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Woodville Advocate (1878), 11 Dec 1884, p. 4

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in hot eve. "clloway '3! Corn Cure destroy s all kin. .fi l “W nnyql warm ruuL mud lnamflu. A contemporary mentiom a one beyond the ordinary oculist. ltja that of; mm; {my who, hated on pupil, has A pr euor Do not delay In getting‘reliel for the “We folks. Mother Grams’ ovum Exterminator is a pleaxant an] auto cum. {n he dignified By the billions vaporingu of an Urillia n'ncompoop Nor do we desire to exchange. nit no'pompously not fogth by luim._ Our table is hrnialued with Orillia lmllcl' whose roconl' is not sulle. by n “hiskoy subsidy and" ones who bu. more lmnnr than toltl'ikfi behind the back, a. this enntemptiblo- rag acknowledges itself. to In", .10.“, tons. We have the matter with to public. knowing that what Wn have “and will bear eveny‘aorutiny and will he mnflrmed by reference totlno atticlu alluded to. IImompuIieIl by the -(lls"llfltill'_' IIislIlny of ill temper shImn in the article refer'red‘ ,0, if i! not to he IInIIIlIueIl at that the miter is termed II "mink. ” We do Imt' toe) yin necessary to deal with the article or its nnthm; he who can conuiesenl to such lan .mnge as giI’en iu the mrmspmnlence of last \Icck.l1llt I-IIly for the hm room, (If which we now learn ho is II shining orua went, and is far heneath (qu notice even of :I aheet m “IIIIIItenIlItihle" In the “BEAVER- ~I>IIIEXI'III:ss." “‘ith the Nam Lelm' We want nothing tn do. We existed as the representative of this village-'long before that sheet saw the light nml we shall cnuu tinué to eXIsL as such, when it has passe! intn IIl- liviIIII. 'l he Arum Lrller can do us no harm we hIIvn been among the people of l‘n-I awrtnn now too lung tn fI-m nu) Infurnm» IiI-n gIven by it; eIlirur. certainly too long Sons kin}! friénd has presented us with a navy of the Orillia New: mer of lag-t “let k. in “find: the éditor goes cm-si‘lorablypula of Inis’wgy '20 make a personal, vulgar, my] we}; abusive attack on this paper. for whim” tn criticize the truthfulness of correspmuluncc svufi iron} this village, 'to that sheet; Abuse of 3m} kind is not very persuasive and when Tun outbreak of the fearful disease small- pox. in the township of Hl‘ugerford, has caused quite a thrillof anxiety throughout the province, and although every precau- tion has been taken to prevent the fell disease from spreading. it is diflicult to say where it will next behesrd from. The people of Belleville are alarmed and so virulent is the nature of the epidemic that persons attacked live only a short time after being afllioted, many who were taken sick in the early part of the day turn black and die before night. Now We do not desire ‘ to pose as slnrniists. but we think some precautions should be taken to meet trouble should it come to us. With the existing machinery of the law it is quite possible to prevent such occurring and it requires but due precaution. The Boin-d of Health should see that every disease produeiu; cause he removed and that at once, as we pointed i outlast Week. many such exist and which should be attended to at once. A liberal application of fresh lime to all outbuildings and sheds is also an excellent plecaution, and one that adds much to the cleanly apptamnce of the town. Prevention is! butler thaucure and it would be well tel bear the fact in mind. l 'l‘lln Franco-Chinese War, for so it may he called. is by no means proving the in- nocent little ounpaign nnticipnted. in fee" the Frenchmen hnve their hands ‘full and it is very questionable if they will retire from (‘hiua without humilitetion and possibly heavy loss. The opentions of the past two Week, have so fer us can he learned gone sovelely against the French. whilst the Chinese are now becoming the “walnuts. Chinese tactics appeal-to be to retire and ‘ allow