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Woodville Advocate (1878), 9 Nov 1882, p. 4

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Tm: Dominion four dollar notes wore issm-d by the Assistant lleceivcr~General last Monday. The distinctive features » are a portrait of the Marquis of Lorne in the rsentre, auda representation of the Great Seal of Canada at the left hand corner. The not-.3 are also printed upon water-lined paper. The reason nf the issue is a statute [mused Sunm time ago, depriving hanks of the power to issue any mites under $5.00. Mime that time the bank :34 notes have been gradually called in, until it. was felt that a um-‘ernmcn'c issue was int-Cessary. Ol‘l: cntonn. of the Pctcrlmmugli Thurs is :ngagml in the pleasant task of cxpoxing the wrung linings of the Midland liailwav and of the :ratlicinanagcr, Mr. A. \Vliite in particular. Sonic personal grievance is un- «loulitmlly actuating tlic Thais in its insina~ atimas, fur Mr. White is acknow‘wdgcd to he a liz‘sbclass business man, aml tliuronglily Iincltâ€"rs-tamls the business of his pnsitiun. As fur fl‘t‘lgllt charges, some tinm «ma “'0 had uc~':l<lull to “mice the exorbitant rates t'chlul an purtiuns of the line‘ but this was prim- tn the amalgama ion with the 'l'arontn )ipissing. Since th s we learn a much more ulnitalrle tariff has lnecn charged. Tm: Sultan thinks Lord Dufl'crin will now] watching at Cairn, and “nuts to send :: eulmnissiunur to lonk after Turkey's in- u-xcsts. Dervisch l’aslm’s visit. to Egypt lnl'uVCtl to both l-lgyutinn parties that Imithoruf them could tlust the Sultan, and Arah 5 papers reveal the fact; that he fur- mcntml the trouMc with. Great Britain. ’l‘iw (-mmnisxiuncr wiH nut, therefore, if he Put: the past few weeks the American mind has been troubled ever a supposed loss to the revenues of the “Land of Liberty." The mattcr in dispute resdved itself into the question, are frogs fish ‘3 for as such they had been passing the Ameri- ‘zzn (‘HstOmS in considerable quantities until an astute officer raised the above question. Secretary Fulgcl‘ before whom the matter was tent has given a dealsiun that {rugs are um fish. and we are now anxiously wait- ing to learn what they are, 1111-4111 I‘ 1.41:1. [incl it. (may to lniuL' his 111ix11u1 1100 111 ban in 1111}; quanta. It, may i 1- , 11-111mm. UI 1t 1.11111 Dnfl'crin‘s 11108311121: :11 (.‘11i111is nevusmv to 11C111111i11t him [1111‘- mnnllv with the details 111 the cmupiiuity of 1111 311‘11111 in tho 1cl)ul!iun.lf 511. the Sultan 1:. \i1t111111y on his t1i11l. It may 111: that this is the r1111] necessity fur u rqu‘c- acutnuvu of the Sultan. A rnu'rx-zsr has bwn issued by Hons. Jnn. (flhinohnc and Frank Smith in behalf of tln: Lilwral-(.‘nnsun'ntix'n party, in nliicli thry call attention to the fact that Ilia “ran-c Archbishop Lynch, lms been using his inlluunm‘ in the lath elections. lt h ;\ nuturinns fact that, llis Gmm is an inveter- nlI- «lubblur in pulitics, but that he \mnhl clerk‘uhl tn the nmau and \‘cry queslimmblc wln nw cf 51 mlinu cmissarics (‘mnmisniom-(l nith lvttum nmn-nling to the (,‘athulic ulce- hm, we worn hardly prcpnrcul for. 