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Woodville Advocate (1878), 19 Dec 1878, p. 8

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OONSUMPTION Impact. The ancient capital at the King- } Ann of the Two Bleiliee teens with men who ‘ 'ahOId human life cheap, and who would he ‘ restrained by no superstitious reVerenoe .troni shedding the blood of a King. It is one of the blots upon the Lune of regenerate Italy that assassination is still common, and there it goes every day llllpllulslwil. No- where in Italy is there less detestutiou {or the crime of murder than in Naples. and no- where is there more passionate natures upon which fanaticism or maliguity can work with murderous intent. In the native land of Camorra, organised assiuation is familiar to the popular mind. lithe Neapolitan assass- in's dagger had struck King Humbert down, ~the Monarchy in Italy, which is still a young .and tender plant, would have been exposed (to all the risks of a regency. 'l‘he heir to the Throne, the youthful Prince of Naples, _ie just nine years of age, and a long minority, even With so popular a Queen-Mother as .Queen Margherita, would have given the factions many an opportunity of threaten~ ing the Constitutional settlement of the kingdom. It is possible that the attack on King Humbert may strengthen his hold upon lunged were the throne upset either by Republican or clerical conspirators. Italy has been most fortunate in Securing already, fit the close of her revolutionary period,‘ fimmy of the advantages of the stability which .Uonntitutionol Monarchy promises. It wooid be a crime against the national interests as well as against the moral law to strike at these advantages for the profiit of a (limp- pointed party. There Is in every modern .society a type of public-minded fanaticism which is easily in‘ccted with n longing to imitate every novel and famous orinw. .\1 ur- ders and suicides follow the same course for a. while, when once the fashion is So! by a criminal with u littl: originality. So it is .with regicide. '1‘ he fanatics who ill‘uiuli tho"; .it is their glorious mine on or their fatal destiny to fill the world of this [In-march or .that, are, for the most part. mm: of 1m inl‘cc ,of charncter. If they “'ul'e, they woulil be more formidable as distill-hers of hingilmne. the Italians, who will admire the hereditary courage with which be confronted the ass- assin, and who may be reminded by their aovercigu’s peril of the difficulties and dis. tractions into which the country would be But being weaklings. they do not take their lives in their hands and pursue only their terrible pnrposo. They falter and look Im- hind them for their way of escape, and al- most invariably they fail. Nubiin; wont nearer to the execution of his designs than any regicide conspiratur of our day. As fur Hodul and Moncasi, the Mndrid assasrnn and (the author of the attempt on King llnm- :bert's life, they can only be regarded as un- pleasant symptoms of the bitter hatred, mingled with ignorance and levity. than soothes in tho minals of large classes in every Continental conntry.“ -1 ‘ Ulllulavu‘w- vuâ€"n The late King .Victor Emmanuel more ihan once visited Naples immuiiatclv after its annexation. and while: its qmys and .streetq yet sin/armed with armed partisam of ;tho Bani-bans, and was not harine-l. The attempt on King Humbert fol nwsvcryclnsc- :ly upon that on the King of Spain. Hun.- hert’s brother Ammlcus was near losing his life at the hands of an assassin when he was 'lor a few mnnths King nf Spain. IV! I. 1"" .u. .-_v. __n German nowspnpersostate, on the author- ity of letters received from the Russian hor- nder, that in the district of lnlhlin the intol- erance of the Russian GoVernment has given .the native Roman Catholic population fresh ,cause for complaint. The Russian onthori- .ties tolerate no baptism according to the rites of the church of Rome. The limin‘,” Catholic population are therefore wont to ‘carry their new-born children across the hor- v,der.in order to have them baptised by Human Catholic priests at Uracow. The Russian .BovernonGene'nl having been informed of this, recently caused the parties crossing the jroniier to he intercepted and “sized by igemlarmes, who took the children to the nearest orthodox church, and haul them hap- .tiseil perforce by the Russian l’npe. The parents. it is added. Wishing to invalidate Successful Operation. â€".