Large prairie ï¬rm lnvo been raging {broughnuh the State of Dakota, and grcac dumngo has been done. In ihu Vermont House of Rtproaontativcs ymtcrdny the bill granting t0 Women the right, of nufl‘rage was defeated by l92 to 31. A powerful American syndicate is about to be innnml fur the purpuso of building railway: in Siberia. . 'l' hlrty (hrco dead lwfleu have been taken 1mm tho debris of tho Rwhoawr lantern mnkn, and it In lnliovod that ten or twelve "mun. Tln membership of the Knights of Labour fell 00' Mac year to the extent of 300,000. At t!†nuctipn mlc of Lord Sackvillo'a effects In Washmgcon very good prices were receiver]. A team of Philadelphia cricketers will play a notice of matches in England and Ireland noxt season. It is a singular fact that despite the aban- Jonmont of the policy of assisted passages by the Dominion Government, the volume of immigration to Canada has increased considerably. The arrivals for the ten months of the veer were 146,607, an increase of l8,347 over those for the same period last year. The Vatican authorities express satisfac- tion with the election of MI. Harrison. Rev. \V. J. Sparlinq, of Kingston, speak ing on the temperance question, said he was sick and tired of temperance II eekere denouncing the Government when te ple had the power in their own hands of having a Government' In favour of temper- unoe if they wished. Mr. and Mrs. (10b0, who reside near King:- ton, bsnkeil their savings, amounting to $900. in an old stocking, hiding it under a bed. ’heir children transferred the stocking to an empty stove, and the other do when the ï¬rst ï¬re of the season was li rht the accu- mulations of yehre were destroyed. California had a sharp shock of earth- quake on Sunday. Pressure is to be brought on the ï¬re under- writers in Monti-0A1 to efl'acca reduction in rates. CANADIAN. The porkpxckem of Ontario luve organ- hed themselves into In association. The loss by tho stopnge of navigation in the Cornwall canal is esziuuted at. £651,500. In his Thanksgiving sermon. Rev. Mr. Herridge, of St. Audrew’a,0ttawa, referring to the agitation in favour of taxing church property, contended that the church was fully entitled to the exemption by reason of her work in ennobling and purifying the whole national life. The n.uc \ dreaded hng- chole u l as again undo his appetmnce in South Essex. Great annety 134010 in Winnipeg over the tomb of the railway case before the Supteme Court. Senator Trude], editor of L'Etendard, hu commenced an action for $50,000 for Ii Iel ugainut Le Manda. to utiiize the‘ waters at the Lachine rapids for the purpose of furnishipg electric light to the city. .Ooventr any 5 that the mortuary re. tuPna for \Viugsory for the past six months show that it is the healthieatp town in the pro~ Vince. It is rumoured that Premier Mercier has notiï¬ed the members of the Quebec Civil Service that they will be diemiaaed unless they pay their debï¬e. The Michigan lumhormen are very eager for Canadian pine, and a Saginaw ï¬rm km concluded the purchase of three timber berths in the Georgian Bxy district. The inspector for the Provincial Board of Health has visited Saruia and found that smallpox is well under control and likely to be shortly stamped out there. At a recent school school concert in King- ston, Mr. Henry Bawden drew attention to some faults of our present; school system, which places too high a premium on were memory. Miss Macdouhld. sister of the Premie', died in Kingston on Sunday morning. She was 70 you: of age. It is understood in Montreal political circles that there will be no settlement of the Jesuit estate question until August next. ~ The Dominion Government intend inviting the Australian colonies and N ow Zaaland to send delegates to Ottawa to discuss qneationn relating to an interchange of trade. It was erg ned before the Court of Appea}, in Montrealg, In the case of J acobe who' Is undergoing a. life sentence for the murder of his wife, that the proceedings at the trial are void. as the murdered woman' a name was not in the indictment. Sir John Macdonald denies the statement telegraphed to the Winnipeg " Sun" to the effect that the promobera got the Hudson Bay railway and been promised an increas ed subsidy by the Dominion Govcrmenb if they succeeded in over throwing the Green- way Ministry. At a meeting of th. farmers of North Waterloo, held in Guelph ou Snurday, a farmers’ iunicute was organized. The Hudson Bay Company expect a. com- paratively small aupp!y of turn as the result of the season's trading. The land sales have been larger than last year's. It. is stated on good authority that Rev. Father Chiniquy has felt himrelf compelled on account of age give up his travels, and intends to settle down in Montreal. The Governor G eneral in interesting him- Ielf in organizing a winter course oi scienuï¬ .- lzcturea in Ottawa. \Vork on the western extension of the Ontario and chih'c railway in being vigor onnlv pushed forward in and near London. The new canal at the Canadian Sault will cost from two and a half to three million dollars. The contract calls for its comple- tion by May, 1892. Ottawa clergyman are opposed to the movement in favor of the abolition ofChurch ptoperzy from (xemptiou. As a counter move to the action oi the Dominion Government in increasing the ex- port duty on Canadian pine logs. the Michi~ gin lumbermen are agitating for the pass- age of a. bill doubling the import duty on Oanadian lumber. A syndicate is being formed in Montreal ‘utih‘ze the‘wntcrs of the Lachine rapids NEWS OF THE DAY. AMERICAN. ' It in utatod the Imperial Government have approved 0! the lcbome to bulld eight flut- The Cninue Government has learned that a nccrot treaty has been concluded between Russia and Core», pxovidinglor a Russian prgtqotorntepfï¬logea. The NonConformiat Unionist Association gave a banquet. in London on “’ednesdny evening in honour of Lord Silinbury and Lord honington. It is atatcd‘m a suspicious fact) that 0. Sn. l’dteraburg student committed suicide at lnrki, immediatoly after tho recent acci‘lont to the (Izu-‘a train. Portugal, on the invitation of Great Britain and Germany, will send manuals to take put in the blockade of But African ports. The Paris Municipal Council has decided to take part in the drmonatration at the tomh of the tovoiutionis: Bandin, on Deccm- her 2. Emperor William has been far from well for the last three weeks, and his medical adrisera order ms of both mind and body. Lord Carnal-van has written to The Times depreosting the idea that Colonies should have a my in the selection of their Gover- nors. The German ironclad Kaiser, with Prince Henry of Prussia on board. went aground this week while entering Copenhagen har- boar. Prince Ferdinand has been warned that a plot is hatching against: him among the Bul- garian refugees in Constantinople. Portugal, on Invitation of Great Britain and Germany, will send vessels to take part in the blockade of But African ports. The Invinciblea Mullet and M cCafl'rey have been taken to London to give evidence before the Parnell Cammisaion. C. J. Jonoo. s wenithy Kan-u anchor, has purchased the herd of tame bufhloa owned by Warden Bed-on, at Stony Moun‘ uiu. Mun. The daughter of the Empress doweger‘e brother Ins been selected as the consort of the Emperor of China. General Bingham, Earl of Lucan,who took part in the famous charge of the Light Bri~ 33:10 in dead: An explosion of ï¬re damp occurred in a Belgian coal mine recently, by which 32 men were killed. The bun undo mother aid on Chicago who“, knocking it down 10 to Ho, 5nd Monduy'n quoudona were the lowest for some weeks. The Gresaen University has conferred the degree of doctor of divinity upon Prince Bismarck. The Berlin compondent of La France has been expelled from Pmaaia'. The resident: of Milford, Mum, and vicinity felt a flight but continuous earth. quake on Snurduy morning, lasting from two to four minutes. Several British vessels and many lives were lost in the recent 3516!. It is otï¬â€˜iully stated tint the description of the Kansas mining accident Were greatly overdmwu. The 00ml loss of life was 30, and the woundel numbered 20. The “ White Pasha †has defeated the Derviahea' In a great battle. Boston has a aenuzion in