: WWW .108. {DAVE}, Publisher. “The Toronto. House†BEAVERTON, .‘CALL' AND GET SOME OF THE BARGAINS .4; L December 13th, 1883. THE TVVEED . HOUSE†Gents" ()vereonts, and Suits, Felt Hats and Shirts, Lmlies’ Dress Goods and Mmrtles, A Splondld assortment of TWEE DS to be sold at smlghter prices and gingham†GREAT CLEARING SALE ALL KINDS OF CHOICE GBQCERIIES. The undersigned hogs to inform the public generally that he hm denim-1‘. to ckmr off the loalmnu' of the stock pmclms‘nl oi the estate HE D. MCK ENZIE, by the 13% of February Huxt. (En-cat Bargains will be giVen in STOLEN! "The Toronto House,†D. McNabb, Beaverton, A SPLENIH ‘0 TE ;\ A’l‘ l§ctsi per POUND. A GOOD SUIT OI" CLOTHES l‘l s. \ Ann - vn A\ In In}! (1“? and'I‘ The party Who stole the PIECE OF SEALET,,on ‘ Tuesday night at 5 o’clock “from McIntyre Prior’s Woodville, is well known and unless the same is re- turned to us Within ,one Week there will be on short notice a person lodged injail. 0F BANKRUPT STOCK. FIND TEA A'l‘ lScts per FOUND. A UUUU 5U] L Ur ! 1‘01: $8.00. UVI‘JluZOA'l'S A'l‘ AND BELOW COST. McIntyre Prior, -Wishes its many customers! ‘Ne hope that you may BEAVER'JTON, ONT. . L. B. HAMLIN. now offering at GUILTY! â€"AND Woodville. WOODVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1883 At I‘Iowest Rates. Mortgages and Debentures bought. Persona ï¬shmï¬tonuy. Sell or Lease. farms or other proper '93 will please communicate with me. A. J. SINCLAIR. Barrister am. Ganningtnl, om. Rev. Father Wilds’ EXPERIENCE. AT valuable Stock Form, Lot 2, Con. 3. Cordon, being compound 011230 acres mor‘e or less. about 100 acres cleared. The above re. misos will beleugsod (01-536qu of years. or . -..-n.â€".n A‘Vl‘ The Rev. Z. P. Wilda. well-known city mlulonnry In New York. and broth“ of the late eminent Judge Wildl, o! m Mill-Ichlllol“ Supreme Court. wflm an follow-z misos £111 bele‘xisga i013} term of years. For particulars app] ' to MRS. W. ARMSTRONG. wife of late H. C. mlmm. on nominee. “ 1!! E. on» St. New York. May )6. 1m. lagoons. SI. 0. 4n": az‘Co.‘ pgmlggpeg .‘_ "Hymn“, ... .....-., w-.- â€WW -, , , ls. Um: I could scarcely bear any clothing over them. 1 was also a sufferer 1mm 3 «were cutarrll and caurrhnl cough; m petlta was poor, and my aynem I sari ‘ eal run down. Knowtpg 1.316 ulna . but. winter l W troulnlod with a moot uncomfortable itching humor uflee‘ln mom especially my limbs, which ltchod Io gutulpmbh‘ at _n_\ght. am! owned so Intense- A AM A. _‘-ALl-_ petito was poor, and my aynem I g ‘ eal run down. Knowh‘g um vnluo Ann's SAILRAPARIIJA. by observation of many other use: and from person“ use in former years, { hogan taklug it 101' the above-named disorders. My inf-petite inn. prayed almost from the ï¬rst.l ow. After Au“-.. _...l ..|.:.... lâ€"A-A run-.. -....-_- W , a. slum" time the fever and ltching were allnycll, and all si na 0! Irritation of the skin disappeared. . y caturrh Ind cough wore ulsu cured by the nine Imam, and my general health greatly lungilrovod, untll it is now excellent. I feel a undrod pot cent stronger, and I attribute theso result. to the use of the; SQ_R8APA_I§II.LA, Whip]! PORTRAIT PAINTER. mom LIFE on PHOTOGRAPH. Studio in Alexandria Hall, Beaverton. Olden Solic-ited. Chm-gas Moderate. I recommend with all conï¬dence as the best blood nwdicluo ever devised. 1 took it In unall down three times 3 do , tad used, in all, less than two bottles. plnoo these facts at your service, hoplng their publication: may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. Wilma." The above lnstanco is but one of the many constantly coming to our notleo. which prove tho perfect adaptabllity of Ax‘nn’s SALSA- mmnm to the cure of on dim arising from lmpuro or inmovorlnhod blood. and a weakened vitality. Ayer’s Sarsaparillo The Guelph Lottery. . The Guelph Opera :House "Lottery" has become a leading topic everywhere. i ' [tin reported that somathing like 40,. ' 00-) tickets or shares of t to Guelph Upma House Lottery have been sold, and the ; bullance are going like "hot cakes.