vpkvn interm‘fg, rnd the Oinnment rnbhrd «wn- 11w elm! n‘ml mum, am 9xcemlingly tllivrzvimu. “ Wlmn influenza is rpidemiv flii‘ m-ahï¬ont. in the â€widget‘ safest, mu; «In-<0. Hallowny‘s l'illu purify tho Horny, n-nun-u :le ubgmchs to its free circulation: “nu-ugh thohmgv. relieve tho~over«g0rgml :m- Iulws. nml xvmlor respiration free. with-- nub reducing the atrvlmth, irritating the Immune, .n- ‘tlcprossinq â€10â€!th ; such are blu- romlv monns‘nf vamping'fmm nuï¬â€˜aring when nflliojod withcoldp. WM Whiï¬y, and "the; , i ï¬ï¬mmWfllï¬gfliï¬ï¬w hmllh 0 3'07 mmlv ii seriously MNLpQrtnan- muly inj‘urod in mort countries. i.’nâ€uwug;‘.e Uinfmmf uml Fillmâ€"COII-flm. lnllI:<-|w:\.-â€"'l'lm Sunthin‘: properties of tlwau m. ~.Â¥iu:.nu-nt-2 Imltlt‘l‘ them well Worthy of will .u all: i must: nf the respiratorv orgnnv. ln ummmu colds and influenza tho Pills. H. I). LI'MSDIIN, Esq, was in town on Monday last. H umuw’xax did not. prnduce tho usxml 2: mm M cxtnu'Hencus. Everything passed «Pliu‘tly. 'l‘m: notice uf martinis, of Presbytery in .mr 1.le shonl'l have read. "The Rev. Mr. HHSN‘. «L-ciinul to aux-pt. the call extended p -titinn to buprescnlcul to the Local Legit!" htnrc requesting incnrpnmtion was also handed round for signature and met with but two refusals. The «lesiru for the change may therefnro he considered a unanimous one and we hope to s u 3 vigorous movement made to present the matter to the govern- me‘mt. to him. .-\ ccnsusnf tlw \‘ilLue taken last week gives us six handred of A population. The .\ new disease among horses has appeared and is prevalent all uvcr the l’rounce. It apparently attacks the nerves, uni the ani~ nml loses the power of itslem. Veterinarian my it it a. species of typhoid fever, and has, in many instances lmï¬lcd their skill. asked as a Witness to the mmract, which afterwards turns out aprmnissnv‘y notenvhich is duly signed by the farmer, wherein he is -:Ihlige(l t ) pav a. sum of nmney uccording t'o its tun-ms. The note is therefore sold and transferred to an innocent purchaser, by whom it is presented to the maker fonapay- uncut. :16" Remember 1i. Wilson, “'oodville. has the largest stuck of Drugs Goods, Mautles, h‘luudsz, Furs, Gloves c. in town. and at gruatly reduced prion. '1) mu. and make a trade before they leave in the warning. in which the farmer’s name is .-\untl1er do 1540 to swindle farmers ll 15 been lunught to light. It is played as follows : "l'wo fullows arrange to meet at a farmer’s lumse and manage to stay over night if they «\‘nrtnn, Oct. 25th In Memorlum. \ the mommy of the law Charles Robin- .wn, 12‘qu u'lm was the pioneer Magis- trate all-i (‘lurk of the Diviaiun ('wlrt nf 'l‘immh and “nova of thu 'i’uwnship fur a. number- vf yams. 'J'm-z bewitifnl Weather of the past week will he of great ulm- fo farmers in ï¬nishing their fall ploughing and other work which tho late season has thrown so much behind. [38»! will he leap year. “’8 throw this out. “ a hint to our fair-~ readers. 6v Great Bargaim in teas. 'I‘ry our 25 ct tea. Malutyw 6:. l-nur’s \Voodville. Romanerunnoxumun.‘ said the girl who "waits my the table. " at a town hotel. TALK ofa plowing match to take plaoo here shortly. “Well,"uil the old gentlemuu,“l ’ve never tasted it, but you may bung me some nnd H! see what. it’s like.