'l‘ur. present low prico of potatmn ha: uuvur been uquallod in those parts and flu- unpleasion provmliuq that the demand will u n. llllplovu lmn lccl many farmers to dis pme of their crop in any wty possxblo. 0m fawn-r informed us be "just turnwi hiu hugs mt.) the licld, m4 it would not pay t,“ pic tlx. tm‘u-rs tins um." WI) lclkw {Us to lm .. m . 4w, Mnl llnfl: ln-I'um oim winmr Is in. ll putauno mil Alupmw Very m u i. "'rmu .Mh'rx-a We lwun m the Huh 9 {lm rr p 1:! no; ua l\\‘x‘. ;_. llllt‘ «I ‘x’wu’ ‘quH I. “ >'~ 'v '. ‘ mh Flu; Post in rofcrcnoo to our comment of last. week, re-its silence on the Scott Act. remarks : “'l‘no Auvom'ru ought to know that there is hardly anything more uncertain than an election. In viow of this uuoortnin- ty. it is certainly not “gingorly treatment" [0 any that in “all:likolihood" the Act will bu adopted in tho threo counties uamcd."â€"â€" Yos, thisis the usual opinion regarding clocâ€" uona, but “0 do not think tho rulo will apply In this one, tho Scott Act will carry lu Victoria. or wo have judged its pooplo wrong. Tho pooplo of Victoria are fairly Httr'lllgellt and no community laying clnim r-thnt honored condition can poasildy m. mm tho Scott Act. Our cotom is now in low having promised support to tho right “do, which in this coso must he tho ono of abricty and order. Tun County of Victoria Bonds and Bridges Committee met last week to discuss the question of building a system of gravel roads through the County. The matter is certain- ly every important one to the people of Victoria, and means every heavy outlay. We believe however. that it Would pay. \ i:- turia. especially the North Riding, is in u had state so far as roads are concerned. Muny of the townships beinghesvily en- cumbered with railway indebtedness, me not in a position to give the matter the attention which it iniperutively requires, and certainly will not be for a long tune to come. The leading roads of the several municipalities are as much a necessity to the public at large as to the iniinieipility and we think it nothing but reasonable that the County should build those roads, when the Township cannot. and that it would pay to do so We have no doubt. We spent: in behalf of Eidon, whose caso is one of several in the County. The township has it very heavy railway debt, this debt hiei been in- curred for a benefit to the public as it whole as to the municipality, and in the pnyzncub of this debt, ninuy necessities linVe been absorbed, among them the building and re- p:iiring of its various rosds, iind tu-d.iy. my question if a township in the County is :is badly oil‘ in this respect as Eldon. Many times has it heen proposed to endeavour to plaice the third Concession in good nmer as n lending road, but as often has it been dropped. This road is a very important one and We are pleased to see it set dosh “Hint“ the roads to be constructed. The \t’ui'ti y leevo, Mr. McEnchern, also proposed to graiel the 7th Con.. from Grass hill to Kirklield as well. Both are much inhaled. The Committee however, decided to lesVe the matter over until next year, a course which We think wise. An outlay of 810000;). which is said to he the possible cost of the proposed roads, is something to be well I‘Ollsltlcrutl and although we believe it will readily be endorsed. by the nninicipzilities, it would be well to hear their veice in the matter. i I Tun Outmlo Legislature will mvct on Juuuary‘ 27th. Vu'rlsc on the Scott Act, the Uxbridgo Journal states. will likely cm.o of)“ during December. Returns have been