Dcmxo the past two wovks qIIim I_I number of nIIeI-p IIIIIII-p II In! am having been kiiied III I.IIiII IIuiglIIImIIImJ by (Inga. Lust FIiIIIIy night. Bll‘flfllfl. \VIII. Reid IIIIII Dennis Hawkins of 4th Cou- (cssion of Eldon, lust. four line animals. The Ollodi‘lu‘oyml belonging to Mr. lkeid being II very valuable» sin-op. A IIIIOI'I tiIIIII IIiIIcn Mama's. JIuI. I’dmons IIIIII Donald CIIIIIpIIeII‘, of I‘ifll'ili‘mn, wen: iIIso III-:Ivy lapel-s. ’Noitlmr of the above IowIIIIIIipa have II dog~t ux liy- law in oxiatnhco. MIII~~i|IosI II- III om‘, Inn IIIIIIIII Mama Ian it, WM II‘IIL‘II'I'Ii. It. is now time it. wIIs :IgIIiII iIItImIIImI. "Iho IIIIIIIIIIII of '1")!eg IIIIIIIgv cum iIIlInIIit- ing this IiciIIiII, iI tIIxc-II, won! I chy IN one of his» \Vest Durham speeches Mr. Blake directed attention to the fact that in many nmnicipalitiea tarâ€"- mere’ sons neglected to take advantage of the Act giving them votes. The general election of 18337 will probably be decided on the assessment and vet. er’s lists of next year. It. is very pro~ hnhle that many tarmem’ sons in this neighborhood have not yet. «railed themselves {of the privileges of that Act, and We would recommend them not to allow another assessment to I»- made. Without doing so. Out of 4750 voters'recoulml in the Eldon Liï¬ts for the present year out. Seventeen urn fur- nu-m’ none. This is u very small show- ing. It is however partial!)v oxplnim ableâ€"u nnnlher of those nppeuring as such the previous your we notice we . nowrocorded nu owners, no doubt to escape. the Stutnte thor. How there can be two or three ownem for tho mum property is n lnohlem for. the future Returning Odin-r to determine, and which we fancy will not result in favor of the mid ownen. . l THE aneIgy and vigm of Lindsay hereafter is not. to be compared with that of Woodville. The [’08 in the «My spring announced the publication of II directory, but it has not. appeared, and {tom signs indicative the enterprise has “petered’†out and Is not going to appear. In the face of this apparent failure we wildly launched out in the same direction and the result will he Ieady for distiihnlion in a few days. Look out. {01 Tux: ADVOCATE “ DiIec tony.’ HonACE GREELEY said, “There is nothing easiev than to edit a black-- gngrd paper, and nothing, more difï¬cult than to get up a newspaper free from toidness and blackgunrdism. Fiï¬lh women and lmrsroom lonfmn are skilled in the mt of huudying epithets and he- xputtering each other with dirty words. It requires no hmins to do this ; hut it does require both heart and bruins to print a» newspaper that a decent man 0r. woman can read without a blush.†LATELY we have been subjected to a heavy cross-ï¬re of witticisms by our various coutemlxmuies, and after ‘ a three week's effort the Post at last sue- ceeds in. mangling us into. a .joke. Fortunately for the Post we have on lmusted our eupply of expletives on its predecessors. However, we will flame that little joke and verily it. shall have its. reward. \ A'owb when); in said to he in contemplation for crossing the English Channel. ‘7 A lino of steel tubes, sixteen feet-in diameter, is proposed, to be sunk and ï¬rmly anchored at a sufï¬cient. depth below’ the sulfuoe to be out of the way of navigation. It is to be ballasted to overcome the buoyant client, and secured to sunken oaisssons by chains. A'i'rha relieving itself of considerable bile in an engagement with the Port Perry Observer