_._____.. \ â€"â€" Mcennootts East To Gaow. ff it is e little ainyn‘e', to put it mildly, that such a delicrcy as .he mushroom, one the! in such a rown, as it needs no cultivationâ€" soplen: - pickling and cunning for winter's use. To ow mushrooms in order to have them fresh uring winter is quite an expensive under- taking end a practice that cannot become Modern im. general because of the cost. reserving prevemente in the modes of vegetables have made this v tab e a neces- eltry rather then a luxury. ew can they be sewn in quantities et a trifling expense Is e question, and it is an easy one to answer. All that is n is to obtain some spawn at any reliable seed store (it is not expensive), break it into small pieces, say the sis: of an egg and plant it in lawn or meadow. The mhthod of planting is simple end may be performed as follows : Take a spade end lift the sod just euï¬icient to get the spawn under it : then let dro hack to its lace and press it down ï¬rm , so that the we will not show signs oi any disturbance. Without further care anebundent supply of mushrooms can be obtained from August until November. in a favorable season en wdinery lewn or farmer‘s dooryerd will yield euï¬icient for winter's use. The spawn should not be put in until about July 1, when the ground is warm end dry; if put in earlier it is liable to rot. The distance apart of the lenting will de~ pend upon circumstances; there isplenty of room, as in the pasture lot, 6 to 3 feet apart would be better. If room is limited put the pieces 1} feet apart each way. One person can easily plant en euro inhelt edey, end the cost of spawn will not bemore then 83. Try it, as we have tried it, end get more delicious vegetebles then you can from the garden at ten times the cost. Peoxmo Bur-ran in Butte. Last season we peeked our surplus butter on the following plan end found when we sold in December, when the butter was un. packed for sale, it came out just as fresh end well tested as it wee when cked, says the “Dairymen.†We adopt the follow- method: usht new perk barrels, soalded them out thoroughly with boiling weter three dilerent times, the last time covered the barrel with e cloth to keep in the steam. Let stand until the water cools, then rinse ut the barrel with cold water, end the bar- rel is nadiofcr use. We made a strong brine, by iling, that would fleet an egg, iimmed off any scum thet wee on top, and let stand ever night. In the morni the fries would be as clear as crystal. utter wee salted in the usual way, one ounce to the pound. Made into ï¬ve or slxpound rolls, wrapped carefully up in cheese cloth and tied with cotton wrapping twine to keep the cloth in piece. the rolls were then laced into the barrels end covered .with t e brine end kept covered. The air is not allowed to come in content with it egein until unpacked. And my opinion is, right here is where the secret lays in keeping the air excluded, no foul odors can get to it. Some might think the butter §ould get too salty in such strong brine. at one bit of danger, if the butter has been $operly handled before going in the barrel. e me e our butter on the granular plan end press it solidly together. Welpeeked sev. cal barrels in this way, end it was in the brine four or ï¬ve months, and not a feult found to a pound of it. I have no doubt that butter packed in this way can be ship- ï¬nd to any market in the United Stetu or urope,i ordinary care is taken not to let it lay outside, exposed to the hot sun. Butter can be or in any vessel that will hold the brine. Dara! Cows. In selecting a dairy cow, the question is generally asked, how much milk does she give per day; but the more important one, " how ion does she continue t) give that e-ount," is not elweys edded. How many cows are there which do not give milk longer then about six months per car. They will give a large flow, but it cos not last any length of time. Such an animal is net wanted in the dairy end should go to the butcher. An animal averaging say 50 tie-equal so about 25 uarteâ€" day. or seven months will give uring m year in round numbers about 10,500 Another giving but 40 pounds per eyâ€" or I} gallons lessâ€"for ten months will during the year give 12,011) pounds, a difference 1. 