fylecl and the putitiux will he plauad with the Sherill' at once. It would be Well, also to placc a guard over that department and prwuut the possibllity of its lass by theft. To what desperate straits have the Antiâ€" NCOtt Act party fallen. Nothing appears too eentemptible or mean for thorn to at- ieinpt in the way of retarding the popular movunent. \Vith the theft of a portion of the Durham sud Northumberlmul petition while lying in the Slierifl‘s oflieo in Coloourg, our readers are already acquainted, and now comes an attempt to defeat the vote in Hu- rou County and Dutleriu by stealing the ballot boxes in which was contained the vote of these Counties. However, the steal was not successful as a suflicient number of votes still remained to establish the Act. Such attempts at muzzling public opinion can lead <‘ only to one result. The people are not now In the mood to tolerate such proceedings without retaliation and a keener and more energetic sympathy with the Scott Act will 0 'rtaiuly be the outcome. a“. h- editorial 33mm. The must [no yioh} If Ii uqu u Mr. Peter Vurmott, lluchlt-ga. P. Q., writes : “Dr. Tlmnms' Eclwtric ()1! email me of Rheumatism, nim- l lriui Innny InuJi cinos tu no purpose. It in a gum! ncdicinc." Just. think of itâ€"yon can rclluVu tho twin- gcu u! rhuunmtisnl, or the must painful .mack of ncumlxin~you can check a cold, and MM lmnaml or broken akin, with n lmtzln ui I‘r. l‘lmnms' hclcctriu URI, costing an " iwrn'v-i‘li'c' uvn'n. . H .w yun hi- 1‘ Hulinwny's (' L n Guru 2 It luauo mm! fur ruuuving thew Lrwblv- 3mm: uxurcwvuws. If you have vainly triad many remedies for rheumatism, it. will bu a wise conclusion to try llagyanl'n Yellow Oil. It cures all painful «limmsca when other medicines (nil. Tun St. Mary's “ Journal" and “ Argus" says : S‘ The St. Mary's Carriage Mainline-- turing Company not having sold the whole IDOJMU shares or had full returns from agents havu deemed it advisable to postpone the divisinn uf proï¬ts, amounting to $l06,~ 000m \Vcdncsdny, December 3181:.1834. when the sumo will positively take place. Shares am 82.00 each, imd can be secured from ll. A. L. White, Secretary, St. Mary's Ont. Holloway'a Pills. Week StmnaclI.â€"â€"'l‘lw wisest cannot ouâ€" Illlll‘lillc uuu (lummr of the distressing symptoms :u'inm; from lllll)\:l‘fc.'t or dis-- umlcrml iIIalul-shuu. all of which can In: I‘nllcvul l|y tin: lln‘l) uf these IulIIIimlIlc Pills. I may IaIme: I'i|l|k(?r_\' taste {mm Lllu IImIItlI. tlatulcncy and tulHLilHllUII. llullmvu_\"s l‘lll‘i run-m the stmnuch, liver lllhl wary (Jtlhl' ul' Inn, Lin-why lum ring (ligvatiuu tn that [Io-um.) tlllU “hit-h full; I:I.:Il;lcs it t) comm-It :Ill “0 I-:;$‘Iml drink to UN IIuIIris.I~- Incnt of our lamlius Hence tL‘tsu l’ills are the surest sH‘rugtlIum-I'a qul tim Sélft>t n.- stomtivus in IIUI‘VHIIHIHES‘L wanting. and chronic duhility. llnllowny’s I’ills Mu iu-o fallIlIlu roIncIliI-s fur impaired appetite, cruelntions, and a 'IIIIlLituIlo of other diam grumble symptoms which rq-uduI- tlm lth'i of thousands. miserable indeed. Thom l'illa aw approwd lIy all classes. l’.\lu‘ll. Juniorâ€"Andy McArthur, 62 'l‘lmmus McLean, 59; Willie Stoddau't, 5:5 Janna-s Para-0.18. 57; Mary Mulmznu, 5-1 Luuisa lulaun, 53; David AluluoSuu, 50 .‘umiu (.‘amphcll. 47; Aarucs Baldwin, 45 Mary Um-unulucl, {4 ; Arulnu McDullic, 4‘2 (Semen llt-ppuustall, 4'3. l’mn‘ ll. Seniorâ€"Barbara McDuHiu, 96 ; llarlmm Mullriuc, 93 -, Ali/:0 Campbell, 92 ; Jam: L‘amcruu’ 86; Archie Fcrguauu, Sl ; Willie (hunt, 80; George Smith, Sn; Earnest Edwards, 73; Jmuus Davig 7S ; Mary E. Smith. 