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Woodville Advocate (1878), 15 Dec 1881, p. 1

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CARVER. TBAHBTBI. ‘1'. Cutting done to and from all arts of the village. Nipissing and M idlnm Railwny stations. Charges moderate. Reuidencomno door north of Eldon House, Queen Street, “'oodvillo. GENTLEMAN who suffered for your: from Ncrvmm Dehility, Premature De- ny, and All the effects of youthful indiscre' tiou, will for the sake of autferiug humanity. send free to all who need it. the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers willing to profit by the advertiser‘s experience can do so by addressing in varied confidence. UNDEi . Cedar St, N Office of Montreal Telegraph Company, Kirktield, Ont. ERRORS OF YOUTH. Live -y Riga at any time and at all hours on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Commercial Travellers. Charges alwoys moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta- bles In connection with the Eldon House. Ageing for A. HARRIS. SON 8: (30.. Brantford. Manuincturem of Reapers. Mow- ers, Self-Binders. kc. Wilson “A." “'ilsnn “B" and "Royal" Sewing Machines and Needles kept constant- ly on hand. One cfthe above will be at Hamilton's Hotel. Seaverton, on the SECOND MON- DAY of each month. He will also visit Woodvdle on the Second TUESDAY of each month, stopping at McPherson’s Hotel. J. xxsmsus. L. .s. : J08. PINTLAND, LBS. Money to Luau on firsbclnsa security at 6 t_o 65 pe_r cent. Clerk 7th Division Court County Victoria. Conseymwer. Commissioner in Queen's Moll. Notary Public, c., c. Ofiice, Vic~ fan‘s RIM Station; OFFICE. â€"-Rooms lately occu )ied by \V. M. Cochrane Bi -low' a Block, ’Agrt Perry. B AR'I‘IN HOPKINS. IAIBISTEL‘S. SOLICITORS tic. â€"_ Money to Loan at 6‘ per cent. Onionsâ€"Kent Street. Lmdmy, Ontario. P. S. Mun“. | G. 1!. Horklss. Clerk 15% Division Court County Victoria. Secretary Eldon B. A. Sneietv. Agent 9. B‘ S. Compuly. Couveyaucer, Commis- soner in Queen’s Bench. BENJAMITJ SCAIJOV, Proprietor. Thin firat~claSs house has just been re- fitted, furnitlieil and otherwise renovated and improved. Heing in the centre of the business part of the village. and furnished with splendi‘l sample moms‘ it is therefore most convenient fur travellers and commer- cisl men, and the public generally. The Bar is supplied with the best of Liquors and Cigars. Good Stables and llostler in at~ tondmce. [01m MC’I‘AGGAR'I‘. Kirkfied. ConMISSIONE. IN 3. I" CONVB‘ANC'E. GENERAL INSIâ€"Jâ€"Râ€"ANCE AGENT. -â€"MONEY T0 Laxâ€"x m; per cent. - 1M PROVED EXEMS FOR SALE. “I. Y‘Il‘llfi!’ Praprletor. his hotel is in every “my complete to meat the requirements of the travelling public Meals served on the arrival of all trains whichatop here, on both railways, twenty minutes for rut'mbhmcuts. Goml waiting Roms. Bar always mpphcd with the best kinds of liquors and cigars. $AMES EAWSQN. ms. "WARM Proprietor. Pint-clan accommodation and attentive Inmate. Bu- Well supplied with the choic- ut liquors and cigars. 'Bua to and from all Unin- ncd every convenience for the cruel- lilg public. Age-t tar [Yah- loan a Suvllg‘s To. I BLAH I) A D Lorneville. P1? OFEE'ISEd')NA L 0.4 R US. J. O. J. GA" I‘Ibluhor. Attorney-M-Law. Salk-“or In Cit-tori. Conw-yancer, £0, «to. COUNTY AUl‘TlONl-IEI. OFFICEâ€"One door east of Post Oflice, \\'ood\'ille. Ont. VOL V. TORTHERN HOTEL, \\ oodville IRED. G. MILLR. R, RUH. C AMPBELL 'EELANDS a PEN’I‘LAN D‘ _EORGE WILLIS MILLAR, UG H D. SINCLAIR, M. uhiunox? ‘UUDVI LLE LIV ERY STA BLES. HENRY EDWIBDS. Proprietor. LDON HOUSE. Woodvide. L’ L'S'INESS CA R Us. [puny AND mpmsmu Harri. DBN'I'lm, an. Mada-y, on. H0 TEL ( A RDS. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by n aimplo remedy. is anxious to make known to his fellowvsuflcrors the memo of cure. To all who desire. it he WI“ send a copy of the prescription used, (free of chm-go ) with the directions for preparing and using the some, which they \vilufind a sour. ("mm rm: CONSUMPTIUS, ASTHMA, Rnoxmnns. c. Parties wishing the prescription will please address, lov. E. A. WIUSON, 194 Fan Williamaburgli, N. Y. CHO‘ICE. T( D CONSUMPTIVES. Postmaste'r, Woodvillc. Don't forget your Insurance. J. 0. Oil- christ. is also agent for several first-class In- surance Companies. Farmer's risks taken at lowest rates. Dominion Stands-Id ‘% Citizens Insurance Cnlnpnnies. Also Agent for the Accnrding to amount required and terms of payment on : Straight Loan or Sinking ‘und System. Instalments required to re- pay a Low of SLUUU in the following periods : 10 years. $43.20. 20 years, $95.30. These Sums payable at the end of each year pay ofl' the entire debt. Principal and Interest. N0 COMMISSIOV. NO FINES. The Subscriber is prepared to lend Money at greatly reduced rates of interest in sums of 30m, ABERNETHY nu) nun nuxscvm, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FRUIT CAKES. M IXEDTEA CAKES. Parties having {at cattle to dispose of will please call or leave ward at my shop. Farmers wanting meat will please lean their ordei the night butore at the shop. The highest cash priee paid for RIDES. FAMILY BREAD PARTIES SUPPLIED \VHOLESALE. {fiber meats in season \V OODVI LLE BA K ER Y. I UG H MCCORQ UODA LE. WOODVILLE BUTCHER SHOT. â€"â€".. Having bought the shop and fixture: of Mr. G. C. Smith, Butcher. customers can rely on getting the best of Beef fit all times, and ntl‘nu m..-n._ :-. A large assortment of whips from 15cm ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. firm; 3 _Ib§ and got a book, YOUR OWN HARNESS COLLARS, HALTERS, WHIPS CURRY COMES, BRUSHES, TRUNKS VALISES AND All. KIND OF HORSE FURNISHING LIPQUOBTEACQ. WOODVI uLE HA RN 1:285 SHOP. ESTABLISH ED. I856 JAMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SAUDLER Arc Cistgy 3191! “'el: Pumps ISSUE? OF FMRRMG? UCER’SES WOODVILLE__ PUMP FACTORY. JACOB BARNES CHEAP MONEY ! $200 to $20,000, FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WOODVILLE- ONT. IL NEW “'UltK WARRANTED. _..__ lewd-g Prompt], Attended :0. ORD ERS SOLICITED. Expenses reduced JOHN BERRIE’: JOHN BERRIE. Ron: and Pastry a. Spocmw ORDERS SOLICITED. At from 6 TO 7 PER 'CEN'I‘. I. C. Guicnmsn IS UNXLD IN Till (\OUNTY Agent for the MAN UFAL'I‘U RIB Ol' Cor .Kim: and Stunt St W OODVILLE, TH URSDA Y1 . up. An unfailing cure lur Seminal Weakness. Spernmtoraheo. lmpntrncy. and all disease- that follow as a consequence of Seif~Abnun ; as loss of memory. Universal Lusaitnde. Pain in the Rack. Dimness of Vision. Pronmtnre Old Age. and many other di eaacstliat lead to lnunity or Consumption and a prenmtnre grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which wedesiro to send free by mail to every one. it Tho. Srm‘lni‘ MEDICINE is sold by all drnggiah tt SI )cl" package. or six package-s for $5, or wil be sent. free by mail on receipt. of the mom-y. by addressing TllE GRAY MEDICINE Cu. Toronto, Ont W. Cameron, "no: I‘d-Kn". GRAY'S "ADE M an. 7~ SPECIFIC Ti} ; MEDICINE! ,3 The Canadian Singer. mm? TERMS, (EAâ€"sir: Shop over McIntyrgfldr Prlor’s fi Suit. made to prfler from the latest and most I-_l,3 I Lindslcy. Oct. 15th, 1881. HENDEREM MONTGOMERY WQQBYIEEEE, ONT CHEAPEST mum IN THE MARKET ! -- ..uu- uuu u-ucuv auu lull! fashionablcv $5123. A ll wgl k guaranteed mung-A __ __ --;~--- «vuuvu “lull!“ Lindsay ‘ , v. ' DEAR Nunâ€"Have the goodness to convey to the Directors of the "l‘3mlon Mutual" our thanks for their promptness in paying our claims in full, arising f‘om the losses by the recent bush fire! Alex. Clarke. Ops. $566 James Mcb‘ahey, Emily. 900 Edward Kerr, 600 Joseph McConnell. 3‘ 590 Matthew “'ilson, Ops; ' 9|5 leos. Mc(.‘abe_ Ops. 596 Edwin Prouse, Mniiposc, 902 Tnus. Kcliy lam“). 450 Martin Hanington, Emily, 795 Guy lit-any. Vetulam, 550 C. E. 'l‘icrs, “ 8712 Isaac Gmtlin, Lnxtou, 215 Hush Pailey, “ 56 Margaret Kerr, “ 250 John Cheynuuth, Fenelon, 530 .Ednwrd \I along; Ops. ma s. an ‘NEIL, Esqwfgm: London Mutual, Lin-Lu... woouvuu. ‘ Notes tad other NeLoiiablo hr. Jl' bought. The Highest Priceâ€" pnd for BUNK, FUX, and all other Raw Fur. “ PRO BONO pUBuco.” bro'l‘sking “'3 ‘93:? -â€"GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY P. B. Mellhargey James Howard. John \Vilsnn, Robt. McFeelel-s, Johu Kumbel, WOODVILLE, ONT. Orders by mail for Surveying. I. 3., will receive prompt attention. ”mg Donut.- land Surveyor, D Inn and Val-nor. â€".~â€" $30 01" THANKS. A. MAYBEE, G. CAVANA, p. Orrlcxâ€" Bréchin; Oat. rlclntyre Prlor’s Store. en- trance, Side Door. AGENT. â€"AN Dâ€" 133'. ', DECEHBER 15 188]. Fenelon, Ops. Lindsay, Verulam, Ops, Verulam, Mm iposs, Lmib , Emily, Verniam, Levelling, 630 *1 Socul..â€"-'l‘he pupils and adults of Eden School Section. township of Thumb. intend giving a social and ontertainmont on Fliday- 16th Inst. Tho programme will Consist of singing, rccitalions, dialogues. «lac. A good time is expected. ‘ Mwnidpnl matters are comparatively quiet in the vilhqe at prenont, the people not caring even to talk about. them. and u a matter nf course. we expect to see our pre~ sent Reeve and (‘mmcillorn returned by ac- clnmntion. and thereby save much trouble and expense to the township. A Imam: Tunaâ€"Mr. John Mellon (Lake Shore.) had a fine largo. pig stolen which he had lulled the day hofon. cud had hanging up in a shcn near the house. 0hr chief constable has the matter b hand. nnd It in to he hoped will succeed in bringing the guilty party to justice. Moved by Mr Broad. secnnded by Mr. Lownsbrough that this Council nmv adjourn to meet again on Friday the 30th inst. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lawnshronah, seconded by Mr, Rowcs. that the Reeve give his'ortlers on the Treasurer in hwor of the Secretary Treas- nrera_of the Public School Sections in the Township of Mariposa for thefollowinq sums. being amounts raised for Public Schools for tho year 1881 :â€"Rection No l. 8980.00; No- 8. $240.00; No. 5. $370.00; No. 6. $970.00: No. 7. $360.00; No 8. $575 00; No. 9. 3335 no; No. in. 270.00; No. II, 33mm; No. I2. $500.00: No. l3 $3l6 00; No. 14. 3300.0"; No. l5. $330.00; No. l6. $240 00; No. l7. 