“ Yes," “id Uncle Cap, “ I have not only neon hundred. of elligewre end crocodilee in the coune of my wanderings, but 1 once bed the plan-are of deetroying in a. novel nnd moat effected manner e great men eet- ing ceynun, u the crocodile is celled in South America.†“ Wu he like my elllgatpr l" uked Bryce. " Verf' like him, the only difference being thet wh le your alligator ll about sixteen inchu long. .ny ceymen mu 5 little over Iixuen feet, and an ugly 3 looking monitor no ever lWMD. I lied been detached from the I’ornoia, 3nd ordered to explore n por- ‘ ticn of Veneeneln, in compmy with 5 party of American engineers, who were construct- ing a telecreph line for the government of tint country. We were following down a tributary of the greet river Orinoco, and rented one Sunday ntn little village on the bank of the stream. During the afternoon, M We were all lying asleep in our hammocks, there came n terrible screaming and crying tram t (6 village, and we ran to see whet was np. . .n . I I,,-., I.-.‘ L--.. In order to apprvxiunte to tho amount of opium, in its various forms, which is mad in Boat m, I have made a thorough ucxutiny of 'the physicians' rï¬cipm loft M) the drug- stores to be‘ ï¬lled. As is well know", all (â€recipes given by physician: are numbered, -d«.tcd, and kept on ï¬le at the drug-stores, so that they may be reforxed to at any time. To these I went in larch of information: Mr. Robert J. Burdetto. the genial humor in“, has been lineuaod to preach by tho Bapt in church. to which he helon a. 113 has hitherto frcqnently preached an undergone all the experiences of a preacher from Putat- 31 visits to a donation party. He didn I: want the latter, but they forced it upon him in lion of a calm?y which he positively refused to accept. A l he took away from Hm dom- ‘ tiou party was one silver dollcr, which he presents as .\ memento. " ltreeemed that several bay: had been bathing in the river just below the village, when all at once, without the slightest warning, one of them had been seized and drawn under the turbid water: by the great “ devil oaymun," en the Indians called one of these creature: which had long been a terror to the co_nmu_nity: _ “ I mggeeted to the chief of the engineers, e. ï¬ne young fellow named Roberts, and we net a trap for the man-eater, and after ex p'.aining my idea, got him to agree to try it. As we were to be in that vicinity for several days, we waited until we thou ht it was about time for the oaymau to e hungry again. Then we shot a fat monkey. BeWed inside of him a atone bottle containing ï¬ve pounds of powder, inserted in it tho ends of two long coils of ï¬ne wire, bound these to strong ropes of equal length, and connected the other ends with the little test battery that we carried. I was surprised to learn how extensively opium and its alkaloidsâ€"particularly sul- phate of morphiaâ€"are used by physicians. 1 found them prescribed. for every ailment Ich flesh in heir to. They are used for headache, eoro eyes, toothache, sore throat, laryngitia, diphtheria, bronchitis, congestion, pneumonia, consumption, utrltis, liver oomphint, stone in the gel duct, carditis, murinm, hypertrophy, peritonitis. cal- culus, kidney trouble, rheumatism, neural- gia, and all general or special maladies of the body. It, is him great panacea and cure- all. “ When all was ready we floated our bait, upheld by two inflated bladders, near whare the poor boy had been seized, and crouched in the bushes to await dchlop- meats. We had waited in perfect silence for more than an hour, and were about ready to give it up. when there came a rip- ple in the water, and a huge'head, with hor- rid open j I‘VS, “as cautiously lifted. Then thcjms ciosed with a snap upon our bait, the head instantly disappeared, and the ropes began to