Jug!“ 'th'. stock. mac-large .uml â€rind that. justice cannot badmmto it in , the limited ' 3pm at am disposal“ ‘Ihring the past year, .their mics. have averaged more thumtlmle of any two- flnus in town... This -is a .holcl user-e “on. but it cm he substantioned. They; hggdone an immanae. business}.and,. Vnwwithsundiug' the. extremely. burgh mm. a.» have always kept» ms: ! g’ltook full and complete.. Messrs“ mm phell £00. ni-é amengxthmo .wlm II" that huliem) In Hm putative» ofdumiug n Waugh-tn amok mwa-‘or twin» a your; “eynnro- chntintully guttingfln -m-w ll, and Jw that menus are. .nlwa'vs [ 1:: In pinukofom tlmironsmmoem-sumo inggnaw.‘ They have illflJadl'm" 1! h theiuamck'tmztlm ClnianuMs; , ml lhqyjmve new on l-ruml u ' , “100““ “if Irticlas suikuhhl. for ‘ IMHNH' Yiur'a‘ pl‘el(‘lltfl;! . their stock of Dry Goods and J ' nu,,11g§,.ne,\'ec ‘beeu so complete 3 The holidaysemon is. jgst at hand , and people are beginning-to prepare fou ‘. itsqmoper reception‘ Oar merchants- ua . thoroughly [maimed to meet the ' damned: of all. Perhaps on no forum: occasion were they evar as ..well prepar- ed to satisfy the. demands ‘ of. alluwith their choice goods, just the thingfdvvtbe moon us well for their superior qgality, stylish appearance and astonishingly : 36w prim. The stocks are complete.“ tall [or qqsliOy, variety and adaptation ‘. for the season ,' so that whetheitfonlmli? d†gifts or ensemble .wear, parties will ï¬nd everything they can wish and“ “almost theiuown pricesâ€"such prices. in fact on cannot fail to induce purchases. ' and fully satisfy purchasers. An inspec- ' (hoof the several stocks cannot-fail to ‘ htersat as well?†plume.._ ‘ I name uu'cuzm. ngcor In referring to this enterprising ï¬rm ‘ 30 feel cgnilfletely _at aims .whure to â€"..â€" Qua HOLIDAY TRADE; \Vhen We consider the progress. our country has made within the past five years, we may safely infer that for the next ï¬ve the rise and progress of Can-- ada will be unprecedented .;, and. the opening of this-great canal route through our province will tend largely in that. direction. Some of the advantages claimed for it are that it would be the grand outlet for all the waster» trade, that the produce from the great wheat- fmldsof Manitoba and the west, now that the Georgian Bay branch of the Bacilic Railway has been (lroppcd,w01.ld- naturally ï¬nd their way to the Atlan- tic through this route, it being some four hundred miles nearer the seaboard: than any other proposed. The- promo- tors of: the Enron and Ontarie.sliip. Canal are- urging.- the claims of that ‘ route upon the . country, but we have 1 no doubt that when the Trent Valley'll scheme is properly laid before the Gov: ? ailment.“ it will-Ibo on the 23rdâ€"it‘ will be adopted, and we hope to Beetho- ‘lork‘commenced immediately. Rautyvfï¬â€˜e- years ago,~ when North “lctorimmdittlo better thnnm‘howln itigwflldernese, the line for this camel maul-veyed. \Vith the prospect of the canal being run through the north Hart of thisTownship cnme settlers, and in a short time it was turned from, a. wilderness .to.a thicklyi settled common. ity, villages cropped up .andmmde began. to stir. But for some reason the scheme was ellowedto drop, until the present time, when some of our prominent men in the eastern part of the Province, be. ing convinced of the Vast advantage this canal would hate the country. if con‘ atrticted have started an agitation in its hvorLand with such good effect that‘ the matter is to be laid before the Gov. ernment. on the 23rd inst. 'KHILTRENT VALLEX CANAL... The Adeata. WOOD VILLE, DEC. 18,,1879‘ “Pro Bono l’ublico." |s Hm propramnr 0f «Hm ultlust Muck~ smith sin-pin this .ViHM‘fl. and We 119- limu- m rho. â€va: Muclflmith. At_nlIV mm 3w; Sienna u!