†Even J the Guelph le'cury. which from the ï¬rst, | i: hos strongly opposed the scheme, in noting ‘ the postpouenmnt of the drawing until Dee. ISIh n -xt, and the nppuinhuent of new 3 Dine era. in placeuf several who love re- l gimed, admits that it is likely to iucceed l and that the rccuints am now 3800 por day, g and upwards. For the week preceoding : O :t. 30th they are reported to have averaged 152,000 per day. A number of the lending citizens hack and support it, but the con" tml ï¬gure in the undertaking is the Score. l tary, Mr. J. L. Murphy. whoalthough quite l a youngetcg. has so far conducted it with l signal ability and who in mid to take the numeunred abuse hooped upon him with an equnnimity that would do honor to t Vot- mm politigiyu. Lawyeis any that th cleanses. enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to resist and overcome the attacks of all Sore/u- lnua Dianna, ,‘ s of the Skin, Rheu- matism, Ca!arflc,- Ga 11 Debility, and Ill disorders resulting from poor or corrupted loud an! a. low state of the system. Assnilecl bitterly for some three or four months, and denouncedu a swindle, 3 fraud and on immoral Lottery Scheme, it hnl thriven under opposition and now preaemig a. better front than ever. People, generally, are coming to the conclusion that an under-- taking which bears attack so well must have something good about it. MmeEWM PREPAILED BY DrJ. C. AyerCo., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; ,sgrlco 8], ï¬x bowls. for nun: Coudeigc-u Headache, an" I u: Duo era. wad everyflmq. Alwnyl roll-Db. <4 . Outside of being a Lottery. there is no frmnl or swindle in the affair and these terms appear to be applied to it only on the ground 'of being a Lotteryâ€"as some people maintain that every L Mary is a kind of a swindle. T he ()nnml-‘mz Spon’sman, says, in an article of the 9th inst. : _ >496 . o>4=>wdo Irrm. For Rent. .. Sherwood, scheme gets completely over the lo,ml fence by taking advantage of the provision of the Lottery Aut. allowing owners in common to diviila by lot, and. while amounting in the end to a. straight Cosh Lottery with IL: prizes like the London one, stands in the same pine with Church and Charitable Lotteries of the Art union distributions. The Mercury has the following 3.01.36" upon it iâ€""Cienr away the mist surround- ing this scheme and itis a Lottery. pure and simple. People put in 82 spine-JAM drew prizas and the balance blanks. It may not come within the Act, but it is none the-less a gmnlnliug chance to win money. Nobody pretends that any land is to he divided, and the loud business is introduc- ed into the Circus merely to bring the case within the provisions of the law allowing joint owners to divide by lot. When a man buys a ticket he signs a request to the Trus- tees to convert the whole affair into a money Lottery. The Trustees go through the well known plan of drawing prizes, and these its money instead of land." But this will he the lust legal Lottery in Cnnmla, as Parliament will amend the Act in January. and sit upon the evasions of the law. Pious stock speculators and poker playels, who condemn the Guelph scheme as encouraging a gambling tendency might vely well he inclucml in the prohibition and public sentiment would approVe of the law. " â€"Toronlo Canadian. 33' Gunn Bros have the choicest selection of ’Xmas and New Yenrgoods ever shown in “'oodville dont [331 to call'and [see them. For Coughs, Uolals, Group. \Vhoopin Cuugh and Lung Diseases, use N. Hg Dowxs’ VEGETABLE BALSAMIU Euxw, Sold by all Druggists. 'Every bottle war- rcnted. 