†Ax auction sale of sheep and stock will lake place on Thursday. Knvember 15th at l'last hnlf Lot 10, 8th Can of Eldon. l’on’r Pun! is moving for connection with the Onurio and Quebec Rtilwsy. At u nnmting held to discuss the matter the pro. misc of a libel-Al bonus tn the Compuny was ma-lo. The new'arran.:cments of the Mid- lnu‘l do not meet- with favor along the line and considerable feeling is arising over the matter. 68' Lnrgo and new stock of Boats and Shoes. Try our hand made boots. McIntyu ‘K'. l'rior's \Vomlville. ï¬' \ow (‘ rockcry. UhinAWnre. (Haaswarc, mnl Lump goody at )lclntyn l’lior's \\ umhille. ' w New Furs New Hume: New Wool. Ivu (hull, Naw Tweeds. New 0mm“: n McIntyre Pam-'3 Woadvillo. Another friend has passed away, Him in) rospertml \voll. Fora friendly disposition. Nono hero (lid him oxcell ; lln hml A kind word for all, The poorest that ho met. Aml thu‘ hu lunl hccomiuq pride. llc Inul no nw-m conceit ; ln the public sphere in wliich‘hc mow-d, 'l‘o gin: him his juSt. (inns, 'l‘hurc‘s few. if anv. in this plow, 'I‘lmt now can li‘l his shoes ; “'hili, lm wa~x in authority, Annulu our pioneers, llc~ was the man in the right. place. 'l'ill fur mlvunoml in yours .' llt' Illll no? :th :1 Si'lli‘ill part. \Vliilu lll‘h‘, lm it‘ll the van, 'l‘n tuku him altogether. Squire Rohinsun was A man ; Anvl lm long: qhn‘l hn remembered 'l‘ho' now he's qnllo‘. for ever, “'0 lililn‘ "lain :\ lit-Nor plncu 'l'liain (his lifc's lrouhlml river. 1:800:11?th atom! ï¬rm. on“... . 1883 I} S IL! ..\ I! .q F?§sicn "Q0 rti :quc r‘wnadviltc gdvucntr, ni‘PlI'IZâ€"- McKinunn‘s Store. I‘wnvvrtnn Smxsumrrms :-â€".‘3|.00 pm- mmum, I Vance, or $1.50 if not an paid. AIH'IIIITISING mums. Loolnmn. !ycnr...... .......$ mite gravcrton mm; New and Elegant Tweeds . WORSTEDS, If you are not already EL sub- scriber to the XVOODVILLE ADVOCATE you should at; 01100 become one. Only $1 per year in advance. , i 7 “visa mndu to ordér from the latest and mmt 7.x. himmhlc styles. Ml \vnrk guaranteed to M. TERMS, CASH. 5 Cars Same Arrive, Cheap for Cash REMEMBER THE PLACE, Mitchell‘s Old Stand. Card. not exceeding card. ant exceeding mm inch. $5.001)" <‘ â€I ‘ mmum. " l ' Pqiient ndvorlismnmu "an par line m martian am. pm lino mvh nnhseqm-nt in- seniun, manhunt-d by a M'JIL‘JJI mvnpmicl. Butter, Eggs and Par/t / Ihe Highest Ptice IN Cï¬SH! JOS. J. CA VIC, l‘ROI’lRIl’I'l‘OR. ton . ls Krmn’s Fluid Lightning for Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, ect. It does not blister 0r discolor the skin; requires but application [0 banish all pain magically without using any grcasy linimcnt, or carry- ing your head in a. poulticc for weeks. Try atwenty-live Cent bottle from J. (3. Gil cliriat or John McKinnon Druggist Beaver- 5A.. v . . «yrâ€"arm The Best Sale- in the warm for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcpravb‘alt- Rheum. Fever. Sores, 'J‘etter, chapped Hands. Uhilblaius- Cons, and all skin eruptions, and positively,. cures Piles. It Is guaranteed to give satia- faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents a. box. For sale by Gunn Bros ; \Voodville, and John McKinuon, Bezweltou. YVOODVILLE, ONT. WANTED 0mm: : "KIN" S'rmm-r. “'(mm'unx GEE SE and ~TURKEYS‘ !