‘ W.M|cl\‘ilh-'s ï¬rst lmni - manila»; Durinmtlm lust ymu' husi. menu “ammo: wavy dilup'vtfl aincn- the ruï¬wl Mt. Cuupmll hzu cmmnencéd uwmuuna ngain'uu a large soak-n He- hu :1 “biz: rambliuluuenmaud nuevï¬ut Isl! h-uw their uulum um . m Inmel .willl in Ihls ruslwcb. . ,,,,, . â€"-"- vvuglv for cash, he can mark his {mode so low thstmo house doing s ciedit business can‘sttempt to touch. His stock of ready-made clothing is composed of every necessary for a complete outï¬t {on any number that may fsvor him with theim- custom. His English, Scotch audCunsdian Tweeds cannot be beaten either in price or quality, and: s-tcmtomer wishing a suit made can always rely on a. ï¬rstoclsss One, both in qsality and ï¬t. The Groceryth pertment is now replete in.every-. re. spect. and the quality of its- articles cannot be bestgm. ' He has .justmdcled llsrgely to his stock of fruits nndzsng- lars for the Christmas trade, andxcan offer customers grout inducements. It is no trouble to .show goods, and an examination of his stock will convince the most scepticaligtlmt it will be to their interest to buy of him. (3. C. 8! IT". Mr. Smith is our village u butcher, and ét'mttention to business .is a sign mini .1 man’s business standing. Mr. Smith -lm.~| nttuinml the highest rank. Mn; Smith intmulsx killing snine uni- main which are being {attuned especi- ally lur his Cln-istnias trade. and thme who lmlitwu in the time-honored «lish uf roast “(90" on Christmas Dim. should in Woodville. And we we pleased to see that he has met with abundant suc- ‘cess; many were the prophecies that .were made with reference to the etricl- ly cash principle: being enforced; and prediction were made that it couldnot last, or would not; but the results have more thanfulï¬lled Mr. Henry's expectations, and now he has one of the largest stocks of Dry Goods and Groceries ever brought into .VVoodville. \Vhen-ï¬lr. Henry ï¬rst came to this place he came with; the determination to sell cheap, and '10 give the public. a good honest return for their money. His stock will be found oninspection to consist of the very best and the cheapest the markets afford. It has all been carefully selected, .and bought r nnnnn L ‘ A,“ 7 . .. . f ! ROD. CAMPBELL. Mr. Rod. Campbell, our villageshoe- maker. has, like the-rest oli'our meroh~ ants,. felt-the stress of hard times and want ofv’mouey ;.but his enterprising spirit has not been deterred from ud~ ding another line-building to our vilâ€" lage. Mr. Campbell has lately moved into his new store, one door north-of the Northern Hotel, and he can. now boast of the most complete shoe shop in the county, having been fitted: up under his.own supervision,_and espe- cially for his business, and is complete in every particular“ Mr. Campbell. is wï¬rst-class workman himself, and has always the best workmen employed, and his work being well known both for its quality and manufacture about this neighborhood, .bringeto him.n large amount of, ordered. work: Since- mov- ,ing into his new store he has added immensely to his previously large stock of Boots and Shoes, and he has also opened a department for Trunks, Va» llses, School Bags, «lac. Hides bought at the-highest cash prices†JNO. .JAHIESON: - To those who do not know- Mr.‘ Jennieson's abilities as a lirst-class-lhil- or, we-would saiy call end see him. Those who are in the habit of dealing with him say he is the best Tailor: in this part of the country, and certainly ‘ 'the amount of work be annually turns out veriï¬es the assertion. From asuit l’of ï¬nest broudcioth to the commonest tweed, receive equal cure in manufac- ture, while his cut is decidedly stylish. He has also it select stock of English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, on hand. Gents’ Furnishings, c.