Besides the 10.000 acres planted in vines, the Governor owns 10,000 acres more that. he has lately acquired by pur- chase, some of which he is now putting ip grgin and some is used as pasture.- " The main Hitches ‘rnn east and west across the ï¬eld, and where the ï¬eld is uneven intersecting ditches are mule. In some cases it has been neceasary to construct. flumcs to carry the water over lower lands. A flume 1,800 footlonghas neen built to carry the water over the alfalfa. ï¬elds. 'l‘he irrigation of this vineyard is. perhaps, the most comPlete in the world. At regular intervals t irough the vine- yard avenues are out which are ï¬fty feet ID width. Throu 11 these avenues are run irrigating ditc res. with a drive-way on each side. The blocks thus formed by the irrigating ditches are about fifty yards wide, but extend a great length. and contain about a hundred acres each. in this way the s stem of irrigation is made complete (“It all the land receives an equal pro )ortion of water. Ever two of these h ocks are planted to a ' - forent varietxotgrapes. apart. uwy are all very tlmfty and form a beautiful sight. when viewed from any direction. . ' Wc'hxul the pleasure recently of view- ing the immense vineyard of Governor Stanford at Vina. The vineyard is probably the largest in the State. There are at present 10.000 acres planted in grape vines of different varieties, the greater portion of which are young and as yet have not been pmlnctive. The old Gerke vineyard. which forms the nucleus. covers a. space of seventy-ï¬ve acres; to this 1.000 acres of young vines were added in 1882, and 1,500 in 1883. The system that has been followed in planting vines is very systematic~the vines being an equal and exact distance apart. They ere allvery thrifty and form - President Garï¬eld used to have the habit, also ractised by acme others, of taking his rie’nd's‘hand lightly, admitly giving him a vigorous slap on the back, and then withdrawing his hand before the victim had recovered from his aur- prise. As no visitor ever dared to slap back, this plan seemed to work very \voll indeed. It indicated sufï¬cient cordiality. saved tho l’resident's hand. and at the same time the exercise of slapping kept him in good healthâ€"Buf- falo b'J'prm-x. da , is naturally painful. resident Arthur's plan of handshak- iug will doubtless be collyied without credit by some other pubic men, but not generall . The most of them have larger hau 8 than the President, and have not so much cause to fear a squeeze. For others the method is not oonlisl enough. Mr. Blaine, though he has a. medium-sized hand, prevents it being squeezed by seizing his friend's hand in both his own. quick movement, seizes the extended hand, shakes it, and drops it before the handshaker is fairly aware what has happened. By this dexterity the Presi- (10!th escapes having his hand' wrung until the bones crackâ€"a. process which, repeated several hundred times in I daz, is naturally painful. in plan and surprising in cï¬cct,.but‘i'u‘ oï¬onsiéa. When the President‘sees I. man coming at him for the usual salu- tation he stands impassive. with liis hands at his aides, until his friend rempes him. Then the President. by a. President Arthnr' 18 said to have suf- foreu so much from the prevalent custom of making hands that he has made the subjects study and has re- duced ihtoqï¬na art. This art is simple in plan and surprising In effect. but m. One of Woousocket's prominent mill- owners said lately that somewhere back in the " forties " he predicted that tho Blackstone River would. monar- or later, become useless as a water power agent. He does not attribute the primary cause of the gradual subsidence to continual dry seasons. but to a combination of conditions. the principal one being the running out; or diversions. of the river's numerous tributaries.