M (‘Adila 3. Nick. on tho sou. lnlh. tho wile 87. Robin 2.0.130. o! u non. of Han] and unit coma cnimnt withstand Ilulluimy's Col-u Cure ; It is mtlcctual ewery time. “How does the new girl strike you 3" ask- od a citizen (‘f mum. at dium-r lutnly. "She hasn't struck me yet." answered his wife ll‘l‘t'kly. “but she has done nlmoat Wel‘yflnhg clans." ON Snnda ', 23;! inst. the Infant non of Mr. Alex. A sum. “‘nodvillo. med 9 dnyo. BIRTHS. A num may possess the fortune of n prince but can never possess the happiness Without good health ; to secure which the blond must be kept pure and every urgnu in pro~ per action. Burdock Blond Bitters purify the blood and regulate all the organs. Never Give Up. If you are sum-ring with hue and depress- ml spirits. luss of appetite, general rlchilily. disunlercil blood. weak constitution, heml- r clic. or any disease of a bilmus nature, by nll mom-s pmcnrca lmttln nf Electric llit- tern. You will be surprised to ace the rnpicl impmvemcnt that will fulluw ; yuu will he inspired with ncw life ; strength and activ- ily null return ; pain and misery “Ill crzlsr', mnl lmnrefurth yuu will rcjnicu in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at. ï¬fty cents a bottle “Y J. McKinnun. 6 Depend Upon It. You can depend upon llngyanl’a Yellow Oll as a pain relwvur in rheanmtiam, nouu ralgia and all painful and inflammatory com- plmuls. It not only relieves but cums. A Prlncely Fortune. Worms (lounge tho whulo system. Mnth- er Umvea' Worm Exterminator doraugca worms. and gives rest to the sufferer. In England them are own two million families that possess an: aVcragn wealth of $18,000 each. The ball that killed Lord Nelson is now in the pusseasiou of Queen Victon'ia, who has a taste for war relics. Oue trial of Mother Gnvu' Worm Extor- miuator will convince you that 3 ins no equal In 8 worm medicine. A Good Motto. \Vaato not your substance in :iotoua liv- ing, which feeds impure blood and clog: the system with disease. Open tho channels of health, purify the blood. :nil regulgm nil the organs With Burdock Blood Bitters. The con-tout feeling of being "play“ out" and ' 'ueed up,†can readily be removed by using Ayer'e Sarnpuilln. Danger In the Mr. In the chilling Winds. the dump utmos- phere, end suddenly checked perepintion, cloud: ere lurking. Hagyard’e Peotorul Balsam cures colds, coughs, asthma um bronchitis. and all complaints tending tow- erdu consumption. H. B. Cochnn, drugg int Laucnter, Pa. , writes that he has guaranteed over 300 but- tles of Burdock Blood Bitters for dyspo an, bilioun Attack- and liver and ki uoy troublel. In no case has it dmppointed those who used it. In Cmda it gives me name genetal uatisfaction. father a: the River." By ainging and riendly convene the time wore twuv when all taking lenvo of their host hoatosa and guest left for theit homes. llr. W31. Gardner elected to the chair. A dioir speedily formed by e few of the young people preeent with Miss Annie Pattison es org-hilt. at the cheimau’e lolicltetion. com. meuoed the pregremme by sin-Jim: the lemi. lie:- piece “The Sweet Bye anal Bye." Mr. Pattiaon we: then Called to mhlreew the es. aemhlege which he did in hie mine! pleasing manner. Addresses interalwned by music then followed from Rev. Mr. Gardner, Mr. \\'.McCuaig end Rev. M r. Linton‘ The latter gentleman introducing Iromicelities which Were well ep reci tell es wee evidenced by the repeatetr hunts of laughter elicited. The remarks of each speaker were enlogietic of Mr. Brown’s high oherecter end exprel. live of regret It his departure from Bryeon. with "dent hopee that e bright future Would be his. Mr. Gardner closed the speaking with the customary chairman’s re- merke After which the choir snug “Shall