,,re,--._, u... â€"_--.-\- en- 'uv upper ehember. At iiret. for e few weeks, it remeined ee “object oi terror only ; it wee meneccd thet the next treuegreeeion oi hie sunrdien'e wlehee would be puniehed by e dey'e im- wieonment in the nerrow circle. without the billty oi reet or the permieeion 01 re- hment. Twice the cege wee threatened end remitted, irom en exeeeeive ehow oi here, end the better to cover end to pelllete “I. mediteted enormitiee. eyouth, who wee ebont eixteen, from the dreed olthie terrible infliction. applied Iii-lull with elcepleee diligence to lebore “cult to he eccompliehed, end extended. upoeeiy extended. beyond the cepeclty oi the etudent ; hie ieeeone were erected. not in pro ion to hie ehiiitiee. hut hie endeevore periormence. The teekmeetere eventually conquered ; then followed the imprisonment end tne dey ‘ without iood. Ageiu the imposition wee eet ; Iceln executed with peiniul exertion; egein lea hened; egein discovered to be imprec- liee le end egein vieited with the iron cege M2 the deniei oi neceeqery euhaietence. I 777777 --V.â€"â€"â€"-â€".l unveiluvuuvo Thu inns. pnrpou of mu: murdoring the to . under the protons of 0 mm attention to 1mm: or his Improvement. mu It In: It wae alleged he wae idle. etubborn. in- attentive. end 0! an untoward diepoeltion. which nothing but eeverity could improve. In hie boyhood, frequent ehutieemente. eon- Iinued epplleatton. and the rental of every interval at relaxetlon were in vain ereeyed to urgeand goad him to the grave. and to pleee hilnneleln poueeelon of the inheritance; hieeonatltntlon etrnggied with the tyranny o! hie nnnetural relative, end weeted ae it waa by the unmitigated oppreeeion, atill tealated with an admirable vitality the efleote whieh were ingeniously aimed againat hie; ulatanee. As he drew nearer the age in which he would have been legally delivered from the dangere and lmpoeitionl oi hie uncle. hie lite waa subjected to more violent end repeated aeveritiea; every. even the alighteet oflenoe, was eneeeeded by the moat rigorous initiations. The iron cage wee .ed, ‘wu ordered. wee erected in the __ â€"_v-v cad guardian. and intro Karatâ€"Jami to r. mism duth by the prinï¬om mad-cruel- fln to which ha wu exposed ; these otueltieu Ind been pnouoed under pretenoa of neocl- ury correction. ' The room above won I long. Ipccioue cpcrt meat, which Ippeucd to hove been tor a length of time dcurted. In the centre oi the ohunber won a terse iron ccge; it van on utuordinuy piece of inrnitnrc to be tound In my nunsion. but the legend which the actuate hcd collected rcepccting it cppecred to be mu more cxtnordincry. It in acid thet a late proprietor of the house. 3 young men 0! cnormoue propctty. bed in hie minority been conï¬ned in that continent by his uncle A-) u- _..n__, , Mlly. To quiet the elenn Indy Pennymen molved on loving her own ehember tor a time end uhbllehlng hone]! In ‘he one which had been lately occupied by the domes- Al-â€" The mom from which the (canal were «apposed to bus proceeded wu at a distance tron Indy Pcnnymcn’l cpmmonu. cud 1m- Inodlucly over thou which wexo occupied by tho two “male canon“. who hcd themulvel bun uniï¬ed by them. cud who-e report had opted o gown} pcpic {11:0th the to» o! the “I trust. Outer." replied Lady Pennyman, «am you how too much good name to be d on your own account by any of thus â€pot-mien: Ind vision": ism; and. pay, our. yonnoii in ondeovoxing to tranquilize Ch. opprohemionl of others. and pounding than to continue in their ploul.