-, c. As Mr. Jiimieson is well~known in this part of the country. Clothes entrusted to ‘him to.he made may be depended on, both in make and cut. He has. also a very large and line stock of" Oven-coatings which he is prepared to make up very reasonable, and on short notice. WM . . HENRY . About one year ago Mr. Henry start. ed his store in this place. as an ex. periment, to see if a strictly cash bus- iness could be carried on successfully in \Voodville. And wean: Illnnnnrd on an at present. In fact they have a ï¬ne assorted stock. and you can get. exactly what. you want at a reasonable price. In the Grocery Department; they are oï¬'oring Special inducements for the holidaym. in Sugnm. Teas, Fruits, Lin (wore, 63);, audit will repay purchasers to give them a call. Grain. and Pork, and all kinds of farm produce, bought. at. market price. proprimnr uf «Hm "Must "Ill-200R srinrmns Dav, should wish him eallv so us my dimIHwIIItIIIeIIt (‘A’U’BI-Zl. " J’- We huu’ly know, whom to obegin to describe thoir endleasmnd varied stock. The Drng;Depm1 menl. is supplied with almost evéry drag inthe Pharmacopoeia and can be shadowy/â€on the shorten notice. The shelves are always unpâ€" pliul with I“ kblulsol‘paeont meditzinm. Th‘oy have u: immonsa stock of Books, Stationery, Toilet andOFanoy Goods. . You. can always gut any ol the authora ized School Kaolin, mad also have them bound with “iron“ Their Fancy Gaocla.‘ 1 linwis very oxwomivo this year, having a splendid assortment of pneoenhw suit» alileilor the Emu hm, and tlumm-i’nw bowling to [aniw itWould do welhu comm some oMmm. Mr. A“ ,Gfum in n Ve‘terindrpï¬nrgeon. and-one ol lm mmm-nmpnlmbu, which .his ..exselmiw- picnic-goes to prom. . JOIN BE‘R'fllï¬‚ï¬ Th‘o baker. has only lmen‘in business , hero 10mg four yours, but by always plying plympg. attention .to. busineas Mr. E. Grower having retired from the t-iusmith Maine“, Mr. Mavhoe is 'now carrying it on alone, and from his wellxknown biginess abilities, there, is no doubt that the public can rely on getting nnythihgthabthey may require in tin, oopperaba sheet-iron were, on the shortest noticeymadq up in the best and latest style, and wsirsnwd. Mr. Mayboo. alsonlwepl on hsnd .\ large I stochoï¬vbmparlor and cooking stoves which; he installing at prices to suit puaolmson. While giving strict ntten~ tios tothin bunch of the business Mr. : 'Mtyheo desires us to state that howitt-l pay special stï¬ention to watch,» clock and jewellery repairing.. Hr has on hand and keeps constantlydddinggto his llrge stock‘of English, Swiss‘nnd American watches, clock-,4 jewelery.c. In View of a skatingJ-ink being started here Mr. M. has gota'nm huge stock of skates of the, very best manufacture and latest stylss,».whleh he intends-to dispose of stumhatgain. Call and..see for, yourself}. '. . e would do credit to many a- larger place y than \Voodrille, and the work he turns y. out cannot be beaten. At present he is l' building a muuber of sleighs and cutters e and is preparing for an extra large stock n of waggoua in the spring. Mr. Camp- s hell's experience as a blaolzsmith is too well known to require oonnneut, and t his shop is litted with-v everything res .quisite to» the speedy turning out of anything in the blucksuuithing line. Horse~shoeingis made a specialty. Dt u'tzon. l 01' all the stores in our village none ; ' inmore-frequented by the little folks than that of Mr. D. Mclmodgend no 'one is more popular amongzthem than I he. H‘bcun boast of" more heartfelt. l‘ ‘fluttery- and praise than any one else in - town. Aft this season of the year it is l customary for Santa Claus to bestow > numbers of presents on good-littlb boys . andxgirls, and those whomvhe-neglects can always ï¬nd consolation at MeEeod'a’. l ;He has a large collection of‘ Christmas l jconi‘ectionery onhandrand can gladden the heart 09" almost every child in town.. Give him-acall. ARCH; . GAMBBILL. Woodville Hardware Store is worthy of considerable comment, but we Would simply say M'r..CAmpbell has a large stock of all kinds of Shelf and Hoary .Hardware, Paints, 0Na,.Brushes, Glass, Putty, c., c., which he can sell as cheap as any person north of