'l‘his, ln-n'uwrr. \vr lvm n frmn nnv \th saw one. of the snnl luttcrs \ms lll'IIU in the ms» of tha- lnh- clrvtiun in East Simone, and helped 'u. no small nn‘mznru tn piln up thr. large nmjurity by which the Ilut‘nrm calnlidate‘ “as ('lt‘ctctl. The above buns place llis Henn- in nu unvfnblu pnsiliuu bufm'u the “'1: have before us the last issue of our esteemed contemporary, the Peterborough Enum'um'. which comes to us this week in an enlarged and much improved form. The proprietors inform us that $5,000 has been expended in the introduction of new type and machinery, and in alterations of the otliee. The ixamiuer now ranks as one of the best papers in the Province. and we hope to see its enterprise properly and justly I'C\‘.'.'ll'(lcll. SINCE the British Government have intro- duced counsel and a fair trial for Arnbi Bey the etfurts 0f the Khedive hm’o been iii- crensing to quash the case. Arahi might make some unpleasant revelation nnent his Highnesx, and hence the intensu desire f0.~ his destruction or acquittal. Own‘t; to the Thanksgiving holiday this issue is unavoidably delayed a day. pupil: of this E’mviuco'. and open the flour \n Um very svrinus (lurfitiuus us tn hmv far this influence may he ‘au'riml. and “hat its \n'ij'hi. 'l'lmt-ibia impurtnut and \ml'thy «‘2‘cunshh-ratinn is uvinccd by the protest 1.. :‘mo lrh'l‘E't'll tn, and the ques‘binn now H'ulvw ilm-H shnH it he permitted ‘3 Th» (lu‘linll lam prmhh-s u penalty for umhu- n :Iumm- at vim-Hum. nnd the worthy Arch- lz-hup shuuhl he given (u \uulmstmxd that ll w h‘nIn-hisv uf um- Catholic viHm-ns “an nut Inn-mind fur his Innnipulntiuu and is llw‘rr Hu- nvu'm‘iim‘ nf Hm'hw “cm girarrrtun expwrrfifi Urrh'n- McKimmn‘s Store. Benet-tun, Out. Svnsuuu‘rmx :-~Sl:0t\ pur ammm, m nul- mm-e, or SI 50 if‘nut snpnid. AIN’l-ZII'I'ISISQ RATES. Q eulumu, Cards net exceeding one inch annually .IHS. J. (';\\"l“., I’RUPRHC'I‘UR. mummu alum. yunr. . . . . ...... $12 00 60 00 . $6.001)!»- 29) 00 :m m I ‘J a bank, or the stuck exchange near by. and yuu [uh-v Um roux- uf the vu-L‘l. page in trade, no nearer)", no polit‘cal 8r scarcely any great religious movauuntâ€" any the cn'xl «Icinsition of the pupa. or the \Yunhuhcc revival in Arabia and Indiaâ€"â€" that Ilmrs nut rupurt itself instantly at this wusitive spot. Other capitz‘ls feel local in- ‘n'nu'nccs. Put your car at the door of tho Tm: little 'siand [England] is to-(lay the centre of the wealth, of the solid civilization of the world. 1 will not say of art, of music, of the. lighter social graces that make life agreeable ; but; 1 will say of the moral forces that make progiess possible and worth while. Of this island the centre is London ; of London the heart is “the city,” and in the city you can put yoar finger on one spot where the pulse of the world is distinctly felt to beat. The Moslem regal-«l3 the Kaaha at. Mecca as {the centre. of the ulli\'ul‘:c ; but that is only a tlltulng'ical' phrase. The centre of the world is the Bank of England in Leadenhall street. 