(London Free Press.) The Obtawe Free Press has two libel suite on hand, which appear to have been pro- moted more from motives of spite than for the eoqtiisition of. justice or defence of character. Referring to this the F130 Press “193 _‘ _‘ -. , , ,,n__._-__ L- ....L .v. . If the libel law regardin newspapers be not amended. every rogue w o fancies what he eeteeme his character has been injured will be able to gas the press with a writ. 11- this thing continues newspaper proprietors will have to form a union for the preservation of theirliberty end their property. As the law Intends. actions for libel can be instituted without any guarantee for costs being paid into court. Hence it is that newspaper proprietors are p‘eculi‘atrlz open to be made the subjects of that kind of annoyance. as our contemporary points out. Some four or ï¬ve years ago an action of that kind ‘waa brought against this jour- nal by a_connty constable on account of a ,A A__I- “I‘-_ â€"â€"- '4.â€" ..... re rt of a conversation that took place be ore the Chief of Police, in which a com- gainant stated that the constable bad; wil- ll neglected to serve a warrant on a man at elaware who had committed a most uncalled for and aggravated assault. The facts were all with the paper and against the constable. the truth being that owing to his delay the assailant got away to the States. the man who had been gavel-fly injured being left without redress. A“..- a]... .L..â€"... n! “Iihal†In due time the charge of “libel †came before the court. and the jury at once brought in a verdict for the de- fendants, the justice of which the late Judge Harrison heartily concurred in. But the county constable referred to had no means of paying law costs. and the outlays necessary to the defence were thrown upon our proprietors. The law provndes that in some cases security should be given for costs before an action can be brought. This necessary precaution 6 es not apply to libel, and hence those be h vs to set forth the public news of the day are always at the mercy of people who fancy that a libel consists in telling unpleasant truths. It is only necessary to make the statement in order to show how neediul it is that the law should be so amended as to cause security for costs to be given in cases of action for libel, or that some other course, such as the concurrence of a Judge in the validit of a suit, should be obtained before it eonl be progressed with. Dr. Lyman Abbott has just got a volume on “ The Life and Characteristics of Henry Ward Beecher." It in said that President Arthur weighs exactly 250 unde. He is indeed a eta]. Wm 01 the tolwarte. M. anenn. oi Lille. an enthusiastic horticulturict.leit that town $900,000 on condition oi its building a horticultural hall for flower thaws. with room: for a horti- cultural society. and last month the International Flower Show was held there. which W» n great success. containing some very noteworthy exhibits. While John B. Gou§h lsy eiek in bed at Worcester, the other n ght. e large audience gnthered at Tremont Temple. in Boston, to ear him leeture. It is said of Frank J emes that he never killed a men unless he felt that it was positively necessary. This relieves him of much suspicion. All of George III.