The amount 0! skilled labour which is ab- sorbed in s oonntry where it is thought necessary in times of peace to be pupsred {or war may be partially estimated by a reference to the statistics of iVoolwich nr. usual in England. Tho number of wurkmen en the pay sheets at the arsenal when there is no great pressure of work is in rouni num- bers eleven thousand. Al out two thousand of these are employed in the gun fae'ory alone. At t e small arms {arrow at Enï¬eid another two housaud workmen are employ- ed. If to these ï¬gures are added the num- ber of men engaged in building wnr vessels and torpedo boats, it is probable n grand total of 25.000 artisans would be renohe'i. In times of war there would be a large in- crease on all these ï¬gures. 'Tho waste of inbour in all Europe rendered nrcessury by the possibility of war must be en: r.noue Tobocoo Imokm have often been told that the cigarette in the moat injurioua forming whlehthe weed cm he used. A cow was reported I few days ugo of A person having become ins me in consequence of the excee live smoking of cigarettes. A recent experi ment made in (Yuicngo proves that cigarette! Ihoulll be avoided by smokers. Au nualyuh of 3 dl mn brands w-n muzle. n'xd almost every brand was found to have been “ doe tored"to a greater or less degree. While the injurious ingredients (apart from the tobacco lteell) varied somewhat, there was enough in each variety to induce smokers who value their health to give up cigarettes altogether. Different kinds ol dirt, more- over, were found in all the brands. The pianoicrte bus always been consider ed by musicldns an unsxtlshatory lnstrn meat, owing to its inability to sustain the sound. If roporb speaks truly this defect has been remedied, and the whole are of innoforbe plsying will be revolutionized. his said that Dr. Eisenmann, of Bzrlin, has invented a piano which. by an ingenious appliance of olectro-mngnctism, is cipablo of sustaining and diminishing or increasing the sound at the will of ths performer. The most extrnordinary claim made for the system is that by moving the bAr with the electro-magneta from one part of the instru- ment to anothcr the timbre oi the tone changes, so as to resemble that of other in- strumentsâ€"the violin, oboe, and olarionet, for'instnnce. '1 be musical warld will await impntiently further details of an invention which will do much to mitigate the tedious- neas of public piano recitals. A real estate and land boom is in full blast at Melbourne. A correspondent of the London “ Times " (0:6. 31) sa)s an attempc has actually been made to buy the Anglican cathedral there. the price offered being £300,000 stg. The bills and cheques piss- ing through the Melbourne clearinghouse during the ï¬rst half of the current year amounted to no less than £160,000,000 sun, as compared with a total of only £88000,- 000 during the ï¬rs: half of 1887. General business has much improved of late, but this enormous increase in banking operations was due in the main to the boom. In the twelvemonth ending May 31 last 270 com- panies. wish an aggregate capital of £52,- 0L0.000 stg., were floated in Melbourne, of which sum no less than $227,000,000 repre~ seated the capital of new land companies. Ihe boom, however. is near its end. The bsnlxs have set their faces against laud paper. It is considered probable that the United States Governmenl ,will order an enquiry into the administration oi affairs in Alaska. Statements have been made and published that the natives are subjected to the most terrible oppression, and that the most re- volting abuses, particularly in regard to the native women, are permitted. A Chicago journal as s:-" We need not believe all that is eai of cruelties and outrages prac. tised there upon defencelese natives to feel a thrill of horror. There is enough in the accounts of ocmsional travellers, there is enough in the discreetly worded reports of Government “Kids, to show that in Alaska exists a little hell for which we are reaped sible.