Since the deperture 0! Dr. Swing from the Preehyterlen told the church people of Chloe- 30 heve been looking for en ecclceleetlcel eeneetlon. They ere llkcly to have it at the next meeting of the Rock Blur Conference of the Methodlet E§‘°%B" Church ln Ohlcego on Wednoedey. r. . H. Thomee. one of their ehleet preechcre. le “ epotted " [or hereey. fleet you he wee ceneured for hle vlcwe on the eternity of punlehlneut. e‘nd elnce the meetlug cl Contennee he hee given ‘ puhllctty to whet ere deemed uneound vlewe‘ Sometime ego the Evengelicel Church in Hungerybelieved iteeli In poeeeeeion oi the original leet will end teetement oi Mertln Lu- ther. The only reel teetement oi Lutherâ€"that which he bed written with hie own heudâ€"ie. tie a mutter oi loot. in the Heidelberg Librery. end is there kept in e glue one for the Inspection 0! vieitore. It hee eleo been letieiectoriiy proved that the will in the poeeeulon ol the Hungerien Evengelieele. though written in a hand exactly like Luther's, ie not hie, but in the will 0! one o! hie dleclpiee. Honterue. who introduced the Beiormetion into Treneylvenie. end who mede it true copy. even to the very eherae- ten, oi the hut will and teetemeut oi hie mater. actor me both reeponeible for impressions 'mede. How ineelouleble for good and evil are there indirect teachinge oi the eteae. How oiten e men hot at quietly and seen hie own man liie ellted beiore hie eyesâ€"men the Nemesis tell which wee uniting the elore oi his own eereer-wetehed tondeneiee in himseli played out to the bitter end. end penned. There ere eermone preached before the iootlighte which go home, where the pulpit in unheard or unneeded.†Mr. Email, a landing London Episcopal!†puson oi the Broad Ohm-oh type, bu lately proaohod I striking sannon on the dramu. in which he uidâ€"“ Though the touching may not be direct. no picture of hnmm "to on: mm be ipntxnotivo, smith; dramatiut and At the niiwey Itetione in Indie the peuen- gen ere lened with water by e Brehmin. 1mm whom. being of the highest cane, an peuone may teke without deï¬iement. He goes along the trein with his breal venue]; a luau. or low caste men. stoope. end in hie open henda pieced together end railed to the level 0! hie mouth. receivee the precious liquid. The veeeei of the Brehmin is not togehod. else he yopid be denied. A Brehmin uh water, und is served “(hâ€"it in the male: vessel-4.1mm which he think. there 20111390 deï¬lemont between Brahm’in and Two yearn ego the ehnrehee oi the Preeby- tn: 0! New York (city end ticinity) had an euregete debt oi ebont $600,000. The inborn oi the Church Erteneion Committee hove reduced it to cheat 850,000 in this ehort time. Under care 01 the Preebytery ere seven nil-lion ehepeie, with 8,000 membere, end 7,586 eeholere in the Bebbeth eehooie connected with them. The cont oi keeping up the mission chepei work lor the pest yen wee 036,653. Mr. Spurgeon’e Orphenege for Girls. which he been meugnreted. will comprise ten honeee. end in to be built on the extensive grenade known ee The Hewthorne, which in only eepereted now by e emell meadow from the boye' institution. The corn oi £4,000 he! been peid for The Hewthorne, end the trnlteee only require £1,800 to enable them to pnrcheee the meedow. The Orphenege will be made to eecommodete 260 girls, who will be tnined principally or domestic unente. The opening ceremonies reeenth heid M Gin-gov. oi the Gleegow Christina Inemuie, aid to be one of the ï¬nest buildings oi m kind in Great Britain. and designed to fur niuh mommndnilone for the Bebbeih Behooi Union, the Foundry Boya' Religion: Society and tho Uniiod Young Men's Aeuoention. Thou usooleiione hove a combined mem- bership 01 14,000. The building oont 8150.000, And in nearly all paid tor. The Jaenit Minion of New York and Omnde hee jnet undergone. ebenge. The Dunedin portion has been deteehed from New York end become: 3 mieeion at tho Eulhh Province. A visitor from England wfllehortly go to Oenede with Very Bev. Pether Obereux. ite new Superior, and make arrangements for the treneler. An old Scotch ledy. who had no relieh {or modern ehmoh music. no expreeelng her dielike for the ringing olnn enthem in her own ohuroh one dey. when a neighbor eeid, “ Why,thet in e very old enthem. David eeng thet enthem to Seal.