on \ surance effected on Town, Vil- if. » lage and Farm Property. I In first-Glass companies Represented , Patented -â€"-â€"-â€"â€" or - ll not . No Solicitors’ II? P“. Iney l0 Loano"'Fees or _ .31) pa ,_ {WVâ€"f: Cammissmn ’53 Pat’ ‘A. . Go Cornefl’ 31 pa. LINDSAY I app in say Marble Wells ' eoer. CHAMBERS . pared to furnish the peonl of Lindsay and eur- Ireing country with MONUMENI‘S and HEAD- STONES, bath Marble and Granite. : .. .tee promptly given on all kinds of cemetery ~ arble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces,’_etc., I' . It '. . ye i; practical workman, all should see his gns and compare prices before purchasingtellO- re. _ 'ORKS â€"-In the rear of the Market on Cambridge- opposite the packing house. ROBT CHAMBERS ..-CAN‘ADIAN ~ ‘pACI FIC v. The Canadian Paciï¬c Tourist Car service offers the traveller a maximum put ’I r. amount of comfort at a A minimum outlay. A â€" Imel’t through Tourist Car ser- ' ‘ ; D ' vice from the Atlantic to I p-- ' COSt' the Paciï¬c Coast is an I . fl ' g h r inducement not offered by any other Company. An experienced and competent porter is in ' '2" ,I. 4 rue of every car. ny Canadian Paciï¬c Agent will gladly give : further particulars and secure you accum- odation in one of these cars. Tourist ’ti nu . A. H. NOTMAN, I Assistant General Passenger Agent, 'p not pa l King Street East, Toronto. 1- I 0‘ :5 T, C. Matchett, Agent ‘75: '3' : R omce - - - KENT STREET Ԡ* ANTE "mm " 52 .... M“ II} honest me: in every locality, local or travellinz. introdum an i sd‘v'erzlse our goods tacking up -w Ircs on IEIZCCS, along.r public roads and all picu Iu.‘ mates. No experience needful. Salary Commission 363 :er month and expenses, $2.50 per Write a: canoe for full particulars. :3 THE EMPIRE MEDICINE co, London Ont. _.___â€"_â€" .e VIBIUIIEL Loan and SAVINGS COMPANY corporated under Cap. 169, R. S. 0. . directed by I It’ll day of N nzioned pa . v: above set w . sooner paid). toria. at Ele Head Ofï¬ce, LINDSAY, ONT. ‘ TIONEY IO LOAN town 331 farm property aijzurrent rates of ,’ eres;. Costs moderate, and no delay. Savings Department and Deben::res issued for periods of from one to ' e years f.r sums of Sroo and upwards. -:eres: :2:;3...:3 atzached, payable hazf-yearly 4 1:3: Cent. ' l)a:p;.;:.; ,-:’ 3: .co and upward taken, with- AY awajle a: any :1n‘2e, upon wnich currentlrates ' xterm: v." . . be allovvcd. - the Mayor of he corporate Ollil Maureen, James Low. d ‘9, me dire President Secretary or he arre riftaxeshang w: . m ., ,._ ,o, :Itt e 3,. . . 'roceed to “a“ ’5' gï¬tï¬yg EQBEA .cient to pay‘ E’s-4% H g 3: If liver- '~;‘" fistâ€"5.1L COMFORTING a; pitifurzpm’n . g;f;.:‘.f;1‘.ished everywhere for "j 3': Dene-any of Flavour Superior 7, :3) f Qualitg“, and Highly Nutritive :5 :PL‘OV erzle". Specially grate- 3; . 1.111. and comforting to tho 2. nervous and d spe tie. Sold 2). oulv in gl-lb. tins, labelled ) 3 . ‘3 JAMES EPPS 00., Ltd. I Homczâ€"aOpathic Chemists, London, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER yrs ennui VIJ‘w-l» .vld-‘N‘QI x'I 23 2.3 ,_ r l 3.; Forum: SONGS . _. ; , watt: “nuns and MUSIC complete. It â€â€17 Ffï¬rztfwl and bound in one volume. A 17 . t' Llll'Cl)lf"C:. n ..r )Iugiim Gems, sentimental. Nth- .†. ‘ “’p "Mm": : u- Vt‘rltuhlc tree: of the world's pu- ttnd bezvitile songs. Price. 10 can". a- aifi'ruwunYongeStflomthan. .. WE MAKE...â€" lLl$l¢l¢l¢l€l¢lil¢lLl¢l¢l¢l¢ L: L.‘ Lil; LZ|;l¢13ILl¢l;ILI;l;I;l; NIL! C» H 2.3 L ~ 44 a. - I a I ewer and 2 2E . o . 3:; ulvert Pipes :3 g; All $1208 from 4 in. to 24 in. also 2 59 Connections. 