had been lying coiled dp within a lew‘ inchce oi his head, the round indentation on ; the pillow being plainly vieible; wh-le he} reeotlected having ielt a alight sensation oi ‘ movement once or twice, which luckily ior‘ himself hehad been two drowcy to notice? l___‘l. -h on 'It'e e feet ell the eeme.†rejoined the doctor oreculerly. “Blue you! if thet eur- prieee you. I’ll tell you one or two more ; end then I'll cell on the judge. whoI know hee one et leeet of e neture to mehe your heir curl. for I've heerd him tell it. Well, then, I wee eeeieting once et e burro-khana or big dinner perty. end we hed ell been extremely viveeioue. At leet the lediee rm to depert, when juet put the muelin ekirte of e ve pretty girl. who hed been my right~hend neighbor. there glided e cobre. which forth- with mede for the open window behind or. but wee ettecked end killed before it could eecepe. The young ledy. not unnetureliy. got rether hyetericel; but ehe eoon ceme round. end then toldue whet, coneidering ell the circumeteneee. there wee not the elighteet reeeon to diebelieve. thet during the progreee of the dinner her foot bed on eeverel diiferent oeceeione touched e eoit obiect. which once or twice moVed elightiy.but which ehe concluded to be e pet dog belonging to the meeter oi the houee. which ehe knew to beperfeetiy quiet end goodotempered. The dog. however. hed not been in the room et ell; end the object ehe hed touched bed undoubtedly been the coiled-up eneke. whoee bite would heve been epeedily fetei to the poor girl, who little gueeeed the ewiui riek ehe hed eo nerrowly eeceped. “ Now for one other enecdote. nerhepe thejudge will kindly One of our eergeent‘e wivee hed e little bo one dey in e wicker credle. over which mother bed epreed e light chintn quiltJ protect the intent from the dice. She w’. Antone-At. In amen-n Ln---Iâ€"AI1 _.-ee-_- 1.4 AL_' --vvâ€" v' "we nus-- I" V!" y." nee deeth. hie eyee elmoet eterting from hie heed. greet drops oi perepiretion etood on hie forcheed. 'Mercyl 0 God] mercy l' Iheerd him once feintly murmur. " You muet remember thet ell thie occurred in leee then e minuteâ€"in fer ieee time then I heve teken to tell it. But whet en ege it eeemedl And it it felt co to me. whet meet it heve been to the poor fellow who knew ry thet hie only ehence wee to remein perfectly etilli Hedid eo. He etood ee if he were mede of etoue. never moving even e muecle. The eneke crewled round hie neck and ehouldere. reered iteelf for e, moment egeinet hie heed. end egein I eew ite horrid glittering eyee. Once more it curled iteeif round his erm, end then. eiter e moment’e peuee, it glided down hie leg to the ground. end repidly mede of! in the direction of e hedge not fer 03. where we did not ettempt to pureue it. being only too relieved by ite dieeppeer- enoe. 'Thenk Godl you're eefe. 0h, thenk God for iti' eeid Mr. Gordon. ruehing up to young Aehley. end eeieing him wermly by the head. ‘My deer young ieilow. cen you ever forgive me 2 {or I never, never cen forgive myeelfi One thing, however. I em cured. Never from thie dey forwerd eheli I do each e eeneeleee. idiotic thing egeinâ€" never, never 1' ' Perhepe will be ee ell. eir,’ replied Aehiey. with e feint end thenhttempt et e emiie; but the next in. iollow enitledtent he feinied. The etrein hed been tre- Meendoue. end it wee e good while before he of ebout eyeer old. The child wee eeleeï¬ me round. He wee not ultimetely the one for hie fright. however. end the inci- ent proved greetly to hie edventege; for he .uund e‘etench.friend_ in ldr._Gordon.who “ In feet, doctor. there in no remedy for the bite of e eneke no good on keeping out of its wey; prevention better then eure, eh 2" remarked e cheery old merehent on his way beck to the Northweet Provineee. “Tn-t in true." replied the doctor; " end there in, boulder, no epeolel quelity In the 'e‘one’ men thet can be eeoerteined. {or they heve been frequently eubjeoted to very eerelul enelyeil, end, er I leid. heve turned out to be nothing more myetorloue then e piece of oherred bone. ellerword eheped and polllhed. At last thet in all we can tell ebout then; end they certainly hold no pleee manâ€; the remedies “alloyed by medical men. been bitten by e eobre end but bed-n outed by the epplleetlon 0! one at these so. celled etonee. But I em inclined to think there in e good deel o! ohenoe in the metter. Perfect Nth In the virtue of the stone me) 30 e long wey in "stating the cure; end 0! eouue we only hear 0! the eno- oeut_nl one". never of the teilnree.