â€Ill-lulu Prue-tune Taken-numer- OII Incident- “ the I)". A cone-pendent writee: The eeoond «y'e record 0! the Skye police end mill- lery expedition wee ee destitute o! lense- Ion u the met. ~ There ‘wu e much 0! â€tally armed men elong the hleeh hill- dde reed from Ulg to Stalin. e dletenee 0! nine mllee. The dey'e proeeedlnge hegen “hull-pent 9, when hell n dozen hoete oonteie‘tng merinee lrom the Aleletenee met! from the veebel. The men were (led es on the previous dey nt the heed dthe hey. end._bung termed lnto tours. were merehed up the stag) eeoent lend lumthe beech to Uta otel. Abendo More preceded the (one nnd ewnkened the cehoee emong the surrounding hills withehngle much. Behind the soldiers came e body 01 forty eonetehlee who 'ere lended from Loehiel. the line being.“ eoeompenled by Sherifl very. It. dereon.Proeuretor-FieeelJnverneee. and Ohio! Oonett‘thl‘e Moth-10y. Arrived in - _ -_-__..L-Id-fl nm‘ . 1'8]! SCENEBY AND INEABITANTB‘ Illll UUIUI vvu-vâ€"--- .â€" ltont 0'! me hotel ghe uoope honed. end 3 Inlet deley cook place. after which the Ihole torce not out to: Studio. From ï¬ns to lost. most rigorous mainly dncipline In obeezved; and it 'he expediiion bed 1 been in ihe Souden. or bed been mucning thrush on Manon pus. no greets: ceuiiou could hove been udopzed. Preceding the null: body e dietence o: titty yard: was en adyunced, guard .01 some twenty marine utnllery; next come the police end the higher ctiminul omciule; men the muin body 0! merino utiliery and merinee. Haunted on e shaggy Skye pon procured M the inn rode Lieut.-Ooionel onto. the object of much quiet chef! umonges ehe men end phe levy bxatmden um lined the â€"-lâ€"L -l nonâ€"din:- â€"‘-"u The other , ofï¬cers were Mayor Anton, Major Rose, Lieutenant and Adjutant Bishop. Oeptetn Stipworth. Lientenente ' MoDoneld. Baker end Heroer. As the expedition started. the gnnboet Forester and the eteemer Loohlel heeded anchor and steamed out of the hey northwerds on the wey to-Sttmn, there to ‘eweit the ' arrive! at the troops yroeeedmg overlend, - AThe villege o! Uig‘ nted almost the seine deserted napeot} t it did on the brevtons dey. Few per- m were ebroed. and these few were mostly children or old men. Snoh of the younger then ne-w'pre’ not ‘tndoore'were ongeged in potetmdtgging end turnip lilting. They reised their hopes for e moment es the expedition pessed.. hut immedietely alter- werde resumed their work. The dey wee cold and hlnsterlng, end in the sherp hill breeze .Union Jeek dotted from" the bottled leLeod, “ the lueel Gladstone," en? gave A -_J nnnnnnnnn lllvu .uu Univ Ivvv â€", __________ “tongue.“ at the pom of starting. The other , ofï¬cers were M310: been, Major Rose, Lieutenant and Miami BiahopL Oepgun _ Qtipwonh. 4_A .Iulm’ I..- -v'_.. _. , rice to some comment end epecnletion. Le they peeee‘d by e little further on weved en improvised white flag. indiceting pre- enmebly thee the orphan lied proclaimed e truce, end‘ mede eobmieeion to the enemy: In the rim: of the proceeeion welked McLaodhimeeii in cement con. venetian with Sheriï¬ A Ivory end the Obie! We. theebiectoi much epecn- letive_eritieiem. on the pert oi hie fellow- ero! ‘ who seemed to mervel ethie con- Idea â€'3 with their evowed tool; The seed from Dig to Brena et the onteet rieee o'er the shoulder 01 e hill iecing the nee. mid en the merinee. in brillient ecerlet tcniee. white iorege liege end glietenmg helmete.peeeed npwerde. they presented, under the cironmetencee. e unique eppeer- enee. eeeeen irom the icwgronno. The bugle wounds reverbereted in: ecroee the hey, end were re-echoed irom the blade on the other tide. The detachment toiled elowly ' up the hill. end on reeobiug the summit e hie! heit wee mede. Then on ior three milee the detechment eiiein proceeded. peeling wondering flighlend oxen. which eeiecd their heede ee they nibbled the scent peetnreend geared, etnpidly et the mertiel on. Rein commencedto tell. end the men. belting {or e moment. donned their greet coeru.