2 56 WRITE FOR PRICES: .) v a) 60 i-2 ADELAIDE Sr. 5.. (f BY AT mmco. f T0301: 1r . .mï¬;thWWWMMuu One Hundred of the Toronto Com- pany Were With Col. Pilcher. They Aided in an Important Movement Which Wu 8 Complete Successâ€"Two Men Killed Wore of Quoonolnnd’e Con- tingent-Boers Tak‘on by Surpriseâ€" Moddor Bironâ€"Latest Xews Concerning the Recruiting at tho Second Contingent. Canadians at Belmont, Cape Colony, Jan. 3,... A despatch from the Associated Press representative at Dover Farm, dated Jan. lst, says: A mounted force consisting of 100 Canadians, the Toronto companv,and 200 Queenslanders, commanded by Col. Rickards, two guns and a. horse battery under Major De Roguemont, 40 mounted infantry under Lieut. Ryan, and 200 of the Cornwnll Light Infantry, the whole commanded by Col. Pilcher, left Belmont yesterday at noon on a. march westward, cov- ering 20 miles before sunset. The force cncumped at Cook’s farm, where the troops were welcomed en- thusiastICItlly'. At 6 o’clock this morning the force approached a. spot where a. lancer of the Boers was reported. Col. Pilchcr, on approaching the position, which was a. strong line-Of kopjes, detached Major De Rougemont with {he guns, Torontos and mounted infantry, to work tOWards the right. making a turning movement himself with the Queenslanders towards the south po- sition. The manoeuvre was a. complete success. The British shells were the ï¬rst indication of the presence of the troops. The. Boers left their laagcr and opened ï¬re. but the. Queensland- ers, completing the movement. the laagcr was captured, with 40 pri- soners. . The British casualties were two men killcd. three wounded and once missing. The whole for'Ce worked udâ€" mirubly. Tho two men killcd bclong- ed to the Queensland contingent. CANADIANS AT MODDER RIVER. British War Correspondent Bestows High Praise on Thom. London, Jun. 3.â€"â€"â€"In yesterday's is- sue of The Daily News a. letter is published from its Oruugc River corâ€" respondent, who says that the Cu- nudiuns arrived on the morning: of the departure of the Australians. They SWow mightily in two langua- gcs on discovering that. they wcrc to dctrain at the Orange River instcud of procccdiug directly to the from. One mun on fatigue duty with the Canadians was pointed out as at part owncr of a. large line of Atlantic steamers, and another. at the time engaged arguing a. point with u reL fractory mule. as nearly worth a million dollars. Cheer-in: In the Rain. The correspondcut says that, as he writes, the Canadians are leaving Bol- mout. standing on opcn trucks. obliv- ious of a downpour of rain, and cheering thc Duke of Cornwallis' Light, Infantry, which had just arâ€" rived. 'l'hc corrcspondcnt of The Morning Standard at Itloddcr Rivcr, cabling. says. that thc Canadians ulrcudy thcrc urc cxuctly thc riuht stump of men for light cavalry work. More Praise for Canadians. London, Jun. 3.â€"â€"â€"'I'hc morning pupcrs ul'c tumultuous in praising thc gallantry of thc colonial troops. 'I‘hc Timcs says: “'l‘hc Mother ('oun- my will shurc with thc Cunudiuns uml AIleruliuus; in the pridc untl gratification lhcy IIIIc quulitiI-s displuycd by thcir troops in this (lashing little orig-agoâ€" 111cm." The Standard says: “Tho (‘uuudizins and .a\.ustruliuus hud bccn spoiling for a. fight. Now they have had Ihcir opportunity, and they have grcutly distinguishcd. thcmsclvcs by tIu-ir coolncss and discipline. From thc \'ll'\\'[)()lllt of lmpcriul unity thc lit- llc light may be dcscribcd as one of the most gratifying events rccordcd in thc rcccut history Of the lrilish rucc." Col. Glr-ouurd’s Opinion of Nntzlliuns. licnuctl. Iiur‘lcigh. the veteran war corrcspoudcnt. writing: to 'l‘hi‘ Daily 'I'Ialp-gruph, says that. Col. (lirouurd, who is u. (‘quuliztIi and at son of Jusâ€" tico (lirouurd of the Supreme Court, on vimviuu‘ the construction of thc bridc‘c zit Fret-o. in Natal. had noâ€" thiuur to suggest. III) cxprcssscd his surprise to find the Nutaliuns so up- to-duto in rapid railroading. Details of Their First Experience. Montreal. Jun. 3. The Star pubâ€" lishcs tho following: cable: Belmont, South Africa, Jun. 2.