75; Dannie Adams, 73; John Andaman, 70; “'illlu Jack, 69; ll. Ainlul‘aflll, 63; Juli“ McKay, Ul ; .l..mc.~+ Black, 58. J UN [OR DIVISION. SECOND CI.Ass.â€"â€"AIIIIIu McLean. Thomas Barnes, 83; Annie Admna. (war '6 Ednmds. 75; Frank Andaman UlIriSaiu Ferguson. 69; \VIllrnl Uuml luhn Umnpbukl, 58; John McDufli-i Emanuel Pausons. {I} ; Flumucu Ucrm Lizzie AIIdL-I‘sun, 5L I ‘35» Cums. Swimâ€"Lilli..- Pattyaon, Jessie Mcb'wx yu. K. McDuIIic and Mangcny Mel’hcmyn u. 11: -,II K U unphcll, I). U “up ~ LeII Lizzie UImk, Kutiu Slattcry and Lia: ah Caqubcll equal. Barnes, \lary McArthlir, Fhfrunco ML;- lntvru. B-Un. “'ulls and Maud Camplmil equal. U._ Etl\v:uuln,‘Gf-u. Blafypcc. , 3HEC1ASS. Juuiu-r. Marywflcrric, Katie Studdurt and Nellie Uampbcllugqual, Ugazsy 31w CLASS. Seniorâ€"Lelia Mcllae, Gregor Campbell, Mary Campbell, Dan. Carmichael Lovisa Cmuvron Dun-all CM- miclmcl, Ellen _Uuu1plmll, Edgar Ellwmtls. SENIOR DIVISION. 4'l‘uCLAsS. Suuiurâ€"Mm-y E. Campbell. Tenn Smith, Teua Carmichael, Flm‘cuw l’uttyaon. \\'m. Campbell, Uuliu Calupbull. 4TH CLASS. Juniorâ€"Sarah Camplnll. Tenn Llcl’llt‘rson. Mary Parson, Dugald Campbell, Lillie Stoddart, Lizzm Edwards, Anuiu lecbrist. 'l‘ur: funowiug is the ulmullllg each class for work duuu during of October. successful as it. was. Opinion i‘l very much divided whether it Would, under them) circumstances, be incoming to keep the valuable property or to return it. with a g -:u:iuus expression of thanks for tho favor. Such a cullrsg: is not '11»: usual one with the United States. hunovcr. and we suplmsc this also “ill go to zinc†the list. of Jistlc tr "vi lucid by the U. 3., which by the laws of honor and justice should be returned tu Great Britain. .YU IN United States naval circles. there is much discussion as to what the bovemlneut intends doing with the Greely relief ships. As regards the "Alert†the Buitiuh Government gave the Alert to the United States absolutely {or the humane purpuoe of prosecuting thesearch for Greely and his party, without any probable expectation that the relief would he so inunediately successful as it. was. Opinion l‘l very much divided whether it Would, under these circumstances, he Incoming to _kee1{_the ONTARIO County Cnumil voted Port Perry a remissinu of the village County rate fut IQNS‘I. owing to the heavy losses sustained reacutly ny lire. The sum is not large, but the Council cull! nut see its way clear to give «lirect ninl. buliviug it would csmblish a bad. precedent. To get rid of the surplus so rapidly tic-- oumulaniug is a problem of cuuuixlualilo moment at present. in the United States. At the last. session of Congress it was pro- posed to appropriate $l00.000.000 to build a Navy and it is now recommended to expand $75,(W.000 for the protection of American seaport cities. su75,m0.000 slioultl surely reduce that surplus. The map in Qm-lu v mull\ 'uva Scotin is almost. an entire failure. The rot in causing summs havoc in Northern Maine. Vermont has a small crap The New York crop is nut u that of last your, while the Euhru crap is lwlow the average, and the Southeru demand promises to in: larger than usual. HI Woodvllle School Report. A WIso Conclusion. Suroto Conquer. tl‘uMuu \- nuiu McLean. 94:; Annie Adams. 76; Frank Alldtfl‘b‘ull, 7| ; ; “WIN“! Uuml, 69; John McDuflie, 55; Flumucu Burnc, 52 g I.I.'Jl ii mm ‘vfl n of pupils in the [mum Um AmasALLY soumthiu,’ uppunn in pd it com mu 1;; the 3-1 M w; Un this point u Imunvy "\‘Jnl‘ Hahn! hum nlwfl en‘s nu). am.- Mu .