'l‘nerc is not an occurrence, not a conquest or a defeat, a rev‘vlution, a panic, a famine, an abundance, not, a cnana-o in value of money or material, no depression or stop- Mineml Sp1i11g Water gates, from all parts of England antl’ Wale-S, met in that city on the 26th of September. At one of the sessions. forty ministers of the established church went in a. body and preSenrenl an zularess of sympathy and gem!- “'lll t') the assembly The correspondent. says such :1 thing never occurred before in that country. A large amount of (mute. ment and interest was felt, and a. most hearty Welceme given them. Three or fum- of the elm-gynu-n spoke in in hearty Chg-is- tian manner, mnl the chairman replied in the same spirit. A VERY [dinning {gird}?hieindvnncement that has bet-n made in religious thought and practice was witnessed the other day in the old city of Bristol, England. A correspund- cut says the oimgregational union, Com- posed nf eleven hundred ministers and delu- llu!.’uu‘uy‘.~' I’illa.â€"-lnvulids distracted by indigestion and discouraged in their search fur its remedy should make trial of this nuvepfailiug medicine. A lady, long a martyr to dyspeptic tortures, writes that Hulluwuy's l’illJ made her feel as if a. burden had been taken off her. her Spirits, fur. merly low, lmvo greatly impruved ; her eupriviuus appetite has given mice to healthy hunger ; her dull. sick headache has de- parted, and grzulually so umn‘elluus n change has been efl'ocwd, that she is alto- gether a new creature, and again lit for her duties. 'l‘hese Pills may be administered with safety :0 the most delicate. They never not harshly, nor do they ever induce weakness , they nt'htly direct deranged, and control uXcassivo ncbmn. this year to “be time of abolish the institution. are our local societies going to do by way of celebration this year 3 is :\ smv ruro fur ‘unqld‘s Dist-mm uf Um Kidneys. Sum in J! .nM-‘r 1.1M Kuhn-ya. ”yuan-m. Lint (‘. I‘L laiut, llmg'sr‘ Nut It u-mn lluuhmollllzl Hum-nu. “0’10“ of Amwtih‘. fivncml lN-hih n l «Hpient In dunk» iuw, UnllslipaJuu, mul nIIu-uuh ul hm K'mmr} U mun n n: 5 ms equal nu n cut-«l, This Water will Im snlul m q'lnmi w; m :Ilit all frlvm n ulnss m :1 hand. flfficeuflueen‘s Halal. Wundville t»). lH-LTAH. AGENT AT- l‘.\.\'.\'lNUTIL\’ '3] PS. 'I‘his wltn‘r will 1‘0 Rev! mm'myfly on Imnd. ! run also agent for 'he 0f Gnnmh . N110 uncut for "I" Slnlul‘vrd I" N lusurnm-v Cnmpauy. “.0 Cull-1w am“ the Flu- l Inrmm Annotation c-flmndon, and lccldem [mural-Ice Comm”.- Mtlsfij‘. 1‘0 LOIN aHowew mtwof blank .\Il"l'l' Sr. ANDKBW'S D‘A‘.’ is approaching. What Tux Provinciai Exhibition was a failure as Paztic'ulcms ace Circulars A MCPEERSQN. L. MCP‘HERSON. A I: \Vlmlosnle and R tn“ Am‘m NI A I! RI AUE A I‘D ASSOC'.‘ THE l‘UI..\Nl) Better ‘I /l Ladies" uflSli'ch/lflfl 8322‘s. Ladies‘ Astrachan Jackets, Ladtes’ Sow/z Sea 865:! 