†To thie the old lady replied, "Wool. weal. I non for the flu: time nndereten’ why Benl threw hie jevelin at Devld when the lad sens tor him." It is enouworihy not than in the vicinity “Jerusalem. on the norih side, the nee occupied by the Bamm army under Time in now the property of the Czar oi Russia. On this queue: he he: the title to All the heights commending the city, and his imposing Immune there resemble noihing moxe than attentive toniï¬oetionn. V.._-__ “V- ____..l hbor. and has been nth-'1’ discussing th MI opietl the evil: of polygamy. Run. the onlightenod Atrium king, de- luibod by Smiley. has not only turbiddan lay of his lubjoou to all a slave on pen-lty 0! death. bu! bu aluojurbjdd‘on all Sunday I-I.__ __.I L__I a, Thou no twenty Ohflttlm chapel: In An- hnnnuivo. a city of 100,000 population in Omtnl Madaguontr. Tho obaetunoa oi the Sabbath Duty is rigorouqu kept there. No tad. o! my kind is permitted and the chops m Ill cloud. B". Barry Lime. 0! Jasper County, Gm. Iced county-one you", npuu nil: all the took to: a living cud devotee his Sundays :0 the one 0! ï¬ve churches which ha ha in chase. Th. Blnhop 0! London bu 475 churches and npwud o! twenty-ï¬ve ohspeln on his viduuon u». and until an. yen hid no ootdjutor. Tho Amman Emperor hug toxwardod u a puunt to the new Rumnu Catholic Outboard ol Bonton an album worth 31 000. I: is to I» told u union to: the bouuï¬l. o} the build- Tho am Protutmt church In tho '1', to! m oonuontod on tho 20d of Novombor u Iwbmok. A Cooking School In to be “and In Benton 0: «Halon: onbrptuo. It. Spurgeon in again In very poor hulth. In punching. reuutlv, he had to to“ one but upon 1 chair. no refuses. however. to luv. hi: pout. It mly not be general), known that Mother Saba, who founded the amen ol Uhulcy in America. wrote um beautilul hymn, " Jam ulom. My? Happy Home." AMONG THE CIIUIICIIEI. Tho Turnn‘l lull. Rtporter Ian: I good word for m trump. who. u any, not" ï¬lth! I 13b who: u u down. Genttm root in ma to be I tobacco mt!- dotc. Buy two ounces of it or morn come] around. Tnkc a much 0! It “to: no um]. or ottoncr, u Imonntl to o common quid ot the cut. Chow It How], and "mow the iulca. Continue thlc a low not: and you will conquu tho appoutc for tobncoo. The Merqule o! Lorne he: had the honor at hnving the newest revolver Invented by the New York menuleemrer. HnCehieon, nemed otter him. " The Muquie 0! Lone Revolver" he been leraely petronized by the Russian Giovelrnmenc. It la a ï¬ve-shot 824nm)" p eto . 3 Put: Cone ton Finn Bienniumâ€"Almost :the univereelerticle used on the Continent lor kindling ï¬res ere dry pine cones. A couple ol these is usnelly enough to etert a tire of dry wood. end eeverel ol them contein enough resinous materiel to stert e coal flre without other kindling. They ere reediiy ignited with e mstch. end are free irorn dust and insecte. In Paris, and other large cities on the Continent. Iceroely eny other then pine cones ere used for kindling purposes in the hotels, end it is e wonder to us thet they have not been introduced lor the suns pur- pose here. We believe e lerge end proï¬tehie‘ business mighthc mede iron: gethering the cones in pine growing regions end telling thorn in our cities. ; This your Christmas day Islls on s Thurs- doy. The old rhyme says: It Xmu day on Thursday be. A windy winter 0 shall see ; Windy westher n esch week. And hud lam ests "'33: end thick The summer all be 3 and dry, Com end beasts shall