‘a cone and daughters. end their wives and husbands. are now dead, eeve the venerable Duchess of Cam bridge. who he: eurvlved her tether-in-lew eixtrtwo yem. 8he hvee in 8t.Jemee' Peleoe. the oher e of her daughter. the Princess Met-y of ooh. â€A? ltil-cl; moment dashed in sight. No one saw the baby ï¬gure, No one saw the golden hsir. Till a voice of {tightened sweetness Bong out on the autumn air. Twas too late-a moment on] Stood the beauteous vision ere, Then the little form lay lifeless. Covered o'er with golden hair. Reverently they raised my darling, Brushed away the curls of old. Saw the stamp upon his {ore end. Growing now so icy cold. Not a mark the face disï¬gured, Showing where a foot had trod, But. the little life was ended. Papa's letter was with God. 1'30 3 letter, Mary, see i" ' ' ' No one heard the little rattler An once more he clim the stair. Bewhed his mm and little tippet. Standing on um table more. No one hand the front door open. No one saw the olden hair As it floated o'er h e shoulders 0n the crisp October air. But the clerk in wonder answered. “ Not to-de , my little man." "Den I'll fln enouer ofï¬ce, 'Ceuse I must go. it I can." Fain the clerk would have detained him. But the plea. llnxyoice was gone, And the little feet were hastening By the busy crowd swept on. 8 ddenly the crowd was parted. eople dashed to left and right. As‘a, gain: of meddened horses ,. ‘,_L_32_ '_}_LL Ban on room for any morn. " 'Oauso dis letter' a oing to ups-â€" Pap a live: with 'od, on nowâ€" Mnmpma. sent me {or a letter, Does an ï¬nk that I can go?" Leaving me, the darling hurried Down to Mar! in his glee: “ Munngafq wrl_ jug lots 9! letters. Down the street the beby hastened Till he reached the otflce door: “ Lee a letter. M}. Postman, Go aw. and bear good news ;" And I am led u down the staircase Olsttered loud the little shoes. Thjn I said. " flow, litthlettexj. Form}?! ehwll‘dhoodiwhwhln'g gnce. But the e or face we: clouded Al 1 slow y shook my heed. Till I laid ' ‘1! make A letter 0! you, (in-ling boy. Instead." 80 I ported book the treason _ From hie forehead high and whxte. And 0. stomp in e n I pasted ' Mid its weveso golden light. Wont some one: think w do , erun letters in on. momma.- th um» a latter two ?" “Not now édu‘linï¬ mommu.’ a busy; Bun Ind ploy V! th kitty, now. " No. no. momma. me write lotto". And on will show me how." I would point my dull!) ortmlt AI his sweet 0 es sear-cs my face Hair 0! 891d. 99.. are! 0‘ 91:939. I In sitting in my stud§ wmm leuon. when hard “le our mnmma, In: tol'd me Manna. mul'n't be disturï¬od : But he and ot tho‘lgiï¬ty.‘ Ell-y Libel (hm-gen. Pup-'1. Inner. Bax-lick and Emma“? Drain Tile a Specialty An app peel to Christendom has been pub- lished to subscribe for the complete restlzn'sâ€" tion of the Castle Church. Wittenberg. This is the church where Martin Luther placarded his ninet ï¬ve theses on the door. The Prussian srlisment would not even tote a law pounds for the desired object. and therefore the £30. 000 required is to be raised by public subscription. Anxious to explain the meaning of hyper- bole, a Presbyterian minister said: “Per. heps you do not understand the meaning of the word hyperbole. This word, my friends. increases or diminishes a thing beyond the exact truth. Suppose I should When Mr. Spurgeon was asked how he euoceeded eo wonderfully in keeping his church full. he replied : “ I ï¬ll the pulpit and let the people ï¬ll the pews." The old slave-market of Zanzibar, whore 30,000 slaves were formerly sold annually, has 'bson transformed into mission pre- mises, with a church and school. Achurch ‘in a country village recently circulated a paper among the congregation asking tor contributions “ for the purpose of paying the organist and a boy to blow the same.