the French. to follow them into the deadly passes of Tonquin, thus wenkuing their lengthened line. The native press is certain that Chine will reconqner Tonquiu. . government hu largely increased expendit- ures in order to maintain England’s nova! supremacy, uni intend to build five new ironclnds, five belted cruisers, twu Mined torpedo rams, ten scouts and thirty torpedo hunts. which will be finished within four years. Tm; lute were u to the condition of the British Navy ceased each preesure to be brought on the government thet an immeâ€" diete investigation: was otdered. with, the reeult that in the Home of Lord: Earl Nuth- brook. first Lord of the Admiralty, and iu the House of Commons, Mr. Brueey. Secretary of the admiralty. atlted that the Britieh navy wee largely superior to the Ffench navy, both in number of vessel: and amount of tonnage. During the past four years the ‘ aiditnrinl mum. L'Jlist 68- Now is the time to secure bargains in Houow'r. Olntment and Pllls. Wall l’nper. “'9 are clearing out stock at Those who hate given these remedies a . 1 ~i us. John McKinuon “.‘ledicnl fnir trial freely admit that the inherillv Wilfrileglvgtun. , . possess evnry property suitable or healing O , " ‘ and removing eruptions. ulcerations. fistulas, anfivgaiezfi 8:35;: gfgkesir‘hxelga . I abscesses, Sores. bad legs gathered breasts, \ ‘ . ,, and all (fianrdiers of the 'g'imdulal' system. ‘ Medical Hall, Betwmton. When carefully rubbed in the (liutnwnt re- laxes tho swollen mnsclea. diminished inâ€" damnation, Mnnagcs ['mm. and evan silent. ates (hinge-mus nmlau ion whizh ma have lasted Iur mnnths, «rem-n yawn. Holflwnyfi excellent Rmparntinm are efl‘eotim singly, Inmesewrely “m, "or “form sh. ha rq-siatless Ill cnvnlmmtinm and have hocnl . n ed mm mnelix withmnt relief. and a. recommended by grltolnl patlt‘nts to he ,0. ' a 'y ' “ ht inn urged to try Dr. King’s New Discoveu - ”"1”" M *1 .nltautivu “he" "" othgr -’ did so. with must gratifying I‘MuItn. Tar; means of regnnnng halth haw lulled. Their ' a,“ bottle relieved her very much. and the Milan is tempemte. not violent or' reducing. second but,” absolutely cured her. She Much distress and sickness in children is lnu nut lmd smnod health for thirty years.” cursed by, worm Mother Oraves' Worm l‘rinl'llottlvs free at J. McKin-on’s Drug l‘llh‘l‘llllhfll'fl' give: rcliuf by removing the I Store. Large aizn 81.00. b â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"p.§-â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"’_ A Great Ducovury. Mr Wm. 'l‘hnmu, of Newton, 1... am». : My wife has been neriuualy nfl'octod with a. cnugh fur tn enty-flve y-mrn, and this apt-in . ‘v‘-.u "null IUI lllcll. 'l‘unu up the qvatem by the use of Ayers' Sarsuparilln. It will make you feel like a new lmraun. 'l'hnusands ham fuund health and relief fmm suffering by the use of this great blood purifier when all other means til. I, , 7 ._ ...'.uuuv nu la 1". is quite too much toliexpect anything like justice to the scholars from the teachers with such a condition of things. Another teacher should be obtained to take control of tho smuller element-of the school and we won! I submit this for the consideration of the trustees or the now boon] when formed. "I a, Smut: the new 30'1"",an been in comma-- tinn Hue attendance has hugely Increased, until now the average is 30 large as to make a third teacher an nbmute necessity. l‘hc average attendance during the put few weeks has lwen. in the senior div ainn 77 while in the junior department it is 70. It, i9 unite tun mnnh h. 1-me u... z. ,, 1-. Mn. \V. IMLY lms moved into his new house un Mam at. Mr. Duly may In cum-- plimcntml 0n having one of the prettiest little houses in town-amt when in: grumula an: properly set. nut it will h- a decided unsament. tn the place. » -â€"-... .u' uuqluy IUUI'III- mended for [Immune-’33. Many of the leading vocalists use them regIIlI-xrly before enm-crts and opens ; but their strongest recmnmeml- Minn m the reuwrknhly wlmlesome influence exerted upon the digestive "guruâ€"We \Vullltl suggest to all those desirous of trying the \‘Irtne uf the viy‘aIVes t-r (ml! nu H. Hulner "Iron Black,” whn always has them mu hmul, fresh. 