Toronto. It is» to the interest of those living: in this~neighborhoed to patronize themer- ' chants in their vicinity, and to those reqpiring hardtvare we would suggest a call on Mr. Campbell. He has decided on carrying on a strictly cash business, after the lat of January next, and we hope he will succeed .. P. n'swxmo, . Merchant Tailor, besides being a ï¬rst lclass. Tailor, and making all kinds of- garmentain a truly city style, both in style and cat. isz-the best Bulfalo Over- coat maker in the county. He also deals in all kinds of sewing machine needles. tailors" needles,- sewing silk, and all kinds- of trimmings of the best qualities. Society rggalias of '11“ kinds f made to-order at the shortest notice.. J:.c. GILCHRIST. During the past year Mr. Gilchrist has been more than energetic ;.the ims provements he has made in his» store have been so great. that it is hardly. recognizable by many. he has had it - ‘ painted, has introduced new counters, ‘ new show cases, and in the Pest Ofï¬ce department the improvement has been .80 marked as to call- forth the praise of the entile community. An entirely new arrangem'cat has been introduced which gives much satisfaction. Mr; Gilchrist’s‘ stock is composed of Dry Goods, Gi-oceries,.0mckery, c., dtc., and is large and mini, and you can always rely o'n‘gettingmhnt you went. He is also ege'nt for the Canada Perv- munent. and 15min. Savings Comnnx. skid will negotiate loansat a. very low: {rate of linterest. ' o . revâ€"IPA: n n'I-un A - â€"-M 01mm imam '1; numm. [ Ween the unllenigned is thud†dih- nulved by main“ consent. All debt. due the old flm will ho paid to L. Mlybeo, who gvill ply clllihbilitieu, mcl catty-on the bu. mots†. IMMAYREE. . ELQROUK'IB: . m ,0 a“ -. -â€"-- Dissolution of Partnership. At Ihmevifle. on Wehmmla‘y, [0th hit" the wifo n! Mr; Waltet- McCallum, bnkel plan T.‘ a; N. 11., of a sun. ’lVHE Partnership hefebxfzomfygicfingég. County Rah, Railway " Township “ ‘ mwmsmp must FOR 1879: During the pas: year this enterpris- le ingï¬rm-havebeenspreading-themmvlves 18 dim and wide over this~ section of the 0 ‘country, and are now weilskuown as the-most reliable contractors in this path During the-That yearthey have performed oontraclswhich have alWaya been followed by the highest praise and acoompauiedby the-most flattering tea timonials.. Although they Have had many difï¬culties to contend with they have- still puehed forward, and are now in at position to execute coutracteor eu- gagcments- oï¬'even greater magnitude than heretofore. Their mill is equip- ped-' with all the new and improved machinery required for turning.- out Sash, Doors,- Blinds, and all kinds of Tbuildiug. material, and can now supply Tanners with‘ all kinds of ï¬rst-class ‘Lumberr Lath and Shingles on the‘ Cshortest notice.. McGimsib Bros: arel DPDF"2DÂ¥E=L~= V's-1V lï¬l‘Sl-sclala workmen and understand their business, and when they under- .take a job, guaranteo- satisfaction. They are prepared to pay: the highest cash‘ price for any quantity of good dogs and bolts.-. Special attention is paidto~ planing and matching. They are-also building a number of. all kinds of sleighs and wagons, and those in want of these useful articles will ï¬nd it to their advantage to give them a call:. \Yi' G.- STODDAIH‘. \Voodï¬lle Cabinet Factory is one of our most important, and‘at the same time interesting industries. Mr. Stod- dart has a-waieroomufull of'furuitune which cannot be- beaten either in quality or ï¬nish by any one north of Teronto. To any young people cons ‘tem plating. matrimony‘and the furnish- ing of a house, We would say call andr- see Mr. Stoddait and hear his prices before going elsewhere.. He has some of the handsomest Lounges, Chairs, \Vhatâ€"nots and Bedroom Setts thaâ€™ï¬ can be found in the county. JAS. STUART. Mr. Stuart is one of our oldest citi- zone, and was the ï¬rst Harnessznaker in the