â€"-'I‘hc Canadians huvc hud thcir first experience of act- uul warfare, the Toronto company having bccu with ('01. Pilcher in his defeat of the BOcrs at, Sunnysido quucr yI-stcrduy. ()ut' boys. according to the reports which have rcztched this point, from Dover“ lI‘urm. “ht-re (‘01. Pilcher and his command are now encamped, did good work in supporting the guns. The men started outfrom here With (tot. l’ilchcr on a recounuissance, which the colonel reports has been succcssful in every respect. He re- ports that he had but tWO men kill- cd and one officer, a. lieutenant, wounded. None of these, however, were Canadians. The other companies ‘of the Cane.- dians are all here and are in good health. The Toronto company. 01‘ “(1" company, as it is designated in the battalion, was raised in Toronto, and is olliCcred as follows: Captain R. K. Barker, Licut. W. R. Marshall, Lieut. L. S. Wilkie and Lieut. F. D. Luffcrty. PATIENT UNDER FIRE. The Colonial Troops From Canada and Queensland 611. n Good Account of Themselves. Belmont, Cape Colony, Mondaszm. 3.â€"A dcspatch from. Dover Farm, I dated Jan. 1, says: The colonial ItrOOps, who have been longing to must fccl at tho. N»? ‘ be allowed to meet the Boers, have at last been given 'an opportunity to ' scored a. brilliant suc- [King appeared with .- his detachment cess. The raid conducted by Colonel ‘ do so, and Pilcher was very difï¬cult, owing to the fact that the movements of the troops were immediately communi- cated to the Boers by natives. In order to prevent this Colonel Pilcher, in making his forced march from Bel- mont, sent a, trooper of the British to every farmhouse, with instructions not to allow the natives to leave their puts, the patrols calling the names of the natives hourly in or- der to prevent their escape. In the manoeuvre at Cook’s Farm, Col. Pilchcr sent. mountgd patrols east, one of these, consisting of four men, commanded by Lieut. Adie, suddenly encountered 14 Boers, who opened ï¬re. The lieutenant was severely wounded, and Pte. Butler gave up his horse in order to carry the lieutenant out of range. Another private, whose horse had bolted, pluckily returned to render assistance. He was wounded in the leg and his horse was killed. Meanwhile Lieut. Ryan, who had worked magniï¬cently, reported that the vale to the right of the enemy was clear, whereupon Major De- rougemont ordered the guns to a trot. They arrrived within 1,500 yards of the longer. The enemy could be seen streaming- over the. kopje. They were completely surprised, but quickly opened a. well directed fire. Toronto Boy's Doubled. A representative of the Associated Press had the privilege of carrying an order to the Toronto company to double quick into action. The order was received with great satisfaction. The company rushed forward until within 1,000 yards of the enemy’s position, when it opened a hot. ï¬re upon the kopjc and completely sub- dued the Boer fire. The British artillery shelled the po- sition with wonderful accuracy,while Lieut. Ryan. with mounted infantry. worked round and complete,y uncov- ered the. fire of the Boers, who had been hidden in the bushcs. Meanwhile Col. Pilcher, with the Quecuslunders. taking advantage of cvery cover, made a direct attack. the Australians moving slowly. but surely. and shouting whom they saw the. cIIcIIIy retiring undcr their steady lirc. 