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Woodville Advocate (1878), 27 Nov 1884, p. 1

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Drain Tile a. Specialty The Fall trade is now opening and those reqmnng a. well-titling suit should leave their orders at once to uvoid the usual rurah Bum made and trimmed to order.“ lowest prices 1-1. Logan, Exist: and Batman LUMBER, SHINGLER, and LATH Beaverbon, November 20th, Beaverton Lumber Yard. And those requiring a stnvo should call and see my liuus before going elsewhere. W. TAYLOR, Proprietor. Cooking, Heating and Orna- mental to be found in North Victoria. STOVE DEPOT. All goods by Best Makers and Cheap. Ladies’ Misses and Children’s, Men's and Boys’ Foot Wear, Berlin High Foxed Boots, Rubbers, Sandals, and Overshoes. ”20:.zmh...< ¢=O> DZ<EMO m...0<..._ 2â€"4.;â€" wwMI... Woodville. October, 1834 . L0‘W PRICED FALL ANS) WINTER GO0DS. Full Cloths, warm and fine, Twecds, Flannols, Stocking Yam, Cottonados, Shirt- lngs, Wlncoys ac. . J. BERRIE’S -Woodville Bakery !- Highest Pricp Paid for W001. ._.. BF- AVERTUNâ€" -Tai|ming Establishment !- J08. J. CAVE, Publisher Woodville Tinshop ! â€"A.\'D-â€" Largest and Finest Stock of Best Bread in the County. SPECIAL RATES IS (‘AR LOAD LOTS 10 .tl-l. POISTS. CALL AT THE Benetton Woollen Mill, BRICK VAR!) Ami; EQI‘TERY. Tinwa. e of all Ki.na’s HARDWARE c. Jos. CAMPBELL. SSE-WES CUSTOM CARDIN“. SPINNING. “TAV- ING o. DONE .-\'1‘ SHORT NOTIL E. 0! all kinds and qubl‘m’us on hand. Han Street, North End of Bridge. FOB BARGAINS IN Q. T- YQUNG. I have now on hum the of every description ESTABLISHED 1376. HARD TIMES SCARED TO DEATH ! We afl'ord ell an opportunity to secure the Newest and Best at the Lowest'fices for CASH now are all ready to give you a. welcome that means business. \Ve have laid in a. splendid stock of \Ve did it with our little hatchet when we knocked the covers off out: immense cases of Mourning Prints, Cottons, Quilts, Towels, etc. Woodvillo. Sept. lat. 1684 ; October. 1300. A LARGE LOT 01“ First- Class Winceys, Hoop Shirts frqm 2501‘s. upwards. -C retonnes.â€" Mrs. A. Morison’s NEW FALL Goons The [algesth Best Slack m town OOOOOOO P. D. McARTHUR, BEAVERTON. BL. Corner Stoe . And we respectfufly advise an early examination and invite it. HIGHEST MAR/(E 7 PRICE Choice Stock of Provisions and Groceries. Einc Salt at SUE per bk W. G. SMITH Co., Mitchell’s Old Stand. All Kinds of Grain ! FARMERS' PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR [10008. Wines and Liquors NEW GOODS “'ool Flanncls l’lnid, for Chil-lrcns’ dresses. Canton Flannel at various prices. Cheap lot of Grey Cottmrs. Wools in must Colors. Ionnerly occupied by John Melina. 'hem win be found In complete and we offer thnm at Rock- Bottom Prices for cash or Produce- Wo are also buying DELIVERED AT KUCKFIHLD STATION FANCY GOODS, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE I000 Dressed Ilons OPENED MONTHLY AT For which we will pay me Has removed to tho and a full stock of M usual om- “'0 0301' WOODVILLE. WOODVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 1884. tad its branchesfildâ€"n'l‘rlmints in (‘cmuln and the United States. Anu-ricun currency bought and :old. SAX'INGS’ DEI’A RTLiENT. Interest allowed on doposfls at the rate of 5 per cent. Notes collected at luwcs‘ mtes. ssAvnarom, 0mm. MQKEY 'EQ LQAL‘I’; Ollee. flours. l0 :1. In. BLACK of; GO». B a. 11116 rs re iring coins made u i into Scat! Pins. Cut! nt‘tons, Ear-ring an Branches. Sock-lama and braceloti. ENGRAVING B. MA DI LI... Manager? Nov. 6. 2m. JUST ndjoiuimz tho thriving village of Klrkfleld .