Tm: St. \Iary'q “Journal" and " Argus" says : :‘ 'l'he St. Mary‘s Carriage: Manufacâ€" turing Company not. having sold the whole 100.0%) shame or had _ntI returns from agents have deemed it advisable to pustpnnu the division of proï¬ts. amounting to $106,â€"~ 000 to \Vedncsday, Dummhur 3lst. 1884. when the same “'1†positively take place. Shares are $2.00 each, and can ln: germ-ml {mm ll. A. L. White, Secretmy, St. Mary’s (lnt. Mr. (.3. E. Higgins. Beamsville. writes: "A customer who tried a buttle uf ~Vurthmp Lymau’s Vegetable Discovery says it is the lwst thing he ever used ; to quote hi1 mm words, "It just seems to touch the spun ::lYectcd." Ahuut a. year agn he had an ab- tack of bilinus fever, and was afraid ho was in for nuothen when I recommended this valuable medicine with such happy ro~ stilts." Now our“ We do hear of the fluid": fnbl termination uf a cue of mmp. when n young life might. have been saved ny the pmmpt use of Ayur'a (‘hevry l‘uomrnl V IIâ€" who Iu “mo. and keep a butnlu 0! it on hand, ready lur mum use. Dam't nulfrr with indigentiun. um Baxter‘s .‘lnnnlmke Hi tom. lh-c um. Pll‘él' nut Hm I "kin-.1 disznpt-r Hut ml» dorminrs lu-alth, and the covumntiulml vigâ€" 01‘ “ill rclmn. 'I‘lmsu whu sulfur hum an unnamed aml «lismwlure-l statu "2' the nyatmn, .‘llnll’d Sula Ayer's Saran‘m-illa tn cleanse the blow. and Ioshne viulity. l’ersuns 0f sedentary habits, the greater part. of whose time is passed at the dexk, ur in 301113 way bent over daily tasks, cramp the stumnch, weaken its muscles. and incur dysprpsia early. Their must- reliable and safest. medical resource is Northrsp Ly- mau'u Vegetable Discovery. tho Great. lllnml l'urilier. and which is especially adapted to lmligcstiun, Bihousness, Constipation: and l’oVeity or Impurity of the Bloml. ORILLIA hotel keepers charge the follow- ing rates :â€"Bnard and lodging, two dollam 1 day ; team over night in a stable. one dolâ€" lm‘ ; single, ï¬fty cents ; bay for team, forty cents ; hay for one horse. tWenty ï¬ve cents; shed room for one horse ï¬fteen cents. 'l‘hey intend to boycott the merchants who voted for the Scott Act, and buy their provnsions from outsiders. A nusxrronn per says iâ€"Last evenin the Rev. Dr. 000 “no, on making the neon announcements from the pulpit, made some excellent sud practice} comments on the subject of making nnnouncements from the pulpit ; and also to some other matters of practical importance. He stated that if he were to read all the notices and invitations handed to him to be published, the congre- gation would need about fourteen duys in the week, instead of seven, to attend to all these demands made upon their time. Some of these notices he did not believe in. but there were others which Were consistent with the wonk of the church. Still he thought that all snuoumâ€"emeuts outside of the special business of the church should he made public through the advertising columns of the press, and he paid -fnr, Is Other ud» Vertisemellts are, and should not be made from the pulpit, as the sacred desk could hardly be considered :- lilting and appropri- ate place from which to issue advertisements. Dr. Cochrane is right, and we commend his Views to the