†This is a very serious admission, and the acknowledged existence of t: e abuses mentioned, with the dissatisfactim felt at the high~handed proceedings of the com- mercial company which has the nnnopoly of the seal ï¬sheries, may lead to Congress turning its attention to the general position of affairs in Alaska. Canon lsaoc Taylor in his article in the “Fortnightly Review," has shown that millions of dollars are 8 nt by the evangelâ€" il’ng societies oi Great ritain in the work of converting; he heathen in far all lands of Asia and Africa. He has also pointed out that at the present rate of conversion, and if the relapses are taken into account, it will take one million years to convert the world, supposing its population remains stations . The passing thought may be snggeste to many benevolent and patriotic Inglishmen that a large portion of the foreign mission contributions could be more proï¬tably employed in relieving the distress and elevating the moral condition of 1hr thousands of poor outcasts of bath sexes wnc drag on a miserable existence in White chapel and other slums of London and the. large cities of Great Britain. “'htn the injunction to preach the Gospel to all the world was issued. it was surely never intended to completely withdraw the re- minder, “The poor ye have always with Why suffer a single moment when you can get immediate relief from all internal or external paint! by the ute of l’olson'l Nervi- line, the rent pain aura chviline has never been nown to fail in a oingle cane; it unnot fall, for leis acomblnation of the meet powerful pain eubduing remedies known. Try a 10 can: sample bottle of Nervlline. You will ï¬nd Nervillne a sure cure neuralgia, toothache. headache. Buy a try. Inrge bouln ‘25 cents, by all druggllu. The Tampa recalls, in connection with the Whitccliapol murders, n series of similar horrors which occurred in Paris six years ago. A Rumiau subject unmod \Vassily murdcrmi eight Women of loose character and was tried for the orimoa. Tho jury do‘ clarcd him to he insnne, and he Wus handed over to tho Rurslnn authorities and sent back to his own country. where he w .a con- ï¬ned in an asylum unfil January lat, 1883, when ho was not. at liberty. The supposition naturally arises that he may have found his way to England and there renewed his cru aado against fallen women. llavc You Thought About It ‘.’ Is the “end A Russian? r’tmcuuxaol’s. On July llth, Venus became evening star, being then close to the sun and so hidden in his bright: rays u to be invisible for several weeks. Moving ensmmrd, aim was far cnoug h from the sun to be easily seen in S: psemher. shining with a soft. trexnulona lig nt in th e glowing west for a little whiie after sunset. She has ever since been moving farther from the sun. growing brighten, and setting later, until she is now 'he star that all are praising as she shines in the western aim. for abons two hours after sunset. A very brilliant atax- may be seen in the south-west almost as soon as the sun has set. This star is the planet Venue, and she out shines every other one of the two thousand ï¬ve hundred sure visible in the heavens on clegr, moonless nighte. Cuntented