-\ turn) of 114 autos according to survo '. lie the smuu more or loss. LOT 39. NORTH 120R- TMiE ROAD. about 30 acres clam-0d and in good state of cultivation. A good frame house. not quite finished. A good barn. stable and orchard. within tun minutes walk of two churchesJMotllm dist and l‘reslrytoriuu). Good schools, stores. Mills. Post onion and Shops 0! most all kinds all within ten uninuios'wmk. Tho farm is situated between hvomilwnv 21 Minus Kirkfiold about half a mile (lisinut uml I‘ortngo Rom], station about a ““10 distant, Im the Grand Trunk Railway. 'I‘L‘I)\II.L .tznnnn J ~____ o . , A 711“}: South half of Lot No. R. 2nd Con. of Eldon. _ 100 acres, nearly all clear. First-class soil. “'0" situated. about half-way between Lowe- villo and .‘u'm'lo. Will be «old chomp for cash or on time. also LOT 2!. 6th CON. ELDON. 200 acres almut :5 act-(N cleared. North half 8. 4th 0011.. Thumb. lunacn's finely situated about 2 lniluu East of Bcuverton. on the hunting: mud. apply to J. C. GlLCllRIST. Woodvillo. Out. Sept. 15. 18844! Farms For Sale ! "u-..“ . .uun unuwn’. Tl-IRMS-fléaiiiii‘down. halanco terms to suit purchaser. Possession given nlmut February. or mnins might plough this [all it «lesimblo. lnrsvs.Cnttlu'nml Sheep can he mrnishod to in- tending pnrchasvrs also farm implmnonta. All or a purl. on {air (onus. For furtlmriuformatiou apply to I. SHERMAN, Kirkflcld,0ut~ an... IK van 0... Sept. 15, 'swm MCCORMICK. BOGLE a 'l‘llflllNB. Auzufl 214m: GUElPH BUSINESS COLLEGE FFlZRS YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN THE best facilities for ncqulringapumpleto train- in v for business pursuits. flonkkm‘ping. l‘mmucrclsl ArithnletiC. "MIMI“! Actual Business l‘mctico. Business corms mu. donco. Pmmmnshlp. Commercial Law. 010- firnplw. lertlmud. (Yalluraphy or anwrlllng. 'l't‘lu‘ll. l'hl'fiiulmzy. and cholno are taught. lw ‘,.... n r...‘ v. -.'.'V'IVII'IIIH' From-ll, l'hysiuk y. and Hygoiuo are taught by the mustpruvticn andlulerestingmeahods. Hi: experienced teacher. and lecturers nro nun- uoutly on the teachin Mail. The various apart~ mounts are elegantly ll tad u with the later: Mid most a \prm'ed apparatus or Business Coll a work: un insuring the comfort as mall list In rapid mimncomon of students. Students inn outer at any time. For a copy o! the Annual (‘0 - lugo Circular (Mum-2n Pam-1). address. Farm For Sale ! £6 to inform the public of Woodvillo and i surrounding country that he is prepared to do all kinds of Clocks, Watches, and Jewellery, on good security. Drafts issued upon the pongnion Bank of Canada. Proctor' 6 Brick Block. first door out of‘ Town Hall Watchmaker Jeweller . WALLER. Sign of the Golden Boot. GUELPH, ONTARIO. or all kinds done to order. . SWATMAN, lo a. In. m 4 n. m. Saturday- 10 a m Ir. : v Ill. Mr. Gladstone, during his past and preaâ€" eut Premiership. has disposed of the Eug- lieb primacy and of l6 u-Lnglish liishopries, as Well as of 18 English deuneriea, besides many cmnnries and liviIfgs. A Fourfold Work. Burdock Blood Bitters act at' the same time upon the liver. the lmweli. the kidneys and the skin, relieving or curing in every case. Wnrmnted satisfactory or money ru- funded. County of Ontario ng?.â€":J9n._ £3: fol}. 1.: :W-ulj. Apr-Ll. finyl Juno 1. July 8, 80]“. 1. 0d. 1. Nov. 1. Doc. 1. Buovummâ€" {May 2, .lmy 3, Hopt. '1. Dt’rrm's Cnnrn.-â€" ) Jun. 2!. Mar. 3. Nov. 3. Pgmynnnmqggn; 2'). Mar. )9. May 5. July 1 Sept. 23. Nov. 17. annmon.â€"Juu. 23. Mn. 4. May 0. July 8. Sept 23. Nov. 18. 0AMNmaTox.-â€"an. 94, Mar. 5. Mny 7. July 9. Sam 94. Nov. 19. Bgvnngxplu. 8. Mn 8, July 10, Sept. 15. ov. . Umnonon.â€"Mu. 1. May 0 July 11. Bopt.” flown, J. E. PABEWR Whitby.J|n. I. m 0101‘! of Pm Sittings oi Division Courts for 1884. m; prion OI. at: bank. Iud by all Dr’uggi‘“ 85. um an acrofulous (ii-mes, Sons. Evy-1pc- lu. Enema. Blotchoo. Ringworm, Tn- moI-s, Carbuncloa. Rolls. and Eruptions or um Skin, no the dire“ result. of an impure state of the blood. To cure these times the blood must be purified, nud restored to a healthy nnd n.