\11. Bum =D11vis who was opt-numl upon lw Dr. McKaw 11110115 11111 weeks ago f-m 11 Iliseasg) of the t-l1igl1l111111- l1:1s an 1211- :recqvmed that hell-11.11311 for his l1111111' 3.0.111011'0w. He will in 11 1111011 time Jegnin t-lm {1911 11110 ofl1is leg \1l1i1l1 1111111 1191311 digahled 1'01 tl1elu11t ten yl-ms £110 Rus‘sian baptism; carry their chilllrm to the nearest Wo-ll, in urdcr to “ wash away" pa expeditiously as 'pussible the efi'ectslul' the ”cred rite. ‘-â€"lll(leell. no ptnmg is unr faith in them, :ulll also to convince ygm that. they are III) IIIIIII- pmg, we will forward to o-Iery Imtfowr, by mail. post paid afreo trial lmx M e dou’ I. want. anII IIIuIon until you Im ~{Ierl'octly satisfied «If their curative powers. f your life In IvortlI paviIIL'. don't Ilel Iy I I giving théqo I‘IIwIleI-II 3 him, as they will purcl y cur}: )9". . n An n.\ POSI'I‘IV’ELY QUREI) All Iufi’crers from this disease that am anxiouu t_o helcurcd Sllflnlil try “1%. Ji lss. ‘NER’S CELEBRA'l‘EI) UUNSIIAIP‘I‘H'l-l PU\VDE_R§: These. pnwdcrs are the uniy fwcpnratinn knoyvu that. will cure Utinsump- 'tion and nll'diseaees of tlu throat and Lungs “le'rlyco. 39'!" "argo lmx, [$3.0m sent to any part gfltho United States or Canada, by ,mpilhon receipt of prime. Address, 'Asn a ROBBINS. 300 Fulton Street, Brooklyn,[. Y. A.- L4}! Call and inspect his New Stock of general Groceries. Great in- ducements For Cash. WALTHAM, ENEUSH 84 SWISS All kinds of Watch, Clock and Jewellery repairing done an :Jz-urtnst notice, and war- ranted tn Qifl: perfect satisfaction or money refunded. L. MAYBEE, Buns. Rolls and. Matt? 3 Specialty. Ordem SQ}; MEI-”E FAMILY BREAD FRUIT CAKES. MIXEDTEA CAKES. SUBSCRIBE FOR .. 'IHE ADVOCATE" 09:13 13 man YEAR. OFFICEâ€"V Northern Hotel," Woodville. Fall and Winter Dry @Mds, WATCHoMAK ER and J EWELLER, . Dealer in PARTIES SUPPLIED WHOLESALE. JOHN BERRIE, SODA, ABERNE’I‘HY, AND FRUIT BISCUIT-5', WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . C. GHJCHRIST llas on hand a aylcudid assortment of new BERWEE’QJ 3.19} ST VVATCH ES. IS UNXLD LORE"Z() MAYI‘EE. IN THE COUNTY Cor . King and Stuart St ‘u 1-. 9- 3D CARRIAGE WORKS, WAGGONS and CARRIAGES made on shult notice. HORSE SHOEING! Twenty percent. allowed for Cash on old price for Shoeing. WOO DVILLE l H ' 10ml) 1 4n -‘ ” .. 21m 1 .. “ 5.1"»)[20 “ H H 100 l H ‘¢ 2500' 40 (I H H 50 1M: Gold “niches ....... . ..................... $75 17.’ M,“ m r Machines... 50 7 '1 1-} leg vnut Pianos ............................ 400 5'! ” \l 1,10st 113.. .. I25 (' :-<'n hifts, Silver \\ me, eta-Initial at $25, ”I", DAILY DRA‘NINGE: ! I Cash Gift,$3 2,000 1 .- ‘. oliancc to draw any of the above prim-a fm Lacenla. Tickets desc1ibin I Miler! me sealed 111 91 nvelepes and well 111ix1-1i.011 m- eeipt of '25 cents .1 Sealed 'lie ket is 11m.“ 11 \s itlmut clmiec, .111 I sent lny "mil to 111., address. The prize named upun it will be delivered to the ticket liulilel on payment uf one dollar. Prizes are immediately sent tn any address by express or return mail. You will know what yunr pIiZ‘! iq befuro you pay for it. No blanks. Uur patrons can depend on fair dealing. UPlNIONR or Tm: PIH’INS.â€"-l"flii‘ dcalim; can be rcliodquâ€"‘V. Y. ”I'm/ll. Aug. 2:. A genuine distribution. -l" ur,hl Jul) ' 9. Not «me of the hmnlmgs of the day Wulfiully ’l'riluuw, July" I. Tim; giw: general antis- fnctiIIII.-Slaals ZII'IIIIIQ Aug. :'. llil-‘BIIENC L‘i. â€"l'.;,' kiml llcl'nli‘ision we refer to the following :â€"-Franklin 5. Lane. Louisville, drcw $10,000; Mir-u Hattie Banker, Ulmrluston, 85.01)” ; Mrs. Louisa '1‘. Blake, St. Paul. Piano. $400; Samuel V. Raymond, Boston. $5.000 : Eugene 1‘. Bracket. Pittsburgh, Watch 975; Miss Annie Osgood, New Urlcmisfififit) I ; Emory L. Pratt, Columbus, Ohio, Mclmlcun, $l'35. Tickets, 25c. 5 for $1.00 ; 11 for $2.03 Agents wanted, to whom We offer liberal inducements and guarantee satisfaction. 92-3m flags to inform his friends and the public generally, that having rented Mr. J. Armstrong’s Shop, King Street, Woodville, He is now prepared. with improved facilities to execute all kinds of And TRIHMING, and also 810‘: PAINT. ING. All work done neatly mud \\ ith del- pntclx and {mutated to give perfect mm». “up. 07 8a) Of ALL STYLES and PRICES. A. MOORE. A DDRK‘H-â€"â€" PRIZE ASSUCEATLGN, Carriage Painting, 1N GIFTS TO BE DISTRIBUTED BY THE COMMERCIAL The subscriber has on hand ALL \VO RK \VA RRANTED DONE NEATLY AND CIIEAPLY. A Prize For Every lickel. CAMPBELL’S $250,000 REPAIRING AND KING STRE ET. E. HALL. 01" NEW YORK. G, CAMPBELI. ll?) Was? BROADWAY, N.’u’. 