†and I mam-tone u st hand. the limb in hmdngod very tightly “N". the plus. and tho “one in applied to the would. to which it flu: when! closely, my}! men drop-93701 in -_.‘ A -A 'A ‘ out .u the pollen and tho â€hunt in luppoud to be cured. This. a In“. in 'h“ I hue been told; but the onion, o! the mulled omjl quitq anoghpr mutter.†un 1'. um I hm 5a.}. been told. too." oburnd the judge; “ and I remember uaoing 9 may jg ID! district who 1m aid to hIVu taco; ad they mun“ dub Inbmnou. very light ud won. in comm. mu power 0! ubaorpuon being nu remark-Na. In culling than noun '0 manly no “u out- tomuy oxpnulon. to: they no no: rally “on“. but no in unlit, until ploou o! chum! bone.†“Do the mum em, than: ubom :- chums. 0: how do “my npply than 2" and 3 young gumbo: Inruoon. who bud been listening vonyuagmly. " They do not seem to hue my pom: o! averting unto him, no no no‘ oonulduod u chum in the oxdlnuy unac.â€upuod Dr. Bounhh. f'When u nuuvq ha been but»: .. _ n Hil_ Quin Appigbï¬ifyâ€"aiï¬â€™i hie head. end egein I low ite' horrid glittering eyel. Once more it curled iteeli round his em, end then. cite: e moment’s pence. it glided down hie leg to the ground. end repidly undo all in the direction 0! o hedge not in: 03. where we did not ottempt to pureue it. being only too relieved by its dieeppeer- once. 'Thenk Godl you're me. Oh, thunk God for it!’ cold Mr. Gordon. ruehing up to young Aehiey. end seizing him wurmly by the head. ‘My deer young ieilow. on you ever forgive me 2 (or I never, never eon forgive myeelil One thing, however. 1 cm cured. Never iron thin do: iorwerd eheli I do each n unleieu. idiotic thing ageinâ€" never, never l' ' Perhepe will be u cwell. eir,’ replied__ Aehley. with 0 “int bent um. where the object thrown by Mr. Gordon hed ellghtsd; it bed not fallen 03. but hed remnined there. Thut moment it began to move; end with e eeuntion of her- ror. whioh to my dying (in, I can never forget. I our the reared heed end emell bright eyes 0! n knit. one of the moat pole- onoue meter in India! he bite wee ell but eerteln deoth. end that in a very short time. ‘8tend etill !' I cried. in on ngouy. 'Do not Itir,Aehley, or you velue your lilel’ One gleuee, and the breve young lellow compre- hended the eituetion. The enuke wee now elowly curling iteeli uhont his shoulder. If he ehuddered. I never raw it; indeed. my one were riveted upon the horrid rpeoteele. end I preyed u I had never done beiore tint this most terrible fete might be everted lrom my poor lriend. J out one glenee I ventured at Mr. Gordon, who with his iriende hed turned round on heerlng my exelemetione. end etood eilently by. still no the grove. herdly during to breethe. The poor old gentlemen wu plteoul to lee. Hie ieee wee pole ee deet_h. hie you almost north; from hie " You muet remember thet ell this occurred in lean thun u minuteâ€"in for lou time then I hove token to tell It. But whet an ego it seemed! And it it felt ID to me, whut must it heve been to the poor fellow who know thet hie only ohenoe wee to remeln patiently Itilll He did Io. He etood u it he were mode of stone. never moving even e murals. The eneke crawled round hle nook and ehoulderu, rem-ed lug“ [or e, momentum)» never lorgot the peril to which he 1nd ex- posed the young mm. and did :1! ln his power to win hlm in hit proleulon, 0! which he “mund- beam I very anew-In] And lending member. And '0 ends my eon- :rlbullon to the evening'- eaten-lament.