11‘ is not as generally understood nit s'loul-l ln: that o) stem have medicinal quali- ties of a. liigh order. They are not- only nutritious, but wholesmne especially in cases of indigestion. It in mid “there is no other alimentary substance, not even EX" Cup-fling bread that does not produce indie gestiun under certain mrcumshmcee; hut oysters, never." Uvstcr juice promotes di- \ gestiuu. By taking oysters dnily. indiges- ; tion. suppose to he almost incurable. has been c wed. in fact they are to be regarded as one of the most healthful articles of fund ' known to man. lnvnlids who hare'fuund all other kinds of fund disagree with them. frequently discover in the oyster the requir- eduihnent. low nvsters ma hiuhlu mm.» ,V_.,.- .n. vâ€"FVVU. vuu w H) ("038 the up town station for passenger traffic as wall as freight business. It is possible for even a aoullo-ss, grinding unrmply, such as the Gram! Trnuk Railway. to mke one hhp too many. It Isl not improbable that this will prow the experiunce in the present in- stance ‘ Axornnn spe :imen of the utter disregard of the U.’ ‘. i. for the accommodation of the people is now agitating the people of Whitby and is described by the Chronicle us follows: “If there is one grievsnce against a railway corporation more aggravated than another it would seem to be that of the town of Whit- by vs. the Grand Trunk Railway. The o!d pooling arrangement of the Whitby. Port Perry and Lindsay Railway with what was then the Midland Railway. was at the out- set a breach of faith with the town. This ‘ was a small matter, however, as compared with wlut followed : though time has showu ‘ that it was the thin end of the wedge. "Gobbled up" by the Hand 'l‘rnnk. then it became a case of deprivnng the town oi every benefit for which it had so dearly paid. And now the closing act of this terrible farce is about to be enacted. 'l‘hisweek instructions have hem given that all freight to be shipped north must be taken to the Grand Trunk station and shipped from that point. The workshops closed and the men removed. Now the station for all business purposes at least, also closed. and business men put to the inconvenience and expense of carting their goods two and one-lmi miles out of the way. when they have a station. paid for by themseIVes. at their own door. The nest move. We exnect- will In t.- nlnm- Mu. Joux Knxsxm of the "Ontario House." buried his infant sun on Saturday- of last week. MR. Ann. Dumas returned an Sat-tiny but from a Week's hunt in the Woods uf Garden; with live fine deet as the result of his skill. ’l‘uomu township council 1: (Friday) for the last time in 1884. A ulsrumsmo accident which may yet result fatally occurred ou Monday evening hat. to Donald McKee. sou of Mr. Chris. McKee, 6th concession, who while hunting, it appear: slipped 06‘ the log on which he Wu etnudiug with his loaded gun. diaehn - in; the contents of the Weapon into his In 1: arm terribly lucerating the limb and inflict- ing a wound which will likely result in the emputation ol the nu) from the shoulder if nutiu his death. The hey we believe is about fourteen years of age. The carrying of firearms by boys who do not properly remgnize the dangerous nature 0! the wen- pous should he mnhihited when we would 11:5)” of fewer distressing accidents like the a ve. 0r We 0 mekin an important chnuge in bngemter lets»! Jennery an! in order to reduce flock are offering I lame stock of Jewellery, anmu Watches, Clockl, Fency Goods. Miscellaneous Books; and Wall Paper at cost ee for Cash. John McKiuuon. “Medial all."BeaverwI. Knox Church Sabbath School at Openinfi s new libnry. A "Be." in shortly to occur to cover the new volumu. 