pastors of churches in this \‘icimty. Is there anything more nun iying than having your corn stepped upon ? Is there anything more delightful than gut-ling rid of it. 2 Hullon'ay’s Corn Cure WI“ do it. ‘V oems cause feverislmess. maaniuvv and restlessness duu'ug sleep. Mothct Uravea’ 'Worm Exterminator is pleasant. sure. and effectual. A lady writes : "1 wt: enabled to remove Che coma. root and branch, by the use of Holloway'o Corn Cure. In these days of oleonlargarine. it takes a smart wan to liml out "on Which aiile his bread is bntwreili" Hollowoy's Olntment and Plllq. This Uintment nfl'ords the shortest. safest and ancient path to â€undue.“ in all kinds ( skin disease; sorofulouo’lfec'tione. worbutio malndiee, ulcerations. eruptions and inflam- luations. There is nothing deleterious in the composition at Hollolny'a Ointment. but on the unitary. its ingredients muses: the moat soothing. purifying and strength- ening qualities, so that it on be used with perfect safety by pouch: of all sgee. The delicate skin of infants in not irritated by its application. wd it is equally ulapted for subtlning the tedious ulcerations attacking the need. In all constitutional. chronic. and complex alfeetiom, Holloway'e Pills ghoul-l be taken whilst his Ointment is hein used, in order tint ell bmeful nutter may ox- pellell from the system. Mr. Wm. Boyd Hill. Cohourg. writes : “Haring and Dr. 'l‘humu' Fcluoln'c Oil for some you“. I have much plenum in testifyâ€" ing to its oiling in relieving pins in the luck nml ulwuldun. l have also usml it in casuo of cmup in children. and kayo luuud it to be all than you claim It to be." Jabuh Snow. Gunning CM‘B, N. 8., Write: : â€l W“ completely mutated with the “thaw. but heariu 0 Dr. ‘l‘homu' Eula-trio Oil, 1 nmcum 3 bottle. um! it \lolm me to much good that I got another. uul baton: it urn mod, I In wall. My son Wu cured of u Ind cold by the mo of half A bowie. It gou like wild-tire, sud nukes cures where'er it in uml." EV‘ "v...“ u, unsnoxs ox Fuurr AND PLANTS are nuswar- ed y Mr. Jmnoa Daugnll,:of Wmsdor. Ont. ; uns'noxs ox LEGAL sumac“ are answered by a Montreal advocate. and an Ontario bmis~ tex- ; Qussnoxs OPSUBJECTS or Evnmr KIND pro answered by competent authorities. The Clubbing Rates given by the proprietors of the Witness "15'. your and the war previous lmvmg given so much satlsmctmu, wu «gum ru peat them. Su 11 no as follows : The price of the Weekly Witness Is $1.00 per you, postman two. Whouthrce subscriptions no sent in the one mn‘clnpo, Um prlco tu ouch \nll be Eighty Cents ul‘ $2.40 in all. is s nowapnpcr of the ï¬rst. mnk. keeping its road um thorough] ~ml'urnwcl on all (lupm-llnonts of current thong ntsund nvcms. Its umnu sud re~ pumuun are too well and widely known. and ï¬rmly ostublislml. to numl any uxtmuled cum- mont. single copies, ()nu Cent. Subscription price. $3.005 your. postage ll‘co. whore ‘ Quu'rsmxs ox \ HTBMNAIW Sumnm‘s tu'o ans- wered by Dr. Mcl-Inchmu, F. R. U. V. 5., Princi- )10 of the Montreal Veterinary College, and the miniou Inspector of leu Stock ; QUESTIONS ox BEE-KEEPING are answered by Mr. D. A. Jones. of Baotou. 