K choice lot of Autograpln'Pho re h and Sore Albums, at the “Medial gal ," Woodvil a. teachers’ Convention.â€"â€"'1'ho regular meeting of tenchore for the North Riding of Victoria, will be held in this village on Friday and Saturday, 13th and 14th inst. On the evening of Friday a public lecture will be deliwred by T. M. Buchan, M. A.. of Hamilton, on the subject of " Poetry and Politics,†in the basement of the Pleebyterian Church. Hymenlal.~.â€"Wo are informed that one of our young townsmen is nbout'to run his head into Ifymen’s noose. We did not learn the name of the young lady. but we are conï¬dent she must behoth young and wineome to carry off the “Lady Killer" of Woodville with flying colors. May their married life be (me from those lamina and petty strifee which make matrimonial up. _- __ ,, ' A Next week we intend publishing an extra edition of “THE ADVOCATE" a thousand copies of which will he print. ed,'_besides our usual edition. This will give Christmas. ad vertiuem an extra in~ duoement to bring their wares before the public. Intending advertisers will ‘pleeae send in copy of advertisements not later than Monday next. The Farmer's Advocate and Home ï¬lagazine for Dncember is at hand. It is handsomely illustrated and contai such a fund of valuable information about the Farm and Garden that no cultivator of land should be without it The household Department must do. "8 Returnedâ€"For the last (no weeks we have missed the friendly face of Squire Silverwood from our sanctum, but on enquiry we found he was away on business relative to some property in the town of Peterborough. ‘Ve are 331d to see him back again and hope the business turned out to his admi- age. School Examinations.-â€"The exami- nation of the Argyle school will take pluoo on Friday, 20th inst. An enter~ minmonc will be held in the evening. for which a good programme is being prepared. 15 i. expected the Wood- villo Brass Band will be present, and some of our local talent. Solreo.-~Onr Bolsover friends in~ and to hold a Grand Soiree on Christ~ mat day in the Orange Hall in that villugo. From what we know of them we are sure it. will amply repay all hands to attend. The price of admin- lion in 25cm ; children, 150%. Assignedâ€"We one sorry to announce the assignment of Mr. D. Sidey, of this place. Mr. Andrew Morrison has been appointed to act as Asaignee’e agent. A meeting of the creditors is called for December 18th, to be held at the Court House, Lindsay Thanksgiving Day was observed here u a day of res: and Thanksgiving. The Bnnd played a few selections in the morning on the main street. Sen church, at which a. large number were present. Our Band. â€"-â€"Under the new manage~ If a man is honest he will argue with himself ï¬rst, and then pay for his newspaper. Municipal Elections.â€"-There is not much stir in this locality as yet in row ferenoe to the Municipal Elections, but we presume that all the old Council will offer themselves for rel-election. Dr. McKay this week announces to the public the fact that he has resumed practice in Woodville and is furnished with all the latest appliances for the pursuit of his profession. A-B-C Picture Books,“ at Gunn’a. Our merchants are preparing for tho Christmas trade. Good Sleighing now, business should be brisk in cunsequonco. _______ mm, p. m. Midland Souooth. 2: IO; Ni isslingSouth, 2: [5; Toronto, 00, p. m. nrtley y, Glenarm and Inlay, every Tuesdav and Saturday. 12: 00. noon. Mu! close at Woodville Post Ofï¬ce as fol- lay. :â€"- d§gssing Nonth, 10:30, a. m. rth, I2: 30, p_. m. ; Midland South mm x! ....... Tnins going North from Woodville Junc- tion: “:05, a. m. ; 1:20. p. In. Going South: 11:05, u. m. ; 3:00, p. m. Tums going South : 8:30, a .,1A TORONTO dc NIPISSING RAILWAY. MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA 15! hairy; North : 10:55] won. nuns". u- PHYSICIAN SURGEON. AND AOCUUCHEUR. N. B.-'-Dr. McKay’s varied and exwmlvo experience in the Hospital! of England And Scotland-4h. four Diplomas which ho holds from the boat Colleges of the Mother Conn~ try in addition to his Cnmdiau Dogma should be a sure guarantee of his omoienoy. summons.) GYNIECOMGYâ€"(Diaems peculiar to Women) practiced in Hospitals exalmively devoted to Diseases of Women in London and Edinburgh made A SPECIALTY. PROF. LISTER’S Appliances and appar- Istua for tho Antiseptic .' stem of Treatment now adopted by all the eading Surgeons of- Enrnnn An hum! Europe I 351.3212 L. R. 0. 