0" Any quantity ‘ at Benetton Station. gtamm gm! gown. Aqy ngngfty of pork wanted to buy 0mm! mm 00H! In comma-- ue has hugely Increasul, awe is 30 large as to make abetnlte negassity. l‘hc lumlids who ham-'funud fuml disagree with them. r in the oyster the requir- nysters are highly yumm- Many nfafllé I-cwling plot w-dny Mr Wm. Thomas, of Newton, 1... an". : My wife has been seriously “fwd with s cough for m enty-flve years, and this sprin mmesewrely than ever before. she ha used nmny remedies 11dmugrelkf. and be. 6- Now is the time to secure bargains in Wall Phper. “'9 are clemiug out stuck at wry lnw prices. John McKinnon, ".‘nletlicnl H all," Beavortuu. At Franklin, Soy. 29th, “C R. Magniré, aged 30 years. On Friday. the 7th imt.. the inFant son of Join; Kennedy, "cavertun, aged uno month. At Prestmv. Iowa. lly Rev. Thus. Rees, Mr. Gm. (jrillith of (.‘lu-rryvilh-, Kansas, to Miss J essiu b'idcy. of Greenfield, Iowa. 0n the 4th “IL, the Mir of Donald Brown Thou-1h, of :5 mm. Woodvme School Board. The sixth meeting of the \valville School Board wmr hehl 'nn the evening «f- | the 9th 900. Members present : Anderson, Cmuernn. Grant and l‘nlnphellâ€"Mr. Alld'!l‘~ son chairman. Minutes «I! last meeting read and sustained. anml Ivy \Vm. Unmaâ€" rum. ‘secomleul by .1. Grant. that the annual nchml meeting for the current ve-m- he‘ hehl 'in tho lown hall. Muvml by D. Hmut. ysucmnlecl hy ‘\\'nl. {hunt-run. that (1'. \V. .\lill:\r he ummiutc'l returning officer tn pmâ€" l side at said annual meeting :nul that in the event uf .1 pull heiug (Telnmnlc-l. pulling: { in take place in the Rohnnl house nu «lav mnl ‘ time fixed by law. The treasurer mm nnth- l nrizml tn nettle with teachers at expiration I of current quarter fur minonnts due each respectively. A-ljuurni-(l .S‘o'mulw. ‘ A. C. C.\.\u~mzl.i.. Secretary. 0n the I )th ult. thu wife of Fumulmr Steu'mt, Thur .1'1. nf a ll: ulghter. [M Nuremher 7th. the “ifs of John II. V,m| 'l‘ Imr:,\ll of .1 dam-liter. 0n Ducumh r 3rd inst. ., the wife of Joi Gnlpiul Thu .1]: of nulmtghtcr. MK GUS. Gulnmr and Miss Jessie Sifi'vy‘ of Greenfield, were united In marriage in tlfis city Thursday aftérnmu, Rev. Recs. pn rinrlmng the ceremony. The happy con- ple returned home in the afternoon to receive the congratulatinns of their friends. On Saturday they will depart for Cherryvale, Kansas. where Mr. Grilfith is emplnyed in une uf the banking ins'itutiona of that city. -('rvnlon Garlicâ€"Miss Jessi" Sidey was furmurly a. resident of \Vnndvillo. and we wish the young couple much happiness. Q-‘ REV. DR. Slam of Oshawa. will lecture on “The Mound B‘uirders ofAmerica" iu the basement of the Presbyterian church on Monday. the 22:;d’inst. Tm: aununl' Sabbath school anniversary of \Voodvflle Presbyterian church will take place on Tuesday evening. the 23rd inst. in the basement of the church. Pbsters with particulars will be finned shortly. Gauntâ€"Tho sum; mnlb’has occurred here and it is quite probable flint in a few years more but little wood will lie required in 1 his village. Au it is. hardwood is not. easily dispnsed of'aow at $4 per card and wit-h the advent u! more con! stones. the Wood business will be complelely ruined. for $3 per- cord. The {mm-s of this neigh- borhood msile a miétaku when they waist» ed it: keepfirg woodI up twthe artificial price created by the snow blociude two yea r3 agor the result of which was that a great many peoplé took to burnihg cell, and the number i: increasigg every‘ mutanâ€"Fenclon Fall: men n. _ . ' Ninthâ€"0f (like report beer not the bol‘t; Tenthâ€"Whath thy neighbor's. covet not. '1'": inming popularity of coal stone. of which twentyâ€"five or thirty are afieuly in unein this village, in bonus: 3 maked eflecc on tbe‘pnoe of wood. In Ifindhy. lastLMondaJVWe saw sonic