the alleged opium smoking and inï¬delity of the beautl ful and accomplished wife of Fred. Hunt, the proprietor of “ Pond’a Extract." Thirty-three boiiea hive been taken from the ruins left ly the great tire on Frlduy night in R wheeler. And can or twelve more Mini are probably still buried. Mr. Phelps ,the American Minister, in a speech beforp: the members of the Glasgow bar yeatei'day, said that nothing in the ad- ministration of justice in Great Britain was were excellent than the prompt and cflicient manner in which the laws were executed. Mr. Fitzgerald. President of the Irish National Association of America, has made a very frantic appeal to the Irish in the United States to subscribe money freely to enable Mr. Parnell to defeat the “ slimy methods " of Lord Salisbury beiore the Times‘ vom- mission. A number of Detroit lumber merchants, in interviews Monday, said the effect of the increase of the export. duty by the Canadian Government would be to atop the importi- tion of logs into Michigan and the encour- agement'of the manufacture of lumber in Csnade. . ‘ Mrs. Judge Hirsch, oi Navarro County, Tex, gsve birth to six children an the after- noon of November 3. There are four boys and two girls. The father, George Hirsch, is 31 and his wife 27. They have been married ï¬ve years, and have three children besides the recent accession. Hirsch has named the boys Frederick, Mills, Cleveland and Thurman. The gins are Victoria and Louise. The babies are tagged to preserve their identity. It is told oi a Fall River teacher that she recently gave an object lesson in physiology, and‘_in the course of the instruction asked when the backbone was. Not receiving any answer, she indicated its position in her own body, and then asked what it was. Nobody could answer as ï¬rst. Suddenly a bright thought occurred to an observing youngster. His eyes sparkled and he raised his hand to attract the teacher's attention. “ Well, J chn," she said, “ what do you call it 2" " Yer hustle," answered the lad promptly. The information-was too much for the school, and the laughter that followed indicated that the innocent mistake was perceived by the other pupils. ‘ Flora Schmidt the young woman who was taken to Believuo yhospital, in New Y.ork on FIiiay night. with symptoms of yellow fever, Mod 91: Ssturday morning. The steamer Iberia. which suffered in the collision with the Umbria, sank on Sanduy night, while the latter steamer. having undergone nâ€"fmirs. started from New York yesterday morning. Herman J. Emerson, the convicted New York policv dealer in whose place forget Bedell lost $30, 000 in one year, was yester- day sentenced to penitentiary for one year and ï¬ned 31 000. The steamer Umbria, which arrived My Queenstown on Sunday night from New York, made the passage in six days. .two hours, and twenty-two minmes, the fastest; eastern voyage on record. Dr. Gibisr. the famous Paris scientist; has performed an autopsy on the body of the head nurse who died of yellow fever at J ack~ souville, and secured some of the intestinal fluids, and will search them for fever germs. FOREIGN. West End Bargain Shuoo HouE'ev, 364 and 440 Queen went. 8. M. Clapp Co. A gentleman from Upson county, says the Atanta (Ga ) Constitution. relates a thrilling experience between Mr. Matthews, who lives near Pine mountain, and a large wildcat. Mr. Matthews, after enjoying a social chat with one of his neighbors, saddled his horse and started home. His road led him over the mountain. He was riding along at a slow pace, absorbed in thought, when he passed a thick clump of trees and bushes that stood near the roadside. Suddenly he heard a loud crashing and a large animal of the cat species bounded upon the haunches of his horse. with a ï¬erce scream, which so frightened the animal that he gave a leap forward and came near hurling his rider overheard, and at the same time causing the cat to loose its hold and fall to she ground. Mr. Matthewa lost all presence of mind and forgetting that he had his gun with him, let the cat escape without getting a shot at him. Being a " bright, moonshiny†night he got a good look