mlnrll u- moro conducive to happiness than riches, glor '. or lama. In our lilo-work let us remem er that it will proï¬t us but little if we gains world of wealth and lose contenment and happiness. Gond nature disarm: enmity. nilnyl ir- ritntionï¬topa even the gummy of (sult- ï¬uding. It more than half ovelcomeo envy. A really good-natured man in tho mos: troublenome mom! tint tho mnlign minions ever attempted to food' upon. He is the natural nupsrior of irritable persons. - Pleasure is a shadow, but knowledge is ecstatic in enjoyment, perennial in fume, unlimited in space, and inï¬nite in duration. In the performance of its great ofï¬ces is fears no danger, epares no expense, looks into the volcano, dives into 'he ocean, erioretes the earth, wings its flight into then ice, enriches the globe, explores sea and lend, contem- plates the distant, examines the minute, comprehends the great, ascends to the sub lime; there is no place too remote for its grasp, no sphere too exalted for its reach. To a mm with I disposition bout to: ward melancholy the choices: of osrthly blowing: cannot bring happiness. Over lthe cuntenwd miud fate has no power for mun. Moraliiv cannot flourish without courage 3 criminality certainly thrives upon the lack of it. If we cannot no so fur a to holievo with the Funchnmn that every mistake In life nuy be traced to fear, we con at loan agree with the philosopher who said. “ Great talents hasve been lost for want of a little courage.†Suspicious, as transient guests of the mind, may be useful in establishing the innocence which should be brought: to light or in proving the guilt: which should be purged away; but as permanent inmates of the mimi their itflueuce is most pernicious. Sum-red to remain, they ranLlo and faster and produce all mmncr of social cox-mp none. Propose to yourself an object that is noble, pursue it from motives that are high, let what is best in you take the mastery, and you shall be ranked with the wise and good long before you are fully either. An i, as you go on in the course of improvement, the idea of your better self will become more deï¬nite, and the life of this idea of wisdom and {goodness will be clearer and stronger in you But‘why is she shining in that particu'ar portion of the sky, and why does she change her place from time to time, while the stars that twinkle around her remain always the name? It is because the stars are so far away that they seem to retain the same rela- tive position in regard to each other. . If we were near-enough to them, we should ï¬nd that they, too, are moving, some in one direction and some in another, some up- preaching, and some receding from the earth. The ï¬xed “are, an they are called, are anus, and shine by their own inherent light. Venus, like the earth. borrows her light from the pun, and revolves around it: _ If we were on the sun, end looking at Venus, she would move in a circle around the sun. Azure see her from the earth, which is also moving, she appears to move or oscillate in Insight lines east. and west of the sun. Vanna will move eastward until February 19, 1889, when she reaches her greatest dis tance east of the Inn. and begins to retrace her steps towerd- him, ending her course as evening star on April 30m. The western Ik , during the winter and the spring. will crefore be blamed with the presence of the Queen oi the Stars, be- coming all the time more radiantly beautiful and only reaching her period of greatest b:il‘iency on March 25th. The Sweet-Vole"! 'l‘wltterers are Frauds o The Very Worst Son. What trends birds are, says “ Tens Siit- ings.