mmmm Allngoods by Best; Makers and Cheap. 1884 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! 1885 Sabbath Schools and Public Schools will be allowed aslilieralï¬discount on Prize Books c. Catalogues will be Furnished m 1 e ect om ‘ gun (mg: 1] “mi 10 and We are Showing the Finest Lines in the above Goods ever Opened in this Place; The Homes are Very Low. ‘ ‘ ‘ Books of Poems. ~ ‘ Photograph Pocket Books, L's» S. S. Prize Books Juvenile Picture Books, Cooking, Heating and Orna- mental to be found in North Victoria. and those requiriug‘a stove should ' call and see my ï¬nal before going elsewhem. STOVE DEPOT. Woodvilk. October, 3834. LUIBER, SHIN GLES, and LATH of all kind: ind qualities on hand. Brick ’amQ Eatteny Drain Tile a Specialty The Fall tnde is now opening nnd those uiriug I well-ï¬ttin suit should have their at once to avoid t. a usual rush Sum undo ad trimmodm order“ lowest uricoc -AN,D POTTERY.â€" W. TAYLOR, Proprietor. aeauerton Lumber Yard. BRICK YARD Inn Shoot. North End of Bridge. FOR BARGAINS IN Full Cloths, coarse and ï¬ne, Tweeds, Flannels, stocking Ya n. Cottonadeo, Shit- lngo, WInoeyo to. Highest Price Paid for W001. Ct’flTOM OARD‘NH. SPINNING. \VRAV" mu ac. DONE AT SHORT NOT“ E. J. BEBRIE’S ~Woodville Bakery 1- J08. J. CAVE, Publisher Largest and Finest Stock of Woodville Tinshop ! Best Bread in the Country. flffll‘l‘l “Tl-ZS I! CAR [OLD LOTS To All. POINTS. O.\ LI. AT THE Boaverton Woollen Mill, Jinware of all Kinds. HARDWARE c. ~ .105. CAMPBELL. éTailoring Establishment! ST®VES .:\ M37"! . Logan, I have now on hand the of every description ESTABLISHED 1876. . T. YOURG‘,‘ --BE AVER'I‘OF- â€"A.\‘Dâ€"â€" JOHN MCKINNON, Photograph Albums, Autogn Ladies’ Satchels, ' oks . Boquets and Baskets of 31mm Books, ‘ Everlasting Flowers North Victoria and Ontario General Advertiser.â€" Mrs. A. Marison’s i 3 NEW FALL GOOPb Fi rs-t Class Winoeys, Hoop ‘ A mum: LOI‘ OF I |_ Skirts flow 25cts. upwmds. The [algesm Best Stuck in town Corner Store. Choice Simk of I'rovisiOns aml Groceries. HIGHEST MA BK E 7' PRICE W. G. SMITH Co., Mitchell’s'Old Stand. All Kinds of Grain Einc Salt at 3â€?) per bl October. 1884. P. D. McARTHUR, BEAVERTON. 'FARMERS’ PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE F00 00003. â€â€˜0'0t0flfl68f‘ BLACK AN“ cumngn mansmaks “’ml Flamwla l’laid. for Ulnldréns' clrenec. (‘nutnn Flmmel‘ut various priccl. (Slump Int of Uroy Potions. Wools in must. Comâ€. Mourning Prints. - Co’btons, Quilts, Towels, ~cic. \Voodvilh . {ï¬r-HM?" Wines and Liquors @ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚flï¬ï¬‚ . NEW GOODS tormerly occupied In. John McBuo. where will be; found In complete and we offer them at Rock- Bottom Prices for cash or l’rpduco. W. two also buying DELXVERED AT KIRKFIELD STATION FANCY GOODS, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE I000 Dressed lloas OPENED Mom‘nm A’l‘ For which we will pay the Has removed to the and a full shock of as usual our We oï¬cr W'OODVILLE. VVOODVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 14. Autograph_Al_l_)1ims i HEW BAKERY/"II (mice llonrs. lo 1:. m. to 4 p. In. Slum-«Inn N n In to 2 p m. A FIRST-GLASS BAKERY Nov. 20. 3 [110.4814 WmnYHâ€"Jnu 2 19.01) 1. Mani. Apr-.1. Mayl Jnne1.July‘3,8ept 1 Oct. 1.Nov.1. Dec 1 Buouunnuâ€" {May 9. July 3, Bap t. 2. Dumw‘ “CREEKâ€"- 9 Jun. 3. Mar. 3. Nov. 3. 