†Young Men’s Christian Associations are now established in Cairo. Beyront, Smyrna, Damascus, Jerusalem. Nazareth. Calcutta, Hong Kong, Yokohama. and many other foreign cities. The Pioneer suggests that the Mehometen soldiers of the Indian army now serving in Egypt. aheqld be .sï¬grded eve_r_y oppogtu- 659 the whole of this oongrég‘stion is fast asleep. That would be a. hyperbole, for there is not above one-half of you sleeping." The very lowest caste in India is the cobbler caste, and Wm. Carey, an English cobbler, carried to them the ï¬rst tidings o! the gospel. In Madagascar. out of a population of 2,500,000. there are 70.000 Christians. The ï¬rst missionary visited the island less than sixty years ago. Of the 120,000,000 women and girls in India, not more than one in every twelve hundred has yet been placed under any kind of Christan influence. The third General Council of the Pres- byterian Churches of the world will meet in Belfast, Ireland. on the 24th of J une, 1884. and probably in the Assembly Hall. Great are the expectations and great will be the preparations for such a gathering. As to the hospitality to the delegates there will be no difï¬culty on that score. Of all descriptions. By strict nttenï¬nn to the pubic \vnnts he will on- deavour to secure a hbeml share of patronage Beauerton Lumber Yard. BRICK YARD ADELE EQ’E‘T‘ERY. W. TAYLOR, Proprietor. LUMBER, SIIINGLES, and LATII The membership of the Moravian Church throughout the world is 300,.000 There are only 14,000 members in the States. A Norwegian missionary in Zululand reports that he has baptized twenty Zulua since the war and many others are in a. hopeful condition. Egypt should be aï¬orded every opportu- nity of making a pilgrimage to Mecca when the war is over. Many hall-crazy beings, men and women budding for madness arising out of in- herited or physical causes, plunge zealously into the stirring services of the Salvation Army in England and evolve into full- blown lunatics. The Presbyterian: ot the States havfl eleven churches with over a thonssnd com- munioants each ; Dr. Telmege's with 2.747 oommunicsnts ; Chicago (Dr. A. E. Kit- tredge}. 1,894 ; Dr. John Hell’s. 1,807 ; Brook yn (Dr. T. L. Cuyler's). 1,792; Dr. Crosby’s. 1,396 ; Rochester (Dr. J. B. Show), 1,321 ; University Place, N. Y. (Dr. Booth), 1.208 ; Bethany. Philadelphia, 1.180 ; New York, Dr. J. R. Puton'e 1.032; San Francisco (Rev. John Hemphill), 1,024 ; Brick, N. Y., 1,001. Oriental cloth of as many colors as Josenbts seat. is me .riopean We 9* Upri ht ruï¬e of lace and not show of! fair an slender necks to advantage. The Guardian ï¬nds the‘: the tide of Church feeling is setting stronger and stronger every year against Church debts. “ What Kentucky lacks in churches.†says the Chriuian at Work, “ she makes up in uncommon." Rev. George Batchelor. o! Belem, Mum, has accepted a cell to Dr. Oollyer’nChuroh. at Chicago. at ezealary of $5.000. There no 101 Sunday Schools. with 8,764 scholars. in Jupan. The Presbyterian Board has opened I. mission in Guatomsln. The undersigned begs to inform the citizens of Beaver-tun and surrounding country that he has commenced business in the above line on the one door west of D. McKenzie’s where he will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of FRESH GROOERIES of 9.11 Kinda! Cakes, Biscuits. and. Confectionery, AMONG TIIE CHURCHES. NORTH SIDE SIMCOE ST {EET FEW E? KER ofMI kinds and qualities on hand. FRESH BREAD Latent lmdles’ Fashion Nolcl. AND GROCERY. F. DUNNIGAN- of every description. But the other Said nothing. There was n Jump in his throat mt pupa-ted. and he looked toward thesindow wander pre- tence of wiping his forehead with his hand- keryhief. but it was only .to oonoeal the mentors that came unbidden in his eyes. Teachers in the Public Schools of France stingy qeldoyxpaigl mor_e th9n_85 §_wgek_. The Public Soï¬ool work of the United States involves an expenditure of more than 880,000,000. Nearly 1.000.000 pupils are enrolled and about 300,000 teachers eugployegl. i'Efn‘i £975 REVEQE ELB"§3%1I§Ei£§ ESQ} bowed his head on his hands and waseilent. More than one-half of the teachers, not only of public but of private sohools.