â€""Am I hurting you badly?" asked a dentist 01k a lady whose teeth he was ï¬xing, nd who was emitting horrible ,grouna. “0h. not in the least, but I love to groan," was the reply. V g â€"â€"It is recommonded that sickly potted lantsbodrenoholl with water heated to 45° ; it has the effect of removing from a ho roots polnonom Mid secretions which g h? A} have accumulated there. In the General Aunoulbly of the Presby- terien Church in Gauntlet, at St. John, N. B.. the emu of Mr. Cherbonnel. who desired to Join the Church. was taken up. Rev. Dr. Gregg reported that the majority of the committee Were in luvor of receiving Mr. Charbonnel. but that he â€convene: had given his diveut {or the following reasons: 1. Bet-«tum ilm reception of Mr. Cherbounel in a Virtual annction of 5 mar- riege relation which h forbidden by the teaching of Scripture, thud especially Lew, chap. xviii. 2 ll‘fl"t‘d‘i\‘. Him a. Violation of the teachings of vht Cullen-inn of Faithmhap 24, sec. 4. 3. Because it in inconsistent with the appointment. by the General Assembly ,0: this Church in 1880 of u. committee to watch legislation on the subject of marriage with a deceased wife's nix-tar, to take such steps, by petition or otherwise. as they might deem advisable, with a view to avert thepropoeed legalization of such marriage by Parliament. ‘1. Beunuee it will tend to relax discipline in the Church and to en- courage violations of the law of God as contained in His Word and us enunciated in the standards of the Church. 5. Because it would be a. violation of the Barrier Act ~01 the Church. nouurillug to which the article in the Coulenuiou of Faith, which forbids marriage with a. deceased wife's sister. oennot be g-et nettle. Apoint of order. however, was raised, and the Moderator ruled that the amend- ment of Dr. J urdiue was out of order, because its contents were ineoneistent with the standards of the Church. The ruling \of the Moderator was called in question and a. vote was taken, when the Moderator was euateined by a. vote of 84 to_2l. Mr. Laing then moved another ï¬mend. ment. seconded by the Rev. D. J. Maodon- nell. that this portion of the report referr- ~ing_to Mr. Charbounel lie (:11 _tho table. 3830.000 \Vorlh 0! Property Destroyed and Linn host at Cleveland. Mr..Laing. Duudas._inoved in amehd- ment, seconded by Mr. McNeill, That the case be recommitted to the committee. This was lost by a vote of 47 to 6. Principal McKnight moved another amendment, seconded by Principal Grant. Dr. McKnight. in speaking to his motion, said that this whole subject of marriage with a deceased wife's sister was one that must be faced sooner or later by the Assembly. There was at the present time antagonism between the interpretation accepted by many of certainpassages of Scripture respecting the subject and the interpretation which has already found ex- pression in the Acts of Parliament. He suggested that this whole matter concern- ing marriage with a deceased wife’s sister, along with the case of Mr. Charbonnel, be handed to a committee. composed of the professors of Biblical interpretation in the different colleges, to report upon at the next Assembly. Objection having been taken to this by many, Dr. McKnight said he would content himself by moving just now that the motion or Dr. Gregg be amended by the addition of the clause. swim Debate in the Presbyterian Assembly a: to Union mm a [Imam] Wifo‘l Sister. When the mind of the majority of the committee was made known. and no one was ready to move the reception of their recommendation. 7 V Dr. Gregg moved. seconded by Rev. A. Wilson. That we application of Mr. Char- bounoll be not eutertujupd by the Assembly. A long time was spent. in needless discus- sion ; when a. measure of quiet was restored the Ansembly was called upon to vo§e_ up9n_Dr. Gregg’s motion.