‘hu‘i‘ul uh] But-,- â€69'†plwduuo Ax Auction Sula mll take place 90 mar»- mw. (b‘riuluy,) M ‘09 ‘2I. 3M l‘uLt‘easiun, n! Ehiun. M. l‘.’ u’dwk, of H“: stuck and un- platinum. Tm: following are the names of the pupils from Wno‘lvillo nchool. wlm obtained intact- modiaw cumï¬caws at the examinations htlll at Uakwoud: Mary Anuin, Maggie Burriu and Nettie Clark. ‘ WooovILLB St. Andrew's Society will hold their annual meeting in "Spencer "all." on tllu th inst, at 8 o'clock. p. In.. all mvmlms Ere {equesmtl to attend. A correslmnalnnt of the Farm Journal tells llu“’ to pan; im’th-r to lea-p: Mnku good. linn lmttor on! work tho lmltcr milk Well out of it, tlnm put. into outonc jar :\ low pounds at n tinm and press Alrrwn mall with o \voodon pom!» nznslmr. living careful to lr‘:l\'u no room for air to gut in around tho edge of tho jzzr ; lvnv: two or three Inches of a two at the top of the j.n~. tln-n lay n thio piece of muslin close \IVL‘!‘ the butter, then ï¬ll in ï¬ne salt enough to ï¬ll tho jar full, then tie pnpur cloudy and covur on top with n slalo nr \vnojun cover and keep in a dry, cool place. | p'lt So'no up in this way last. August. and St‘ptcmlv ~r mnl used it last. spring and it was eaten by good but- tor judges nlmnt the lust of May and pro» nonncml as good as fresh butter. 1 noVur wash butter, but try to keep it as clear-1 of water as poasihlo and do not hko even any pickle about it. Mn. .â€"\I:I:II. .‘lI‘KHIRI‘L of l - ‘lcy, ar- rived h um.- (â€I Munday own? with the .ImIly «If 1m brnIhI-r, who \I'm .lr'uwnccl un tlh: l-ltii IIit., :It. Peninsula llzulmr, Ninth b'hurc. Lulu Supuum Tim drowning of and cuumdumlil mispl- iun ui Inul play. Uo~ u use-l \Vi‘n a yunn ' mun Ul wry slowly lllhl inilnauiuus LAUlLS, .Inl was known to be the lhIaSI‘SJUI‘ ui {Lullllalilflrablu sum of money butun limliu' the lmIEv but; hity Ilmhu's Were Ioumlun Ins 1w: .aun, while :I IuIIIlIlu gish us than _h iuilictcil bv some heavy clubur similar “calmn “as fumnl in the hack of hi: hen-l. lu supplumunt tho sus~ picioud circumstances Mr. McCain-u] was given to llllIlUlSLiflIl at Snult 5t. Marin that llllll‘llt‘l‘ hail hum cmnnnttc‘l. but that it would he quite iIIIpns>iiIlu to do any thing in the InzlthI- owing In the lawless sums uf the cuunu'y. This Was {mind to he the cane as n CuruIII-r's inqnust hml not. I've“ been held. lut [or II cht-‘I quuIl ml his puison address- ed to his lnpthou at lianlcv, it. is quite lJl){S.l)ll‘ nulluug \quhl haw: lieun hlumn A3; to the in“: of I'm: 1»qu fulluu, by his family. j A sinnlc trial uf Dr. Henry Baxter’s Mandrake litters will Convinco any um: truuhhl with c..::ti\'uncss, turpitl liver or any lmnlwddiscasas of their curative pro~ pul'tica. 'l'liey only cost. 25 cents perlmnlc. Non-mo. )0 ()mmx ’l'iuu‘s says. Italians are arrivng by thu humlnafo to “uni an U30 railroad north of Grawnhursb. him John Climaâ€" mau, thuy am 1 o. a desirable class of at- tlcls. being sutlrliud lu have a (lay at a tune, and men lcss than a Canadian would starve on. Last. Week a number of them Were scum marching uursuu-(s, with a piece uf bread in an: hand and a huuk of taibw in flux utilcr, calm; away \vizh a; much {disk as if Al. was the {inst Mlllz‘du‘ meal they had, sum-u tin-y lcia that uaiivu laud. Tu»; am happy. lLuLuuurux village smuds at a higher clc 'atiuu Luau any other village ur town in Ontario. 