we To rm: RIV. J. A. Buovm, Rev. Aim Dssn‘ 8m :â€"‘- We. the undersigned members of the Bible close in Lower thchï¬eld, cannot slâ€" low you to depart from smonast us without ï¬rst expressing our sincere thsnks for the may no'e of kindness you here shown us. both es hescher sud pastor during the short time your lute been in our midst snd at the some rime request you to secepc the sc- wmpnnyin purse, not for its intrinsic vslne but es s eï¬ght token of the sï¬ection sud ood wishes ere entertsin towsrds you. labia? you every blessing in whshver s ï¬eld of her you may he plsesd. We sre Deer Sir Yours very islthiullv. Signed by 32 members. Lower Litohï¬eld. Nov. “b. On Tuesds evening lest the Brvson eon- gegntion sm s number of people belonging other denonuustlons repslreil to the resi. deuce of W. E. Lake]. Esq.. where Mr. Brown hes visited during his sojourn hero for the purpose of rushing his lost evening Imougst then s plesssnt one. When has ; was served s short progrsnune was drown ‘ 91) to govern _the evenings proceedings sud A 4|._:_ -a- Mr. June- A. Brown the promising etu- dam. who lebond eo uliduonely in the Preebylorieu chime of thin notion (luring the past summer monlhl left here on Friday morning lent for Queen'e College when he Noume- hle studio. ht one. On Tuesday lat. the young people belonging to [over Letsluï¬eld congregation who on elm memâ€" bers of 3 Bible elm which Mr. Brown org. nixed showed their epprecietion of his lebofe bmongn them by prunntinc him mth ehe following eddreu tad puree alluded to wanin. (Equity. Brynn. Quo.,Nov. 18th, 1884.) 1’“me Tumor-a A ram 01' W02â€; A Good Guarantee. DIED. Abmum :â€" A Mm Stwietflmkém Men’s Ulsters and Overcoals Very Cheap. Men’s Guernsey’s Shirts and Drawers, Mnlllors, Cardigan J aokots, Ladies’ Shawls and Clouds, Mantlos, Gloves, Furs of all Kinds and all the loading Shades in Clot-h Dress Goods, Cheap, In Ready'Mado Clothing we have 200 Suits to choose From in Men’s leths’ and Boys. A .‘h-- ‘L‘-‘_ -n-_-_._,-A A. . Woodville, October, 1881. Our accounts are now ready and must all be rendered this month and settled. NEW Winter Goods ! FULL FALL STOCK ON HAND Jublleo Slngen. The most interesting feature of the recent ex- hibition at Montreal. was a company of colored Jubilee Singers engaged in manufacturing the celebrated Gold Coin Chewing Tobacco. and u the same time delighting the crowds of spec. tutors with exquisite southern melodies. A old model and n 91min] diploma were awerdu to this pain brand of chewing tobneoo and the than not the committee tendered tothe Adams ' Tobacco Co. for their attractive exhibit. B00'I‘S SHflES ROD. CAMPBELL, luoklon'o nrnloa Sulvo. The but nlro in the world for Cute. Bmim. Salt Rheum, Sores. Ulcers, Favor Sons, Tower, Chapped Hunda. Chilhlnins, Corns 1nd all Skin eruptions. 3nd pooibvely oum Pilot. or no pay require. It in gun- nntood to give perfect satisfaction. or money refunded. Price % cents per box. For n10 by J. MoKinnon. tornfl in'nriea, coma, bunions. piles; and other ma udion. The pe 1e of this country have spoken. They dec are by their patronage of Dr. Thomu’ Eeleotrio Oil, that they believe it to be en article of genuine merit. adapted to the cure of rheumatism, us well as relieves the pain. 0! fractures and dislocstipue. ex: UnBtlnoiplod persons are selling imitations of r. Thom-3' Ecleotrio Oil. Do not be deceived. D. Sullivan. Malcolm, Ont. writes : I have been selling Dr. Thomas' Ecleetrio Oil for some veers. snd have no hesitation in saying thnHt hes given better sa'lsfnetion than any other medicine I have ever sold. I coasidsrlt the only patent medicine that omen more than it is recommended to cure." A little Mun up in New York hu 3 shut-l lug tint thnt they call the “Niugere.