‘ [I‘hereupo‘n Dr. J ardine proceeded to {nova an amena- ment. A Cleveland (0.) despatoh, dated yester- day (Friday). says: A tidal wave two miles wide and eleven feet high swept the lake from here this morning. It came in the wake of a dense. angry-looking black and grey cloud, which moved from the north over the city. There was no wind and no rain at the lake shore, but some rain fell in the city. The wind blew ï¬ercely south of the town. and vessels parted their lines. At the mouth of the river the piers and docks were submerged four feet in some places. Hundreds of ï¬sh were cast ashore. and the ï¬res were p t out in the Lake Erie rolling mills. A s w loaded with sand was lauded high on the shore. a short stretch of railway near the Union depot was ripped up. and numerous small buildings were overturned. A tramp sleep- ing near the lake was drowned, and a man standing on the bank was washed against the wall of the Union depot. and another sitting in a switch-house was buried under the stove. Iron rails. twentyeight feet long. were lifted up and scattered in con- fusion. and huge logs were washed ashore. The lite-saving station was badly wrecked. and other damage of various kinds done. The wave lasted about a minute. Several parties who were fishing in skills report a sudden rise 0! water and a violent commo- tion like a whirlpool. but the shifts weath- ered the storm without accident. The damage to property on shore is estimated at 830.000. W In the mouhtime, Professor MoLeren rose to a point. of order. He wished to know if even this amendment were in order: The Moderator ruled. for the sake of getting the vote of the Assembly, that it was in order. A vote was taken on Dr. McKnight‘a amendment. which was lost by a vote of 51 to 74. THE MARRIAGE QUESTION. "n -_ .__7. v The vobe $6.3 taken. and the amendment was carried by 77 to 50. â€"-â€"Wete we eloquent as angels we should plane some men. some women and some children much more by listening than by talkingâ€"C. 0. Canon. -â€":\ Presbyterian moiety at. Indianapolis seekn tho Rev.A. '1‘. Vietnam of Detroit. as its pastor, and tempts him with a aalarypt $6,000 a. your. RUSH 0F ‘VATERS. The Missionary labor- or the Canada Presbyterian Church. At the General Assembly meeting in St. John (N. B.). Prof. McLareu. Convener. presented the report of the Foreign Mis- sions. This is the ï¬fteenth time that he has had the honor of presenting the Foreign Mission report.and that of this year is r- hsps the most encouraging of all. he work falls under three heads. (1.) Work in the Northwest; this is among the Indians. The missionaries are Revs. Mr. McKay. of Prince Albert Geo. Flott. of Okanase ; Solomon Tookausnici e, of Fort Ellice ; Miss Baker, of Prince A bert ; Mr. C. McKay, of Crow Stand. (2.) In China the good work is going on with success under Rev. G. L. McKay, D.D.. and Rev. K. F. Juuor. Within the past few years the whole northern part of Formosa has become Christianized. A college is about to be established on the island. The success attending mission work here has been very marked. Another missionary is needed. (3.) In Central India the mis- sionaries are Rev. Messrs. J. M. Douglas. John Wilkie, J. T. Campbell. Misses MoGregor and Rodger. The Mission Council requested the recall of Rev. J. M. Douglas, and for reasons the committee unanimously resolved to recall him. There are not a few encouraging features about the work in India. The income of the committee for the year is 847.116. Included in this are a legacy of 810,000 lrom the late Joseph McKay. of Montreal; a gift of 81,300 from Mrs. MeKs , of Wind- sor ; from a gentleman in Gait, 1,000; and from a young lady, as a dying gift. 8500. There is a balance on the right side of the committee's account of over 811.000. Before concluding his remarks Professor McLaren made a powerlnl appeal in behalf of the foreign mission work. A man came into the ofï¬ce on Tuesday with a. black eye. a strip of court plaster across his cheek. one arm in a sling. and as he leaned on a crutch and wi ed the per- spiration away from around 9. amp on his forehead with a red cotton handkerchief he asked it the editor was in. We noticed that there was quite a healthy smell of stock yards about the visitor, but think- ing that in his crippled condition we could probably whip him. it worse came to worse, we admitted that we were in. as. though it might hurt. “Scratch my name right off. You are responsible for my condition.