'l‘riul size ‘25 cents†Medium, 50.. and large size, $100. Fur sale by John McKinnon, Benverton. A clear head is indicative at good health and regular habits. When the body feels heavy and languid, nud the mind workï¬â€˜ Iluggishl y Ayer’a Canhartie Pills will wonder- fully assisttoa. recovery of physical buoy- ancy and mental vigor. The constipated should use them. ‘ ‘ Thorah Township Council. . :Oouucil met at 1 o‘clock p. m, Members all present, Petition presented. Frank Mmlill and 105 others, for compensation to “'illinm Horton for ringing be'l. 0. Reâ€" purtof lleeve, in the mutter of the Brock drain put in and read. Correspondence read requesting the council to petition the Out- nriu Legislative Assembly'in favor of the Torren’s Land _System and Women to have the right to vote at Municipal and Provin- dalelections. Applications for aid to Arch. McPhail and Andrew Donlge put [in and read. Claim for compensation. sheep killed by dob-s made by Duncan MuDougnll for one eheep valued at $5.00 allowed $3.33, twoâ€" Ohird value. Resolved that a byâ€"luw he now brought in to appoint Deputy lleturn. ingoflioers and the places for holding niuni. cipal electors for the year 1854. Resolved that the taxes forlthe year [883 of the under. ‘ mentioned parties be remitted viz :ers. ‘ Moybee. Mrs. John Hunt,: Mr. Andrew Anderson. Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. \Varren, Mr. Angus Molnnes, Mr. John Carmichael, Mn. Curran and Beuvertou Foundry, school taxes excepted. lewlved that a hy-law be low brought in tozexteud the time for the collector to return lns roll. lesolved that the following amounts of dog tax paid in error be refunded viz zâ€"To Mrs Duncan McDougnll, $1.00; Mrs 'l‘hos. Scott, 81.00 ; Mrs. John Harrison, $1.00 ; and that the following «lug tax chnrbe d be iemitted viz : J. S. Porke’s dog, $1.00 Resolwd that Mr. Horton be paid the sum of $5.00 for his services in ringing the township hell during the year 1883. Moved by Mr. Alex. )lclkae, seconded by Mr. Francis Melina that the ropm't of the Beer» as beluw in the matter of the Brnck (lgainage by law he adopted. That this Cuuncil fur the ronsuns set forth in the Mid relmrt and as at present advised take no action in the motto". 'I‘hm: «copy of the minptecl repurt with this resalntion be forwarded M tho council of Brock. 7’0 the Municipal Corporation of the Township of T’un'a/c .' GEVTI.R.\IBN.â€"-l hey m report that l have been served with tlm mcmumnviuo' rpm: hy the Reeve of the 'l‘uwnship uf Brno vil : l. Spemlmntiom of cnlwrts; 2. Spcviï¬ua» tions of Dmitri" ann~hipuf Brock _- 3. Eu- iueer’s preliminary rcpnr‘. l‘e-Huitl drain,- 1 Engineers Estiumtos rco-BM'I drain .- 5, Engiuoer’s accounts, Ic-u-rvey Mu. ; 0, By. kw 346 Township of Brw-k; 7. Report. of Asseument ,- 8, Plans and l‘rmilca, ru drain. Tho mnstimportant uf wluch armaments is n by~law payed by tho m d ununcxl «I! “rock on the 12th «lav of Junu. 1383. hy which you will [er'NVb they haw». imposed liJhilitios on thn l‘nwmhip of 'l‘hurah tn the nmunut of â€I5 “unmet other upenuq hcn'eidaftor referred to- ‘ The said hy-law whites to a drain or ditch now in coursu of conï¬rmation in the Town-‘- Ihi of Brock which the Engineer reports wili) beneï¬t curtain roads mil lazul- in th» Township 0! Thorab, to the fluid amount. of .315. The costs oi'publantion of by-Jaws and 'all other expomceo ihcideutal to the con"- atructiou of the works! and flu! - ‘ ling of byl-lavm shall be‘dbefltd part oft 6 coats of ’ the works. and include} in the amount. to be I raised by local rate. The said by-Inw is apparently passed under the authority Oftlle " Act to Coiuuliilnu the Acts Res acting Municipal Institutions." Sections 5 0 to 626. which Act authorizes Township corporations to pass thy-lava (or draining certain sections or localitiea and to impou special muted on the lands bomtittcd. to defray ibo expenses of the mid drain. I would wish to call the “Solution of this Council tocostuiu sections and clan!