ll“ yuusuï¬â€˜cr from any chronia dhcnsa mieiug (mm in run: Hun]. hinggixh Liver dlsunlcrccl Kidneys or illnclirily of the "mush; : '8' your Ncrvnua System is debilitat- ul frnm “fluntvwrurnuso arising. cln nut dos. mir, hutmrocure «uh-h! lmtue uf liurulnck flood Minus; M. will «only cost I" cunts, Len-go Bottles $1.00. for anlc by all modi- ciuo doaloa. 'l‘u: expenses attending the illnvsai and 61mm: of President Garï¬eld have 'buen made up and amount to the em ounous sum of three hundred a-n-l forty maven thuusuml six lmmlrml and ï¬fty dollaus. 'l‘lle .iuil’v cnsz uf attendance was $1,250. or $100,000. Ohin pays .3†expenses of (I'mm'mrtminn of body, -eSccrt., Am, ufmr passing the State line. SENIOR DIVISIOX. Fourth Class ~l.avina Richardson. 'I.illio Gilchrist, Maggie Dorrie, \‘\'1-mniullus.~, Isalwlla Smith, John I". Carmichael. "I‘hinl Class, Seniorâ€"Fannie Armstrong, M ry li.(famplmll, Nelson Mclmml. Lizziu Edwards, Mary Graham, llovlcrick (lamp- hcll. Mary A. Ling. ’J‘hird (Ilasn. .quiorâ€"-Jna. vH. Mcï¬woyn. ‘I‘rmfl‘nI-michacl, Agnes McLean. (,‘nrriu Elm ‘e‘xifondtillc gamma. AFTER serious deliberation the Post has come to the conclusion that it. would he lolly to “nun out" the city papers in lilac present; state of l'pulflic clemm'a'limlion. and hug wisv’l‘y decided to leave them to ï¬ght the battle alone. The Post is right. ; no city wee‘kly can long supplant the local papers, Im llwy ever 'so.cheu|v. The public wi’ll soon ï¬nd when: their interests lie and the Jloum paper receive i’tfl-ploper u-ppre-â€" xcmhon. “ I'm Bouo I’ublo'co." Q's W\’\~ .‘~,\A n,\ \,\ -~r\/\AN\I‘.~MW A special meeting of «he Midland Railway Comljany will be hold on the 6th of December to adapt agreements uniting the Midland with the Toronto .nnd Nipissing, th Grand Jnnc ion, a: d the Toronto and {Ottawa roads. It. is intended that the new cmnpnny shall «zsmhlish li-nes of steamers from the aren't of Midland on the Gemg-lnn Bziy, 10 Chicago and Duluth. The union with the Nipiï¬ing will make the Mid». land adirecc tributary to Tamwoâ€" (Re-‘brmer IN the last issue 'of the ll'arder we, in conjunction with ='. our cotem. of the ()memec Herald me made the re- «cipients of one of theme ludicrous ub- tempts at swcnsm for which the War- (IN is now famous. It however, lails to affect us and the bud grace with which we nre hnndled is clearly indiicm tive of tho ll’arder's feeling towards hoth our contemporary and ourselves. Evidently the insignificant country vprvï¬ï¬‚ifl oxelcising an influence on tho revenues of our Lindsey cotems. Some years ago the Post and Wardcr were the nwnopolisls of the trade in the section oi'countl‘y both to the south and West of Lindmy. Not so now. THE ADVOCATE nnd chcald have in it great n'enanre superseded them. The l'oellng of intrusion Jim; not quit-e deported from their low-«Ste and consequently out existence is as often as possible ignored. \\"e are not coVetous of n friend/y notice in the ll'nrder's columns us we nre fu'lv competent to do our own advertising. The apology, how- ever, is llCCHl)tt'(l with thanks. Concerning the great notirity in the i oexporation of potatoes, the St. John News says : The potato hoom witness- ed on every side throughout. Canada is I very remorkalile. From Snrniu to 1 Sydney the same story is told, the enme- uctivity shown potato shipment to the United States. It is good to he a Can» ’1 l l aditm farmer these times. He fan-es. better on the whole than the mm of his class generally anywhere else the wide would over. His hurdens mess on him very lightly, and he'cau obtain ‘ fair prices {or all he has to sell. ‘ Tho‘follnwing is II list. of names .IuI phumd l II 'llllll'l';I\gI9 notice. or II long olIitusIIy, on the Honor Roll of the \VnIIdI-il-lo l'IIlIlic [0| ["0an IItlII-I' item (If iIItIIIeIIt chivlly School in order of merit for the mouth of} Uctobur :â€" SENIOR DIVISIOX. Fourth Class ~l.:IviII.'I Richardson. 