0111.. President of the National “eu Convulniou ; Qunsnoxs ABOUT l’oum‘ux' AND PETS are ans- qucd by Dr. S. J. Andros. Montreal ; , _ ,-__ _..._.- nun nun, uu-vu v; u-. .... i Quns'nos ox AdxiiL-ULTI'IRM. SUBJECTS are aus- wqrocl by “Rnsticus†; , n..- IA.» 11. ......n g...“ nun-"nun, “"an [our subscriptions are sent together in one uuvolopo. the mum to each wiil be n'uvonty l-‘n'o cents or 53.00 m all. is a hilly lllns mtod paper. published twice a month. lh-sidus contmuing tho Sunday-School stxnn-a. “in mpluta with general infarmnï¬on of val-mun kinda. in oquslly min ntud for mu wuok do ' school and Sunday Hchou , and for young nm old. It is the u-unpost p-mur ovm‘ issued. ALI: mncmmmxs TAYAHLH IN ADVAXCR. Sample Copies of all or any of the above Papers km with Plea-nu. - \ï¬xZ-Bilï¬'siiflauRikiliiis um sent 'togothm‘ in mm ( uvolopu "101mm to each will be b‘uvouty- l-‘n'e ccuwur $7.00 in u". The Weekly Messenger is a pa or which only umds to be seen in order to be ikod. l’rinuxl ln largo‘ and distinct t p0. it you vontainu um new: at the world in Inch a clear and mm 38on that ovoryuuo may understand an] nppwollnle. Nun of (no un-nl tom var-moo campaign in m). won all (“'01- llm wnr d (“Is A pwmlnont p am In tho wlwkly Mausongor's columns. In lull‘nil)" tn those it. w an nlnntmtod paper. and given its subscribers q'urnwt purlmllk o! tlm pooplo "my road About . It contains four pause ol moat lu- tureutlnn family wndlng. lmsldm accurate wonk- ly rum ls ol the Now Yurk nml Montreal mar- kets. . II this In nniy Flny Cont» a Youth!!!) reductmnn tn 1"th. Joxm DOUGALL Son, Publishers, Montreal. which was established in the Winter of 1845-6, has materially increased in circulation during the present your, yearly 9,000 now numes having noun added to its subscription lists. making a. total 01 41.3000. This paper gives all tho ciii'i'unt news and uliundmit good reading. along with tho Sunday-School Lessons. and is the cheapest Family Paper in tho Dominion. A much-valued {mituru of the Witness. and one “‘1 icli has. shown greatly increased develop- ment l tiring the past couple of yours, is its SPECIAL DEPARTM EXTS, When .We call upon L‘ana-liaus to encourage this enterprise we are after all nut. “Skills them to do anything vasn. They already have in Grip abundant value fur $2 per an~ hunt, and has nlreaxly stated the Gal- lt’ry. which alone is worth more than the amount 0] cubscriplion, is a free gill. All we request therefore is that thuse who are not alreany upon our list shall {abscribe for Grip. We decline to argue as to whether $2 per year can he spent in any better way intelâ€" leeluully. Then: is no question lu argue. The intelligent. citizen 0! Canada who has that unount. per year to inn-st. fur his Ineu~ tal pleasure may safely take our wunl on this point. he will certainly ï¬nd nothing in {my lot the mulney which will be so satu- hwmry as a receipt for a subscription to Grip. Try Grip for ’85, only $2 In these sketches an cll‘ort. is made to hit off not only the facial Pxpreasiun, but the general ï¬gure as Well. each sulijeat. being some characteristic pose. thrchr posuble the drawing will be made from life, :0 as to ensure accuracy in these respects. At the same time a staid mattnbof-facc portrait is