“ They ere represented in poetry on saw/net, gushing things. rising to greet; the mom with melody and bursting forth in rung on the slightest rovoention. To lend bird poetry one mig t consider them the most nmieblo of God's creatures, when he fact is, e3cordlng to naturalists, the ninja)" ity of singing birds are waspish and quarrei- some among themselves to a high degree. They behave worse during their singing son- son, which is also their time for timing, when they are popularly supposed t'; to tilt- ting about in the moat ioviu mzum r, ten- derly beseeching each other to bu “ my val- entine." Those who i!(-\‘(‘ made a close study of birds will tell you that make are won, not by love but pix-had battles, for the most part, the strorrzor party carrying (fl the prize. Some of the more pugnaeinns often fight until 'they are killed. The fe- males battle furiously for the mobs who sit calmly. by obsorvin the Combat q'iite un, prrjudiccd and res y to any. “ May the heat bird win." Sometimes the conqueror flies otl‘ with her dearly won valentine, only to meet some superior female on the way who disputes the prize and winsit. if the tuperior female be u †star " singer in bird opera she probablylms to support her huslnmi until she can get rid of him and snare another. Parsonâ€"I um astonhhed to [text a m an with three married daughters my "mn- riu‘g‘q .ls a “flute." c-v ‘1 I Ail , _A_. LAA,A ‘L_-_ "ï¬Ã©iï¬tiï¬ienâ€"Weil, air, whrn you have three families beside your own ‘ - support. you will learn that marriage ir positive bank- ruptoy. Iriuh sgtlcnltnro contin: us to decline. Lat your tuba. den-cued by 18 000 acres, and gun lands int-rand by 50,000 .crcs. Venus, the Eu ning Star. LOVE IN BIRD LIFE. PEARLS 0F 'I‘BIY'I‘II. Positive Bankrupt. The sporting writer of tho New York ' Tribune says:â€"" thing in America is on too expensive a scale to be governed b any such crgnniztticn as this sc-celled 'l‘ur Con- gress, which convenes here next 'l'nursaisy. With race tracks situated thoutnnde of milw apart the idea of a national circuit, oontrollul by one general direction in the form of a Na- tionel Jockey Club, is nhgurd. What Min- neapolis and SE. l’eul expect to gain by send iug delegates to the meeting it i'i imposeiblo ! to conceive. They support when is mild f the Twin City Jockey Club, but how is New York to he oi service to the racing interests at Minnesota! The two big cities of that distant State might have racing every day in the ear without interierin in the remotest de ee with the sport east 0 the Alleghnniee. It! plain truth to any that the Eastern clubs cure nothing whatever for an alliance with those of the West. The prnmotere of this eJ-cslled congressâ€"ell Western menâ€"have been unable to secure the slightest notice from the American end (Janey inland clubs, and itis extremely doubtinl it the Monmouth park and B :ooitlyn people can be persuaded to send delegates to their meeting. The failure to gatin the co-opemtion of these rich and prosperouspesocistione oi New York and Nnv Jersey signiï¬es the: the coming congress will accomplish nothing of importance to the racing interests of the East. An amicable alliance of Eastern clubs if: urgently demand- ed in order that the troublesome question of dates may he settled to the satisfaction of each. Yet there is no pres-pee: of euch an arrangement. The Beat for the E at end the Went for the Went is one of the unwritten rules of racing. The country is broad enough for half a. dczen big circuits. " How ptronta provoke their chiidren-by unreasonable commands, by