the Gleaner now offers a little gratuitous advice to Dr. Burns of “Thomas Heresy " fame and with which if the Dr. receiVes a marked copy of that paper he must certainly comply, , He is asked to retire ‘frdm the 'princi’pnlship 'of the College in Hamilton, that is all. who Wanda“: gamma. \VOODVILLE. NOVEMBER, 10. MM. \W ~WM \MMW‘W “Pro Bono l’ublico." Muthm‘l wlm arc nlnrzled at the hour of midnight. by that muimma hnnrle cough of ynurliuleuneu. wlmt mmld yml not give {for n mnnpt mul curlnln means of relief {mm I. mt ulruml alustruyur 0! your chilulron. (rump? Such a mum“ you may lmvo for I thu hailing cost. at 25 cents. It is lmgvm-d'n Y-ellnw Oil. the grant llmue'holcl rumédy fur nll inflmunnunry mnl painful «lineman. [)0 not mat, «m-r night again without it. HRI'RNTI.Y a salt wall was «linonnml on a farm "our l'ictnn. the pro mrty 0! Mr. ll. J. Malinwoll ul Kingston. l'hu water. which is n atmng brims. WM «tiscovorecl wlulo tho tenvul; WM lmringn w ll, the shaft being ulmllt nlxw luoz «lo-op and six inwlnu in (“mm-tor. It in lu-limm-l â€mt. if it. Weru milk a few feat. “(H.‘pl‘r it would [m n flowing well. M tlho water now risen ta tho tup of thu Inc {. 'l'lwgrcnt mnrvul of healingâ€"she grand climax «if modicnl clincnvuries is lhmlnck Blmnl Bitters. ltcviran all diamuen of tho lllmui, Liver. Stumauh. llowuls. skin nnd Kidneys. l’umnlo (.‘mnplninu. Seminln. General and Nervnnn “ability. and is n ru- lznlilu 'l'nnic in all lmukon condititions of the syn-an. Swiplu Bottle». l0 Cents. Sup- plied by all aloalcrn in medicine. .'l‘m¢ Midland balm 8'. River Co. ( in which llnhort .lnll‘ray. Wm. limdurlmm, (loo. A. â€at. H. H. Cook and II I'. Dwight. are in- tuiustml ) lnwn given notice of applicalinn for luttnrn lmlont. Unpltnl Ituck 8'.’(Nl,l)lMl: l..~:ulqumrh«rn at 'l'nrontn; object lake and river lmvignllnn. ON Friday morning, 28th "It. as Mr. Levi Annin' hired lmy‘wus plowing at. Sax- ony, mm of tho humus was suimd With «puplcxy and dropped clam an the spot. .\I . Annia \vns lmck tn Mnripmm. and very l nlnrully the boy was much frightened at tho gualden occurrence. "Their name is leginn "â€"txlie peo le whn raise that matcblcss medicine, {unlock loml Bitters. lt nets at once upon the Secretinns. tlm Bowls. the Liver; tlmlskin and the Kidneys. .lt purifies the Bland. dispels nll iuul lmmnra. Ml strengthéns the nervous and debilitated system. No known remedy can do more. Try it and be con- vimzcd. A nuqmsmox is being signed for Mr. Melville Millm' as nmyor of Orillia. Mr. Edmonson Inna accepted candidature for tho reeveship ; md there are half n «lozan candi- dates for deputy. This in rather earl y. M r. Millnr will probably be eloctul by acclmna- tion. Many people make drug shops of their stomachs, in the attempt to relieve a simple “tack of liver complaint. when will) a dose or tw-p of Dr. ’l'homas' Ecleclric Oil the com- plaint might be easily and pleasantly obviat- 12d. , Colic. )ilcs, hurt-s, corns. lame buck and swelled uecis, are also among the troubles which it cures. \V'ith the approach cl Spring. Billiary Complaints prevail that often lead to serious results. (.lmrd against their attack in time by using Burdock Blood Bitters: the best Liver lnvignmtor, Kidney Corrector, Regul- ator of the Bowels and Seoretions. and the purest. most permanent Tonic in the World. For sale by all dealers. Ox Tuesday evening. Oct, 18th, Archibald McSween, an old an much respected Pick. ering mun. suddenly dropped dead. while in the store of Messrs. Mosul), at Clan-moat. Heart disease is ascribed as the cause. Esmncu EXAMINATIOSS.