†It I is uuppoeed the they cell it that because the people go there to lee the "fella." Mr. R. O. Winlow. Toronto. writes : "Northro Lymnn'n Vegetable. Discovery in I ulnl nlo medicine to all who are trou- hlod with indignation. I tried 3 bottle of it I ulcer suflcring lot name tel ycun, and tho | mulh m «thinly beyond my oxpoour hiunn. It lulu- digestion wonderfully. I dlgmt my food with no apparent «Hort, and am now entirely free Iron: that mutation. which ever ' dyspeptic well known, of un- plan!“ In luau alto: ouch no.1.†The» no cheap puncer {or utioul hu- man ailment: continual y crop iug up. Northrop a Lyuun'u Vegetable )iacovory Ind Dyupe tic Cure bu no afï¬nity with may of thou. nlnko them. the uticlo in derived horn the purest oourcu. in prepared with the uunou chomlool ukill, uml in g genuine tonedy And noï¬ a palliative for b‘llion-ness. (Junctipntlon. Kidne troubles. impurity of the blood, .ml loan 0 oompluinu. At H. WILSON ’S, Woodville, Will get a. good selection in Sale as well as Custom \Vork 90!: of Crookéry. and. Glunnro Just 0 onedflout. Gr complete. Btu-tun: Bantu: 1n and?» Boo Thom: The largest and boat assorted stock in town of Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Imligestwn, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Aï¬ections of the Liver and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, Bails, 11 unwrs, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Eryszpelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach. or irregular action of the Bowels. “Which will all be sold Those wanting I have now my ROD. CAMPBELL. Medlclno â€Con-u tion In outionï¬onduh...‘ pzillllllmoun borders. «III onrywhoro. Always I!“ PREPARED BY 11?: {. ciAyera. 00., Lowe", Mm. Sold by nll Drugglstn;'grloo fl, (om Diuaua, Eruption: of the Skin, Rho.- Ilaflun. (man-h, General chilil‘y, Ipd tll duonlon resulting from poor or 0011an blood and a low unto o: the mun. cleanses, onrlehu, and gtrongthom me blood. ulmnlnm the action of the woman tad bowels, and thereby enable. the Intel- to ram and overcome the attack. at .1! M1» ...._ - -v-..â€"â€"-v .uvw own:- to the use' of the SARIAPABILLA, whic I recommend with all conï¬dence I) the beet blood medicine ever devieod. I took it in emnll «tones three times e (1?, end need. in all, lees than two bottles. lee. them (ecu at your service, hoping heir publication may do Yours wepeotiuiiy, Z. P. Wane." The above instance in but one of the my eonetantiy coming to our notieo, which move the perieot udaptability of AV!!!“ SAHA- PABILLA to the euro 0! all diam exiting from impum or impoverished blood. and I mkened vitality. Ay’er’o Sarsapariiia guy 01.536 - "u 8. WA am. New York Nay no. 18!. Iggy. 31.70. 411m 5700., mumâ€.- The luv. 2. P. Wilda. well-know- 09' Ilulunu-y In New York. and broth. at the nu eminent J ud‘o Wilda. o! *0 lawman. alumnae Com. m an touowu Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. grocery Stool: mu MM) pronoun w ovory subscriber n Stool En- graving (tor framing) of l’eraulc'a colobmtod )icturo"ï¬looplns Lovo."prepnrod expressly [or is Rimming. 7 An flomn‘u [more nook has faithfully observ- od its promises with the nblic for ï¬fty-tom- yonra there need bu no (Ion rt about the above of!" min fulï¬lled to the letter. Subscription price 01 5 our. Hmupia copies. 15 can“. A dross. GODEY’S LADY'B BOOK 1’. o. goo; no: 11’ n. ‘ lnch subscriber will he allowed to make A noloctlnu ouch month of a “Full Size Gut l’upur Pattern" of any design illustrated in tho Magn- zilm. without extra cost : llmso panama are worth mum than the price of the Magazine. “’0 WI" also p‘ronopt {qm'nry gulpcrlher a Steel En- u: a "nu-nus, \IUIIIUBIIL' lulll IUI‘UIKH. [50 pages illustrating Fashions in colors. and him-k and white. 