‘ 1n the Umted States are women. This proportion holds, too, In advanced as well as in elemen- tar_y_ gr_ad_es. And be wiped his hornv. aumbrowned hand across his eyes. There was silence for a: few minutes. then he oqntiqued; " Don't think worse of me for that. stran- ger; I may be a. grown man. but. somehow I can’t keep tears out of my eyes. They will come. You see I was the youngest. I was the baby, her boy she used to call me, and when I grew up, I wanted to see the world, to see life, but she wanted me to stag at home, and I was hot-heeded endâ€" sn I went ewey. Bth always dre_a.med of coming baoE, and here, {when I was gaudy jg yep @qlate‘, tgolate. Ah, stranger. The Principalship of Pickering College, rendered vacant by the death of Mr. S. 1’. Davis, M. A., has been ï¬lled by the appointment of Mr. W. H. Huston, M. A. Field Marshal Von Moltke endorses the system of gymnastics in the German higher schools. The National Association embraces 2.300 schooling and gymnastic societies, with morerthsn 200,000 members. “ ’Bout ten years." “ Ten years. and now you are going home I Well,that'a pleasant. I know I'm only away about a month at a time, yet when I come back I'm as happy as a goslin in a sun shower. Fact ; you wouldn’t think I'm sentimental. yet when I'm on my way home the cats never seem to go fast enough. and I can't think of anything but home. home, all the time I'm there. My. but I’d like to be in your shoes for a short time. just to feel how happy you must be. Folk} all well,_I suppose 'I_" _ _ “ Stranger, I am going back to be at my mother' s funeral. It’s ten year, ten long. long year. since I saw her last, and then I went away s ing I never wanted to see her again. Iagid that to my mother. But I was agnot much more thany a boy then, and I didn’ t know what I was (loin); It was my mother, but I am not to be blamed too harshly. And after I went away I never sentaletter homeâ€"not one, but I always meant to. She used to write me such heart-breaking letters that I. great rough mmer as I was, couldn’t keep the tears back. You see. I didn’t write because I was always a- --a thinking that I would strike it rich, and theanou ld go home and just show the old folks what money and'I ease was. butâ€" but. stranger. I put it off too long. I was going home next week. I was going to surprise ’em, and I had enough money to make their old age oom- fortable, but, stranger, she went home before I did." The Touch!" It." a Great Reta-h Fellow Told. They were sitting in the waiting-room o! the depot togetherâ€"the depper hme man who looked as though he might be a com- memiel traveller, end the eat rough fol- low whose cowhide boots. a easy umente and broad brown Mexican hemp! thet he The Principal of the Ottawa Normal Sohoolsuggeata that it might be well in schools to have teachers nromotedï¬nwn- l nearly ï¬nished: ' All "’m'k IVurwmted. l HORSE SIâ€"IOEING A SPECIA LITY l Iggrzonon INVITED, was fresh from some semi-civilized region of the West. The westerner sat looking out of the window n n the dreary confu- sion of tracks, swito es. frogs and snorting freight engines. Just at that moment he seemed like a man without a friend in the world, and out of pure sym thy the oom- meroial traveller attemp to strike up a conversation: " Got long to wait?" he asked in a friendly tone. “’Bout an hour." was the short answer. “ Going fer?†“ Nigh unto a. hundred miles back into the kentry.