Whysnn‘era single moment, when you can get. immediate relief from internal or ex. ternal pain b the nee of Poison'e Nerviline the great pa I: care? Nerviline he. novel-t been known to fail. Try n 10 cent sample bottle. You will ï¬nd it jun an recommmded. Neural ia,toothaohe,erampn, head who, and all aim at complaint. disap. pear an if 13y magic when N grviline is_ need. so. . But. like Ether trsinmen. the engine- man ï¬nds enough more agreeable thoughts to ï¬ll his mind, and reflects u n the hazards of his vocation perhaps too ittla. Large been}. ‘25 cents. Tout. bottles 10 cents, at druggiau And country dularl. 0n the best of reads a freight train wreck- ed by a broken wheel under a borrowed car may be thrown in the path of a passenger train on another trsck just agthe letter ap~ prosches. This has happened more than once lately. No amount of ï¬delity or fore- thought (except in the maker of wheels) can prevent this kind of disaster. There is con- stant danger on most roads of running 03 the track at mi lsced switches, many swrtch- es being loos at points where the runner can we them only a few seconds before he is upon them ; but the chance is so smallâ€" perha one in ten or a hundred thousandâ€" thet t e average runner forgets it, end it is only by severe self-discipline that he can hold himself up to compliance with the rule which requires him to be on the watch for every switch target as long before reach- ing 11: as he possibly can. He ï¬nds the switches all right and the road perfectly clear so ly. day after day and month after meat that he may easily fell into the snare _of thinking_thst they will elweys_ be In the general desire for news of Stanley the announcement two or three weeks since that he had been met by carriers a year ago, was hailed almost as if it were an assurance of his present safety. Yet it must be con- fessed that the tidings, apart from the fact that they were for the ï¬rst time seemingly reliable, contained very little that is really encouraging. The place in which the in- trepid explorer was met, " west of the Al- bert Nyanra and south-east of Gan a,†the fact that nearly half the expedit on had already perished from disease, fatigue, or ï¬ghting for supplies, and the further fact that hundreds of miles of the most difï¬eult marching still lay between it and Wadelai, its next objective point, afl'ord, when soherlv viewed, rather an unpromising foundation on which to build any sanguine assurance of his present safety. The best ground for hope is that recently pointed out by one who was a former companion of Stanley in Africa, that the hold he had obtained upon __the minds and hung inetlone of the native tribes was such that the new. of his death would be quickly penned from tribe to tribe and carried to the coast. There in great force in this View. In fact the inference that the deeth of so well- known an ex lorer could not hove used unnunounce would be almost cone naive, were it not that the same argument 3 plies, though perhaps in e lees degree, to t e stir that would be caused by his 8"tn-rival at different centres along the route. goodâ€"end hnve nerves that will rennin needy under the moat trying oircumetnn- oee. “running I in: express though mid night dukneu over a line where e eimilu train has been tip off a precipice (and I brother runner ki ed) by train Wreckers the night before, he must dash forward with the name conï¬dence thet he Would feel in broad dnylight on en open prairie. Bu: he doe. not “ heroically gran; the throttle " in the lace 9! denger, when the_ throw-eh? been ulroady Ihut, nor does he “ whistle down bake- " in order to add I nth-ring element to the reporter's tale, when by the magic of the uh- bnko he can, with 3 turn of his hand, npply every brake in the train with the grip of u vine in lean time chm it Would (Aka him to reach the whistle Bull. When there in denger ahead there is