8.. REIMBUROH. (LICINTMI'I ROYAL couml 0 an ucxsnnn or ROYAL J. McKâ€"AY,T1. Cam-Janka. Woodvmo. All parties are hereby no otiatin for a certain note. {. Mch Him, or bearer, fm due January. 1879, as I i value for the lame. The Newspaper.â€"-speaking of the power of the press, and the good and wide influence it wields, an exchange says :â€"“The great press slowly moves; its arms. are reaching for their strong embrace. “ Stop the press I†The giant rests again. There is an error of state» ment to be corrected, or an objectionâ€" able article to be withdrawn. The types are taken out and borne away- corpses of deal thought. Look new again at the mass of typeâ€"dead ! inert as the earth you tread on. But see i The white sheet has fallen on their faces , the touch of the press has bapn " tized them; the life that was in ‘hem i has passed'itpon paper, and the new creation is pregnant with thoughtâ€"a thing with a soul, for it can move the souls of men. That sheet so blank be- fore is a living paper now. A change has passed over it as marvellous as if in an instant the unwritten face of the boy should put on the furrows of age, the lines of care, the impress of man~ hoods» experience, thought and toil. ' Thus the paper is born, and goes out into the world. No messenger can overtake it. Its utterance is unalter- able new. It may be’ explained but not ‘em l. The printed word can no more be recalled than the departed spirit can be wooed hack to the cold body which it has left. Here, now, we have it~the newspaper ! Wonderful product of brain and toil ! One would think it should be dearly bought and highly prized, and yet it is the cheapest thing in the world. Two or three cents will buy it. One or .two dollars will bring it to your home every week in the year. And yet there'sre men too poor to take a newspaper! They can pay ï¬ve cents for a glass of beer 3 they can pay twenty-five cents for a circus ticket, or fifty for the theatre, yet they are too poor to buy a newspaperâ€"~a newspaper, which is a ticket of admis- sion into the great Globe ’I’heatre,w|mse (llamas are written by God himself.†eaia‘i‘d nwmamo l Dec. 10th 1878. Chew, Cluecqï¬era, flaming“, quot, m, at Gunn’a. As lendid’ assortment of pocket diariu fox-18 9, at Gunn’s’. Nearly an Aecident.~â€"What might have proved a serious accident, from the careless use of coal oil, occurred to our worthy Township Clerk, Mr. G. , W. Miller, on Saturday night last. It ‘appears that Mr. Miller on retiring for the night, replenished his stove ‘ with coal. but the ï¬re not burning to his satisfaction, and wishing to hurry fore Mr. Millai' stove the gas generated by the coal and oil, exploded with a force that burst open the stove doors and knocked Mr. Miller over. He fortunately sustained onlya slight bruise on his left arm which is nearly alright again. cation of the young, should make it a point to be there as a. proof to the teachers that they take an interest in the work and encourage the pupils to be more studious. 13‘ Xâ€"mas Tree. â€"-Exteneive preparao tionu are being made by the Good Tem- plare for their X~mas tree, to come all on the night before Christmas. We have not learned any of the particulars as yet except that presents are to be left in charge of the Secretary, Mr. W. C. Gilchrist, and that an etï¬cient com- mittee have charge of the programme, and are determined to make the “tree" this year outstrip any yet held in our village. A large selection of D'olls, at Gunn’a‘ PETER. McEACflERN, Thonh I. I Dï¬n N OTICE. the ï¬re not burning to , and wishing to hurry Iabout a wine-glassfull ‘. Immediately, and hes ROYAL 00an: or We. made :2; new: for the sum of 827, I have received nu _notiï¬e§i against no. or rmsrcnns. 106-3t-p Parlor Cm. . and 106 ........ can“! W , ~~ ---__ a m remind, Lot 8, Con. 10, Eldon, ï¬n; {hr month of October. the owner in hunky £099.51 t9 pron property, pay no pom? and hiovï¬Ã©â€"givayf At her Milan. on King St, next door to Mr. MoSwoyn'l. Pu ils can be “tended at that. own midonoo i reqnirod. “M PNPOM to gin Eula hum on the 0:3“ Butte}; Sprin “13;" Evie:- f3 - Faun AOOIDINT.