not. aimed at, but that. far murc attractive and unique thingâ€"a caricature embracing n litmus. Each portrait is accompanied by brief biographical notice wriucu in a spirit wcurrcspuml with the picture. , _ L - nunnuC'-l'u These plum no priutml in colon. on ï¬ne plan: per, And Will be issued wontth to our an acnbers. free of charge. A Cent A Day For The World‘s News ! THE DAILY WITNESS. NO. I'IT. '05. ill! JOII§ .1. â€Ayma- Aul. was tuned August incl, Is“ No. i-IOS- OLIVER SICHVA‘I‘. Wall killed Squeulbt-r “III. '1“. ho. 3 â€"ll0.\'. IBWAKD BLAKE, was Issued October mun. ‘M. No. lâ€"II. W. I. IEIBDI‘I'II. “"1! be Insu- etl November lith. '8‘. No 5-H0.\'. ll. museum, will In: lulled December 20th. '8‘. No. Câ€"IICN. .l. solemn. wll be Issued January Int. '85. no. 1410.1. ï¬ll! II. I.. LASGBVIN. “Ill be Issued l‘ebrmu-y «n. '83 WHAT TO READ. Given away to all the SUBSCRIBERS to “GRIP.†GRIP’S CANADIAN (MLIJ‘IRY. ï¬n bili. â€If ikVVlilérél-Iznwwt mimr (Wm Samoa ’rlco 3‘! (‘onts n 31-m- wit 1 notions (0 clubs. Lot 1. Con. u. “yum. (our Spflu Canvas. Tue owner ogn have we “me by proving wo- puty wd my“): “pulses. ‘ IRA ARGUE. no-.. M 1m .‘Idn. “'OIXIVIUU. P. 0 Stuns!) Into the meniwa at me ulflmiuned 80v. U. tauâ€"Mu. THE NORTHERN MESSENGER. THE WEEKLY MESSENGER. Grip Printing Publishing 00., TORONTO. Full ï¬gure Portraits. in l‘olon. o! Promi~ non: Cauwinuu. THE WEEKLY WITNESS. ChU "DING RAT ES Strayed. 1885.. â€"â€"DUBINUâ€"â€" uu: JOIQSHQ.‘ nut-nos- W oodvillo, October. 1884. Our accounts are now ready and must all be rendered this month and settled. Men's Ulstcrs and Overcoats Very Cheap. Men’s Guernsey’s Shirts and Drawers, Mufflers, Cardigan J nckets, Ladies’ Shawls and Clouds, Mantles, Gloves, Furs of all Kinds and all the leading Shades in Cloth Dress Goods, Cheap, 1‘1 Ready'Mnde Clothing we have 200 Suits to choose From, in Men’s Youths' and Boys. Leicester, Ram and Ewe Lumbs.a13\ a number otumd Ewes and a. moron-'hbrod Shropshire Down aged mm Lambs $5.00 each. aged ram not for sale till end of season. Apply to .108. MARSHALL. Mariposa. Nov. 12th. :53]. Glou. Mnriposa. FULL FALL STOCK ON HAND, R. JOHN SCOTT has placed his accuuuts in m) hands for collection. Panties indebted to uim either by now or account must settle at once it they would save costs. Nov. 13th.188-l.3 in. H. CAMERON. VHA'I‘ solid brick building, 1 corner of King and Aguus Streets. \Voodfllie. 'L‘muls 0.153. HALF-BREEDS - Shropshire Down -' AND Good - Winter- Boots! Apply to CAPT. W. ANDERSON. Oct mu 65 Uolborno St. Toronto. NEW Winter Goods ! IARGE quantity of ï¬rst-class Rod and 1 White Brick now on hum! u the swim: unuk ind. neuverwn. Prim Modvnw. 1:14;. SPEX LR. Oct. 3:3 Nov. 91. lastâ€"Mu. B6NVE® §H®E§ [3 Rod Heifer withu paucihr Kola in t1»: min ou- ubouu tho silo or a “vent; com plow. D. B. Mc.\.\!m, Bricks For Sale. E undersigned bus for wrvlco st Lot 3. uh Cow. Elder. n thorough-bun! b'nn'olk Boar. bwd by All‘. McClure. Eldon Hills. 01115.. also a Berkshire hour. from the latest inlportntions by’Johu Snell's Sons. Edmonton. Ont. Terms 8-14†cull. , DENNIS HOWKIXS. hov. 90. 4 (13.4881. Lot 3, 0th (3011.. Eldon 03! (he promises of D. B lloh'nbb‘ s ranch 140d Hejtar witha punch hole in th» rig NTO tho pmmhu o! poudd‘Currie. I.