â€"EX3minatâ€"iona 'for entrance to the High Schools, will he held at the school houses at Lindsay, Oak Wood and Omemce, commencing on Wed- nesday, Dec. 2m, at 9 a. m;- liagyard": Pectural Balsam is a purely vege- table healing balsam. It cures by luoswing the plllcgm and corrupt matter from the Lungs and expelling it from the system. )roup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all pectoral diseases yield to it promptly. It costs 25 cents per bottle. Iy-mg the Council extending their roll to the end or their power. That. this is a gross injustice to honest rate- p.yers must be plain to all The men who will not pay is given a bonus ill. the expense of the one who does, While the township is forced to inunui~ enable expenses by way of discounts and other precesses which should and could be avoided were the taxes but returned at a p‘roper time. Many of the townships of \Vestern Cunmla have adopted the plan of huung the '1': ens- urer collect the taxes, and it is found to- work very satisfactorily. T113 tax Collector will soon coni~ monoe his unnual walk among the rate payers of the townships, and this is the ‘ time for showing the beautiful peculiari- ties of our system ofwlleeting. Wepsy a Collector 880 per annum for collecting,nr rather begging for the township du'es, and which the law would force the 'ratepuyel’to pay. Now why. could not the taxes be puid to the Township Treasurer? A proper notice bestowed on each rutepuyer, .with the place of, payment annexed, and which could be made suitnhle to them should be suï¬i» cieut. Why should we pay a large salary to an ofï¬cial to collect the town- ship taxes when every man is bound to pay them whether a Collector demands them or not is not clear. Besides it is evidently unjust to honest citizens. ]n this township taxes are frequently per- mitted to stand uncollected for a. full quickly diminish while the tax paid on really valuable animals would emote a fund from Which their deprodullons might in a measure be liquidated. No one owning a good dog would feel a small tax a burden while. an lwe huVe before mentioned it would soon rid the townships of tho enapping. emu-ling ours, that am usually the (lepledutoru in the destluction of sheep. ~ “76 hope to see the township futhem take this matter into qonaidemtiou with a View to an early by huv. Any persnn who has mmlu a new discovery or invuntiun. onn Menu-min, free Qf chm-yr. win-Hun a patent can prnlmlvly be "blamed, by writing to .IUNN On. We also ac-ml frâ€, our linml Book «hunt the Potent Law», Patents, Caveats. 'J‘rmlo:.\lnrk!. their corals and Imw procured. with hinh for procuring n'lvnucos (m inventinm. Address for the Paper, or cmwerning Patents. PA TENTS. \‘i?u.ï¬?$’33§i§i?.'f tllio Amuriuuu" Messrs. Muss C». are h‘ulicitum fur American and Ford u l’utonts, hawo hud 35 years ('xpcrimxce, tunneli now have the largest céluhlishment in the world. l’utcuta are obtained on the bust termx. A special notice in made in the Minimum: AMERICAN nf all luveutiuus ‘atcntml through this Agency. with the name nml resilience of the l’utentou. By the immense (-irculatiuu thus givmi, pulsiiu nttentmn is directed tn tho merits of the new patent, and salon or introduction uftcu easily cil‘uut- ud- . ('.,0 l’ubliahonr-a, 87 Park Row, New York. PA TENTS. “Eng-.vsgrgztivn