1:. is new 1y 3 thousand {cut higher Hum the law! 01 Lulu: Outal in. The rusulls are to In: found in tho exuaurdiuary salu- hrltyufthc vrlhï¬c, owing to the brucmg qualities 0f the utmmpherc and the greater quantity ur'azuuc. l‘uo Hulihurtun air is puru qulmzaiuuir, and the visiturs during the past summer who arrived (hum yak: faced and languid. Wm: away With ruscs in their churkd and as mbus; 1h b'wisa moun- tuinmn. A LH‘I-I mumhnnt who is a 1ibcral adver- tiser says tint, in than; timus, a man might as “1-11 zawmpt to shamlum an elephant with :. thimhleiul of suzlpmols as attempt to do business and ignore :uh'cuising. (.‘o.\l. GAS. â€"'l‘his is the season when coal stores come into general use and when at« tending ncvidcuts from coal gas begin to he recunlul. Parties should he careful to see Um; lllon‘ m-LHL-cders are properly adjusu-d before retiring and the windows slightly lowered to admit fresh nil. The ham: dinupcr loading to (llt amvepipe should In: turned down far enough to lessen the draught, but uol. enuan to prevent. the bus cauupmg. If these lure-cautious are folk-Wed there will he Iew uccnlents from this cause, recorded. Mn. 1!. 0. SMITH. the popular teacher of Islay school. has btcn ro-eugnuul for the year at :m advnnccd salary u! $425.00. _ Yuma: council will meet on Friday oven- Iug ncxt. (42' A Iacgo stock of Ladies Astraclum Mautlcs. Mull‘s. 0:; :s,’ and Dawes, at very close prices at ll. \ 'ILSUN'S- Ax Lxchauge mentions, as the simplest remedy for warm: in cattle. bliccp and hugs, turpentine mixed with a little iced or given: in linseed oil for grucl ; tn‘u ounces [or a cow and one-{mirth or less for suiuilcr uni- male. Many uld stockmeu, especially horse- iuuu, usu wood ashes for this purpose. dust- ing a spoonful ova their feud once or twice a \chk. LATELY the mull boy clam-u! of tho vil~ lagunppulrn [,0 ho rampant. [Ivory nihht We hear of fresh [n‘aka 0f diatlirl-ancu alnl aunuyancuaml frequently such snares are new that it is aiinply \wndurl'nl au‘iuus acci- dents have nut linplmnml. Un Saint-lay night Wirva “as llfL‘lCllul lightly across tho snlcvmlk West of the Queen's Unto! an“ a fuw )ucllcs from (In: ground. o'lqlcluly tn throw duwn those whu might run against it. Anuthcr nuisance is tho nnlnhcr of buy; and we uIL'ht ahnua‘ say mun whu are in the hail»: of collecting at night a! thv [mist ulliu‘, and its' vicinitv, and indulging in aim-h huolina- mnl yelling as to frighmi feinale pedestrians how the street. “I: observe many of those who liguru in this nuisance am mum Cllll'lrtn who am certainly out of place on the streets at such hours, and whuae parents can have but little intemst in thuir welfare whw permitting than: to roam nbunt at such a time. The; council have appointed a village constable and we call on aim to do his duty in this connec- tiou. 3130mm}: ï¬gural alters. can cmmm-maty du F '. I'hunkiu; yun Ln- t‘w enurtu-M: Inmum in which you have u. ud-a' 'ch "new mgnii hmw, lnou’ hog to inform you that the matter has lml lllu careful consideration of the “Hams of this company. and after the fullL-stiauluiry Wu hnvu been form-d to the (‘Ullclllahm that. there in no husinusu to ho obluluutl ull' Luke Sinicov, which would give thu sumhlnnm of nu: :ssity for tho. nminton (mm of a railway wimrfnt that. paint. this iw practically (lunmlnt'nto-l hy tho fact that tho wharf in question has lx‘cu nhnndomd for several yearn. Under these circum- stances \vo damned it advisahle to tuko h‘gul opinion upon the question, and \m an» now informed hy our mlicitois, that this company in not legally hound to uminlnin u wharf which was originally construe-«ed for tho purpoac of muo‘ing trade n-quiman-nls that no longer 1 xiat. In 31m“: thi~ noti- licalinn I wish to add that the Grand Trunk