†“ Yea, where ?" “ Stranger. I’m going home. Home." ff ï¬g! . Been ewe! long '2" lle compounds for the rejuvinetlon of the air, but Outbollne, the greet petroleum Suits made to order from the latest and most shalt "new“ 5nd (130901118. M now im- fashionnhlo stylus. All wmk unmntccd Extend and perfectedmtilltekee the front :?â€"~â€"--‘- WOO DV I L L E , Q N T_ L The market is flooded with worthless and l: to ï¬t. 'I‘ER \ls, (mg l. enk on the beet preparation ever oflered to Shop over Mchltyl‘qe", Al'rinr's Store, on- he publlo. A. MCFA DYEN. BEA V ER’I‘ON. 9 Sections 15 and 16, Township 4, Range .. 1280 acres ; aim West Half 9, 'l‘mvnship 7. Range l2, 3‘20 acres. Sections I5 and 16 is near the Town of Morris, and convenient to 11 Railway. Will aelmnge for Lands in Ontario. Also a number of Improved Farms for Sale in the Counties of Ontario, Victoria. Bruce, Carleton, Dundas, Durham, (hm-y. llalton, Kent, Lanark, erffllk, Simeoe, \\ elland and Muskoka, These farms will he sold cheap and on easy terms of payment. MONEY T0 LOAN at 6‘5 and 7 per cent. If you want a. Farm address or call per- sonally on D. Henderson ~ - -, -~«~ â€"-AToronto druggist being oomphmented Manitoba L f m the beauty of his last bab rep lied. “ It Olaâ€"â€8 OI†sale 3"†my prettiest. but its by Pflarmycutest.†nterment private. m. :r. HAEWOQQ. s l‘he Public Schools. £11106, Side Dog}; The author of the “ Deserted Village†utters a well timed warning when he says: lll fares the land. to fostering ills a prey. Where wealth accumulates and men decay. This is too true. Now-a-daya it seems as if wealth were everytbin and health nothing. But what does it neï¬ta man it he has the wealth otOroesue but has to be wheeled around like a child. a hel lees invalid or dies when all his wealth has n earned. Men of wealth but lacking health may well envy any robust laborer at his toil. But it is not diï¬ioultto retain this greateet of blesainge by a little care in repelling the ï¬rst attacks of disease. Lung complaints are the most insiduoue in their approach and the most diflioult of cure; but Dr. Wilson’s Pulmonary Balsam is the '-beet remed in the world for throat and lung senses and it used judioiousl there is no need for ill health through em. In Dyspepsia we have in Wasnnss‘s Paosrns'rss AND Omens aremedy worthy of the attention of sufferers from this pro. teen disease. Cases occur which resist ordinary treatment. Headaches and drows- iness after eating continue. irritability, restlessness and de ression of spirits, tongue coated. disagreeab e taste in the mouth, stomach and bowels deranged, liver to y and systemzo evidences of disordere nutrition. These symptoms readily yield to the Elixir when other means fail. â€"anar Wilden 003's: The worst use you can make with w 18 to varnish it. To Who has not seen the fair, fresh young girl transformed in a few months into the pale, haggard, dispirited woman ? The- sparkling eyes are dimmed. and the ringing laugh heard no more. Too often the causes are disorder of the systems which Dr. Pierce's " Favorite Prescription " would remedy in a short time. Remember, that the “ Favorite Prescription " will unfail~ ingly cure all “ female weaknesses," and restore health and beauty. By alldruggists. Send three stamps for Dr. Pierce’s treatise on Diseases on Women (96 pages.) Address Wonnn‘s MEDICAL Associates, Butfalo, N.Y. It is stated the British Government have decided to submit to the Conference of the great Powers a. scheme for Egyptian mili- tary organization before its adoption. “I have spent hundreds of dollars for doctors' fees and medicines, and never found any relief from rheumatism till I used Dr. Dow‘s Sturgeon Oil Linimont. Now I can walk without any cane or crutch." This testimony from A. 1). Ross, Ohio. N. 8., is not an