TORONTO t. NIPISSING RAILWAY. ‘l‘niul going Souk --8:05, Lin. 8:10, p. m. Thins going Northâ€"11mm gm. 7:50 gun. Tnomu Laws, Nu. 502, I.0.G.T.. meets at School House, Section No. 3. Thumb, every \Vednesdny evening. A. D. Mclmu's, T.D. Visiting brethnon cordially welcomed. Court ‘ R seof Victoria," No. 36. (10.15., meets in the Court Hall. Victoria Road, the third “Wednesday of every month. F. G. Millar, C. R - J. W. Shields, R. S. Tuins going Northâ€"11:00 0.. m.. 12:35 p.m., and l;401v.m. ' Trains going Southâ€"7:50 o..m., 11:00 a.m., cud 3:00 p. m. THE bovs are enjOying the ï¬ne .skating furnis’lned by the dam. Seven-d of them got in .last week but; fortunate- ly escaped with a wetting. GUIDING Sun Excamrmwr. meet ï¬rst and third Monday of every month, at Odd (allow‘a Hall, Manilla. @‘ Ladies" Buttoned and Laced Bools $1 peI pairâ€"McIntyre dz Prior’s @" Don’t. forget to gefa set of those very cheap Vases a9 Gunn’s. ’ELDON Township Council meet. next Monday, the 19th, at KiI-kï¬eld. ï¬g?†A large selection of Xmas, New YeaI’ s and BiIt'lulay Cnds, at. Guun’.s OUR. usual Clnistmns edition wiil be published next. week. Pusan-mun): Cuuucmâ€"Service is held in the above church at [I o'clock a. m., and 6: 30p .m. Ixev. Alex. Rosa, M. A., pastor. swim. School at 3 o ‘clnck. CANADA Mnuoms'r Gunmanâ€"Service every Sabbath evrning at 6:30 o’clock. Rev. ‘V. Rich-town, pastor. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. CANNINGTox EN Aurmcx'r, I. 0. O. F. meet. first and third Friday In each month ac Odd Fellows‘ Hall, Canniugton. @- The lutest Novels by standard authors at Gnnn Bros. @- Glycm-ine Machine Oil, Coal ’33, «0.. at. McIntyre A: Pl'iOl"8. Pucxrw. DOVE, 1.0 0.131, meet every Thursday evening, at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Cannington. Gannon lance. I.0.0.F. meet every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock It McSweyn’a Hell, Woodville. WuoDVILLE L. 0. L. No. 32, meet second Wednesday each month, at McSWeyn’s Hall, \Voodville. @- A large assortment. of Genuine Gold Wediling Rings ntGunn’s. g? Men’s Sfogas for $1.50 at Mc~ Iutyve Prior's. Bmmes two candidates for the Reevmhip there are. already some live. or six aspirants as Councillors, in Cun- n'ngmu. [gt Rnhhem and Oven-shoes nt wlnolvmle list. prices at. \IcIntuer Prim-Ks as- For extra value in Green and Jana Teas. go to McIntyre 8:: Prior's. A LOCAL grain dealer in Bellmï¬lle is of the opinion that barley will reach $1.25 before six months are over. Those who have burluy to sell wxll now tlke lmpc. 13' Manufacturers of Reapers Mowers and Threshing Machines prefer “'Uastorinu.’ Q? Get. your Machine Oils at Gunn Bros. (a? li‘ you lm‘m nor. ordered yunr Fall suit. it Would [my to min; at loui: through our extensive stock of new Tweods, recently pnrclmsed and min-oi» dly for the Fall Trmln. Engflsh, Scotch, Irish and Cnnndinn all-wmfl Treads, in the Intent. shades and patter- ou. Cnllandaee them. 'A time clnss Milor is mnployed 0n the promises. Hglntym .5; Prior. A81; your dealer for Gaston-inc Muâ€" Hachinu Oil and see that. the barrel is branded " Castmine," as none other is genuinv. Tm: Cunningtnn Gleaner tells of n gllosg that meamlura m-ouml Hm villngn at. nuseasonnhln lluul'ï¬ ul' nighs, mul propnsvs tn village sportsmen to inter- View the visitor with a shot-gun. [753“ (‘m to Gunn’s for special value in \Vutches and Chains. Tm; town hell, we are instructed to my, will be mm: on Sabbath mornings at 9:30 and 10:30, and at. 2:30 and 6:00 pm. (4‘? A new pu‘parntion for Clmpped hands at. (-mm' s. Argyle Prvshyteriun thlmtll School hold a gruml Social and concert. 