†~ The perms-ion oi Caner wu ineffectual; tho minim insisted um the noise: which Ind flamed them were not the oponilon oi on! until, beingI, nnd persevered in their moiniion o! returning :0 their native agony. At the commencement of the French Revo- lution Lady Pennyman and her two daugh- tcra retired to Lisle. where they had hind a mg: and handuome home at a very trifling m A law weeks afterward the housekeeper. with many apologicr {or being obliged to location anything that might oppgar to idle and aboard. came to the apartment in which he: Iniatrcu was sitting, and said that two 0! Oh. manta, who had accompanied her lady- lhip iron: England. had that morning givcn warning and captured a determination oi‘ quitting hcr iadyahip‘a aervioc. on account oi tho mysteriona noiacr by which they had 2009. night aitcr night, diatnrbcd and taxi- They met while yet the ear wee young. And 'mld the blossoming oughe they sung, lake other birds, their We of love. Like other birds. they wandered free In tender shad» 0: bush or tree. Or sunlight of the uy ehove. 'rhey wendered free end loved the dawn, flushed with their wine the down at. morn Ana mnoeently sped ehe den. Like omer birds. when eutumn came, Sure u could never be the sum J. They was along their eeperute ways, With he)! a. smile and hell a sigh, When. u the winter hours go by, Camel. like I melody'e retain, A went at bloeeome, eom flung. They murmur. " When e year was young 'Twu tweet. "rum never come again." -- .â€"vâ€"vâ€",â€" .v u..." one new .- Lu. e goblet tilled to m bfim With wine 0! en embengnldeu hue ;I But now it ie white en dim. Ae iiithed ell been qui‘led. And onl thegleee remeined. Wiih the einteet. releet. ehimmoting tinge To enow whet it hen eonteiuod. Aw‘geg when ii mueslieaehned. in e eper . I t n w e A lingo etex. like e eek oi ioefn ' 0i e precious Juice oi the vine. Went drifting. arming on, he we eomeihnee lou e dey Thee. when the goblet of hie in tail uilentl iloele ewey. But now 0 deylight ie here. And the eed. venue though“ of night Have died ewey. ee die eunbeeme (ell Lite errowe of golden hair. Ah. «in quiet home like these,- When we wieunlly look ebove, And no the worhe o! the greet, good God. And wink of hie tender love. Thee help III to breve: be. And smnnhen ue on our way, Till the heeutiiul high: of life at. lest u merged in eternisv'e dev. ihflfp 0. sum in Harper: Magazine. Tho Imaging will um I» hon. For out 0 map 910 mu The dc.) ht :- ouuln: the night “my man, I not that In nolul lou wd sun. on. tho “night no I0 long, so long] tho window noun, W. oh Ian omoou u it Ilowly rose 'rm above the trees it than. 19 looked.“ it hung in tho qty, Hm I_L-n ,I._. THE IRON CAGE. Quid [lo-n. Bloc-on» Mu. Atha- enmined im- chumber in ovary imagincbic diroction ; chc sounded every pone] oi the min-cot. to prove that then was no holiownou which might arguc I concealed panama; cnd having halted the door oi the ciao-mom. retired to root, conï¬dant tint she won tccun oguimt "an motorioi visitor. und totciiy incredulous oi the city encroachment- oi uii Ipirituui beings. Her ununuco woo dovmed to be abort-lived ; the had only been I'GI“ More oompmnu from the housekeeper; no serum: would remain ; every individuol o! the hmfly had his Sale 01 Manor to inomua the apprehension of the mt. Lady Peggy. man In"... L-_--1n A- L- _o “ Oh. yapâ€"{herd bonld hue. been no min- tuko ; Iwu perfectly nwuko when the inter ruptlon ï¬rst took plus. and “toward it wn l0 {requently rope-ted u toprovont the poni- bn‘lfy o! my upping? "Indeed, my door, the interruption hu taken place entirely without my knowledge. I «euro you it is not by any order of mine that your room hue been looked into ; I eun- not thlnk what could induce nny rervent ol mine to be guilty of web I liberty. Are you certain that you have not mietnken the nature and orlgln ol the sound! " “ Indeed. modem.