gen- erelly just one thin to do. end that is to ewp es soon as pose ole. An instant sufï¬ces 'for shuttle 03 the steam end epplyinw the brake. W th modern trains this is all that is necessary or on be done. Reversing the engine is nec en meny en es, and formerly was on I! ; this would, feet, be done instinctively h old runners, in sny one, but thin also is one in a second. After tslnng these measures there is nothing for the enginemen to do but look out for his own safety. In some clrcumetsnoes, es in the- oeee of e pertinlly burned bridge which may puseibl support the train even in a weeken- ed oon ition, it msy be best to put on all steam. The runner is then in e dilemme, and A right decision is s matter of momen- tary ins tion. Many lives have been saved by qn ck witted runners in such cases, but there Is no ground {or censure of the engineer! _who in theexeltement of _the mom- Heavy tin-cl cord In oflooflvoly mod to edge the brim of hit hltl ud bonnou. PROBABILITIES 0F ACCIDENT. But the terrible cloud constantly hanging over the engineer and ï¬reman of a fast train is the chant. of encountering an obstacle which cannot poesibly be avoided, and which leaves them no alternative but to jump for their lives, if indeed it does not take aw‘y even that. To the fact that this cloud is no larger than it is, and that these men have nturdy and courageous natures must be attributed the lightness with which it rests upon them. On one road or another, irom a washout, or inefï¬cient management, or a collision caused by an operator's for et- fuluess, or some one of a score of at er causes, there are constantly occurrin cases of men heroically meeting death un er the most heartrending circumstances. Ever month records a number of such, thong happily they are not frequent on any one The looomotbs engineer 1- the populer “ hero of the nl..†and the populer utlmue in this reapeot ll enbeteudelly jut. Others have to by e danger. end dorm dutiee under try: 3 clroumntanoee. ut the engine runner but. ride In the moat dangerous pert of the tnln, take chu e of a noun butler that my ex lode an blow him to atoms, end of mu: lnery :het any break 3nd kill him, sud try to keep up a vlgllnnce which onl e being more than human could uuooeulul y mdnuin. He must be a toler- ably Ikllful mwhiuilt-he canngl} be 090 ens, decide. to sleeker: instead of quicken hie upeod. The rare cases of this kind are whet show the value of experience, end of men of the tight temperament and degree of inmlljgenoe to acquire experience lessons readili. late of the ‘kall. Stanley. Why ? every rinciple and appliance in mechanics wens fore the era of invention. . God planted the seeds of all the to be in nature to ripen under man’s toil, but he creat- ed both seed and soil. Moreover. there are limits to man's skill in the very nature ‘of things themselves. Perpetual motion is ‘ evident in Nature. man has not yet discov- ered its secret. No chemistry as yet has been able to .crystalize the‘ sap of corn‘ into I sugar. Man may copy up to a certain point ; ‘beyond that he cannot advance a hair’s y breadth. The unity in nature is surprising, \ the same mathematical formulae expressing 1 the sprin ng of leaves from the stalk of a iplant an the movement of the planets in their orbits. Art itself is founded on mathematics ; music is a scienm of numbers ; :painting, in form and colors, depends on mathematics. But this science man has learned from God’s universe, and the idea of number was born in and with him. Art issublime, but only because it embodied eternal laws and is “the transcript by human hands of the thoughts of God.’ PRAISE GOD INSTEAD. “ Due praise must be given to the patient 'tcilers in the realm of mind or matter, who discover the secrets of nature and utilize their knowledge for noble ends. But highest honor is only to be rendered to Him who put those wondrous thinus within the reach of man's short arm, gave him power to wield them for the common good and did not conceal them from us in the profound and unsearchahle depths of his own being. ‘ The results of human genius are to be the‘ source of gratitude, but not of a self-boast. ful spirit that shuts God out of His own creation. Utilize every force, law. principle and quality in man and outside of him in human prowess, enrich the mind with all treasumof learning, adorn cities and homes with the masterpieces, but let no human achievements, however great and prais~ worthy, increase the materialistic tendency of our age, alre sdy ‘ Titanic in its strength and impiety,’ that seeks to exalt man by attempting to degrade Him who made man in his own image. Human ï¬niteness may well be humble in view of its limitations and the vast unknown, and perhaps unknowable, that envelope it on all sides. " “An oriental type ol the modern bouter. the greeteet of Babylonian kingeflrom the roof 0! hi. gorgeone pnlwe surveys his gold- en upitol, whoee chiei eplendor in due to the public work. built by the forced and unre- wnrded toll of the pJor. and excleinn, ‘ in not this great Bmylon that I have built 1" If in the ancient monarch," acid Dr. Boyd, “thin sentiment reached its climax, in the boutinl modern materialist history repeats iueli. Discoveries, inventions, mechanieme are the theme: of his unending tong. To the muster workmen he renders htnn' hard- 3 Ion than divine. Eamon nehievement in - e harden 'of_ hie_eolf-pruiee,_nndAhie motive in than wouhipping irt ““1â€â€œin daily mm. “ The cure for this materinlietic boa-ting in to understand and oonfeee fhe noceeury limitations of men's power and coins; in other words, to recognize God on c mister workman nnd man u only Hie apprentice. Nature, the world within and the world without, ie the. warkehop. In it man can do abeolntely nothing that God does not flat tench him. Every ml, principle, qunlitylxe men in cup lied by themaeuer workman. To discover not to creche. The laws man utilizes hove exietod from creation’e flab. Their appliontion by man is not original. The nervonl orgtniun had its telegruphic communication between mind and matter, muscle and bruin, ages before mun discover- ed it: mility._ Th9 humor: body illustrated The gourmand’s ailment is not un- tikely to prove mean for repentance. Wine. Women and Song.†but the greatest of these is, "women.†"Wine ieamocker," and song is good to “sooth the savage,†but women reapond to every active power and sentiment of the human mind when in good hesith. But when afflicted with disease you will ï¬nd them tantaligjng, ooquettialycross, and hard “ Chally,‘ said Amerenthe J ene, " I notice that your spirits recently seem to be bubbling over with happiness. I am glad to see it, but do tell me. dear. what has caused it 2" “ I will," eeid Charley. as he encircled her waist and imprinted a kiss on her invit- ing lips. “ You knewv for a while I was melancholy, blue as indigoâ€"had no appetite, was bilione and dyspeptic. but the use of two bottles of Dr. Pierce'e Golden Medical Discovery has brought me out and I am 'bright as a button.‘ I feel like a new man now. J no, name the day soon ; there is more of this medicine t t the drug store.†Town booms that were picked before they became ripe are rotting in various parts of the country. Don't Read This for $500. For man years, through nearly every news aper n the land, the proprietors of Dr. age’a Catarrh Remedy, who are thor- oughly responsible, ï¬nancially, as any one loan easily ancertain by proper enquiry, have ‘ofl'ered, in good faith, a standing reward of $500 for a one of nasal catarrh. no matter 1how bad, or of how long standing, which ‘they cannot cure. ' flung“: (tom my cause win-hut. lienâ€"young. oldn mxddlompdâ€"who m broken down from my daemon «Mot my cum «ammo». â€adjoin: nqdnp‘md 1090399 In MP1“. Lgboq’l in? "16 “ï¬i‘tï¬iét' M" W ’ oi'fliiâ€"noon' ' ' an. ad And noun Iron: obi-union. Add". I. V LUIOI fl Womnrton «mom 'l‘omnlo Ont. to please. For all “female complaints,†nick headache, irregularities, nervousneas, prolepauo and other displacements popular- lv known as “female weakness" and other diueem, peculiar to the sex, Dr. Piorce'e Favorite Prescription is the great world- iamed remedy. “(opium hub". dammit. tho morphlm habit. uncut pm‘nuon mused b the use 0! tobuooo. meninges, menu] do tag on, comm) of the hula. «0., premnmo 01 me. loss at mall y cursed by ovor-oxofllon of the b 1; 3nd log-A of [INN If u man site he is quite pp: ions. DB. BOYD BBBUKILS IT, am) SAYS TBA? “03% CREDIT SHOULD BK £508le N GOD- “A Cure for Nineteenth Century Bout. ing" We: the lubject oi the Rev. Dr. W. W. Boyd'e evening discourse to the oongreguiou oi the Fire: Beptiet Church er Newark. Hie text was when from Denial, iv., 30 :â€"“ [I not thin sreet_ Beby‘lpn, {but I have builg . . . by (he might of my power and for the honor of my majegty.’ MAN'S MODERN BRAG. Love in 3. Cottage. A Cure for humane“. HUMAN FIXITKNESS. at u bunquet too long to baoome dish-put“ TORONTO ENGINE WORKS, FARM Ion 8A“. or BERT. Am; 83:57 Kmmmd Pincus. Somespec in! buguina. .8. MINHKLL. Duvmn.0xr, â€ADA SIIII’I'ING 00. --Beaver Line 0; Stemhl ailing weekly between Montre- m learpool. oon tickets, Montreal to Live ' l .40, 860. nnd â€0. Return “shots, 880, '90, md 11G recording to steuner and wcommodrtlon. Inter moat-to. 830; Round trip rickets, 860. Steemge. 820 Round trip tickets. 8-10. For further rtioulm u: a: secure births, tgaly to H. E. [U RAY.Genenl Hunger. I Custom ouse Square, loaned. or .0 the hood Agents in the difleront Twonn and Cities. J. Perkins 85 Do. Brown Engines LeatherBelting Ill-3‘! VALUE IN THE DOMINION. EEOIXOH OO . MAKERS, 7O KING ST. E. TORONTO Send to: Price 1.15% and Discounts. I'IVI‘ E I (33!:an nmcmu FRANCO - CANAIIIBN. CAPITAL, 35.000.000. Hun Oman. Homuu. Omen ONTARIO Dlvmox. Welling'on St Toronto. This Compnn Ila pregrod to man gldvnnoes 'n the securl'v o Goon ARI Yunnan at lowest Current rate of Interest, KNITTING GAHDES .I. (hung of Canndl. Consulting Engineers Solicitors of Eden“. 1‘ 0 I 0 N 'l‘ 0 . G. 0. Ron. cue: Eminent. A. Faun. Son'y-Treu and on mma'bio terms. ibiiélcns "13'- CHASED. For information apply to the Local Agents of the Company, or to CASINGS-Seaoon 1888 - Ne importation of En “sh Sheep, Finest American 03 Omega. Orders ï¬lled (or any (linked qumtitv. Write {or pfloos. JAMES PARK . SON, 41 to 47 St anrenoo Mullet. Toronto. nonro CUTTING SCHOOLâ€"Gentlemen desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge oi garment cutting should visit us. Scieniiflc and reliable systems taught. whereby parloot ï¬tting gar- ments are reduced. Circular with full inlormntim 2n applico on. S. COBRIGAN, Prop., 122 Youngest. CANCER? EAUTIFUL STORY" AND GOLDEN GEMS ot Religioua Thouzht, by J. W. Buel And '1‘. De Witt 'l‘tlmaga. D.D.: bemmlul lllustrallons. color- ed and plan ; hmdsomely bound : Inge quarto book; pl -ln Mpg .nd Suit such a book tint take: the eye n A gunoo; terms ‘0 went; rutn liberal. WILLIAM Balm, Publisher. Tomato. which every turner wonts now, costs only 75 0b.. om! if were is no local went, my be obulned (free by expresa or mail), on sending price to 0. W. ALLEN $00.. World Building. Toronto. Tom'zito. M O N EX ggyé‘géy'} II‘CIIIKG Pill“. Btunouâ€"llois‘un : intense itchinznndsflnzlng: most 3% night : worse by scratching. if “lured to continue tumon form, which often blood Ind ulcer- no, becoming vex-Y sore. 8wun‘s 0mm «or the itching md b eedln , heals uloontion sad :1 many can removes the more. it in equn anion- oiona in caring All Skin Disease. DR. SWA E a SON Proprietors. Philndelphin. Swan's Oman" 0min: obtnined of dmggists. Sent by null to: EC nub. Please inform your reedeu that I have a positive remedy (make above named disease. By its timely use thou-ends of hopeleee cues have been permanently cured. I shall be gled to send two bottles of my remedy we" to any of your readers who have consump- tion if they will send me their Ext“! and P. o. addreu. Resp'y. T. A. :3 OCUM. M.C., 164 Adelaide Sc. W.. Toronto, Ont. MONEY PATENTS procured. Plum Attornoys, and experts Nd. 1861. Dell"! C. BIdOItJ COOCTO".