cunt. I). III. Train- going Northâ€"11:40, a.m. ; 2:15 7350 p.111. Tnin- going South-8:05, a. n-â€" TORONTO .15 NIPISSING RAILWAY. Tho mails close at the “'nmlvilha Post Ofï¬ce every day (Sundays excepted) as fol- lows :â€" Nipiuiug Railway, Southâ€"1:30 p. m. and 9 pm. Nipiuing, Northâ€"l 1.3R a.m. Midland. Northâ€"l2, noon. Midland, Smithâ€"3, .m. 1'0er Hill. Hartfoy 3nd Glenarm the mill close ¢t 11:45 a.m., every Tuesday and Sagan-thy. _ . last uhhhidé: RE}; Viiu‘évél'deiié BEE.“ “ MAILR “mum. Nipisning, Smithâ€"l I :15 n.m.; 7:30 p.m. Nipiuing. Northâ€"4:30 p.m. Midland, southâ€"l :30 p. m. Midland. Numbâ€"4:3†p4". Gleunrm. kc., every Tuesday and Sutur- Cay It 6 )un. MARIPOSA Tax Collector is grounds. Dlvmlox Cuurt veslerclay. "Christmas. New Year and Birthday Cards. at Guun's. "The lnrg eat stock of (‘hristmas Goods ever shown In Woudvllu M Gnun s. Savant. loads of gmiu Were sold hero Inns week from Fenelon. Tm! thermometer registered as low as 5 below zero during the recent cold spell. ALL the homes in this neighborhood are aufl‘eringfrom the epizootic ; no bad mesheported as yet. THE Rev. Mr. Annas, of Yorkville, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sabbath evening. and con« ducted the revival services on Monday evening. It you have any thing to 3e" adver- tise it in Ta: ADVOCATE. Tun Lorneville correspondent of the Post will please accept our thanks fer his suggestions. Gnonan PHILIPS, the principal in the Woodville Junction shooting case, has bean sentenced by Judge Dean to three months in the Central Prison . 0" Great sale at H. Wilson’s this week. 10 (10:. Ladies’ Coloured Stockings. only 25cm. per pair; 50 Cheneille Shawls for 81.75 each ; 10 doz. Ladies’ Black and Colour- ed Kid Gloves, 37km. per pain Come and see them. A Snoo'rma MATCH is to take place at Argyle, to~mnrrow, at 10 o’clock. A large number of Geese, Ducks, Tur- keys, c., will be shot for. Tm: wife of our respontul tmvnsnmn, 3h. Hugh :‘lct‘hn-qumlnle, (liml last Saturday morning. She lmol hot-n Mifl'eri‘ng from an attack nf Typhoid Fbver nml wnn nearly uncovered wlwn she rushly ventured «lnwn stairs. Tak- ing cold, a whips"; followed, which rm. wilted in her «loath. Two infant. chilll~ ran am loft, in Inmn-n hm' untimely eml. Mr. MuCnrqumlnln and family lmvn tho honrtfe-lt.nympnthy of the entire mrity'in his and lmrmuvmnont. ‘3. A largcq'mntity of Flax Seed .t Gunn Bros. .. cheap. 3 Tm: late fall of snow haa made aleighing in this neighborhood some. what better. The pitchsholes occasion- ed by the drifts during the late storms are very bad on roads running north and south. "Violin: and Concertina: for sale Gunn'l. THERE is nothing to take the conceit out of a person who orders his paper stopped. quicker than to ï¬nd that the oï¬oe is not slmt up, but that it is more prosperous than over without his patronage. ' 33" Another large Stock 0! Tons just nr- rived at Gunn "ms. t). A very larzo assortment of the latest Md moat Approval style of Bible! just at- ï¬ved at Guun’s. Mn. D. Cunmz, of Hartleyp lasts air of boots from his sleigh, betwegn d. Camphell’a atom and the Presby- lerian church, and althuugh but a few rods distant, no trace of the articles could he found. Mr. Currie offers a reward fur the return of his property. 11‘ is our and duty this weak to chronicle the death of Mr. Tnhn Mc- Donald.'of this bownxhip. who dim] on Friday hunt. Deceased was a gentleman much respected in this noighliom-lmod. He was for a long time culpm'tenr of Woodvmn Ymuig Mo-n’s Christian AH.