†Thinking the man might have been taking our advice to deaf men, to always walk on a railroad track it they could ï¬nd one. we were preparing to eorateh him ofl without any argument, believing that he was a man who knew when he hadenough, wheghe spoke up an follevya: .. hwalï¬ hint to stop my paper,†said he, as he put? rdopr on_ one edggoi 9 phair “ The amount 3! it is this: I live out in l J eï¬erson County, and I came in on the new ‘ Northwestern road just to get reoreationg I am a farmer. and keep cows. I recently read an article in your paper about a Dairym‘en’s Convention. where one of the mottoes over the door was, ' Treat your cow as you would a lady.’ and the article said it was contended by our best dairy- men that a cow treated in a polite. gentle- manly manner. as though she was a com. panion. would give twice as much milk. The lau seemed feasible to me. I had en a hard man with stock. and thought maybe that was one reason my cows always dried up when butter was 40 cents a pound, and gave plenty of milk when butter was only worth 15 cents a pound. I decided to adopt your lan and treat a cow as I would a lady. I ad a brindle cow that never had been very much mashed on me, and I decided to commence on her, and the next morning atterI read your devilish paper, I ut on my Sunday suit and a white plug at that I bought the year Greely run for President, and went to the barn to milk. I noticed the old cow seemed to be bashful and frightened. but taking off , my hat and bcwmg politely. I said: ‘ Madam. excuse the seeming impropriety of the request. but will you do me the favor to hoist ? ' At the same time I tapped her gently on the flank with my plug hat, and putting the tin pail on the floor under her, I sat down on the milking stool.†“ Dig she hoist ?" said We. rather anxious to know how the advice of PreaidentSmith, of Sheboygan, the great dairyman. had worked. 7 “ Did she hoist? Well, look at me. and see if you think she hoisted. Say, I tell you now in conï¬dence, and I don‘t want it repeated. but that cow raised right up and kicked me with all (our feet, switched me with her tail, and hooked me with both borne, all at once, and when I ot up out of the bedding in the stall, and u my but out of the manger, and the mi king-stool out from under me, and began to maul the cow. I forgot all about the proper treatment of horned cattle. Why. she fairly gelleped over me, and I never want to read your P‘Ell‘.3r “SQ“E'". We tried to explain to him that the advice did not apply to brindle cows at all but he hobbled out, ythe maddest men that ever asked a cow to hoist in diplomatic lenguuge.â€"-Milwaukee Sun. A new English melodrama of the blood- and-thunder kind. the American right to which has been bought by several managers. is called " The Romany-Rye," and is full of gypsies. red ï¬re, stolen children. and other old fashioned dramatic material. It has been received with great. favor by the unwashed audiences of the Princess Theatre, London. Mlle. Lucy de Rothschild, daughter 0! Baron Gustave (le Rothschild married the other dey to M. Leon Lambert. bring on her hunbandy a nice little dower of 8120, 000, 000. Wï¬Air Lord Maoaulny‘a funeral n' poison unknown deliberately walked up and spot on the cofï¬n at. the conclusion of the service. Germans are gradually becoming the bakers of London. em ployoea. One case of