perpetual r3- atriction, by capricious jerka‘at the bridle, alternating with as capricious dropping the reins altogether ; by not governing their own tamper ; by ahrill or atom tones whore. quiet, soft ones would do ; by frequent chegks and rebukes and epn‘ing praise. And what is sure to follow such mistreatment by father or mother 2 Bursts of temper, for wnich tho child is punished and the parent is guilty, and then spiritlees, listleasnen and apathy. " I cannot nleaae him whatever I do," leads us to a. rankliug sense of injustice, and then to recklessnessâ€"“it is useless to try any more." Ard when a man or child loses heart them will he no more obedience, Many a parent, especially many a father drives his child into ovil by keeping him a a distance. He should make his boy a com pinion and a playmate, teach him to think of his father as his confident, try to keep the child nearor to himself than anybody else, and then his authority will be al‘solute. his opinion an oracle, and his lightest wish a lamâ€"A Maclureu, D. D. Mr. J. Parkerâ€"There are Trimble-Huw- kin: and his wife. They are a handsome couple. are'nc they '2 MiaaCam-ity Bilâ€"On, you, they are quite distinguished looking ; but do you know they Say that. at home Quay q_lllfl'_cl Icandt‘d'oualy; an‘dbe‘uide a that, Mrs. Trimbleollawkins 'ahsolutely negk ct every household duty. and her children are a perfect disgrace. Mr. J. Parkerâ€"Oh, you know her, than! Miss Charity Billâ€"Yes. indeed ; I on her best friend i In mirthful measures. warm and free, I sing, dear maid, and ring lorthee : But I think 1 would be performing a greater service to you and your sex by sing- ing, not in measured rythm but by setting out some strong truths in simple prose. If you or any of your female friends are suffer- ing from ulcerations, displacements, bear- ing-down sensations, or unnatural dischar- ges, use Dr. Piercc's Favorite Prescription, which is sure to eradicate these complaints in a short time. It is the only medicine for woman’s peculiar ailments, sold by drug giste, USDIB A Posrrn'r: GUARANTEE, from the manufacturers, that it will g’ve satisfac- tion in every case, or money will he refund- (:d. â€" This guarantee has been printed on the bottle- wrapper, and faithfully carried on: for many years. Gold rings patterned after the antique with plain gold abield settings are again Vital Wicks. “ There are three wicks to the lamp of n man's lite ; brain, blood and breath." Thus writes an eminent Americm author. The most: frequent derangement: occur in the blond and in the liver, by which. when in healthy condition, the blood 18 puriï¬ed. Look out for the t1 rrible chain of diseases that owe their inception to torpld liver and consequent impure blood. When the symp toms of liver and kidney troubles, consump tion (Lung-scrotulo). bronchitis, and dropay, make their eppeerance, the system is in im- mediate need of a. course of Dr. Pierce’n Golden Medical Discovery. lts mnrvelleua effects have been tested and prove“ in the cure of tens of thousands of cases. It puri- 'ties and enriches the blood, restores lost vitality, and dfectuelly eradicate: the seeds of the worat maladies that aillict mankind. being Eporbei. CANOES. FARMS III-2 DANDY" I’ATENI‘ BAGilf‘IDER. _ which every (J3me! wants now, 034.5 (niy 75 cts.. and if here it noloc‘xl agent, may he ohhined (ï¬rm by Lipren or mail). on sending price t) C. W. ALLEN CO., World lmildinz. Toronto. nxmmo VETERINARY comma! ovm D ITI’JIS procure-1. Pmtant Attorneys. and experts a «it'd 1361. Ibo-Md I‘m nldonl a Cou'l'oronm. GENTS 2 L’NBMPLOYBI)! We handlo only .4 standard specialtiei, or whin'n In other ï¬rm has a night to sell 10 Canada. Write us. Tubox Bum, Tomnto, Ont. KNITTING ï¬ve lï¬ndrélï¬studenta In auccc-slul practice ; feeq flnvdollms per se-sinn : session 18 9 “Erin. 0c toher 20th. Principal. ProL SMITH, V. 8., Toronto. 