run swiftly out, showing that the moueter was making for deep water. I had charge of the battery. and quickly con- nected the wires. Like a flash there came a deep mnflled explosion, a torrent. of blood- staiued water was thrown high in the air, and mingled with it were frag of the scaly hide of the monster, ' ’30 side a hoiejwo feet square had )Wn. “ lay ouE'." inclrlding pipe, fork, lamp and spoon, cm now be had for loss than $5. This afl'urds a chance for those who have acquired the habit to follow their desires in private, without having to reveal their aecrat to any one. How largely this is praticed I dn not know, but, judging from the telltale pallir of the faces I see, I feel sure the habit is claiming more slavea every day. For the past year or more I have studied the growth of the opium habit in Dayton. It is increasing rapidly. Not: only are there more Chinese “ joints " and reapectable resorts kept by American than there were a year ago, but the number of individuals who “ hit the p3pe" ah homo and in their oflicea is grpwiqg ycry fast. _A _wh_ole opium} Him convinced many that to use any of the substitutes offered for the only sure-pap and pninlesa" corn cureia at. tended with danger, Got “ways and use noné other than Putnam's painless Com Ex- tuctor, at druggists. " The poor natives were at ï¬rst terriï¬ed. then mystiï¬ed, and ï¬nslly overjoyed at the success of our experiment, and ever after- ward they treated us like beings possessed of supernatural powers. Notwithstanding this, we noticad that the bays did not seem t. cue for bathing for some t'me after- ward." “'8 ï¬nd an interesting and somewhat startling article in Ponnlar Science Monthly on this snbjact, by Virgil G. Eaton, who puts the respomsibilflqv for the increase upon the physicims who give the prescriptions. They know that in nmnv ones it affects an immediate relief, and he feels that they are the men who need reforming. \Ve quote from the article : Look for certain form: of the hot or breeze flies this month 3 the Mini“ of some Ipociec are now ready to deposit eggs. leory table Proprietor to Young Manâ€" “ What made the horse run nway 2' Young Monâ€"J’ A cow jumped «no of the bushes by tho road and frightened hlm." Livery Stable I’mprletor-" He's a small hone. Couldn’t you hold him 1" Young Manâ€"J’ Yes, but I couldn't hold him and the girl, too.†Exploding a Crocodlle. The Opium Habit. Dame Experience A Ian's Part In Good Housekeeping. A man should that of all help his wife In lanning her work. Let every husband give is wife the beneï¬t of his practical business experienoe, and advise with her how she may beet arrange and ttme her several duties that they may least oonfllot. In the second lace, the husband should give the wife t e full amount of money ‘neoessary roperly to care for the home. Third, Be should see that she has the beet tools that can behad to lighten her ltbor‘ Fourth, he should b overypo pouibio moon- lhoroon her hour: of 1 {ton If he fludl thot she is oblig ed to work earlier sud inter thou he, then he nhould or once give, or procure for her, such unis-tones u will nuke their wozkï¬sm hm!!! main. . n I II ,, ~L Fifth, realiziug that for her labor ah receives no direct compensation, he should, as theleut, be oueful to qivo continuailv with rewnrd of cordial puise which costs big nqthiog and no much planes he}. AL_L Ellis Koighley, - Toronto. Finally, othe men mulls recognise that many of the domestic duties are essen- tially proper to him. and not to the woman ; such are all than. rtquiree great physical ex- ertion. Therefore, not. only should proper implements he generously furnished for the woman's use, but all the lllrflbflnlh‘ she mums use should be provided and made easily ac- cessible. Plenty of coal, wood and kindlings should be kept