choice d r5" sawed beech and maple which was bought for 84 per cord. though that woe said to be ‘3 trifle nndér the market price. and dry. sawed pardh'oodris l_lOW offered in Feuelmn Fans 'l'nz Markham 81m gives the-(allowing :â€" "l'bo foil-wingrfiymml Version 0! the Ten Cmmsndmmts is mph! tn have been taught. in the link scfionl kept by Daniel Simpson It the "Saw pit,"'mr Lauri, about sixty- fio years ago :â€" I-‘intrâ€"thwfliou no othcrgmfibut Mo: Seem-Uncut: tango how the knee. Ififlrmeyeshzns-myffiod immi- I: m- bogus. The building in maafi‘ mud'whcu mnphud"will add mmh w tho look- of the west'mul. Mr. 530. \Vilaou- we loan: will build a tin» brick house nrly“ ‘- min: I Run, and lunch a! it, has been the odor of tho Hank's member. All Ira“ has ngliu olhlppuml {mm the gmuud and on Sum- day last we uboewal plowing ping on. The mob an in when) wuditiun since the above I)»: has again finkun the place 0! thank». cloth): 7 W Eighthâ€"A“ steal “0‘ If (film’s! Woodvmc is 3hr plus w y {or your'Xmu and New You Ire-ant» Mn, 8111‘}!qu has none] inlo ___- _v- ._.v _.--â€"- v- VV“ -â€" v-.- 'â€" Fomftbâ€"Do not the Sabbath dsy mo. Filthâ€"Honor thy (other and mo , to a; Sixthâ€"And seat m thou no murder do Bountyâ€"«nun evil keep thou - chum sud Forty am" «pm, in every olim on has my! A on”. ebony Factor-l to be the nut ulhb "Indy {or cough» with. and all lug dint-u. Nu gloom! wkfi dun bow-no inwnblo aiâ€" meutm . Dual with ”non in time. "a”. vent that naming dwpautod in tho D).- tom. "Ala swim-election o! M and Nu! m can): u Gun-'t Woodvflk. "'Wmiou ranted in Rams-ad Podd Kain. at arm's Woodnlh. Mandel. Null; - , and Bow, at“ Vary ol one pliers as ‘1};â€" “503’ I. ‘3'! 19130“ d ladle. Alumina. mama mm mm. Married. » Born. EHOHRISTMAS GOODS Cnnningtom. December Nth, 1884. 0111' more am 83083 are of the best manufacture and sold so the Lowest Prion. A fall steex of Fresh Groceries Orookorv china and Gloss- wero just mind, to be sold at great?” Reduced Races. Farm Produce Taken in Exchange. The best All-Wool Blankets, a fine Assortment of Yarns, the Largest Stoc of Shirtings ever kept in Cannington, our Lstock of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds are of the most Fashionable design, our Black and Colored Worsted are the finest, our stock of English, Scotch and Canadian Paintings is Complete. LA DIES assosi'nwasawsmswa mums:- Fancy Clnistmas Goods which “ill be sold Regardless of C f01 the next Thirty Days. Heaven-ton, Sept. 1884'. Three Car Loads of Salt just to land, which we are selling cheaper than any other house in town. SILVER-WARE : Dec. 4. 1884. o! the best mum and most. Fuhlonablo Colon which will be sold at prices to cult customers. All klnds ofB‘scuits aconfootionary Remember the place one door East of H. Wallet-'3 Boot 6: Shoe Stu'e. Boaverton. Anv quantity of Potatoes and other produce which we will Ilow you the highest price in exchange [or goods, Yours Bospocuuny, New Goods Just Arrived! Also a lugs nnd well assorted stock at cro- uerles of ankinds to besold from now until '31an at rockbothom flees. Don't take winter-5‘ o r printen' word for! but call and see or your- sulves. Also Fresh and unexcelled in the county now selling at Bc. per loaf u flour in selling very cheup. liéd' The undersigned in thanking his many steady customers and friends for their kind pctmnage in thepqst wishes to call their nttontion to the {not tht he has now pnrchnsed and has in stock the most beautiful mntment of GLISSVI'AIl-I- CHINA. AND SNNEVVAIK New Iron Siam @hinawam ELEGANT PATTERNS. Tho'iucrouing domand‘ for “'OOLLEN GOODS esp-.chlly of our own manufacture being .0 great. no are keeping on hand adage stock of n. ull‘v’u. . thchona. Béyioy. Full What... ...... N1 “tutu"..uu...” 8 prim “Who“ ...... Amneou What. hatch When: Filo mm .. Barley. .. Odtl. ..... . Pohtoot. ball I. Emanuyfuuuliu A‘" és""'iid£|1|'2? P35: pm?!) Turkeys. .. Geqoo (mittens .. NO TROU BLE TO SHOW OUR Goods-I" ,t 'Local Markets- CHRISTMAS . TREE snowman mum woo- m Cub Quouuou The load mutu- during “I. wont ‘huvo on mum luwflvo. owing principdly to the cm “was 0! the #9.:th and malt. Bony mi ll luv. been succeeded by hard Iron“, wtfioh hug Mb tho roul- well nigh impul- nl’k ()in who“ show a nil! dOanud Nancy, A slight flu in gain occurred on Fvirhy and Sfinrduy, but the whet. in Again-tad, u pvucnt prices. But little grain oll'uilg. Pod firm. Pontoon." now quoud at from 16 to 20. no dommd. Egg: and Butter My 1% put.