multiply ; , That your ls sood for lands to ml Kings and princes shall die by sklll ; It a child born on that day should be. It shell hsppen rl ht well for he ; 0! deeds he shall e good end stable, Wine of speech and sessonsble. Whoso that day goes thieving about. He shall be punished wlcnout doubt ; And it sickness thee dey betlde, It shall quickly from thee glide. lore. embraced I", {tom the very high“ to the You lowest inhabicente of Egypt. This grinding It the mill was omn imposed upon uptivee taken in war. Than Samson wee nbnued by the Phliiqtlnel, end, with Milton {or hie poet, bitterly lumen“! his cruel lot: To grind in brazen fatten under teak. Eyelees. in Gan, at the mill with eleven." ton, Gnmnme n- we Mm. in run Eur.â€" lSout'nward through Philietla there are no ‘mili-atreame, and one constantly hears the hum oi the hand-mill at every village and Arab camp. morning and evening and often deep into the night. When at work. two women eit at the mill facing each other ; both haVe hold of the handle by which the upper is turned round upon the nether milletone. The one whose hand in disengaged throwe in the grain ae oeeaeion requiree, through the hole in the upper atone, which ie celled el rukkab, the ridder, in Arable. ee it wee long ago In Hebrew. It is not correct to ea, that one pushes it half round and then the other eeizee the handle. This would be slow work, and would give a epaemodie motion of the stone. Both retain their hold. and pull toor pnah iron, as men do with the whip or arose out eaw. The proverb at Christ in true to life. ior women only grind. Dr. Thornton reealle no inetanoe in which men were grinding at the hendmiil. Itie tedione, ietiguing work, and elevee or ear-1 vanta are set at it. From the king to "the‘ maideervant that_ ie behind the mill.†there- 1 ‘~__ ,, u L As briefly telegraphed by our M‘ontreel locum-pendent yeeterdny. Mr. Veunor predicts a cold enep st present, and any: that between this and the end of the your the thermometer will give no a series of extremely low reedlnge. He does not enticipete very heavy snow lam, but rather, whet 'ne deeidnetel, dry and ex- tremely cold weather. The neighborhood of the new year, Mr. Vennor thinkl, will be again open and mild, with ooplone nine and e general break up in some loonlitlee. February he loreoeete en dry and intensely cold ; in hot. one of the coldest Febrnerye on record in a number of years. The Ipring of 1880 is to be early. dry and warm; end in to preleee en exceedingly hot and extremely dry enmmer. ’ It is not perhaps wholly e slneeure. the \poeltion of minister oi the Goepel in Lead ‘ville. The big brothers at e young ledy heving compelled her lover to lulï¬l hie promise of marriage, this lively episode is reported: " During the ceremony the bride. groom, being dieeetiefled with some per- lormenee oi the clergyman, ï¬red hie revolver It the divine, but no he missed hie shot. the bullet only whiuzing poet the reverend gen- tleman's ear. the latter continued the ‘disoherge of his eeered Ianetione until the 1twain were one flesh. Therenpon, in order ‘thet ell thinge might be done in the beet ‘etyle end eeoording to old-leshioned rule, he stepped lorwerd end kissed the bride. At thle the jealous bridegroom wee wrath and emote him. Wherenpon the reverend ehnroh militant. he being I brewny priest 01 some six leet in height. epreng over the ohenoel retling end, seizing the newly-mule huebend by the heel: of the neck, gsve him, under the oover oi the pistols at the newly-made brothers~in- law. such a dreediul drubbing thet he will remember it no long as he livee. This closed the marriage eolemnitiee." Rev. Mr. Lennon. 