0M. £0.41 A good stock of {rash umcnrlos clwnyn on hand. Nov. '33, 3 "man!" “IRON BLOCK,†Benverton A FIRST-CLASS BAKERY Nov. 20, 4 “1.01581. MIME), RUNS ENNIS 71‘1â€] undvrsiuum‘l has for service at but 8. 4th _ (‘oxn.. EMU". a. thrrouglrln‘ul Hum-1k Boar. bred by Mr. McClure, Eldon Mills, (ML. also 9. lh‘rkshiru Bunr, from tho latest importationn lug; John Snell’s Sons. Edmonton, Unt. Tums $1.00 cash. Boar Pigs. SUFFOLK BERKSHIRE Km: ‘20, “.4681. BIRTHS. At “'cmh'illc on the 2am. i of Mr. Alrx. Adams of :1. sun. At his residence Int [0, 15th cun., Mari- posa, on Monday, November 10th, Duncan 5. Henderson, aged 83 years. Mr. I’arpetus Boileau. Ottawa, says: “I was radically cured of piles, from which I had been suffering fm over two months. by the use of Dr. Thomas’Eclectric Oil. 1 used it both internally and externally, taking it in small doses before meals and on retiring to bed. In one week I was cured and have had no trouble since. I believe it saved my life." A man may possess the fortune of a. prince but can never possess the happiness without good health ; to secure which the blood must he kept pure and every organ in pro-- per action. Burdock Blood Bitters purify the blood and regulate all the organs. John Hays, Credit P. 0., says : His shoulder was so lame for nine months that he could not raise his hand tn his head, but by the use of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil the pain and lameness disappeared, and although three months has elapsed, he has not had an attack of it since.†Always frosh. flags to inform the people 0! Denvvrt vicmny that he has thoroughly oqu The new Chapel of Trinity College, Tor. onto, cost Q20,000. N\:qnm_l_tlty of clonnulry nu Depend Upon It. You can depend upon Hagvnrd’s Yellow 011 as a pain reliever in rhemnatlsm, neuâ€" talgia and all painful and inflammatory com- plaints. It not only relieves but cures. 'l'he muntunt feeling of heing “played out" uml “used up’ cun lei-lily be renchil by using Ayer's Sursnpnrilla. An End To Bone Scraping. Edward blicphcrtl, of Harrisburg, â€L. says: “Having received so much henelin from Electric Bitters, I he! it. my duty to lei: snfluring humanity know it. Have had a. running sure on my leg for eight yam-s ; my floaters told me I would have to hm'e the bum: scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven boxes of Hucklen's Arnica Salve. and my leg is now sound and Well.†Elec- tiic Bitters is sold at ï¬fty cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salvo at twentv~liws cents per box at John McKinnun’s Beavm- ton. ‘ I «luvnluly OI cmmwulry nnfm wanted. for which the n ghost prim will mmml, “X WILLIAMSON. â€Incher. Woodvlllo. .‘n I HEW BAKERY’ \OOK STOVE, I'nrlol‘ Cook Stove and ‘ l‘nrlur Cook for sale; Apply to If euplu troubled with colds, would take Ayvrs Cherry l’ectornl before going to church or places of entertainment. they would avoid cnuglziug. both tn the cumfurt of boflrspenkers and htnrers. Public speak- ers and- singers ï¬nd tlmt- tlnh 7 l’uztmul wonderfully increases the power and ticxi. bility of the voice. and in now prepared to supply the I‘m! quality of Sage Wanted \Vnste not your nul-ut‘uucc in Iiotoua liv ing, which feeds impure Illuml and clogs the system with diaeasc. Open the channels of health, purify the blood. and regulate all the organs with Burdock Blond Bitters. Ptss IT IIovxn â€"-.