†he xeplled, “ it is not my fault it I em late; I heve not bed any sleep ell night. There have been people keooklng at my door and peeping into my room every hell hour elnee I went upetein to bed ; I preenme they vented to see ll my emdle wu ex- tinguished. If this be the one. ltie really very dietreellng. e! I eertelnly never gave you my ooeeelon to euepeet I Ihonld be eere- len in teklng lo nemeery e preeentlon. end it ie not pleeunt to be represented in each I lightto the dome-lice." __â€" wrâ€"'â€"'â€" â€My dour Ohuleu," nid his mother, "I wonder youmuo‘ uhmad of your indo‘ louoe Ind your wont o! gallantry. to man your mien and myself to fluid: breakfast b01050 you are ready pp join us." Lady Pennymen and her daughters had neuly oomple‘ed their breath» belore her son, e young men who bedletely returned from sea, deegnded from )1!- epeflment. a; In, a It at length ceased ; morning downed upon ’her. The lady nutnrolly ielt distreeeed by ‘ the occurrence 0! the night. It was in every point 0! view alarming. If she doubted its being the eï¬eot of say preteruetursl com muniostlon. there was only another ulternu tire. which was almost equslly distressingâ€" to suppose that there were menu of entering the house. which were known to strangers though eonoesled from the inhsbitente. She went down to bresklest. alter turning a reso- lution not to mention the event. Led, Pennymsn um} her dsughters had _-‘_I_ -A‘-,,I A, Q .n o more than an hourâ€"7mm». Lady Penny- man'a agihtion may have deceived her. and induced her :0 think me time longer than it ugly ‘ju. This quiet, however. was of very chart durnion. One night she was awakened from her pleep by the sound of n slow end mee- lured step that uppeared to be peeing the chamber over her head. It continued to mow backward and toward wuh nearly the same oenetent end resale; motion for nther 0n the ï¬rst night or two oi Lady Penny. men’s being established in her own opus- mente she met with no interruption. nor was her sleep in the lesst disturbed by any of those mysterious noises in the cage “number (for so it In: commonly culled in the ismily). which she had been induced to expect by the representstions o! the deported servants. Those recollection: beniuhed him from bl- bome; the muneion was left tenentlus; and. till Lady Penny-men had engaged. all had dreaded to become ‘he inmntu o! a dwelling which had been tetul to one poueuor. and ehngned u destructive to the tranquility on his eir. nu oonecience heunted him; the form 0! the deed end inoffensive boy wee conetently belore him. Hie dreeme repreeented to his view the pleylul end heeutilul looke thet won all eyes towerd him. while hie perente were ‘ yet alive to cheer end to delight him; end ‘ihen the vlelon ol hie eleep would chenge, and he would we hie celm euflering end hie silent teen, and his patient endutenoe. end hie indeletigeble exertione in ettempting the accomplishment ol dlflicult exectione, end hie : pale cheek. end his weeted limbs. and hie epititleee countenance; end then. at leet. them was the rigid. bony end distorted loan. the glazed open eye. the mouth violently compressed. and the olenohed hende, on which his view hed rested lo: e moment. when ell hie wicked hope- hed etleined their mocteenguine coneummetion.ee he surveyed the eon-pee ol hle murdered relative. The wedth wu won; but it no on up proï¬table ooquhltlon to him who bod no deal: urchnod it. “ What proï¬t in it," demon Itho voice of revelation. “ Itamm should solo the whole world and lose his own soul I †80 long en ebunee iron) iood end reei wee more then hie enieobied ireme end hie broken epiriie oonid ondnre, end on hie nnoie’e erriving. with the ehow oi a hypocriiieei leniency. en hour previone to the appointed iime. to deliver him irom ihe residue of hie nniehmeni. it we: ionna ihet deeih hed eniieipeied the hire mercy end hed iorever emeneipeied iho innoceni Indexer from the hagde oi inooppreuor. neonatal. Tho In! no doubted to bo Inact- xkibk ; um. nu I feigned noun-u, o! more noun common ; ho wu untamed to no duzl' 039mm und privatlon. 