8330.00 3 No. 18, $300.00; No. l9. “80.00; Union School Section No. 1. $252.90: No. 2. $6154; No. 3. $357.03; No. 4. l33.43; No. 17. $Ill.l0; Maripon High School. $300.00 . Carried. Moved by Mr. Bowes, seconded by Mr. Broad, that the Reeve give his orders on the Treasurerior the following sums : in fevor of C. D. Barr. for printing Ind «dwertising under School By-Law No. 274. $3.50; H. Dunsfmd. registering By-law, $3.00 : Clerk’s expenses drawing By-law. c., 35 00 ; also C. l). Barr for printing and advertising un- der School By-law 273, $8.50 ; H. Dumfonl registering By-‘aw. $3.00 ; Clerks' expenses drawing By Law, c., $4.00: the above items to be paid out of the Debenture ac- counts for School Sections 16 and 14. Our- ried. Moted by Mr. Bowes. seconded by Mr Lownabronqh. that the following accounts he paid and that tho Reeve give his orders on the Treasurer for the same: D. C Howard, repairs at Town Hall, $3 95 : C D. Barr, printing accounts. $7.75 ; C. V. Ham. registering lease of gravel pit. $1.40; Hart 00.. per account. $3.14. Carried. By-Law No 277. after passing through Committpe was read a third time and finally passed. Mored by Mr. Broad. seconded by Mr. Lownsbrough, that this council authorize the Clerk to thify the parties occupying the road allowance between Lots 15 and IG in the second Concession. that this council will at its next sitting take into considera- tion the propriety of opening said road. Carried» ' Moved by Mr. Bowea, seconued by Mr. Lownsbrongh, that the Reeve give his order on the Treasurer in favor of Thoma: Wallis, for the sum at 82.50 for repairing two sluice. wave on the 6th Uon. lineI also William White {or 75 cts. for repairing Bridge on 9th Con. line. Carried. Moved by Mr. Bou‘es, seconded by Mr. Broad that By-Law No. 277, being a By' Lawto proviilefor Pulling places and appoint‘ mg Deputy Returning Officers to hold the Muucipal Election in the Township of Mari- posa for year A. D.. 1882. be received and read a first time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Broad, seconded by Mr. Bowos. tint the Reeve give his order on the Treasurer in favor ol the following indigent persons: Duncan Carmichael. in care of T Wallis, $6.00; 13le family, in cure of A. Camlrou, $5.00 ; John Edwards, $2.00. Cmied. COUNCIL met this 5th dey of December. 1881. Members present, Menu. Adm, Breed, Lowusbmugh, and Bowee. Min the: of Int meeting read end epproved. Moved by Mr. quee, seconded by Mr. Breed that W. Lowuabrough be eutlmrixed to procure such clothing for the Blew fam- ily as he mu deem necesury for the winter. Carried. From our own Correspondent. mum NWNI‘TXIP (WINCH. BEAVERTON. Jom: F. Cuxmxns. Clerk. Tm: Convention lam. Fri‘lny and Saturday was not so well mtvmlod as usual. The stain of the rnmls pres \cnted many .‘onclum-s who are gener- ally present from putting m an apâ€" pearance. . A HANDSOIIR new pusSolhgm coach will be lNlthal to the 'l‘. N. R. R. local train after the new year. VIE have received a copy of the La Ports 0in Review containing the obitu- ary notice of an old resident of \Vood- ville, Mr. Alcll. Mansyden. To our old residents Mr MoPhayden will be well known, having served his appren- ticeship with the late Alex. Stuart, in \Voodville. Leaving here he wandoru ed through various parts of the States, finally settling in La Porte City, Iowa, in 17872. The following is clipped. from the Review :â€"“The first ineviq table law of nature is, all must die. Death has been a victor, but