7 0310‘?!) ITI’I‘IVI- SCHDGI..â€"Genilemen 1 deqirmn of acquiring a thorough knowinhzw rt mrment oultin: «Maid .im ua. Scientin' and ! rel Able ante I" taught “in re I} perfect mun. mt- mznti are producml Cif‘i Ir mch lull inlrm Inn. 1 ‘A OR THE SICK U ARMING a: / ‘ Vim“ utmnousflsvmsc< O'l :Imxt'o‘ï¬on S. CJR‘MU \N l‘rop.. 1'13 ch Ion * _ , '1' l W ,1 INVIGon/n'oa pAl A (6 11'. ammxzmm WEI)» ‘ Care All Diseases of {he Séomach, Bowela,- Blood, Liver. Kidney, Urinary Organs, Nervouaneos. Sleeplessneas. Female Compmlnts, DRUNKENESS. â€H.000 Reward paid for a case they will no: nus. The Wrong and Right Way. Stomach. Boweln,walood, Liver. Kidney, Urinary Organs, Nervouanes The Turf Congress. FOR SALE or BEST. Au. Sum. King and Pmcm. Some special hnrzahu. H. S. MITCIUZLL, Dummy. ()xt. Send for I". Catalogue WK. ENISLISII. Paterboro. om. (fret-Inn. Bros" Geomewwn.0nt. MACHINES '_rm: CELEIHATKJ Ansmcm Coax l'cl'PER. just. the thing .nr [mu “inter o emngu. cand v pu‘ls, pop tomb .113. B\ "mi pump-1d on remap? M2309 um. Andrew. G. w. DENNIS, 337 \onge St. To- Addreru. c rnntn~ 0m. HE'ILAXD AND ANDALUSIAN WOOLS. 80 per r-z.: Saxuny WuoL all 0 Ion. [00 pw ske'n; Ice W-ol, 1) st quaMy, 10:.- per ball: Embroidery Silk. 9'. ~51: shalu. 10: dnz. shins; Armaene, all colors. 30? doz‘n sktins. ' Filoselln. hem quality. 48c and a: .0 n‘oz -n skei-m . \lacmma Co!d.1; colors. 100 bal; Fen, extn quality. 2 yards wide, $1. 00 per )ard \\ oolen Jam. Cnmas. all colon. 45c 33rd. Alnaus on mm the newest nah-rials (or 14mm work, at lowest pr oea. Letter orders bane promp pt and one“! attention. (Mods can be sent to any pm": hi Cmada by nost Write [or price lis‘. A lrinl soliciud HENRY DAVIS. lmpovu-r. 2J1 Yonge Street. Tormito. Plan'sa mention thi‘pnner I N111 “POKA'I‘LID I855 Hood Uï¬ioo: Toronto 813.. Toronto. Sublcrlbul ('apllul, ............... 8 4.5m. I. [akUtp Capital. ................... '2 WJOO Total lunch... . ..' .................... not...» LADIES, LOOK: BERHX “0013,3111 calm, Sc per oz. CANADA PER)!“ EXT LnangaSavmgonmpany The cr-lm’qed emital am’l resources 0! this Com pany, Lowthur wiih the lncnnsed fxcilities in l)" recently acqvnrm for FUDPhiIIK land unit“ will cheap money mahle the Directon tn men wil': pmmptnen .m'l at. :hc lowvst current law: ol uneven all yeqtï¬rpmpnha 'ur loam uprm mtiulncwr)‘ - Al esta‘e “ct'llrity nplicutmn may he made to t-izhe: of We Comp. 'Jppmiaem or t, Arc )‘au Mala. ls vour llah- (tray or Falling out. Try Dr. lburonwc-ml'n his? 5‘! per hunk: or 61-Mth-a fr $3. '1'" it It. mil! xmk- ,\o :r x a 1 mm mm: on 1 humuz. l-‘nr Hale lw all Pr IL'L'idm .... r) whore. cr send diuct to the nmmfm-n-rnr . r 4 ‘ng the umnnm. H A I R (:ggééggg MAGIG. It ix the ï¬rst in (.1: For Pantor: Pa?o‘n't. Teacher, Child, or Fricml,lmth olegnn‘cennd usefulness will be found combined . in a copy of Webster's Unabridged. A CHOICE GIFT Besides many gthelgnluahlc features, it contains Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap :‘nd inferior m;.tcrials, and give poor, weak,- cro<icy colors. To be sure of success, use only the DIAMOND~ DrL‘s for coloring Dresses, Stock- . ings, Yams, Carpets Feathers, ‘ Ribbons, tic" c \Ve “arrant them to color more goods, pack- l age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask | for the Diamond and take no other. .4 D D d FOR ' A 02:38 Colfrec/ '0 l Garment: Renewed CENTS. ‘ A Child can use them! 3000 more Words xm' marly 2000 more Illus- trations than any at Amt rimn Divtinnnry. a Sulrl l-y all Book .II r9. Pamphlet frl-l. n G. a; C. MERRIAM C0,. l’ub‘rs, Springï¬eld, Mal. Brilliant l Durable ! Economical ! 