7 v 7' -v-vvv-qub VIII III- ou. We Aware diéiiaing and lasing. when unddonly some one stopped on: from among tho trove. He was close to Ilaâ€"not I dczan too: may. We went lezlly on. just dipping the one in and out; smoking. wetohmg the emote circling through the ulcer air. All thoughts 0! the doctor and his petting words had gone lrom our minds. We talked little, end that little wee 0! Milan end the chancel of our meeting. We bed gone some two or three hundred yards; we were alone tothe chore. A" could utmont reach gt by etrgtoblug out his n-_ m- _-_- 1_A-,d luv. luv young Indy at several deneee end enoh like; but on ueh oeeeelon ehe wee under the ohnperonnge of old Mn. Meokennle. Appa- rently Mr. Trevere wee nor a perly men. Bul Lilian had promised to introduce no to him whenever she so: I ohenoe. erd we were nor nnhopeful ebe would get thee chance now. 80 you see that little excnrelon riverward hed more In I: cpnnmet tlre eye. bow It no A beautiful morning. The river wee deliciour, clesr es crystsl; we could see the bottom. end every stone and pebble on it; juet a gentle breeze honing the surface at the wsters into a little ripple. We lit our pipes and took it eerily. 1 cm e good bit oi e trsveller, know many lovely nooks end crannies in foreign lsnde ; I hue lived ‘sbrosd so much u st home ; but I willmsteh the higher reachee of our own Esther Them" for besuty and lor cherm sgsinet sny scenery in Europe. And on on only summer morn- ; ing, siter s spell oi glorious weather, it ie in ‘ ell its prime; the water eo cool, so clesr; the bunks so green. so ohsrming; the etsteiy trsel on either side ; the mansions eeen over the meadow, or peeping out among the trees. You may choose your Rhine. your Gerds, or your Msggiore. or your golden Bey oi Nsples, but leeve Cookhsm and old Father Themes to me. We laughed. All and Tom shook bend: win: him. and got into the boat. We pro- mised. it we should happen to meet him, we would oerceinly see him returned to Info custody. All stood up and ehoved no from the ehore; we song out 3 Int good-by, nnd lot: the doctor “ending on the bank. -_ ' .-_‘ wâ€"v‘vuvâ€"I As Giflard nnd Dixon were flying good- by. prep’sutory to getting into the boat, the doctor lsughlngly snid : " Should you hsppen to come across him, I shall consider you bound to bring him back sole sud sound. Ho’s n mun of tony-ions or lortyflvo, toll and bony. iron-guy hols, nnd bus 5 anxious hsbit of Ihowing his teeth nud winking his left eye. Don't look out for s roving lunstio; for on most points he‘s as right on you sud I. Ho's wrong in two things. thtovor you do, don't iot him lose his temper; for whonovar he does.though over so slightly. he invstinbiy goes in for murdorâ€"ho’s oil but done for two keepers niresdy. And don't talk to him of England 0: Englishmen ; to: it he should set upon his native isnd. 110'“ Inc: you with sons obserutlona which will unto you open 103 syos." He we I pleasant lenow, not too old and not too young. I liked him exceedingly. We talked 0! thing. in geneul. end of innetiol in pertieuier. Something led to hie mentioning â€"I think it wee speaking of the canning of e certain close of lunetiee. and the diflienlty oi keeping them within [our tulleâ€"the feet thet one oi hie inmotee hed eeoeped e day or two previously. and bed not yet been reteken. This was the more einguler on it wee tolerably oertein thet he had not gone (er, and eeeroh hed been mode tor“ him in every direction. A_ns- a, All Dixon. Tom Giflud end I hed gone up the river eemping out; we hed done our ‘leoond dey'e work. It was only morning on ‘ he third deyâ€"glorioue weether. I was in the boot, getting the steering lines in order; Gifl‘erd and Dixon were on the bent, talking to Dr. Bowie. A. I nndentood it. the