“0 In Wull Itroet we wonder if they will hug up their stock Hun. Consumption Surely Cured. To_§ho Elï¬nâ€.â€" â€_ HE DANDY†PATENI BAGEOLDER. _ wlgqh evegy fume! wmty now,_ ooqta 9nly Susan. Houns‘ continuous burning thew long night test- the beat coll oll, wick: gol- ohurod. chimneyu smoked and light grown dim. To uvold this ad: dealers for. and be aura they give you the genuine CARBON SAPKTY 011.. tool pigeon in not the kind that nukes hris unu pot-pie. AI oodb 001! No More. Wabon’l cough drops are the bolt in the world for the thrott- wd chest. {or the voice unequullod. Soc tint the letter. R. an '1‘. W. are stamped on ouch drop. Almost as Palatiaflg as Milk. So disguised that "no most delicate Momach can take If. Remarkable an a FLESH PRODUCER. Persons GAIN rap- idly while taking I T. SCOTT‘S EhlUiHIOX is acknowlodgod by Phy- sicians to be the FIXEST and BEst prepanuon of its class for the relief of CONSUMPTION, SOROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY. Wasting Olaeases of Children, and CHRONIC OOUOHS. Sold by all Drumflnts, 600. and 81.00. cure All Diceâ€"tIs-ao ofithe Stomach, Bowels,- .Blood, Live}, Kidney, U‘rlhhry Omaha, Nervousnoug' Bloeplosoneso, Female Complaints, DRUNKENESS- "I .000 Reward pald for a one they wlllnotéur'e- Mum " ‘0 Save Time ~Send I :r llluntmued oqmogue _ of our Punt Pumas (norms Luu.‘ -lt will Indy van soon. _ .' ' 'rnnox 8308., Toronto. Ont IRON AND STEEL BflllEHS ANY SIZE. w. a. Loud. Humor, Toronto. om. 0F PURE 000 LIVER OIL I2 HYPOPHOSPHITES. Use Hop Bitters. re All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, leet. Kidney, Urinary Omaha, Neyvousno: noun INSPMIQN I Send ‘0! I“. ““10““. ’0 "In ENGLISH. PC‘CI'MNQ 0.3. chiheioivnï¬lifl '50 t9“ go nuns. _Lowess_3gpog. No dehy. Cor ndenoo collated. - -W. I). lill’l'l. Mela] Agt. PRINCESS AND FRONT 8T3 and Tumors CURED: no knife; ‘b’ooh free. Dis. MCMICHAEL, l No.63 Niauan s:., Bulfalo. N. Y. 1'2 Kiniéï¬. 3.. Tomeé" ‘azMAGHINES .A. P. 428 lnd mu- Toronto. Price $l per bottle, or aboulel lor 86. Try it. ll. will make your hair grow thlck and atron . For sale by all druggisb everywhere, or send (1 rect to the manufacturer enclosing the amount. A. DORENWEND, Paris [lair Works, SUFFERING from the eflects of only evil hehlts, the result at Ignorance end loll who yflnd themselves week. nervous end exhausted; eleo moon Ann and OLD In who are broken down [mm the efleote of! ubnee or over- -.work and In edvunced Me tool the consequences o_l youthlul excess, eend lor end real iifirlfdï¬Ã©i‘a Hitiéibli in; Bruises of Men. The book win be lent sealed to any nddmn o receipt. of two so. stumps. â€Addres- A TUMORS, ULCERS. SCROFULA, e'c., cured permanentlx wimout ’the knit“. Apply to DR. W. L. SMITH, 124 Queen St E... Toronto. HETLAND AND ANDALUQIAN WOOLS. 80 er 02.: Soxony Wool. all (More. 100 per akeln; Ice 00], best quality, 100 per ball; Embrolde Silk, every shade. 100 doz. shins; Armene, ol colors, 30c dozen akeins : Filoeelle. beat qunlltv. 