at the cat, and thought it was a panther. Spurringhishorsehehastenedhomc- ward and made preparations to return and track the animal to in- lair, presuming that it must have had its young with it, which caused it to be so ferocious. Having a air of large fox hounds, he took them with im to a neigheor‘s house and prevailed upon him to acaompany him upon his hunt. Securing a few olher dogs, they started out in search of the animal. Arriving at the spot where he had recently had his adventure w ith the cat, Mr. Matthews called the dogs and put them upon the track. They soon struck out at a headlong speed across the mountain and it was not long ere they had the animal at bay. The gentleman soon found Mom, and standing with a hold front to the dogs was the boldest wildcat they had seen. In the rear of the mother, as they had expected to see, were two large half-grown kittins. These they proceeded to make short work of with their guns. The mother was turned over to the dogs, and after a hard fightahe was killed, the hunters assisting the dogs with the butt ends of their guns. Sne weighed ninety pounds and measured six feet. W'Clï¬pp ()0. are slaughtering Bach; and Shoes at coat nnd under. They are selling Lodlca' Fine Kid Button Boots, (worked holes), for 81. ony size; Child's Solid Leather Inca Boots, 7 to lo. for 50 cents; Boyn‘ all Leather School Boots, 75 cents; in fact ovety- thing in footwear at ridiculously low prices. 130w la the time tr- got: Bigâ€v§_lue at tho clul men-of war. 3 score of Iwflt cruisers, wd In many torpedo boats. The St. Petersburg â€â‚¬456"ng aosuwa Prince Bimini-ck of planning in 1563, under cover of aiding the Lzu‘. for the unnoxniou 0! Russian Poland to l’tuuiu. The 0 ie of New South W ale: and New Zanlam are of the name mind with Q menu [and on the right at a colony to be cousuitod regarding the uhoica of a (i )voruor. -The Viceroy of India informed 3 Barber at Petiala that the British Government would not avail itself of the offers of money from the Indian princes for the defense of the country, but would Mk them to form strong native forces ï¬t for service with the Imperial troops. The government would provide Engliah ofï¬cers and furnish breach louder; 32d 3 battery of four guns for each Puuj xub c ief. The expense of tho London ’1'5m.siu tho Parnell Commilbiou are simply enormous. It In calculated that for “inn-sacs alone the paper pays nexrly $1,000 a day. A muting of tho remnant/Milo of all the interest: concorned in the Eu!) Africnu movament will be held in Cologne to mor- toy todincnua the question of recruiting a colonial force. Ex-Empreaa Victoria arrived Monday mornigr'gt Port Vlctoriu. where she was ’meblbythc Queen, the Princaes Louise and Beuï¬i‘idé, imd (.‘ounb vou Hmztield, and no- cohip‘a’iï¬ed by them to Windsor. ’ The Irish Binho have roosivéd another l’apgl roacript or oring them to actively execute the forum reacnpt, which instructed them to denounce the Hun of Campaign and boycotting. . King Milka!) has offered to conï¬rm the right of ex~Quoen Natalie to the title of Majesty provided she foregoea her intended provost to the European Court: and admits the legnlity of her mvorce. Th'ed'lugliah and German consular author- lties in Zanzibar are about to issue a simil- ar rqclamatinn' forbidding German and Eng iah subjects to contract with slave-own- ers for a nupply of slave labour. The indirect overture of King Milan of Servie for Russian support has been sum- marily rejected. The South Russian press freely describes him as a renegade Sclav and Austrian puppet. The press censor has not interfered with the newspapers for their at- tack-I upon Milan. The bill voting £5,000,000 to extend the operations of the Ashbourue Ac: was intro- ducéd‘in'the Home at Commons yesterday and Mt. Gladstone proposed his amendment making a vigorous speech. Ilent. Dhnleep Singh, son of. the famous Mnnuejnh, who was for years a. pensioner of the bum]: G )vernment, will pay a visit to Ottawa merely on the staff of Sir J uhn Ross, wno will be the guest of the Governor- General. Major Schiebert urges upon the German Government a partial