isolated case by any means. Dr. Dow's Sturgeon Oil Liniment has cured thousands of almost hopeless cases of rheumatism. In some instances the sufferer had been conï¬ned to bed for months and in a few cases for years before this remedy was applied and it eflected a complete cure. So marvellous have been the eï¬ecte of this remedy that it has been adopted as a standard medicine by many physicians. and in their hands it has relieved a very great amount of suffering. made the lame to walk and given work and active employment to many who had con- sidered their active work at an end. That's the question. Will it psy to suffer day after day when a. 25 cent bottle of Pcrsm‘s Pursues Cons Exnucron will give prompt. and permanent ease and oom- forb. Thousands testify that it is a. good investment, and if you are a sufl'erer from oorns try it. Sure, safe. and painless. Sold by druggiezs everywhere. â€"-“Cassell'e Family Magazine†justly observes that actual knowledge of house- hold work makes mistresses more reason- able in requirements of servants. be worth looking at wood should be nicely oiled. â€"A good microscope may be made by boring asmall hole in a. piece of tin and ï¬lling it with one clear drop of the balsam 0! common ï¬r. The Salvation Army holds in different parts of the British Islands 6.200 services every week. It you feel dull. drowsy. debilitated, have reQuent headache, mouth taste had, poor tppetite. tongue coated. you are suffering from torpid liver, or “bilioueneee.†Nothing will cure you so speedily and permanently as Dr. Pieroe‘e "Golden liedioal Discovery.†By all druggiete. Over 38,000,000 worth of cottonseed eel is im ortod ennually into Greet ritein. an English graze" claim that hrough its excellence as food they can ompete with Americans. It appears trange that Southern farmers ehould ilow so much of this choice feed and splendid fertilizer to go abroad. Dr Wilson's Anti- bilions and Preservin Elie relieve constipation. correct acidity o e stomach. increase the appetite so tyhet he cosrest food' is relished, When this is momp lished all other complaints must rielld to the restoring influence of these bil s. math. Léndon, hsvé 3367a“! to call the Kev. D. K. Guthrie. of Liberton. Edinburgh. 101: of the late Dr. Guthrie. The U. 8. President has appointed Lame 'eolihot New York, Comm]p at Fort Erie, IE“ 5- Aunovgly-{ormog wastage“?! in laugh- Your Teeth with pearls will surely vie, It " Teaberry " you onl try; 0n_oe used. you_ne"Ae_r will 0 vyitlgqql it. J use try'éne bottle. it you doubt it. In it Worth the Money I No Crunches Needed. lie-uh and Woolch. There is much dissatisfaction expressed st Gslgsry at the notion of the Dominion Government in reserving four miles ow; wey trom the tort. Old settlers ere toll that they are tree sssers. and no bulldin or improvemento any kind is permit . There would be quite a. good-sized toyn there it people were allowed to 0 on with improvements. As it is. everyt ing is st n standstill. and several people have lelt thet section of the country. A tition is being torwsrded to Ottawa for re rees. ~ I Mn 3 mm round for the IboV01 Iu mound. of cues o tho worn in andln have been cured. Indeed. mum n It: 0 one]. thn I will and TWO 301'" gather_ with . VAL UABLB 133111580: u LATEST “(out wmuwna. An inter reter at Battleford reports thot he has in uced three thousand Green to return to their homes north of the Bush“- ohewen from the Missouri River and Gun.- dien frontier. 1%.. mmuon. Iddfoiï¬lénfln'iiéoc. hunt".