500 pounds in fever of the cow giving the it less per day. Considering the milk worth 3 cents per quart, will make a diflerence of 829 60 per year. The same is true of the quality. In comparing two animals, the one me give a third more milk during e cert period then the other, but the diï¬'erence in the quality may be such that the second wiil yield a third more butter then the ï¬rst. Thus are questions which literest every farmer more or less, end a careful test of every animal upon the place may save much in the end. . Tona‘ro Ro'r. A subscriber wants to know whet is the cause of tomato rot. lie says “ the season has been ttnprcocdentedly dry " That accounts for the whole trouble. \Vheu rain comes in sufl :icnt quantity the tomatoes will cease to rot. Very dry weather for the last three years rotted all our tomatoes but gave us a big grape crop. A very wet sea- son in l884 rotted eliour apes but gave us plenty of tomatoes. '1' isyoer was dry at ï¬rst, which secured the grape crop but. rotted our ï¬rst tomatoes, end now that we are having rain, the tomatoes have quit rotting end we have both. Aoruoumcmr. Norse. (live the birds you went to fatten ‘plenty of charcoal. Nowis the time to fee is to turkeys. Fifteen million gallons of cotton seed oil were used last year in manufacturing †re- fined lard.H " Eleven of the eighteen presidents of the United States elected by the people were rum rf farmers. in teething a young horse to luck give him the advantage of a down ads until he his learned whet is required 0 him. It is the verdict everywhere that creemery general favorite, should not be more generally cultivatedâ€"or rather erete sized lawn can have euï¬i :ieut for ull that every owner of e pasture lot 0r or grain culture. and In"? “I0 when first gathered end for packed in this way in ï¬rkins ° unie' more and bet- “Connecticut lee stimulate farmers to hes tor cows, kfr. Hale says in Couranh" No hrenoh of fermi is more proï¬table or conducted with less ebor then orchard- leg when the products can be sold even at e moderate price. Besides this, ep le-trees may be planted on lend too rough or root high eltitudee are mere exempt from killing by frost then orchards in the volleys or lowlands. Feed your horses regularly three times daily, but never over-feed. Water before feeding. but not while the horse is hot from work. Use the whip very little, end never when the animal ehiee or stumbles. Never leave a horse standing unhifched. It is the we to make them ruuewe I. Do not storm as fret. Be quiet end k ad, end the horse will be so too in most cases. The edvioe on the apple crop from Lock- port. N. Y., are : The thousands of barrels of apples lying ready for shipment in the buyin oeutr'es of the greet sections of New York tote are beginning to move toward the Western markets. A le-growers who he to realise a smell ortune of their fr tewlllbeeedly dieep fated. Ap lee, epplee over here l Fel fruit breug t a fair price. hen came the drop, end new buyers say that there is so much fruit that they could obtain ell they went even st lower ï¬gures, but are ashamed to ask the farmer to take less. The King apples are- mostly in demand, but the crop is almost - through. The remnant brought only 31.50 I in Western New York. There seem to be ‘ e scarcity in Greenings, if scarcity it could be called, an that variety will be next in Edemand. Thy will briu 81.20 ton 30a 3! barrel. Baldwins end assets are so - numerous that buyers do not seem anxious ‘ to touch them.