‘ Then on for another two milee oi bleek moor end. no Incident occurringdnring the merch more Iotioeeble then, the meeting oienocceeionel cert. the district poehboy. or e women oerrying e bundle oi' peete on her heck. low end egein could be dcecried the ï¬gure. a! e men or women on the heights on the other eide oi the velley. Sometimes they proeched hurriedly tow'erde the ex . uery ioreee, end jebbered excited y in Beelic. Four miiee hem Studio e belt wee celled. The men tell ont'end make check dlunchcon in e weyeide brook. “ Keep yonrrideein .yonr bend-i." And ee it in expecteiien oi the inï¬nediete eppeoeeh oi an enemy. the men ete their biscuit end heel with their mnehete thing ecrone their dion‘dere. Agem‘ the bugle I9. “(the troops tell in end the march wee reamed. At this point the eoenery become- n d and impressive. A wide enoreme met: "on the View. The Nee leaï¬ock end the Other geologicel ieetoreh of the Quireing ere enddenly disclosed to the e tetor, end the ilretgiimpseie cenght o the one A - - A ‘â€"Ifl mmqugmyfllafl‘z“ neitheeee degrsge :lilnd.‘ Final]: this 1 ’0 nt oriw ii e on eupee en denly. undthe - 1w an“!!! ewhwerd tnrne ‘ mud ‘ of the hill. Agein the ' 5 , to etrihe up the bugle - etill in spite oi the impoeing A - , tryely e humen being wee die- . web in the popclone dint“)! of 33. “w eople were etirring. hot leet en embneoede ehould be ettempted eooct- lng pertiee continuing of two merinee end e ooneteble were sent in edVehce to the top at the precipioee oommendiug e view of'the Iebleleud beneeth. There wee e ridioolone aide to the whole proceeding!» So let irom any oppoeition being offered-to the edvenc- tog expedition eoeroeiy eny one could be teen eloug the heighte or in the welley beneetb. As the men merched Into the townehip oi Siemn e iew cf the Cotton end their wivee end temillee emereed from their boneee to eeen the uniformed errey oi ermed men. Oollie Cog: berhed en the troupe peeeid by. end â€about.“ e iew oroitere engeged in eepeiring tbeteh oi their hooeee penned in their work end enrioceiy ccntem leted the iormudeble body of men. ere e eredoione denced e derieive creek- 'lth lownpxeiting lenghter elect: the uterine ; ten e green ollther “fri- rennin; Ln SKY}! INVASION. m I of an Expodltlon to ataffln. - Mill an mou’ u and and. o ‘ soldiers. won by no mun! but: ‘0 «mm tho ell-fl. Tb. hula basin Ionndod a much. tor Im- In! mum to be an impoflug domonuu- Mon. ad a 1.00 3 hull III “Nod baton 8001301401130. The hm hut-mu- o! m onto? was 3 many on to: flu mains. to vi has idlot- n um. nonmem- nnlnniln. who-o hull was unholy has}... tkuuu UI-IU mus unu- It hel dreedy been mentioned thet this neighborhood wee the seat 0! mueh oi the diesï¬eetion preveiling on the eetnte o! Kilmnir. It is here that the (arty-sore perk.belenging to Minor Fraser. has been seized by the croiters ; end mordmgly it was here, it my ‘ p re, thet a stand might have been expeo on the pert oi the erottere. For weeks past their sentriesheve kept wetnhiul outlook for en inveding force at the top at the pm leading down to the ‘villege, and it wee in entloipetion thnt hostile natives might be encountered thet scouts were sent to reeonnoitre. In this district, too, reside the real leaders of the