V1.4 \ ~‘.' - '3. A very hrgo assortment of the late“ : gm! moat approvad style of Bibles just at. ‘1‘ hwflntfluuu'a. â€allay. The mnvaxs I'M-Mums 40 fuel. hy thirty. an which nro’ paintml mmu nno lum- «lrcil and twenty disfinct llunros, tin-ventral .m'o lwing Jeans leaving. l‘ilntu's Judgment ï¬lnll for llm nlaco of cruciï¬x-inn. 'l‘lm scone ’M (lt‘pll’tcd lvy the renowned artist in mm that run never be qunan. Tlm publish. era of the Mnnln‘nl “'11s Mu hm'o lmcl this p‘clurr faithfully rnproduoml fur the hone-M of tlmir Imlm rilmrs. Every nnl‘scrilmr to that p-vpmâ€" who, in ronnwing his own unla- wriptinn. semis tut of nnnthér'permn nht â€0‘" n subscriber. in onï¬tlod to a copy of tho pivome. and the new anbacri’unr you one M “nuâ€"magi flying lmtflJn. the mnnlpn'co of this oxoellonl. pawn ‘ The nictnro is only mmp‘jml tunnlmmilmrsm(he \V‘ITNDSS. wlm, If thuv do not get â€no moon-l nnlmcriluw. nmv have the picture lw sending 'Jwentn ln â€HHS"; to the unlinï¬l'y subscriplill Cl London, Eng! «L' It “'31 lmguu immmliâ€" 1|}.er before 10 opening of Um Frauen-I’m:- liun war. 11 during tho lmrrorn of the riego and C Immnm was kept fuldcd up mu] buried in ’plnco 0f swurtty. uninjured by that. amt â€all, _ I"_nr gum-Mal yams it Inn CMIPINO out in the pine woods has been moon-mended to cnnlumptivo patients, and flu lmv‘. Dr. Murray, in his lumk on tho J‘s-limmlncks, Inenliona n remarkuhlu cure frnm treatment 0! this nature. Every one ufllictml with pulmmmry (lircn-n cannot mnko it canvenicnt to camp out, nor in it neccnanry. when all Um hmwï¬ta nf Ilm trout- ment mu procnrnl-lo Ivy najnu Gum‘s Svnm- vl‘ Rm SPmtctUnM. n scientiï¬c pn'purnï¬on. whiuh prevents, in o. ‘ mum-“trawl mnl agreeable {urn}. nll tho Nix-hm of this nntivn medicinal gum. An axcnre {nr (laughs, (Faith, Sore Throat and â€cant-nun, it is invaluable. Bold hy'all chemists. Price ‘25 and 50 cents per bottle. ._ "‘ Decemlm', Will in all probability, open with little snow, but the weather will 396 cloudy, threatening snow fellr. During the opening days of the month, dust with the Very light mixture of wow which may have fallen, will be swept in flurries hy the gusty wind. There will probably be some snow about the 4th of the month. \Vith the aecond quarter of the month colder weather will Ed. in with falls of snow. The farmers will ho. able to enjoy sleigh rides in the cool oxhilirnting air, but good sleighing need not be expected until the middle of the month. There Will he a spell of mild weather about the 13th and 14th. After a brief in» tervnl of mild weather. during which more snow will full. the third quarter of the month will probably see iolllflt01'~ ing and cold weatherâ€"n. cold snap with heavy snow storms and conse~ quent good sleighing. Very cold wear (her may he expected during this qun’r~ ten. The lust quarter of the month'will bring milder weather, in fact the heavi. mt anow‘ falls will he toward the end of the month and snow blockades may he looked for, the snow falls extending far to the southward, possibly as fur as Washington, with very stormy weather around New York and Boston. Niobnml. hall. For several yams it Im hem an o hihitiun in London. and Inns nt- trmgh-nl universal nttmfljnn, lminu mmidomd tlmnprinoipnl fcnturn nl‘ tho.