‘ In ell probability they will bring less then 81. There seems to be ‘ no chance for the market to improve, so ‘ greatis the supply. I : Pearls or Truth f The best kind of glory is cm which a re» ï¬ected from honesty. The one prudence in life is concentration; the one evil is dissipation. , There is nothing more troublesome to e good mind then to do nothing. 0i all the created ccmferts,'iGod is the lender ; you are the borrower, not the owner. ‘ Each year, one vicious hebitl'rcoted out in time ought to make the worst man good. it is no vanity for a men to pride himself upon whet he has honestly got end prudently uses. Let him who regrets the loss of time make proper use of that which 5 to come in the future. : We can ï¬nish nothing in this life; but we make a beginning end bequeath a noble ex- ample. E Ageedwordiseneeeycbligetiengbst not to speak ill requires only our silence which cost us nothing. the wealth of men is the number of things which he loves and blesses, which he is loved end blessed by. Our happiness, as thinking beings, must depend on our being content to accept only partial knowledge. - The way to cure our prejudices is thisâ€" thet every men should let alone those that he complains of in others, end examine his . own. ' Hold fast by the preeentl Every situ- ‘etionuney, every momentâ€"is of inï¬nite veleu, for it is the representative of a whole eternity. The ideal, life, the life of full completions, haunts us ell. We feel the .thing we ought to be beating beneath the thing we are. Every wides read error contains a con- cealed truth. hat is the int on which we must fasten if we wish to overthrow the rrcr. ‘ They who call themselves men of the world', and pride themselves accordingly uplon their knowledge, are of all men those “w 0 know least of human nature. l ' The grandest attribute of our created minds, one that belongs to no other ï¬nite creature whatever, is that they have the gift of a growth everlasting. a Blessed is the men who has the gift of ' mekin friends. It involves many things: but, a eve ell, the power of going out of one's self, and seeing end approaching what ever is noble end living in another man. ' Col No lore. Watson’s cough drops are the best in' the ‘ world for the throat end chest, for the voice . unequalled. See that the letters R. e T. W. are stamped on each drop. ' Reasoning Powerâ€"A high, long end well deï¬ned nose end abroad face exhibits this greet faculty. California. Ask for ticket vie the old established end favorite Overland route comprising the Chicago and North Western, end Union end Southern Paciï¬c Railways. Two fast trains leave Chicego daily with unrivalled accom- modations for ï¬rst and second class pas- sengers. Rates no hi her then by other lilnee. Baggage cheoke through. Full in- _ formation, covering rates, 'etc., with time 3 tables and maps given by J. H. MORLEY, iCanediau Passenger Agent, 69 Yonge St., ' Toronto, Out. At Niceâ€"hi. le Baron (complacently)â€"â€" “ Woolly, bliss Amidon, I cawnt see what makes Mees Jenkins lleert so ontwagoously wiz me I West can I do to get rid of her 7" bliss A.â€"†Propose to her. She's a girl of sense.“ A Seattle (Wash. T.) house has been cut in two through a dispute between the own- ers of the site. A (loco Lmu’r is indespensible to the comfort of a family during the long winter evenings. Poor coal oil in a house is next [thing to bed breed. Housekeepers who . cannot have gas should use “ Carbon Safety 2 Oil." Sold by deeiers everywhere. It is reported that much of the cod liver . oil of Russia is edultoratedwith liquid paraf- , ï¬ne, in some cases as much as 50 per cent. , A Cure for Dmkennese. l The cplum heblt, dopsomaule, the morphine hath, . nervous prostratlon caused hr the use of tobacco, wskefulnese, mental depression, softening of ti 9 braln, ctc., premature ol a e, loss of vltallty caused by over-exertion of the bu n and loss of natural | strength fr0m any cause whatever. lienâ€"young. 