10- uigllb. A good programme has [rm-n prepared and a. pleasant. evening may he c-xlwctml. HARTLEY L.O.L. No. 1,153, meet but Wednesday of each month at Hartley. (23" Satisfaction ‘ guaranteed in Know: and Pocket. Knives at Gmm's. HIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. ï¬gural flutters. CIUBC- DIRECTORY. SOCIETIEs. Tun lecture by the Rev. D. Watson on Friday evening in wunectiou with the 'I‘eaohers' Colzvmuion, Wan very fairly attended and much interest was mauifmtod in this usually dry sub- ject. a Look out. for Bulk Oyators at. McIntyre Jr. Prior’a. They are far superior to thou: usually got. in cans. mec to the ï¬ne weather and the approaching holidays, there is another boom in the bone business among the small boys, who are inspecting all the hack yards and lanes in search of some- thing out of which to realize a. few cents for Christmas. @' Winter Cools of all kinds just opened out to be sold cheap at. H. \Vilson’s. A Cauls'ruu Tux: will be held in the. Town Hall, on Christmas Em night. A good programme is being prcpmed. Presents for the tree may he left with Messrs. A. Gunn or D. W. Smart. A NEW time-table for the Midland miIWay will be issu9d on the ï¬rst of Juuumy next, afcer which (‘ate tho through twins to Toronto via ‘Il’ood~ ville will be put on: Numerous changes are to he nude in ‘the running of 1an regular trains. A macs of zinc placed on the live coah in the hot stove will efl'cctually clan out. a stove pipe, the vapor pro- ducz'd carrying 03' the 5001; by chemical decomposition. It has also been shown that, a can of kerosene placed on the coals will effectually clean out. the stove. @- Clouds and Mufflers: for the cold and dreary wintm . Protect vourselves by calling at. McIntyre Plicr’s and puaohasiug one. 1@‘ Boots and Shoes. We haVe a complete assortment of Boots and Shoes in Men’s, \Vomen’a, and child reu’x wear, Rubbers and Ovensboas. McIutvrecf: Prior. @' Every lady shouid see our New Drvss Gaudn, 10 yards for $1.00. Mc~ Incyre A: Prior. The largest stock of Xmas and New Year’s Toys ever oï¬'ered in Woods villejust arrived at Gunn's. Call early for your presents. THE hali-vearlv exumination of the Woodville Public School will be held on December 20th, in the Senior Di- vision in the forenoon, beginning at. 9 a. In., and in the Junior Division at 1 p. in. Parents, trustees and friends of education are respectfully invited to attend. @‘ Just opened out at McIntyre 1’: 101’s :1 choice stock 0 "'.Fuls Call and See them. @- We haven large stock of all wool Black and Brown Cashmeres, which we are offering at unequalled prices. McIntyre Prior. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR OF IN- SURANCE, ONTARIO TREASURY DEPART- MENT, PARLIAMENT BUILDihGS. Tonos'ro, 6th December 1881. H. TnEo. CRAWI'ORD, EaQ., Secretary. STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY, HwILTox. SlR,-â€"- Referrmg to the rumor which your letter of the 5th inst, mentions, vizzâ€"that the Government ham deter mined to cancel the license of the STAN mum INSURANCE COIPANY, you are hereby authorized to state, und if no» cessary to publish the statement that the «id rumor is entirely incorrect and devoid of foundation. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, J. HOWARD HUNTER, Inspector. H r. J. C. Gilchrist, of Voodville, ls agent for the above reliable company. RE“ Ordered Suits, $9.50 ; good all \VOHI Tweed Suits made to order only $11.00. A ï¬r9t~class 'l‘nilor on the premises. McIntym (8!. Prior. AT Eldon on the lat inst. Mr. Jun. Jackson. Smugud 8| years. [2F Youlcan buy an Overcoat for $4.75 at. McIntyre Jr, Brim-’8. Call and we our verv large stock of men’s and boys Overcoats. Ulstcrs and Ulsteretts. w. c. STODDART. Cabinet Hahn: Undertake: A good Hearse furnished 3t Short Notice 3nd on Reuomble Terms. -â€"-KINO STREET. WOODVILLIâ€" woii 6i ildliéyni’ Th 7 V in? 33?? [thorough In their nation. m l :05 °'°' men no. m â€I. 18mm}! Comm. VI rum 1: Fall Wheat Spring What Armecta What Haley Onto Pen flay Potatoes Butter Sheepskim... Dressed Hogs Beef .. Flour, per cwt. Chickens per lb Turkey: per lb Geese per lb Duclmpe per lb Bye t Potatoes per ‘03; Butter, per ound, Butter, 0 I Apples, per barrel Eggs per dozen Sprin Wheat per bushel Fall \ heat ’ do Barley Oats ALL parties indebted to K. A. Camp- bell either by Note or Account are r quested to settle immediately as we intend leaving \deville. All claims will pusitively be placed in Court for coilection. if not paid forthwith. No favor shown to anyone. Nov. 22nd, 1881. Immix Caucer Cure Depot. Coaticuok, P.Q., Canada. w1thout the use of the Knife. The only Permanent Cure in the World. For particulars enclose two 3 cent stam )s I: S. C. Smmt, Coaticook, 'P. Q., Canmla. â€"---Highest Refelencesâ€"â€"â€"â€" n-CURES SWIFT AND CERTAIN. Any paper can publish the above for $5 a year with this note and paper regularly. _____ .v- "w“, _-.-_‘--‘,., from Doctors Drums“, Merchants. armors. r:‘IVING: ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Picton, April ‘20, [381. Gentlemen.â€"-I ï¬nd that your Pads are giving entire satisfaction. and wish you in- creased sales for so valuable a remedy for disease of the kidneys. Signal, _ A pennnnent cure for Lalno Back. Piles, Disease of the Kidney, Bladder and Ulinary organs or attendant complaints. Pricesâ€"Child’s I’m], ‘1. 50; ’c -gular Pad, ‘2 , Special Pad for Uhmnic Dial-uses, $3. Ask your drnggiqt for l‘nmphlcta n4 Tesï¬imoniulaâ€"frcc. Sold by J. MORAE 00., Beaverum’; J. A. TODD. â€rechin : R P. BUTLER, Olkwud W. E. ELLIS, Manilb. ‘ ‘(rnom BRAZIL.‘ The New Compound. [ts won- L'exful affizuity to‘ 6129 Digestive Apparatus 3110‘ Ma Lint, increas- ing the dissolving-juices, reliev- ing almwt instantly the dreadful msnlts olDyspepsz'a, Indzgqstion. and the TOR"ID LIVER, makes hopesa an enry day :; .cs .95.},â€" 5. every house. It acts gently .«nd spev_;--.-y in 1313110 :zsness, Ccsfz' 7:. = es- 5-, 3:31- ache, Sick Headache, Data .9: :13 ter Eating Wind 32 he .‘Itumacn. Heartburn, Pains 1'21 the Sf'fe an 3. Back, Want â€Appetite. W241i 3; EnerBY. Low Spirits, Foul Siam- ach. It invigoratesglzm l in: car- ries of! 211. â€c.7231": 41' u. :; jalates the Bowels, 2121131179.: L .‘LJ to the W110 (epjystem. Cut this out and #31:: It tr. y.ut Dmgfist and get a 10 um: 8a.; .310, are arge bottle for 7.3 cents. Mac! .911 your neighbor about it. CANCER. CURED. Lalst Warning. Indubi’able Evidence z: ‘ I. PPESI‘M $1.000 FORFEIT. Woodvllle [fur-cw lulu“. Toronto fluke“. ’und,_‘R_olls %mmuwummmmfl rllwmw080wm9 wmm500mmw65w )6 ll . mum 47mg . no: Ill-In . u‘l mmo . no. 6.... dd .1 mmnflm ..... â€ï¬‚aw...