“ of the said Act. lat, Section-910. clause 3:: enacts that the costs of any arbitration held in connection with the commotion of any work. 8005011 560‘ emote MM the cuuucit cf the Mulnioipnlity cmmneuciuz the «Fuch- shall serve upon the Ahmiuipnlify whom- msds or lands are to be benelitted copius of the reports. plans, proï¬les. estimates and assessments of the Engineer, which I re- nnmo are-.the [paper's heretofmo nefeure ha and which Were served uponnme on- thv 29th- dhy of November nearly six moutha‘ after the council of Brock had ï¬nafl‘y' passed their by-law. Sectims 575, 5317‘, 5118 ounce that the‘ wnrks can be carried beyond the Hunt: of the Municipality inatihutiug the name, or when lands in an adjhcent Municipuhty are‘ beneï¬ted may must lum- n- jnnt proportion of the expense awarded by the Engineer, subject bmvever to an- appeal. Section 581 enacts that the council‘ of the hat named Municipality shall within four months of service pass a bylaw of‘such sum or sums as may be named in the wport of Inch sum or sums as may be awarded bv arbitratorsâ€"in the some manner and With such other provisoes as Would »baw; been pro er if a majority of the owner» 05 th" 1-11 I to be tsxecl had petitioned as provide-l by sec. 570, that is to soy your oouucil is now requiredto pass a by-lsw similar to the one submitted With this report. Section 582 provides for an appeal. Seclion 571. S. S. 2 enacts that the hy-laws before being ï¬nally passe-l shall be ameml 7 ed. so as to correspond with buy alteration made on appeal by the Court of Revisionâ€"- or by the Judge of the County Court. What appears to be most objectionahle in the actioniof the Council of Brock is lot. That to we a hy-law similar to the one sub mitted will envolve considerrble ex; a mu . nd while they how made provision in tho usu- mates for the costs of passing the Brock by- law and the amount of the costs of the 8;).qu have been proportionally levied over both Townships. they have made no provision for passing a. similar by law in 'l‘horah wliicn according to Sec 570, S. S. a. 3, should also have been done, so if your Council takv the nition required, the expense of paisinï¬ the Tliorah lw-lsw must be paid from Mr- Genersl Fund of the Township, instead of l‘sing paid from the special rote to be levied upon the lands beneï¬ted by the drain. against which injustice I consider we are ‘ entitled to protest. 2nd. . A†Motion 1582 provides for arl-itiaâ€" tion and appeal and by section 571, S. S, ‘2. all alterations are to be entereul as nm‘mul- manta beforelthe ï¬nal passing of the lry.law.-, it would appear that the Council of Brock. by passing I by-lnw nearly sir months be- fore notifying our Council, have deprived us of our right 0f appeal, for unless their by. law be revlnedgï¬ho alterations to be made by appeal and In the estimated cost, of the drain, cannot be entered as amendments. 3rd. The the ssid appeals would be liable to sflect not only the aggregate amount to be charged against the Townshig but tlm proportional shares to be paid by . Iunicipal- itv and the Thor-ah land owners beneï¬tte-l. all of which Alterations should be (lelinately set forth in the hyâ€"lsws before they can bu legally levied upon the parties liable. While disc] iming nll inten'lion of sclinq in oppouitinn to the council of Brock. and fullv recognising the beneï¬t to'ba derived frmn the said druin by the road on the townlinm between Brook and Thor-ah upon which mml the towmhipa are cpandimz u considornhlu Mnnunt of money whichlmll be comparative- ly melon without the outlet. still an nnv hy-lnw wn could now pans would be liable to he anhed with com: to the tmvushiu. l won‘d recommend thnt our council take no agtinn ln the matter. All which in roamctlnllv r‘vhmittvd. 630mm F. Bn'vcn. Dec. 15th 1883. Resolved that the following amounts h- psial to the herein named parties for the luv of lndigents set forthâ€"to the Kocvv for Mr. Mol’hnil and Mrs. Andrew Doidqu i» Mr. Galloway for Mrs. Donald .\Ic,:l His and Angus McPherson.â€"-Resolvoal that 83.17 srrenrs of taxes charged to Mr. Jo: Edgar Against lot l5. 5th con be remitted. I’m-sow. ed that Mr. John Mensa be alloww! $10.00 for tho crossing constructed on Slalom! St. Resolved that the Treasurer be instructed to provide for the pspment of tho interest on the outstanding debentures hour the money now lying to the credit of t‘w town- ship in the Bonk 0‘ Toronto. A number ul mounts were presented and ordered to ho 3 paid, also councillors fees. '- .«,, NUMBER 43 â€gonna 8mm. Cum. llcew