doctor wee It the bend of e private asylum for lune~ ties. He wee Giflerd’e friend. not mine. He ‘ bed been telling e eonetitntionel when he heypened to foil in with til jolt u we were eitting down to our open~air breekieet; the chance meeting led to Giï¬ard inviting him to than our gipey meel. He did. While ehe remained in Frenee no word wee uttered upon the subject; ehe (ruined an excuse tor her abrupt departure. Another roeidenee wu oflered In the vicinity of Male. which she ongeged. on the pretext o! it: being better eelculeted. to the eiue of her temlly, end It once relinquished her habita- tlon, end with it every preternetnrel coon- elon of nnxlety. Up the River with uriunntlc The event wee releted to Ledy Pannymen ; ehe determined to rennin no longer in her present hebitetion. The men 01 whom the house had been engeged wee rpoken to on the eubjeot. He beoeme extremely violent-â€" said it me no time for the English to indulge their imeginetioneâ€"inelnneted eomethinn oi the guillotineâ€"end bade her. at her peril. drop e eingie expression to the injury of his WEE'TY- .- 0n reaching the door, to her inï¬nite aur- priao nhc diaoovored it to be fastened, as she had banal! loft it on retiring to bed. 0n withdrawing the bolt and opening the door. aha saw the back oi the youth duccnding the staircase; the Ioiiowad till, on reaching the loot oi tho Ital", the form named to link into the earth. It was in vain to attempt concealing the occunoncu oi the night ; her voice. but manner the impouihiiity of sleeping I second t mo in the iii-omoncd‘ chamber. would noccuariiy betray that nome- thing of a painful and mysterioul nature had! Mrs. Atkins, on vitamins hll departure. tels the return 0! he: resoluuon; the was tonaurodin he: oxlginnl bone! in the im- possibility of oil Iplmuol vislmlona; aha pounded bone]! to Milan the ï¬gure the work of tome mum impouor, ond the do- mmlned on (allowing us toot-ups; she took up he: chamber-lamp and banana! :0 pult‘ he: doflgn in execution. e in minutec’uieep when he: do which in ‘by the bedcide. leaped. howling en teniae , upon the bed. the door oi the ehcmhet eiowly opened.’end e pale. thin and eichiy youth came in. out hie eyu mildly toward her. nihed up to the iron use in the middle oi the room. end then leaned in the melancholy attitude oi one revolving in bi! mind the cor- rowe oi e cheezieu end nubiect existence; cite: I while he agcin withdrew. and retired by_t_he my be entered. "I has your pudon," "1d Aâ€, cool M aonoumber. " To what inlolenco do you refer 2" ‘Tom uotually ohncklrd; I oou'dn't hue chnokled for . good dul ; It nomad to no not only lmpudonc. but flaky ; I oonldn“ for. get Dr. anle'a words nbom his homloldal tondenom. Returned rod u I 101nm; I " What’s the meaning of this 11130102100 7†he aid. The quouflon wu not unwarranted; it could not hue baen plenum to have been Maud at "um! and Tom wore_ntnlng glen. A He wss going to as: something naughtyâ€"I know he was ; but he stopped ehort.snd stored st him with sii hie eyes. Either All overhesrd me, or else the sme ides occurred to him st the some moment. for he stopped deed in the middle on stroke. and inspected the men on the steering sest. Tom snd Alt went on eter- ing st him for a minute or more. I kept my heed turned the other we: to avoid his eyee. All st once I felt the boat give I greet throb. I turned; there wss the stranger leaning hell out of his seat, looking at Ali in s way I shouldn’t have cared to have had him look at In psulng T08 VI whlapar'ad in“ '12:! car. “ The lunatic," I ma. “ Whui" said Tom, right ouS loud. " Hold you: row. you confounded donkey! It's the man from Dr. Bu‘lo‘a." " N o-- nothing.