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Woodville Advocate (1878), 3 Nov 1881, p. 1

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First-class accommodation and attentive servants. Bar Well supplied with the choic- est- liquors and cigars. ‘Bus to and from all trains and ovary convenience for the travel' ling public. 77,7_______.__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"* . Clerk 131: Division Court County Victoria. Secretary Lido“ B. A. Societv. Agent 1’. B S Comp-11w. Conveyanccr, Uommis~ aloner in Queen‘s Bone -h. W11. HIILLES Proprietor. This hotel is in chry way cumplcte to meet the requirements of the travelling public Meals served on the arrival of all trains which stop here. on butt; railways, thuty minutes for refruslnneuts. 'Gnud waiting wmns. Bur always supplied with the best brands oi liquars and cigars. * nasumx smmtow. Proprmor. Thislirsb-clnss house has just been re- fitted, furnished and otherwise renovated and Improved. Being in the centre of the business part of the village, and furnished with splendid sample moms, it is therefore most, convenient for travellers and commer- cial men, and the puloligs generally, The. Bar is supplied with the best of Liquors mnl Cigars. Good Stables and llostler in at- tendauce. VOL V. P. S. MARTIN. One (fthe above will be at Hamilton’s Hotel. Beaverton, on the SEUOND MON- DAY 0f each month. He will also visit \Voodville on the Second TUESDAY of each month, stopping at Mel’herson's Hotel. J. Nssuxos, Inns, 3 J08. PKNTLAND. L. ".9. OFFICEâ€"Rooms lately occupied by \V. M. (fochraue, Biglow‘a Block, Piort Perry. Clerk 7611 Division Court County Victoria. Conveyancer. Commissioner in Queen's Bench. Notary Public, c., c. Oflice, Vic- toria Road Station. PR OFIL‘SL '1 ON}: L CA R US. \ ()ODVILLE LIVERY STABLES. HENRY EDWABIDS, Proprietor. Livery Rigs at any time and at all lmurs on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Cummercinl 'l‘ravellers. Charges always mmlerate. TERMS. CASH. Sta- bles a connection with the Eldon llnuse. 6 to 6} {my cen_t. CARTER. TILL‘ISTI'IR. £0. Carting (luno tn mul from all [nu-ls of the «village, Nipisaing mul Midlnml Railway stations. Clmrgesmmlermc. llcsillcuccmue .aloor north of Eldon House. Queen Street, .TORTHERN HOTEL, \Voodville. -.. v. I’“ --V V Agent for A", “nuns. Sn): 5: (30.. Brnntfonl. Manufacturers uf Reapers. an- em, Bolf-Bimlerggkc. Zfitorncy-al-lnw. Salk-nor In Chancery. Conveyunccr, «a, dc. s. 4.7 Money to Loan at 6 per cent. OFFICESâ€"Kent Street. Lmds an Ontario. fiifimarauauu‘, Kirkficd. E __...._ . COMMISSIONS“ I.\' B. I!“ ('ONVEI'ANPBI GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Non-mu: Deliility, l‘rcmaluw Do- cny. and all the effects of youthful iluliscro- tion, will for the aim of sum-ring lmnmnity. send free lo all who need it. tho recipe and direction for making the simple renmly by which lie was enroll. Sull'eroi-s willing to profit by tho advertiser‘u experience can do so by ugltqussilig in perfect confidence. ,__‘- \v I' “'oodville. ERRORS OF YOUTH. LDUN ‘lU Us E, Wuodvide. EORGE WILLIS MILLAI}, 'II)LANI) AND NIPISSING HOTEL qucy tn Luau RED. G. MULAR, Agent for lYnlnn loan .fi Suvlng‘s (‘0. COUNTY AIYCTIOXBBR. OFFICEâ€"One door east of Pout; Office, ..MON 'A R'l‘l N HOPKINS, UGll D. SINCLAIR, EHU>ZUM R wfizerwzc. RCH. CAMPBELL JAMES. LfiWS‘QN, Loruevillo. BAIRISTERS. SfllK‘l'I'ORS o. THOS. F-D‘VIBDS Pflprleifl'o MONEY T0 LOAN atfi per cent. - mrnowm EXEMS FOR SALE. . CAVE hblhlu‘. DENTISTS, B US‘IJVESS CA R Us. M. CAMERON. his 3.. GWEN. 42 Ccdur an. x. HOTEL LA RDS. ‘ \Vomlville. Out. @1112 mmmhmjjlk momma I, 