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Woodville Advocate (1878), 2 Dec 1887, p. 1

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[DOCTOR 01“ DENTAL SL’ {GERYJ Graduate of tho “0an College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. with fifteen years extnblisluul nractice. Teeth extracted without pain. Arti- ficial Teeth iusm‘tcd Without plntus ur on Gold. Silver. Aluminum or Hui-her lmscs. Full upper or lownr sets: of 'l‘ovth only 58'. All irrogulnritlcs of tho natural Tenth corn-“teal. Preservation of tho unt‘w'nl‘ 32.0”] n speciality. Ollicc. V_.___,V v“.-- "Catnmrm: Block." Bmvortnu: 7 EmhwntvisigBrechjp every second and fourth Ffidav of ouch month. J. F- TAYLQR, B. D., L. L. U. “1" visit \Vundvillo, (Edward‘s Hotel.) remllafly on the first Mummy and 'l‘ucsdaay. uud nonver- ton, (Hum-131m Home.) flu! fin“ \Vu-inesdnv and Thursday of vxu-h month. l'l‘HE \‘l I’AIJZED All; mhniuiaurrml. lhmutilul and durable ART- Fk‘hl. 'Hul-L Hl mmlu. Miauald Imod rubber pin-tugs uro pmnnuncml “purluctlun." Over 20 I) ENTIS 'I' 11m 1mm. oxmmo. ‘ Vinita Rem-ortnn (Hamilton Alonso) the Qnd‘ 'l‘unsdn?’ of mu‘h month. .‘le'. Nwlmvls has had unmm lclod success in (he‘usonf gnu. (vilnlizod ‘ am in this part of Canada lmvim: administered fl continuously [or About 1'.) ears made a study 0!". under Dr. Bolton. 0! huw York, tho first , person who gave it tor oxtraminp tooth has given ' “to 140,000 persons. Bountiful ammo“! teem ' Inlortod. ' DEIN'TIEBT BARRON CAMPBELL. Barristers. Jun, ac. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES AND BEST TERMS. X0 commission charged. Lindsay Office. P-al-tur‘s Block. Kent Street. Up~ stairs. At Wno'lvinnmficc. on the lst and -5 3rd Thursday in every month. CPAR'I‘FY, EVANS. I‘EI‘LRR Mc- CAK'X‘HY. Barristers, S )l cihnrz. Notaries. Conveyancurs. etc. (mien, Quinn's Neck. Urilliu Money to Load. Telephone communication. D‘ALTON Mchan, (2.0., F. I‘1\‘.\.\'<, P. E. P. Pspm-zn. J. A. MCCARTHY. (Tu fario 7‘ “RTIN HOI‘KXXS. Burisu-rs, Solicitor L -‘:c. Ollicas. Kent Sfroez, Lindsay, Ontario New to Loan at 6 percent. “In. S. M. JARVIS, Barrister and Sulicitar. ,L 'l‘m'ozxto. Onices, X0. 59, Adelaide St. East, Opposite Post Otfice. "V nan-y College. 'l‘nmnm. Treats all diseases domusticnted auiumls by tho hates: scientific and most approve.) methods. Orders. by tele- graph or mail promptly :zttc-m‘ned m In: day ur night. Olficu :â€"“Mcliiuuou‘s Lrug Stare," Bus. vurxon, Ontario. .uunnnu \, 31.1.!“ LI. AL. h.U.1'.N b., W . (xx-minute of 'l‘oronm Univcrsitv. Member of (‘ollev'u Physicians and Summons (hm. l“ x~ aminer fun-Sun Life and Confederation Life Co‘ 6. (mice and Ruideuce \" wim in lit-ml, Outurio. onr'b mp ‘11! m: u , GRANT, .\'. D..1’hysieinn. Surgeon and Ac ( . couchuur, ()fiico and ltvsidomu, Cor. Main and Mum Streets. Beaverluu, Out. \N M. JOYCE, V.S..(it'udnau-ofOnLu'io Veteri- nm-yjlollcgw. annnm. Treats all dimases GALLOWAY, M. C. 1’. S. 0.. Physician, Sur- . goon and Accoudium‘. lelco am} residence Simcoe Street. Beaver-ton. L‘anuina‘t on, Ont. (Nitrous Oxide. Gas used.) Office-Brandon's muck. E. E. GULBERT, L. D. S. Plan Column 3 la.” “ Dauwr “ Uu‘uu " “0!! VETERINARY SURGEONS. ()3 ‘H M. II \Y'QS B wrismr Solicitor. {cc 1 mums: (‘umorou‘ s No“ 111‘ vk. I’ouver tou. Kimmy to Loan. 4 PH YIN} k BTI‘\\'..