0! Burt's Oomere. Oregon. nld tram hie pulpit on a recent Sunday thatll any 01 the young people at ‘Burt'e Corners deelred to attend hie church in the evening tor the pnrpoee ol “ eparklng." he would lay amente it. He had a (laugh- ter (then in the church). and he would rather elover would eourt her in the church than tn the parlor or at the opera. Experlenee had shown him that the tether of marriageahle glrle were often very perplexlng obstruetlonl. end he pronoeed ln thle my to old the young people. While he did not want his people to attend thotheetre, he would not rob them 0! legitimate pleuurer. no he stated that he had Invited the village bend to come in on Sunday evenings and play the hymns and each worldly music u would be heurd ln orderly homee and reared eoneerte. The young men of the Camera ought to make a Minimum Christine: gift to this ohligiug patter. who won evidently one 0! the hoye himtell onoe. on tho ntonomnt. Inmnd of toning down iota“ hln brethren ha ha been toning up to can hinge". and now thnnunl to wuhduw (tom the (match union thnt non-nu In re- moved. Ho hu nooived n all txom 3 Gen- gngnuonnl ohuxoh in Brooklyn. Vennor’l Lune-I Prophecy. ~Rarper‘a ï¬agaz inc. From time to “no con. mi norm of tho mum! «and by tho Mint. 0! the Glugow Bank. A low not. since a young mm oom- mmod mloldo. me: having endured for a who]. you the Ion 0! £80,000 by “10mm“ ; Although Mr. Gledetone nae tour lone ell grown to menhood, he he no grendeon oi hie none, but hie only merried deughter. Mre. wiekhem. whore huebend is head meeter oi Wemington College, hoe children. Hie eldeet eon, now 89, hoe been merried for come yeere, but hoe no lune. Hie second, aged 85. ie the Rector of Hewerden, the perish in which hie mother'e eneeetrei home etende. Mr.Gledetone'e eldeet brother. I Sir Themes, hee one eon. Hie second brother Lleit revere]. end hie third brother one. Bi: ,Thomee in e decided Conlervetive. \ At e meeting of Fenlene, held et Liver- pool. the ioilowing resolution wee peeled: Thet thie meeting of the Mencheeter Fenlen brethren hereby declare thet the brotherhood ie not extinct, end thet, eithongh e number oi their brethren here departed irom them, under the leer o! ecclerieeticel cen- eure. yet there ie euï¬cient vitelity in the remnant oi the Manchester Brotherhood to eneble them to eo-operete with their brethren throughout the kingdom to cerry out the deeign no deer to every Fenien hurt-the redemption of Irelend from Boron rule. In acknowledging the receipt of some copiee of a portrait oi himself. given toite subscriber: by the Card“! Time, Mr. Glad- stone recently wroteâ€"“I have the more pleeeure in learning the favorable feeling you report, becanee I am enre that it ie eymboii. eel. It ie an efleetnal also 0! the public conviction that great principlee of iteedom, juetice, peace and good government are at etaire at the coming election, the meet im- portent among the twelve in which it hoe been my lot to take on active pert.†At the ripe old age of eighty-seven years the death ie announced. at the residence of hie son in Doroheeter, of Sir Richard Kindereley. who for more than ï¬fteen yean ï¬lled the ofï¬ce 0! Vice-Chancellor of England with distinction. hie judgments being remarkable tor their olearneae and nprightneu. He was always (or years pitted at the Chancery bar aaainet Betholi, the late Lard-Chancellor Weetbnry, until the latter got on the wool- aaok. and made him the Vioe-Ohanoeilor. At sn Inquest hold st the Ulverston Oottsge Hospitsl. on the body 0! Msry Ulsrk. use} sixty-eight. It appeared that decessed and her blind son were on the sands nest to Greenodd, when the tide surrounded them. The bllnd {non swam some distance with his mother, but ï¬nding himsolflslnklng he took of! his cost, snd his mother slipped from his hold. Be wss rescued by some men from s neighboring term. Mu. Olsrk's body was lound some (on: miles below. Verdict, accidentally drowned. It in oonnideted probable thet the convict prison et Ohntham will. on the removal of the convlcte, which must take place on the completion