- sociatinn. and WM the “Hit Iniminnm'y sent lo the townships of Buxley and Garden. "- nighmt Cash price paid for Any-qnah. Ity of butter at Gunn Bros MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. Trains going Northâ€"11:35 a. m.. and l .m. ' 'l'rninn going Southâ€"7:55 «m, and 3:45 bonds for registration must be patted 31; wt 10 minutes before the closing time. 1 “@30qu gï¬tnttcw. \VOODVILLE P. 0. thin unv lathe; iron-sun north of ’I‘droï¬rtg, Gunu Bros†Woodville. Mus. HEARD, of Thornh, met with a serious accident last Thursday evening. while returning from service at the Methodist church. Slipping on ma Aidewnlk aha fell and broke her arm. Dr. Clarke was immediately summoned mid set the fractured limb. LATE in the summer Mr. A. J. Me» Cm-qumlule, ' of this place, had a vnluu‘ ahle set of harness stolen from his pre- mines and no trace could be found of the thief. Ono «lay last week u (laughs ter of Mr. Neil McAlpine, Lorneville, while crossing a heap of rails lying on the road side between here and the Junction spied what she thought to he a piece of silver. and on investigation the full net of harness was discovered beneath the heap. How it came there is a conjecture. Pot'nbnes Butter Eggs Apples Chickens Hides Sheepskim... Wool . , Park .. Flour, per barrel Turkeys Geese flout twb yearsvoln. The owner @an the same by proving property and paying expenses. MARRIED. MORGAN â€"UNDERDOWN.â€"-0n the 22nd of Nov.. by Rev. B. McKee. at the “im- itive Methodist Parsonage. Drillin, Thoma: Morgan. of Pickering. to Jane. daughter of Mr. \Vm. Underdoyvn, Thorah. BUTLERâ€"McALPI NFLâ€"On the 25th ult. .I‘y Rev. L. Brair. anmnntnn, James Butler. M Gran Hill. to Miss Mnry.dnngl.- tor of Mr. Neil McAlJï¬ne. Loruevill' . M URRAY-â€"BRIM Bu .-â€"At Bem'ertun. on \Vednesday the 24th Nov" by the Rev. J. Manhh. Mr. John Murray nf Eldon. to Miss Jennie Brimble of the Township of Orillia. n.._. '.â€"â€"â€" 'I‘ucsaiay the thlay of Decembur I880 nt2n'clock, p. m.. for the “mutation.“ gonorul Innings}, McDONALD,â€"0n Friday the 26m “16.. John McDonald. of Eldon, aged 62 years. McCOBQUODALE.â€"0n Saturday the 27th “It, Mary A., beloved wife of Mr. Hugh Metal-(module. ‘Yoodville. aged 23 years and 9 months. Spring \Vheat Barley 0M3 Pens ... Bye Nov. 23rd, 1880. Inga». The owner is requested to can; prove property. ny expenses and take her away. Lot 11, Ban. 5, Eldon. L: MCINN IS. Lot 2, 5th Con. Eldon, _or to N Friday evening, the 26th inst, be- tween liual Usmpboll'a store and the Prod.) teriau Church. ‘Wumlvillo, nPAlR of IMO -. Thu ï¬nder will be rewarded by lemma them at Rod. Cmnpbell’o, Woodville, or With DANIEL CURRIE, anlville. Dec. lab, ISQO. Hartley. Cotvs'rv Cmnx‘s Omen. Lindsay, 29th Nowmbm l880, W0 SPRING CALVES, on or about the lat inst, the ï¬nder will lease commugigat: wig-1‘ ANGUS .FERG SON, ROM the remisen of the undersigned F west hnl . Lot 31. 3rd Gun. Eldon. a THOROUGH-BRED, yearling HEIFER Color, Spotted, Bed and White, Sumll. The ï¬nder mll please sommpnicatp with ORPORATION OF THE COUNTY J OF VICTORIA. Notico is lier'hy given that the Munici- pal Council of the Corporation of the County of Victoria, will meet at the Council Cham- ber, in the J. C. GILCHRIST, ‘ \Voodwville. Eldon, NOV, 15th, 1880. ‘ Woodville Nov. 3191:, 1880. Court House. Lindsay, Woodville, Nov, 12, 1880. woovvnm FARMERS’ MARKEE; "4V0 yi‘l} pay more {0}: dfegged 11ng “- Genu'mo Gold Wedding Rings at Gnnn NTO the premises of the undersigned. Lot 9, Portage Road, a GREY ST out two years 8.01:! The owner can but ‘NTO the premises of the subscribe} 8 YEAR OLD HEIFER about the lat of LOST or STOLEN. STRAYED. STRAYED, STRAYED LOST. IIENRY FOLLIOTT. 