83215, Gents’ Tweed Overcoatings 06.23219" Worsied 0767‘0062227ly5, \Voodville, lSth October, 1832. Genis 71"07'52’607 3142122th Consisting of DRY GOODS. at reduced prices. IEADYuMAIHfi CLOTHING. SUI'l‘b‘,i~6.00 up, sen them' ()VERCUATS AND ULSTERS at bottom pricos. LADIES’ ULS'I‘ERS and MANTLEE. Lutvsc styles, wry clump CLOUDS, FURS. GLOVES, TIES, c., very cheap. A Inn-go stock of FRESH GROUERIES. An immense stock of CRUCEERY d} GLASS- \VARE.' NeWesc patterns chenpea than ever. A full htock of DUE, CLEA RENG ‘SALE fivégw 6‘ E‘agwmg Efiqmma” 9.08.11 and Examlne e I“ "chln bw‘ ' “I 8 ‘ '3 [300115, @Ietlgiug, 'ijuts, gaps \ KT. :92 D. McLachlan9 Manager. D. McNabb’S', Davidson’s 01d Stand. N EVV WTOOLLMNS I TRUNKS, VALISES, “'llll‘S. AXLE GREASE, OILS, PATENT STRAPS. k1)” M5. EAEfl Gflfiifl‘ THE WRGNW H‘GUSEB Ulster-mas and Matallass :3 Cloth.. At Lowest Prices! Buffalo Robes, Lined and Unlined. EDGE WJLISQ‘N’IS' WQQBVILLE, READY-MADE CLOTHING And I wiél qu .topriccs um mllauoniah you. MARKETS, whole-lined, two thirds Iinml or unlined. Any kind of Sleigh Bells may be luul In season. Having bnughl a quantity cm of mason . unumnroncimbh- bargains may be had now. In urdcr to convince you just call and no wlmhcr )ou buy or um. lu Horse Clothing, ~xWmewamewx/l‘-x er A CALL SQLECETES. m. MoKENfiKEw BUFFALO ROBES. may any "'0qu in town to comm-h- with um. Yuu will “ml B (010 difloruul lines unsurpaswd for \Hulrty, Quality and l’r.ccl. W‘KMWW. A n A Amuvea J. J. GIL-OVER, ammnmm «taxman-=2. DAVIDSON BLOCK, BEAVER'I‘UN. A [‘2on range of FUR. GOODS, consisting of; A! the Torontb "outta The Cheapo Mn Beam-Hon Has just received a splendid stock of Another largo stock of New Goods at 1701?. NOV' 1313\‘1‘13l‘llfi- Rwumw may mly on :t good'msottmuul and T0 Bl“. DISPOSED OF CHEAP. I will con tiuuc anotherGRANl) SAM-I of As Phnve bought a lnrgc stock of Jun opening in this line For the last an dun [wing A heavy stock of Special linnu in Gents’ Tweed Suitings. W'm‘ir .‘eal Sal/s, , â€"â€" Ladies’ Mink Setts, fLii’l ‘-"\7 N O, MO RISON’S ULD STA XD. HA) ME 09 WHIP 0F BEXLEV is Imt watched strict‘)’ I .. --- . emginvvnent jus}. nuw. Mu. SHERIFF I’.\.\'rn.\’ has taken up his residcm‘e in the house fornwrly 1 muffler] by Mr. Nudge, on Green strccr, cad. ui “rock and south of [)ululas street, \‘Chii'ny. 61f“ Clem bought imm us fur .‘slnurles cut .w: an }\i_mwâ€"Urâ€"r .â€" \\'1Lmlm‘s Microc‘usm for 00th“. come tn luuul. It is a ltcliu'c)».\‘cienti1iu Mongldy du'utcd to modern svicmy: in its healin; upon the I‘eiigimn thuugint of the 201' ha; age. It aim cuntains other “min-r «If L on- era! interest. It is wcu mirth t‘m s“ l). scription price, viz” $1.013 [uryuuu {13H UL, New Yuck. are the pnldishrrs. OUT of $20.86”, the total mummt vf taxes: of the town nf Winthy fur 13:2. I‘m ’Collcc. hr had received cu the Isl; « f' I\'uvu:1bcr, $9,025. shuwiug that about half {Em mnovnc touk advantage of the four per «mitt. dis- count. 