9 oldt- middle agedâ€"who are broken down from an} cfthoabovo csuees,cr any calms notmmlmd oboe send 'our address and to cents in stamps for Lnbon‘ Tree ln book form, of Diseases of Vest. Boots sent «tied and secure from observation. Address If V Loses 01 Welitnrtcn streetllast. Toronto Ont i â€"-A To LOAN on Perms. Lo... I I “A Word to the Wise is Sulli- No delay. Corree not.“ cl", 3.†s. w. 0. Il‘ Halli, he..:,°.‘,“’"" Erratum": no. 11 mm .- . gunman†M Ceterrh is not simplv tn inconvenience, unpleasant to the suï¬'ercr and disgusting to othersâ€"it is an advanced outpost of ap prcachiug disease of worse type. Do not no lect its warning; it brings deadly evils in ts train. Before t is too ltte. use Dr. Stge's Ceterrh Remedy- It reaches the seat of the ailment, end in the only thing that wil You may dcse yourself with quack medicines ’tlll it it too lateâ€"'tiil the streemlet becomes a resistless torrent. it is _ i“'1“he Racer†. â€I‘lliu liill‘ii, lance-Tooth, Cross-Cut Sta acre er 'rus same TIME ON THE NERVES, the matured invention of a scientific pby 1. TH E LIV ER, cien. “ A word to the wise is sufï¬cient." TH E BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS A New York jeweler sells watch move- ments as low as twenty-ï¬ve cents. Rattlesnakes es Foéd. It is said of a strong political ptrtizrn that he would swallow rattlesnakes if party interests.demended it. It is only men of this sort who, without protest, swallow the large, old-fashioned pills. Sensible people, requiring medicine to cleanse their evutems, inveriebly use Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant Pellets. The are unrivaled in all derangements o. the iver, stomach and bowels. This combined action gives it won dcrful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick ? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. . car/2r PM" 8 { comma/w WILL cuss muonsnsss. Prue. CONSTIPATION. money cox. rLamre. usmaav DISEASES, rsmarswmxnsssmnsoua. use. NEURALGIA. arm an. nrnvcus nrsonnnns, By quietng and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw oll' disease. Why suffer Bilions Pains and Aches! Why tormented with Piles. Constipaticnl Why frightened overisordcredKidneysi Why endure nervous or sick headaches! Irrigation has produced a great crop of g mosquitoes at Los Angeles, Cal. ‘ Style. The most fashionable color, at present, is the hue of health, and it will never go out or style. Its shades and tints are various, but all of them are exceedingly becoming. It is perfectly astonishing what a change is being daily wrought by Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pres- cription in the looks of sickly women. Suf- forers from any sort of “female weakness" or irregularity. backache or nervous prostra- tion should give it trial. Alli druggists. ? 5 The hieple Leaf lttcer and Lance Oren out saws are now sold in all parts of the world. The quality of these sets is unequaled. Tnelr or reliance ls whol'y du - t t their superior temper, the press I of which is kept a prr found secret by Shurly a Dietrich. the manufacturers of these sews One of the bed evidences of thelr superior quality is that other sew menuhcttln re p it on the market as close an lmlfn~ lieu of thcfle sees as they are able t1 reduce, and represent it to he as good as the Map e Leaf aw They run their sew upon one name until the public become familiar with its inferior quality. then they checks the neu e. in order to humbux the public another ssesoMeH of which is the very est evidence of the superior quality of the Maple Leef saw, as it ie A' P' 420' Why in" "“91Ҡnight" not the custom to counterfeit e or article. These .