abolicion of the fort- reeeee on the Fremh frontier, which are merely obstructions, as in the event of war France would mean her troops, and the con- test. would be decided by pitched battles. The canal through the Isthmus of Corinth in Greece, is just: approaching completion. It was ï¬rst planned 2 500 years ago, and work was actually begun on in under the Emperor Nero over 1,700 years ago. When completed it will be four miles long, and deep enough to flout: the largest vessels that navigate the adjacent seas. 1110 Birmingham Unionists have decided to presentan address to Mr. Chamberlain on his return home with his bride. They Will also present an address to Mr. Bright on hie 77th birthday. Mr. Bright continues to be conï¬ned to his bed with a slight ro- newal of bronchitis. His son writes that it will be impossible for his father to resume hiaplace in Parliament for a long time. A decided sensation W35 created at the Parnell Commission, when Lady Mount, morres, referring :0 the murder of her husband in 1880, said that before the Lsnd I eaauo' was established his Lordship was on good terms with his tenants. Tho Mercantile Agency reportgl that S: A Bold Wildcat. Rev. Wm. T. iiili. rector of the Church of the Messiah. lxincarriino, on tho occasion of his resignation to accept the rvctorahip of tho Church of St. John the Evangelist in London, wu presented with an address, 3 hand-om. Iilvor urvicor and a marble clock. 'Iho Qaecn Rogento Spain has had her embarrassmenta‘Increucd by the Harman Emperor sending her word that he hnpen noon to pry her a visit. She wants tn keep on good tax-ma with France, which has been, so far, aplenmnt neighbor. but might be- come a dangerous and disagreeable ono. An intelligent chimpanzee in the Zoo logical Gardens, London, has been taught to count up to live. He is exhibiting hi; talent for mathematics to the delight of many vieitore by handing them with great norlonsnese and accuracy the exact number of straw. they aek for up to that number. Evidences are accumulating that the family of which the late Mr. Crowley was a bright and ehinln member are very good fellows, with conï¬gurable latent capacity. If they continue to show a faculty for development, the recent sorrow expressed by a young explorer because no mlEBXOBS have been sent. to tho anthropoid apes may be interpreued as a genuine lament. He in suspected of trying to make a sly dig at the missionaries, but the good word: he has spoken for the apee are proving true. Who known but our anthropoid cousins are capable of indeiini0 improvement under educational trratmcn The earth is now passing through the great stream of meteors which has caused so many celebrated star shower e in the historic period. If we could get accurate records of these November displays in ancient times the myrieds of meteors, know as the Leonide, that hsve bombarded the earth would appear incredible and alarming. Happily for our planet, its atmosphere, many miles deep, in- to see over our heads an invisible shield, wh ch but very few"of these heavenly pro. jeotllee can penetrate. The large majority1 of them are melted and volatilized by heat developed in the arrest of their motion by the air. The earth will pram this time though an attenuated part of the meteor ring, and will not encounter its thickest psrt until 1899. While, therefore, no such star shower as was seen on November 13: [866, can be now expected, meteors enough may be observed to show that we are in the orbit of the Leonids. In Mrs Gilbert's autobiography there in an unwrtuiuiug sketch of uwuling'houle ous- tumu in England in the uldun timou. Among the rest ahe demu‘ibou an 01.1 mm, Jnhu DLy, so hard at heat ing 1h .t he uhwya wt an the top of t_ho pulpit suit-v. I ,3_ j_,__. I...I.,..I...fl In those days, if any one sutiowd from drowsiness under the subdivided discourse. he would rise and standin his plum. Several grave elders, in an afternoon, might be seen bus upon their leg-4, and it. is recorded that my mother's great grandfather, leaning un- luckiiy upon his pew door, it opened sud- Henly. compcliing him to follow its semi: circnhsr movemen t at a sharp trot. till bronghu up sharp against the side of the ‘\"' v. ~--v Leaning 13am†iho pulpit dnnr, ho lookefl likv Hm miulutvr’u hruclmun. Hm vcneriblu nnd rhuuuuy countenance. him drnh knee~ hnwcheu gaping above his corded gray markings, are deeply gruven on my memory, and not less I0. a certain occaaion when his huge tin anufl' box alippad from his pattcring ï¬ngers, and relltd bump, bump, down the unmrputmi stairs with pnrtemuus noise. _ . __ _._ . . I ,,, A,,‘....