†I said. “ I think I'll lit in the how." I didn’t wait tolosmi! say one had an objection. but swinging round. I scrambled put 41!, and trippad full length on to Tom’s knees. The boat went up and down like a swing; it wss a minute he wasn’t o'er! “ Is the follow and 2" roared Alf. At the word "mud " the stranger ran up strnmht as a post. "Mad!" he said; "do you know. s!râ€"" Ho checked hlmaefl and sat down. “ {ooh ! hojs only _s lgoy.f’_ 7.. ._A-_I,,, ‘ I could have laid réSIhâ€"éthing had I chum. but 1 preferred discretion; I didn’t like his eyes. __-_. ___- -_vâ€"- u v -V‘l The boat tipped right out of the wcter, but I didn't cue. The man wcl glaring ct me with cruel eyes; my muscles were strung, my flute clenched; every moment I expected him at my throct. " tht the dickenc are you up to 1'" add All. " What's the matter with you 7" " Ercltnblc temperament, hot-blooded yogth.†acid the stranger. A Dr. Bwle‘a warning, "Don't let him lose his hmpor, or murder will ensue." made me Egan}! {my}: 1131 gut like Jaek-ln-‘ho-box. He turned on me ehort and sharp. All at once I noticed hie lslt eye going up and down \ like2e blinking owl ; his mouth wee wide open, disclosing es ugly s set of teeth as I ehould core to see. Like a flesh Dr. stle'e words crossed my mind: tell, strong. about testy-live, iron~grey heir; e habit oi showing his teeth and winking his left eye. Gracious powers! was it poeeible we had e lunatic with as unuwsree ? I know the possibility, ney, the probebility. 0! such e thing made me ieel more then queer. Ii there is anything in the world I instinctively tear, it is med persona. I know little 0! them ; neve never teen in their company. Possibly my ignorance explsins my dread ; but the ldee oi sitting in the suns best end on the ssme cost with e men who-â€" “ I don't know if you are awue you ooggpglng 511 my song." The stronger said nothing ; he sat atolid and silent. Tom and All set ofl rowing : the stranger steered right across the stream. " When are you going I " nid Ail. “ Keep us in." " I‘m going into the shade ; the sun's too strong." He had the lines; we could hardly insist on his keeping one side it he proicned the other. He took us right to the opposite hunk. under the shadow of the willow trees. For some minutes neither oi nu spoke. With him cramming me on my seat and ramming his elbows into my side. my position was not pleuent. At last I let him know it. Hie coolness was amusing. ho wee im- penetrable. I know I for one regretted we wen such males as to have had anything to do with him: We wound in silence a second or two. ‘“ 00me.â€he said, " when are you going to I art 7 " “ Perhaps," said All, I bit named. " on 'you're in our boat a self-invited guest. you‘ll let_ue choose our own time.†H Theâ€"n “ NM n all.“ he said“; 3'1. may: Ilka something to do, and I expect you've hud ongqgh o! it.†We stored at him ; the coolness. not to any impartinenoe, ol the remark, was an“. ing. Begging a seat in our boat. knowing it was full. nnd than telling us he didn’t we ii he spilled nu inio the river! He ranted him- Iell by me, getting the boot “slowing again, crushing me into a corner ; Ind wiihoui oak- lng with your leave or by your leave, took tho steering lines from my hands and flipped them over his shoulders. “ Excuse me," I said; mddng a snatch In that}; 5 but y yqu’ll allow me." “Hang it!" I said; "toko care, or you'll have on over." “ Whn i! I do 2" he returned. “ It '11 only be a swim; and who mind: a swim in mother like flail 2" ' Inteeud hot in. No IBOB'GFWGIO we near the shore mun. quite unexpectedly, he Biop- ped Almost on my toes, making the b0» hon: side to side. “All right. †nid he . “ we don't mind, it you don't: _Bto_er her in, Jack. " I wai on the $010: or advinlng a point- blank roman). not appreciating bu ofl hand manner; butw thought dlflaronuy. U All riaht 0’ nm In: . u m- an...“ ..a.‘: n .vv .