“ 3. 10th I Cou., Eldon. I {QUINN mum. cum. on o: uuou: account In . The owner Mn Mvo the sumo b pwvmg property and buying eswum. y DUIJALU cumm. l Eldon. 50v. m. "BLâ€"Mu. Boar Pigs. SUFFOLK A‘: BERKSHIRE Last Notice. CHEAP FOR CASH- For Sale ROD. CAMPBELL, At H. WILSON’S, Woodville, Will get a. good selection in Sale as well as Custom \Vork' For Sale. Mot «Groom. ma Guava-o that O ‘ Conant». naming Susan: 111 amp? Strayed. Strayed. C’urcs Dlssuccss, Loss opr1u:titc, Iudcyestwn, Biliousness, DySpepsia, Jauudicc. Aï¬ections of the Liver and Kidneys, Pimplcs, Blotchcs, Bails, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula. Erysipclas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Derringer! Slomach. or irregular action of the Bowels. The lamest and beat assorted stock in town of Glou. Mnriposa. 3 in. -VVhich will all be sold I have now my Those wanting : LR. Boavortou. Bufsovar. ROD. CAMPBELL. 5:: . County of Ontario lll‘l x' In â€\tll‘il-u Pom‘ Panm’.~Jou: 23, Mar. 13. May 5. July 7 Sept. 22. Nov. 17. UxmunmLâ€"Jan. 23. Mar. 4. May 6, July 8. Sept 9.3. Now. lol. CANNINGTQN.â€"-Jan. 24. Mar. 5. Mny 7, July 9. 80m l REVS! BAKERY E 1884, It *3 o'cldck. p. 111.. for the transaction of general business. By order, '1‘. MATUHE'I‘T. COUNTY 0szan OFFICE, ). County Clerk. Lindsay. November 2G, 1884.; Bin. Is hereby given that the Council of the Corpora- tion 0! than County of Victoria. will meet in the Council Chamber. in the Court House. in the town of Lindsay, on 91. Nov. 10. B}:AVI-:1\TuN.~â€".\Iar. 6, lbw 8, July 10. Sept. 25. Nov. 90. Unananovn.â€"Mu.7. May 9 July 11, Sophai Nov. 91. J. E. F.\RE\\’g-:LI‘..__ County of Victoria. Whitby. Jan. 1. 1881 “(Huntâ€"Jun. 9' Feb. 1. Mar. 1. Apr. 1. May 1 Juno 1. July 2. 501ml. Oct. 1: Sov. 1, Doc. 1. Bnommsnâ€" [May 2. Ju-y :1. Sept. 2. Dm-rm‘s ()nxng.â€" ; Jails}. Mm: ' ‘Nov. :1. Tuesday, December 9th. Nov. 90. 3 mow!!!“ A FIRST-GLASS BAKERY “IRON BLOCK,†Beuvertou. BREAD, RUNS NKICS Sittings of Division Courts for Published by order of tho General Session. Boga to inform the people of Benetton sud vwauly that ho hu thoroughly «qtuppod “my: {real}. and at low prices at his store. and is now mounted to supply tho best quality 0! A good stock 0! fresh groceries tlwaya on hand. no «out. (me 8‘ mewm 087‘ H. Hunter NOTICE (mom 8W 6161‘ka the Peace 70. QUEEN STREET. LONDON. E. 0.. Will bo glad ï¬o oonnspond with apple. Gm“ , on Merchant; 1nd flhippera, with a view to Au‘umu and Spr nu business. ' They willnlw uive‘ the usual {militias to our 00mm requiring Mlvtncoa. aeiéihg'nm-muos. ' 0. SMITH, Provincial Land Surveyor Drainage Engineer Practical Architect. nommomm ï¬rst-ohms s ock Companies. Insur- ance olIeutml on all classes of Property. 'nhmt. FIRE LIGHTNING, CYCLONES and IGH wmï¬s. also «gun: for he sun LIFE AND AC- CIDENT. ' Agent for l’nlou lAmn .t Saving's (‘0. Honey to Loam du ï¬rst-class security MG to 6; p.c. Agent ï¬n \. H \RRIS. SU\ (10., Brnntford. Manufncum 1: of helmets. mers. Self Binders I will be in Homer-ton on Tuesday and Friday of each week, orders by mail um ' he addressed to Benvortoe,_or>\\‘oeglvillo and wil receive prompt. W. Williamson. BUTCEER and. POULTEBER Having purchased the business of Mr. John McKiuuun. ’.