near the place where they are to be burned. water should be supplied so as to be handy and abundant, plenty of books, shelves, onsets, eto., should be ar- ranged to the best adv‘entege. nL -“IJ These lines describe that condition of per- fect health which all men and women task to en] j.oy To be able to think clearly, to In- cline so do noble nets, to live long and' Joy- onely, we must be free frnm the domination of disease. By taking Dr. Plerce’e Golden Medical Discovery we may, by purifying the blood, escape consumption, general de- hility, and weakness, and all l load and skin direeysea, en'l verify the truth of poetry as Well as fact. -wâ€"h-.. -- vâ€". 7... At house meaning time the man should either move, or get moved, the heavier articles of furniture; he should attend to the cleaning and putting down of carpets, the settin up of stoves and the like; in other wor s, he should assume the responsi- bility for all the heavier and more disagree- able duties connected with good housekeep- ing, and be willing on occasion to take a hand in those which are lighter. But if he won't do them" thin I: that he ought to do, let him, at. least. ave grace enough to keep out of the woman’s way while she is doing them for him, and refrain when they are done from rewarding his overworked helpmste with cross and oom plainin g speech. Our obj°ction to the foolhardy man is not that ha is a fool, but that he in hardy. He never seems to die. The only reliable cure for catmrrh is Dr. Soge'a Catarrh Remedy. A scaly trickâ€"Catching a ï¬sh. 0011' No More. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest. for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. T. W. are stamped on each drop. It is not sufï¬cient to instruct a child to follow certain lines of conduct and to avoid others. We must supply him with incen- tives; and upon the nature of these will his future character largely depend. Instead of assuring children that if they are good they will be happy, and clinching the assurâ€" ance by artiï¬cial rewards or bribes, we should lead them gently to choose and to prefer the good, without reference to self at all. They can be accustomed to plan for and to aim at giving pleasure, not get- ting it, and, although in doing so they will experience a rich enjoyment themselves, it will be incidental, never one for which they have striven. Artiï¬cial rewards and penalties will thus be rarely needed, and they will grow up with generous and un- selï¬sh instincts instead of mean and calcu- lating ones. ______._____â€" There ain’t any blemishes about this an- imal 1'" asked the would-be purchaser of a cow. “ No, she is all right. : but I must tell you candidly that sometimes she kicks when she is being milked,†replied the owner of the cow. “ Tnat‘s of no conse- quence. My wife does the milkin’.†My love was like a l 15‘ hi’, [nw droopi-‘z in th- sultry air. My hzart was n n! with His! and care. I loved her mll. The wandering bee would stop to sip, The nectar of her parlccn lip. "rune 1):. Pierce's fluorite Prescrip- Tion wrought the spell. “ Some fellows," says Carl Pretzel, “ vill shp'mt eharidy und dhen got dheir next-door nabor to practice dot." " He meet lives who thinks the most, Act~ the noblest, feels the best. And he whose hear: beats quickest [Men the onzest, lives in one hour More then in yeels do some whose Fat blocd sleep: as it slip: along their reins." Same psinters work in water colors and vow many THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE OO -â€"FACIORIES um SALESROOM :- 420130428 King St. West. TORONTO SILVER - PLATED WARES E. G. GOODERIIAN. Ilium". -â€"Hanulactmen o! the highest grades ofâ€" Incentives for Children. But. 20 ! The wonder grswe and grows; 3h love' a now like s blocmmg rate. How brig ht her hce with bum .y glows, 1‘1 due not tell. TRADE II ELI’ YOU R “'II’E. EMPIRE BAKING POWD ER Mlnuhoturcd by ['35 ONLY THE oil, some in in liquor. MARK. J. O. COPP. Sec. Tran. Auk for ticket.