5"" on first-class security at. Lindsay. om. G. H. Hormxs. Cistern and Well Pumps, A large assortment of whips from l5cts. up. HARNESS COLLARS, HALTERS, “HIPS CURRY COMES, BRUSHES, TRUNKS VALISES AND ALI. KIND OF HORSE FURNISHING ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. Having bouuht the shop and fixtures of \Ir. (1. (J. Smith, Butcher. customets can rely on gettinu the lust of Beef at all times, and other meats in season. W JAMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER Jtc H Parties having fat cattle to dispose of will please call or ieave word at my shop. Farmers wanting meal: will please leave their order the night belore at the shop. The highest cash prixc paid for RIDES. VV OODV] LLE BAKERY. ALL NE\V “'URK \VARRANTED. Buns. Rolls and. Pastry a Specialty SODA, ABERNETIIY AND FRUIT nmscurrs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. FAMILY BREAD FRUIT CAKES. MIXEDTEA CAKES. g9 onnnasEHLmunn. The Suhacniber 13 prepared tn lend Money at greatly reduced mtes of interest in sums of Accovding tn amount. required and terms of [{aynlent an a Straight Loan or Sinking "und System. lnstalments re nil‘ed to re- pay a Loan of SLOW in t e following "uriods : P ARTIES SUPPLIED “'HOLESALE. 10 years, 5143.2). ‘20 yoars. $95.30. These Sums: puyuhh‘. at the end of raclu yam-pay ofl‘thc entire debt, Principal and Interest. N0 COMMISSIOV. X0 FINES. I. U. GILCHRIST, Pustmnstur, “'oodvillc. Don't, forget your Insurance. J. L‘. Hil- christ 18 also agent for several firstulass lu- aumnce Companies. Farmer’s risks taken at lowest rates. . Doxxxinion‘ Simulntd ‘Q', (' Hizmm lumn-zuu- u ( :nunmnitw. GHQ-ICE» TUCONSUMPTIVBS. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread (lineme. Cnnsmnptinn. by a simple remedy. is nnxiuns to make known to his fellowmnflerera the menu: of cure. To a“ who desire it. he wxll fend n . . _ , , copy of the prescription need, (free of charge ) with the directinna for ptepnring and using We same, which they will find: sum: (tuna run Coswmr’nox. Annm, Bumsvnms. _c_._ -- n A. ‘ _!II Ull‘u‘l lll.‘\~ u-v- Parties wishing the prescription will please address, Rev. E. A. WILSON, 194 Penn 8%., Willlnuubnrgh, N. Y. Repairing Prompuy Attended to. UG DOD V I LLE PUMP FACTORY. 'ifii'hnl. and gctnlwok, YOUR OWN LIFQ‘UOB TEA (DO, oonvquE HARNESS SHOP. BS'I‘ABLEITSII, [m JACOB BARNES, CHEAP MONEY ! FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. NOODVILLE; ONT. (i H McCOl‘Qfi UODALE. “'00!“ [1.1.11 "111‘“ [IE]! SHOP. $200 to $20,000, TERMS CASE-1.. ORDERS SOLICITED. JOHN BERBXE’S JOHN BERRIE. Expmmcs reduced. At from 6 T0 7 PER CENT. IS UNXLD HAN UFAC’I‘URZR 0' IN THE COUNTY Also Agent. fur thu Agent for the Cor .Kinq and Stuart St \VOODVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 188]. “PRO BONO PUBLICO." Notes and other Negotiable Paper bought. The H ighest Price paid for MINK, F OX, and Ml other Raw Fur. S. OORNEIL, Esq.,Agenl London Mutual, Lindsay. DEAR Simâ€"Have the goodness to convey to the Directors of the “Londmi Mutual" our thanks for their promptness in paying our claims in full, arising from the losses by the wceut bush tires Alex. Clarke, Ops, James McGnhey, Emily, Edward Kerr, “ Joseph M cUunnell, Matthew \Vilson, Ops, l‘ 'l‘Los. Mchbe, Ops, Edwin l‘mnse, Mmiposa, TnuS. Kelly, Emily. Martin Harrington, Emily, Guy Bentty. Vetllam, U. E. Tiers, " Isaac Gostlin, Lnx‘bon, C Hugh Pailey, Margaret Kerr, “ John Chcynouth, Ponelon, Ednwrd Malone. Ups 1’. B. Mclihargey, Lindsay, James Howard, Vetul‘un, John \Vilson, Ops, Rnbt. McFeelers, Vol-diam, John Kmubel, " Lindsay. Oct. 15th, 138:. $566 900 GM) 590 9 I 