- I dyspeptic or constipated. should address. with two stamps for pamphlet, Wonw’a plagusam MEDICAL Assocu'nox, Buffalo, WUNG MEN {.2 i°fl¥$3324$§2§€£§fn "’ Oliver Wendell Holmes contemplate- giving 11 his professorship at Harvard. in order to ave more time for literary work. Bpeoial inducements are oï¬cred you by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found else- where in this issue. Colonel Duncan Macphereon. 0.8.. who has commanded the let Battalion Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) throughout the crmpaign in Egypt, is about to return to England, in view of his retirement upon hall-pay, in accordance with the terms of the Royal Warrant regulating promotion and retirement in the army. Colonel Mao- phereon ie to he succeeded in command by hieuhColonel W. Green. 2.1515535:=35.:;:5m;:;a~..zzsac115i. Features and Illustration: man my other «mlon. The most LIBERAL Tnnns‘fmnted ban; PUB. l-IHIIINII loll-B. P30†DEAL G . N0 Dnmurs. Write quickly for circular: and terms. Territory in “pidukmw‘kae’l' nnnv m? van-run an ' upldlyoo b'eln 351m? 0001: mmsma 00.. so. 98. 99 t 100 lottopollun mm. omondomb The only complete account of 'tho lluouri ecu-w; “III I N CI “The Joannouosu xtezmzm 7.1.5: Elp lontIo-l. nc ll In ll VKIJN. m llAYEI. HALL md E LONG. “Pictorial Hamil] ijlo._â€Â§.‘3€,$2r’kh°:.::_: "newman's I!“ l"OI'I our 'bi‘anirazgaggi â€log I. y from th nan-allele" to July “I. is!“ .fl'ho only b90k_ ooverigg the subject. 18-83- . he only book covering the subject. The leos of the James Brothers. The only lyoomploeo account of tho lluourl Outlaws. and the rum- In?!“ lï¬â€˜aAImLQQe yflwï¬tmigreh? rlnled on ï¬ne pager. elegantly Illustrated and beautl ul :7 bound. No ol er book: their equal. All new am. no competltlon. gerylggqcleuy. They wasn‘tâ€? Anen't because they sell QM†$20 W H E AT 35% 'l'lms (lvnlrin: In mnka money on 11- n1! mm mm Hum Investment. in grain. ['l',)'u'2.’l"1ll and stock sm-cllluuo '5. can dust) by om Ming on murplmz. From llny lat. 18M. tn Hm {resent mm. on In- w-stmonu: of. Immmfl ,mm, cash pmnm Inn" lu-mx ronlxzod and [mixl to illumb'u'é: mnmmtim: to scvuml timm 1m- c‘rfuhml iuvonb mum. mu lz-nvlnw :honrininnl in- Vcslmuut mnknu: “mm-y or pa - uhgo nu domnzul. I‘antuugltprypj; ;\nd all Joseph. puma in . Iowa. Atchlaon. Topeka. Den)- mun mu! Texas. Through '7 Tlckcta via this ‘ Celebrated Line 101 5:11 2 n: all omcca in (In: E. s. y Canada. A(\\ Territory clear. They musty the Agent no: (55:. the people_on ageoum gt their value. r'; 1 ports}? PERCEVAL LOWELL. 3:! '(cc c‘Prcs at 6271‘! Manager. Gen. I’auJaL. Chicago. 111. Chicago, m. J. GIMPFON, A‘Cn‘c 98 Front Street East. Toronto Ont II An It-c “Newman’s Amorlqg._ _o. n. m PRINCIPAL‘I'LINE CHICAGO AGENTï¬ WANTE ii» (n3 b’e‘st hdulpped V Railroad In the World for KANSAS CITY UnlvnrsaN U cronchqd to all classes 0! travel. GONSUMPTIDN. nun I ponmvo remedi for the sham dluuo; b I? u Ihonundo or can†0* Iho wont klnd lnd o! Iapdln; have boon_ cured Indeed. go aIrong In my {HIE STOCKS $00 Information about. Rates 0 Pure. Sleeping C etc.. chrorfulh' nlv A ' Gil 'i'on'd'ï¬d lefl'i'ilï¬ï¬Ã©f BLII TBlAflaln thlI alum. to in I: not and P. 0. Maroon. '1‘» ml, '“ "I" "5 N.' YOYko IN’GEEIEEZASE Important to Trure'lers A" connection made In Unlon 4 \As Depots. («’e V v about. llama of l Fare. Sleeplng Cur} etq.. cheerfully given b2 culam . .cuzvmuts of fund aunt, free. ‘Nv want maponulb agents, who will ropm‘l; on of!) mu! lntrmlnc- tho plan. Mbe commlss mas mid. Address, FLEMMISH J; .‘HIIIIHAM Co.- mh-lon Mvn-huntc» Major blocks (IlIk-nxo. “I. This Home has no superior ior Albeit k Len. Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nation-“y reputed a . ., , . being the Grgal The BIIIOIII. YOUR CAPITAL. T Suhsuiptionflnnks _ LINE OFâ€" All It. lope!“ "’ of Its ll llory and / and you wt!) and traveling a luxury. instead 5"