- i iral condition. Aran‘s SABSAPABILLA ha for over forty years been recognized by emi- nent medical Authorities as \ho most pov- ertnl blood purifier In existence. It ireeI the system from all foul hnlnoro. enriehu And strengthens tho blood, removes I“ trace. of meronrinl treatment. and proves itself I complete master of all scminloua diam A Rec-In Car-- or Scrotulonn Sons. «5mm months no 1 was troubled vmn scmfulnus sores (ulcers) on my logo. The limbs were badly swollen and inflamed, sad the cores discharged large quantities of oflensive matter. Every remedy i tried “Hod. until i used Avsn's SARSAPARILLA, of which i have now taken three bottles. with tho result that the sore: are healed, and my general henlth greatly im \rovod. i feel very grateful for the good your medicine has one me. Your: realmtfully, Bins. ANN O'Bnux." 148 Sullivan Sn, Xew York. Juno 24,1882. (7‘ All persons interested are invitod to can on Mrs. O'Brlan: also upon the Rev. Z. 1’. “‘Ilds of 78 East 64th Street. New York City, who will take pleasure In testifying to tho wonderful efllcwcy of .zyer's Snrsapnrllia. not only In the cure or this lady. but in his own use and nanny other. within his knowledge. Published by order o! the Gononl Sessions stimulates uni regulates the action of the digestive and mimilutiro organs. renew: and strengthens the ritnl forces. and npeedlly cures Rheumatism. Noumlgln, Rheuma- tic Gout. Catarrh. General Debillty. and ill diseases arising from an impoverished or corrupted condition of the blood, and t weak- ened vitality. The well-known writer on the Boston Ilcmld. B. W. BALL, of Rochester, NJ!" writes, Juno “Having suffered severe? for some yen! with Eczenm. and having (a led to find relief tmmmhnr mumlics l have made use. during the pustlhreo mom I: of Anm's SABSAI’A- mum. which has efl'ected a com ”do can. I consider it a magnificam mm (or :11 blood diseases." Ayer’s Sarsaparilla It is incomparably the cheapest blood modlp due. on account. of its concentrated strength. um great power over disease. PREPARED BY Dr. .I. C. Mel-6:00., Lowell, Mm. SGROFULA An interesting usrlor social was held It Mr. A. McKenzie‘e on Friday owning last. and was a success sn every respect. To say that those present enjoyed themselws inn mensely is only expressing it in o mild wsy. Several dialogues were rendered in a manner which reflects credit on those who partici- psted in them. After indulging in the vsrious social games custouiory at those exceedingly friendly meetings. the different members of the rty dispersed to their several homes We] satisfied with the soeisl intercourse of the evening' The prrceeds which amounted to somethin over ten dollars. will be applied in replsc n v the very primitive looki pulpit in “t e decent church that tops t e neighbouring hill." From Our Comapoudem. Severnl of .the lendiiig sporte of our vil- lage decided to have a regular hunt for deer on the furfumed and romwtic plains of Cnrden, so after procuring nll the necessar- ies for such on ex dition they proceeded on Monday the l7t inst to these celebrated hunting grounds. They moored querters for the night in Mr. Armstrong’s Ihuty. where Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, who are out there at the present time. endeavoured to make them no comfortable ens possible after the fatiguing chue of the day was over. After being absent a few do a the thoughts of the sport Worked to sue an extent on our Doctor's mind, (Dr. \Vood) that he could resist it no lou er, so he decided to join the party. A ter peckingv up a fair supply of linimente and surgical instruments in case his services might be Aequired in a professional way he proceeded on his journey but, happily for the party and lwllleay unfortunately for the doctor he found then) in splendid condition mentally and physically. SolkBâ€"'l‘he Presbyterians of this com- munity have decided to hold a grand soireo on Christmas Day, which promises to sur- pass anything of the kind ever held in this place as tho managing committee is com- posed of some of the most energetic young men of the congregation who will faithfully endeavor to make it a grand entertainment. 