smallpr occurred on board the Colon among the crow on her last trip to Aspinwall. There are Mill nfow 09.309 of smallpox at Panama. but the disease seems to be fast. dying out. At qu inwall there are a. few cases of yellow fever among the canal Trouble tron Reading a Paper. AMONG THE HEATHER. A New Drama. An Indian belonging to a band camped near Rapid City died last week. They at once left for their reserve, and gave vent to their lementetions by beating on the end of a._barrel and ntbeljing a. 1qu m_oaning_ery. The people of Rat Portage are in a. quandary as to whether they vote in Linger or Algome at the coming election, or it they havepny vote at all: J'os. Taillefer. the member for Morris. was banquetted at West Lynne last week for the interest he took In connection with the incorporation of that town. AÂ¥Y__ 3:-.‘L I__..:_.‘ A_ _ L_._I _,_,__,_!I The crew of the steamer Northwest have gone to Selkirk, taking with them lines to haul the steamer up the Grand Rapidsâ€"a distance of about four miles. She will be the ï¬rst steamer on the Saskatchewan by this route. If this experiment proves successlgl the new steamerhow heiug built r the Saskatchewan will be taken there to the same way. inParties who have recently visited the oiuity of Fist Creek give very unmtist sc- tory accounts of the state of morality at that point. Whiskey is sold openly and above board, and the presence of 9. great number of women of questionable char- acter adds greatly to the consequent degradation. The authorities should take some steps to remedy the evil complained 0 I ' Eigh’t births are reported as having taken plugs last we_ek in_ By Poltage. Wood is 84.50 per cord at West Lynne. Some hundreds of cords are now banked on the levee there. The freight receipts at the Emerson eta- tion of the C. P. R. have averaged 85,000 paisley {qr game time beclg. Lute-c New. In- Wluum and Blu- whcnâ€"quor-ny Convocationâ€"Banal (Jane 0! autumnâ€"Ballwny Develop- Incl" Oats are 81 u bushel in Rapid City. Crops are reported as lookmg well throughout the country uinoe the recent ahowera. James Au“. living twelve miles Last of Emerson. recently relused 812 per acre for his farm. Nelsonville is on the eve of incorporation gm} will thereafter be known as the town of a son. Adespatoh from Winnipeg. dated last (Tgurpfisy)_night,_says_§ Parties"trom Rat Portage bring per- ticulars of the recent tragedy, which re- sulted in the murder of Edward Bescoby, at one time aoonduotor on the Northern Railway. The verdict of the jury is to the effect that Bescoby met his death through blows from an axe supposed to have been struck by his wife. The suspected woman bearsabad reputation, and it is not the ï¬rst time she has made an attempt upon the life of her husband. She claims to have been divorced from a former hus- band now living in Buflalo. She sub- sequently removed to Toronto, where she entered a brothel, and afterwards kept a house of ill re etc. It was while in Toronto. and w eu conductor on the Northern Railwa ,that Beeooby met her. His marriageto r led to his dismissal. and he removed to the Northwest. His partner never abindoned her dissclnte habits of life acquired in earlier years. and has been a curse to roar Besooby. Death did not occur as an immediate result of the assault, but took place the day after the supposed fracas. Mrs. Bescoby has been arrested as a result of the verdict of the Coroner's jury. an! is now in custody at the police, who are bringing her into jail by special train. She will be ar- raigned forMpreliminary trial before the lProvinci_al_ agistrate tomorrow. One of the heaviest mini that has visited this Province for some ime set in last evening, and continued at moguls during the night. Vegetation has Meived a fresh impulse, and the farming community rejoice. merizer found great difï¬culty i1. eraneding any one to come on the stage. . inally one young