\lr. “I H. l'onlanIl Wu“ WIitcs to the Globe. -â€"“l have learned quIII l several somcua that. an iIIIpIIotcr is going ‘ II about with nlettcr plilpOl‘tlllf' to be from £31.“ me, asking all Ulniuian peuplq to colllll- Atull‘ bute tohis IIcoIlII. ‘l‘.lIalquI is (III iIIIpu. Bum «lent fIIrgeII'. I III Ike 5 rule IIt' IM‘VI‘U -Iv- I 33;: mg letlem lhat could be used in banging l "mu purposes." lugs. Danger In the Alr. In the Chilling wuuls. the damp atmosâ€" jsh'eru, and suddenly checkoed pompimtidn, clouds are lurking. Hagynrd's l’cutorul lialumn cures col-ls, coughs, “than: and bronchitis. and all complaints tending tow- ards ouusuiuptiuu. Tutu»: In: men that. ny “what’s the use 0! putting a rout un yuur hmug ? when the Weather In phuant. you don't Need it. and when it. mam yuu can't put. it on." So there «Are men thn‘ny, “we llun't mlvertioe when We are buy because We hnvo all we can do, ï¬nd when times are slwk we can't. stand the uxpenses. ’9 “new which is the biggest. fool. A good Guarantee. H. B. Cuchran. thuuilt. Lancaatcr, l’n., writes that he has guaranteed over 300 but. “tics of Bannock “loud Bitters for dyupu :in. mliona attacks and Iiwr and kit may troubles. In In) use has it flit-appointed thosn who nae-l it. In Canada it. biwa the name gunml wtiafm mm. ‘ FOR SALE; A Princoly Fortune. and at low prices at hln flare. . Hunter A Good Motto. D] NNIS NOWKINH but 3. 4th Con... Eldon J. n. 1331011. inst, the wife n-rt‘n mul Uijllil. pod woommo. a COM Mm’s Ulstors um! ()VUI'PUMH Very (‘hmqn Mom’s (illm'luwy‘s Shirts and l)mwom, Mullivrs, ('urtligun Jackets lunlius' Shawls: and Clouds. antlvs, (Hows, Furs of all Kinda and u.†the landing Sin-ulna in (710th Diess (:‘mmls. (,‘hvnp, l‘l Hmuly'Mmlv (‘lnihing we have 200 Suits tn ('hmmo Frmu. in Mvn’s Yourlm' :uul Buys. A Largo stozk of crockery. and Glanawnro Just Cponod out. Grocery Stock Oomploto. summing Bargains in Sugars, Boo Thom. \Vnmlvillo, October, 1884. {,FULL FALL STOCK ON HAND Ou1 aCcounts are now ready and must all be rendered this month and settled. NEW Winter Goods 3 BO0T§ warm The most interesting feature of the recent 0::- hibition at Montreal. was a company of colored Jubilee Singers engaged in mumn‘ncturing the celebrated Gold Coin Chowng 'l‘obucro. and at the same time delighting the crowds of spec- tutom with exquisite xouthoru melodies A gold mednland a. special diploma Were nwnrdx d to this popular brand of chewing tobacco and the thanks of the committee tendered tothe Adams Tobacco Co. {or their attractive exhibit. By the Rev. J. Willoughhy. on the 2nd inst. ., at the residence or Hm I" Ilcs father, Segrave. Mr. Dmid N. Kin". uf the tawn- ahlp of Mariposa, to Maugaret J. l’ickell, oi the \illagu of Se-vmvc. Bucklen's Arnloa Salve. The best. salw: in the worhl for Cuts. Bruises. Salt llllcnm. Sores, Ulcers. Fever Sores, 'I‘clter, (flmppeql llumls. Ulullnlnius, turns and all Skin eruptiuns. and positsvely cures l‘ilcs. nr no [my require. It Is gum'. anteml to give perfect satisfaction. or munev rclumled. Price 25 cents pu' box. For sale by J. McKinunu. Fall \V heat ......... Swing Whoa: Aruuecm Wheat. Bur..loy . . . . ...... Oats ........ Pom: Minoanâ€... Ahifu‘ém Wheat. Barley ................... Oats ....... . Full Wheat ....................... spring _\\'15?gz Pena, Marmwmt...... . . . . . . Potatoes, per bushel. ‘ Bullet .................... . Eye†pples er bushel ......... 4 om [)6 lb“ .. .. Turko)3.. ............ Gent“... . Chickens" ................. LOBVI‘ Vlhhl“ Fall Wheat ............... Spring Wheat. ...... \ruuucm \\'hult ..... Scotqh or Fife Whoa: Barley... ....... Oats . . . . . x ........... Peas ................ The following market "prices are Cash Quotations At H. WILSON ’S, Woodville ROD. CAMPBE Will not a (food selection in Sale as O O \Vork :E-IEAP FCDR CASE-I Local Markets. 'uflfllll W heat as “What. . . . . or Fife Wheat u. ....~.c-....o .uiu...... ..... _ ._,.., .n... ......... -.u.-....... know!“ mper bushel .......... I... .W ...--..cu--..u ....u 3;? iiuiéï¬el'. I '. '.'.' Z'I '.'.'.'.'.'.'.' D Ib...-..uuu............. u... 1 1 3...; ..... ....................-...l ....-..-...---........ 1 ( \VOODVILLH MAR K HTS. Jublrl_eeASlngers. BEAVEBTON MARKETS. Tho Inn-cult and hunt numrhul stock in town of l‘} MARKETS. \Vhich will all be sold Those wanting I have now my SMLd‘OGS ,omw‘om ROD. CAMPBELL. 50 (u; 45 all L“ (ll: 15 I7 lH (1’5 Anm’s SARSAPARILLA cures Scromla and all Scrofulous Complaints, Eryslp- elas, Enema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Balls, Tumors. and Eruptions of the Skin. It clear; the blood of all lmpu- :ities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of 3:48 bowels. ans thus restore: vitality and strengthens the whole system. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C.Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drumiats; 8!. six bottles {or $5. Six months ago 1 was completely covered with a terrible humor and ecrotulous sores. Tho humor caused an incessant end intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sutfcrings were great, and my life a burden. l commenced the use of the SARSAPARILLA in April last, and have used it regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at. once. The cores have all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respect~belng now able to do a good day's work. although 73 years of ago. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, Arm's s.\ns.\mmnn.\. Glover, Vt. Oct. 21. 1882. Yours gratefully, 11mm PHILLIPI.†r.-...._.v mu. a duty {or me to state to you the beneï¬t I hue derived from the mo of FROM THE FATHER: live years ago. From a tow spots which up- pegred at that time, it. gradually spread 80 u to cover his emlro body. I assure you lie was terrlbly sullen-d. and an object of pity, whon he began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily name titty persons who would testify to the facts in his case. Yours truly, w. M. Plum" has had in hls case. I think his blood must have contained the humor {or at least ten years; but it did not show, except in the form of a scrolulous sore on the wrist, until abouk FROM THE SON: “ï¬ï¬i‘f?§§.'