‘ r ' """ ’ | John Day. to whit (llucancertnd, watched in; coulae. and thou wichhia heavy highâ€"lows demanded after-it, one amir at. a time. rc- turnlng in line manncl. The whole opera- tion took a long time ; yet the sermon hali- ed not. nor did devout attention fuil. P‘!‘ t Then the grave ï¬gure in snuff~coiored suit; and protubcrnnu wig took the uoor in hand and walked back into his place, with no visible disturbance in the congregwion. California in the days of “forby~niners' saw the strangest changes! Smrckecp era dispensed liquor and dry-goods, and per- fnrmcdzho duties of justice of the peace. Rough, ignorant miners practised law and phyaic, and even administered justice 0! the moss r0132!) ans! regdy sort. tinent: Instead. the party has appeared at Gedthsep, on Davis strait, and near the southern point of Greenland. If they struck in at the some latitude on the other side, they have merely trumped for a couple of hundred miles across the snow far south of the Arctic circle, in a country already pretty well knownâ€"en achievement of no especial value or interest. On Dr. Nuusen's return to Ber en we shall know whether his expe- dition ins been merely a snow-scrambling frolic or n conquest of the lust untruvallod «ï¬tmentâ€"[New York Tribune. The safe arrival of Dr. Nansen and his fellow explorers at Godthaup is a cause for rejoicing. but whether it is an event of much scientiï¬c importance is yet to be determined. When the little band of mountain-climbers set out on this cxpsdition, the plan was to traverse the “ Sahara of the North" at the widest part, or at least as far north as the soventieth parallel. That is†the region on the East coast visited by Koldeway and Saoresby. A march across country would have brought the explorors out on Bafï¬n bay at Upernavik, or at least at Godhaven, and such a trip, seven or eight hundred miles, would have laid aplen to the eye of science the very heart of t emysterious Arctic con- One of the alcaldcs, or magistrates, cf Yreka, George C. Vail, had a method of trying prienners which was quaint. even among the off-hand magistratea 01 California. A lad once complained that his employer was leaving the place without; paying him his wages. Vailvscarted two constables after the man, who was arrested and brought into cocrt He did not. deny the boy’ a claim, but insist- cd that he hady _no money _to pay it. on his head, shéke him wéll, and listen; if sulphing drops !" _ The inn 3mm inverted. and from his pocket dropped a bag containing two thousand dollars in gold dust. Out of it the boys claim for two hundred dollars was paid, and three ounces of gold for the fees of judge and constables. Then the bag of dust was returned, land he departed, with less money, but. with more respect for the law than he bed before. “ Constables,†said Vzlil, “atlnd that man The Greenland Expedition. Queer Scenes In Church. Educating the Apes. The Meteor Stream. California Justice. Ellis 85 Koighloy, - Toronto. l’cm’n‘ AND Srkamnn Cnmnm-zn m T"! Jun nond your name and addron, and Inc. Mr amino. and rcoelvo l1»! Mull 5 IMNDHOMH . I .K HANDKEINYIIEI andTheMauicdeh-S Aatonlshesovoryono! Addresmwmwn Novelty Co. . Toronto. Ont. YOUWMAY HAVE ONE! I separate or change. It is wonderful as a. flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump- tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. M’GAUSLAND SON, plain Cod Liver Oil. It. is far superior to all other so- called Emulsions. It is a. perfect Emulsion, does not Tho opium hub“. depscmsmln. the morphine habit, nervous prostrathu onueed by the use of tobncoc, wakefulness, mental de reeslon, aoftenlng of the brain, em, premature 01 age, lens of vitality caused by over-exertion o! the brain and loss of nitunl strength. from any cause whatever. Henâ€"young, old): mlddlcagedâ€"who are bioken down Iron; My ofthe abom causesmr any cause nolmmtkmed above. send your addrea; and 10 cenm in stampa for Luhun'n Trentdao. In book form. of (Ramses of 116». Book- aent guided and secure from observation. Addxeaa I. V L030)! 