'I.illio (I‘IilchIist, Maggie Dorrie, \‘I'I-IIIIiII lluss, lsuhIIlII-I Smith, John l". 'l‘lIiIIl ('laSs, SeIIiIII'-FIIIIIIio I\l ry 1'1. (.‘IIIIIphcll \‘dsuu Meir-ml Lizzie lulwunls, Mary IIIIIhIIIII, llII chiI‘k (lump- in)â€. Mary A. Ling. Third Class. .lIIuiIIrâ€"-JIIII. Ill. Mciuoyu.’ (TIII‘IIIichIIL-l. A I "um um, 'l‘I-IIIH‘III-IIIichIIcl, Agnes .\lI;l lIIIuII. (JIIIIiu II-thlIIiIlre, JIIII. nk'l'l‘lf'. Hugh In. Carâ€" II.ich:Icl liIIIIIIic L‘ IIIIIplIIeli. ll yanusufl' r {III II nuv chrouia lliicflSJ IIIiIiIIg lIom il‘. l “H: l ltIUll, hIIIgIIiIhl .ivcr lIsIII-IlI-rul KiIlIII-v. or iunclivity of the ISIIIVIrleI it Inur NuIvnuaS: stem iaIlIzbilitnt. «1 (mm Wlmh‘hl‘u‘allsc mixing, «in not III-s. 'IfllIT, hutmmcure IIItI'iII huttle uf Murdock llIIoIl llittcis.; Iit \Iill IIIIly cost It) cunts. Hugo IIIIttlI-II fl CI) for aalc by all medi- -iuo Iloale. a. lo theumelws 0| Ilwir own iIIIIIIIrIliIIIII loculin I .\0Iv why Kilnlllll pI-IIplII Nllplllll‘l’. (hair lncul pupum'l BIIIIIIIIII: it is their lucul pIIpPI' Ihu‘t writI-II IlII-iI‘ l()C'I|i hint-Ivy, timt. IIIleIcIItm thI-iI' ll)3ill iIIII-I'Iesls, LlIut pI'IIIIIIIIus -t|II.~iI lIIcIIl iII~ IluaIII iI-II. llIut. IIIlIII'IItes tlw IIIIIIpIII iII lll!‘ 'Hll‘llifl‘t-Nr the cIIIIIItI'v. \thvt llllt‘l't‘flb huve IIIII cIlI' IIIpIua iu Lhu iIIII-Iim- tIIUIIIII thut :I I‘ .IIII HlHHIlIl Ink-I IIIIII of them in pII-IIIII-IIcII tII his home InIpI'I‘l 'l'hI-I'e IIIIIe IIII two wnysIIlII-Iut it. EsI-ry citizen in tlII‘ country IIhIIIIIIl fu'l i:_ his duty in IIIIppIII'I III, lcuut. IIIIII IIi' tIIre 10ml papers, IIIII| ("'(‘i‘V lIIIsiIIuIIII muu who has II III-mu: IIl' gratitude in his lIIIIIIIII, will tuultliut IIII ought to IIIlvuI-tiso. Wllilfl‘IIIHIIEWHP'Q'MI'HMI‘O wuiIIiIII; IIp ‘Iho town and striving to IIIIIIlI'e it. II busilwus could-II, tin-III um husiumu men who proï¬t by tho outI-rpI-isé IIf Ilm newspapers, and Inn“ that if. nm-I-I- costs them a cunt! Shana In such men l i ‘~Wv‘l\l\ hrs «cm W “\VOODVILLE. NOVEMBER, 3. 1881. “05'1"! sou. Car For extra value it Gwen and Japun Tens. go to Mclutyw U’rior‘s. Tue receipts of the 'l'oronï¬o exhibition were 331,207.97. after paying all expenses there wan n surplus of SI, $76.30. The {he auc'wut orders of urclnitednro are the 'l'uscau, Doric, Ionic, ‘Uuriuthiml and Co uposite. The ‘Iive lending pen.» of Ester- lvrook's make are the Falcnu. Bunk Engrosa- iug Extra Fine and Sclnoul. For all purposes of a Family .Modicino, "AUYAKD'S YELLOW Units at the head of the list. It is used with unprecedented success. both internally aml externally. ltx cures Sore Throat. Burns. Scalils. Frost: Bites ; relieves. 1nd often cures Asthma. Mn. Jonx vasom. of Whitby fell on the sidewalk and dislocated his collar hone al short time ago. He will likely prosecute the corporation for (lainagws' ' A NEW paper called the Pickering News, is tu he published in the village of Pickering. The ï¬rst; uumbcr will appear on the 11th of N on: In her. A. Ii. Des Roda-rs, Altlmbnskaville. 