2:) Cash Gifts,each$500 kiml pcrmitsiofl We :â€"â€"-Frzmklin 5. Lane. 9,000; Mina Hatfie £5.00” ; Mrs. Louisa '1‘. m. $400; Samuel V. Which will be found on inspection more reliable as regards wear and better value than was ever offered in this village before. Just received a choice lot of Reapers, Mowers, Thljeshing Machines, Sew- lng Machmes Repalred, and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Repairing of Every Description Promntly Ex- ecuted. The undersigned begs to intimate that he has bought Mr. N. B. CAMP" BELL’S Business in \Voodville, and intends carrying on the same line of busi- ness in the Stei'e_f«1i-Ixiei°ly‘qccupied by Mr. Campbell. , Having made fiwomfible al'mngéments with the lending nmnufuctmers of Farming Implemente in Ontario, he is prepared to supply all kinds 0t Implements of the best. quality and as cheap as the cheapesn. D. H. CAMERQN He would call special attention to the combined SEED DRILL made by the Musson Manufacturing Co. ,Oshawa, (fat which he )8 Sole Agent lune. ) This Drill pcsaesses 1111 the qualities of a firslrclass Diill and Bloud- CustSeedei, and can be changed from the one to the other while in motion. It is placed in the market this season so cheap that it is within the leach of all intending punchasers. Call and examine before buying. All kinds of REPAIRS kept constantly on hand which he will sell cheap for cash. , He- tmsts that by stlict attention to business and s [um-e dealing to merit. the fax me1s' confidence and leceive n 1111 go shale ot their patlonage. "as just been introduced for the FALL TRADE. The whole construction ban boon got up with «me and special attention has been given to the Durability of the inst-lament, and its capacity fm cleurncss and Beauty of Tune. The Organ is of Solid Black Walnut. with heavy Hand Carved Truancy. The ends and Front Panels are raised and finished with French Walnut Stuck, highly polished. 1% ha beautiful Lamp Stands placed in it convenient and safe position for use. 'l‘hmc is a high Fancy I'mck attached, mmlc anal finished in harmony with tho casenvnh a. 1mm; Vnae Stand that. adds very materially to the beauty of the same. The Fall Bonul is the most simple and convenient of any in use. Anv child can opal and close it with case. When (men it forms a neat and convenient llack for \lusic. Those Falls we placed so that they cannot interfere with the musical qualities of the Organ. Our designer has given great attention to the parts that have to be runovod for the pur. pose of cleaning dust; from the reeds or lmtmls, which can be got at without removing it screw or nail. . The Drawings have been made by our designer who has a wide-spread reputation in the United States and Canada for his taste in Organ Building. He has nlso given special attention to the Bellows capacity. which he has left roomy and large, allowing free space for Working the pedals, which attachment is put on with the greatest care for Strength and Durability. The Action “'ork has been improvcdzwherever improVomenta have been found to be an advantage. “’0 still hold our “'iule Spread Reputation for the power and Clear Smooth Tone of the instrument. The number of sales we make and the ronutntion we have for firsbchws Urgnus amongst our customers throughout Canada and England in a sufficient guarantee. By close attention to Mommaâ€"selling only to Safe cnatomcrs.â€"â€"Sclecting First-elm clans Stock at cash pricea.â€"â€"nning Economy in every particular,» lmving 0 great vnri of Wood Working Machinery adapted purely to our work,~nml thoroughly compet Hands, enables us to giVe better value than ever before to our customers. Be sure and GIVE JAMIBSON A CALL xhriltgc @rgan @annfaztuxing gunman; We have now made arrangements to furnish a well-made M vsic Stool with every Organ in all the new shapes of ENGLISH, AMERICAN and CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS. Every Organ Warranted for Five Years- NOTEGE T0 FARMERS. For tonne, c., apply to GENTS’ I-IA'I‘S- {RV vv yva4vvxrvaM*JM/\~vw vwwvwwvwwwlsc Blacksmith and Machinist. SAMUEL UMPHKREY, Presldoi MERGHANT TAILOR ! UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO, FALL STO OK STYLE E- HAS NOW 0! SHOW “IS HUGH MCMILLAN

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