'l‘here will he an exeellent programme which will be entirely carried out. There will also be vocal and instrumental Innate rendered by an ellicient choir, able lectures will he giwn in the evening by someof the best lecturers in the Province of Untario, and by some of the most talented elergylnen of tho Presbytery of Lindsay. A cordial invitation is ettended tto the granger friends to come to the tea, and also an invitation to all do- nominations to come to Glenarm where they will he served a real prcsbyterian tea during the evening. Unhappily for the Doctor Be was 'théro hutva few huurs when he was called away to ittgud to his Professirgualr duties. \Vith‘ the first peep of day our hunters Were on foot, when, after taking some much needed exeh one to supple them up preparatory to the go as you-please-race, also a substantial breakfast necessary for great physical en~ durnuce, they proueeded to the slaughter. After the fatiguing chase of the day was over they repaired to their night‘s qunrzera, where after giving an account of the wun~ derful shooting done by each of them in the day just passed, also in the days of their )'()tltll,'ll0\\' far back in the past; of the wonderful springs made by the deer after being mortally wounded, of the enormous tracks Seen. of the magnificent leoking bucks new rlisAp rearing behind some boulders ur clumps o hushesjustas some particular person was preparing to draw a bend on him. etc, etc., they retired for the night to dream till morning of Shipping across the plains with marvellous speed ; of springing with amazitm dexterity of logs and huge boulders, of despemte encounters with wounded bucks when attempting to severe the jugular. of waiting patiently behind some obstnrle for the appearance of a deer and then lav; the mortification of seeing him gliding by a half amile off. They were fairly successful as they sueceede-l in securing several den. BUILDINEâ€" Our enterprising slmemakcr Mr. Wm. 'l‘hornbury, has erected a neat stable. Tux Faunaâ€"The Rev. J. G. Manley, agent for the Bible society occupied the pill- pit of the Presbyterian church-cu Salilnth the 16th innit, and preached an elvulnent sermon in English to a large congregation. The pastor prewhing an able sermon in Gaelic. From Our Correspondent. Holloway's Ointment and Pllle. A frequent cause of gout and rheumatism is the inflammatory state of the blood, at" toned with had digestion and general «lcliil- ity. A few doses of these Pills taken in time are an effectual preventive against gout and rheuumtism. Anyone WhO‘lHk‘! an etc tuck of either should use Hollowny’s Uint- ment also, the powuriul action of which, combined with the operation of the l‘ills, must infallihlv ellect n cure. 'l'heso l‘ills not directly on the blood, which they puriâ€" fy and improve. llnving once subdued the severity of these diseases, perseverance with the Uiutment, alter fomeuiing the nll‘ected joints with warm brine. will speedily relax all stillness and prevent an) pcrumnent con- traction. A Great Discovery. Mr \Vm. 'l‘humas, of Nowtun. Ill, smys My wife has been seriously ull'm-tml with a cough for twenty five wars. and this spring mm-e uvarely than ever before. She had used many remedies without relief. and be: in urged to try Dr. King‘s New Discovery, dig to, with most ratifying results. The first bottle relievedfiier Very much, and the second bottle absolutely cured her. She hu not had a) gnod health for thirty yum." Trial Bottles free lt J. McKinnon's Drug More. Large nine 81 00. G VOL. VIIIâ€"NUMBER 44 Klrkfleld. Glenarm.

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