13y aging-t DEATHS. 'l‘. .\.l ATCH PITT. 1 H) to I 20 ..80 to I 00 .. 28 to 3.! per lmshel 55 to 62 per bushel 78 to 80 per tan 0 00 ms 00 per bushel 0 20 tn 0 25 per pound 16 to I8 per dnzan 12 to 15 per bushel 00m 50 pgr pair 25 to 30 1). B. Mamas Count}; flak. Wood'ville. Bolso var. Barney. "Pampneta. Letter Heads, 13m Heads,c., aw, neatly and cheaply printem; A $6.000 WORTH NEW GOODS T0 SELECT FROM. Great Bargain in Dry Goods. Ready Made Clothing, Boots Shoes, Groceries. Crockery dz Glassware, Hats. Caps and Fur Goods. COME AND EXAMINE THE PILES AND PRICES. MANY LINES TO BE SOLD â€"â€"-A'l‘ HALF PRICE :â€"â€"- 20 yard. Coteon for 81. 10 doz. Men's Ila-(l and Soft Felt Hats, 20 yerda Roller Towelling for 81. from 75ots. to SLOO. 10 yards Check Wincey for $1. 5 cases Men's Long Boots. $1.90 pr. Cheap. 10 yards Holland Linen for 81. 200 pairs Lndies' Fine Buota 3|.10. “.25 up 16 yerae Now Print for 81. u Ladies‘ Manztles and Dolmau'e from 81.50 50 cheats New Teas, 37% 45 and 500. per lb. | up. See them. On hand, Oat Meal, Corn Meal. Butter, Eggs, and any amount of Coal Oil. Specinl prices by the quantity. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods. 100 pieces New Dress Goods, 7. 10, 12 to 250. Half price. 50 pieces New Black Lush-ea, ll, 12‘. 15. up to 300. 25 ieces New Black Cashmeree. ‘25. 35, 50. uy to 900. See them. 50 pieces ew Wluueys. 5, 7i. 9 t. . 150. 50 pieces Lew Tweeds and Pulled Cloth. 45, In, 75. up to $1. 50 piecee New Friuges, 8, 10, 125. up to 250. « nly half price. THE LATEST STYLE 1N TRUNKS “ THE ONTARIO," ON HAND. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. Boots of any kind not in stock can be obtained at the Shortest Notice by leaving orders with me. Forovnll- made, substantial not of Double or Single Hsrneu, Smith canno‘ b0 bookn Home. furnishing: of all kinds 1: stock. 8UASH PAID FOR RIDES. Gabmeï¬eMaker Undertaker, Any defects or Ripe in Boots purchased at my Shop, repaired free of charge. At grand prices lime van tried_ my TEAS AND BUG AP 8, they are‘ ï¬rst-glass mud at 20 Yards Wincey s for 8|. 00 20 Ynnls Grey Uyottun $1. 00 12 lbs. Good Raisins 81. 00 Subscribe for THE ADVOCATE the best 631 Paper in the County. WOODVILLE ‘ .‘ BOOT and SHOE STORE ‘! GRGGK31 Y GLASSWA»... . VERY CHEAP GIVE STAPLES A CALL ORDERED WORK MADE 0N 8HORT NOTICE â€ad from the best Cold Liquor Tanned Leather. Only ï¬rst-class workmen em~ played and all work warranted. Walk need not be taken after made if it does not. suit. H. WILSON’S! A- (1'. SMITH, HARNESS MAKER SADDLEB C. PLEASE EXAMINE MY WINCIES. LUOK AT MY PRINTS AND COI'I'ONS Give us a Call. No Trouble to Show Goods. 01" ALL KINDS. MEN'S SNOW EXCLUDERS ON HAND. the ï¬ght. price. Nothing thern in. Staples ié the pla'cu In; gnu-l, lreshmuw goods at a fair price {or cauh or trade. GUUU BA RU AlNd Woodville, Nov. 24, 1880. A good Hearse furnished at short. notice and on reasounlfln terms. W. G. STODDART, GOODS CHEAP! DRESS GOODS AND VELVETS ammmw Bflï¬ï¬mfliflgl STORE IN ARCH. CAMI’BELL’S BLOCK. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A" 73 PEP CE‘H.