Terms. $3.90 per year. SI 60 half yem, wlIicII iIlCI'lldi'Q postage. Hin‘wunt tn A n.eIIts Sin. rlo .oopies ten cents. Sold by all News IlcnlI-ILI RoIIIIc by pasta! III-I' cl‘ y_t.II MUNN THE SCIENTIFIC AMERIéAN is a large, First Class \Yuekly Newspaper of sixteen plges. printed in the most. beautiful style, profusely illustrated will: aplnulid mgrméingï¬ representing the newest. Inventions uml Mm InostII-cpmit Advnnm‘s in tlm Arts and Sci- ences ; including New and Intbroating Facts in Aurionltnrï¬, Horticulture. the Home. Heal“ Medical Progress, Sacinl Science, Nutnml‘ Kimmy. Genygyi Aatronomy. The most valvnnlu prnclic l {$919.11. by eminent writers in all ulepnrtmen 'of Science, will be found in the Scipmiiic American. The Scientiï¬c American. without the use of the Knife. The only Permanent Cure in the‘\Vorld. For particulars enclose two 3 cent stumps to S. U. Suml, Coatieuok, P. Q., Canada. â€"â€"â€"-Highest Rul‘m-encesâ€"â€"- WCURES SWIFT AND CERTAIN. .1 Any paper cm: publish the above for $5 a year with this huh: and pnpur regularly. The Best Paper/ Try It! ‘ The-bidy‘mrï¬uï¬; aafé, 'aml effectual cure ‘ {or ()th Inï¬l‘dpvnp theggyatmn and-cures all otherllimnsesm: the same timo‘. Arthliin, Rose Gold. HayFeï¬or. Bronchitis, Leuc’orâ€" than, Diseases Of the Kidneys, Nervous Deg bility all leave together wheh the Constitu- tional Cgtnrrh [belnody is taken as (llrected. Price SI pen. bottle. For sale by all Drug. giats and Medicine dealers. â€" ‘ Immix Cancer Cure Depot, Coaticook, P.Q.. Canada. MUNN t 00,, 37 Patk Row. New York. If so. it may be from the LEPROSY of the 19th century, CA'MRRH. THE Comm-ru- TIONAL CATAImH REMEDY will restore you to enjoyable .healtli. It not only cures Untnrrb, but all other diseases at the some time. Price $l per bottle For sale by all Drnggietx nnd_ Medicine dealers. Send stamp for 48 page pamphlets containing treatise on (Intarrli, and certiï¬cates of the cured to 'l‘, J. B. Harding, Dominion Agent, Brockville, Out. A gocket of his coat, a large pocket book con. aining about 36% in notes and about $250 in cash. He came home and went to church and just before going to bed, was going to take it from his pocket as usual, but. it was gone Nexumorning he hitched up and went to tha place by had been to the" day before, and found it where he had jumped over :1 Names to pump water for lnis'horse. , 'l‘he poc- kct book was ainfe and sound. Have you lost the Sense of Taste or Smell ? ‘ Holloway's PHILâ€"Epidemic Diseases.â€" ‘ The alarming inch-nae oi death from cholera and diarrhea should be a warning to every One to subdue at once any irregularity tuml' 1mg towards dis use. HolIOWny'e Bills should now ‘be in every hnvs'hold to rectify all inns pure states of the blood, to remedy Weakness, and to overcome inmziired general health. Nothing can be simpler than the instructions for taking- this cor'ec in m -dicine. nothing more efï¬cient than its «leansing powers. nothing more harmless than its vegetable in- gredients. Holloway’s is the best physio during the summer mason. when decaying ‘ fruits and uuwholi-solnn vegetables are frequently deranx-ing the bowels. and daily exposing thousands. through their ne:ligence in permitting (murdered action. to the dung- ers of diarrhoea, dysentery. and cholera. MR. W. Rm‘sows. of the 2nd con. of Uxbridge. «how one and b If miles east of Gnodwooul on Sunday morning 23rd, ult.. on a visit, and carried with him in the inside CANCER