4'] Wt-mnvtou sexeas East. Toronm 0M5. OF (â€B LIVER OIL wmr HYPOPHOSPHITES. It is Palatablo as Milk. It is three times as efï¬cacious as Hairpin: with ambar shell bends set in with knots of nut-ll diamonds are now worn. SCOTT’S EMULSION “ murmur. STORY" AND GOLDEN onus of Reli gioua Thou an by J. W. Duel and '1. De Witt Tnlnmge. l) 1).; beautiiul illustraiionw. c010!- ed and plain , handsmuh bound; largaq uarto book; pl in t.\ pa and ju t such a book that fake: the eye :5 a glance; terms to mzenta extra libeml. Winn! Bruno: Publisher, Torcnto. A beautltul photoJithozrnph, le24. n"mlutely he. to each subscrib: r to Wxsunw Anvnnsn whom subscription is paid bv the 20mm December. Twebo large pagea every week. New tvpe. heavy paper l]- lustmw deputments. (lnlv $1 per year, or I‘M! but subscrimiona. Balance 1858 tree. Address, Anunuun Pmnuso Co., London. Ont. Canada. FEARFCL Eerosmxs are sometimes caused by the was of root coal oil. For absolute safetv and brilliant lig ha us Car- bon Safety Oil. Sold by dcalcra everywhere in the Dominion. Stained Glass ARAIDA SHIPPING t‘0. â€" Beaver blue 0! Steamshlpe, sailing weekly between Montretl and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Live :cl, 840, 850. and 860. Return “skate, 880, 890, and 11!, ncconling to steamer and accommodntlon._ Intol- medlnte. 830; Round trip Hotels, 860. Steengo. Round trip tickets. $40. For further Rartlculars to secure births. 3 1y to H. E. MU RAY,Gene Manager, I Custom ouse Squire, Montreal, or to Local Agents In the diflereut Twons nud Clues. BESI‘ \‘AlUE IN THE DOMINION. EEDIXON 00 . MAKERS. 70 KING ST. E, TORUHII Send to: Price um and Discounts. An odd mixture of Wnrdl, but the suffer. er {tom cc-Imipatinh. indigulion, impure Mum),‘|»ilousuus, and other such ILID. canbe cum] it he WILLS withoumaking the honid. uld fuhioumi mus. These are ruperoedod in ourchy by those ‘wondorwmking. yet. tiny. lmlu umhules, known as Dr. l’teroo’ l’aeasuht l’cllvta. No gripiup. no drastic pulgiug ; do not cause coativemu liter Wards us 111; 0L1 style pills do. ()no little 0 nuulo n (1089. Two interlocked hearts mountod with pearls on a knife-edge setting is a late u:â€" quieilion to lace pin noveltitn. . T0 l0“ MUN EY No delay. ,, 7 ILW. I). CASISGS-Sennon 1888â€" New pommonu of English Fheepl. Pimp?“ American Hog Own . Orde 'fllled {or any dulled qumtitv. gWrite rt NAMES PARK}; 89», LeatherBelting A'dtliéate spray of purple lilacs. with d§umoud Centres, forms a very pretlybreaat- pm. ' Grams claws mounted in tilver are being worn as brooches. II'CIINO I’llâ€. Granolaâ€"Momma : intone. iwhinzmd utilizing most It night :wom by scratchingsr}! allowed continue Limo" form, which often cod and ul ate, becoming var' sore. Swan's Omani! the itching md b oedlng. heals nioentioa, 1nd many ewes removes the tumon. 1! i9 equally calcu- cious in curing All Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE I SON. Proprleinrs, Phlisdelphia. Swan's Oman! “nib†obtained 0! druggiaw. Sent by null for M can ll. ‘ Silver rings set with diamonds and other precious stones are all the rage ous Went. Coll“ No More. Watson's cough drops are the best in the World for the. throat and chest. for the voice unequalled. Sco that the letters R. T. W. are ytamped on each drop. Established 1336. FOR CHURCHES, DVVELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. WHY YOU SHOULD USE Sold 6,, all nruggim. 50c. and $1.00. Niagara Falls. 41 to 47 St. Lawrence Hunt. Towinto. 76 Kim: St. W.. Toronto. EMPIRE BAKING POWD ER †um, “Ins. and mu‘a‘. A (‘Ire 101‘ Dmnxcnnuh T0 [DAN 9n Farmw. , Lowestï¬afl. No dclm Corresponit-nce eoliciï¬Ã©d; I‘LW. l). BUTLER, Financial A“, 360. 72 Kiumso. E.. Toronh Munufac-tmcd by A. 1’. 426