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Woodville Advocate (1878), 15 Dec 1881, p. 4

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mu: Wuodviflc gavmtc. A Loxngx paper tells us that a largo zetemner has been. purchased by the proprie- tors of a well-known American journal, and fitted up with alltbatis required for the literary and typogmphical production of a first-class daily ptper. The printing and editorial stafi: will reside on board. "Pure- graphiats" aud:"npecials" will execute ox- ‘cnrsions into the interior frnm riverside sta- tions whenever it is necessary to verify rumors of extrr.ordinary occurrences in out- of-the-waypla ces ; and for these ho'scs are to be kepfi‘ on board. W “W Tun.mfo'.-ms attempted in Russia begin with mmwaure for the regulation and re- straint 0'. the Vodka, or potato-brandy, traflia- in. the Russian villages. Vodka. in the curae of all Eastern Europe. It is a highly unpleasant and unwholesome but my cheap and qn'Vkly intoxicating drink. The peasant of Silesia: Poland or Russia can, hecure a thorough intoxication for a few cents. He flies to it as his refuge from the aordid and cheerless monotony 0 his exist- ence. 1t is his substitute for 81' . literature, ‘religion, and whatever gives color and in- ‘tcrest to life. Since the euianclpn'ion of “the serfs, the consumption of this poison has spread with fearful rapidity, and the easants have hcen deteriorated, both moul- ’ y and physicially, by its use. TngUnited States government has paid in pensions, from the first, 36000002000, of which $80,000,000 was before the late rebel- lion. There are now living over 8,000 pen- sinners of the war of 1812, and about 5,0U0 of those who served in the Mexican war. The total number of survivors of the last named war is estinmted at 35 or 40.0 0. The union survivors of the War of rebellion .oro estimated at IAIKDJJOO to l,200,000. There were about 263.0(M) pensioners on the roll July lst. and there are 276,000 applica- tions on tile, of which about two-thirds will probably be granted. Not less than 30,- 000 new claims were filed in the last fiscal year. It is thought that the roll will con- ‘tinue to increase for ten years, and that. then it Wlll number 400,000 names. \VOODVILLE. DECEMBER, 15. 1881. ALTHOUGH the time is close at hand for “the re-elcâ€"etion of municipal officers we have not yet heard any stir in this nei 'hllOl‘hOOd. “’e have heard it rumored that Mr. Mc- Kenzie does not intend stunning for ‘rc-elec. ‘fion, hoWever. We cannot vouch for the .statmnent. Mr. McKenzie has been a good Reeve, and [although We do not favor a. monopoly of the highest position in the township, we still think his chances for re. election. «houhl he present himself. are extremely good. The people of Eldon fully ”recoyuze a desire to do the best circum- ltuneo; permit and we «lo not think it can be said that anything else has been done by the present Reeve and council. In Mori- pusa ‘owuslnp, matters nlsoare quiet, and ‘unlesa exeitenueut arises during the next Week the elections will he Very quiet. 'l‘uE British Opium traffic is probably doomed to a via-01y end, Public opinion is gruuing Very strong against it, as will be acen by the report of a recent meeting in London, held at the Mansiun House, and attended by the Arehbishup of Canterbury, 'Cardina‘ Manning, and many influential cleruylnen and atatesmen. The Lord Mayor -di-clai-ed that there had neVer been a blarker 'pn 1-. :n ”H histury hf England than that which ru-mdcd It, transactions with China, m- ! l‘ardiual Manning said that if Eng- land's sway in the east. was used to commit hi.;h ”ea-nu against mun himselfâ€"to nu- du-rniine the brain and mind of the pear, ienurimt native fur the sake of raising a pal- try eight mill‘mm nl’ finance, the cnuntry WM preparing a eastigatiun for itself whi‘ "hull l curtamly cmne either new or in the future. N031t$znxox hay. ‘Dccmnher 26th. This .ia the tune “hm candidates for municipal honors are cXpi-cti-Il to lay down the planks of their intended policy for the year. We hopn the rah-payers of Eldon will turn out largely to the tunnel gathen-ing this year and learn what our intended representativu will do for us. One thing should he insisted onâ€"the expenditure of (‘ounty money enriicr in the season. In fact. the system at gaming money for cXpenditure M at pre- sent done by the county council in very in~ judicious. In A majority of case! the money lay“ in the hands of (‘omniisniouers until Vcry hue in the season, nud then work is done which Would he thli-r let alone If the amount Wen- placed to the credit of the townshipmul iiwd hy the council for the count.) purposes Wonre of the opmion it Would he more cllicicntly spent. 