\\'ondmful Dora Llczusnn liquor dealers do not seem do understand that they cannot sell ,upiriluous liquors by the bottle, “Muss the bottles contains three half-pints. imperial measure. They were furmerly 0mpmverod to sell by the old Wino measure, and llw. lmnlen were large 'enuugl'. l0 enumin llmw lmll‘rpinls, but “my am not an no“. The bottlps will ‘1hurel’nm «sillwr lmvu to IM- mmlolau'gor, m- llw deznlo'rs cannnt sell llu-m. A test two: lumyml lmen tried in St. Callie-h ium. The Oll'vmler was found guilty nf infringement of the law and ï¬ned 820,â€"Collingwood Messenger. Mn. meon has got at, it again and as u. result the following has been iu~ ‘flicted on the [ring sggfl'eripg public :â€" WE have much pleasum in anuounc~ ing to the- public that Mr. L. H. Staples has received n lurge and varied 'elouk of'l‘u'eedx, ulso a well assorted line of Worsted Goods with Trimmings to match. He has made arrangements 'with Mr. Stoddurt to huvo nuy orders zhenmy he favoured with, nmde up in tint-class style, oqunl to any house in Cnuuda 3V0 wish‘Mr. Sudden every “recess in the new department in con- neclion with his business, feeling assured the public cannot be better nailed in this town or anywhere Olav. Give him a call. Seo Adv. next week. E Mom of the horses in this vicinity "have been attacked with the complaint which has become epidemic in the w'enter part. of the United Bhutan und Canada, hut no cuxou have resultgd Vintnily around hem as yet. It: is said that «me of the simplest and at, the =amne time most oil'cctive rcnwdiaa, and '(me that. has been used with great. suc§ 'cens wherever the disease has appeared; is» mixture of oil‘of tar and asufmtidm; one ounce of oil of tar and one drachm of usufuatidnâ€"ton drops of which is given twice a day in the feed. Besidva thisn warm hum mush once a day is 1'econnnwded. gum gutters. Maxis-flashing!“ anpocialty. Chowiu omulios 90! my 'own make. Btoad‘g .d only M. McLood'I J Short Byoni,0at Cakes. and Mutton Pies REASONABLE TERMS. BREAD AND B’UHS An active won't wmm-«l in every town- twunty m thirty :lullma can In: Iumlu Weakly. ’l‘nuir Illustrhtell Publications, with tln-ir new l'romiuml. take at night. Do nut. dulay if yuu_wiah_t_nmm-urn vuur to-rrihu'v. An 6! the above publications sent for six mom. at half rates. ‘ 'Addrcu FRANK Lnsms Punusuma Co., )6 Day Shout, New York. - Tn: Woonwus ADVOCATE and all of the «ham Publications for 83.25, cash. Those of our readers desiring ntemly and proï¬table employment, or valuable ruutliug umuor cheap for “580, should send l5 cents to the FRANK LESLI E l'UllLlSlUNU (10.. I5 lloy St. New York, for a complete set of their publications and Illustrated (fut. nloyue, containing list. of premiums. km, or 3|.hll for a complete agent's outlil. of 12 lmuutilul Ohroumu and our Premium llnok ul Valuable Information, containing ovor 500 pages 3 also Dr. Keualnll'e eminent; Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, with sample copies of all our publication-r, o. 07' all [our of the above publicala'ona for 82.60 per year. *mples of all of our Publications and Ill- unrated Catnlo ue (without premiums) for “5 cents. All esiring steady and rofltnblu employment should send at. 01100 be to their territory. is_ tnkgu. ' FRANK I.?IR[.