5: Mil? hi it} SON "Sikh ’1' I‘Eï¬Ã©m orouto 1'Vll|l|'- "i (I “gâ€. L.“ I' “III IIIII .MRE. 11‘“), Paris llnir11oxks, ï¬Â§Â§'§§??§nfflï¬m 103 and I. 1 Tuner .‘ilrvel. Toronto. (has-.9 . :, EENI . ' Clnx'r ‘0? Hie/L 0“:qu WELLS, RICHARDSON 00% y‘l HE‘ GREAT STRENGTH GIVER __o-â€"â€"â€" APERFEcT rooo r-_ _..._ _._.. 7" OHNSTON‘S ï¬Ã©ffl'ï¬ï¬‚j Fo'h’fnc SICK WARMING Vutmnqusflevmmc At Dmggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. Ah‘i‘aai-‘zanniseu.“oisï¬qnarv A ï¬Ã©i‘iéfté‘éi‘bf iï¬BWBHd “I many Iâ€, In llk'lf'l A Dictionary of Fiction found only; \.V ehstor, All in 03 Book. logging and dum-rihing 25,000 Places, o_f 118, am \\ was, 3001) Engrav' Inga, (flit-afly'lofln NON-d Persons ‘0..â€" Montreal. P. Q. IN THE SELECTION OF AlDictirongry Johnston’s Fluid Beef fleflicious Beef Tea. PALATABLE AND HIGHLY NUTRIIIOUS. Hair Tonic world. 'lL'MURS, l‘lL‘Elt-‘d, “(‘RUFL'LA. G om. cured polwzuwulv “iron! )the kl 11v. Auvly 10 DR. W. L. SMITH. 1'24 Que-tn St 16.. '11 ml to. -dowâ€" _._.v _v- Bailing during winï¬rrl’rcm Port am ever ' Thu-u- day and Hulitax evety Saulu'ay to Lu enpoo . and In summer "3"“ Queko ext-19' gntmdny to Lh erpool. _. -ll- - “A “annual-nu- ruu-u-w. .. u“. ‘u‘ calling at Londondon to fund malls Ind asbeilgon [or Scotland and he and: 3150 Iron) Bnlt more. VII Balihx and St. John’c. N. F . to Liverpool iottuightly (lurim: mmmermonthe. 'Ihu strainers 0! the GM. gow limm mil during wlniot to and from Halilax. Pofl'aml, Bunion and "Made ’[INM and during sum mer i-et ween Glnnzow and Nunucal uoekly: Glasgow and Hmtnn weekly. and Olarucw and Phllsdelphh fortnightly. km frok’ht, manage. or MN: 11 tnnmmcn apply A.8¢humachu€o.. lsrnimnr; S. Cmmrd Co. iinlienx: Shea (‘-o‘, St. John's .\' 1“,; Wm. Tharp sand (‘0., St. thn. N )L; Mlun 00., (Mayo: Love (2 Amen. N(\~' \‘v-k. H louyHer. Tc-Ionto; A‘lanv, Rue . Cm. Quin: \\ m. him kie, Philadel- nbm: H. A. Allen. Porn: m! Brshn Moutunl. Allan Line Royal Mailwï¬itaaï¬msmpp SUFFERING {tom the effects» cl early eVI) habits, the result of ignnl'ance and lol‘y. who ï¬nd themselves weak. nervous and ethmted ; nl~o MIDI‘LK-ARRD and OLD MEN who are broken damn from the (fleas of abuse or oven-work. and in m'u‘LH-nd Me. he] the comeqnepceg q! yoqthful exams. Eel-d {or and read M. "V Lubon‘ a Treatise on the i- -i (Mes (.1 Men The book willbe sent sealed to am : ddn‘su 0 receivt 0! two 80. at mp9. AddrpLa .A __ __..; \-. ... A .‘ n n ., "’4' are chila'rrn a-lm r.’w rfully inf» :7. Mr chant: W153†Breadmakcr's "10.1921 4.5 . sue-n: lufure us â€" ï¬lmmzm I! u . ' 53$ .rxnnu-s (IR-H rb Wig/(Irv. 'Cmu‘e brr brim! it HI! 7-/.. .'-’n I Inr (mm me Mr And we (a! all 'l’e/‘nm 01. v s/u am. .< 1!. Mr: 11¢ . BUY THE BREABM'AKER'S 73.31. FREE 5 cans. IS MADE FROM EVILUBON’ chin an. 5:. E. 'm .mto. “'HN'I H Young Man WANTED. WHAU Y, RLYBE 00 . WE SEL'. CHEAPER hm any other hull-n in Melanie. hhuuhctur- cm cl Buul lustrmmnts m-ll Heal- Is i In“ khds £ f Mush-a! Mrnlnmise. in (‘ mud: to send for our Srm'u'. (Hummus ( 1 Sin 0! .\lu~i:~:v|d Music l! min. ï¬ll'SiC TEACHER TORONTO. DELAYS ARE Dnn‘t wait until you me lnun' outor robhed Buy u Sale now and deep (Amy, nut Insure and ye? priced, â€0.. 01 me hqu-ampionSnta {:77 Craig Stâ€, l'.0. Box 915, Nautical. P Q. S. S. K [M Iï¬ALL‘ 2s) Yonge St. EVERY DANBERUUS