$33‘f “ Gentlcmu: 3| y lather resides at (:luvcr, Vt. 110 has been a great sufferer from Scrol- ula, and the luciosed lotto: will tel! you what a marvelous afloat Ayer's Sarsaparilla Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A MABVELOUS 8mm TOLD ll TWO LINERS. well as Custom ELL, pleasure and “It is both a I000 puma of roadin .cousisting of Stories, Nnvclx ltmuaucna. Skuto ma. Poetry. lliatinry iii~ npraphii-n. hv the host uni anino u-rm‘r: also A rt and (‘urrout Notes, (‘ iamlm. maximum, lam-1min nu Drusamaking and Cooking. 200 Practical Rectum: beside. «uncriptinus oi v "shining. ilmuostio and foreign. [50 [Minus illustrating Fashions in coitus. nml him-i; nlul uhili‘. pmzi-s illustrating Fancy~work iu rotors, and )hlok and whim. 24 pages Sulovt Music. 8 lh-autii‘ul Eugraviugs. l2 illustrations 0! Arohitoctual Dmigua; tw- aiiivs illuatrutious of Household [lllt‘llum and Marina Hur‘h animorihor will he allmrml to )1 aka a suim'tinil iw‘h month Ma "Full Sim (‘ut i'enmr Path-m" of auv «Ionian illustrated in Hm Maga- zine. without extra cost : thaw path-r24 am \mrth mum than tho in ire of tiw Mthnm. Wu will also prusont to nwry sulmoriimr n Flt-vi Ruâ€" m'aviuu trm- immiuui nl I‘m-nutty: Lh‘lrnl‘nll‘tl pintum “Rimming Low." propnrod Min-owl) (or thin Munuzim‘. MI (iumiv‘a- [anus Ilium hnï¬ 'nithfuiiy vi‘zm'v- wl itq prnlniM‘! with tho fvuhlio l-ur titty-tum yum-a. tin-r0 mind lm no «lnu it about um uimvn nflerlmiug fulï¬lled in tho intiur, Huiwn'iptmu price 32.00 a war. Halupin mpina. l5 com. Adah-(Nil. HODEY'R h.\DY'R "th. I‘. OHIHN‘JC linx H il. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Is the oldoat fmnily mmxlue in America. and inmnrmlml by tho press and public to [w the loading: Fashion Magazinomsm‘uinllv m. :u itu circulation prolmhly covers tho lflrgnx'. nl‘va nf any American publication. ltn pull-mm l-ving fnuml in vwrv vivili-md muntrv nmlvr tlu- sun. lN‘CI will mark tluv tlfly~ï¬ftll yww 0! I‘ll" Urum- zim-, and it is prnlmscd that it shall not mn‘v nx~ «wed in ("(rulan-v in M‘vr)’ dulmrlnmnt “"5 flying in its pruvlnns hintnry. lull surpass in ntlmvhvm mass. (nullity «ml quantity any other magazine '.1nl)llslu-.Ifm‘ llm smnu prlcu. Thu Mngu/nw. “"31".†jk‘iï¬. will contain :â€" wm he sent {ormn- \‘om‘ to an) nddrosa ml ro- u ipt 0!. ‘L‘ 50 “hich s‘muld “0 «\nt m H o mlr mm or the Woodvlllo‘ ‘Advocato" m Beaverton “Express." 'l‘o our subscribers or new subscribers with auyof the hllowiug publications. at the following low ratesâ€" .â€" 0.13.1111.“ .-\mu11'LTl ms’r.... . . .. . . . 8‘35 (“111' (Ca man‘s Comic Paper). 9.111 \\1-. 1:51.1' 11.1111}: ..... .. 1.75 “121-11113 MAIL 175 The W uonvxun Anvm ATP. or 3110 B1111 M'snrox llxrmzss “1111 K1 .\DALL' s Furor ‘ TREATIES on the Horsu $1.10 \\ 1: I‘KLY ’l 0110\‘1‘0 \‘nws .............. 1.5.0 111111121 5 11.1111' 5 Run}: with [11111111111115 .. 1 .. 2.51! 'I‘ m: ( 111'1' 11.1‘ “Pun" 10110 of tho most 1‘10- Tm: (‘o'mxum Hr; t'rn mno of tho m aunt and reï¬ned oum jounmls).. . \Vlzsnmx Am'rm-xsnu. . . \\‘I-:HKI.\'\\’1T.\' “ .-....~‘ 'l‘hc Beavertan ‘ prrrss†LamhsS 500 each a: cd mm not for sale ti 11 end of season. \p‘Il) t9; .IOS. MARSHALL. \qui 1053, \0\. 13:... IR“. Glen. Mnriposn.‘ 1WE WILL CLUB The Woudville 'IDVUCME’ I. docster Rum and 1-.“ 0 Lamb»: n1: ‘ n nu!- 1b»!- of aged 12“.»: 1rd n thonmghhred Shim-11511110 Dom: aged nun. T‘Il’y. JOHX SCOTT has placed his ace-nuns in 4; my hands for Collection. l'urtim i~: bred tu him vithcr by “0:0 or account must settle at nm-u if thvy would save coats. ' v. 12th. 1864. 