of the works for the cxteneion of dockyrrd, now neltly flnlehed, be converted into a royal navel burr-ck. the went 0! which is much felt at Ohetbem. The Ohethem prison was built upwards a! twenty your: ego to accommodate 1,700 convicts. The use of the telephone in rapidly increas- ing in England. I: he: been introduced at Wind-or Castle. Buckingham Peleoe. the General Poet-ofï¬ce. the Great Weetern. Southeastern. Midlend Ind Metropolitan Railways, the London 1nd St. Katherine Docks. etc.. on well a into the eetnblxehmente of the Duke of Deyonlhixe, the Earl 01 Derby and othe: gentlemen. After being closed for ï¬ve yen: the oldest, most icmona and moat lucrative iron works in the British empite have been not ageing by Means. Orawahcy at Merthyr Tydvii. This in n tremendous event in the principality. Mr. Gummy. who died come months :50. vowed that he would never reopen the works on account of the misconduct 0! his men in txy- ins timoc. Charles Buchanan Tomllnlon, a cotton broker at Liverpool. was committed for trial at the ensuing “sizes (or chaining £10,000 by {also protenoos by bypo‘heonlon notes. and also for forging mo bills of exohwgo for £8,000. The youtblnl French heireu who sloped win: e member 0! ehe Corps Diplomeflqne in Englend has returned to her reletione. An elopement. followed by a muriege in Eng- land. is not regarded u e Iegelmerriege'm France. Lor'd Londenborough, having smitten Bosenhetg. the liboller. hip tad thigh. has declined to xaoaivo my natimoniul Item the inhabitants of Boubozongh, from “ a xenon! obj eoflon to ‘eatimonlall oi the kind." It bu been mnounood um Mr. Buckhouu. M.P., will retire from the represenmlon of Dulington u the noxG election. Mr. Blok- honae bus at u 5 Liberal than 1868. Town Talk, whose editor was recently sen- tenced to eighteen monthe’ imprilonment for ilbel on Mre. Lengtry and Mrs. Weet. in eeid to have had e eiteuleuon of 265,000 weekly. A London correspondent states that the Ooneexvallvee heve decided to lend to Book- land a leading member of the party to reply to the speeches which Mr. Gladstone is to deliver in Mid Lolhien this month. Thu minimum height of English infantry recruits has been mud {tom 5 tea: 5 inches to 5 test 6 inchesâ€"which mama thnt mo lupply is now in noon 0! the dommd. Houo breeding“ inorouing in Enghnd. and imports inzo that comm: declined tram 30,000 in 1877. and 26.000 in 1878. m leu than 18.00011: 1879. The Prince" of Wain ls nid to have pre- sented her liner-in luv. the Duoheu 01 Edinburgh. with {our magniï¬cent drones, 170th more than 85.000 «oh. Therein great complaint now In Enulond 0! mo number 0! torelgn workmen rooming them. who come to: tho wogel which British workmen quarrel um). Dr. W. M. Grace. the oelebmied ariokoter. wu on the lat inst appointed mudioa! onion of can 01 the diwioiu 0! ma Ohiton Union. meol. “ When pmoiaeiy they: will diuolvo." up Mr. Gludnono. " I do not know. but I pu- uioi unit it will be below thvy eubmit that: Budget to the country." rll. Tho Foreign 0mm ha lent s toll-gum to up Capo um (Mann and not won tron:- There in 3 upon in London thn Mr. G. A. 83)» in to be ukod to â€and u on. at the Libenl oandldntu at Brlghton. A boy sixteen years 0! ago 1“on hanged himself 6 leupoul because somebody hm! “found mm with him.†ENGLISH COLUMN. Mr. E. E. William. collar of the Bank of Commerce. Rude. 1: to be tmumod to hm. Mr. Borneo Meedongell hen been appointed co Inpeflntend the ulegnph line between Winnipeg Ind Thunder Bey. Mn. Boon-Biddonl rad and recited two honn in Kingston an! 1m mid 0300. Little Sukatohonn post-om“ bu bun ohmgod to Edward. Ind the mm mm. bu bun noolnd with a shout at (Insult by tho Little lukutohonndau. A Jupnnm is imported to’huvo deviled I mode oi bringing electricity to but upon dobilitlted lilkwonni with nooliont ofloot. The rellgnetion of Belglen teachers to escape exoomnmnleetion now number 2. 