CURED. T118 Uxhridg o Guardian saws. - On Sat urdIIy last. at Ballantrne. (is Mr. Jmnipson Smith was uittin a t the dinner tabla he was suddenly taken with an II areut‘ ohm-king tit. He rose from the toâ€; wa lkul to n lounue and laid down. and notwithstanding the efforts of those around him. died within ten minutes afterwards. Deceased hml been a non commissioned ofï¬cer in Her Majesty a 83rd Font- regiment sIIal won in active snrvice during the troubles of '83’ ' I A Dunoucu. [Lotâ€"A few deyl ago a cloth containing airychnine wu found in a well on the premises of Mr. Archibald Grier. lot 17. 3rd concession of 'l‘hurlow. No evil relulu hid followed the nee of the water the poison being pr hably insuflicieut in umtit tn have any eenouu emot. Mr. tier h omen a neighbor who has sworn ven- genuoe against him. and to whom he at- tributes the killing durin a. few years post of several horse: and can a. Tn! 0.1M“ lludioalor any-z “Never tor you". b! our-prospect: for a long sud study willwr'n wik looked more oheeriug.. Almost all our lulu-tries are looking for- word,“ an influx of work." Continuum, Oatm‘h .Ramedvif BEA UTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. $1.000 FORFEIT. 36TH YEAR, Peter 0. Campbell has started buaiiwu oppmltu Gregor Campbell’s old stand, and is prepared to (lo Ml kinds of \Vaggnn a CurruHo-Uuildmg. Repam'ug wd Cuttings-Paints ing, l’rumplly Execuwd‘ Selected from the bust wholesales, by mysnlf and wmmutcd as represented. Call Mill ex: mniuq my otOL‘k and co 1mm prices with othur danlers, nml ycm will be fully satisï¬ed that, butter sntiafucciou can be ubminud from me than elsewhere. V, .A. 3'. SMITH, ‘ “HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER £20. TI'IITIV an‘nvnm mnn n-rr-r-r r 1: Just Received : THE LIXTEST STYLES 2WD NEWEST PKTTERN. All kinds of DOUBI .E and QIBGLE HARNESS made to order, from the beat material and at the shortest notice. lit-pairing promptly attended to. I have now {on hand a new stock of WHIPS, HORSE COVERS, {CURRIE COMES, BRUSHES, WHlP LASIIES, TLUNKS c. 0 ALL AND SEE MY STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. Hols just leceived the following goods which he will sell M. a small advance on cost. to CASH BUYERS: 175 dozen Axe Handles, Oak, Hickory and Elm, ' 50 Gross Out Saws, Lance Tooth, 7 5 Boxes Axr-s, at all Prices; Ropn, all sizes, Halters, Lanterns, American and Canadian, American Head Light. Oil, thebosst and cheupast in the Market /P G. CAMPBELL, 3» CARRIAGE WAGEDMMAKEB , The FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMBAL, CRACKED k Wheat, Plsh, Pork, Coal Oil, Machine Oil. mums. GLKSS, PUTTY 8:0." MANTLES, nvemons, Boats and Shu es. China-ware. Bmckery Blassviare. lamp Bonds, c NEW DRESSN‘G-OODS’ * FLANNELS, WINOEYS, â€"â€"ULSTERINGS,â€"'â€" MCIN TYRE PRIOR Garments Guaram'eed Z0 be Terfecl I/Wlmg. cor ALI; GOODS BOUGHT FROM ME OUT FREE OF CHARGE M %MILLINERY! FIRST - CLASS TAILOR AND MILLINER ON THE PREMISES. 300 Pairs IIARVIL‘S" GLOVES Cheap for Cash. ~0utlery ,ana’ Silver-ware a Specialty/4 Hill AND WINTER IWEEDS. WEREUATINGS. 8w. l‘urner Athletic Suspender", the only perfect self-adjusting. non-elastic Brace in tho wurhl, for sale by me. Bust Quality Brown Duck for Overalls. GROCERIES, NEW 'AND FRESH, A LARGE STOCK OF H TERMS, MODERA'I‘E. GIVE HIM A CALI. P- M’SWEYN- HARDWARE m KING STREET, WOOD VILLE. Cannington. F. KI/LLALY, Fall Stock .' Our Full Stock in now 90mplote comprising