†Whereupon the worthy judge leaned but in his deck oheir wilh In axon-lion ol consid- erable relief. and mud his hand in § depre~ cums manner. in reply to the thunk: he received (tom the circle who hud been linen- in8 ‘9 him. “Onrionely enough." eeld Mr. Berry. " thet etory ol thundge'e reminded me of e eeee thet heppen meny yeere ego in my dletrict. I did not eee the occurrence myeell. but emen who did told me ebont it end, in lect. the thing wee perfectly well known. It took pleoe et e dlnner perty or eociel gether- ing 0! come kind. A ledy let down to e pleno end hed inet begun to pley, when someone ohenced to look et the leg of the mneic-etool on which ehe wee eeeted end perceived eomething moving there. A eloeer inspection ehowed thet the moving object wee e eneke. 'one of the moat venomoue epeciee. It hed been cloeely coiled round the epirel leg 0! the etool; end when the poor ledy unconeclonely eeeted hereell in ite vicinity, it hed been dietnrbed end immedietely begen tomove. She wee quickly werned of her greet danger end urged to eit perfectly etlll. which ehe very herolcelly did. not etlrrins " Btotydolling ll liko «flag; it only wum O beginning." obnnod Dr. Bani-h. cheer- fully. “ I know ‘ho indgo would some nobly out o! the difï¬culty; and I us Mr. Bmy there Inc an Jnoodou It the tip 0! his tongue. Let us hue 1:, me den air, by all menus." “He wes welking in his eompound. or gerden. one aiternoon with two or three friends. I wee there. too. end with me wee :one 01 the young men who hed eome out at l the sometime es mysell, end who hed celled thst dsy to see me. end hed been hospitebly invited to remein to tifliu. He end I were strolling about by ourselves. when the eourse oi our walk brought us close to the spot where Mr. Gordon end his friends were chatting. In a moment the old gentlemen stooped down to e little tuft oi herbeae beside him. seized whet looked like e smell etieh or hit of breneh. end flung it egeinst my itieud. Mr. Ashley. ssying, quickly. ‘There’s e snekei" I bed heerd this so oiten now thet I did‘ not even smile. but just gleneed et Ashley with e look mesnt to ssy, 'Never mind it's only his little joke.’ _ My eye fell on his 1 “ It in indeed." mulled thejudge, “ end I truet none 0! our young Mend- here will eve: be guilty o! it, for it In nelthe: elever nor gentlemenly. I, blend Mr. Gordon wee e gentlemen. however; but in than deye more letltude in menueu wee permitted; eueh thing: would not be talented now. In eddi- tlou to verloue toolleh little trick. whleh Mr. Goxdon wee loud at pleylug of! upon hle sueete.eepeelelly upon the gum: he hed one lemme joke, whleh had heeome e oonetent heblt with him. eo thet he rerely encountered e newoeomer without perpettet- in; lo. 11 the opponunlty oflered. Thin wee to pick up e etlek. hit 0! netting. or rope, or anything thet oeme heady, end thxow it egelnet the penou he wiehed to etertle.et the Iemetlme exolelmlng, 'Aenekel’ Some 0! then) merely emiled endtook noturthex notlee. otheu perhepe netted end looked uneeey {or e moment. end thle delighted the old gentlemen. while e low we found who were viaibly ennoyed, end did not no the joke et ell. It wee eerteinly e um week one. However, he seemed to ï¬nd lt enter telnlng. to: he oonetently perpetreted it. till he one dey reeelved e leeeon which undoubt- edly outed him 0! thet txlek. end I think of e 301d men: othere. [add I loud o n!) coma invitation on"- lu no to go to thin soon-mun homo And no: u long a mind my oonunionoo. A most, vouhy. kind. Ind hoopuoblo old gunman In no; nobody could hm boon o more “noon friend; by would hon gone mil“ to do on, one ho Ink-d o unloe. Ho bod one spool-l halt, however. ox mun“- Io any nthotun “â€"110 was very load of pmilw 1011083 __ "Amoitdot‘uhblo vice, it you‘ll excuse by! {ngngoflilgtupohtgd the doctor. " You.