- vin the old utobllohod wd fworito Overload rouw comprising the Culcngo and Nbrth Wuhan: Union nnd Smthern Pnoiï¬o Railway. Two fut train! leave Chic-a0 ddly with unrlvnllod nooom- modntlonn for ï¬r“ md wound olnu pu- Iengerl. Rm: no 1) her than by other lines. Boggnge cheek (trough. Full in- formntion, covefln row. etc., with time tables nnd mop: a war: by J. H. MORLEY, Cnnndlnn Pot-anger Agent, 69 Yongo Sm, ‘ Toronto, Ont. Tomb ull-donlul, nuke its prmtloe plenu- urablo, and you crane for the world a doc- tlny more sublime thm not issued from the brain of the wildcat drama. 1 em for Dante-noon. Tha'oplnm hnblt. depomuh. “to morphine hob“. nervoul pmmuon onnud b the use at tobnooo. wakefulness, men“! do on. ooflonln 0! mo bnln. em, pronoun ol . lo- 0! Vin“ y mud by ovor-axortlon of tho In And 1000 o! mould strong": from my cum Intent. Ionâ€"young. old»! middle-undâ€"who in broken down item on) onhubovo unmet nny out: notnoMionodobow. send out oddrou And 10 out In lump. (0: Lnbon'o Tn- In book torm, at Mass: of Ian. Booh sank ceded nnd secure (tom omen-flan. Address H. v Luna: ‘1 Womnvton «unison. Toronto Ont Toronto; Ont. ll !0 TRC'I‘ION IP80“ FIREâ€"A GOOD THINu.â€"Ussau‘s Sun nus“: um Dnuu Continuaâ€"Wok. on Stove Pines, Mill Sucks. Etc. City and Com)“ Rizhh. or Hatiw Cnmdinn Patel“ For sue. W. J. USSERY, Nuuwlcu, Our. GENTS 1 UNEMPLOYED 2 w.’ hmdi’fbuli stun iard spsalnlties, of which no other ï¬rm has a ï¬ght togeil in Unnuds. Write us. Tarbox 8:09.. TorButo. Ont. aneo Compnn of Cal-(In. Consulting Engineers m Solicitors of Pam“. 'l‘ 0 I 0 N 'l‘ 0 . G. 0. Ron. Chief Envineer. A. Funk. Body-run. FREE â€"A HANDSOME COLORED SILK HAND . KEROHIEE‘, end 3 umple of the Wonder- ful Needle! requires no threading! to All who send us 10 cents silver for postage. etc. We make this great dict to introduce our goods into every home. gddresegt once, WHINN MANF‘G 00., 561 Queen St. W., Torontd, Ont. T‘l‘ENl‘lONl AGENTS! Ladies or Gentlemen Girls at Boy.s The best selling 250 nrtic‘e In the world. Something new and needed in everiy household. Sells like hot cakes. Sunp lo by man poflp lid “with lull particulan. on receipt of 15 eta. Addrepss,f‘ ._.W DENNIS, 6 Yonge Street Anude. [f Public Library Buildingï¬omnto. Students from Br (.1311 Columbia. Cdflornn, Xmas. Illinois. nnd quite as number 0! other States but! Provinces, now in attendance. Write (or Deecri tivo Circulars. T308. BENGOUGH. 0H . H. BROOKS, Promdent. Sec'y Manner. A Artiï¬cial " ATENTS procured. 9mm Anomeyo. and upon- 11196611561. mum C. Bldout a Canton-to. FARMS FOR SALE or BENT. Am. Sins, KINDS and Pans. Some apeciul bargains. II. 8. MINHELL, DBAYION, Our. Stock oltne well known St. Catharina Nur- aerips. Llreml terms and steady work. Ad dress THE D. W. BEADLE NURSERY 00., 1A., wmmgn IMMEDIATEL to all the Raliahle Nursery 1‘0 1.0.1! on Puma. Lowea‘ Ram. No dolly. Correspondence solicited. _ 8.“. D. BUTLB b‘inancm Agt, Establulwd 1860. 12}!an a . BL. Tomato P§NADIANBUSINE§S UNIVERSITY ubho Library Bumbag, ammo. smdonu (tom Rr th flnlnmhln flAlllnrnm Rnnm Illinnia. Ind NANADA SHIPPING 00. â€"Beaver Line at Stemming, selling weekly between Montreal and Live aloon tickets. Hontreal to Liv. ersool, $40, $50, andwo. Return “skate. 880. 890, Ind [0 according to steamer and accommodation. Inter- mediate. 830; [band trip tickets. $60. Steenge, 823 Round trip tickets 80. For further rtlculars £115 to secure Pbirths. n pl) to II. E. MU RAY, Generfl Manag er, [CussomgioueeSQ “are, Montrenl, ortothe [.ccal A'éenta in the diflerens‘: Twoue and Cities. SS. Catharines, Ont. H. WILLIAMS 00. .