'l'hc (lucrarislunders bchuvcd with great coolness. laughing and chafing, even at the moments of grcutcst peril. Duringr the advance the Boer firc suddculy couscd. Thirty-five Boers hoistcd u whitc flag and surrendered. A portion of the Torontos moved across the front of the guns and on- tcrcd the longer. The Boers had fled. Fourteen touts, three wagons, at grout. storc of rifles and ammunition. for- uuc. saddles and camp cquipmcut. uud uumcrous incriminating pupcrs wcrc captured. The Boers lost, six killcd and 12 wounded. The 'l‘orou- tos stood the calling lirc with admir- ablo paticncc. never wasting a. shot. HERCHMER AND STEELE Will be the Commanding Officer: of tho Two “'oateru Squadrons. ()ttuwu, Jun. 3.â€"â€"Thc list of olliccl‘s for thc two wcstcru Sqllzlilâ€" cons of thc contingent was oliiciully given out. lust night. ('ouuuissioncr llcrchuwr of thc Norfhwn-st Mountcd I‘olici- will command. and I.iI-u1.-(‘ol. SLI'I'II‘. also (If llll' MountI-d l’IIIIi'I‘, will bc sin-ond in command. luspccl- or liukI-r will be udjuluut. II. \V. l’-. i l‘illslilt'llt‘, Moosomiu. Nol‘lIIwi-sl , lrunspnrl‘, olliccr, and Inspcctor .I. ll. Allcn of thc Mounlod l‘olicc will be. Ipmrtcrâ€"qustcr. 'l‘hc majors of flu- xquudron will bc: Major .Iumcs Ilulkcx'. ('ulgury. and Supt. Jumcs Itowc. \louutcd l‘olicc. 'l'hc cupluius S. Sandi-rs and III- ill‘I'Z Supt. '(I, spcctor‘ A. ll. It. (‘uthbcrh Subulâ€" lllSIII'ClUl‘S Moodin, Begin. torus: llhtvidsou. Muchoncll and \Vi'oughlou of lhc I’olicc, and Capt. Inglis. (‘ul- gory: St. John Taylor, Winnipcu. and T. W. ('huluu-I‘s, Iidmouton. Right Section "D" Butterv Leaves Kingston. Jun. 3.-â€"â€"The right soc- lion of "II" linttcry lcatvcs loâ€"tluy for ()Ituwu. 'l‘hcrc are 30 Inch and 2t) horscs. It. will form thc mIclcus of thc ()ItuwII buttery. This section will bc commanded by Capt. I). It. V. l':lll.()ll. To Command No. 3 Troop. liohcrt Vuu 'I‘uyl. Barrio slrcctJIus rcccivcd an appointment. to u Iii-Incu- uucy in thc cuvulr‘y division. giving); him couuuund of No. 3 troop. “A" Squadron. 'l‘hc hcudquurlcrs of this troop is Toronto. llc lukcs lhc plucc of (‘zIIIL \I'. I). Johnson; l’rluccsu of \VIIII‘S‘ Dragoons, Bcllcvillc. \Vlll) dc- Cllllt‘il to Scl'vc. Recruiting :It Quebec. (luciu-c. Jun. 3.-â€"â€"chci‘ul uu-u from thc (:III‘I'iIIou Division of thi- I{.(‘..\. huvv \‘oluulccl’cil fol‘,‘.c1"i’it'c In South Africa) with the Buttery. including Scrul. Agius, Corp. Small, (lumicrs ()diou, .I. ll. Browning, It. Milli-r, S. I‘uu‘h, Ip‘.al*‘. McCormick, (i. H. Ross. I). McDomtId and I). Mcflilli- vr'uy. 'I‘hcy have all passed the doc- tor. l'upt. Bcnyon and Licut. Ogllvic. “1)" Field Buttery, have returned from England. and both ofï¬cers will iumicdiutcly report for duty. A favorite churgcr of “B" Buttery has: bccn sclcctcd for the use of Licut. Borden, only son of the Min- ister of Militia, who is leaving with the second contingent as a. Special service Officer. Hamilton Quota on the Way Hamilton, Jun. 13.â€"â€"The first call of the Government for 18 men for the sccond Canadian contingent to South Africa. has been answm‘ed. The men left here for Kingston at 3.40 yesterday afternoon, and were given a hearty sendâ€"off. Fully 10,000 per- sons participated. Ald. Ten Eyck, on behalf of the city, presented each of the men with $50. St. Catharine: Wont Wild. St. (lutliurines, Ont., Jan. 3.