~\RT Attornms. Sofie i ar-tc.mtoc.su\e1OlatsroI-nnl Lindsay 11‘ s'x‘mu" | '1‘. SM :w.\11'1 We é‘fi’xzndriue gktivmts, J.NEELAND - DENTUST «$1.0.- N0. A. JACKSON. (‘lark and Treasurer Town- ship of L‘Mon. Lcl‘hCViHL‘. Ont E0. SMITH, (‘lork Township of Thom!) office "l‘mul Hu!‘ 1. Beaurlon om. EO. SMITH. Hark, Village of Bunvertou ' Bcnvortou.0nt. m. g:: zwrxtuu (53mm. ) MCSWE-IYN. (‘lerk of tho lst Division Court County of Victoriu.â€"-Omco.â€"-\VoodviiXo, SKINNEH.‘Bnr1‘i9tm-. Sn‘icifnr. utc. Office. Cameron's NcW Bloqk,_}lu:wcrtun. Ont. «antral 3115111255 Qiurds. MUNICIPAL CLERKS. II. JQHSS()A.\'7,VM. 1).. g. M.. L. c. I" 108B I H J. C \VE, Puormzmn. wounw LLB L5 1) BEAVEBTORI. W. H. GROSS, .Is‘) 3 McCAnTur, Perm}: McCAIlTflY, Name and Ailistou ADV‘Ez‘IESlTI'G Rim 3 LINDSAY. ONTARIO. DENTISTRY. PHYSICIANS. LEGAL ..‘.o on... 3 AVE, Publisher. III-0......‘CC. . 2 per auuum. Um) Istinqer- ‘ cu; “15911100 ' $100,000 to Loan M6 por cent. on farm pro- : pony, Apply to C. A. PATTERSON. Bumcrton. Private and Company Funds to Low) nf 6 per cent. No (‘mnmiqsimL Apply to A SKINNL‘R Barlistel. ML ., BJnl\'.L-rt0n Ont. VIM. TAYLOR. North Victoria and @ntario General Advertiaerr Railwav muvcnipm-o known as Taylor‘s Siding [ runs directly Into our yards and kilns. sav- ing to purchasers cos: of loading. Freight paid on Tile in car lots to any station within thirty miles 01 yards. | (IS THE SHOR'I‘I-IS'I‘ NO'l‘H‘l-I. and at Reduced Rates. All sizes of tile having been reduced $2.00 per M. BEAVERTON [ Brick and file Company. 1 TfiE FONN‘HLL NURSERIES. LARGEST IN CANADA OVER 465 ACRES. Steady l‘hnploylncnt and no lost time, liberal commission or salary, best ad- vantages. splendid outfit furnished free ; any pushing man can succeed. Apply for terms to, Ve want One Hundred Good Men at; once to sell for “’oodviile Clintomers supplied by D. K. Campbcii. and orders for Pastry. 0 left with him will receive prompt; attention. ERES; B1: BAD ”'W’fi and. PASTRY mews cn and. over in town. 0! all grades and at all I I havo now on hand the largest stock of Lumber 3 prices from i $6.00 to $25.00 per thousand. SCANTLIXG, SILLS. JOISTS, LATH, SHINUnglS. (from $1.05 to €32.45 â€"â€"-Bcst '1‘cstimonials on Application BEAVERTON. Going: Northâ€"11:10 n. m. and 8:10 p. In Going Soulll~bzso :1. m.mu15:35p. m. PIANOSamIURUANS STUNLD and R 1' 1’ \IliI' T). Going Nox~th~lm45 a. In. and 7:45 p.111. (wing South 0:05 a. m and 6:00 p. m. THEO. IUMONT. a.) a»! ADVLL. ENE”: 65 BRICK AND TILE! :2 Money to Loan. Adm-05$ BIIAVI-IR'NIN BRICK AND TILE 1'0" Bu.l\'crton, 0m. Money to Loan. 213.. S. MQMELLAE. Bills furnished to evict at Shortest Notice. Beaverfion Lumber Yazd. The undersigned beg to m'nnmmo to the public that they have termed a partnership under the illuQL‘ mane and are now prepu-cd to fill all orders for BEAVERTON BAKERY. 1). 1). McARTH UR. GRAND 'l‘I’U'NK RAILWAY- per thousand.) LIME. M; RAILWAY TIME TABLE. 735E BEST QUALITIEE? 0F BEAVER ON. Ont. STONE WELLINGTON. \YUODVILLH. WOODVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1887 HENRY MOYLI-l To: unto, Ont. ’ June 1866. Having {or its object to collectfrom all that it is possible to collect from, then publish tlm humus of all that Cllllllnt or will not pay. which list i:-. suppliml to ever member of tho Association throughout Cunadya. and United States. Adm-us: 3. I'm-t Perry : Clerk. J. \V. Burnlmm. Port Perry. Feb. 5. April 19. Juno 2!, Sept. 6, Oct. 15. Dec. 1:}. 