â€" . Iuvn vu a: uuul ‘0‘ Out". “ 0h. tint doom't mutter," he ma; " you can put me anywhere. or I'll take :21 our for on} of you." \ ‘ “Gentlemen.†he said. still at thotop of his voice. “I abould be obliged it you could m me 3 rent. I have I long my w 30. und um and." We looked at him and .3 «oh othar. It was Hteo-und~ouy style 01 «Hug a favor; hm he seemed I gentleman. and In elduly one too. Common pomeneu dictated olvim . " I am staid." nid Alt. “ m hurt ha y roan: ; 0130's gnly bail: to: three.†It in: I iékuwlifahont. 5.2381(1ng we were In" a mile from him. We flopped, although it was an annual method 01 calling uten- A]-.. “on. We were pulling on. when he ruled his mgr. and shamed put. “ Stop 1 " ‘ Be wee e tell men. ‘ nthet- on: than under nix leet. He woe around in I duh btown enlt 0! Oxford mixture; he had 3 met in hle hood. won o billy-cook hot. end hle ooet wu buttoned right up to his throot. He bed light whlekeu. n he“: drooplng mounteehe, belt unneuelly long, iromsrey lnoolor. He might be e eoldler retired [tom hle prom-ion, or en ertlet out painting; he ooxteinly looked ‘ e gentlemen. A Japanese correspondent o! the San Francisco Bulletin norlbol the oanlmo mam produced by tho Japurmo in rho me- m- ofgsrdon Illumination to the display at light. In group: nmon tho brmohu of mu. instead 0! In torn. u nan-l wlth us. The lndnomolwno room: to have struck bonnie Bootlond in earns-t. Looms that have been Idle to: throw you" on but u looms can ba,ond spinning mul- thnt on been running on halt tlmo {or two yam are crowded with work and Ill bonds are at It at tulltimo. Thotohno‘ on Idle loom null Scotland now. SLRITM.-â€" Ruselan turpentine and wear ere placed In huge eerthenwere jere, cur» roundod by hot water. Air le driven through the mixture in the ion continually for three hundred home. the remit belng n decompoli- tion of the turpentine. and the lormetlon of n watery eolutlon ol the eubetenoe. to which Dr. Kingoett. the discoverer. hue given the name 0! "Bnnltee.â€â€˜ Altar evaporation, the lub- stenco. on sold in tin one. in light brown powder. 01 n pleuant teete and odor. and capable In a very remarkable degree at proo venting or erreeting putrelutlve cheugee. Thle now dlelnteotont hoe been in use [or eometime in England, and is highly upon: of. It in nid tohevoupleuent odor. is not poisonous, and does not lujuro clothing, lur- uituro. etc. For household user it would eeem to be well edepted. We tendered onr apologies ee beet we could to the men we hed eo insulted; but he meted ‘ne end them with ioitieet loom ; end we got one eiter another into the boot amid“ the {libel end chute of en uneympethetio crowd. And ea we rowed from the wretched piece to inst as our one would teke ue, we eeeh of III in our secret hurt deeiered we ehonid never iorget our adventure up the river with n lunatic. And we haven't. From thet dey to this I have never seen Lilian Trifle", nor do I wish to. You could heve knocked ue ell three down with e feather. I do believe. Could it be pauible? Could we heve been ench con- eummete idiote ee to have mleteken e eene men lore lunetict end thet men Lilien 'i'revere' tether l I could have ehrunk into my hoote; Icould heve run ewey end hid myeeli In bed. To think thet we ehouid have dogged end wetched end iueulted end eeceulted the men 0! ell othere in whole ‘ good book- we wiehed to etendâ€"Llllun Tre- ‘vere' tether! Never did three men looh eueh tool! ee we did then. We were no contoured- odly in cement ebout it : thet wee the wont of ell. I don't cere whet you eey; you my think it e ï¬ret-rete joke; but he must here been an eccentric sort of elderly gentlemen. ll he hed behaved eenelbly. it he hed mede one eenelble remark, he would have blown on§_deluelone to the winde. Tom end All. ï¬nding their feet, mede for him together, end eerembllng out no beet I could. I