-â€"â€"Pmridmw, (1;. 1.) Journal. . bod. ovér which scarcely a. drop of water has flowed for “ many a moon." and re- caJl the days when the noble Blackstone thundered along the valley with a force sufï¬cient to sup )ly war to all the mills in Rhode slam . Manufacturers are gradually dropping water power elsewhere along the valley. although a number of years may elapse before it is discarded altogether. ‘ numerous nuns bunt ’alon its banks. but now, notwithstanding t 1e river has the same precipitous descent, its avail- ability as a means ofenpplying powcrto the great manufactoriee is a thing of the past. and is a matter entirely un- thought of. All. or nearly all. of the mills in Woon. socket are provided with auxiliar steam power.the owners having learneti: IMioularly by the experience of the past three years. that even rivers can run very nearly dry in the course of time. At frequent intervals the bed of the Blackstone River is plainly visible in some places. in fact it is oftentimes exposed to View. It has been gradually growing lower for the ten years Inst past.'and the meadows that in the old times were at this season of the year on. tirely covered with water to a greater or less depth, are as dry as pasture land today, and quite suitable for heuso eta. No water-power machine , whatever, has been put in the new curse mill. although the factory buildings are built contiguous to the stream. Old settlers contemplate the rooks‘lying in the river A nurow stream a! water tlm. meanders through Blackstone Valley. in termed u river by the nativesJuu th% in a. diam of eighteen miles of one undrod mdbrtymx feet. At one time it mauled «plough! power .to tho Panama. mill? 3mm 311mg it; banks. f A nurow acre: meanders through it termed u l'iV th% in a (linkage ope pndrod Ind k Ten Thousand Acres in Vines. Tho’llandshukinz Art. A Dying I‘m-r. 1 He that hath tasted the bitterness of sin, I will fear to commit it ; and he that hath felt the sweetness of. mercy. will fear to l offend it. , Prof. Barrett of St. Lawrence county. A'. Y.‘, speaking of pulmonary diseases. save : ' not one death occurs now where twenty qlied before Dawn’s Elixir was known- Over lif- ty years of constant success places DoWn's Elixir at the head of the long list of cough remedies. ‘ Dec. mo. Dr. J. 0. Ayer 8100., Lowell, Mace. Sold by .n Drum-m 81. six bottle. {or 06. , ,__,__ v- r.v..w , . wvu..r.u5 “1'ch- 000to “Wednesday, December 3lst.1881}. when the same will positively take place. Shares are $2.00 each, sud can be secured fmm'H. A.'L.'Wnite, Secretary, St. Mary’s I]..L Out. THE St. Mary’s“' Journal" and “ Argus" says : 5‘ The St. Mary's Carriage Manufacâ€" turing Company not having sold the whole 100,000 shares or had full returns from agents have deemed it advisable to postpone 213‘ division of proï¬ts. amounying to $106.;- I" .1 _ Gilbert Laird, St. Margaret's Hope, ()rk. ney. Scotland, writéa : I an: requested by several friends to order n'nother parcel of Dr. Thomas’ Eclecmc Oil. The last lot I 1 got from you having been tested in several 1 man of rheumatism. has given relief when ¢ doctors' medicines have failed to have any I effect. The excellent. Qualitiys of this mod- ! icineshonl-l he made known, that the Iniln l lions of anï¬â€˜erers throughout the would may I beneï¬t by its providantinl discovery." sax months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofuloua sores. The humor caused an incessant and Intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many place: whenever I moved. My anil'erings were great, and my life a burden. l commenced the use of the BARSAr-AmmA in April inst, and hue mod it regularly since that time. My condition What Toronto’s well- known Gm‘nl Sammi- tan says . “I hove been troubled with Dy 3- pepsia and Liver Comp laiut. for over '20 years, and I have tried many remedies, but. never found an article that has done me In mind!) as Northrop Lymnn’s Vegeâ€" table ï¬lacovel y and Dyspeptic Cure."