480 and 850 dozen skeins : Macrame Cord. 15 colors. We be]; Felt, extra quollty, 2 yards wide, 81.00 per yard; Woolen Jova Canvas. all colors. ~35c yard. Always on hand the newest metering {or {they work, at lowest prices. Letter orders hsve prompt and careful attention. Goods can be sent to any art of Canada by post erte tor price list. trlul solicited; RENE! DAVIS,__lmp9rter. 232 Youge Ellis Keighley, - Toronto. LADIES, LOOK: BERLIN WOOLS, all colors, 80 per oz. It is the ï¬nest In the Street, Toromo. Please mention thispaper. Are you Bald. Is your Hair Gray or l‘nlllng om, Try Dr. norenwcnd's H A I R {’E?3139)MAGIG. M’GAUSLAND SDN, Stained Glass Diamond Dyes exccl all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitatiOns, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the DIAMOND DYES for coloring Dresses, Stockâ€" ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, c., c. \Ve warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask‘ for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed ‘03 I cant Colored } lo Garments Renewed cam-s. A Child can use them! 103 and 1015 Yonge Street. Toronto. t'nn. - Brilliant ! Durable ! Economical ! GREAT WELLS, 7 RICHARDSON 00.. FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. At Drug m and Muchants. Dye Book free. ‘ 8e. stun Address II. V. L N Womn ton 8‘. 3. Town». 76 Kim: St. W.. Toronto. EMPIRE BLEND COFFEE, Y oung Men TRY THE CEEBBRA um Montreal, P. Q. Guaranteed Pure. gm; GERMAN DELAYS ARE Don't. wait until 'oh no burnt out or rob Buy a Safe now and sleep easy, and be sure and at prices, 0200.. o! the ewcuampionSalo S. S. KIMBALL, 577 Craig St... P. 0. Box 945. Hontreal. PQ. Hair Tonic world. DANGEROUS To“! Tunis" . .I ......... Snburlbed Capital, ..... [nullip Capllal.. . . . ..... INCOIPIIBATED 1855 Hood Uflloo: Toronto 8b., Toronto. The calm 01pm] 3nd resources of this Con†psny, toga! er wiih the increased lwflldu 'H 1h" reoeutLv acquired for supplying ltnd owners with cheap money. enable the Direcwm to meet wilt promptnbso and ut the lowest curl-em rate of lateral» |l|' 'requirementa 'cr loans upon utmmory-v estate security. Appllmtion may be made to aim" at the Company's local Ap ushers or M ‘ J. HERB R1 MASON antur'v Dneola omnto. CANADA PERMANENT Lnan8aSavingonmpany 7 TuxLEADiNG CANA- DEAN (TULLEG ‘. FOR YUL‘NG won IN†’31. 'l‘homas,,-_,0nt. Seventeen graduaten and cemï¬mudtemheth inun ll‘ull)’. Neuâ€"ay 200 students list your. unduating 001mm» in Liternnxrv, Music. Fine Arts, Commercial Sciem-e and lilomtinn. Low rues wood tho ough work M. Lxuuhluu Hull, «to-flux 320.0% non" up m. hltflaut Dpnuitorieu tor (,0 more-tuden Andreas ' Pn'xcu’u. AUSTIN, B.D. nailing at Londonderr to fund mulls and ngell tor Sootlmd and [re and; ulna {tom Bait more, m mum md st. John’s, N. E. to Liverpool tonnlghï¬y during? aummer months. The steamers of flue 01.;- w 1 nos sail during wintet to and Iron Hulhx. ortlnnd, Boston and Philadelphln' And (in! mun meg Bohyeen Glgggow nigdggontroa‘ wgekH; 0 V IL JJ_ n‘ ’ mung during mm}: mm Pan and eve rhu'u- day wd Bali!“ evety Saturday to Liverpoo . and m summer .frsm QuePeo “w 3W!!!“ #9 Iéwwh Wï¬mmï¬h mot between Glasgow and Montreal wwkli; Glu 1 gm! 80919:: weekly. md Glasgow And P fortnighuy. For {nigh )Ve are children who thenfnlb' 'oin hr the chorus â€â€™1wa BreaJmaker's Yeast is t 1: subject before usâ€" ï¬lunmm tried all the res!,- . . 6 So she knows it's the best, [hghlesh 'Cause her bread is the whitest, her [mm- are Me And we eat all [Informal-es she dare 3:! before us. ‘ A. SohummhertOo.Balt1mure; S. Ounnd } be. Hdllumhentcoq St. John's. N. 1": Wm. Thump nonbcoq StJohn, N. B.:Allnn00.. Ch] I Love Alden, New Yonk, H- Bourller, Town Allms, Rue 00., Quebec: Wm Brookio. Philadel- phllui ILA. Allen. Poxtlmd Boetbn “anneal. BUY THE BREADMAKER‘S YEAST. PRICE 5 cans. ng"!reléh_t. we. grgthet infgmiatlon £05th 2.8 and mocha h.) Mail a HANDSUMh ILKHANDKERCHEIE andThoMnm ‘cNeedle! Astonishesewnono! Address. “hiton Novelty In}: s?nd§‘onr name arid address. and 100. for postage. and receive by Mail alIANDSOME _- _. --.-._..--.‘..-_..-- .nu g,‘~A_ n,- Co. ,Toronto. Ont. YOU MAY. HAVE ONE! 1 “191mm! WANTED'. .......... {hm anv other house in the trade. llanuhctur'. ‘ers of Band Instruments and Deniers in all kinds of Musical Merchandise. WHAuY, BOYCE 00 . WE SEll BHEAPER our ercm. Gin-Amen II of Sheet Music and Music Books. MUSIC TEACHER 23'! YongeSt.. T O R 0 N 'l' 0'. in Cmadn. to send for EVERY