1’. Q... writes f~â€""T|lilteol| years ngnl was seized with a severe attack 0‘ Rheumatism in the head. from which I nearly constantly suffer- ed, until after havin; used Dr. Thomas†[fa/(«chic Oil for nine days, bathing the head, etc.. when I was completely cured, and have only uzed half a. bottle." 'l'he peuplc of this country have spoken : They declare by their pntrouage of Dr. 'l'lwnms' Eclnclric Oil, that they ‘believe it to be an article of genuine merit, :alnptml to the cure of soreness or lameness. hurts nf variuus kinds, tumnrs. tlmmt and lung com- plaints, Ii\ Jl‘ and kidney disardus, and other maladiss. Mrs H. CARSWELL of Oshawa has an evaporator. on a small scale, thh which he inzcn-ls to dry his "w.- fruil; for an expel-i. mwut If successful he will gn into the business on a large sczfle next summer. 1)" nut let prejudice atmul in the Way of relief if yuu sufl'cr {rum any lingcriugfllscnsc. liurdnck Blood Hitters cure others. why should it. not beneï¬t youl‘? It is a spuciï¬c for all forms of Blood, Liver, and ’Kidney Complaints, Nervous II winches, ‘(icucrul Dchility. Scrofulzt and all dismscs of the Secretary system. Trial Battles 10 Cents. 'I‘Iluvowract for lengthening the water- wu ks, levritlge. libs h-zcn let to Mr. Mc- Ginlcy. of -I.imlsny., at 18 contsmcr foot. It. is a great and often fatal mistake to tz'kc repeated t'lrastic pnrmtives for con- stipation of the howds. ;thcy imluc: piles and cause 6€l)ility of the lmWels. Burdock Blood Bitters is a s: is and perfect regulator of the huwels, arousing the lorpu‘. LchI' and all the secretions t'o a‘healthy action ; acting on the Kidneys, :uul renovating and toning the system in the most perfect. mnmor. ()x the night of the 18th ult... the matur 1 ï¬eld (if Mr. boo. Gibson. lot No. 10, 4th con. I Pickering. \msentercd and Paris green mik- 1 ed \\i1I salt scattcleufl over it; 'l‘he Icslflt “as the poisonng of a number of his line 1 herd. llIIec che found dead on the \\ ed nemlay morning; two more have since dim] and two when; mo r-ported as being past 1 recmcIy. 'l‘ he l’ickcIing (Iouncil "ï¬els a reward of 3'7003'01- tlIeIliZcochy of the ‘pcI- ‘ lu‘tl'flfOl‘a o‘f thisquest-anodans-cm cofctttle 1 poiszing. \VEEK umw week \vn come across men who don't. take a local paperâ€"ht» cause it, is so small ; l’UCDMISU they know all the mews in town; hvcunsn they hnvo no time to ram] it; hvcun§u they hike some (:in weekly; or sumo other vqunlly sntisl'ucoory reasons. Some of Hume wry men. too, nm the one“ who who ask favors of uniâ€"Mm insertion of nvnmrr‘ugu notice. or u long ohimmy, IIo/lmray's Ointmrnl aml I’ii'rs â€"-Fe\v per- sons are so favored by circumstances. or so fol tilied by nature, as to enable them to pass unscathed the sore trials of an inclement season. With eatarrhs. coughs. and in- llueuzas everywhere nbouudinq. it should be universally known that Holloway's flint- nieut. dilligeutly rubbed upon the clues t. checks the worst assaults of these maladies, and securely wards oil n-ore grave and dang» erous diseases of the tlnuat and lungs. The truth'of this assertimnnust remain unques- tioned in the face of thousands of nuimpeaeh- able living witnesses, who have personally derived the utmost possible beneï¬ts from this treatment when their present sniferiugs were appalling, and their future prospects most disheartening. Beth remedies act ammrahly together. Me. A. Selma, a telegraph operator on the Whitby llllll Port Perry llnilwny, hlew out. the as in his room at the St. James’ Hotel, 'llm'onto, and the consequence was that when the porter entered his r'eon: in the morning. aft. r breaking open the door, he was nearly suffocated with the escaped gas. Mr. Super was found lying in his bed with his face downwards, his head heing under the pillow. The porter carried the half sntl‘ocated man to an open wimlow, where the fresh air resuscitaleul him. Dr. Thm'nhnvnvwzm cent for, hot by the ‘fune he had arriver‘l ‘the man had receverel cun- scionsness, and later in the day was able to leave the city for his home. minis mud tam. Su nmmrnqs -â€"()ne l‘nlInr pawn, Strictly .in Aduancc. «ms. Cullaudsee them. A ï¬rs}, class Milan.- itx empluyad on the premises. McIntyre Prior. If you have not. ordered your Fall suit. it would pay to take a look through our oxteuuivo stock of new 1“V88tl8, recently purchased and especin ally for tho Full Trude. English, Scotch, Irish and Canadian ullwwool ll‘weedu. iu the latest, shades and putter- If so. it may be from the Luruosv of the 19le century. UATUIIIII. Tun Cosn'rrru. 'numu. UA-ruum REM-Kw wnll wagon-o you to enjoyable health. lt not only cures (Jutarrh, but. all othur (liseaaas wt the same tune. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by all Druggists and Medicine dealers. Send stamp for 48 pagu pamphlets containing treatise on Untm-rh. and certiï¬cates of the cured to 'l‘, J. B. Harding, Dominion Agent, 'J'm-onto, (lutuhcr llt‘h. ISSI. Ehc «‘Woudriuc gamma, The only cortmn, safe, and effectual cure for Catnrrh, builds up the system and cures all other (lisensesat the same time. Asthma, Rose Gold, Hay Fever. Bronchitis. Leucor- rhma, Diseases of the Kidneys, Nervous De- bility all leave together when the Constitu- tional Catarrh Remedy is taken as directed. Price SI per bottle. For sale by all Drug- gists and Medicine dealers. (‘25 acres cleared, having erected thcrenn a house and stable. Situated shout schn miles from the Village of \Vuodi‘illo. PARCEL 111. Under mortgage from Donald Carmichael, ln-ing partnf Lot 5. in the 2nd Concession of the Township of Eldon, in the County of Victm ia,containing 35 hundredths of an new, mum or less. Cmnnmncing at the eastern limit of said lot on the nurth side and join- ing lands sold to the Midland Railway (30. , then north. along the conccssinn line, 1 chain and 35 links. then wast at light angles with the UOIIUUSsimI line ‘2 chains and 50 links, than south 1 chain and 46 links, then cast ‘2 chains and BI) links in the place uf beginning 'l‘hu {nth-wing imprm‘cinculs are said to he an the prumiws : A lrann: slow and dwul- ling, {tunic shed and «liivingnhnusc. Fultnue linatl in the 'l‘uwnship of I'Jhlnu, euutnining MM) Acres mere 01- less. The fullmving imprm'emeuts are said tn be on the premises: Ahmrt 10 Acres .cleared, hm‘iné erected thereun it Leg lluuaea. â€"â€"'l‘El{.\lS:â€"â€"â€"â€" ()nc tenth 0f the put-chew money to he paid down on the day at sale. For lmlnuee, terms Will he Innsle known M the sale. For further particulars apply to Hr to EVERY "‘IIU {SHAY MORNINg Have you lost the Sense of Taste or Smell ? PARCEL 11. Under mort age from \Vm. MvnI-ley. the North half of $15. in tho lstConcession of the .tuwnship of Eldon containing 100 acres mure or less. The following improve .munts are said to be on the premises : about Bruckville, Ont. “‘0“ the pr remises of Mr. Gregor! amp- lwll. “’omlville. OuSaturalay, Otlw 296k ult., a\VJ‘IlTl'. PIG, about 6 or"? months old. The ï¬nder will pleasu communicate with DUUGAUD MORRISON, Argyle, 01 to GREG 0R CAMPBELL, N ov. 2nd, 188:1 Eriday, Navembe: 4th,1881, J‘AH‘EL 1V {Under \lortgagc :[runI Aim and William .