|l-:'S NATIONAL Amucmxwms: AND \Vouxlxu Falmzn. u lG-pngc illu~tm:. ed paper. for only (“.00 per yew, with 3/ . B. J. Kcmlail’s eminent "Trentiuu nn H“ Horse and MS Disaasea" :1 bank uf 100 lulgm 90_[iue engravings, {mo t0 cucll ndwcrflwr. anu Lesuz'a Puu'rr 0P ‘1‘)â€: luv. n 16- page illustrated pager. Just the paper (or Sunday reading. rice nuly 75 cents her year, including th beautiful cllrnllum, "Thu First Easter Dawn" and “The Firut Christ- xmu Mom." .. Milk}; l5 Day 3%. memf LBsL'IFJs' Yonxa Faun, devoted to the Interest of young people, uml comm" ing much to inherent those of a mom nmturu age : a. l6-page illustrated paper. Price. pellyaar 59 cents. mun or FRANK LESLIE'H rvnmcumxs, 0241-: YEAR you or: L? 82.50. The Frank Leslie Publishing Cu.. 15 Thy St.. New York. will send FRANK Lasun'h FAMIM' FRIEND, a. llipaga illustrated {.upcr. for only SLUO per your. By teoii'ng‘ihe Cnatoriuo betï¬een ï¬nger and thumb It struck me that it wuuhl be juu_t_the thing to huh the iron mould with. - Were thia‘iaint published in the Quail}; Globe it would be a great boon to Country Printers. ‘ Yours Truly. J. FAREWELL, Punusnn. “The Union Standard," Touoxro On. 03).. Toronto. GBNTLFMBN,â€"l have been using your "Catarina " sud have discovered : new use for it. oxiremel useful 'to Printers in Oiliug Roller Mouh 3. To get a roller out of u would in ouo of the most difï¬cult jobs a Printer has to du. ' I tried “Cnntorino †tlnee times sud was perfectly delighted with its actions, the roller slipping out lik_e a. chafrri. I... AiiLs, n IRE BEST CI’F’ ER ‘25? MADE I Nor the sligbest aiï¬nity exists between the numberleu cough mixtures with which the market is flooded and that successful preparationâ€"Nortbro a Lyuisn‘s Emulsion ofbod Liver Oil an Hypophospbites of Lime and Soda. It stands alone. distinct, is like itself, and nothing else. It embodies the best results of advamced pharmaceutical science. It accomplishes positive, decisive results. effectually relieving coughs (when the lun are not tuberculous or hopelesily afl'eote I, colds, laryngitis. and diseases of a seroiu ousorigiu. While it does not can W ‘ . nip'ticii, it is the most reliable menus .o efence against that dreaded scourge. The invigorating properties of the bypophus- . phites reimburse the system debilitated by the constant tear and wear of a cough. while the paroxyams rapidly diminish in violence. 