472 out of_ that" twenty thonsgnd. The sphere o! journalism is widening ovary dsy. A New Orleans nowspspor Is now ra- oelvlng deposits. psying lntsrsst st the n“ of 5 per cent. per snunm. sud exercising Ill tho functions of n ssvinas bank. lac. The Hawkeye nyIâ€"" Lightning hu bun mound of some Itrnngc (ranks inteiy. One day recently it struck c Tory editor in the throat and pured down into his stomach. He pcid his ten cents out! it didn't hurt him n hit.†This in a mistake. lriend, it did burn when it struck. Seth Green mm from Rashes“: that ï¬ne thud had been «ughsm Lake Ontario lut manner. He helluva they baoamo lud- looked and will nuke the lake their home. §h_uu adding 3 now fllh to the mten of tho Eighteen colored pueengou urived {mm Liberio on the bark Mornio yeaterdny, den. tined tor their old human in Booth Ouoline. They were omong 870 emigrants who left on the Azore last you. They soy only 60 of the origin! party romnin olive. on! oil would return but 10: sleek oi iundI. The, charge that the Exodue Auooiutlon oi the South themeinlly Iwindled the emigrate, and left them destitute in “rice. The lungs mount 01 time lost to «ob loboror In Europe on coconut 0! niokncu. according to Dr. Edvard J uvlc, in from nine- teen to “vent: day. «oh you. That Among “radon“ in 1mm No to ï¬ve dun. According to the Manchu-om Board 01 Henlth. during the year 1872. thirteen doyc'lcbor wu lost by aioknon for ouch productive person in the commonwealth. The Canada Southern Benny Company have mede en erungement with Bt.‘ Thoma to supply them with water for ï¬re protec- tion pmpoeee et 50. pet 1.000 gellone. The Oompeny intend linking e couple of tents, put down weter pipes and diatribnting hy- drents through the yerd in the vicinity of the workehope.eie.. no u to provide 10: any emergency in one of ï¬re. The Butcher handed over to the lawyer one pound sterling, " to say nothing more about It." The hwyor cried “ Quits l" The butcher put his uhuuou up, und the little dog waned his tail. Tholawyor was convicted, and ï¬ned ton shillings with costs. The hwyer Again ï¬xed hil right eye on the butcher, mad with his left on «ll-covered n donbttul-looklng one-pound weight lying on higjhop-boud. Tho butcher hunded ovar the lunar hi: twopenoo. and informed ngdnat him to: lugging a dog without I licence. (Vido Punch. Oct. 25, 1879.) Mr. Punch has ï¬lled two waste-paper baa‘xete with complaints, on the more of ego. of his llluetntlon of an excellent old Itory. showing how a lawyer aetved e butcher. Old 7 0! course it in old. But is its warning the lace wanted? But if age is on objection to a good story any more than to good wine. here in a equal of this old story. which he. the merit o: novelty whfle just as true In the oziglnal Joe :â€" A 30-91-1011 ptcm IMO-:21. m; The death was announced at the Charlton Board oi Guerdieus at Liverpool, on the let ‘iustant, oi Ohae. cartwright. aged sixty tour, ‘ who had been {or many yearn an inmate oi the ‘workhouse. and for sometime past hes held 1 an ofliee oi aenbordinate kind in the houee. .It was stated that he had run through two iortunes of £40,000 and $80,000 each. He lived eontentedly in the workhouse, and em- ployed a portion of his time in writing poetry, and also sermons let some clergyman with whom he was eonneeted. When in possession of his wealth he drove regularly to his works in a carriage drawn by tour horses. and he seemed unable to restrain his extravagance when temporarily out of the workhouse. At one time his iriends allowed him £1 per week. which. according to the eierk to the guardians. he. need to spend in driving about in eabs, smoking expensive eigarl. or dining at the meet â€pensive restaurants. For some deye the Village of Uekfleld. Sneeex. has been in 3 mild auto 0! commo- tion consequent on the elopement oi the canto ol the perish, Rev. William