__._..____ ___..__..___._. Use Patrm‘s Curmv Commune and counterfeit» are sold for a much ower price than the rejoice in health. it is an entirely vcgetn- Maple Leaf tIW can he houuht for : the dealer, of bio rcmcdy,ltarmless in all cases. course, endï¬ht'orï¬â€˜tti) Bell t‘hem At “3:", Athe eeme ~ . . rice. there res z n a erger rc . no some 5""! 6" “[1 D.’"~’~'gâ€â€™" 1"“ $1.00. 3f the more u’nprinciplgd dealers. In order to sell the 5"“ f" @130“ counterfeit sew. will te‘l lura‘ruthhs of various glad-e re rdin the quality of .o t e grnu no so WELLS.R|CHARDSONCO.,Proprieto|e. coï¬â€˜n tetfngit. Good goolis are always cheep , p‘cr MONTREAL, P. Q. goods are d! er at any price. A sew, like a kale, ’ , ' will notl opt 'fntounlert is “I‘ll“ ho;d : k3“ “purge; ‘ ‘ ‘.~ ,,, r, ‘ .r'r‘ .~.. .. e. ’r as . r on arm an ur a 7 “(Hits CONSUMPTION '3" 0 I: V. W...- -9 .. , “d“ P†__ SOROFULA Allan Lms Royal Mail Steamship SHURLY DIETRIUH, BRONGHITIS a “‘“b‘é‘iil†"““t‘imfa “31'1“ “V" “3"." sy an ‘ a ax every e u ay verpoo an t 7 ' 1 EMULSION em a: ca age a on err an ma sen esssngert . for Scotland and Ire and; also from Baltimore vlr OOLDS Halifax and St. John's, N. F , to Liverpool fortnightly GALT: ONT‘ Guns during summer months. The steamers of the Glas~ ow I use sell during winter to and from Halifax Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. fortnightly. Scott's Emulsion is notasecret remedy. Po, mum PI m e o, om" Momma†. l Containing the Stimuluting H pophos- e.BohumschhrOg,'Beltlmcro; 8. Cunard xvi». phites and Pure Norwegian God Not Oil, Max:331“ NM. 3'5. JOhn'I. N- P.; Wm- Thom? m0 potency of both being largely in- earth 00., St. John, N. 8.; Allen is 00., Chicego creased. It is used by Physicians all over X ï¬ghfafldénéof 3:19:33 'w‘i’. “flight. 3121:0533 the World. phi»: H. A Allen. Portland Boston Hontreel. PALA'I'ABLE AS MILK. Sold by .u mm... 50.. a... $1.00. idifldï¬gtï¬lï¬iï¬ï¬ohï¬'i’mEa'é‘. ortlend, Boston and Phllsdelphle' and durlu sum mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekl ; G asgov and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phllsdelphlr ITY from Br tlsh Columbia. California, Kansas, Illinois, and quite a number of other States and Provinces, now We are tkr'lrirm redo cherfidly aim is lit: adores W lien Breadmaker‘s Yeast is I I: mfg/rt! lag/arrestâ€" ST- P, L" in attendance Write for Desert 41,0003“ tried all (/1: rest, ' ptlve Circulars. ~ I ' ’ II It I 11' Mad MINNEAPOLIS T308. BENGOUGH' CHAS' H" BROOKS' 'Crmre $153547; itsâ€: rleilfrf', Arr bun} (‘5’: Ii; â€"asnâ€"-' _. _-. President. , Sec y E‘f’fff; _ And we (a! all .‘lltjlanrah: 3/1! dare sat liq/ore u. . A N I T O B “msâ€"Sewn 1338‘er BUY THE BREADMAKER'S msr. PRICE 5 arm I i ~ po latlons rf Eng‘lsh Fheepe, RAILWAY. i Finest American Hog Casings. ‘ Orders tilled for any dv-tlred quentitv. Write for glotlnoaenciï¬g orihsnunlilaty. iNov. with, :here will be _ prices a ai rut-c we ran ran serv co etwe-n at. . ' , y 3 JAMES PARK a. so», 41 to 47 St. Lawnnce Market, Toronto. Peel and Butte. lentene. comprised of Drew- nu-rcom. Sleeping Car, Dav Coaches, Dining Car and Free Colonist Sleeper. Equipment new modern and equal to the best Leaving St. Paul every morning. and running directly through to Butte. The only line with- out change and the nly line vl l's. Buford Ft. Benton. Great Fella : nd Helene. for rtioulars,a ly pa pp .1. \i HUOKINS. ANNINGMILIS - eigprA-S PECI ALTY: Nervous Debility. A “B. GRAVE Specific has been used for the peer ï¬fteen years. with great success, in the treatmen ol | F ‘ WHIINFY Nervous Deblllty, and all diseases arising from In ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' n . . - ked hreln loss of vitality ringing lt Gen Pane run A e. 1‘an g p... A .t' °"‘°'- 0V" '0' - . Sr Pruh. g4 Palmer H ruse Block, rorimro. the