5 596 ‘Ju'z 450 795 .550 872 ‘2 l 5 50 250 530 630 40 40” 3‘50 70 3-50 HENDERSON K: MONTGOMERY Suits made to order from the latest and most fashionable styles. All wmk guaranteed to fit. TERMS, CASH. Shop over McIntyre , Prlur’a Store, eu- tmuce, Side Door. ARMSTRONG’S SHINGLE. SASH DOOR FACTORY, BUSINESS M AN. The Canadian Singer. GD DD CHANCE! WOODVILLE, ONT. W. Gameron, Before Taking 1m: qu‘r '1‘ aki â€"GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY,â€" ARI) 0F THANKS. An unisiling cure for Seminal Weakness, Spernmtowhua. linputency. and all diseases that follnw as a consequence of Suit-(“man -‘ M lossnf nienmry. U nivcrsnl hissiindn, Pain in the Back. Dinmoss of Vision. Premature Old Age. and mnny nihcr diseases (lint lend to Insanity or Unnsumption and n premature grave. Full particulars in our pamplilut, which we dean's u. send free luy inuil in everyone. n‘ The SPECIFIC MEDIHNE is sold by nlldrnggists at Si per package, or six moksgi-s {m- 85, or wil be sent free hy mail nn recdipi. of the Innney. by addressing For Sale, or To Let, WQQflVH-LE, 0N??? A. MAYBEE, TAILIR§ CHEAPEST mums IN THE MARKET ! :rnm’unm’ 3130mm: ()0. "1‘0: onto, Out Apply to “'OODVILIJ}. ARMSTRONG 81108., \Vundville P.0 ~FOP __ â€"â€"A.\'l)â€"â€" cmw's ona wax. SPECIFIC MEDICINE I ’8 ‘2 l 5 50 250 530 900 600 590 9 l 5 There is nothing that strikes a strung" more forcibly. if he visits Swuden in June, final the nosenvu of {night At Stockholm, for example, the sun goes down a. little before ll) o'clock I). In. ; but he passes mound the earth and is only just below the north pole a about tune ; there is ' a great brightness all night. and such that you can see to read at midnight. 'I‘here is a mountain at the heml of the Gulf of Bothlmiu. where, on the 2|st June, the sun does not go down at all 'l‘l'ilVEllU-‘8 go there to see it. A steamboat uoes up fioiu Stockholm for the purpose of carrying those who ure- cuiious- to uitness the pheno- mcnon. It only occurs one night. '1 he sun goes down to the horiZon ; you can see the whole face of it,.und.in u ieur minutes it he- gins to rise. At the North Cape, latitude seventy-five degrees, the sun does not go down for sever- al weeks. In J um it. would be about twenty-five degrees above the horizon at midnight. The changes in the high lati- tudes, from summer to winter, are so great that we can have no conception of them. In the winter the sun disappears in the south and is not seen for 3'): Weeks. Then it just shows its face. Afterward it remains for ten, fifteen or twentv minutes. and then descends, and finally it makes almost a. circle around the heavens. Animal life accommodates itself to these long days. Birds and animals take their accustomed rest at the usual hows. They go to rest; whether the sun goes down or not. The hens take to the tmes about seven o'clock p.m., and stay there until the sun is well upiu the morning, and the people get into the habit of lam‘rismg too. Long. fellow tells us of a village where, although the sun was shining, 'yet not. a soul was to be seen in the streets. Modern engineeis are apt to boast that no work of the ancients can compare with their railways; it is not quite certain that this boast is strictly correct ; the roads and bridges, and aqueducts of the Romans, will by many he considered as greater works than railways. What modern engineer or architect. or both combined, 'has brought the branch of a river from a rock y gorge in the hills forty miles off, where the water is generally clear and never fails to supply Lon lon with, as the architects and engineers did to supply flame ? This water was con- veyed