â€"-â€" CLARA E. Pom-1m. Flees 18 yellow as that of the “Heathen Chiuee." in come ueuce of bile in the Mood. row fair and who esonne-looking again when orthrop 8L Lymnn’s Vegetable Discovery and greét blood puriï¬er is used to relax can- stipated bowels and ex '1 the bilinus poison from the circulation. ï¬llenmntiwmd blood impurities are also driven out by it, diges- tion restored. and the system benehttexl in every way by its use. u uvm IIII. I HlllLlli pleasure and a duty Inr‘inb to state to you tho beneï¬t I have derived (tom the use of FROM THE FATHER: hu had in his case. 1-: -~ :l his blood must lave Icomained the humor for at least ten 10m; but it did not show, except. in the form of aserolnlous sore 0n the wrist, until about ï¬ve year: ago. From a few spots which ap- peared at that time, it gradually spread so a. to cover his entire body. I assure you he was terribly amictéd, and an object of pity, when he began using your medicine. Now, there are row men of'hin age who cnjoy'as good health as he has. I could easily name my person: who would testify to the facts in his case. Yom truly, W. M. Paloma." AYEB‘ ~40.» .â€"â€"-â€"â€"- Jon. Beaudin, ,M.l).. Hull, HQ... writes : Dr. Thomas’ Eulectric Oll‘ conmmnda A large and increasing sale which it richly merits. l have aquya found it eXceellilIgly helpful ; I use it in all cases of rheuumtism, as Well no fractures and dislocations. I made use of it myself] to ease the pains of a broken leg with dislocation of the loot. «pal in two days I was entirely relieved of the pain. FROM THE SUN: “ï¬ï¬fdo‘a'iinï¬' “ Gentlemen: My father residual: Glover, Vt. He has been a great. auï¬'erer I mm Scrot- 1113, and tho incloood latte} will tell you what 3 marvelqus moot Ayer's ‘ Sarsapan'fla. ' A MARVELOUS 810m Ayer's .Sarsaparilla‘. wishes : - The putry'a theirs‘they learned to ad- vertise. gains. ' Hsppy are then n gt high tide the ï¬shes: Nor teal doth drown the laughter m their ey ea: For bptjcr luck they tho no sort of money, Bonds,_ oupons. stock. and various other H. w: no. There is 5 land that flow. with milk and . honeyâ€" Not the cuudemed nor yet the sorghum strainsâ€" Each dweller burn ‘ grip-wk ht with Two um. Songs. I. w: uos'r ADVIK‘I‘IHK. That: in 3 load of toll-I 3nd bitter woil~ ‘1 cu. A inn moat like Nut drum one Dunk knew. Whorï¬wau faced Niobiu, with dork robo- trailing In a and piece-don mow. brow bound with me. It in a land peopled by witlou moduliâ€"â€" (.‘ounpareti with them the Virgin. ï¬vo Were wane-â€" And it in writ about the gloomy portal. z “\\:e c'l'id not think it puid to adver- Q n m m rwo mas. WW~“ V “It is both; The largest and boat assorted stock In town of Men’s Ufsters and Overcoats Very Shirts and Drawers, Mufflers Shawls and Clouds, Mantles, Gloves, Furs of all Kinds and all the leading Shades in Cloth Dress Goods, Cheap, In Ready'Made Clothing we have 200 Suits to choose From, in Men’s Youuhs' and Boys A In†Stock at Crook-:7. and Gleam hut 0 and out. am Stock Compute. Stu-um serum: in hugs. Bu Thom. m Woodville, October, uur accounts 'are now read must all be rend settled. i ered this mont NEW Winter Goods ! CHEAP FOR