4. Iixln‘idgo: Clerk, Z. Homphilh Uxhridgo. Feb.‘.l, April :30, June 22, Sept. 7. Oct. 19, Dec. 14. 5. (‘zumiugfiou : Clerk. Geo. Smith. Cnnuington Feb. M. April :Bl. June 23. Sept. 8. Oct. ‘20, Dec. 15. 6. Henvcrtou: G. I". Bruce. Beaverton, Feb. 11, April 2:2. June 24. Sept. 0. Dec. 16. 7. Uptemrovo : Clerk. I“ J. Gillesvie. [Spun-- grove, b‘cb. 12, April 23, June 25. Sept. 10. Dec. 17. 1. Whitby: Clerk. D. C. hiaédoxxnell, Whitby Jan. :L Feb. 2, MM. 2, April 2. May 3, June 2,July 4. Sept. :2. Oct. 3, Nov. ‘2, Dec. 2. county of antario! C. GILCHRIST, agent for first-class insur- . unco Companies, does insurance at what it- 8 worth and no agent's fees required. making a. aviug of $1.50 to the irsurer evurv time. D MONABB. @5511” of gfilnrrmgc girmarfi, OFFICE :â€"“Tonox’ro Housn " June 1886. Benvertou. Ontario Agent for Allan Line of Stomnships also [01 Globe. Mail. and u” )uuding newspapers. Good Currants 251133 81. School Books 13113105 etc. All kinds Extent Medicines. Ll OUOR TEAS TOWN HALL, LOT. Beuverton, Ont. MonthlyCustomors shaved twice weekly and hair cut monthly at 75 cents per month. :0. A. com, Hair-Dresser and Barber, Woudville L‘heap TEA Store. C. GILCHRIST. \Voodvillo, Money to Loan . at a low rate of interest. from ‘J to 90 years. C. GILCH RIST, ('lerk Village of \Voodville, . Woodville, ()nt. KO IIIORE PELLS! Division Court Sittingsâ€"183". With which you get a. valuable book with every three pounds of ten. SICK Humbug, Continuum oa Coamnses PRECE. 25c. PER‘BOTTLE. TEAS J- G. GILGHRIST BILIOUS 01501265523, Acm STOSMCH, DYSPEFCIA, Loss 9F Appp'rrrs, “E ”a no 312550 «a “bra. HM. Oflmmm E<ma nozmr>_z._.. MOTHERS LIKE IT! From 200138. up. CHILDREN LiKE I“! \\'0()D\'ILLE. SIR.-â€"â€"In my travels, few places have I seen so favorably, nay, beautifully situ- ated as Orillia, having theadvantages of two railways, the Midland and the Northern, passing through the town. Lying on one side is Lake Cou- chichiug, with its parks and islands and on the other side. separated by the Nar- rows from Couchiching. is Lake Shncoe‘ its pebbly bottom. clear water and beau~ tiful islands is a sight that tourists and lovers of the beautiful in nature look on ‘ with pleasure and delight. But unfortu. nately every rose has its thorn and Orillia is not an exception and her thorn is the inordinate vanity and imbecility of too many of her populace. Our weak-minded neighbors think what clever men can do they should. that their whims and wishes should he at- tended to, regardless of the inconveni- ence and expense to their less fortunate neighbors. They possess some degree 1 of low cunning and have no respect for i truth and 'honesty. Exampleâ€"Lasti summer they advertised a regatta to‘ take place on Lake Couchiching. with i 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes to winning . yachts. Beaverten yachtsmen were in- I vited to enter and contest the race. Four Beaverton yacht-s accepted the invita- tion and in doing so gave the Orillial would-hesports a double surprise. First they were surprised. as they said, that them ”yare" tubs had the audacity to enter the lists with their “yats.” See- ondly, that the tubs sailed away and} left their yachts nowhere in the race.