â€"Nev- er before in the history of St Catherâ€" ines has such a crowd assembled on the streets of this city and stood and pushed and shoved itself around on a, January day as was done yesterday afternoon. clarcd n half-holiday. The cavalry boys made their pcarunce ï¬rst, in command of Sergt. Bennett. While Sergt, Cartwright'car- I even dictating letters "while the artillery go on through to ,militury authorities. as a result of The afternoon Wits de- ap- l Commissioner,‘ is . w-..__. Hotiflaumgresents In locking for your Presents there is no ï¬ner assortment than can be gr t at RIGGS’ He has something for all. .The following are a few lines: pied the colors. The cavalry' were the objests of admiration-until Lieut. of artillerymen. Then cheer after cheer again went up and then attenâ€" tion was divided between the dra- goons. The Council and citizens es- corted them to the depot. At the station the contingent, 42 men in all, was drawn. up in line, and Mayor Keating, in a. few well- chosen words, presented the enchOpes containing the money raised for the boys. The cavalry join forces at Toronto, Kingston to join C company there. ‘Port Culbornn In Line. Port olborne, Ont., Jan. 3.â€"The citizens ast night gave a sendâ€"off to two of our boys, Scrgt. Russell Boyle and Bombardier John Winger, who go with the second contingent to South Africa. At, the close of the speech- rna‘king a. collection Was taken up and the sum of, $125 was presented to the young men. Berlin Sends» Mun. Berlin, Ont., Jan. 3.â€"â€"Albert Quimbach, .who has been with A. C. Renshaw, Canadian Express Company here for the past four years, is now attached to the Guelph Field Bat- tery. Berlin showed its appreciation of him by hurriedly subscribing a purse of $100 in gold, besides which the town presents him with a. $1,000 insurance policy. As a. further mark of esteem the merchants and business men on King street closed their stores yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock, and a. proceesion headed by the 29th Butt. band, followed by the Mayor and the. hero in a. gladstone draWn by several of our townspeople to the depot, where he left for Guelph. â€"-Briar Pipes In Cases â€"Gold and Silver Mounted Pouches In , many styles -â€"Boxes 0t Ciears, with ten Cigars In a box and up. ThIs_makes a nice present. â€"SIlver Mounted Walkmz Canes â€"Boys’and Girls’ Sleuths, Dolls, Drums Soldier Setts. Hot Air Engines, Iron Train of Cars, Mechanical Fish and other Toys â€" Doll Carriages and Push Carts -â€"Violins. ï¬ccordeons,|Mouth Organs, Jewellery, etc. A better and larger variety to choose from than ever, at... . . J. RIGGS. Kent-st. Lindsay MANSION HOUSE, LINDSAY, OPPOSITE 1 PE MKKET UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.â€"Tbe under- stand newctlul 3 infovrn. the pe Iplr cf toe County of Victoria and the travelling public gel.erully,.that he has twee Ih - ab« ve hotel for a term of year- and has renux nted and r: fumlahed it throughout, nrklng ‘It . ne of the must 0. mtortable 3mm lug plac- I- to he found in Linden). Baylor b on for a mum) er of Ware enquired in catering to -he summer ton i-t trude ll Bobcoymnn, my gumte mar rely on the beet Service It. I-ll time a, Inczudiug I. got d table The tar will be kept Oupplied with good brands of liqnama and cigars, and farmers ud others will ï¬nd first-clue IIc ommodatlon for teams in the crammodioue yard and stables. A call will be appreciatppd. GARNER HUNTER, Proprietor. Hale C_)_I_d Age. Sad to see people advanced in years sufleringfromBaek- ache, Lame Back, Urinary Troubles and Kidney Weak- St. John Gets a Show. St. John, N.B., Jan. 3,â€"Major H. L. Borden‘ of the King's Canadian Hussars, arrived yesterday afternoon and held a conference with the local which I.ieut..