in a stone pipe five feet high and two feet wide, by a. gradual, gentle descent, sometimes on the top of a lofty bank by the side of the river Anio (from which the water was taken) when its course was sufficiently ‘ direct from east to west ; but at the inter- Vals the line of the river had to wind cou- siderahly to the north or south around the base of a hill ; in those cases the engineers I pierced their pipe through the foot of the hill, sometimes for two or three miles until it met the hed of the river a;ain; then. when they had arrived at the foot of the lnlls on the leVel ground called the Campus Romanus, in which Rome stands. and through which the 'Iiher winds its Course, they carry their stone pipe. called a specus (because it was at first subterranean). upon amagnitiocnt arcade five miles in length. \IIaIinIIz in hciI-ht aocordini; to the level of the gIound, gradually cIuerI'ing him a hill on a level at first, and then arising some- ] tiInI-s gradua ly. sometimes suddenly, to a hen. ht of forty or fifty feet, where they had to cross the small atr eanIs that I un across the country. And this are cade was built either with stone or faced with stone almost throughout. "lho specus of Claudius is car- IIied on an ar<ca le of cut stone t that of Nero. \\IlIiII h is on the top (If that of "laIIdiIIs. is III ed with tho hcautifnl brick work of his time the iiuest lniek Work that has or or been made. '1 he 00- oh ateIl aqueduct Inidge lII anoe, is a Roman Walk of the MN 1 and fourth oeutun' “ith a oarri: Ige road by the .IIIde of it, as was usual in aqueduct bridges. \\ hen the E IIIglish euquIyIr aIchitects have enpphed London with \‘ atcr as ahnud'Intly as Rome was supplied III the sec Ind or third l? I I 11 Iâ€"nae-Océa- A-;â€"uâ€"â€"t E I l i i l I I ornturiesmnd can show as tine hrick work as that of Nero, they may pretend to Iival the ongIIIecr architects of ancient Rome, but noti before. \caed tho l‘ointdu Gar.d in the south of Splemlld Work of Roman Enginecn. It Remix «little curious to out the solid I'Hvlmocx “won [in trunk «(a tree, but there is A tree. in the film! W 00H“- and an Eat lmlics which makes a very- agreeable cfliciency-M a health and wholesome fund for tlmusnmluuf pompiu. .' MOT 0H1“! Bowel}. L A fun-gram) true is cut dawn ohm to «me i! *peciflo “I‘m“ (“809 ground. A auip of the bark is Ike" torn ofl‘, blood and disordered Days \V'nuuut Mauls. The Man Tron. .4c00 ayiug bare the pith, which is about as soft as dried apples. Withla club or hem y Woof, pointed at the end with sharp quartz rocks, the natives cut out this pith, which isom- ried to the water side and. beinginixed with. water. is kneaded and pressed against a strainer till the starch is dissolved and pass. ed through the strainer. The water noloing the starch in solution is then passed tin-ongh the trough, where the sediment is deposited, anl the mate! is (irawa off. It is then put up in cylindrical cakes. of about thirty-six pounds weght, and sold as raw sage. The raw saga, to prepare it for use, is broken up, dried by exposure to the sun. powdered and sifted. The floor is made into cakes, easily baked, which are not. only eaten hot, but are often dried in those». and put away in bun< dies for tutors use. They oil: keep good for years, it is said. This food is extraordinary cheap, costing much less than rice among the H'mdooa, or potatoes among ‘the Irish. A good sized trunk of a sage tree, twenty feet long and five in circumference, will make at. least thirty bundles of thirty pounds each. Each bundle, it is computed. will make sixty cakes, allowing three cakts to a pound, and