‘\I:IIIs*ImI_'. Lutli «III the smIth .siIlc (If the IgY virtue of powers at sale contained in certain mortgages which will be produc~ 0d at the Sale, the following :â€" PARCEL 1‘ Under mortgage from Edmund Metcnlf and Jane Meccaâ€, the West half of Lot 17, in the lat Concession of the Township of Eldon, Gummy-of Victoria. lOancrcs, more or less. ."ho following émpmvemeuï¬s are said to be on the premises : ahout 50 acres cleared, having erected thereon a frame house. COUNTY OF ViGTORlA Auction Sale! WWNSIIII’ 0F ELMN, Constitutional Catarrh Remedy. King b'll't'flf, Jl’wulmllc. THE ELDON HOUSE, WOODVILLE, Strayed. J. c. unxumsr, mm , At 11 o‘clock in the forenoon, at Jox as Imus. MAUKFXZII'I. Sulimturs. Musuuic “all, 'lfu‘uutn. PROPERTY 'T‘H ENE .will be 8016, on â€".\T rrs or.ncr:,â€"~ VALUABLE IR l'U [HASH FA! -â€"-IN 'TIIE' â€"1x Trigâ€"- \Vomlville. Ont. \Voodville. Just Received. - THE LRTEST BTWLES END NEWEST PKTTERNS Selectcdifrom the best wholesales. by my amine my utpck and co pare prima- “it Peter G. Campbell has started business nppomtu Gregor (ismphel ysqparcd Undo all kinds of Waggon Unrriuuu-lmilding. Repairing in“, I'rnmptly Executed. TWO TONS SHOT, all sizes, POWDER, English. American and. Canadian, best Brands WADDING, CAPS and CARTMDGE SHELLS, METALLIC CARTRIDGES, for Rifles and. Revolvers. FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, CRACKED Wheat, Flsh, Pork, Coal Oil, Machine Oil. ERIKA ‘. GI“ 88, PU '1‘ ‘Y £30. A FIRS'IU‘ULASS TAILOR AND MILLINER ON THE PREMISES. BLASTING PO\V DER, DOUBLE TAPE \VATERPROGF FUSE, VOLNEY'S PATENT Blasting Powder, (stronger than D lmmite. Apple Parent, Grain Scoops, TUBULAR. LANTERNSJKOP HALTERS, ROPES, ALL SIZES and kinds, fur Halters and Plough Lines, Machine Oils, eight. Brands, IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS. CUT NAILS. Cnmxingbon, Sepbember lst, 1861. NEW DRESS GOODS FL ANNELS, \VINOEYS, â€"â€"ULSTERINGS,â€"-â€"‘ A Large Assortment 9f PLATE D~ WARE! .1“ upwind-"Ix MANTLES, OVERCOATS, Hunts and Shn es. Ehina-wam, Bwnkery Glasswate. lamp Goods, c MCIN'JTYRE PRIOR. The 1- MILLINERY! General Store Keepers can buy SEIOT from me as cheap as they can get it. in Torontor P ~ G- CAMPBELL, CARRIAGE , WAGGOHQMAKEB. ,. flfloï¬ EWQREJ {I Garments Gum 517226612 30 be [’67 feel [/71 'leng. \J Comprising ()RUETS, CAKE BASKETS. PICKLE SI‘XNDS. BUTTER COULERS. NAPKIN RINGS. TABLE KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOOKY» A FEW GOOD SECOND-HAND GUNS ULL AssonmmN'z‘ OF BUILDING HA RDWARE 05' ALL GOODS BOUGHT 1“ {0M 1 “ Turner Athletic Suspender", the only the world, for sale by me. Best (,1 HR AND WINTEfl WEEDS. UVEHEUATINBS. Kw. GROCERIEE, NEW’ AND FRESH, A LARGE STOCK 0F '4 Just received a full stock TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, a. large stock of new patterns. WOODVIIJLâ€™ï¬ 1 the best wholesales. by myself and warranted as represented. Call and ex- stock and co 1 pure priCus with otlwr dealers, nml you will I»: fully satisfied that butter satisfaction can be obtained from me than elsewhere. Tums. mom: mm 1:an nm A CALL. Fail Stock .' «Our Fall Stock is now complete comprising by celebrated makers to be sold CHEAP. BOUGHT 1“ {0M MIG CUT FREE OF CHARGE 4RD {’SWEYN- of Hardware for the Fall '1‘ rule consisting of no only lurfcct self-adjusting, nou-clutic Bnce in Best. Quality Browu Duck for Overalls. R. F. KELLALY. \V’WVJVVW y» v-IW- phell‘s old ntand. and in ring and Carriage-Pninh