CASH. FULL FALL STOCK ON HAND. ¢ ROD. CAMPBELL, J 01m DOUGALL SON, Publishers, Montreal ALL s’rnsg'nurrloxs PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Sample ('oples or all or any of the above Puma-s Sent with Pleasure. wen“... mu. ulu wunu nus a prominent lace m the Weekly Memenger's columns. In ad ition to these it is an illustrated paper, and gives its subscribers correct portraits o the people they read about . it contains four pages of most iu~ teresting family reading. besides accurate week- ly reports of the New York and Montreal mar- kets. All this for only Fifty Cents a. Year, with reductions to clubs. The Weekly Messenger in a. pa. r which only needs to be seen in order to bo iked. Printed in large and distinct tum, it yet contains the news of the world in such a clear and brief style that ever one may understood and apprecitato. News of e great temperance campaign in pro. gross all over the world fills g: prominent place In My.“ n)....|_I.. \pnAA, is a fully illus rated paper. ‘published twice a month. Besides containing the Sunday-School Lessons. â€is replete with general information of various kinds. is uqunllyulurtod for the week day schqol and Hunuuy Schoo . and for young and old. It is the cum )est paper ever issued. l’rlce‘so Cents a year wit 1 reductions to clubs. is a nowspa )er of the ï¬rst rank. keeping its rend‘ era thomug 11y informed on all «loputmenna of current thoughts and events. Its name and n:- Eutation are too well and widely known, and rmly established. to Head any extended com- ment. Single copies. Ono Cont. Subscription: ptlco, $3.00 a. yen. postage tree. . \Vheiffénâ€"isubscriptioï¬s are sent together in one envelope the price to oucluvill be‘ Seventy- Five contam- 87.1mm d1. When foul-"subscriptions are sent togotllor in one envelope, the price to each will be Saveuty- Five cen‘ts or $1311) in all. The prim-3‘6? 'tlle Weekly Witness is 81.00 per Fear. postage tree. Wlloutlueenubwflmioua are sent in the one o volope, tho price to each will be Eighty (huts ur_>__2.4u in ull. A Cent A Day For Tie World’s News ! THE DAILY WITNESS; argas follows? Thu Clubbing Rates given b the proprietors of the Witness in» your and 1e year previous haviu gh'uu so much satisfaction, we agnin re- peat om. Su. 11 i ‘ QUEB;1;IO§ECNVLHOAL Sumsc'm :I'a answered :3: a Montreal MVocate. and nu Ontario barris- r . Qims'noxs or 80313015 or Evan! KIM) are answered by competent authorities. unsï¬oxs 0N l-‘nui'r AND Pun-rs am suave» «lag-MI. @ynggpmuallï¬l W'iusdor. 0m. ; QUEQï¬JsBi '56:;1‘66LRJL’EBB'IEL-u are ans. werod b): 'fnusqus" ; Annâ€, . h Qunérwï¬‚ï¬ 15;be Fuuumrkun P3115 are nna~ wan-331,713! Dr. 8.31. Audra». Kenyan : AV ninuhNflIï¬d feature 01 the Witness. and one which hn ahnwu umfly increased develop- ment durum the put couple 0! years. is it: SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS. were Quu'ruxom 0N Vx'rxuumv Buuxcra are any waxed by Dr. Mcanm-au. F. R. C. V. 8.. Princi- xlo of the Montreal Vutarinuy College. and tho omiulon [nupaow of Live Stock ; Qm-za'rlouu on Bu-Kmmo_m nuswcred by Mr. D. A.Jouea. o! Huston. Ont, President 0! the National “on Congeulion ; 1;-..» Â¥, Our accounts ' th‘ wuukblhhul m the winter of 1m. bu umbrlullyjuurwwd in oitoulwon during gho :rmul you. umly 0.000 new names lmvmu on nddod to its subscription lists. making a to“! of 41m Th!