live cakes are Considered by the ll:l[l\‘c3:Sl‘lfi~ cient for afull day’s food. A single. good. sized trle will, therefore. furnish food for a natii'e for an entire year. and many of them live upon it almost exclusively. One needs to labor only a few days to secure this supply of food for the year. A man can reduce a tree to a powder in ten days. and a woman, in the same time. can. reduce it all into cakes. BY steady labor for twenty days, therefore D provisiOus may be laid up for a year. While observatories and railrumls are built npiu Vesuvius, and the heights of xEtnzi made a rendezvous for scientists, the volâ€" « a u as of our own continent are treated “ith imlifl‘urcnce and neglect. b‘cw travellers realize that the Andes present a. long list of burning peaks, whose craters m'o :Lg activu and whose slopes are as prolilic in historical ruins as th05e of the Old worhl~ Central America, When: in a chain of twentyminu volchnoes there are eighteen still hunting. forms with the sea of the Antilles one of tho regions of the globe where subterranean activity is meat intense. Few am the remediee whose beneficial ‘ qualities and real meritslmvc umde them so nupular with the public, and increased from [ year t0 year their cullsulnptlull. which. , whilst possesing the must valuable. remedial l pmperlies. are yet so simple in their cem- i pound, and se easy te take. 3% the Quinim-, Wine, prepared by Northrop k Lyman uf 'l‘omnw. This article is prepared from the pure Sulphate of Quinine. cumhiued with line Sherry Wine, and choice aromatics, which relieves the Qnmino of its bitter taste, mnl dues not impair in the least degree the cflicncyuf action upon the patient ; while anmll dnscs, frequently repented. strengthen the pulse. increase muscular force. and in vigui'nte the tone of the nervous system. and than. by the general vieor which it- imparts, erentes nu anpetite. which gives tn the l steimwh tone and energy, and furtilles the ‘ “stem against all infectious diseases. Ask ‘ fur Northrop k. Lyman's Quinine Wine ;sold_ f ' by nll-druggiats. In ascending Nicaragua toward the north to the Gull of Funsecn the traVeller encount- ers, at a. distance of five miles from the PM. ific. six volcanoes, ranged in file, and situated close together. They have the collective name of Los Marihios. The Conseguina, on the promotory which forme'the southern ex- tremity of the gulf. owes its celebrity to the terrible eruption which took placein the month of January, 1835. the deep obscurity caused by‘the asheslastiug twodays. 'l‘errihle «lelon. atiozss were heard in the peninsula of Yuca. tan, on the shore of Jamaica, an] also on the plateau of Bogota, nearly 3,280 yards above the sea. and at a distance of Mo geographical miles. By a remarkable coin. ciulcncc. the volcanoes of Aconcagua alvl Coreovmla, in Chili, hogan eruptions on the same day. The eruptions of the volcano of lzalco, situated in a plain to the east of the port of Sonconato, take. place four times an hour, and serve as a lighthouse to marinera who are overtaken by night in these parts. The Fire llounmlns of Central Amen-Ira. Ask your dmggn'a (Jr a trml bottle of flunnocx “Loon BITTER”. it win only cost. you 10 cents. and n {cw (hm-s will {mum in cfliciency-M a henith roaming; 'l'onic.rugnl. «tor of We, Bowel}. Liver. and Kidneys. ' It, is specific for all diaoMus arising from impure hluml and duorderod anoretiam. nlzooxmx in to have a whistle. ‘nlmm M. certdn [mm-a during the day. inhabitants are now happy. turns on: DOLLAR If!!! Aura strictly In Annma- N UM BER it; to he The

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