erolter egiteti on,.Arehibeld MoDoneld end‘ Rev. Mr. Davidson, on whom a eummonsi 0! remove! from the two eroite he occupies has been served by Major Freeer. Sheriï¬ Ivory mode inquiries in regard tothe seizure of Major Fraser's pork. and the nature of the dispute was tally explained to him. Night fell on the embarking of the merinee and the criminal omeiele smid n eoeneuot perfect tranquillity on the port of ourliums 3!! ran mum“. .llon'lblo Mutual“ of Innocent People. A Vienna noble ssys: Fresh reports some to hsnd almost daily 0! the leutul trontmsnt the Bulguinns in Mmdonin m rsosiving tron: uhs msfignsng Turks. Only , -1 m-_-- I. few days ago, in the village of Toner- nilistoheJ‘slzo, s Tutlnsh bandit ohiehwith his bend. curled oï¬ two young men to the mountains. and because they were refused season the robbers hound them to e tree. out oï¬ their one end noses. put out then eyes, brought them to the village gens end lelt them with s waning that all unten- somod prisoners would be treated in the suns menner or worse. At Podles seven! '1‘th seized upon at young women. whose hushgfli‘s in emerin Asia. The_y_tooh he: RFWsié’Jumud he: in u "voicing mun- nor. ~' She made her eaoupe and oompblnod to the mthori‘ioa n Welles, bp‘ noï¬higg hue been done mwerde punishing the criminall; A Vin-go priest of Nugilovo went u short distance to udminiaeer the rites o! the Church to a dying gaunt He was met I); 3 gang 0! Turks. w o be“ him unto inaeneibility, and thm‘eut of his lands nnd feet und tore one hm tongue. The nerociliee ere ï¬endish, and may cry out to every Europenn union for retirees. . A London ceblegrem esys: The medicel journals ere discussing the unwise indul- gence with which patients in some of the public lunetio eeylume ere treeted. Bome (emery-hie [ecu heve been elicited by the discuseion. end it revolution is mede rowd- ing the men-acmeut o! the Crichton Raye] Institution st Damn-ice, which is unique. The tender-heerted authorities of thet inseue esylumâ€"whioh is the longest in Southem Scotlsudâ€"heve for is long time provided leciliiiee'tor golf-playing by the patiente. and recently they concluded thet the untortuuetes I hired more room to: out-door exercises. o suppl‘y this went. they hsve lessee 2.000 cores 0 moorlendeo e» Mellow the poor luustica the plenum o! grouse shooting. A mods] ha been lunch in oommomon- “on o! the hundred“: Inuivoruury of Mothodium in this county, and in cold in duplioute by “worm of the bishop. The unopena like I book, 5nd in tho oeukul poxtjonz uu‘uoupdsd by velvet. the medul ll , 2-.. _:J-_ g..- gum-Ana WIUIVII. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"' . __ . -V, , 7, , no ï¬xed am both iu side: no exposed when the cover is oponod. A pater reports thus be In“! found I convert hauling bulge i} in ongllon. using {I to AL_‘ g..-L - on idol. Ho hos heard an! inch 3 perversion of the object in common omong ‘ho n o! the South, where the modulo no he din owe as possessing unparnomnl qmlmoo. Five hundred dollars for epeir of ehoee eeeme 3 high price, hue II he: been peirl by one o! the eooimy bellee of New York. They were of white eeun end were embroidered wieh peel-ls. Smut Cumberland ha been null the “laugh†of the Emperor o! Gummy. :3 “any thought of 1801. the you! of hill 00th .