hilwny are rlcairoua --f fmtoriwi ho in“ ten-323 wf tr ulo a'- ik‘chrln-n, on farm flwv View I had the honor of ‘mwiug with your- liv'f and the. (‘uuncil of 'l‘hnrah. tun] to «mph-s uf agreement concerning the wharf at liavurtnh. which have helm furnjahul nu-. \Vxnmlerstanllstops are being taken to oruaaim a (‘llcvsu factory in the village. We have frequently called acteutiun tn the splendid ope-Hint: this village "Ill-rs for such an industrvnnd “0 fuel Cl-llllilcut than if rightly managed it must. resuit in a success. Aa ueantieipated tluI G. '1'. 1L, have repudiated all riulmusihility in the main- tenancu of the wharf an Beaverton. This, of enursv was: to be expected, for when was the Grand Trunk llailwav ('o. known to concede. its obligations without A strugla‘, .7 an-lit could hardly be looked for in this. The following communication to our worthy “Ct'VL‘, Mr. Alex. Mellae, will he read with much interest. by the people of Thumh. Warc it for this that. the people of the muni- cipality gave the Midland Railway $50,000, and that, at a time when the company was atiislard. gasp. (it course, all that. was done. at that time was done fur their interests solely. item-111d nut lil‘ expected the plllb lic interests required to he gnaided anl cons-quently. the raflway having passul this tnwn do use for the uhari has passed with it, so for :u the company is (‘OllL‘urlle‘L and also our speciï¬c agrcenn-nt. However, we. give. the opiniun of the company to the i ratepayers {or their earnest digestion .‘ Mu. ALL-x. MCRAB. liuew of T hornh, Beavorton. an. I:I<2Int- Swan-max. of Torontoheul coniirnmtiun serwces nu Sunday 13:8: in. St. ’mn’s (‘lmrclu Seven perm-us were me.- Suntml for cnmirnmflou. Tho church wa. densely «ruwdml to witness th: impressive cvrclnuny. Thu Bishop px‘vtu'hcd nu clu- qucnb ~wrmuu at manning: svrvico and game an ihltll‘ras during the awning. Anvrxnsx your stray animals in tho Exrlutsu 'l‘lmsc w “0 hmbor stray nuiâ€" nm’s \Iitlmut advertising tho-II can not c01- Iect nnvthing from the owner “hon thov me cnl‘cIlfur. .-I(l\'c.tiso them and um um: cuneutcxpcuscs for kcepiugns Well as In: mle-rtiain: them. “'Iur about It s‘ («ting rink for the menin- v wintvr. \uw 15 H a ï¬rm: .h prepare for it. If riuhllv tamm in land 1.5mm] be m. «1 a source. of much pleasure during the sew-.0". A., mnrnin-z and evening. A new altar rail. I set up duriw: the prucemlin" week, givm .1 ’ mm-e linislwl appearance to the church. which ! hitherto liml mum and the illCnlernimcc of I which was much in It. and complained almnf. ‘ This altar rail is cmnpuscil of wuml and imn, : Hm top rail “Hill! of \vmnl and the pcrpvn- v «livnlar sumth of iron, of an ecclesia‘ticnl do vit-c. “'hc-i painted and gilded, fur it ii I yet unï¬nished. it will be a pig-cu of wnrk hiuhlv k‘l’t‘lllli‘hlk‘ to our tnwnsmmn, Mr. Smith. 0f the llz-avortnn fanmlrv. wlm Ale" signal nml u-wlu it. It was much nimireul, l Wen in its unï¬nished state. I 11 Sunday last. The lLs<~ u; on Sunday evening \\'on- r0311 liy Mr‘ (I. A. Pattorsun, 0:25 of the church wnrdccs. â€"â€"C‘ur.â€" l'l ardrr. Tm: harvvst thanksgiving services in St. Paul’s church in this vii! we were c, xiv; a sum‘f-ss. [Argo con '- euntinna 11 ‘temie 11 h t}; snr\'i1‘c=. and the uffurtory “23“er ahmic 310.1111: harvc<t dccnrntinns exnellcd in hmnh'. 110.111 taste and 1- -xcoH(-ncu of 111- si :11, thosm-f hat your. and reflected ore-lit on the cicrgvnmh's wife and tho 301mg lmiins andhuv and uirls 111' the Sunday schonl who knt their kind assistance fur the serâ€" vicr. .