man concluded to risk it. and the ï¬rst experiment was witha glassof water, the youth being made to believe that it was alternately brandy. whiskey cham- pagne, etc., and drinking it wih greet gusto. In ï¬ve minutes thirty-Bevel men were on the platform asking to bx mee- merized. â€"The other night a profee§§nal mee- Dr. R. V. Pxxncn. Buffalo. N. Y. :Qear Sirâ€"For many months I was a goat sufferer. Physicians could afford meuo relief. In my despair I commenced he use of your “ Favorite Prescription. " Is apeedly aï¬ected my entire and permaneu cure. Yours thankfully. Mus. PAUL R. BAx‘ ran. Iowa City, Ia. -â€"A youth, who went to Work in the country. wrote his girl,aJune graduate. that he was raisin a calf. Imagine his feelings when the gin- replied : “ I am glad you have begun to support yourself." It you are bilioua. take Dr. Pioroe'a “ Pleasant Purgative Pellets, " the original “Little Liver Pills." Of all druggiata. eight principal towns in' Scotland at the mxddle 0t 1982’. founded upon tho nntnberg enumerated st the cenaï¬ses of 1871 and 1881, are here subjoined: Glasgow, 514,048; Edinburgh, 232,440 ; Dundee. 145,438; Aberdeen, 107,378; Greenook, 70,128; Pain. lay, 56,641; Leith. 63,312; Perth. 30,206. Dr. Pierce‘s “ Golden Medical Discovery †and “ Pleasant Purgstive Pellets " purify the blood and euro coustipsï¬on. â€"-A man who committed suicide in Phil- adelphia recently is reported as having been " unmarried and eccentric." The eccen- trics are chiefly bachelors. Nothing like marriage for knocking the eccentricity out of a man. â€"â€"A fond mother wrote to an enthusias- tic young lady who had established a physiology class for girls: " Please do not teach my Mary Ann any more about. her insides. It will never do her no good, and it’s very rude." Everybody is pleased with the improved Carboline, a deodorized extract of petro leum. It is as clear and limpid as spring water. and was originally intended by nature as a panacea for all diseases of the scalp and skin and as a natural hair renewer. THE PBAiBIE PROVINCE. The eqtilpatga‘ot the_ pqpulqtioy o_f the Late" Telemann. Everybody remembers the infamous slave owner, Legree, in " Uncle Tom’s Cabin, “ who beat his more manly slave to death, and who received a well merited knock down from “ Master George.†Hie policy was to buy negroes, wear them out in two or three years, and then replace them by new ones. Unfortunately. the same stamp of man is found everywhere on this continent, although in the place of negroes to torture they have the more helpless horse, the most useful and intelligent domestic servant. When the poor over- worked anixnal is doing its utmost, but is prevented from exerting its full power throu h_ lameness, strained .sinews, sore shoul ere or other ills. the lash is resorted to but always with injurious results. I! a different plan was adopted and the horse given rest. and an outward application of Dr. Dow‘s Sturgeon Oil Liniment was made to the injured part the same horse would be able to do twice the work. Walking, the source of so much misery to many, becomes. after using Forum’s Pam- uss Conn Exrmcron, a. service of pleasure. Corns are small in size. but their import- ance is not to be judged by their size. as any one fond of a. trump can teetily. Try Putnam's Extractor for name. No discom- fort. no caustic application. no blood letting. and yet splendidly efï¬cacious. As a rule physicians are a very conser- vative class of people and it is well that they are. Few men. it there are any. care to be experimented on even for the beneï¬t of. the race generally. but each patient preferstobe treated by the most skiliul physician and according .to the method which experience has shown to be the best. It is a very fair recommendation of any proprietary medicine, therefore, when it is used by the faculty. Dr. Wilson's Pulmon- ary Cherry Balsam is one of them. N. G. Dean, Carleton, Ont., writes: “I had a severe cold which increased so alarmingly that I despaired. 