- Ki 0! Prue-1a, md Mr. Cambium! no“ a ï¬gure. a the 0:» “kmâ€. Rhoda lulu"! now mu- tual! tho Belgium of Amati». lore thm 60.000 New Yorker- Hvo n howl-.3110 “3039 no 100,000 «unsor- h The Sport OI Scotch LII-den. Idolatry In the (lulu-d Dunes. Ink“. Ola-ed by a Dunno-’- '1'."th Ame-u... A Wuhlngton deepetoh eeye : There wee e treate end on l'rtdey to the evflnl eeendel whloh be broken up the home 0! Prof De Welowthl. who e tortnlaht N10 we- erreeted on the eherg‘i‘h or telonronel) eeeenltin hle denuhter. e proteuor ehov. hlmeell t roe tlmee in the hreeet. end when found III has room wee e eorpee. Few men were better known then he tn teehlon- iehle variety in the any. 00mm origlnelly from Wereew, Polend. he hee n living for the putt three yeere an the oepltel. where he wee employed ee muelo hy the leedin people end membere o lnetrnetor ol leeh'ronehle the Diplo- metie Oorpe. He wee e men of much telent. end egrret tevorite with the perente or hit toholere. Be pone-nod cowderehle property. About e yeer ego' hie 'wite died end elnoe then he hee been [wing in .hie house on New York evenne with hie only denghter. Ieehelle. e hendwme girl ehont 83 yeere old. She hed eome ledy friends eleo livnng in the honee with her. These lediee took the denghter ewey with them ehont e fortnight ego. end on the next dey Ieehelle De Welovuhl went before e meals. trete end preferred the teruhle oherge egeinet ner tether. The Justice tanned e werrent end empowered two oflloere to Inehe the erreet: They went t3 De Welow- .. --.â€".. eleni- muse "In use... -uv, n--- _, ,, ehi’u house. end on muting known their1 erund the proieuorindignnnily proieeied his innocence end deepeniely resisted the ofï¬cers. He was fluidly overpowered and in) riaoned. ’Bhe new: nu like wildï¬re through the oley end erenied the utmoet exeiiemeni wherever it we» nnnounoed. Public opinion, in spite 0! De Walowehi'e deolerntion, quietly lormed egetnet him. and in a single any he tell Iron: the univennl reepeoi in {which he hndAbeen held in» univeruul eon- ,“ I...) in.-- On hearings in the Police Court. The principal witness to the crime charged was a dis- charged negro. At one sitting De Walow- shi's counsel tried to show that the daughter was not right in her mind. and that she had been unduly influenced to malts the horrible charge against her father soas to gain possession of propert in the house. At the second hearing th the professor and daughter fainted in open court. At the close 0! the preliminary examination he was held to ap ar beiore the Grand Jury. and release on bail. The! scandal appears to have aï¬eoted his mind, and hardly was he let out at jail when he began to make preparations [or suicide. He shut himselt up alone in the house“ last night and erected in his room an im romptu altar, which he orna- mented wit candles and other parapher- nalia. On the altar he placed a number 0! portraits, on the hacks of which he wrote some words. One of the portraits was that of Maurice Sehlosser, oi the Congres- sional Library. On the back of one of these were the words : “ I have to die (or you; well. it must he done. My daughter saved her life. but condemned me to death. I left my word of honor with my daughter. I hope to be revenged. I am now dying." To make sure of accomplishing his pur- ' pose he had provided himael! with a carv- ing-knife, two pen-knives and two pistols. , These wea us were found lying about him Ill . nu wâ€" u-wwvv_-_ -'_, floor. vmh three ohot wounds on his body. tho foul on being in his left bran. Upon u able he bod lot: Iowan to difleront per- sons. dutod a ll o’clock that night. proton:- iog his innooonoo. Among then won n mauled letter to his dooghtor and s will lowing .11 his prepofly to her. The [lope-en: lie:- Bmek the Church. A lest (Thnredey) night’e River Heed. L. 1.. deepeich eeye : Church. eooiel end bneineee circles of ihie town are astonished 1 end excited over the elopement of Mrs. Downe.wite of