John Thomee Brooke-Hill. with a rich wldow ledy, leeving Me own wife pennileu end chemo- eble to Uukfleld, where he was brought up lncnrtody leet Week. before Mr. Morgen. charged with deeerting hie wile. whereby ehe become chergeeble to the common land of the Union. :Ee pleeded gnllty. Mr. Oherlee Brocher, relieving cflicer. proved granting reliel to hire. Brooke-Hill. In his delencc the prleoner said he oflered his wife a mainten- ance both bolero he lelt and since. The J netiee inflicted the tall penalty 0! imprison- mentlor three months. with herd labor. end mnlcted the prieonerln the coete. £3 63. 2d.. and the reliel o! 51. which he paid. The prisoner wee conveyed to Lower. Mil by tho in. upon a young girl nu obnrud will: mm by bar omployur. u Illinglon. who" inmily lou their nil by the hiluro. and who committed tho the“ to not load for but curving mother and two lmlo children. Bar “that land been 3 plrnioinn liin good puoiioa. 3nd died 0! grist. The Clarity Orgmiaaiion Socioiy will provide to: the family. The family ol Lunbton. in Englsnd. hove bed an uninterrupted posseulon of the estste 0! their name lrorn the twellth centuryâ€"e very rsre instenee of continua? The Eerl ot Dnrhem la the present head. he lemlly was only ennobled in 1828 in the person 0! the well known Governor Gsnsrel ol Osnede. son- anuw o! Esrl Grey 0! Belorm Blll tune. The ï¬rst Earl wee en erdent Belormer.end the pre- sent supports the leersls. His house, Lamb ton Castle, 0 megnlfloent ebode, hes. through some blunder. been so honeyeombed by eolllerles, that it has to be supported by enormous meeslve underground plllnre. The Earl Is one of the hell dozen greatest eolllery owners in Englsnd. More “ Turning ll!- Flank.†Yummy wu wot at Inc! a†for tho ‘ numb. " on the Now ork Stock Brahman “Orduatoun «main mm m ut- ol tho country, Old tho duh, mu INII i to 78 pct cont. " It in ell very well." nye Truth, “ mm o! the heroine dupleyed by the untretned boye who formed the rent end ï¬le of our regimente during the Zulu eernpel‘fn but than who were there tell e very ttl’erent tele. One regiment bed to be hunted out by lte amoere from under the meant. where the men hed tehen rerun rether then teoe the euegele o! the enemy." Ho ma 3 now mm in the big mania â€on. the was s delicate biondo. She sauna and opprouhed the young mun. timidiy um. "an0 you ‘Bookod in the mdio of tho deep 2'" Ho wound with o sushi blush Ind lomo huitotion. gaming in- any to- wudu the horizon, “ Wailâ€"I rally couldn't nyâ€"I mun hove been very young In thoï¬imo ii I did." The London oorreepondent oi the Statement eeye there in now hardly e borough soot in the kingdom held by Ooneervetlvee whieh in not provided with o Liberei eendidete, end 3 large number 01 Tory county eeete will the be oonteeted. The report. received from tho constituencies generoiiy ere eo eetieieetory thet. whether the generel election tehee pine. on the old or the new reenter, Liberele ney loo! iorwerd to the remit with eoniidenee. Lnnvmnn. Coloredo.-â€"At one o'clock thie morning e mob oi eeverei hundred iorcibly took from jeii e ioot~ped named Stewert end e jumper ‘oi eleime named Frodeechnn end henged them. Frodeecben had been recently eoncerned in severe! mining eflreyl growing out oi lotcjumping. end hed been noti- ï¬ed to ieeve town. He wee erreeted ieet night ior e petty oiience. Stewert was one oi two highwey robber! who.eiew nighte eince. meeting Berbcron the highwey. ordered him to hold up hie hende. Berber ehot end killed Stewert'e eompenion, end wounded Btewert eo thet the letter wee nneble to eecepe. The lynching ceneed greet excitement. An immenee crowd surrounded the ehed where the two men were hengcd ell day. The bodice re- mained euepended until iete in the eiternoon. A plecerd oi turning to ell bed chereetcrl wee euepended eround Frodeechen’e neck. The authoritiel heve teken no notion in the metter. Lennon. Nov. 24.