~i\px1ropratc 31 rmnna were proachml by the invnmha ut tlm Lev Geo. Love. 1“. “’mzn'pr. oh where, is the blnsb‘ng caudL date fnr municipal honors? Ne have not seen him as yet. “Alum-list of club rates. Any of our readers or those who am not subscnbcrs tn this paper should send iv their names and mun-:y at once and stcur; zhe balmce of this year free. L-ravo :ucney with any 0f our agzuts or send direct to ourselves. Mr. John McKinnon. Beavortou, or John C. Gilchrist“ Wmdvillc, will receive any m5- scriptinua fag-this paper and grant receipts {or the same. Do no;I Siinposn tint because it in rooms! - mend-3d fur animals that. Aruica and Oil Linimezit. is: an oheusivo preparation. it “iilllol sum clothing or the ï¬ne“ thin. Dawn's I'lixir wiilcum any cough 0. cold, no nutter how Ion" standing. lu'm. mo. (1. Call and Sm our stock of chdlry and Watches. ‘hcnper than over, at the â€Medical Hall,†Bmvnrton. Tux: l-J\ muss in'clumml with all the leading pup. :3 at :cducml lat“. DIVJSILN Court sittings in Benetton, on com inst. ï¬r Now is the time to secure bargains in Wall Papoiz \\ e (no cleaning um, rtnck at. wry 10w prices. Join; Moliizxuon, "Muiical "an,“ Beavurtou. Soul; of our villugo cult-n9 uni-ted at the grand cunt-mt held at. [Sn-chin on Tuojd‘y evening last. Bvsnu-s dfll. The: open weather has indium? w. {LL-2r!“ ruturu to {all wor‘: among fuI’HI'J'i. UNI“ MY DEAR Sm. \vil R m x {gamma gum! gm. You“: \ury . r I TO I_ Purnunonumu, Oct. 29ta, .‘ .. nur cm! bins: of your 1h fl' \ f" i1 {g 1‘; 1 th ‘ o _ i M e r ‘smrr. Hul- far In another 001- ;u..ca a: once. You [A 'l'. M. 311253.? ? IN LATEST FASHION @MWMS .1 ï¬ne Range of all the Lezu1~ iug Dress Goods on hand. \Vu do all We say. HE LEADING Novelties ! Men's Long Bouts $1.50 per pair. Men's Low Boots $1 00. Ladies' lnccd Show 75c. per pair, Ladics’ Buncn Shncs 90c. per pair. Also a lurgu supply of Slippers nut! lino Shocs lo Suit. all. We have a four Suits of Rcmlymuda Clothing, which we offer an. coanuul to any purchaser of thosu we give a hundsmuo Present. A full stock of GdnL'u furnishing ads ways on [mud and which cannot be beaten. COMPLETE STOCK (IF ROOTS AND SHOES. A wide Hump Carpet. I‘l-Llc 21 "28 Bright. Sugar SUN). ‘30 ms Goo-.1 Raisins $1.00. 20 lbs Cuz'ruuie $1.00. 20 “:8 Rica $1.00. 2 lbs Baking Sojn 50. 3 Pks. {Tom Starch 25c. Tobacco, “Sulau‘r', 33¢. per lb. 20 Cakes Tcilut Saw, 2430. Good Yeast. Cake 56. lmr Package. 4 lbs Good Julmu Tm» $1.00. Brooms 100. Scrub Blushcs ICc. 30c. per yd. Cuahlueres 25c. worth “ 30c. worth u 406. \\ ml}: 7 “ 50c. \"uxL'L pair. I-[e-u’s all wool lunwy gmnseys, dOuMB breasted, 75c. Cotton Grain 13 xgï¬ $23 ‘35 per doz. Heavy Fuzltluél"l‘u‘klll,;. 121w. per yd. Straw Ticking, 1231:. pvr yd. Heavy Cumun Flannel 10c. por yd. Heavy All \le, 'Fucwry Flanuuls, Prints 50. per \d 133 ydn good Comm $1.00 Um»! Twillml Shrctxn v, L’yds wide’ 2.5" ‘ per 3d. 20 Good Mencken} 'l'qu-la 81.00. Men's heavy GIu-rnwva, 73'»,- per sect. Fwo mess Gmuds. surge, 10¢. per yd. 20 yds valng 1.00. Table Linen, double width, 200. per yd. Men's hum-y wool knit Mitts, 200. per mum“ "' 2‘ "f 1", w "IC‘ ’1 Slh'nquai'uh‘f i1; â€bulk, We are satisï¬ed with small margms. We Keep no Trash!" WE BOWN THEM ALL! The cheapest Store, Harrison «£5 Leslie, Prop. A Greai Rush mm Rains. Cleveiand Read our quotations and come at once for bar- gains as follows :â€"â€" Eleted President ‘ Yum Ubodiuat Servants. RGQW 15 won supplied with â€"-â€"GOT UPâ€" OUR --~0!-‘ TILEâ€"â€" l‘i nn Kongo,"- BE.'.VEH'I’OH- U C C an .‘d :n. 00 .4; rd (She. 1:2:‘(3