Rev. W. A. Down. penor of the hieihodiee Church, with G. Mitchell Terry. e weuthy end prominenlteuner end e mambo: o! Downe’ church. The teci of the el ment. which took piece iwo deye ego. di not become public“ uniil todey. when inqgiriee made he to why Downe tendered in mignetion ee puke: reunion it. hire. Downs is e prepoeeeuing ledy 0! $6. end k it two smell children. It ie believed the couple heve gone to Floride to join Terry’s eieter. who letl her huehend end four children twqyeue ego end eloped wiih DYING III... ‘N ALTA-- 6;];{iiéihï¬ of “its plm. One of lhe stories the lue A. M. Bullivon was fond of telling reload in .he corres- pondence between hie wife ond Sir W Illiom fluoomt, the bluff Home Secretary for Euglend. Mrs Sullivan is o nuive of New Orleans. poaaoosed of the high iud’widuoliiy of ehe Bomhem woman end the independs enoe of the Amerioon. While Mich-e] Davin woe undergoing his pennl mautenoo1 there were tumors the he won ill and that his true condition wee being oonoenled by the prioon outhomiee. Mu. Sulliven. knowing thoï¬ her huebend. who won than in Puliement. would ooor'u lo all any two: of the Govounment. wrote to Sir Williom Human for penninlon ho viuie DavM. end obhined it. Aeoomponied only by 3 lady Mend. oho mode he: woy to Oho prieon. now ihe felon. heard the troll: from his own hpn. end hxou hi book from his silence the menoaeo of chance and deter- mineiion whioh might hove been expound. When it beoune [Known um hie into hot] - m_‘_-_. n- "II." II “‘1'“... an..-" eoeepted e fever {tom the Government Mr. Sulnun wee deeply effected. and uoing to the Home Beoretuy. he um. "Bit WII hm. I went you to undentend that Mrs. Bulli- ven noted in thin mutter on her own nepon-ibllity.†" 0h. oortelnly. air." eoothinuly eunwered Sir William. "I under- ntend those emberneemente. Mr. Sulliven. I hue an Amelie-n wile myself." The London Inner Circle Reilroed la n mervellone feet 0! engineering ekill. De end ought for eighteen monthe the wor bee been oerrted on. and in I very ehort time tnine willbe peeelng over thte enb- terreneen reed under the bunteet centre of the lemeet city in the world. A fllNlâ€"g'E‘B’D WIFE BLOPBE. PAW-moat. unit of hittim counted at 3 high tompqntm with uph t we Round mot. dustbin for won them gnuito or oom- pros-ed «pink. 8 driving out the “I tad tutor the brie an up 15 or 90 pt! cent. of bitumen ; they no thtn pa 0nd- wuyl on t oonmtt hot! with hot tar. Ila spoke Bull-alr- :_ Than I“ Nclvflle Bold- the Court-Boo. Lunar- Ip'll-lonnd bv nu Aide's-e. A In. (Friday) uight'e Deuoit deepen!) eeye: The motion to! 5 new hill in the Helmholtz: Newbold. one wee argued oetoxe Jud†Lemmon M Toledo eeutde) utternoon, dud wee overruled. hen the juoue uked the prisoner. " Have you uny- L,n__- I.-i-.n .nni-nn‘l‘o†ID“. V. “VI-w â€"-rv'__ , , County our! Home. Durinu his address he referred to ell hie wives. He sold Mleeee Whisney and Rollo hnd expreeeed e desire w “he the witness-stand in his baht", but he would not permil it. He wanted Mr. Whitney hnd spene 88.000 to $10,000 to oonvioe him. Turning end poinung $0 the elect he eeid: “ Au the clock etrilee .the hour 0! the expiration of my sentence. thee hour I'll be joined by my wife. Together we will go to Unnedn utter n precious peokege, end immedieteiy we will ear: (or theeuuuy iende of happiness end .._ _o._ x_-_-.. luau. “I00 "10 [KIWI-WK. ' III". ’VII â€1' min; to say hotoro being untouood?