- †1‘ gives all the current news uud abuudant‘uoodwudluf. dong with the Sultan-School Lessons. and u the cheapest l-‘uplly Pym: in 3119 Domlulpn: THE NORTHEiiH_MEsst-:ucan At H. WILSON ’S, Woodville - Will get a. good selection in Sale as well as Cusfom \Vork ‘ ' WHAT TO READ. . HALF-BREEDS "WW" -Shro shire D w - '1an p an.» o n Ty E_ wgexLTEIESSENGER. THE WEEKLY WIINESS. CLUBBIN G RATES 1885.. ’Which will all be sold Thpse wanting I have now my ‘ .ROD. CAMPBELL. “'henfwe call upon Chadians to encourage this enter irise we are after all not asking them to ( n anything want. They already have. in Grip abundant value for $2 per anâ€" nnm, and has already stated the Gal- lrry. which alone is worth more Man the amount of subscription, is a free gift. All we regnest therefore is that those who are not alreiu y upon our list shall subscribe for Grip. \Ve decline to argue as to whether 32 per year can lie spent in any better way intelâ€" lectuully. There is no question to argue. The intelligent éitizen-of Canada who has that amount per year to invest for his _ inen~ tal pleasure may safely take our word on this int. he will certainly ï¬nd nothing to huy or the niomey which will be so satis- factory as a receipt for a subscription to Grip. Try (mp for '85, only.†In these sketches an eifnrt is made to int 03' not only the facial eXpressinn. Imt the general ï¬gure as Well. each subject being some characteristic pose. Wherever poswible the drawing will be made from life, :0 u; to ensure accuracy in these respects. At the same time a staid matter-ofâ€"[act portrait is not aimed at, but that far more attracting and unique thingâ€"a caricalure embracing . Iig-nu-m. Each portrait is accompanied by a brief biOgruphical notice written in A spirit to curresponil writ-h the pictnre. . 'l'llesoplntea are printed in colors. on ï¬ne plate paper, and WI“ be issued monthly to our subscribers, free of charge. No. Iâ€"IMN. SIR II. I. LASGEVIS. Wlll be laced February «I. '85 No. iâ€"ION OLIVII IOW'A‘I‘. was billed Icon-Ibu- 20th. '54. ., No. 3~Il0§. lianAID BLAKE. Will tuned October Mill. '0“. So. {â€"lllt. W. I. MEREDITH. will be Inu- ed November [50. '8‘. No sâ€"uos. ll. IBBCIBR. will be laced December 20th. '84. No. câ€"â€"ll0s. .l. somvnr. wll be lulled January not. '85. No. I~lt'l‘. ll0N. an: J0"! L MANN)!- All’. was tuned Aug-u incl. 1884. Given any to an the SUBSCRIBERS to “GRIP.†GRIP’S CANAIDIAN GALLERY. Limbo 05..) each, aged run no. tot sale till end of union. Apply to .108. MARSHALL. . Maxim. Kev. 13m. mu. Glen. Mnï¬posa. â€may. “on and Ewe Lamb. sin . number 0! mod an“ and o thoronuhbtod Shropshire Down mad um. Grip Printing Publishing 00., Full ï¬gure Porn-nits. iu (blurb. o! Promi- nent vanadium. For Sale TORONTO. 31a. V_v.-.... uvuuvu. D. l1}. - Whl herglul to correspond with apple (how- oné Merchants and Shippers. with 3 View to Au umn and Spring businesa. Jnhoy willnlm gin- the usual mama to on» m- mnni'hm -A ........ They will MR; givjs 61;"; tome:- "(mints MVMICOR 70, QVU EEN 8TB EET. LON DON. c. SMITH,"" Prov/'nw'a/ Land Surveyor Drainage Engineer Practical Architect. Sewing Machines. Bomesantin ï¬rst-class "00‘“ Computing. Insur- ance ofl'ecte on All clams of Progerty. inst. FIRE, LIGHTNING. CYCLONE IGH’ WINDS, alto learn for 130 SUN LIFE AND AC- CIDENT. Orders solicited {or Musical Instrument. uni Baring ll‘mhinn- D. BLACK ï¬enml Quantum 39cm wooovuue, our. â€"-WO0DVI LLE, ONT.â€" â€"â€" lining purchased the business 0! Hr. John McKinnon. Woodville. my shop will aways be- found with a lull supply of all meats in man, which will be sold at the lowest flees, FOR CASH ONLY. Poultry in season. Woe with {at cuttlo for sale should call on me Deluxe lollv (n... w. Williamsohlr“ Bare-R and mum Char/es Donald (E 00 WOODVILLE AND BEA-VERTON. Pumps and Cisterne‘ of all kinds to order at short notice. ' I will be in Bavarian on Tuesday end Fruity of each week. orders mail me ' benddmeed to Benvorton. or Woodvfl sud wll receive prompt and careful attention. -â€"â€"-Address. Box 72. Benetton, JACOB BARNES, Pump Maker. llalt [bl- Ilnlon Loan a. flavlll’l 0.. Honey to Loam on ï¬rst-class sacnrity am to“ no. Agent forA. H 18, SON 00., 13mm. anuctm'erso 1i avers. Mann-3.801! Binder!