“ wwwmw w K. A. CAMPBELL, ind-.8. Momma. mmmmwwmmm mummmmmm» mNMM%mwwm 6004.3 . wwwwww% 1.100000 mwmwmmm mmwwmww 1.100000 \Vuml \‘illf‘. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, General Groceries, A CHOICE LINE OF LA MP3, ALSO A LARGE BANKRUPT STOCK 01" â€00119 and SHOES TO BE CLEARED OUT AT WHOLESALE PRICES. NEW AND GGMPLETE S'EI’SOGK Satboonn ut ZOcta. per ynrd. See our Gros Grain Silk at 50Ms. See our 10cc. Winopys N» mn- lOcL. Plintl. Ladies’ Kid Gloves, 3 pairs for $1.00. Try our 45 mm! 50m. 'l‘vas. A few Overcoats to clear at $6. Ow-n-mmu..;_s in BMIVH‘ and Prvaidents and Tweeda at J ob Pu ices. The highest market price paid for dairy or Farm Produce. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited, naming the public of my best TO. JONTO REAPERS AND MOWEBS, OSHAWA CHAMPION’ REAPERS . MOWERS. Wilkinson, Combination, and Whyte Patent Ploughs, and the HONEY FANNING MILL. All kinds of I} «w: or Repairs on hand Catoxmo and Seal Machine Oils. A CALL SULlUl l‘El). Winceys from 4cm. per yard up. Fclt Hats, Latfzst b‘EYleS, from 250ts. up. 4 palrs Kid Gloves. good quality, for $1. WE HAVE THE LARGEST ASSOLTMENT 0F PRINTS 1N 'I‘UWAY SUITABLE FOR FALL “'EAR. Ladieu Mxmtlus for_$2.00, Ulsbcrs from 82.50 to $4.00 OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT CANNOT BE TOUCHED FOR PRICES :â€" 6 pounds‘Tea Dust sum (-uod Laundry Nmp 25 I ma {hr SIAM) Good Japan Tea 3 pounds for $1.09. UROCKER Yâ€"Badroom b'uts from $'.50 to $2.00. Splendid Value. “n«.‘..\um," THE LA mas-r OUT m DRESS Goons Dry 1;} LUdS, groceries, Crockery c Sewing Machine 011, Best Sperm, 3 Bottles 2501‘s New Fun, New Mum and Gloves Mm's Ulabel‘s and Overcoa's Now Clouds. Men’s Gï¬uven and Mitts. New Hosiery Men’s Undemhirts and Drawers. Ready-Made Clothing. Boots and Slmea. Crnclmry and Glassware. Teas, Sugars, Out Meal. Corn Meal, Coal Oil c. c. ' ‘ OUR STOCK OF RE“ ‘1 LIKDE‘. ULOTIâ€"XING‘: Boots and Shoss, Crockery and Glassware, R as, \Voodville, Sept 7, 1881. NEW WENTER GOODS ! 500 TUBSOFRUT/ERANDA/VYQUA/VTINOFEGa â€â€™3 PORK, HAMS, CRé’ESE, FLOUR. cum-ML COPS MEAL, PEA ME \I., UHACKIGI; WHEAT, COAL 01L, MA. maw ma 96mm mum? , OROCKERY AND GLA SS WARE.- All Machines warranted to give satisfastion or no sale. and an†CAEA P for CASH, or ON TIME. Also Agent for the Celebrated GRAN D ‘W. G‘. Sh-liTl-9’i 00., ï¬mï¬gm's 8*? ï¬rm, Cheap For Cash! _‘.o-_n .â€" EXCHANGED FOR PRODUCE Lamgg Sage-1K gï¬ Ghï¬mmn’s Swami Wears. â€"~SUGARS, OATMEA L, GORN"1’EAL, Has Opened Out We have a gonural ausortuuont of UMOIUE GRUOEINES 0n bmnl, {den During the past month we have added largely to our stock of WILL P N. B. CAMPBELL. P. S.â€"The Wanzer and Raymond Sewing Machines supplied cheap. Wus never more cmnplute and will be sold at bottom pxicex MORRISON'S OLD STAND In the stand recently occupied by Arch. Campbell with a WOODVILLE, H. WILSON’Q. . C. CAMPBELL, 1. CAMPBELL. Only authorized agent in this section for A‘ CAR OF FINE SALT, VERY CIIEAR CHINE OIL. 10" or which will he told ‘AY THE A! a Great licduciion 0n Cost. 7 V" 9‘ g 33’ Niswst Ems Gwds - - - IN BVEIH DEPAH'I‘MES'I‘ ATâ€"â€"- SPECIALITHES : 533 M Ca'l md 86: it. Sure to please. Bag: to unnounoo that he We are now showing the services. DISPLAY I). MOLAUCIII)A 3", Manager. JEN HEN