'I'ho ro- pairing nnd ditching Into in the fell as is usually none. is to all intents and purposes ‘thfllcll time and money, (mm which teirihle roads (ll-9 the only outcome. Allother thing which should he urged is the putting in thoroughordm'and repair of one lending rmd tlnouqh the township from no-th to mmlh. CHIIClnll'ltl/l our cfi‘mts on this road i. ' mt. it in perfect order: 308. J. GAVE, Editor. Ihave heard it said by some who have read my last paper that it was no use advo- cating or speaking of a third party since Prof. Goldwin Smith failed in the organisa- tion of what was called the Canada First. The trouble was the learned Professor’s re- putation had gone before him, and was calculated to cast a deep shadow over the grit dictator. and his thorough English radicalism with his ideas of American pro- gress was very distasteful to the Tory chief- tain. The hirolings of both the existing parties were in immediate requisition, insti~ gated by private malice on the one side. and a sense of fear on the other, they were ‘ ready to adopt any means however base ‘ that was calculated to «fleet their purpose ; with this idea they brought the charge of disloyalty against the distinguished Pro- fessor and the infant party. This charge no matter how unreasonable it might be, and whether true or false, was considered death to all aspirants to political distinc- tion. For a time this seemed to be the case but it has been discovered that Canada First is not dead. That it is still alive, has done much good to the country, and is calcul- ated to do much more, when the people have considered its principles and its aims. It has made the trumpted up disloyalty cry, a contemptible slander. to put down a re- spectable opponent, where more honorable means had failed of success. It has shown up the bollowness and the dishonesty ol parties. Their utter want of principle and their selfish objects, the acquisition of office, and the enjoyments of its emoluments. It has dampened the ardour of thinking men and caused them to stand aloof, to consider Well the action they were called upon to take, and not rush madly into any scheme, the whinpersin might for their own interest direct them. It has directed the attention of the people to the state of the country, and they have seen with amazement while they have been engaged in the foolish and unprofitable strife of lighting party battles for the benefit of demegogues and cities hunters it has been going to ruin, sinking under hundreds of millions of debt. trade prostrate, the labourer turned into a tramp. the farmer’s home mortgaged beyond re~ demption, bankruptcy on every side. and no one' prosperous but Lawyers, Brokers, Division Court Clerks, and Boilifi's. Now what do our political doctors offer us a remedy for this state of things? simpy this, turn the present admini~trntion out and put a new one in its place. and 'whnt is the new one going: to do when it gets in 2 Simply change the tariff from protection to frve trade, and regulate or restrict the syndicate, and is there one man who really believes any sect legislation is going to place the country in a prosperous condition. It is simply absurd, if not ridiculous. Sir J ohn holds the fort, and he can only be got out either by treachery, surprise or general assault, The well known honor of the To the Editor 0/ 1‘“: onocu'l : party would not allow them to otter anv in- ducement or irofit by so base a thing as the first. and the. experience or the chieftain in the Pacific Scandal will no doubt prevent a second. aml the only wav left to rout him from his strong hold will he hv a regular hand to hand light in the trenches. Does any man think that Mr. Blake, eloquent though he he, can breathe life and :pirit into a party that has been destitute of either for a decade 2 That he can mass the intelligent. electors of this country in such a contest as this with no other object than a change of the tariff. and placing some w‘mle~ some restrictions upon the syndicate. \Vith no other object than this Mr. Blake can never take