1mm Pmuu'. â€"â€"Jau; 2:1. 11.11.12. May 5, July 7 Sept. 23. \‘av. 17. Unmnxm. â€"-Jau. 23. “at. 4 Hey 6. Julys, Sept 23, Nov.18. ‘ CAASKNGTON ..â€"Jan 24,3131. 5, May 7.July 9, Sept 24 ‘Sox. 19. Bunum‘ox .-)Iar. 6 May 8 July 10 Sept. .5. Nov. ‘1’. Upmn(.uu\‘x;..~mr 7. May 9 July 11, Sept. 96 Nov. 21, J. E. FABR‘VELL. Whitby , Jun. 1. 1881 » Clerk of the Peace BEAVEBTQK, 033T. audits brunches.nnd all mints In C "86.. and Ibo Unitod Status. . 1nvï¬ \rency bought and Bold. Interest allowed on deposits.“ the rate of 5 per cent. Notes collected at lowest mtcs. “IRON BLOCK,†Betwerton County of Ontario BREAD, RUNS C‘tKES Bankers 'INSURE. This in the time of year you should- get insured uthm no sohmny’asngon 1n dty weather of ï¬res. Plotse read the [ollowimz curd of than from Mr. James Parson o! Woodvlllo, whose barn wok ï¬re 1mm lightning on tlm 22ml of May And if you “ant any hua‘mons in that “no give mo 0 on" as: you Always know where to ma mo: Romémlu-r I cumdolmnmnce no cheaï¬' as the enema“, as] do budnesa for several com mines and cheaperu ! dim‘t ‘charge the usual $1.50 for policy fees. but the lmLGompany is always the cheapest in th'o'end. ’ I berobï¬ Â«in?! to arm.“ my flunk: to “I (“Hm-Ira nmrnnoo (‘ .‘. for tlmlr prompt .n llhmhl ammonium at my mum a mm m m Yur qlou ) pm by lightning on ?» ul May, mu an n o toy-our Agent Mr. (Mamie; {or his kind ? assistance. Sittings of Division Courts for i884. Pumished by order of the Gene'ml Sessxo'ne SA VINGS’ DEI’A RTI‘L’ENT. K Signed. JAMES PM! #03 Woodvmo, Juno Nth. mu. Begs to inform the people of network“: and vicinity that be has thoroughly equipped Always fresh, and a! It w prices at his store, . MA bi it; tManager. LIONEY 'JIO LOAN 1 on good seem-Ry. Dram: issued upon the and is now prepared to supply the best quuljty of l’roltor' a Brick mock. ï¬rst door out of Town lgull A good stock eta-ash groceries always on hand. Card of Thanks. Dominion Bank of Canada. 312405: «3 gas, Toilet Setts, Waltham Watches, H. Hunter J. U.GlLC}lRIST. Inlumnoo Agent; ’Xmas and New Year Cards. Pocket Bibles Picture Frames 1es, Clocks a._nd Gold Jewellry The most. interesting feature of the recent exâ€" hilnitiun at Montreal. was a company of colored annue Sin vets engaged in manufacturing the cylebrutng old ‘09“; gun-n33 Tolcho. pm] A! iiï¬Ã©xifï¬cï¬i’inié'afal'igm'hi _ tlié ufovédia’bfapeé. tatorswith exquisite sou! em melodies. A gold QIQdM mug! Qwecjakdiplogpn weyu mmnigduto this opular braindof chewing tailvricéd'iid'tiié than u of the committee milured‘ tame Adams Tobacco Co. for their attractive uxhibit. 'An Interprlolna Rollablo House. ‘ Unnn llro's. our always be NHH‘ npun, i nut only to carry in stock the has; uf eVuryo- l thing. but. tn secure‘ the Agency for anon ‘ mtiulvn as lmva wallknuwn mane, and are pnpnlar with Ohe maple. thereby sustaining the reputation of ing always enterprising. and ever . reliable. - Having scoured the, Agency M the colulifnlaed Dr. King‘s New ‘liiscuvhy for consumption will sell it on a pnsilive guarantee. .10. will surely curd an)‘ and every Affection of Throat, Lungn, and' 01.. lb, and to show our conï¬dence. we in» vile you to call and get I Trial Bum? Fret . ‘Ayer's Sarsaparflla. Slx months ago! was completely covered will: a. terrible humor and acrofulous cores. The humor caused an incessant. and intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow In many places whenever I moved. My antl‘érlugs were great, and my life a burden. I canuuvcuced the use of tlu SARSAI'ARILIA it: April last, and have use! it regularly since that. tlmn. My condition began tn improve at once. The sores ham all healed. an.