0! being cured. My physician recommended me to try Dr. Wilson’s Pulmonary Cherry Balsam. which I did. and am now perfectly well. " It is through such triumph as this that this standard remedy has been so cordially accepted by leading physicians. While the first section of No. 6. C. S. B... was leaving Waterford station last night. a ï¬ne-looking middle-aged lady rushed fran- tically up to Conductor Anderson and informed him that she had lost her teeth out of the car window.asked his opinion as to the chances of her recovery and handed him 35 as a reward to the person who should be so fortunate as to find the ivories. Mr. Anderson met a laborer at the depot to whom he related the circumstances. This morning the man went back to where it was sup osed the teeth were lost, and sure enough 6 found them. They Were given to the conductor. who forwarded them to the fair owner’s address. Mrs. Dr. W. R. Hamilton. Williamstown. Mass. The laborer received his reward, and now hangs around the station in the hope of seeing other women looking for a man to do a like jobâ€"St. Thomas Journal. -â€"A drunken man fell over 9. cliff 30 feet high. and alighting on his head escaped without serious injury. This is a point that drunken men and other tools might well bear in mind. They have a. nice soft place to alight, or a nice light placetoetrike on if they only can get right end up at the moment of contact. -â€"Scene: Recitation room. Protease: (to student who is taking it easy): " Don’t you think it would he better if you were to bring 9. bed with you next time ?" Student (under his breath): “ I wonder whether a. ' crib ' wouldn’t be better.†The stomach is the principal portal through which disease enters the system. and it is only by the successful treatment of the derangements of this organ that we can restore health and fortify the consti- tution. Indigestion and malassimilation of food lead to impoverishment of the blood. imperfect nourishment of the tissues, and that condition of general debility which promotes the development of hereditary and acquired diseases. Dr. Wheeler's Compound Elixir of Phosphates and Galisaya, a nutritive tonic, maintains the digestive apparatus in a vigorous condition. But They Are Recovered and Heat to flu- Adana“. -“ Your future husband seems ver exacting; he has been stipulating for I aorta of things," said a. mother to a daugh- ter who was about getting married. “ Never “hind, momma," said the affectionate girl, ï¬lm was already dressing for the wedding, “"hose are his last wishes." Bria! inducements are oflered you by the urlington route. It wjll pay you to read heir advertisement to be found else- wherdn this issue. .-â€"A Ortain gentleman recently lost his W110. 8d a young minus 016 years who came to 1101' ft‘leral said to his daughter of about the.sami age: “ Your papa will marry agam. Wu‘t he ‘2" " Oh, yes," was the reply; “ ht not till after the funeral.†Dr. Wilm'a Auti-bilious and preserving Pills are co ' oaed of the best and purest materials th can be procured from venet- able extraottl and are the trueao. safest and surest pumtlve pills known to medical men. York and Broo n have conferred with Colonel Sellers, 0 m Edgemoor Steel Com- pany. and the re: the great bridge w lat, 1883. ~Th° Mayorï¬d Comptrollers of Now i is an assurance that be opened by March Tfnlbiohfloflnnu. Dr. R. V. PIP-ROE. 310. N. Y. : I have afriend whoaufforad t ribly. I purchased a bottle of your “ Fnflribe Prescription. " and. an aresult of its 15, she 13 perfectly well. J. Bum.‘ Burdott. N. Y. v z T l h WUMI MEN i51°£¥$§ï¬$§2a 3:232:31 oh: altuntlon.‘ “dross Val me Bron. hm- vlllo. WIS “MING MEN 1’}. mm SIIB Lflu'l‘ "If.