â€"â€"Despetches received to day irom Veipereiso conï¬rm the entieipetions. which heve been enter- teined tor sometime. oi the result 0! the pending lend bettle between the united ioreee oi Peru end Boiivie end the Ohilien ermy. A pitched bettle hes been fought beiore anique. which hes resulted in the crushing and overwhelming deieet o! the eliied armies. The deieet oi the elites wee most disastrous. end it the despstohss ere to be iuliy credited. neerly one hell 0! the Peruvien end Bolivian troops were destroyed. The generelship oi the Ohilien eommenders proved to be ier superior to thet at their entegonists, end the brevery oi the eliies wes note suflicient meteh tor the skilfulness oi their opponents. The populerity oi the Chilien Government in consequence oi thin splendid victory is greetly enheuced, end the journels which sought to dissuede the Government iron 1 eggrsssive militery meesures ere now suflsr- ‘ing under s weight at revereel of public test- ing. The sheet oi this serious loss upon the we: spirit oi the Peruvien people is very depressing. end it is not improbeble thet prepsretions tor the purcheee of e substitute tor the Hueseer, for which sufï¬cient funds hed eireedy been reised. will give piece to e generel desire ior pesos on the best obteln- eble terms. This disposition is all the more strengthened by the victories obteined by the Ohiliene on the sees. es they heve ceptured the Peruvien wership Pileomsyo. end thus {aimed the fleet to very insigniiieent propor- Ill. 0 A Fool-pad my! in Lotj The Alliul Force- Defeated It lqnlquc. le You, Nov.â€"It in lured thet tho South American war will eeriouely Iflect the New York trade end divert much of it to 8m Frencuco. The stoppage ot ehlpmente o! nitrate ot rode has caused an advance of twenty-ï¬ve per cent. in its wholenle price withlne month. New Your. Novâ€"Eeriy thie morning a ï¬re broke out in the ear eteblee oi the 8th Avenue Home iteiiroed Compeny on the weet eide oi 8th Avenue. running necriy the length 0! n block between 49th end 500) eireete. thence running through heiiwey down the block towerde 9th Avenue. The tire origineted on the eoutheeet corner. All the horeee end care. with the exception 0! thoee on the reed, were in the building. The horeee were in eteiie on the eecond floor. In lees then twenty minutee mrny oi them. with e number at care. were rescued. The bull wee pretty Well etocked with hey. etrew on feed, which but been coming in during the net week. About en hour eiter the ï¬re Eroke out all hopee oi roving the building we. given up. During the progreu oi the ï¬re loud reports were ceueed by the telling wells. The origin oi the tire is not known. The ion ie very he“). One hundred horere periehed in the flannel. en d the piicoue whining oi the egouized enlmele could be heard shove the roer oi the \ ï¬re. The ï¬remen mode I determined et- ‘tempt to reach them after the employee. had abandoned work. but were driven book. The building contained 1.200 )elee oi hey. 2,000 note 0! heme". enormous quentitiee oi robee. bienbete. whips. 2.800 buehele oi oete, 1.500 huehell ground iced. The ioee in aid to be 8150.000. A delegation of the employeee naked on in- ereeee oi pay leet evening. end, not meetin with a invoreble reception, they ielt in n b humor. This probably geve rise to the rumor that dieeetietled employeee hed tired the building. A brick we“ tell upon the ladder upon which were Ohiei Campbell. Foreman John Weich end Firemen Henry 0. Mount and John Beegen oi the some company. They were uli buried under the smoking mane. Their iellow worker: dug them out quickly. They ere ell bediy tiinjured. and it is reported thet Mount in end. THE 8001‘“ AMERICAN WAR The Alliul Force- Delealcd u DESTRUCTWE FIRE IN NEW YORK. One Hundred llarws Burned. JUDGE LYNCH. ml a Lotjlu In Lc-dvfllc.