“ 1 {col 'pcrfnclty well In every rc-<;wct-â€"-hcing now able to do a good dag; 3 work. although 13 years of ago. Many inquir) what. has wr. 41pm such a cure in my case, and I to} 1 than) as l have her: tried to tell 3ou, AYE: s S.\llï¬\!‘!"'.I.Y.A. Gimer, Vt. Uci. 21,1;31'oursgrntdully, 11mm 1 Jâ€. MIC.“ mom THE FATHER. who,“ {\mduh for me to “a“ to 30“: measure and 70 derived from tho 080-0: 0 beneï¬t 1 The moon why Amica .t 0'11 Linimcut ll so populir with the hulms‘il bvoauga it p t only is' very healing nud soothing but its odor is no‘ at All offensive. Duo. mo. has had in his one. I think his blood must f ano contained the home: for at least u 21 ; years; but it did not show, except in the form of n sorofuluus son on the wrist, until about . the years ago. From 5 few spots which 11:- poured at that time, it gradually spread so as to cover his entire body. I assure you he was terribly Milieu-IL and an object of pity, when he began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who'enjoy as good health as ho has. I could easily name imy persons who would testify to the {acts in his use. Yours truly, V W. M. 2W8." A MABVELOUS 8103! mm ‘ll TWO mas. FROM THE SUN " Gentlemen: My father midu at Glover, I" He has been a great sufferer from Scrot- n.3, and this iuolosod lotto: will tell you what c. marvulous elfect Ayer‘s Sarsaparflla. ,5 Ann's S.l?‘.!'.\!"",'r.t\ cures Scrotum mall all Sui“ Salons Corny-4.1113, Er; .3;- No.3, 12::ch Ringworm, Licidzct. Sores. Boul,1‘nmors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood 01 all lmpu- mics, aids digeszion, stimulates the ncliou or the bowoln, and thus .mstorcl vitality and :rcngtheu the whole um I Pminnn n! ' Dr. J.C. AyeréCoq Lowell, Man. Sold by u] Drmiats; 81, :1: bottle: for 05. Don't gum-r with indigutlon. use Baxter's Mandrake BLk-ra, D‘c. mu. Jubilee Singers. mmmï¬ï¬ “moans New : York,0ct.8t§:1882. ‘ 5' 119a: Correspondent. 7 g Jr. John Wentlnke. of the 4th Con. of ‘ Eden. bu purchased from Mr. John Outp- bell. J r., of Maripou, his ï¬ne mom; bred ‘, Bull calf “Macdufl’l Hero.†This oblc ‘xanlinnl was aired b the yrilo winni bull ‘ “Macaufl'uudâ€, an in now about six In tbs I old and of a ï¬ne red color. Mr. \Vleaka his made a valutble uldition to hil hon! u this purchase. “ A Soiree and Entertainment is billed to take lace on Christmas night. in behalf of the niou Sabbath Selma! uf the village. A splendid proglnulme will be presunud nn.l Eton Is also to be sarved in the Sch-ml House. -'I he,~ Gmnebridg‘e choir is to be present! Mr. Robert Qowie. Jr. ., gave a loci-“MW 6n b‘liday evening- of last week. The heavy rain some“ hat dampored the plowing. Keeping many of the guests may. Rev. Mr. Patterson -occn ied the Phaby‘ texinu pulpit on Sabbath a mnoon In: and {numbed an altl_e and touching aermorlf‘ to a ‘ urge congregation. > ‘ , The player meetings held at Mr. J. Campbell’s are being well “tended II am doing much gaud in the ueighhourhoox . As the rtime is not far distant for the suâ€" nnsl meet-in of