“ pricel. 'xuns PIESENTS mm 'qus mats ....... cunnu .ihh uncon- .- n--.- .. .nu.----.- ~- Nu- ..u. ob. nus-cuuo- no. an. I o.- ~-.~-ou my pvt MIqu-It.'"ottnI-cuo u-oro u rMIut'I. .3- on... u n... 'o-IIOI ~00 ICIOOO'C Are at the trout. Having mldod to their stock a beautilul display of . Dobson Sons woonvmm MARKETS. 'oO-I on. so... ..." BEAVBETON MARKETS. D... u o no. ..oo 193k.._........ ... ......... Within; you On the Compliments of the Booms. wo ran-in . S. DUN N IGAN. --..- ..u-u. ot-oiv-o o cue-no. ouu unscr- onlocour-V'cunn no.“ 3510' I6} A, DOBSON SONS, can It... n~c~vrv oo-o-cuuo And LOW PRICES will find ALL LOOKING FOR NICE ou-o-«u-ooou 0-00! .u-u-g uo-u.-..- Also-a. beautiful display of .V-otn I'l’d tvv wwuwwmfifimmuuumww 000000000005000 “conceaaeaeoeeoo ,uumuwwflmumwwmmw 0 N00000000‘05000 ,wn..-u. 9055 258:3; 36 2.5253555. 5550 17' 18' INTO the premises of the undersigned. lot 19, 4th com, Eldon, about 1st of November 3 year- ling heifer. The owner can have the June by proving mommy and [mying expenses. MALCOLM CAMPBELL, Dec. l.~3 Eldon Station. , ‘_____ V. "n. un-uwalsuvu uu U! j: algou‘ Ma' 1011:. two calves. one red with,I white spnts. 0! or white with black ears and dull reddxoulders.(both year-Hui; heifers.) Animalw last seen on Lake Simcoe load near Brechiu. An'y mons‘glvinglnfommtion as will lead to- iheir recovery will. be liberally rewarded. ROM the premises a! the undersigned on or , “10‘“ May 1011!. two calvm nnn ma mam AT solid brick building corner of King and Agnes b’h' eats. Woodxille. Termsaasy. A )ply to CAPT. W. ANDERSON. Oct :0- C6 Colborna 83.. Toronto.. Oct. ”A? Bricks For Sale. Nov. fl. latâ€"34:1. v. v.1” an. ‘nuu ullIl-lcu 1‘ Rodfiâ€"ehz‘r'uh: punch hole in the rig ht wnboutnmaimotatwegt'u mu. Misc}: M-.. .r u... [FROM the wants: of D. B. M‘N’nbb'u much. a Red Bauer with 1 much fifth»: in nu. n'um Dec- 8. '3“: my into the Emits: of the und'ersigm ed, fi.eon.!l.T rub. “two-Md steer. The owner ecu hvotha same by roving Roper- ty and 1:: ing expenses. It the vein not uqu a! {or it a or mum days we will not be rev nponsiblo to! the scum. FLBQUHAB MCBAE , ‘ mnntnnn _-__v_ .- “Iv "WWW-D Wt AU 1 comedians, Thonhmbons In 0! Novombcn 5 ms M 3 Rolfe". Th. owner Jul have 0.1 theme by proving property tad paying ox- ‘ am swan Doc-n1»: nah. m. Bavertozi P. o Dec. ; 1881.-:lin, Eundu’dmodhuhrm at hot 8. {t‘ COIL. Elduln a thumb-bred Suffolk Boa: . an. Eldon Nina. Out, lilo q Bork-mm Boar. from the his» importation: bi John Snell's Sou». Edmonton. on. Term: DENNIS BOWKINB. Nov. I). 4 111.484. Inc a, «h an" Eldon Boar Pigs. SUFFOLK BERKS NTO 0w Igranular- 0! Donald Cum 0011.. Sign on. 8 yearling hem", bout October In. The owne- can has m Blin- N... am. on. , n:_Do mac. Nov. m. IMP-(Hm. LARGE quantity of anthem“ Red and JVhito Brick now on hand at th Station ck Ysrd. neural-ton, Prices Modmte. E. U. SPEXI'EB. Benetton.- 2 M1} Magnum o! tlw m “1.1m oonoou 33911.00 ouul‘twn I‘mml ' w ““9". Sift ’5' pa 1“. A {35 “Ivar" IM‘O‘ \ x x . “my ii“ Inflow, mum . , Danube: nth. m. H. WESTCOTT. For Sale. Strayed. Strayed. Strayed; Strayed. Strayed. Strayed. Strayed. HENRI ED\v_t_\_an.;_ houmqhmrflo'w‘ml an, 535:»! all“. A [A ‘l I\\‘ fix"! 'i“ ‘0. “(Q U.“ )‘um1_‘ Woodv'illo. ostl A3354» 1'. Dover.

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