followed eult. You never eew eneh e let-out. We clung to him like leeehee. The language he need wee awful. hie etrength magniï¬cent; though we were three to one. he wee emeteh lo: all of ne. 0! eonru the thy-etendere. eeelng e row, came up; they intexfered end pulled an oï¬. “ Here'e e pretty go l" eeld one. “ Whet’l ell this 2" " Stop hlml lay hold 0! hlml" eeld All; “he'e e lnnetie." “ A whet ? †eeld the men. " He’e e lunetie, eeoeped lrom Dr. Bewle'e eeylnm." Ineteed of lending ehend, the men rent of! into e roe: o! laughter. end the other- joined. The etrenger looked llterelly heath with rege. A gentlemen stepped out from the crowd. " There'e eome mleteke.†he eeld; “ thie gentlemen la Mr. Trevete. ot Tollhutet Hell.†-â€". --u I luv I "III! I ‘0'." The stranger rained himaou to hll full ‘haight and shook on Tom with one. B. ‘lhen hit outright Ind lelt in splendid “’10. Tom and All wont down like nineplnl. . But my blood wan up. I ooramhlod on shore Ind ran Into him, dodged hia blows. and cloud. I am pretty strong. He was old enough to bomy father; but I found I had not my match. and more. I was like a baby in his arms; he lifted mo clean of! my foot and throw me atralghtlnto the live; It was I splendid exhibition of “rough. m--- -_. .n .. -- ’But Tbm With :66 1â€"1;:in {or huh; he ‘4 on the other side, and took his m “ Como." he said, “ 310251199- hlvo 3 row." "II. - _A rose nlmont aimultan'oomly ind I“ on shore ; ho touched him on the shoulder. " Now some." he slid, " don't be £00m; we know ull ubont it.†The other turned on him like 5 flash 0! lightning. “ Wha‘ do you mom 2" n__‘m , vâ€"u aâ€"v- I Bu turned she ban in shore. No sooner were we near enough thsn he IOIO in his not and sprang on to the beach. Thou m several people abom, watenmn and othm. All was utter .hlm. in up instant; ho v IWUC " Where are you going to get fâ€"into tin river?"I I 1dziiliregdAli'e coolness"; Ii «med him. on y op he won dn'e i t carry him to far. The man glowered u him; for e moment he looked him full in the (m. I never law a look in a men's eyes like the! in his. All returned him look lot look. Slighily. M imperceptibly. he qnlokened hie “rote. A little lower down: me it little hamlet with a. well-known inn end 3 capital lending-Item. When we come dong-ids, the strange: aid. “ This will (30 ; 1le get out hen." "Iâ€"I will get out." he laid. in n odd. nervous way. " With plouuro.†«it! All: “ in 3 minute.†“ Why not now 2 Why nah now. Ill 1" he laid. seeming to shake {tom ‘ud_to_ tqgt. H What: I“ Innâ€" -..l__ A- -, - __â€"â€"~ ‘vâ€"v â€"vuu. “I. No one spoilâ€"0‘. We went slowly slang. watching each other. At It“ be nld Ion.- l as. "1â€"1 will get out." he «id. in on odd. “RIVA" - I-n - -â€"â€"_' u-w rv-v-vlve I noticed. eithongh Ali end Tom were to 10301 they herd!) took their eyee oi! him lot more then I eeeond at n time. Ilie behnvior ‘boiore their iurtive sieneee wee peeniiu; be law he wee being watched; he eonidn'teit etiil; he looked iiret et one bunk. then at the other; hie eyee treveiled everywhere. reeting nowhere; hie hende fldgeted end trembled; he seemed oil at e quiver. I expected him to break into n peroxyun every eeoond. It I hedn't celled ont he would have run no right into the ehore: when I eniied he clutched the other etring violently. jerking the beet elmoet round. I heutiiy wished him et Jerioho beiore_he heieome hour at. v V-v_'â€" vvâ€"v vv'. Imu' 1m boleroâ€"pound: demonluol. To my so sin in u: down and npoko as odd: wd dolihonioiy on possible. ma'l‘hsnk you." he “1d; “1 shsll not toms Thou us | sound oboni his “ I shall no. forgot this" I did not relish. All sold noth- lng. Tom and ho not 01! rowing ss coolly on though nothing ind hspponed. I axiom- poxlzod a sat in the how, sad kind to ash things on oomiortnbio no possible. Iâ€"-nl-.n ,n-