†TEETH. aw. Important to Travellers. The Lean-cc ofllonel. A Wine Phnlcmn. The Agony Over. jean T9lempby For sale by all Drugglsta and Fancy Good: 8 Dealers throughout the U. 8,, Canada. and Eu- . rope. :3 Beware or base lmlmtlons. noon Reward for arrest and proof or any one selling the name ISAAC W. CHRISTIAN, No. 6 Ferguson Avemm. Hamilton, 0m. Benn-via Find Total Angels..." B'Eé’cncl DKMN «Hum mun} Ana 1 lnesnremrom tend elleclunl remedy Nervounneeeln AL Its 3 es. Week Home Loss of llmln Power. Sextm Proatrntlon. Mg 0 Sweets. Systmelonhm, Semlnal Weakness and General men of Power. It to air: Nervouu Waste, Rejuveneles the Jaded Into lect Flu-en 11 ene the Enleebled Breln end Restores éurprle nu Tone and Vigor to the Exhausted Generative orgnnu. The experience of thousands proves an Invaluable Remedy. The medlelnele pleasant to the taste. endeaeh mltlecontelnuumclemfer two weelm' medication and la the cheexmtend L-..‘ béart'uvvâ€"â€" â€"v---~-vw--'â€"- wu“ ‘V '“V Vuwt'wi‘ Full particulars in our M\mmphlot. which dosire to mal_l _froo ï¬q npyg dress. Mack's Mncnfllc Medlrlno 1. sold dmggiats at 00 ct: per box. or P) ham: or wl Ibo mailed free of postage on xooolpt mo monoy, by addressing Muck'u Mngnfllc "lunches Co. wwogor mincunu‘m tel-felt of similar name. The disun ulshed Dr. ILA‘Ssyre saidtos. lady of the hu (on (e pa. tienlti): “ s on ladies am use them. I rec-amp men ‘Gounug'a Cream 'aa the least harm ul of all the Skin pre arduous " One bottle wi I last six months. us ug it every day. Also Poudrs Bubtfle removes superfluous hair without injury , ï¬thoï¬hï¬ 'r GOURAUD s ‘ P ' ““1"“ mg. . . . o e to _ _ St. N. Y. ' - p t“ on nemher For sale bv all Branch“ and anm ama- min “on" WASHING WITIIOUT LABOR. A WONDERFUL INVENTION. Does its own work. No labor except to stand by and watch it work. Price $3.00. Sand for air- culars. Address .I. LIND‘AY.‘ By: _536. This composition lo the cheapo“ and best, and in tho only composition used by the Times Printing Company Hamilton, 01".. for new: and job work. It halo. extensively used In other large Canadian omen. Samples and circulars FREE by nddreulnz Lends mono upon Real Estate in the Prov incea of Ontar o and Manitoba at cunentrn of interest, and on the most favorable terms repayment. Purchases Manic! a] Debentures and Mo on Real Estate. p â€8930 For further particulars apply to J. HERBERT MASON. Manager. cAuAnA PERMANENT WAN AND SAVINGS 00W. DR. '1‘. FELIX GOIIMUD’S MENTAL CHEAI DB MAGICAL BEAUIIFIEB Rollor Composition. Enid up (39;)!th . Joseph. points In Atchllon. Topeka. Deal- KANSAS CITY Through "7 Tickets via this ‘ Celebrated Line {0‘ sale at. all omcesln the U. s. y Canada. -(\\ 3 1113's Haifa-Tam" Hana cf FVGBIJ‘hu. Ag: 7' ‘ Chicago. In.†' Chicago, ill. .I. smu’sou. Agent. â€about Street East. Toronto Ont. cum and Texas. CHICAGO ly conceded to V6 be me best mum Railroad In the World for all classes of travel. FRINGIPAVLINE UniversuF Mi‘gfufï¬fi‘3391 1% Sold by all drugglen evorywhom T. l. POI'I’ER. THE PRESSMANfS FAVORITE. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. A“ "VI/é Information Fare. Sleeping Cars. Veto... gingermlly given by INCORPORATED A. D. 1855. mp Cnpllnl ........................ $9,000.000 ve Fund ........................... 1.000.000 Angels .................. u. ............ 6,850.0“ HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Parties as well u Routines the m... A]! connections nude In Union 4 Depots. Ale \sA This Route has no superior for Albert Lea. Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally repuwcl u i kg being the Grant 2223!» c... , hmu'hc.’ ALSO »cplng Cars. ullv Riven 1N Wa‘é'i‘oa ’V 03;; PERCEVAL. LOWELL. ,\‘ Try It. and you will ï¬nd traveling a luxury. lnuend test of thirty years. and is so hamlels we taste it to be sure the Prepares“ oln a proper y mule. A c- ‘°°P§‘!° {090‘ every blemâ€" ish on beau. ty. and deï¬es detection. It has amodthe R e m o v e I T 3n. Pi mâ€" )les, Freak- 05. M o t h- Patcheq rand