‘ KING STREET, WOODVI LL.E. KING STREET, WOOD VILLE. Rubbers Ovsrshaes ' A fresh atuck of all kinds of Bouts aml Shoes suitable for Winter Wear, and [mule frmn the best stuck to be obtniued in the Dominion arriving every week at A" Colid leather and no paper counters or soles in my stock. ROD. CA‘MPBELL’S. HE WILL SELL YOU; A Good Tchd Suit 37.25 'l'uilet Soup 20!)“. par tum-n. First-clan Two and anonrn.) Jobbing and Rewiring of 9“ kinds promptly Amount required to pay a loan of 81,000 in ten years, only $146.62. In 20 years, only 899.16. Thu sum pay. the whole debt, principal and interest. Agt. for Dominion Inn. 80. Cistern’m wen mums, 3325132116 PROM? “Stamina... From a to 20 years, on the Sinking Fund System or on a Straight Loan 31:37 per- cent. Having pommenpeglpuljgoag jn_ 351.10 prorpim; Carriages. Buggiaa. Wag‘ 'gons. $ Sleigha.‘ THE BEST PAPER I TRY IT. Horseshoeing Done on tha Shortest â€tics; Woodville, Sept. 1880. FRED. LEAR. SHINGLE’SI! a MONEY TO ' LOAN I Lands for Sale or to Woodville. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 'l‘n: Scmxnno Autumn: is a large ï¬lth elm Weekly News mper of Sixteen Pagan. tinted in the moat mtilul style. pro/um", :Ilualralnl will; apltmlid engravings. repre-t caution the newest invontiono and the most. recent Advmueo inlho Arts and Sclencos 3 including! now-ad interacting facts in A rio. culture. llmticulturc. the lime, Has 311. Medical Prom-as. Socinl Science, Natural, History, “eulogy. Astronomy. The most. vslnnhlc practical capers. by eminent writ» or: in all «lrpaltmcntn of Science, will be) found in the Scientiï¬c American. ’l‘enns. 33.21) per year, SI. 60 half year; which incluclespnstnge. lï¬aconnt MA Single Cupim. ten cents. Snl [by dlï¬w: dealers. Remit. h} ' pout»! order to“ MU UNN k 00., Publishers, 31 Fast Row, New, York. r" I ‘3‘ I Uï¬c Séuiculiï¬umlwri- can. Mela". Muss t0“ are Solicitors of American uIIl Furcim Patents, have but 35310an- I'X}I(I‘icl‘l3,|' and now have the Inn, 'cnb I~IItII|IliIIthIIt m the World. Palunm. aruohtuinmlmflhe best' erms. A «peninl' ImIiIm i9 mml‘e III the SPIFNTIII‘NI AMM’ N 3.. I»! all InVI-ntiIIIII [Insulated ï¬lm" 59; this» A}, 'I'I.c cy. wiMII the Innm In"? ro‘. siIchIm aï¬ï¬ln- l'ntontoe. "‘yc the immense. circulation thus :IVMI, publ Intention in IliIecwIl-‘cn “1'3 nmrih of the new patent and sales IIr intrmlucciIm often, ouilyv eflectm‘. N EW CARRIAGE Sllï¬p. Any person whohml mm‘u-a now (“scamm- nninveutiun. mu MCuMnSn. rm- 0/ chant/q, whether n patent can )wï¬-nbiy he uhmiue«l,, by writing in Max» a Cu. Wu 1-ho- umnl! from our â€and "unit shut the Patent Lows" {77" our rlnnu "HUN. â€NIH": lllv l nlxtu'mwu" Paton“. ('mn-nts, 'I‘): olmMnrku. tImï¬' can“. and how prmvurech with hints fm pmcm'int ulmncvs on ianimns. Adan-an for ‘Jxo :‘npcr, nr «:munmhu: Patents. A MONEY ;: PATENTSgi'iL’lEDSfSE "“"‘ “W†" “"“m‘e‘vi-zm.‘ “much. CAR 0‘, am, tram!» ï¬n"; mmukmï¬b. a} ALL NE‘V WORK \VARR.\NTED;. MOST IMPROVED DESIGNS! LONDON AND GORE MU [UAL COS. ï¬timtific gamma I Agent for Globe, Mail. Telegram «to. ARTIES contom luting building will ï¬nd it to their vantage to upply to lat'alv occupied by Mr. Mathiosén, I will keep constantly in stock and manuhcturo to order JAGOB BARNSE FRAH I N G- TIMBE. MUNRO BROS., mma'aat;5;;;gm JAM ') FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED.. IIID'IILLI; ONT. ORDERS SOLICITED. J. C. GILCHRIST‘, AT 7 PER CENT. 85th Year. IANU'ACTURIB 0' CHI-"'3 BO LSOVER. ---â€"0' T" 3â€".â€" _..rmrrâ€"â€" pairing of all attended to. - Incmlmcdion with L‘AP. Rent.