he has been 'conqneied; he may bring rest, but he‘leaves labor; he may bring everlasting joy, but he leaves sorrow ; he may be a. welcome guest to some, others fear and dread him. But he has no respect to poisons. He is the messenger of God, by which he takes off man’s mortality, and puts on his immortalitv. The messenger called Archie McPhayden to his everlasting home Nov. 15th. Death was an tin-t welcome guest in that otherwise happy home, for it was to take fatherâ€"to leave orphans and a widow. To him it may be gain, but .to them it '3 a guest loss. To him it brings everlast» ing rest, to them labor. To him it may bring jov, to them it hriigs sol row. Archie McPhayden was a good man, and as such, the town mourns the loss; but others will take his place. He was a gaud father, no one can ever take his place. In the family circle his chair is vacant, never to be filled. Some one may sit in the chair, but not as the grand link of the great chain that encircles the family circle. He was at the head of the temperance cause, and few can fill his place. In that cause he won the grandest victory ever wonâ€"conqneied himsclf. He was born in Canada, and moved to Iowa in 1872. He Was 45 yrars, ll nnonths and 15 days of age. He leaves a widow, six chihhen, the temperance society and his acquaintances t0 moam his departure. He was a hand worker, and no doubt the cause of his death was the work done in the lat" live. He was Assistant Fnieman, and the Com- pany had not help enough that night. He was never well afterwauis. The Fire Company paid great respect to the remains or a good membei. They at. tended his tune-ml in a body, accom- panied bv the Cornet Band. The funeral services Were conducted by Rev. W. A. Pottlc, at the ME. church. There was a way large congiegation ln‘esentâ€"seldmn we sce- larui-r nm-s in this section, and very seldom \Vi- hear u mom ahln funeral ROI'IIH n ivio-aohed than the one on that OCCnsRInII. best mum of lessening their agony, and. assisted Ivy Hollowav’a Pills, the surest way of ovex‘co‘ijup their disea‘o. More need not be said than to request a few dnys’ trial of this safe add soothing medicine Paine that would make a. giant shudder are managed without difficulty by Holloway's easy and in. expensive remedies, which comfort by moder- uing thmhbin'f vesseh and calming the excit- ed nerves. Ballot/lag": Pills and Ointmenf.â€"Glad I‘idiugaâ€"Somo constitutions hue a tend~ ency to rheumatism, and are. throughout the year. borne down by its protracted tortures. Let such wfierers bathe the affected part3 With warm brine. and afterwards rub in this soothing Ointment. They will find It the Buoiueu in the villege within the last few days he. been remerknbly dull, on ”count no doubt. of the diugmeeble etete of the weether, end no a nature.‘ result some of our business men ere foiumeneiug to get on: their long. sour ’feoee and cry “herd times. ' Huangâ€"A grand Bauer for the sale of useful xud ornamental articles in Aid of the building fund of St. Andrew’s: church, Benvertou‘ will be held in the basement of the church on Mon'hy, December 26th. A grand time is expected. The annual tee- meeting in connection with the Sabbath School, will also be held in the basement of the church. on Tuesday evening, Decem- bfil‘ 271‘}. 'l‘llll 0N3 noun I'll Allu- llrlctl: II Advance NUMBER 52

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