5 pages illustrating Fancy-Work in colors. and duck mu] whim. 24 sauce Snioct Music. oauiifui i-lugmvimzfl. illustrations of Architectuui Dmignn: im- si‘doo illustrations of Household Interiors and Stories. aoo Practiéiu ’ii'ééi'ï¬ï¬s?"i'uisiii‘e'i"Séscripuonn of Fushinns, dmnceti_c_nnq‘fogojgn. _ I000 panes of reading. consisting of Stories. Novels. Romances. Sketches. Poetry, “Mary. Bi- mzrnphimi. by the host m «zine writur: also Artnnd Current Notes. 0 nrndos. Dialogues, Imssnna nn Dronmnkyng am] ngklng. AAA n, A ,A9,,. n. 13 the oldest family magazine in America. and is conceded]? the press and public to be the loading Fasb on Magazinomspooially so, as its circulation probably covers the largest area of any American publication, its patrons baiug found in over ' civilized country under the sun. ma“) willmar tho ilftv-fifth year of this Maga- zine. and it is proposed that it shall not onlv ex- ceed in excoliom-o in every department anything in its praviona history. but surpass in attractive- ness. quality and quantity any other magazine published for the name prico. The Magazine. durim: lRR’), will contain :â€" Will ho sent for one your to any address on re- ceil )t of $250 which should ho sent to thorn!» Helm of tho Woodvllle‘ ‘Advocate ’ or Ennssa with Knxnndta Futons Tmmma on the Home $1.10 VVEHRLY Tonox'ro vas ........ .. . . . . . ...... 1.50 Homer's! LADY'H Bunx (with premiums)... . . . 9.50 Tm: Cowmanjlngvm (o_no of t_h9 most 016. gent and roflnm omo Joarnals).. . . . . . . )Yr:sn:n\{ Anvan'rxsnn....... . . Wqui Wrrmxss. .. .- To our snbacflbon or new subscribers with any 0! the followin publications. at the following ow rates: â€" CANADIAN Amucrrvmmsr... 81.75 Gum (Canndn' 3 Comic Paper .. 9.00 WmchY GLonn. . \VEEBLY hum... . 1.75 The Woonvm :Anvocu'n 707: :he Buvnn‘rou GO E Y ’ S The Beavcrton “Express†Lambs $5.00 each, aged ram not. for sale till end of season. Apply to JOB. MARSHALL. Mulposa. Nov. 12th. 1581. Glen, Harmon. The Wundville lflVUEATE’ Leicester. Ram and Ewe Lambs. ï¬lm a number of aged Ewes and a thoroughbred Shropshire Down aged ram. 7‘ R JOHN SCOTT has placed his accounts in my hands for collection. Parties iudahtod to him either by noto or account must Bottle at once if they would save costs. Nov. 12th,1881, 3 in. H. CAMERON. HALF-BREEDS - Shropshire Down - AND ll \1‘ solid brick building comer of King and Agnes Streets. W oodvluo. Terms easy. Oct 904' GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK 00! . â€.4 Nov. m, (him Bricks For Sale. Geese. . . Ducks. . . . ........o.------ Fall Wheat .......... ..... ..... .-... . ..... 806! Spring Wheat†Araneott Whmt“ Barley" . one .. . .. . ... n-unn .....~ (0 50 40 95 Sï¬iing \Vhoal ..... Arauaota Wheat Liqloyi.l......i ..... gun wum..., .............................. . ....... 9 up «9 o as Full When ...... Spring “(M at. «munch hank..." 8cotohorl‘lfoWhofl.... Hurley ....... . ....... Oat....... ....... ........... The [allowing make: when no Ouh Quotations For Sale LARGE qnsntity of mm: Rod and “'11th Brick now on hand at the Station Lek Yud. Beaverum. Prices Modomte E.0 BPEN} ER. Last Notice. LADY’S BOOK WE WILL CLUB llmly to CAPT. W. ANDERSON. t 65 Colborne St" FOR SALE. Beavortbn “Expiï¬i'g THIS PAPER Local Markets- For Sale. DORNEYHALII MARKETS. WOODVI'LLE MARKETS. BEAVEBTON MARKETS. IN CLUB WITH .......-..-.. '00-... on... 63 665659 St... Toronto. ..... 001356 01 wanMï¬ nmmwmmm 00000000000000 ‘aouwnaaoaoamoa wnumï¬mmwmmmmmw 000000000 Beu'érton. 0993th l7 It! 18 Thoy willnlso give the mind mum Minors requiring advances. on .0 ow wm be glad to correspond with 0pr- On on Merchants and Shippers. with a flow Auiumu mud Spring business. 