our township-Agricultural Seeiety. Ve would suggest that more interest be taken in the mater than is easily ehown. [at every member attend end every ï¬rmer who in not A Win-r become one. Then let them go to the .eet- ing and stste their complaints ~(of which your correspondent he. heerd mum) in public where they will have on oppomnity tooï¬â€˜er en suggestions which would .tend to the goo of the society. Expeoisl let the fumere turn-out nnd lend. helping and as this is a society expressly .for the fumens’ beneï¬t. Let us have en native. energetic Board of Directors for 1885~ and make Eldon Agriculturnl Society, second to none in the Province. _ . Gamebrldg‘o From Our Own Correspondent. The young fulks are still Imaging the: r debate meeting In motion and we earn the owning discussion will be “Bewl‘md. that Riches are more dean-noun So mathau Downy " We anxiously unis the Insult. 4 Bodaover. Fun: Our Own Correspondent. Mr. Eachern Mchohem, of the htaCon. of Eldon, has muted hi3 farm to Mr. Milk»:- of Reach. As Mr. McEachern has Ipuur health he intends leaving for Culifomia in a few days. The good Willie. of the comâ€" munity go with him. ’ Mr. Duncan McRue. has returndaoma from ahunbing expedition from the ’ rdm plains. He captured seven flue deer, ï¬ve uf which he dispb‘sed of in Beaverton. are numerous this fall. ‘ It in with much re rat we learn or tho death of John Roderic the second 601: uf Rev. A. McKay, formerly of Eldon. Tim young man was attacked with the fell du~ stroyencousumption, and aim many qeme~ dies had failed, visited California wh' e ha has resided for some time, even thin-ch no: save him and he died on the 3rd in ., at Orange, Los. Angelou County. Mr. A. Howkinn in: post. need I r sixty rodmof wire fencing on his Arm, Mr. Howkinl Is a belower' In this a n of fencing my! will m it very extensivefeuon his pIc mises. Miss McIntyre. of Lnrneville. ha. been engaged to take charge of our school durum therenuqing your. - :. 4 The roads are in a had condition it}; ï¬r. a locality, being terriMy rough. ’ , Quite a time preparing for flu ;\mas Holidaysâ€"look nIIt. for numerous w dings between now and New Year. From Our Correspondent. 'l‘lie temperance movement is creating: much agitation at present In this loyility. It would be wise to give the Scott A cun- aideratiun before bringing it imf ' the people and no bet-tor \ny can be {on than through the temperance societies. ‘lk it up. and when the time arrives poopb w'll be ahle to give an intelligent. vote up the question. . r, ._.r.._...._.._.......‘--.- * t] All! Neii McEthrn; Janpt MgCrurio: 7 Sncosn Cl.m‘z,'.lnniorâ€"â€"Dnnc. McQuarni». Maggie McCrmio, Sarah Currie. .. “Juggle “IUUIVUI ’U. UNI'IIII \llll'l IV. ‘7‘ mer ClAflflâ€"‘hlVid Mchri‘?“ “my Currie, Annie McIntyre, Jennie C hshvlm. 'QI‘OL. VILLâ€"Iwani 47 At Manil'n. on Sunday. the Nth ind , Mrs. ll ugh Unmplrell, Aged 81 years. At Orange. Lon Angelo: (20.. L‘nf‘lfornn. «n the 3rd of Dec" of connmptinn. John {{ocigrick‘MoKï¬y. second son 0! (Rev. A. nn|\ W 310K.†iformerl'y' of Eldon. New Ym-k Telegnph operators ' to Jim - tiaï¬ed u the cut. in vugu und 1. uf :\ 1‘ other, Itriko next lummot. "MAUI. III III. I’UA' ulna-nun. A Frouch doctor clum- to havpt' m- .m- 0. n wny to prevent the ravages of pull nx- . | by the use at araoui.» Lornovlllo- maple Hm. Argyle Dlï¬l‘.