3 in consequence of the soothing emollirnt uc- . tion of the cod liver oil upon the lllllitmell . lung membrane. The phosphorus. lime and I soda. in combination with it, are all natural ' components in the construction of the bodily 1 ediï¬ce, which, in a state of decay, lacks n ‘ sullieiency of those elements. These the l hypophnsphites supply. increasing the nutri- tive properties of the blood, and building up and rehabilitating the lettering human struc- ture with a degree of promptiunle as aston- ishing as it is gratifying to the invalid. A perceptible gain winollesh as well us in strength is one of the consequences of using this standard ["1 paration, which both time and experience have demonstrated to be fully worthy of the conï¬dence reposed in it.‘ Prepared by Non'mnor Lvuax, Toronto, and sold by all druggists. NEW BAKERY SOIREES Tuna runaways Int Monday attor- noon u Cannin‘gmu. ready «6r Snturdn' M. nodd diitflo' B0 cry. \ lvillo. JOHN C.'DALE.’1 Wimpizm' CA KES! A ND 8001A L PARTIES --â€"ONâ€"'- .- 5f ‘ttxoelmve publications sent. for six FURNISHINGS FOR NOTICE. WOUDVILLE. k: . ,_ Bakery. 'J'hornburyf Oct. 25th, 1880. Thornbury: Ont. “[111- wommn.“ \dmt." in the town: ' A at Ma Toronto. UnL. (‘umulm «r Sold in “'omlvillo by all Ilruggifla and by all wholesale and rulnil druggists In Canada and tlm Unitml Staten. lH-ly V. l|.â€"'l‘lm (lunmlluls of our lnuim-Hs have nvoossitntul nnr romuvlng tn 'l'muulo. to which place pluuao address all futuru com- nmuicntiuus. Universal Longitude, Pain in the Back, Din: nus of Vision, Pronmtnro Ulul Agomml many otlmr diuunseu that land to lmnnity or Unu- Inlnpgiun and n Premature (:nwu. inf-Full particular: in uur pnmphlvl.which we denim tn uvud two by mail to Mary mm. The Spuuilic Mulliuinu in nuld by all clrnggixln M SI pur lmukngo, or nix packages for 8."). or will he acut. from by mail on receipt u! the mmoy by mlllrmminu 'm: omw momma 9°". m The Great Tum ma 4 , r 23811311110? , ,h, 'r ,._. .' o y IIII IIIII.II - . ft. ‘9 v iII.; 'Clllu hr 333 f1; Seminal W-Ink u nose. Spurum- {gés ‘ tunhcn. IIHIIII..\1§"‘:\‘\ V.\ * .. tIIIIcy, and lall \rgk veg!" ' M010 Taking DIIuIIaus tlIIItAhar 'l'ann l fulluw as 3 EO-â€"""- - ' *uqnco ofI $elf-fumgo E. n_s .1031! of Menyvjy. GICA Y':-‘~ bipucxï¬o Linintulï¬jh “THE WOODVILLE "ADVOCAT l†Ozdans SQLACETED. Buns. Rails and. Pastry a Specialty orderllum to drink atoauada from Nu ppruoo FRUIT CAKES: 1V1 IXEDTEA CAKES. m Gnu! American Banned for 00 UGHS 00LDAI, AST HA, . BRONC'HITIS, LOSS OF VOICE, HOARSENESS AND THROA T AFFECTIONS. “"133; i 5%..“ na~ m’gran: and mu. ' riot- nod!“ and autuabon com (a: “2%: MUM!“ effluent-nu; WM!» 8mm W (M 1‘ humus qfllu won- derful of- MI q] the bankcard Spy-sou and the Pi... is galu of iii}? 'o'o'nii (Mr com 0835’; (ya almost sp eciï¬ce act in curing ob- stinate hacking Coughs, is now well 16:19:09 who 12“!!qu at. (was: 8on by an rupo‘aaua mun. 'Priu. land â€19"“ w"? I ma can" me. u coo " . mp o . rm Mo our Ragnar“! M Hat and WW awflabch are aluminum. ' our PARTIES SUPPLIED “'HOLESALE. JOHN BERRIE, . Ita remarkable power in relieving certain forms of Bronchitis, and its I! .hllyn a5 a u: Inna-«mu tu draw at- toniion to lit! as which at» «Law-Wing .ul‘ public eron' e. l’rubqu. n~ urtulc u'or oflorod to thy’pulfliu lmu mu: xvii. the same success u (Imy'u S) rm. u. (In-i ‘21"). 