‘ â€"â€"'l'hc following inn-ice appears in the Canada Gazette of Saturday Icahn-“Notice is hereby given that an application: will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at the next sitting thereof. for an Act to incorpor- ate the Methodist Chunch of Canada. the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada, the Primitive Methodint (-"hurch in Canada. and the Bible Christians, under the name of ‘The Methodist Church, on the basis of union 3-- dopte‘d by the said (our denominutions and the rules, regulations and discipline also Adopted by the said four dzenoninuti-nis in a general convention or conference assembled at the town of Belleville, on the 5th day of September. 1883, and to unify the said union and comer on the said Church such further powers as may be necessary to com- plete wd carry into elfcct the said union.†Wm! snoonn A MAN whose blood is worm within Bit like his grun'lsirc cut [I] ulnlumtel‘ ‘2" Or let his hair grow rusty, scent and thin, When "CINUALESE ltimmvnn" will make it row the taster. For sale by all Drug-glam. D. HEHDEBSONB At the Methodist parwuaegc, Cauniugton, by the Ruv. W. Burns, on the 12th ult..Mr. Dmiel Hicks of Thorah. to Mus Ghnrlotte, daughter of Mr. James Hoyusell 09 Brook. DIED. AT Hartley on Tumduy Nov. 6, Margaret Christina, beloved dauglwerlof John Barker, merchant, aged eleven years. no", ‘ Ox Tues-day, Nov. 6 at Hartley. I of “’illiam McKenzie of u daughter. @xf Interest. The Quickest Thing on Record. Dry Picked and Empty Cropr- Also any quantity of . G. Smith Co Bucklen’s Amine Salve. For which we will pay I. MARIIED. VVOODYILLE . cu .812 00 . 20 00 . 304m m ml- .1‘53 - the wife g ' . ‘ . 2 Tremendous “Jig-50171" «given as. the I ( . - 1- ‘ Leading Dry G'QOdS hangs, ‘ Baave‘rton. ‘ D8 MONAB, Iée‘axerm'n. Davidson's Old Stand. Tm the Interest; of Eveljxmv: to buy during m X!) the “ Tommi-u lIon: so. †The Temnm House ! _ _. . __.. or...“ _ QASH PAID ma HIDES. U All accounts due me must also be paid ih full by that time N o favors will be shown. My stock is all new and of Lhe best quality procurable in the market. Those wantingr w 1111 or wear cannot do bettel than (rive me :1 111 and get my plices. $5,000 Worth of_New 00% and Shoes For Cash. “'6 have GENTLEMEN, we have an immense stock of Overcoatin gs Trouseiings, Tiinniiino gs, and youi inspection IS kindly solicited We defy competition in both quality and price. No lady in justice to herself should buy elsewhere without in- specting 0111‘ stock of Millinery and Dress Goods which is the handsomest ever shown here. As I intend Closingr out my business on or about the lst of January next, I have determined to sell oï¬" my large new stock of Boots and Shoes at a. READY- -MADE CLOTHING, TWEEDS, Flannels, Wincies. Gotlons tion for Cash: Because we always keep genuine goods at correct prlces. Because we always purchase from ï¬rst-class Houses. Because we always kee the lar- gest and best assorted stoc in town. Because we always do as we ad- vertlse. It is acknowledged fact that the “Cheapest Store is the leading House in town, All Ordered War/I Hereafter grief/y Gas/z, , ._._________.______._______ The Cheapest Store, RRTS@M L‘F’SME Don’t keep the Tea. left by peddlam until you see our's : have splendid values in 3 and 10 pound lots.. Remember the place TO CONTINUE FOR 15 DAYS PROV NOVEMBER 181“ Mnuk Hulirlu, (Gum: . SELLEN 'Any Quantity of 13111th and Eggs-«Wanted ROD. CAMPBELL, “The Gheapest Stow," :LOOK OUT FOR- AND DUCKS, E’RQPBIIETQRS- \Voodvillo Boot and Shoe Store. to nu}: Béavert'on, Ont. mn for n Inns:- ,†Beaverton, 13 days 21' Gabinet Make; 3‘. Under-taker.