the. fort. and he might as well hand the leadership hack to a McKenzie as proceed any further. It will require some- thing more important and tangible, some. thing Worthy of an efforr, something that will call out. and unite the patriotic portion of the people and cause them to act with spirit and duterminatinn such as they have not done for years. What is wanted is not legislation to enable them to carry a useless . harden. hut they want the burden TOHIOVI'd ‘ altogether. if that is not promised the people, will despair of any good being done. and take no further interest whatever. in the contest. Aholish the Senate. and the Court. of Chancerv. reduce the. Governor. Ge eral's salary 850.1“) a year, with no more vieemevzaal tours, and vice whiskey, at the pnhlie expenseâ€"frighten the vul~ tures out of the departments, remove one third of the olliccrs. and give reasonable work and pay to those who remain. have less routine and rcdta via I with fewer clerks to attend it. And. if the Provinces must end-ll of tlmm lmVo an irresponsible, . Figura- Head with a responsihle ministry to ‘ control. eeech and keep him right. hv all means uiw- them the privilege of dealing an! payilm him whatever salary thev think such useless service dmnanv’a If Mr. Blake wrnld onlv cut himself clear of the old partv which has mocked the country with the idea that it was going to reform everything, and in the end reformed noth in; , (lntnf office Very patriotic, and \1 lH-ll in. like their predecessors quite rendv to told their hands. feel comfortable. and he. thank- ful ' at. Mr. Blake declare an advanced policy, solnethinu real and possible. some- thing the people can iiml.a.‘stalul and have fai‘h in. and appeal to the lll)ll"8', int--ll‘uent and independent electors of this (rulllltry for snppor'. and there is not a donht hut the next, contest would uive him a victory, and a name such as no man in Canada over gained lit-fore. Anmtlmr and more terrible disaster lmq now been added to the. lint. of tllnntro ncci- dents, and mm which thrown all [its prmlo- celsvvrs completely in the nlwlv in extent «if Inns 0! life anal lmrrors. On 'l'lmrmlny Inst the Ring Q'l‘lumtre. one of tho fluent in Viv-mm. Austria. WM ulostrnyml by ”10. Thu A TERRIBLE CAM/WITH OVER A THOUSAND LIVES INST. A ‘I‘IIIII PAITY. PRHEIITON. or womnufl'ooued. The theatre. although equipped with the menu- ol oneepe. was no bully moneged thnt none of them Were uvsiloble. The eflloiull and employee: be. luwed in the moat cowardly manner, desertâ€" ing their poltl at the first Iign of danger. Muny of the victims were so badly charred u to be beyond -reoognition. Great indig- nation is felt at the utter want of police precaution- diuplnyed and at the iueflicient state of the llre brigade. Sr. Aumu-zw'l Dinner was a grand euc- cone in Boaverton this your. ’l‘hiain the season of sloppy weather l0 productive of colds. and lung troubles; neglected cold or damp feet is a great source of ther dillioultiee. Uure your cough with Hagyard’a Pccboral Buleam. Pleasant to take and always reliable. « A BOY was nearly drowned while skating on the ice covering the mill dam, at Beaver- tou one day last wuek. M R. BAX'rEn one of the Beaverton teachers was made the recipient of s colnplimcntary supper and address, on the occasion oi severing his connéction with the school. No urticlo ever attained such unbounded pularity in so short 5 time as Burdock lood Bitters. and that too during the ex- istence of countless numbers of wulely ad- vertised hitters andnbiood‘ purifiers. It is ___I_ _L 'Ul Ullu‘l "IUWI "u“ v.--_. evident that this medicine begins Its walk at ‘.....L evident. that thll moulcuw ngua ”a m" 1 u. once, and leaves no «Issuable etfect unat. taiued. Tun New LINKâ€"Last week a special train went over the 'l‘. . N. R. R. as far as the junction. with \V. Gomlerham, Esq., and other railway magnates on board, for the purpose of driving over and examining the branch from Wick to Manilla, for the object of connecting the T. N. with the Lindsay and Whitby and Port Perry railroa-l. \\'e believe the contract has been awarded to G. (Whaler, Esq., who has already sub let a a large portion of the job. We believe the only matter not settled about the job is the kind of fence to be erected.