0 Gun). Thousands“ t'muilxm m 2‘ , -= :u-umu keep 3 a in their. when as "'1 -’ ..'. VI 0-th Rome‘ly. Hm saL-nf ‘. ~ - ‘ has assum- ed eunrmona ., :lhll". ' mlvicu tn tlw public as larguia In t: , virluun if wcy su All-l at any time unl’ .- mimic-y cun- um-i (-nher "nu hsnr (tul I. Lâ€"z sol-I by all rhwaislS. FA? manure Wu )6»; 3'0.) \, ABEHNE'I‘HY, AND FRUIT HSUUI'I‘S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. KERR}: 3741'qu d 00., mw. rmx‘vuï¬â€˜s “on“ rowmzn I. a mm "In and end-u destroyer of «arm In children or adults. I'M“ In mu. 0! I for In“. .\ "M. IRRBQAIO It" nouu'rw I)!" an pork" In our! "lane [on kWh-d dlelw an have no“ man-mm MILY BREAD GRAYS SYRUP RED SPRUCE â€"GUML IS. UNXLP IN '1‘" K COUNTY ~'-â€"-JOS. J. 04 no, Publisher. Cm- .Kinq and Stuart St Wh" it the but local pup" published in the County. Every'jl" °‘ â€â€90†and Eldon Md uh it. It in your home paper. RS“! lanafrzél‘umr View“ 99“.- ow to:- banana pro an ro- "4‘!!!- In Okla wraparo- ‘jon tho “'0 will clul» 'l‘lll‘) \\ 'N‘l“\' I l.l.l~‘. A DVD (‘.\'l‘l‘} with THE W Il‘LKlA' H: Ulll-l, mnl Mml lmth to mm an}. n», fur uufy $l‘1‘5‘ Whmnmr rewivoa ll'llll I‘dpv‘l! uni lu- \u-ll supplied with the! beat of gun] wa-‘ung M tlw luwusl. punailplu mat. 9 MORE FOR \‘Ul' ll MUN HY Than I. (DITA-real by any Work]: In the World ONLY SI PER YEA R. (5‘2 Nmnbvrs). {we of pushy; fl cupir! (M :6 Form a (‘lub of For and Srcnm Your Own Copy Frw. A dd roan FARMERS. LADIES, YOUNG FOLKS aml ALL who \Vfllllll encourage HUME CULTURE or be THOROUGHLY POST- ED m what is going on in this husy world, imlorse it. as the BEST u! all \VEEKLIBS for the FlRESlDE and FARM. It u an liSUYCUJl’.-EDL-\ of l‘SH'r'l'l. KNU\\'. LI'IHGE, necessary in EVERY 0th and within the inc-ans of all. YUl‘ CANNOT DU Wl'l‘HUU'l‘l'l‘. 'lh:- best AGRICULTU~ llAl. UEI'A R'l‘fulHN'l‘ lune lull p350 every week), adapted tn all srczicms vi the l'nitcil States. The lmst L:\l’|ll‘.'h" DEPA RT- .\l EXT (omnpiising every \i'n‘k.Flg-ricultnre. Fancy Wnrh. llousvhnlil Art am! t‘uu‘vzeryl Thu host Yul’NG FULK'S “Bit-\L'l‘hlEXT (tlm “Grist Mill" of l‘u::lcs. ulitml by "l‘muun."'l‘nles and Skch‘acsl. 'l‘ha lies: Original Serials mul Shun. Simics. The heat Essays on Science. the Arts and lmlus- .r‘u- “uvan uu L‘unuuur. III': .1. l5 ants “mus- Criea. .Tno host Biugraphlu of (.‘untuupura- ry Mon nml Woman. The best D‘uczm nu-l literary Miscellany. The hes: "mm and Fureign News Dcpnrhnru: nunplcza tn the lunar 0! going to pmâ€. and :1 gm [cot M‘. R- {01} 0F 1IIE'1'I3H'25‘. The hm: \‘HHI‘K- Hi DEPAK'I‘MEN'I‘. edits-J by l‘lms. l-‘. Hnrker. RoliaI-lu FINANCIAL «nil MA l‘~ KE'I‘ REPUR'I'S. etc. etc. Whose Information and Entertainment for itself EVrly Week. 8 Pages, 56 Calumus Every “'eck. NO FAMILY CAN DO \Vl'l‘HOUT In the Intent styles and patterns, on Land for the Fall Trade. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. Ems, Strictly Cash. F01†THE Best Cheapest Library IN THE WORLD, Samples of BLACK BROADCLOTH, DI SKINS. \VORSTEI) COATINGS and TROUSERINGS, VENETIANS, in Black and Blue, ONLY ONE DOLLAR App] at the Mill. or to “2 \V. ARM. STRO G. Box 16, \Voudvillc, 1’. 