\’nmlvillo. my shop will nlwayn be found with n full supply of all moat: in season, Which will iw sold at tho Inwest prices. FOR CASH ONLY. l'oultry in 891130“. mums will; fut cahlu fur snlu shu'xld call on me before 5011. Oflico -â€"\lvdicnl Hall. \Voodvillm Will be in' Beawrton m 111 v '1' ucsdn) . Orders left With John kin-1111111011 l)1u_-.;gist,)§oavc1ton, Or 113 tolv-‘niph. \\ m 1ccu1ve1~rompb attention. ill; D. BLACK (Mum! guy-m'unrc ggcnt APPLES! .»\. u l’N-N, V. 3, Graduate of m» mum-In Veterinary College VETERINARY IXSI'ECTOR. JACGB BARNES, Pump Maker. Pumps and Uisterna of all kinds to ordeu at short notice. 31E rcï¬liféfdl attention. JAMES M. LA WSON, CARTER. 1"?- Cartiug done to and from all parts of the village and .mdluud Rummy Stutnn. Charges moder- ate. Resident-o. one door north of hldou House Queen atrwt. “'oouvmo NEELANDS dz, PENTLAND DES'I‘ISTS, dc" Lindsay. Out. 0:10 of the above will he at tho Hamilton Hou‘ée. Buuvcrtuu. ml the 50 um] Muudm or each month. He will also \isit Woouvm c on the Second Tm:- dny of each month stoppmg at the Quoeu' s Hutol. J. NEKLAXL‘S. l..D.S. C. M., L. C. P. ‘t'. 8.. (vmdunto of Toronto Univar 5m. anbor of u oile-‘u Physicians and burgcuus Out†anuumer lurSuuLiIu mm Lomcdbnmou Life Co a. M. \V. PLANK, *VETERINARY SURGEON,â€" (Graduato of the Ontario Veterinary College Diseasus of all domesticatod animals treated by latest mu! bust. approved systems. Ofï¬ce and Inï¬rmary. Risdou's Howl.~Ca.uniugbou ELDON HOUSE, \Voouvxuus, Tllos. EDWARDS Proprietor. First-class accommodation aud attentive nor \‘umi‘ Bgu‘ wull supplied with the choicest Liquors and Cigars. ‘Bus to “narrow all trains. and every convenience for the travelling public. The highest cash price paid {or all kinds of HIDHS. SKINS, TALLUW. (kc. Au ‘ quantity 0! Tan Bark wuntud. fur which cash wi 1 be paid. Baavartozz {ranger} I Livery Rigs at any time and at all hours on tlw shortest uunco. Spucml mtunnuu given to Com~ men-ml ’l‘ruvollus. Charad- ulwuys modeuw; Tums, CASH. aublw m couuuctiou with tho Eldon lluuau. Township flu-It, Sluulrllmllly of Thrall. (mice n 'I‘uwn "all. Bmwnou. Ontario. WOODVILLE â€VERY STABLE, ulzsm' alumnus. I-uprmcr. Contactlonsr of all Kindsfln St I: Ftezh and Sal och 0° ' Fresh Bread, Buns, Buisouits amt Pastry aiways on hand or Made to Order Orders: solicited {or Musical Instruments am! R. W. NEWSON, Baker and ï¬nnfectinnen ARCH. CA MPUELL, VICTORIA ('OILVI‘I' .\|'t"l‘l0§i2l>‘.ll. 0111L'0~â€"Ullu uuoroas! ox 1'0»! Uulco. WMV'LIIc. Char/es Dona/0’ (E 00 Eldon Township Clerk and Treasurer. Oxllce at Mr. Reid's Stare. Lomevillo. Ont :‘300dvullo. July 1884. (Mice and licslkiclflh‘, Mauillu Uutnrio. 442:3:be >7. 3 wwwAVâ€"wwdoz. TERMS CASH. -â€"â€"Mcl;eod‘l Old Stand. \VOODVILLI'Lâ€" “’31. CA M ERON, \Vomlville. MA R'l‘lN (x: HOPKINS, lnmusnms. summons «to. Money to Low at 6 per cont. 0mm» â€"Kcm Sweat. Lindsay, Ontario. MARTIN. 1 G. H. HUPKINS. Address. Box 79. Demon-ton, Ontario.»â€" \V. H. JOHNSON, M. D. PARSONS . DUNCAN, JNO. A. JACKSON. WOODVILLE, ONT. \\"001)\"1LLE, ONT. â€" GEORGE SMITH, I 103. l'EN'l‘lAND. LILS.