7o, QUEEN STREET, LONDON. 0.. SMITH, Provincial Land Surveyor Dminago JungineeI Practical Architect. ï¬shing Machines. Ropmscntlug ntat~clnss mock Companion. lnaur. nnm m‘roctod on all classes of Property“ Mun: FIRE. LIGHTNING. CYCLONES and 16" WINDS. also uguut (or [10 SUN LIFE AND AC- CIDEH'I'. APPLES! Ilnving purchased the business of Mr. John llchinnnn, Woodville. my shop will always be found with a full supply of all meals in season. which will be sold at tho lmmst rlcos. FOR CASH ONLY. Poultry in season. males with fat cattle (or 30.10 should call on mo before sell- hm. D.BLACK QeruI gusumm 39m WOODVILLE, ONT. W. Williamson. BUTCHER and. PCULTERER I will be in Beaver-ton on Tuesday and Friday of ouch week nrdoxs by mail may he addressed '3: Ram 01 tan. or Womlvillo and “ill rucoivo promps and careful attention. “'OODVILLE AND BEAVERTON. Pumps and Ciswrns of all kinds to order at short notice. Agent for llnlon loan a Snvlnfl 00. Money to Loan on ï¬rstâ€"class security “6 to“ p.c. Agent for A. HARRIS, SON 00.. Branttord. Manufacturers of Raapem, Mowm's. Sol! Blade†JACOB BARNES Eamp Maker. Dukesâ€"Medical Hall. Woodvillo. Wu] be In Bonverton ovary Tuesday. Orders left with John McKinnon, Druggist. Beavorton. Qt by telegraph, will receive prompt attention. A. GUNN, V. 8., Grad-Ho of the unturlo Veterinary College VETERINARY INSPECTOR. Orders solicited for Musical Instruments and J. NBELANDS. L.D.-‘i. : 108. PEXTLAND, 3.11.8. MARTIN .5; HOPKINS, ’ BARRQSTEM. sollCl‘I‘ORS ‘0. Money m Loon at. 6 per cent: weir-Jinx": Street. Lindsay, Ontubzr P. S. MARTIN. l G. H. 30PM“. DENTIS'I‘S, an, Lindsay, on». One of the above will be at the Hamilton Home, Beaver-ton, on the Second Monday of each month. He will also visit Woodvillo on the Stu-and Tuuk guy «I! each month. stopping at the anu' re utu 0. 1511., L. C. P. t% 3., Graduate of Toronto Oahu» any. Member of \Iollugu Physicians and Hurgoous. Out, Examiner for Sun Li!» and Confederation Life Co‘s. â€"â€"-,\drlross. Box 753. Bmvoxtou, Ontario,â€" Chat/es Donald 63' 6’9, (EABTEII. dc. Cutting done to and from all ports of the v'mngo ind Midland Railway Station. Chat on moder- aw. Residence, one door north 0% E don House Queen street. Woodville W'oodvillo. July 1884. â€"VETERINARY SURGEON,â€" (Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College latest. and best approved systems. 011106 and Inï¬rmary, Bisdon's Hotel. CWn Dumbo}; of all dqm_noaï¬catod aqimals treated by ELDON HOUSE, Woouku, 'nlos. EDWARD! â€prim. First-clans moom modulon and attoutivomvtutt BM wall supplied with the choicest Liquor: uud Glgm. 'Bus to and from all tmius._ and awry convenience for the travelling public. Tho his heat cash price aid for all kinds 0% HIDES.SK1N8.’1‘ALL0\.0. An quantity 0' Tan Burk wanted, for which oaah wi 1 be paid. PARSONS .2 DUNCAN, Boavarton Tunnel? I Livery Riga at. any time and at all hours on the shortest notice. Special attention given to 001m morcial Travellers. Charges always modenw. TERMS. CASH. Stables m couuoctiou with ma Eldon House. Township Clark, Municipality 0! runs. (mice In Town Hall. Beaver-ton. Oahuo. WOODVILLE LIVERY STABLE, nun! mnunm, rum-m... Fresh Bread, Buns, Buisc 't5 and Pastry always on him or Made to Order Oonfootlopsrytof all .10de In Mk.‘ Ofï¬ce and Residence, Mauilln Untub; Eldon Township Clerk and TM. Oillce as Mr. Reid's Store. Lornevmo. om VICTORIA cou'n Aucnosul. Damon. door out of Post Unico. Woodvulg R. W. N EWSON Baker and Confectioner â€"â€"-Mcl~od'n Old Stand, WOODVILLl,â€"- TERMS 0A8“. WM. CAMERON, Woodville. NEELANDS J.) PENTLAND W. H. JOHNSON, M. D. J A M JNO. A. JACKSON. WOODVI LLE, ONT. -- ARCH. CAMPBELL, GEORGE SMITH, M. W. PLANK, at all Kln . “‘78th and Semen. ES‘~AI; LA wsou, ppplo _Grow-