0, CANADIAN, ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND IRISH, The highest price paid for an quantity of good sound LOGS and SHIN ‘LE BOLTS IOBBING and CUSTOM WORK promptly executed. Tye highegt’p’rjw indAngl-igny quantity of TWEEDS. OVERCOATINGS, A rmétrong’s Mill, \VOO UVILLE. lOGS! ’. MCSWEYN, THE W EEK LY G L! mm. W OODVILL E LOGS ! LOGS ! MERCHANT TAILOR, .l Eutcftfinmeqt‘paya hm: uu, Mm. ‘ Mhuoi-s should loot: ta the MM . on the 20%: and Bases. If tho «mu 1 is not 533 Oxford Street London, thw i up â€mm. 0419 Tho Trade Marks of Hume Rrodviï¬l‘lel are rogiucrcd iu (Mum. “cure. any one thtouglmnt tho British Pussnssinna. who nmv keep tho Alm‘rimn Counterfeit: or air. will ho prmfmuml. , ALL ORDERS BY MAIL PROM", LY EXECUTED. And an» amid by all Vuudnra of Medicine. throughout the Civilized World; with di- nw‘tiuna fur nae in almost every hummus. ASTHMA; Fur (: act-saws. Piles. Fist And vvery kind of SKIS DISEASE, it in uevvr lmuu lam-“u h) fail. l'he 1‘1": and Ointment are Manufactlnd ouiy at It is an inhlhhlu r..- .uhlml on the neck :z‘ meat. it cures Nikki Bronchitis, Coughs. 3L0 FIGURES, SQRES AND ULGERS Mn... {Lul‘tgivv Icon: Ibwt‘tv.lr(§:§ hecuum: impunhl u: “niacin“. 'l in" In mazuh-rfuuv rmcacm-n m .sl.’ munch-J: mel- ‘lonial iu [flunk-3 vi a†3g“; :JN‘ u a 2955.. 75:3. wic‘wcim. r? LIVER. S'l‘UMAL‘H KIDS EYS. .um LU“ EL. , gin: 1 ' WIN. 0;. arrâ€. and u 4m" toxin-u- ash-M MA!) or 2i|.\h‘8 UP I ll~‘.‘.. 'lhc) "v ua. mum.) xcwmmunlul as :\ new-r f._uhu- remuh in all us“ when “he u usut: m -u. Run" “Kuhn-r unlit. ha. aw Jami 1 hmugau‘. iho \‘Iéï¬i For the cum vi li.\ D LEAH, it“! Brush. Hg 93.. 5533... unï¬t“... g 18% nu... 3va uï¬oï¬ï¬uï¬ on g The†famous hug purify the 51.00â€, and an um“ po'u'lhtu) .yet soothing on tho ALL WORK (:lfA'dASTEBD. â€Am IAL Fi'l'YZSHEb IF REQUIRED. Waggon." a.:.zges; cram sum __1 an k~, Eninin; ' in “ ALXL'T, O-.§K I a dark) MAPLL and BCPL WA UT. £21357" :ï¬Ã©iécnazmâ€" ALL 5311:?! . .035 ‘oQRICTLY CASH: gimme ï¬igu and†(Earrings PAINTER. SHOP IX ARMSTROXG’S OLD "Aâ€. HOUSE PAINIWG, 65.12113, IAG, PA?ER~H1RGIRG,1 KALSOMIMHG, Groceries, Fruits and Con factionery. KING S'I‘REET, \VUODVILLE. In well nuppiied, King Street, 80th 9M... It now prepm‘ed to execute ail kind! 0! ’53:}. OXFORD S'l‘lU-IET. LON DON, “'ou-Ivine, Sept. 15‘ Gout, Rhe unatism AII- 1 near the horthem Hotel. Keep: rvmccrieu in stock In hi: brici bloc), l’rmisions, too, as well; Keeps Sugars, Teal, Flour, Pork :06 (.‘heest, Sells Apples, green and dry, lelish, Sardines, Potatoes, Bonn, '. And Herring In supply , Keeps Butter. Eggn, Cloves tad Nut†Am! Candie: In the jar. Keeps ( :Invllewich And candluticko, Coal (iii, sud Soap in but. Sell Syrup here. both pure and dint, of Go! I and Amber hue, - Sells Rainins, Rice, Black [Penna 8*. And Sundrie: not a few. The Advocaté JOB WORK Give Him a Call! ALLEN a. uwsox, 5. MCLEOD, I ‘\" \h t ‘uughs‘ “I“ NIYV‘s'sO ~DBALZK 15" rumpl). If eï¬â€˜w‘l‘d', and cam-3!. as n". into :; TH In an, Dipumin, kl. (with. uml oven lmxdular SwdhnggAb- alas,