‘23'13‘3‘ RUUFERS IAIUPAOI'UBIILS All) Dunne 1x Rooflnq Felt, Sla‘am‘ Felt, Deafenimz Felt. Carpot Paper, Building Paper, Rooï¬ng Pitch, Con] Tat. Lake Gravel. ---â€"â€". Merchants, Butchers, and Traders Generally. For us. CMh turniahed ou Satislactory Ounnnty. Addteas, C- S. PAGE, Stained Glass M’GAUSLAND SON, LeatherBelting F.E.DIXON OO , MAKERS, 70 KING ST. E, TORONTO Send {or Price L‘sta and Discounts. ,1. ’ CONSUMPTION gg‘gflj'? SOROPULA BRONGHITIS "EM ï¬lmmrï¬ OOUGIIS I- A-" CURES ““133 Wmtmg Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Scott's Emulsion in nut nnocrot remedy. (‘nutnining tho n'imulnling llvpnphm- phitca mu! Puro Nnrwoginn (â€ml Liver Oil, «he pate-nay of both twin“ . lnrgoly in- u- cased. It. is used by l’llymmmm all over le world. PALATABLE AS MILK. A WONDERFUL NERVE TONIC. A Medicine. not a, Drink. Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, 8m. Blood, leor, Kidneys, Urinary Organs, Nervouenaaa, Sleepieaanesa, Female Complaints, DRUNKENES. It may Gav? Your Life. ruooo Reward pald for a case they will not cure. We wam a GOOD HAN in your locality to pick up FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. omcc : 4 Adelulde SI. East. Toronto. Sold by a" Drmminfn. 504'. and $1.00. 76 Klnz St. W.. Toronto. BEST Vu UE IN THE DOMINION. BOILEB marwnon Agni mu- CALF SKINS cannula. RELY ON HOP IITTERS. lhnn l'ARl, Vermont. 0.3. Inn! nddten J. DOAN SQN. â€â€œ88. For cirou A. P. 42[. Toronto, On't. Hood flmoo: Toronto so. Toronto. Sublet-lbw! Cantu], . . . . P.1d lip Capital. ........ To“! Anne“. ............ The emerged capital and resources of this Con-- puny. together wiih the Incremed twilltieo it ht: recently acquired for eupplying lend owners with cheep money. enehle the Directors to meet with promptness end It the lowest current rote of interest ell requirements lcr loans upon eatisfecmry reel estate security. Application may be made to either of the Comptnfl local Appnbere .9' t3 CANADA PERMANENT Luan8aSavinganmpany The ALBUM RN it contains this substanJe beyond all question is the most important comï¬tuent ct Flash. OUR NERVE TlSSUEi are entirelv dependent upon Al \umsu for thPir rexurr and our blood h 0rd" to be healthy mun contain n in no lens than sewn peg gent. SCH-ZS . IFlC ANALYSIS his clearly Contains 5‘! the elem nunâ€"without a single exmptionâ€"neozssary to the lormalion of FLESH. MUSCLE AND BONE. 55 p I“ cent. of crgmlc matter rr flesh {arming mate'ial. )3 per cent. 0! minenl all“ or phozphates. It. mm: In or! innt than-lure h ma hte‘licpnt pub“: that Junuaton'sl-‘l lid Bce' hum. ï¬rst c‘a'uu as A NUTRITIOUS and STIH-ISGTll-GIVING FOOD for old and young,eick nadnobust mun Ol'l'lt'lt.‘ Policies In Force over 10.000. Lanna" Ri MASON'ilmur’z Directu oronzo. JOHNSTDN’S WHAT IS IT IN MEAT THAT STRENGTHENS ? To thlo date, October 81,1887. than has been returned: 'l’olhohelraof Policy holdoruduthdslmsx. . 'l‘othoholdnofmnurod hnduwmant Policies... ..... . To l‘olloy holderoonlurrendoro! Policies ................. ..... To Polloy holder. tor Ouh Prom. (Including thou Alloonhd Ind being pdd).... . . .. . . '_l‘oholdorIOI_Annulty_ Bond. ........ ....... ... .. bosnod lo Polloy- -hoidon on locum) 0! their Policies. . .. "'90!an Namath-"AM. m" Mn and Indofnmhin an" I You. Th's cmubiucd action gives it wont duful power to cure all diseases. THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYO A078 AT T"! OAMI TIM‘ 0N Because we nllmv lhc m-rvcs to remain weakened and inilulcd, and these great organs to lmmu- clogged a: (mid, mldulmisonous hummiï¬nrc lhu’el‘ore forced into the blood llmt should be expelled nulurully. Why Are We Sick ? WILL CURE BILIOUBKEBB. PILEB, CONSTIPATION. XIDHEY COM- I’LAINTS. URINARY DISEASES, PBIALEWEAKNBBBï¬Ill-EUMA. TIE“. NEURALOIA. AND ALL NERVOUS D!SORDEES. By quitting mnl strength: "in†the