County. . He does a large busi- ness and the quality of his work being Well known brings him a large amount a of work from-a distance. He has late- ly returned from the market with a complete stockef Whips, Brushes, Cur- ry Combs, Sleigh Bellsul'flfmkets, and all kinds of horse fumishingiy Mr: Stuart is also an Issuer of, Marriage Licenses, and snyaspiring bachelor can be accommodated at the shortest notice . HUGH 31'anth Mr. MBMillan is ode bl‘ the most en- lergetic of our business men, and in his peculiar line of business is one of"the -most reliable in this section of the coun- try. Thsimplements and farm machin- ery for which he is agent are made by the 1 best ï¬rms in Canada, and as such are recommended by him to the farmer. . '88» A4 “BRIDGE“ Among the ladies no place iii-our ’- villager-i340 indispensdblo as Mrs...Mor- rison’s'.. At homestablishment may be found everythingpertaining to Millin- ery and Indies Fancy Goods,.Berlin ,WOOly die; in fact: everything required - aby ladies. She has just received a large stock of Christmas goodssuiteble . for presents, which she has marked!» the lowest ï¬gures. 95' "R‘ and baking good bmui, he has built up for himself it good track and a reputa- tion as a fin-strclasn bread and calm baker. At this timu of the year, when fancy cakes am in demand, Mr. Berlin's quaiitié-u as a imker are put to the test, and â€mm who hay his cakes never tail to acknowledge "mt they are tlu- best. Now is the time to leave your order for Christmas and New Year'u cakes. 1". . n-..- 00.... unit... on. '0- - -.--o....o Doc. .1mh,.jé¢b.1‘ SCHOOL SMIONS. ..oo::c.- Iota-coon. u'owm nnosi BORN.- Rate in 36- 3.2] ‘. 40c“. in ï¬lm ..3Dcta. in 8100 "180?... in $100 O0. 06- II 0 GI . 33033376 £22t458ua Count Clerk 'sOflieo, ‘ Lin y. 20:11 Now, 1819.4. -ON rrmsmv, _ 16th DAY of'mml' '879, at 2 o'clock}- p;-m., for the WWO?! 4 ‘1“ general busiheuu . By order, '1'. ugrdam. fl...._A“ (uni, I. Am , COU NTY'ofVICTORIA 6’0:ng Howe, Lindsey! " MUNICIPADOOUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION.- OF' THE GS 0. SMITH . WoodvmorDeo. 10th, 187941 V~-..-.. v- -.-v uuuvnulsu' \ ' . ed, but No; 5r,rin 3rd 0011., Eldon. m it}. last week of October, ‘_ OIL-ONEJ-YEAR-OLD BEIFER, ‘B ‘Ownorjs nested to prove property, pay 3W We be? away. , PETER Mo.u.PINE. 1563111 borneville P. 0. LL parties?!) my debt will 0in o by ‘ paymg in full on or before the 2g“! of this month. an all accounts ‘not than pdd 3‘ will be plueod in Cou‘rt without. fail. ' PAY UP- AT ONCE. Will meet at the Council‘Chnmber, in the _. Estray Heifer. CAME into the pmmiaea of the undersign- ed but NO. g. in 3rd Con.. Eldon}, in Eldon, 10th Dec. 1879. TRAYED into the premise: of the un- donignod Lot 39. North Portage Road. Eldon, about seven weeks 0 a cow. Tho. 0mm hnvé the same )y proving pro- perty 3nd paying expenses. HECTOR MCI IRIS u. Al I tun Selling OE customers can de- pend on getting good bat-sting. WhatnOts, - Estrm CHEABER THAN AT' ANY 0mm} PLACE IN mncoux'ry; A HANDSOME SIDEBOARD FOR 25 DOLLARS AT STODDART'D' 39, A beautiful parlor set in for 55 Dollars at Stoddart's. A FIRST-CLASS BEDROOM SET FOR 25 DOLLARS AT STODDART'S. Centre Tables, Dressing Stands; Hall Stands, nu.“ . “__ __Â¥ If A ONE~YE-\R OLD STEER. Owner is requested to provu prnpurty expenses, and take it away. L5 signed. Lot I5.r‘-21V1'.'lfl‘â€"'j the ï¬rst week in June Inst, n' VILLAGE OF womn'le. '68 There in n gum! stable, Well. and young uruluml on the premises. Will he sold very' reasonable. Apply by letter. to JOHN WORK. lï¬'l-Sin. Oshawa, Ont.- I \_ . acre of land. oppouu; lejrivté 8:15:05 mill: in the A M E into 157.3in. Estray Steer. gym decrtiscmmm. E ‘IS -HEREBY GIVEN; THAT. Farm. for Sale. SM.\l.!1_l"rmne Cottage and half aw For Sale. . Stodda rt. the prumiscs of th'o-underd ._ut l5. 2!!!! Pan. Eldbn, about DuxleD cumus. Lorneville. Chairs, c:. County 9W H air-cloth , pay '