‘: In return the Orillians surprised thei lieaverton crews hv telling them theyI had not the money for them and that thcy did not intend to pay the prizes. What they wanted was to get Beaverton- To the Editor of Tm: EXPRESS. [We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our corrospondeuts.| Crime. and. the Yacht Race. Children cry for weznmunimtiou. The “Mail says: “The canvass so far in the county of Halton upon the matter of the repeal of the Scott Act shows a. gain in the temperance feeling. The principal hotel in Oakville is being run by n. temperance man and an ardent supporter of the Scott Act. The “Ontario Gazette" contains the following notice of appointment : “John Henry Dumble, of the town of Cohourg. barrister, to be local master of the Sn- premo Court of Judicature for Ontariu and for the united counties of Northunn- herland and Durham, in the room of Gen. McKenzie Clark. rcmgned.” Aurora. becomes a town on the first of January. Interest is created in the selec- tion of its first mayor. '1‘ Mr. Lachlan McDonald has been re- engagcd as teacher of S. S. No. 3 at an increased salary. Mr. Wm. Campbell, of the 10th (‘en , has rented the farm of Mr. J tunes Calder. 7th 0011., for a. number of years. Mr. Calder himself intends to move to Mus:- koka. to seek his fortunethere. We hope that “Jim" will be as fortunate as some more of the seventh boys, who went there some years ago and are worth many thousands of dollars now. Mr. Simon Dumond has rented M1311 R. Irish‘s farm near \Vou-ziviilu for: term of five years. We wish him 5m cess. Monday cvcmvg 5% U)". Centre Eldon. It is our sad duty to chronicle the end- den death of Mr. Duncan McNeil, who died on Friday evening, 18th inst. He had been unwell for a. consrdemhle length of time previous to his death. His funeral took place on the following Monday afternoon to the Eldon church burying ground, where his mortal re mains were interred. there, in await the resurrection of the dead. The inflamed. family and friends have the sympathyof. the entire community in flu-Er: hour of affliction. We are R350 (21.11er on to re- cord the death of Mr. John (hum-son's infant son. Pitcher’s Castoia. VOL. XIâ€"NUMBER 44. Sure you‘dâ€" have been to Beaver water. In Benetton we have an M. R, an ex-M. P. and a. score or more of com‘ potent men fit to fill high oflices of trust. we have the champion yachts on these lakes and the 111051; successful sportsmen and uhootists. There is nae town that doth surpass us {,‘Iu brew honest men and bonnie lasses : Not least among our lnony wishes, The Lord provide us plenty fishes. and muscle and cure them if curéd they can be; Then they may go home. build yachts and sail them, also shoot at rifle ranges with some chance of success“ have some pride of characterand they will pay their debts of honor. They may have athletes among themselves so they won‘t have to come to Beavorton for help in their emergencies to salve them from disgrace. Try it Orillians by all means, try it. you may succeed, at we sent you command our commisseration. You have “melt" daft is my opinion, Than all the rest of the Dominion If e‘er you do grow wise and better, Sure You‘d have been to Beaver Tho parsonaw: ‘enctnnum HUB NEIGHUUBS. Qistrict gum. was: mmvthingz in it. So Barrio (inzMH-R‘ w- M Hm I: v. (L M. King- [niqhohm wuq burned laud: ONE OF Tm: BOYS.

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