â€"â€"G’uar¢lian. “ Must any it’s th‘ nicest thing I ever used for the teeth and bleath,"s says every one having tried TEABHRRY the new talct gem. Get a five cent sample. NTO the premises of the undersigned, Lot 61, Suuth Portage h’oad, Eldon, on or about the 15th day of November, 1881, A TWO YEAR OLD S'I‘EER of brown color. The owner is hereby requested to prove property, pay expenses and take him away. W. A. SILVER\VOOD, Dec. 12th. 1881. Victoria, Road. Dec. 12th, 1881. NTO the premises of the undersigned, L0t5, Con. 4 Eldon, on or about Hct- obcl 20th, A \VHIl‘E PIG. The owner can haw the same by paying expenses and taking her away. JNO. C. SMITH , November 30th. 1881. Lumeville v.0. November 30th, 1881. ' A FIRST CLASS BUILDING IOT, 1 situated near the 'l‘. a: N. R. Station, cheap. For further p rticnl rs apply to D. K. CAMPBELL, non, an“ 1881. \\'00(1\ ille. Dec. 8th. 1881. N'I‘O the premises of the undersigned. Lot 9, Hon 4. Eldon. about three [no-nths’ agu. TWO YEARLING CATTLE. The owner may have the same by proving pro- perty and paying expenses. ' Dec. 3rd. 1881. LL debts due either by Note or Aconnt, l' must. he paid immediately, as changes have been made in my business. . No excuses taken as my present business must. be Wound up. H U G H MCCORQUODA LE, H UGII MCC \Voodville, Nov. 25th. 18%|. N’I'O 1.1m premises of the undersigned, North Half Lot. 7. Fun. 3. Eldon. an m‘ shunt. Nov. 3rd. ISSI, a 'l‘\VO YEAR 0|.” HULL. ’l‘ho mvncr cam huVo thu mm» by proviubproporty and paying expanses. ‘ FRANCIS WHETTER. ”an 20th. 1881. Lornoville. Nov,‘ 29m} 1881. ed. NTO the promises of tho nmlc-rnignod. l..nH (Ban. 1. ’l‘hnrnh. ma or «hunt the lat of ()otoher. A \‘l-l ARI. [NH ”WIFE“. 'l‘haownur can have Elm same by proving property and paying exp-mun. {VROM the premises 0! the uniletamnoil. Lot 3|, South Portage lloml, Eldon. n ’I‘WU YEAR ”I.“ BULL. red and while. Any person giving much information M will lend to its recovery will be suitably reward- N'I'O tlm premium of tho undaruigned. A Faust. Hal! Lot“. 7'11 (km. of I'Ihlun. in or about July. I81“. a Y EARLINU HE] P‘- ER. 'l‘hu nwnur can ham um sumo Ivy proving property and paying axpnn-ns. FINLAY .\1u(:lI,\lu, Nov. 25th. 188'. Hartley. 11“- JOHN MCFADYEN. Kirklicltl, Nov.“29th. I331- Pay Up 7 grave Stray'ed Str ayed For Sale ! Stray'ed ! Strayed ! Strayed Strayed ! I.AU()lll.lN CAMPBELL. HUGH MCEACHERN Ar uyle. McINTYRE PRlOR. NEW DRESS GOODS FL ANN ELS WINC‘EYS, â€"â€"-ULSTERINGS,-â€"â€" FLOUR, OATMEAL, COP. MBA L, CRACKED Wheat, Flsh, Pork, Coal Oil, Machine Oil, NIXILS. GLKSS, PUTTY 3:0. Boots and Shu es! China-ware. Bmckew Glasswam. lamp Good; 8:: Has just received the following A 175 dozen Axe Hamlin-s, Onk, Hickory 50 Cross Cut S-m's, Lance 'I'ou Hope, all sizes, Halters American Heml Ling 01A 1111 I have now‘ All kinds of DOI’B! E Su-Ioc‘tml from the host. wlmlusnlvs. hy mysolf and ,wm'rmw mnlllo my Muck mul no pnm priws with nthur dnnlan. that. better satisfaction 31m ho ubtninuul from A Large Stock of BELLS Thu FIRST - CLASS TAILOR Garments (lizard/Meal A 08' ALI. GOODS INIUUII'I‘ FROM M o " l‘uruor Aflnlotio Snuntuclnr". thu nulyi GROCERIES, NEW AND FRESH, A LARGE STOCK OF AN D S E E M Y STOCK B E [“0 R FALL AND WINTER WEEDS. UVEBCUATHGS. Es. -0utlery and Silver-ware a Specialty!- {ion hand a m-w stock of WHII’S. lilil'b‘lllfis, Wlll P LAN” R F. KILLALY, Just Received -: WEST S'“"' “S M 1) NEWS"? PRTTERNB A A nu 1.13..- MANTLES, 0V“: RCOATS; vck of BELLS, BLANKEI‘S, ulul nun-.- W'inter Necessurns. H A RN FMS 0| L. (In! hrs! in the MIHLHL. I'Bl F. and SINGLE HA “NESS mada to order. from the best mntor'nl an‘ m. tlw shortest noticv. Repairing promptly attended tu. , - _ . _ . ____ IfING STREET. "’OODI’IL “'1‘. Fall Stock ! C annin gtony Our Full Stock in now complete comprising winw grands w!l|i(h lw “ill 89" 18 a small advance on cost. to CASH BUYI‘ RS: Hickory and Elm, m'e 'I'ouLh, 2'5 Boxes Ax9s, at all Pricas, Halters, Lanterns. American and Camuliau, ml Light. Oil. the lwsb mul cheapest in the Mark“ y myself and warranted as represented. Call and or m with other dealers. and {on will be fully oafifld 3m: he obtained from me O. Inn elsewhere. AND MILLINER ON THE PREMISES. W t’ IPS llUlthl‘. l‘ (H ['1 ‘S, (CL'RRIE W338, l’l \SIIICS ,i'l‘l U\l\b‘ 8m. ‘ f be Tales! Fillmg. E CUT FREE OF CHARGE A. m-rlmfi. «If-adjusting. non-elastic in“ h nlity Brown Duck [ur Uveralh. E PURCHASING ELSE\VHER I. ‘EYN. other \Vinter N t-cossur'ns.

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