-Mr. E. Bacon, (son of Mr. James Bacon, farmer) near Sunderiand met with a fetal acci- dent on Friday, Nov. 29th, which in a few hours resulted in his death. Mr. Bacon was feeding a threshing machine near that place, and had occasion to go on the top 0! the machine while it was running, and stepping backvnrds, his foot slipped into the cylinder which crashed his foot and leg to the knee Dr. McDermid of Sunderlund, was im~ ,nedietely sent for who as soon as pos- sible administered stimulants, and sent 1 {or Dr. Nation of this village, to am- putate the injured leg, but on his era 1 rival the young man seemed to get ‘ worse, and died very suddenly about 8 o’clock, p m.â€"8 or 9 hours after the accident happened. Deceased was 20 years of age, and was highly respected by all who knew him. The Christmas Tree is going ahead better than ever on account of the cheap and choice lot of presents at Gunn’e. 8n a safe that two young ladies hiss- ingeac other alike an emblem of Chris- tianity because they are doing unto each oiherasthey Would men should do unto t em. or TERMS MODERATE. ' woonvxnmr. mnuzns’imnxm: Sun: or on GRAND TRUNK. â€"-Abont {our o’clock on Wednesday morning, 4th inst" a freight train left the Don l for Soorboro, being helped along by the Don yard engine. After this left the train and went back to toe Don station some of the can broke looso from the train and run down the inzline and col~ lided with the engine at the Don. The oonduotor’e van was knocked into kin~ dling wood, n oar containing 100 barrels of flour was knocked to pieces and a. good portion of the flour deotroyod.-â€" Three or four other can; were damaged ‘ and the engine looked very delapidewd. Fortunately no one one inJured serious- ly, but the track was blacked up till RID HEInR-gétz having cgnp to In- nnâ€"l -4 “-â€".â€"- u Ill “NU" from Millbrook to Peterborough, the building westward toward Toronto, and outward to connect with the Grand Junction and North Hastings lineaae outleteand inlets to and from the front. It also advocates the extension of the Grand Junction through the eaetern and northern townships of Peterboro’, and mentions the wisdom of encourag‘ ing connection With other outlying point- townni the north and west. Tn: Emmincr proposes a railway system for Petorborongh. Making the Toronto and Ottawa Railway the basis, it proposes 3 material commencement by tho purchase of th_e Midland brunch f_____ ‘10“- - Owner Wanted my express from Port. Hope was up preaching Lindsay station, the engine struck s man named Clarke. who was walking on the track. He died Wed- nesduy night. He is supposed to have boon under the influence of liquor. OUT of twentyueiqht ï¬rkins of but- to! ofl'ored to one Lindsay buyer Satr urday week, only eight were taken as at all utiafactory, and they were by no means "gilt-edged." so uya the Havin ON Tue-day,†the Midland Rail- Uxbridge, November 8th 1878 ouo vmg purche SKELLEY ï¬gmwggflg‘?’ for “ THE ADVOCATE," only $1 per year h» may. mm “mm-N, ‘ 1f paid in advance. A new story next week, In mmmmm “flwï¬m 00000 u m. g} 1e business of the well-known ï¬rm < ., f Uxbridge. and having had a long Whomsale House in Togonto, I am p1 NEW CAKES CONFECTIONERY The BESTEO cent TB] in town. TRY IT 1 McLEOD‘S NEW BAKERY. Mr. J. S. Leedham havi ng erected a Photo- graphic Gallery over McLeod’s New Bakery, he is prepared to do all kinds of Photograph- work including COPYING and EN LARGING. Photography! Photography HAVING TAKEN MORE FIRST PRIZES THAN ANY IN VARIABLY RECEIVES THE W. would rupeetfnlly can the situation of the hmi ng community to the FANNI MILL now undo at our worh. This null in known as ucoount: are not nettlod them in court for collecti before the on. Woodvillo, N on, 1878, . . (IO do PRU N ELLA GAITERS MISSES LEATHER LACED BOOTS, MEN’S STOGAS, CHILDREN ’8 RUBBERS for 25 cents. "u-.. “.5 nut-nouns mucuom in prices, for the next 30 DAYS: WOMOEN’S LEATHER LACED BOOTS, worth 81.26 for 81. or rnnnnn Yours, .o., following flax-cling reductions in prices1 Agricultural- Works Ike abm pn'ca are/“or 0.21.93 0le 2’. --â€"-â€"A FULL STOCK OF. It is undoubtedly a. 25 cents. ROD. GAMPBELI ï¬rm of HORSMA I-..A, L long connection am Prenared to HORSMAN, SKELLEY 4, worth $1.25 for 31.00 4° 75 “ 5o making th fl (1 u 50 90