†«1me replied the ohtpluin, “ but noverthelau terribly true." A Gin-lord Bev Art-eke! by (late and Receive. Eerie-u Injury. We here it on pretty good enthority thet eeverel morninge ego e boy ehont iiiteen yeere old. e nephew oi Mr. Jemee Herrleon (oi Gleniord). en inmete oi hie family. went out to the burn to iced the horeee. When he entered the loit he discovered two lerge cete lying on the etrew eeleep. Boy like, he took up e bundle ol iodder end. creeping up. etrnck both oi them et one blow. There wee eome- thing oi e dieeppointment in the reenlt. The cete. ineteed oi running ewey. epreng et the boy with e inry thet etertled him. Heving nothing with which to deiend himeeli, the boy tumbled eround. while the cete eqnelied elewed end hit him nnmereiinlly. The boy’e criee did not bring eny eeeietenoe. end, oi oonree. reelleing the ieet thet it might prove ietel to deley deeperete eflorte. the boy epreng towerd the ledder inning egeinet the reitere end eecended to the rooi oi the honee. The eete iollowed him. end. deepite hie eflorte to keep them ewey. bit end oiewed him fright. lolly. Beelieing hie ledder lolly. he jumped down on the hey The eete ioliowed him. By thie time he wee bleeding very ireely. end ‘ hie eoet wee elmoet torn into threede. Seis- ing one oi the cete by the hind loge. he ettempted to beet it to deeth egeinet the well. but the enimel turned eronnd end begen teering hie erm. Sheting the ieline 03. he ren to the ledder leeding down. The enimele iollowed him. Just ee he reeehed the ledder. he diecovered e monkey wrench lying on the floor. Beizing it. he turned. deelt the ioremoet eet e blow between the eyes. end beiore it could recover. meehed ite heed. The other enimel wee not render- ed ieee ierocione by the deeth of its com- penion, but ionght with inry. With e heevy blow the boy etretehed out the remeiniea ieline end beet out ite breine. Oetehlng them by the telle, he merched to the home to give en ecconnt oi hie bettle. When he entered the house. ragged end bleeding from elmoet every inch oi hie body. holding two lerge eete by the telle, the eetoniehment oi the uncle end terror oi the mat were whet you might cell boundleee. The boy hee been conï¬ned to hie bed einoe the encounter, end hie phyeieiene eey thet it will be e long time before he will be eble tobe ebont egein. In iect the injuriee mey reeult ietelly.â€"Hamiuon Tim. " Very curiou- inoldon‘ ‘th you has just rel-ted. Mr. Lune," I heard him my. I: he demanded the stain; “ l mu“ rally nuke a. note of m This was our laat anecdote. It was getting late. darkness waa letting in. and it was about the time when the judge. the doctor and tone oi the othera were in the habit oi turning in to: a nightly rubber oi wbiat. An adjournment waa mado, thereto". by moat oi the put, to the cabin, Dr. Boamish bring- ing l3? the rear with the chaplain. All! Anon, Miohlgan.â€"Sevonl hun- dred uudenu «me here In: night to elem out the opium in "human {or the nmlt oi eeverel oi their number the evening pre- vione. They pounced upon the omcere who ettempted to quiet them. The Meyor bed the elem belle rung. The citizene ceme by hundrede with clube end overpowered the unruly etudente. Ten oi the ieedere were erreeted. The militery were celled out. No further trouble. â€"â€"â€"-.â€".._ ' Mre. Annebell Pmmmer. oi Woodetcck, N. 13.. ie not diepoled to eccept silently her haebend’e edvertleement “forbidding " ell pereone to truether. etc. In e counter ed- vertleenient in the Sentinel ehe remerkeâ€"" I would inform the reedere oi your peper thet Wm. Plummerie wrong in edvertieing hie wiie'e leevlng hie bed and boerd without any just ceuee, en the bed it her own. both belore end elnee. The boerd. ehe hed none ior eometlme beiore leeving, only ee neighbore bronghtitin.