3 m. 17!. CAMERON. HALF-BREEDS - Shropshire Down - GODEY‘S LADY’S BOOK Apply to CAPT. \V. .\.\'DEKSO.\'. Oct {BO-ti 6.3 L‘ulburuo 5L. Tormx'n. Oct. “11-3 LARGE quantity of ï¬rst-class ml and White Brick now on hand at the Stutiun Brick Yard. Beavcrtou. Prices Mum-raw. E. c. SPEN' 1m. NORMAN McLROD. October 21. 1834. Lot 9. 15‘ Bricks For Sale. VTRAYRD from tho pro-miscs of tho mum“- y siuuu l ubuut two months my). -\ Iii-Tl) H111- Fl-IR rising-churs old. Any person nging in- formation as to hot whereabouta will be libuml- ly rewarded. Muriposn. Nov. mm;- ‘1‘“. \\ED FImII the prc-Iniflrs of ï¬lm under- signed. Lu! 0, l'lllI L‘oII Munpos: I. “luv“! lune his-4,1 uarllIIu Heifer nu! (ma \enrliIII' Steer. Shell 0?.an ham 0! llulfvr lImkou culm «If Hol- mr rod with “hire spots. think Steer is all 10.! Any iIIfurIIIIItioII which will load to their l‘ccov- my will bu suitably ruwm‘vlml. M. H. D. SILVER Cuuuiugtuu. I’. 0. l-il'lo-I. Nov. (ML-2). For Sale TIHYBD into the promises of the undornign- ml on or about two months ago. 1 lh-ifur and l 8120:. both yunrhxus. 'l‘hu uwuur cnu lun‘o Hm sums by proving pun-MN and unvim: uxpcnnos. l-‘raukliu. Oct Bax-(1.4 CAPITAL clmuco. l‘pturgruvo Store and Dwullum fur sale. “'1â€: mmucw (hunk-n 1.0% attached. also Slurulwum and Smhm. The Mom with « aim-Hing above it is 9.51“ [out aml new. It is a spluml'ul xtulul. '1 hone is no Oppo- sition. Satiulactory rams-out; lurwlliug. Apply for terms to \\'. â€AGUIR E. ‘HAT snh'd brick building cornm- rvf King and Agnes Streets. \\'ood\ “In. Terms easy. LADY’S BOOK Last Notice. 1' Ilng wart old, «hull ronn; I boilers, 1 a lmmu quluy.mhur wlntu. both risnug 2 yuan uhl; 2iSluu's rising 2 your: Old. one I‘m] nther 'luvtwd. All the annuals have rings In thuir ours \\ (h "In uamu "lm Amuu". ouumvud thereon. Any pun-nu un'ing iulunnzuzou M will qud to thuir l‘l'cuvch wxll bu auimblx rewarded. nu mum. Oct. :bthna “'oodvillo. l’. 0. 3110)! l Strayed Heifer. THIS PAPER For Sale. .0: ~30. Concession 1. Eldon. 1 Hum. riu year. old, «hull IOIIII; I ballets, 1 fl uluymxhur while. both risnug 2 yuan was rising 2 your: old. one I‘m] nther All the animals have rings Ill lhuir curs uamu "lm Ataxia" engraved thereon. u mum: iulunnzuiou M will qud to |.\' l‘Ll'R “'1 I‘ll Strayed. For Sale. Strayed. Strayed. DON. McCRIMMON. Lot 9. 15th Con. .‘larhmm Lot 21. 3rd Con. Eldon Benin-mu. : in t-‘mnkl in . .75 ‘ Run-090nm“: ï¬rst-class illmxk (‘nmpnnloa. [usur- I ann-vfl'm‘tvlluu all rlnssvs M l'roporty. n «lust . l-‘llut, I.lull'l‘.\'l.\’u. (‘\‘(‘l.0Nl~:S and mm ’ \\'leN.ulno ago“! for lIuSL'N LIFE ANDAC- , CIDBX'I‘. Wlll Im glad tn mrroupmnl with apï¬ln Grow- orn. Mon-hunk and Rhimwra. with n vlmv (u Autumn and Hprlnu l-n‘slnvls. 70, Ql'm-IN s’rmam'. LONDON, E. 'I'Iu‘)’ willulsu give tlw usual tnollluon to can tome†requiring mlmucoa. 0. SMITH, Provincial Land Surveyor Drainage Engineer Practical Arohitm-t. Union solicited Sowing; Machines. APPLES! A. (:L*.\‘\', \'.s I (-1- mum“ of the unlarlo \ Mel-I111") Polk-go I \ BTFRINAhY INSPECTOR. } l 3 022‘: m â€"-.\l:\<licnl Hail \\ oodvillu. \\'ill he: in Ho um um e\' on 1:1usd:1_\.01‘derslcn \vlth John )lcliiunou. Dunggist. Bcuvcrton. 