66‘ Uur stock of Miliim-ry fzu' etriipses any previous season. and sold at the right prices. Cooper 1!: 'l‘,isd:1lu Bo 1vext1m. IT is hurdâ€"very hard ~10 tvll the differ. (mm: between the trimmings on the incom. iug female hat and the uriutludngiual de- partment 01' a museum of natural hiatnry. 'l'ln: Sutton ’I'Imrs last wmk appeared in a new fm'm, being emircly printed at, home. 4_ ‘ Fifi-h‘ _ . -, lithe mmkut tâ€"Smucthiu" in the kick has not ye‘ been shown. ”it I‘d - MOI“ '? ha. and . ’ W bu; L'uupur 1", hm Mu ‘ :tm‘k of boats and Show, largmt,~chc.«pust and hast in‘ Bemwrton. 0U]: Lacmsse club visited Urilliu yester- day and crushed sticks with the ()rillias. This will probably be the last. match of the seasuu. WLmlicw'flu caps, fur boas, fur mufl‘s in great Variety at Unupu‘ k 'l‘mlnlo's. Bem'erton. Mu. Dl‘Nl‘.\.\' MCUOLL occupied the pulpit of Knox Church. last Sabbath. No change in grain Inarkeis durum; thu Week. Depressed and. iuuctwc. It Buy your Groceries at Cuupcr 8'. Tis- dale'l. Bem'crtuu. Faun tr'hu l‘ctsrhorongh E mmhm- we m-v tract flu; fullnwing :â€"“:\ h." 'Ippv affair tool: place. :It the wank-nee of Humy Kiri“. l;sq.. bring the Inn: rial go. of his I: ‘cmt danghtm. Sarah, in I‘m ll“) 3 Dnnni' an, Esq , ul' lili:\‘L‘l'lU‘!~. The cercnmny was in-Ifui‘mctl [by tho llcv. .l. 'l‘nztulmnl. Aim-r they had been pronounced InnII-mnl wife. film company mljunrnul to the (lllllYIg-I‘DHIH where ll snInptnuus Iw-pa‘xb was provided at, which cm‘llinl rung-ntnlations mid “arm wishes fur th.‘ I‘ulnrc lmppinms .if this “’(HHD) pair fuuinl expressinn. The prosuils \vcrc gur- geuin and many. “'9 \\l~‘ll them but: my. ('Jl‘ through life. and may Lhny safely anuhm' in the hzu-lmr where they shnli go in and out no new :uIcwr. The happy r: if left Kmn- on Friday nun'ning la: t fur their" home in l‘u-Ivvrlun."-â€"\\'1- tender our ccn- "l‘JllllflllMls and winlns. â€"l I. \\ “HP-IS" .\lv.“mni 03’ Judi: :Itc “as closed \m’. lst fur \Hlllt of snpmn'l. An II I this time of thus our advertising sharks-begin to lay plans ti) gull and I'll- lmsim‘sfi mun wiih holiday slicots .‘lllll i Sllu‘lllCS. The) ‘ me nm'ci- what they m-o i Icpicsuitul, and nmm nf tin-In are never : cilcnlntulnt nll. 'lhconly ones lwllfllltflil - (Ire the sharks and achvmnrs. l. In, local l nonwpapcrs are the only sin-n, safe, and Qu- Gcntlvlueu-Ordor your Fall and Win- ter Suics from Cooper Tisdale, Bum-crtun, where you got the best assortment. uf 'l‘wecds to select frmn. legit‘mntc medium of cunnnulliwtiou mm. the 11101111. 1:1 \1-11 and Lug 0 stock of Glass and 1‘h111:1\1;11_ujustmrnulnt \Iclmym Prior Buéfilbfi’l Arnica Salve. The Rest Salve in the world for Cute, Bruises. Hows, l‘lvers. Sal?- llheum. Fem. Sums. Teller. (.‘hnppcd Hands, Uhillvlnins, Corns, and ull skin cruptinnay/nml punitiveh- euros l‘iloa. In In guaranteed to gwo aatié. function. or money refunded. _l’rico 26 cents- a host. For sale by (:nnn Bros" Woodvillo.. and John MoKinnon. Heaven-ton. \deville. ‘egmm‘rtnn 1313mm gun's. urn 'l"h 'lnsc : cm enough 11': 931950 w‘it ere: ”“‘ “"m 5m] :mtiv:

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