†Nuwbold now, and mad. Jim but and (non oloquousgpeeoh egg: guide In Luau _ L2- -3)_‘ ...K joy." The oddrees throughout was impres- sive end exceedingly well composed. holding the huge audience spell bound. The judge minutely reviewed the case. ï¬nally pronouncing sentence. seven yeus. the full extent of the law. Newhold seked. “ Do you call that Ohio justice ‘2" " Yes." "ï¬lled the judge. Newbold continued : “ udened criminels dolly knock down dud roh your citizens. the jury ï¬nd them i not guilty and turn them out. while I. on innocent men. must suffer for en oï¬ence I did not commit. He replied to the judge's novice. “ Be good. prisoner. end thereby get two years of! your sentence.†"No. I will serve the entire sentence I! Whitney's money will keep me there." The secret revealed the other night wee begun by his talking ohout 3 previous muriege six years 4|._A -L- n..-uan .‘nn “lulu“ -vvu- '- I’""“'â€" __.V ego. occurring es Bherhrooke. Osnede. slso of a child which wee horn ehoul that time st the some place. This story was after- wards corroborated by him telling it to s lriend. end he referred to it in his address do the judge. The esee will he oerried to the Supreme Court. Sueplclerle Death el I Ill-n In In Indhl’e Company. A Kingston desputch says: The par- ticulars oi the presumed murder in North Frontenac indicate that only a one of accidental ehooting occurred. On Monday a teamster named ‘Mecdonald, a single men. was toting supplies to the “damn ehentiea on the Mloelellpfi end tributaries. 0n the way White Duck. an Indian hunter, met Mscdouald and mounted the waggon. He carried a rifle. Alter proceeding some distance Mecdouald dropped the whip and White Duck got down to pick it up. and in doing so the hummer ol the gun caught and a discharge followed. The hall entered Macdonald’e side. coming out about the heck of the neclr. and he was inetantly killed. This morning Coroner Irwin went out to hold an inveetigeiion, accompanied by Dr. Oliver. to hold the poet marten. He acted upon the County Attorney's instruc- tions. and under the belief that death occurred under suspicious clrcumetancee. A later report eoye both men get intoxi- cated on theway. havingâ€"with them a large flash 0! whiekey. at which they drank streely. The suspicious fact was that the lodisn. alter the shooting. ruu sway and left Mecdonald. Th_e_ midget occurred "IL- nonr Olo yne. township 0! Bmie. body i5“... ~McLuen'a do t, wmu' , “I, A; I__- A.- 333} i; I; Kobgren'a ids t, within “to unlo- o! Obyne viii-20c loynl nation in [any miles gram: ¢9_W9L . P i A Kingston derpstoh says : The Execu- tin committee or the Diocese of Onmio met yesterdsy morning and remind tho upon 0! the commune on division of she -- m , 7 , __.___‘_.I n.-. -thhl-A n. I V. UIIU wâ€"uâ€"u -_ -_ Vv, (UPI-ll -. 7 , diocese. It recommended that one-third of the present Epieccpnl fund go to the you posed new diocese o! Ostewe. that 820.000 he rnieed in this portion of the diocese. thnt‘ the Bleho be requeeted to make on upped to the etles in England {or oeeieunce. end thot the balance be roieed in the new diocese. It woe proposed thnt etch condi- dete‘ for conï¬rmation mehe on efl‘ering o! 60 cente end eoch cdnlt' member of the jOhnrch 81. It least. The nmonnt required [or the divieion ie “0 000. The report woe“ odopted. ‘El‘he Education Committee nleo met and instructed Archdeacon Jones to write to the deportment cn'd "regueet thgt Schools. Iuv uvvm..â€"-â€" ___. “olWApmflen' Creed. tine Tenâ€" faith-ad. manamonts 3nd the Lord's Payer be a. prpmgnont portion of the instruction in me ‘N ILCQUINT BluA-II'I‘. I remember e dinner et which Henry J. Reymond told how he once got eheed of e Herald reporter. It won In the old deye when he wee on the Courier and Enquirer. under Jemee Weteon Webb. doing the eort oi ell-round work thet Bennett bed done there e yeer or two before. Beymond wee eent to Concord, N H . to report every importent politicel conierenee-beicre the deye oi telegre be. He iound there e reporter irom he Herald an e eimiier errend. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Herald reporter eeid: "Well, we cen't leete to night. for the leet trein hee gone. to we mey ee well go to bed." He wee to Very enxione to get rid if Reymond thet the letter wee euepieicue oi eome trick of the other'e to get of! without him. He mede eome excuee 7 for uebeence end eeuntered off to the new reiiroed etetioo. where he found e [V c'vmotive ell wooded up end reedy to etert. An idee etruok him. “ Ie this my engine 'I" he boldly eeked the engineer. "Ya; I 'e no eo. i you‘re the reporter.†wee t e reply. " Climb eboerd." Raymond did ee he wee hid. end got to New York fourteen hcure in edvence oi the Herald youth. who hed hired the engine txpreeriy ior e“heet." end who wee n eight when t eterted. The bill for the locomotive wee preeented to Bennett. but ReymODd eeid he never knew who peid it. The newe he brought wee the meet importent oi the yeer. end Webb reieed hie eelery.â€"N. Y. Timer. W Did-Io- ol Ontario Inca-e. The British police M Kingston. Jnmuloa. hue dim“! tho Oubnu uglhtor Boa-oh» um] his 4, with their mm wd ammuni- Iona. Tone. ehe lergm am. In the Union. in to he" the lemon oepflol In an Union. The corneroewne 0! she "mature will be kid on new; and. It in now tound the“. MURDER 03 ACCIDENT? neaun a". ‘nmn serum- within “to um, sort done was var \ “Ii are n nflnr ,A:-:_ lisp“: I u ‘ I “mm b m 0 mt . CI .18 bun Gide all Alast (Wednesday) night's Washington despateh says: Fashionable society was thrown into a whirlwind of excitement over the announcement today of the elopement of Miss Mary Willard. daughter of O. D. Willard. one of Washington’s wealthlcst eitlsene. with Wm. Paxton, patent tï¬cs attorney. Miss Willard was engaged to Frank Simpson. 01 New York. a wealthy banker‘s son. and elaborate pre- iparatims had been made for their nuptials. l which sere announced for December llth. 1Two thousand invitations had been sent lont. aid hundreds of costly presents already received. The bride's father is now on his way from Europe to attend the ceremoty. The father sent his daughter dresses by Worth. of Paris. which are marvelicf the famous man-milliner’s art. The hrde'e father and mother were both heartil’lnfavorof the alliance. but Miss Willa was adverse to the match. She franhlytwsnt to Simpson and told him “ I can neur love you and desire tohe released from ' y engagement." Owing to the press of family influences she did not insist at her deciston was ï¬nal. and allows it tohe announced that the wed- ding w (I take place on the 11th instant. This rnina. however she met Paxton. and th uple procured a license and were quietl arried in presence of the groom’s nrotheland a few of his lriends. After the ckmony the con la left on a train boundcr the South. he bride is a ver handecie brunette. with large. dar luttrot eyes and a plump ï¬gure. 92 years of age} The union of Mlis Willard and ‘ Pencils saidto be the culmination of a , gennmlove match. A w'.I-uuuuu ILoI-umuur. A Code" It!