“ the ley on e etch bed, not eble to eere ior hereeli. In leeving hie ten- der one the did it to eeve 'hereeli iron: deeth." . “ I! you will ellow me." he now oheerved, “ I will tell you every curione end melencholy incident thet heppcned on one oceeeion in e church where I wee conducting the eerviee. The windowe end doore were of eouree ell wide open, end through one of thore open door. e cobre glided into the church. I did not notice it myeell, hut eeverel o! the con. gregetion did, end were not unreeeonebly much elermed. The beedle, e netive. wee tortunetely on the elert. end he menened to procuree tnlwer. with which he cut oh the oreetnre'e heed before it hed time to do eny miechiel. Tranquility wee reetored. end the 1 eerviee proceeded to it. eloee. when many of l the congregetion went to look et the deed eneke ee it ley heedleee on the ground. Among them wee e men who, in hie eurioeity toexemine the reptile, put hie foot on the heed end I led it towude him ; when he inetently n red e loud exelemetion end drew his loot ewey. By eome meene or other he had contrived to net in ection the mueculer cpperetue etteched to the poieon huge. which hed derted violently iorwerd end etruek him ‘ on the loot. All remedice were neeleu ; in‘ hell en hour the poor fellow wee e corpse“ proving. with e vengeence, the ewiul virulence of the poieon of the ochre de cegello.†‘ Diphflmh II It“! very Want M New- buy. Benton mm m m Among tie group tho: Ind formed on the dock was on India: oil-plain. who bod been Manning“) .11 um Ind gone on. but had not hm‘m‘r‘to MOE u}; not!" [an in it. " Don't be alarmed. my dear air.†replied the doctor.easiiy; " the snakes are not co irequeutiy encountered alter allâ€"the poison~ one once at least. And though it ie unba pily the case that thousands at people. chic y nativee. lose their lives by snakes, there are at the same time numberleu instances in which those who have been bitten by the less dangerous epeeiea have recovered, and in tact suflmd little or no uneacinese. There are plenty oi harmless snahea. but you are not sure which are which tor a time. The stories you have been hearing are what we may call ‘epecial cases.’ " bond or too: or analog a cry. It must hon bun o Ionian: trying oxdul ior mo poor thing a. on then In no tolling what com. o! notion tho unto night puma. Hannah: this «u. n no": touched her ot I“. bin “to: «was round the music “001 tor hull o mlnnh or no, dropped on :ho floor and was mi“! before it cook! efleot m uoopo." "How exec-lively unplouunt!" uld a young lollow. one of thou. like myull, now to India. lilo um “pummel. “ Why. the horrid ropfllu soon: to moot you at every mull II :30 plgoo “(allow them!†FE BOCIOUS FILINES. UNB'LY STUDENTS. In mil), union on the o‘hor lid. of flu lb oil Inn vector: m up poimod And hon. an oil 0(160 degrees (allowed to b. Would it not bum well to bus Inch“ 0‘ ‘ bore? me oxplouionl are becoming In Iroquont in Hamilton ad the all whllkh being dhpoud 0! by some datum" ll of a quality which reqnlru mung,†, . A. " Eh! Now I nth“ uh thlt in I mm. Come into tho «bin and I'll hate you to my wife and dmghun.†. j'Thmh," aid the donut. 10m " I I'm]! no'ver my." Thm old goqtlamon no sitting ground p‘ table on n Ito-lube», waiting to not MW put: to a game or ends. Puma! ‘ oapy 5 nice looking 10an3 “How. Ono . ‘ putty goon up to him sud nyl : _ ‘ j “ radon mo, young am. we want «no; bodyto join us in: sumo! curds; wallfl‘ him)! to h“. yonjmh us.†. . ‘ " Thmh; 1 never play cards.†~' “ Tnko | drink win: as 2" ‘ , “ Thnnkl ; I never drink." ‘ ~ 1 “ Well, hue u dau- 2" ’ x " Thanh; I never smoke." ‘ ' Amnrder thet for ooolneee Ind W‘ etlon is not often enrpeued in reported he. Breitenbeeh. Germany. A matted eonple‘ hevlng qnetrelled. the wile lelt the Mlle. end (or eeverel den eteyed eny, ‘ It night in hem wherever ehe found t on.- venlent. Mennwhilethe Ian-bend rem onlmly et home. This indiflerenee nape-4 eted the wife to e pitch 0! dinholloel but... end ebont eleven o'clock one night ehe n.- tnrned to the home. and while her hnelenn‘ lev eeleep in en edjotning room went into f , kitchen. eterted e the. ï¬lled e kettle wetet. end put It on the etove, weltei ' 1y until it eteemed, nnd then, tekins it to ' hnebend'e bedetde. poured the content. 0"» him. eeeldlng him I0 bed], thet he lived calf e few honre. ' ' ‘ g Strange Into-tin et 3 Iain Moscow society would eppeer to hold now coneidersbly exercised by the suicide et- one of its brightest ornelnente. the mi. end lovely Countese Vere Kosehelcfl. mi? short time ego suddenly diseppeered mi? her pelece in the old Bus-ten cepltel. 