- Graduate bran mu; \‘cterlnnry college vsrnmm Y INSPECTOR. . omwâ€"Medhsl Han, Woodvme. W!!! b. in Boaverton every Tuesday. 01:!ch loflwith John McKinnon. Druggist, Ikn‘mjbn, _ n. L... A..I_..___I. _~n _ , , MARTIN Hormï¬s, BARIIS'I‘BRS. SOLICITORS 0.. Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Ofï¬ceâ€"Kent Street, Lindsay. 0am. P. '8. MARTIN. 1 ' G. H. Horxms'. J. "nuns. L.n.s. I fl, _--_.__..v... y- “be-u", pun-mm, Or by blast-p11. will receive prompt attention. N’oodvillo. July 1884. DEFINE, 6%., â€Idlly, on. One of the above will be at the Hamilton Home, Begun-ton, on the Second Monduy 0! each month; He will also visit \dedvillo on the Second Tuov day of each month. stopping n the Queen‘s “nfnl JAMES M. LA WSON, CARTER. Je- Cartin done to and from all parts of the village and Mi land Railway Station. Ch 0- modorv ate. Residence. one door north 0‘ E don House Queen Street. Wwdville H __ "fl...“ “up"... uwmvy “test 33:63.33 approved sysï¬etu. omce Ind Inï¬rmary. Risdou's Howl, Cunningtou MHANWPL MK â€"~VETERINARY SURGEON,â€" (Gnduuo 61 mo Ontario \ehrinuy 0011090 Diseases of “I domesucatod animals treated by ELDON HOUSE, \Voom'mm, 'I'IIOS. RID‘VAIM Rap-decor. Fimbclm uccommodmion and Attentivo mam!» Bar well mpplied with-tho choicest Liquors and Cigars. 'Bus to and from All tnï¬ns. And away convenience for the travull'mg public. 230th on): price aid for all kind; of RIDES b'l‘ALLuWI. 6w. Auï¬q quumit) ’l‘An Bark wanted for \xhicb cash I be mid. Bgavarton Tannary I IIBNII' EDWARDS. Prom-lent. Livery Riga at euv time and at all hours on the shortest notice. Special attention given to ('00:- menial Travellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Stablos in connection with tho Eldon House. Townnllp Clerk, lI-Iclpallu‘ of Tknl. (mice 11 Town Hall. Boavortou. Outuio. WOODVII.LE LIV ERY STABLE; M" L. 0.}. a 8.. Graduate of Toronto Univ" sity, Member of “allege Physicians and ‘ Surgeons 011%.. Examiner tor Sun Life md bomodmtion Life Co's. Ofï¬ce and Residence, Mani": Ontario. Eldon Tow-hip Clerk and runner. Oflioo It Mr. Reid's Store. Lornevillo, 0m ‘-v-‘I|“lll\!o Harms. ontflé uid Sï¬Ã©eli {in no {urï¬ishufl to in- tuudiuu purchasers sluo tum hnplqmouu. All or a put on Mt terms. For mullet lulu-mutton at l t â€â€™y ° ‘ 1. sax-mum. Kirkflold.0ut. In... :- nu uh. Sept. 15. mum: ,____ -___ “._.n. ..-.u. uuuw-y. TRï¬Mflâ€"éflw down. luluwo tormuto suit purchaser. l'ocsesslough'on umm'l-‘ehruu-y or Bunion Inichnpggh runs _lul|_ 1!_ glogirufllu. .‘._,.- 1|. AAI . Vlt‘l’OIlA was" Al't‘l'lOSBltl. onceâ€"One door out 0! Post muco. Wuudvln‘c. J l‘BTJMolni . the lhrlviua vllhgo o! Klrktlvlnl A “rm 0! ll ucrua according to annoy. Im the ma mare or lost. LOT 39, NORTH l'uu- TAG ROAD. about an Acres cleared and In good stole ol faultiutlou. good [rune home. not quite flu 51ml. A gum burn. stable and on-lmnl. Willa. tou luiuuhu walk of two churches. (Mullin- dil‘ â€1:1. l’ruslu‘hl‘lmll. (loo-l schools. More: Mil I, t (mice and .‘ lop; u! must ull kinda a! within ten luiuuteo‘ w-t k. 'l‘lw farm in mum hotwoon twurdlwnv I “Ions Klrlululd ghoul lml I mllu dislnut uul Pol-tug» Rum]. nation “mu 1. mile distant, on tho_(lruml 'l‘yunk lullwsy. WM. CAMERON, Wéodville. NEELANDS .51, PENTLAND Farm For Sale ! '. 11. JOHNSON, M. D: PARSONS DUNCAN, JNO. A. JACKSON. ARCH. CAMPBELL, A. GUNN, v. s , GEORGE SMITH, Jos. "mun, LILS. lunrtigy of