01 '1» :ch 1,,1 111111. will teem“: :1‘0111111 attention. D. BLACK (5mm! ï¬lmmmurc ggcut Having purclmsml the business of Mr. John Mclx‘muun. “'omlvillv. my slmp will always ho hum! with A full supply uf all meals in season. “hivh will [no sold It. tlu- lnwest \ricos. FOR CASH ONLY. Poultry in smson. attics with lat camp fur 5510 should call on me buforu aoll» ing. W. Williamson. BUTCHER and PGUL‘I‘ERER l \\ L1 be m Rom ormn on Tuesday and PridAy of each \u-ek. ordurs In) mml mu) beaddressed to Bmuv Man. or W oodnilu and “ill neceivo prompt and careful Mtuuliou Agrut for l'nlon loan .t San‘lux‘s (‘0. Money to Louu on ï¬rst-class security MB to 6} p.0. Agvut for A. HARRIS. SUN 6‘; 00.. Rrautford. Muuumctururs of Kenya‘s. an-rs, Self Binders JACOB BARN ES, Pump Maker. “'00 D\' I LLE A N [) BEA VERTON. Pumps and Cistmns uf all kinds to order at shnrt notice. Char/es Dona/0’ c6 00. Money to Loan ut 6 yer cent. 0‘31cu~}icut Street. Lindsu. Ontario. l’. S. Mums . i h‘. ll. liurmxs. C. )L L. C. l'. 8., Graduate of Toronto Univer- a'uy. Awuwcr ox . ulu-ge Hush-mus and :J‘..;‘;{L'ulls. 01w. l':.\u|hlll\5r mrSuu Lite uuu Cunlc‘iurulwu Life Co's. (Jilin: and lirsnlencc, Hamlin Ontario. DESTISTS, aha, Lllnh‘au‘. 0|â€. One of the above will he at the Hamilton Honsu. Umn'cz'mu, an the Second Mummy u: out] mouth. no: \vm also visxt “'00:!va on inc m-coud Tum;~ day ox cnch mouth, swmnug at we Queen's Huicl. J. VLHL\.\D\ h. .- um. lie-Memo. unc'door north UK 14:10“ Houau Queen Street. \VoqunHu J AMEN )1. LA “SON, (zun‘lzn. .tc. Carling, done to and from all parts of the village auu Mmmmimunmy Station.†(Inn-gas lglpder- . The highest card: prim paid for ail kinds 9! ' HIDHS.b‘h’lNS,’1‘.-\LLU\V.C. .\u;. quantity 0: Tan Mari; wanted. fur which cash wni bu paid. FBeavertag Tannery .' mics! and bus: alzponnl syatcms. Otï¬cu and ium‘xwuy. lhs‘juu's Hutu}. L’unniugton (Gm-luau: of the Ontario Veterinary 0011090 .â€" Diseuscs ofdll dqxpesticutod animals treated by E LDON HO USE, Woonvu.w, "rims. EDWARDS Proprietor. Fimtwlasaaeunnmodu!ionmu] nttuutivosorvnnts Bar \mll supplied mm the choices! Liquors and Olgaâ€. 'Hus to and [mm ull trains. and awry cmn‘uuiuucc for the travelling pubnc. ‘umlvillo. .lnlv um. WOODVILLE LIVERY STABLE, Imsln’ BDWAKIM. I'l’olll’letch LiVury lugs at any time uud at all hours on the Bhul'lusl nonco. spacial ulcutivu union to Com- muneiul Travellers. Chuu gas m'mus moderate. 'l‘leMH, (‘ASHI Htablus m wuuccuou with the lulnluu nousu. . Township ('lerk, .‘lmflrlpnllly of Thor-It. (mice 11 Town Hul. Beaverwn. Umuio. Eldon 'I‘ownulup Clerk and Treasurer. Otuw at Mr. Reid‘s Store, Lomcville. Out Address Box†.L Enom orton.0ntario,~ um. 24. warn/7.7.. ll<m4mn2z>fl< MCIOMOZ..II Push Bread, Bum, Buiscuits and Pastry all ways on hand 01‘ Made to Order ofall Klndsln Bto . Confoctloa'ser l1 and Select. ck TERMS OAS“. “‘31. CA M ERON, \Vomh‘ille. .-\ NCâ€. (.‘A M PHELL, Vllf'lflulA Q'OI‘STI .III'IIOSIJER. 0111007 Um: dwr (ms! 0! Post. Ulllco. Wuulvillc'. NEE LA NDS l’EN'l‘l..-\ND R. \V. NEWSON, Baker and Cnnfectinner. W ll. JOHNSON, M. D. M A R'l‘l N x HUPK INS, I=.\IKI:I§1’IIR§, souvnoks .tc. â€"~â€".\lcheod'l om smut. woom'wLI-z, ~\\ 001“ H. l..‘ . ONT. WOODVILLE, ONT. [iqlmd for Musical Instruments and PARSONS DUNCAN, JNO. A. J ACKSON. GEORGE 3 J05. YRS “AND, L. 13.8. sm'rn,