- '. (loud Ifuuw turm‘lmd n2 dim-t notice um] um. W.G.Stoddmt Tiislmgestflgfl $100k inTuwn Comer Store, fonnorly occupied by JI‘Im McRnu. “'hm‘n One of tho above will he nt Hm Hn Beumrlon, on Um Sword Monday ‘ flu will also vicit \Vnmlvillo on the any of each month. stopping; nl Hotel. J. SKI-ILANDH. FARMERS’ P300303 TAKE?! I}! EXCHANGE FDR 00008; "Shift-Ill l N SCAM .‘l 0‘ . Pro prlmo This ï¬rst class house has been thoroughly rcnnv utml 11ml refurniuhcd. Doing in tho (mntru of tlm lmcinnss part of tho villnuc, and furnished will: splendid sample rooms. it is therefore must ('0!!- vvnieut- fur travellers and cmmncrcinl men. Thu but is Mlpplidtl with the bust of liquors tun! cigars Good Stuhlus and Host-11min attendance. First-classaccommodationanduttuntivosorvmlls liar well supplied with the choicest Liquors uml Chill)?“ ’Ruq to um] from all twins, and every convenience for the travelling public. NOI-l'l‘HERN 110’1‘i«:I'L;â€"ii'0()1 mu; ‘ J‘NU. Ed'c'l‘A GGA R'l‘. Kirkï¬ehl' ('mmmsmxm:nu. :.. cowmzmt'mr GENERAL INSURANCE AG m'r. Munev :3 1mm utf‘r to 6.5 no. Ilnrxov‘ecl Mums for Sale. Sawing Mackinac, \Vilsnn‘s "A" and "B" uu-l “Royal." Also Noe-Hos: Iu'p: constantly on hand. Ofï¬ce of the Great North-\thunl 'l‘clcgrupll ('0. mm. A, (‘.\ R'I‘HR. d 1-. (‘urtinn demo to and from nu parts of the and Z‘Jidimxdituilwuy Station. Charges :Lto. Residmctuonu door north of Eldon Queen Street, \Voodville \VOODVI LLM â€VERY S'I‘A BLE, HENRY IlINV'Alllbs, K’roprlelor. Livery Rigs at any time nml‘ ut shortest notice. Special attention given to (‘0m- mercinl Travellers. Chaggos ulwnys 1x10(luruto.: TERMS, CASH. Stables in connection with lln: Eldon House. It)! [mum on tho Wines and kiquors 813 ‘VI NG 5’ D16 1% ICT IJLENZJT. Interostnllmvcd on deposits at the rate of Spur cent. Notes colluctud at. lowest. rates. 0mm Hours. In a. m. to 4 1». m. Saturday: In a In In 2 p m. audits ln‘~mnhus and all points in â€"Cu.n;ula. and the United States. Ammivan cmrcucy bought and sold.- wgamms, mavmamm, our; MONEY“ m LQAHI 7 I Being long {axuilitmwith Municipal madam \w 1 are in a. lunatic!» to nun-sunk» Muuidpfl v Drains sud disputed Wan ‘r (‘uursca Levelling dune tor/Vim Drains at uni) $4.00 pcrnmy. PLANS AND ELEVATIONS 0F BRIDGES, BUILDINGS 3:0. 9‘ [KARI-JD AND CONSTRUDTEOH SUPERIHTENDED. 'I‘owxszup (mum Bunvertqn. Jan. Let. mm. OFFICE IN EOVJN H53, ,1~;‘-:'?AVERTONI. GEO. SMITH, $3.. 6120. SMITH. ML; OIL. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.» Write or give us u (mi). Conveyancing done in all it“ lmmchcs. Wills, lauds. Mortgages, c., dmwu on shorten-- uoticu, with uouluess uu‘l uccnnwy. mm; _wmmrme. . MA DI LL. M anager l\' 1mm N us tn PENTLA N 1) on good security. Drafts issued SMI'I‘R .1: SMITH Surveyors, Q’ngincm; AND CONVEYRNE‘ERS, Beavsrzan, Ontario. Disputad Baunaaries a. Swank. “ANDY GOODS, CRUI'TKERY AND GLASSWARE PRAINAG$ van mcs, Proctor‘s Brick Block, ï¬rst Town Mun ‘l MONEY Til . On“: DXJS'HS'H‘S, .tc., lelsny, 0m. TRIOS. EDVLHE IDS l'roprlq'lon Domgnion Bank of c5532.. WOJD‘MLLE, ONT. DON HOUSE. “'OOINILLE. J A MES M. LA-WSOLQ‘E; D5. McArthur, BIL-XVERTON. y occupied by John McRnu will be found "rum-um Has rmuoved to tho and a full stock of Lines Guaranteed. rill be nt Hm Hmnilzou Home. Sword Monday of each mom}- [Villa on “in Second 'l'ixv: ~ “01’9"â€; [It ihc- Quouu‘J 1H'S\ 1' INTPJND, L. l).."a door east of ‘. S. Svuvxrox. ‘. where upon the the villngo :es moder- don House