3; two deys otter her solemn hetrothel to Holman. which “hed been celebreted .. 5"“ (active rejoicinge upon en unusuelly, H cent seele. No one could imegin‘eg w _ , 1: she bed gone until her etewerd re I? letter lrom her. written et her oheteeu‘ \ Grimee. wherein she informed hint thet “ wee going to hethe in the me: through her eetete. end should not m , from her both." Bhe eleo described: * ‘ exeet epot noer whieh her body would DI found in the weter. Seerch wee o! my mede with ell possible promptitudec “‘7“: resulted in the discovery of the beeutilul'; young Oounteee’ corpse sewn up in e large straw not end sunk in the river. The “'1: were found to be in the interior of the not , proving thet Vere Koechehï¬ hed dell a sewn herself up in the seek an the river V"; end then out herself into the stream In»; enother letter.eddremd to one other unflaf end received by him eornatime otter ht death. she gevees her reeeon for endow l herself in e seek previouslyto drowning ' ! seminar extreme leer oi erewdeh end water never been. f1 The Jepenoee Government hen In!“ vice eighty Ensuehmen, thirty-one All cent, thitty Frenchmen. eighteen seven Dutchmen. [our Itellene. three 8 three Ohlnoee, two Anemone, two 1’ end one Bunion. meklng 181 Beta [or men wen-o Invented et Pull I» Bwian 1404. They were that men tured In London by Bpenierde In 1610. fore thet time. both men end won. Englmd commonly wore clan-knitted en «pl. 8m FL“ or A1! 0m Mu.â€"An oil nemed Gibson Grey, 0! Fonthill, wee burned on Beturdey night lest. Hem ing a lemp in his hendmhen he etuublel fell, the lemp breaking end the oil ï¬re. He wee Ioon enveloped in new. l so severely bnmed tint hie reeovety ' from the am quite hopeieu. From 18“. to the time of the removel ol the one. Weilend in 1872. he held the politic! Deputy-Beginner. 11:. Grey wee 79 9! ego. end much reepoeted by eii vim Thorn any be I long. «mt mm fl gentle, modiMivo nutumn. but ihl col blank wind: 0! winter are mm to m sooner or Inter. And In life our I0 p.“ in! nnd proaporonu. even down through serene old age, the time will com whoa Ii planing warmth of vitnlitywill be MN longer, nnd the three More ,0an had in q hove-g effectively vanished u if they hi An old gentleman. on his Mun ho- (uhlomblo tour. being ulna who ama- Mpllll u muting play “ ho " Incl Lu, moral. ' " hon." M 0: Anne 0! Belmont with tho would ostrich. The motto“ any slip hon "it!" [upen- into wider mo. and poet- mum Itylo themselvel on their title mu, lo has" dc lieu. The old motto would um all, or the new poet: very well. and tho fulï¬l will It Iout add lone “riot, to exhton'.’ till the thing 1. outdone. and cone. to In in outwlrd lien of inward nodinullnn.†' London Daily New: “ Tho whiriici‘ oi inhion ie bringing round In old-tuition“ duormon. which hu it. mouse. Indie. m we», oi mon nine. on are “by†emblem: end mototgu. Tho ionrteenth only eixtoenth centurion were tho time when mottoee and innoiiul emblem. nonriehed most obnndontly. Bouidu hie bond“!!! hen-ing- overy knight bed eome cabin oi iuntuy. end over, ind, her eymbol. vb“ might be abused nt pleunu. Wnon the. were embroidered on drum tho efleot'fl qnoint Qd vuiosoted, nnd son euh out!†I kind oi oxiaimlity. Pod-lune hue u- diloovored thin. end bird: md mottoee on Q- broiderod oil on: dreaue. A well sue-d (old well pniiad) netreu, who in the town. 0! etont in ï¬gure. appeared intely with the dale. oi nvenl on her way. He: riul. who“ not elim. oblenod tint ‘ whore the mm in the nuns m setheted together! I'll. lowe ore morn common tho the hombre Ned oi tho Dull-h bonnetâ€"pothopl to W that the '00"! intend- ° flying. flying eonth.‘ Gold ewollowe ore worn on a blue nth ground, though a notnnliet night mulch revert. the eolon. India oi inhion. ii ti. iuhion pantie. will noon look OI quilt u did Juqnelino do in Gnngo in he: m broidered with_pink eagle- ond bleak dIeII, The Lace“ m In M09 Dun; A You!!- Who 8.“ “ NO." lupcctlo- of WI on.