“ Slope- o- the live or [let Juetlcmtverawed by “hung and Bloody l Hutu. A lhiteehnrg (Ky.) deepetch seys: Judgc‘inley. o! Wulismshnrg. e lemons mountn jurist. for two yeere hes not deredn come here to hold a court because cl e teet mede by one of the most dot-pone men in the county to kill him it he evetntered it. Recently this men tell a. victi to the plegne, end the judge come to tow‘tc try e men for murder. He was out omil. end his friends, ell men of s deepens stripe, determined he should not be ported. The one wee set for Wednes- dey la end on that dey the secured csme merclg into town cerrying a double- herrell shotgun end e belt full of revolve. followed by e score of friends ermedo the teeth. Their arrive! wee follow by thet 0! mother bend of the seme 88. ell carrying shotguns and pistol! Thisgeng was composed of friends of thectim. They went into camp on 3 Nut! amending the town. A third hand. 00de ot citieens who thought the law ehcn ellowed to tells its way, wes orgen .end-went on dut toetey until elterJ court edjonrned. he party com- " __,3 L2- A_;,mj, I.-__ d'ehe murderer and his triende hove v riotous and drunken. end seven] gory eugemente have been had between in under! end outsiders. On Monday It pitehunle wee Imminent. It is believed eeriowonble will occur before the close The til..." at I Toronto-ha In New York. eeye: Jumee â€well: Turbine. 1 your: old, 'weu, Windham“: , Aâ€, fluid-y) nlght‘e-~ New Yogi dei , Itieet in thie oity yeeterduy ulten when he stopped in trout of the exohn ofllee of James Clerk 6: Sons. and ery through the window ut e. vale hill... Hustily gleneiug Hound to eehot no policeman wee near. he ietruele plete glue 3 ten-inc blow“ ‘ ’emulit. Be gnhbed ï¬ve‘ ï¬otee of t e" Bmhï¬nglmd, valued at 8195 in Ameri- enu lay, and qulehl deomnped. An omoetulng theeneb og glues,- hurried townie leoe end ohm-ed Atwull. over- tehinzn n Duty Hell Perk. n by blocke- nweyje tieoner'e hunde’dete terribly leeerl. on he wee sent to the Chambers. Shela-pits! for tree ' out. In the Tomblioe Court today well told the indgot he Web in euoh destitute circum- etundnt he bed to eteul or starve. and admi'hle llt. He was held for trio]; It thee: Sessions Court, :- Alou'd in the window of 303ml Itrootor note yoitordt‘y‘ bore the words : " Radon." “ Y in h 7 " the odor wu asked. “ How you. He raw 5 pint of beer in unborn mug. and. nun-yin it up the "outed up a. but of km). ,9 o and of which glowing whiw'nmong the coals. Ho plï¬xho hot not: into tpo beer-ma “in and. while the but hissed and J Int . The beer was much mare ‘ b “0,110 burning. but ~it ya: a plea- " nglieh burn their e19," eeid the but “ They cell it mulled ale. Olde nlled eometimes The auntie auto y enetcmue demended enew: drinkiwinter. end they have not n. I: he. “unseen of mend; their eyes {up it the time required by ordinary met. the 0 er. An old uduninunce of mine em Jiuhter. , Luau LI-prl'ng a. noun ved min; the we: broke out thee he was leid up. Hie wife dose: m leeru oigermehing to sup- port end husband. Around the lower I Avenue A thete are many Bohe mum-ken who for 050 or so will eir nude to my one. 80 this wom ell her epere furniture. moved inso In. end took the money aha rule Avenue A. that! he ‘ dear to 1 port and love! I A Boho ism will air wom all] in‘o mo sy while she was at work. shore hemlans dined on one kind of sent of“ own {or boot just These were placed on the n I qusntlty of stale bread Into them. The nuï¬ wu boile the running now was anon hurt oy told her it was s most num wellueoonomloal utlolo of dial. 106 it seven] “men, but could. not! duo on n. She likes beer. m. think am but stow mll ever u hero."â€"-Nw York Sun. In! in sowing was introduced in. m P bio public schools reoonuy. KENTUCKY LAW. ITIAI; 08 STABVB. New Plane. 0! Luck. mlndn mo of n queer dish I «W hr. An old udunimvnco of an Jiuhtor. r Dun ‘rpring a vad nrlng tho wnr broke out he was laid up. His wife m learn oigurmnhing to sup- nod husband. Around “no .! Avenue A _the_te gro many