euro. valoltatlonmto. For sale by all drum-ts- i Price. ’1 per box, or 6 boxes for to. or will he sent by CANADA PERMANENT LuaninSavingsGompany § Now in us: ‘éHATHAM. SEND FOR otthLAR‘gPRIctLIST THE GRAY HEDm'V" 00 “We to. ‘ ‘ “A ' Exhausted Vitality. rsoonronlrnn less. (Fits NS UilD El! Remvert fr m this dl tree-i __ __ , ‘ . ngmudition is often sought by having recourse Head omca : Toronto St" Toronto' [THE éREAT :1 tenioe or medlilnel trvatm‘nt which only serves to aggravate the troublu. â€" ‘l‘oe s Item DeMANDS summon that can be easily digeswed and thoroughly Subscribed Carlin], ............... O 4.6.0500! , SIRENGTH GIV ' wlmilated by the Weakest stomach. rate on Capital. ................... 9. seems: -â€"- - -â€"â€" Ancestor roon - Total Assets. ........................ re.eee.eec C3“ Tm sum ‘7‘ Airman er ‘1 J ohnstonis Fluid Beef II'he enla capital and resources of this Cos peuy, togs er wiih the ln‘cr‘rased facilities it rh- rutslnocsflevrmor ~ m;"Â¥.::2;‘3'22.{3: florid“: ""3: :giy is" ' POWERFUL SJppliea rms DEMAND BECAUSE eperfeotfood and contains all the material piomptneee and.“ the lowest current of intent . .,.. lNVlGORATOR "30““?! 10! "NONE! tne lattes Wi'lkd by disease. it readily passes into bk all requirements 'or loeut upon satisfactory . t' houlethn and produces firm muscle and nerve. estate urlty. Applicatlcn may be made to either of the mpen 's local Ap elsers or t . J. HERB R IABON new‘tr Director oronto Y o u n g M e n i SUFFERING from the elects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and fell , who ï¬nd themselves weak, nervous and sxhe ; also linens- use end One the who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced life feel the cons uenoes of youthful exoem, send for and read I. V. ubcn's Treatise on the Diseases of Her- The bookwillbesentsealed to enyeddreseo reoelet 09' two to. et m Addie. I. V. Ll BON Wellln ton II. E Toronto. STANDARD CH mm ' THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER. BEST FOR FAMILY USE, CARBON SAFETY OIL. ASK DEALERS FOR lT_ Wholesale Depots i ON PARlOâ€"Toacsro. 30 Front street East. u Otraws 33 Spark street. .. PILLIAILLI, L. W. Yer mans Cc. QUEBECâ€"Moment. E. Cevaneuh. MaBIEIIIE PROVINCESâ€"Sr. Jones, Jos. Bullock ‘0n% MAN! rOJA and N.W.T.â€"Baesnos, W.Johastonk0. Sam'l Rogers 00., Toronto, Canadi. , m- SAFETY. CAPITAL AND FUNDS I0" 0TB. $8,000.â€. - l5 TORONTO HTREE'I'. .._ ..__ â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". IlEAlI OI'UICB. TORONTO, es or o . in . A It’ll: COII’ANY. ESTABLISHED 0111"“... I8". .9" 5 , To thls date. October 31, 1387, there has been returned : d 5 To the helm of Puller-holders (death olaiun) ............................................ $49,249 00 c 3 To the uni-tot of matured Eotl' wmmt Policies ........................................ 26,492 68 5 To l’ulicy-holdere on surrender of l‘cllclet.. .......................................... 98,656 00 It: To Policy-holders for Cash Profits (including those allocated and being paid) ............ 432,644 08 To hnldeu of Annuity lion?" . . .. .................................................... 16,967 8‘ Loetmd 3-0 Pn'lcv-holdors on Smtlrlty of their Policies .................................. 82,264 98 3 . ' therein 41 ‘ Policies in Force over [0,000. Amount over "5.000.000. PRESIDENT-"Box. Sm W. P. Howeaso, C.B., K.C.M.G. VltIE-PRESIDENTS.«WILLIAM ELmon. Esq : Enwann Hoorlm, E80. 1. Ii. MACDONALD. Managing Director , r, .. . ve’. 1nd indfliï¬lllh‘t' the. Fl V'INt ,'..t \ ‘j. an," RELY ON HOP BITTERS. l A WONDERFUL NERVE TONIC. A Medicine, not a Drlnlt. Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowolo, Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs, Nervoueness, Sleepleeenoss, Female Complnlnte, DRUNKENESS. It may Save Your Llfe. “LOGO Reward pald for a case they will not cure.