nerves, and Cllbillg {we action of the liver, bowels, and kidnvys, um! restor- ing their power to lth 0†disease. Why antler Bilioun Pain and Ache-V Why tormented with Piles. Constipation, Why frightened ovorDinordcredliidncyl' Why endure nervous or sick hudlchul Why have alecpleu nights! Use l’AINn's Crunv Cnumvxn and "Juice in hcrllh. It is an cmircly \cgem- blc remedy, harmless In all (any. WELLS. RICHARDSON 6L CO.,Proprl8ton. MONTREAL, p. Q. PAINE'S Sold Ivy all Drugflxlx. l‘n‘u $x.oo. Six for â€.00. PRESIDENTâ€"Box. Sm W. P. Homo, O. B., K. C. M. G. VICE PRESIDENTS. â€"W1n.um Elmo-n, Eco ; Enwnm Hoonn, Esq. J. VIC. pucpomub. Managing Dlroctor. lNCQDBPOBATlD 1855. CAPITAL AND I‘I'NDS HOW (“Ill $3,000..†' - l6 NIONTO STBIIIT. TORONTO. O". A Il0lll COII’ANY. [ESTABLISHED ONO“ 18'". CE LE 3 Y COMPOUND SOLD WITH OR WITH- C H A T H A. M ......8 4.500.000 ...... 2.500.000 ....... 10,0â€,“0 d movtm‘ei th \I 5'7}? MANSON CAMPBELL. Manuf'm'. (‘IIAI‘IIAIL 0|“. ‘suumv souooy â€muggy“, School. dedrluu w upkuich um: n00 ould mm [or our uulouu at H. 8. UN and I'rllo Boolu. \N wwly all kind: 0.- I. m ummuwun tern; . Ad- .Nulnllu on the must “to“ A. u. WATSON. Manager Tmouw mum 'hm Depomory. Toronto. "f: a? :51?er wï¬o rï¬errfully oiu in a: ckom M ‘01 Breadmaker's Yeast i: I e subject 640†usâ€" .Vamma !rin! all M: red, S: :1" hum-s it’s (5: ï¬rst, [ligrï¬lesb‘ ’Cau:e Inr tread is 1/1: with“, ‘er [mm- are â€I: And we (a! all .‘Iw tantalum 5/1: dare .v! 54:12»? PIS. DR. OBAY‘B Bpoclllo ha been used for lho put [mean yum, with great moons. In the tmtmon 01 Xenon: Debulty. And Ill due-lot nrlnlng Iron u- oouoo. our-worked hula. loan of vlhllï¬y. ringing in the urn, pdpluuonmw. For â€In by nll dragging Price .1 per box, or 6 ban: lot 86. or will be an! by mall on receipt 0! price. anphlet on npplloatlon. 'IIIE GRAY MEDICINE 00.. Toronto. BUY THE BREADMAKER'S YEAST. PPJGE 5 GENTS. Allan Line Royal Mail Sï¬ewfllfl 8|“le during winur from Pon am over Thun- duy nn "All!“ ovary Bland-y to Liverpoo , Ind lI uuuunotlwmQueboo eve sunk!†to Liverpool, calling at Innuendo: O0 and null. And wagon tor Buotlnnd ud he and' use ftom 8;“ more. «an mm" ma a; John'-. N. i . .0 Liverpool mummy mm nunuuu month. the minor: 0! the GI..- ow Inc- all ourlu walnut to And (tom mum. 'onhnd, Baum unfl’hllndelphlr And dutluï¬ nun mot bureau Glamow Ind Honuu‘ '90le O â€(or gram! “0 wukly. and (ll-now Ind P Help“. 0 g y. [-03 (night. me. or other Intonation Ippl to LanAchoraCo.. Bblumom: 8. Ounud t 50.. 11mm; an. .00., St. John' N. F ; Wm. Thomp- Iont Lo. In. John. N. 8.; an ‘ 00.. CM 1 [on b ‘ldm, New Yeti. [1. Bourllor. Town 3 Aligning. Q90.._Qu9_boo§ Kim. smile. Philadel- , l.__AA__‘I SUFFERING from the elect! 0! only evil hlbita, the remit o! lgnonnco and (33'. who and themselves weak. nenouo 5nd exhsus ; all-o lllnbu~Aoln .nd 01.0 In! who no broken down from the meets 0! Abuse or over-work. and in “intend lflo ice] the comet noncos o! youthlul exec-9‘. send lot nnd rend II. V. ubon'u Trenton on the Diseases 01 Men. The book will be sent salad to any uddrosu 0 neck» of two 80. stamps. Addreu nailâ€"Iv. uwwâ€"vv a. -V~ phln; ILA. Allen. Ponhnd Boston loam“. but none equal it in lxbï¬catiug properties. FAIL- me, MILLISS. em. and none equd to the cum- Pecxkr made by ‘ 3mm noumsa 00., 10mm. Surpasses all other Fanning Mills in the Market. OVER 2000 ALREADY SOLD IHIS SEASON. Do mt buy until yrugei my Ciuulns And lnloma (ion. HUM Pntons Bugging Apparatus um true And labor Will bag soww tushels per ham, and can be named ‘0 In of tho machines undo by us during the Inst tour yea". “Peerless †FANNING MILLS Sold hv dealers every-when. I. v. LUBON Wellington St. E. Toronto. Nervous Debility. Young Men 01.80%!" 41 Amount over “5.000.000. MABHINE OIL There no nun, “RAM,“ 0! FLUID BEEF mummun â€mmmmm