-Col. McLean opens a reâ€" cruiting Oflice to-day. Capt. Good Has 18. Woodstock, N.ll.. Jan. 3.--(‘.aptnin (:ood has now the 18 men ho. was first. ordered to enlist, and has reâ€" ceivcd instructions to keep 011 enroll- mg. Rousing Tim- at Edmonton. Edmonton, N.\\'.T., Jun. 3.â€"â€"-:‘\t. 8.30 yesterday morning the 40 won selcclcd from this district for the mounted corps for Africa left. here for Calgary. Nearly all Edmonton cs- cortcd them across tho river. Bur-incr the day $800 was rnIScd to give each of the men a. little pocket, moncy. 11688. A hole old This money “'1†be (llVlllOfl. among age,freefrompains thcui when thcy roach Lulgury.. [he and aches,canonly police and horscs wrll follow m u '. beattainedbykeep- ing the kidneys rigt and the blood pure. DOAN’S KIDNEY PILLS befriend the aged by freeing them from gain and correcting all Disorders of the idneye and Urinary System. Mr. Thomas Ash, an old resident of Renfrew, Ont, spoke as follows: “I am 72 years of age, and have been troubled for a number of years with pains across my book. When I would stoop over it gave agonizing pair. to straighten up. I was so bad that I could scarcely walk. I have taken many kinds of medi- cines, but got nothing to help me. Being recommended to try Dean’s Kidney Pills I got a box. After taking three doses I noticed a. great change for the better, and I can now get around as smart as a cricket. I can Split my own wood and am, in fact, just like a new man. †day or two. This is the furthest. point north from which troops will bc sent to aid the Empire, unlcss Duwsou (‘ity Sculls a compuny,‘ so that it may be said that from the verge of the Arctic circle loyal men have responded to Britain's cull. Toronto'u Qlltl'l'o Toronto, Jun. 3.-â€"â€"(livcn only a few hours notice. Toronto's complcmcut of thc urtillcl'y scction of the second ('uuudiuu contiuucnt lcft last night for Kingston. lhc point of mobilizu- lion for this brunch of the service. When thc ordcr was rcccivcd ut the .\l‘lll()lll‘l('S ycslcrduv uftr-rnoon. 11. cu used coIIsidcru I do consternation umoug thc men, who had countcd on n. fcw days at Icon! in which to wind-up their ulTuirs and bid good- bye to thcir fricuds. There was also I). don-u or so I'ccruits to be sworn in, who had previously pusscd thc uu-dicnl examination. uud, uI‘II-r tlze outh hurl bccn udmiuistcrcd to them, they had burcly limc to hurry houic and Import. again at tho Armourics. Notwithstanding thc sudden and per- cmptory ordcr, howcvcr. cch'y mun unswcrcd nyc. whcu the rolc wus cullcd later on. 'l'hc scud-oï¬' was Iliurkcd by no Oslcutulious displuy. AT LAST THE RIBBON lino Arrived and the Cmmdtan Veterans Will Get. Thotr Medals. Ottawa, Jun. 3.â€"-â€"â€"Thc ribbon for the vctcruns' module has urrivcd from England. and thc first issue of mo- duls will be mudc us Soon as the ribbon. can be, cut, in lcngths and artâ€" luchcd to tho lucduls, with the The most reliable remedy in the market fOI COUGHS AND COLDS. Sold everywhere. S. PERRIN, Druggist, 73 Kent-st , Lindsay, Sole Proprietor. .â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"' clusps. The. first. issuc will bc mudc ' 0 to the Ontario \clcl‘uus, and will t '3 'me probably be about the limb inst. 'l‘hoSc, who Scrvcd in thc l"cui;ln raids and the Red llivct‘ affair, living within the herulquul'tcrs districhwill‘ I'cccivo theirs dircct from thc ('luims lionrd olIico; clscwhcrc in Ontario tho medals will be St‘lll. out. to the military districts. 'I‘ho moduls to bc distributed in Qucltcc will be dcult with after the Ontario uro scnt. out, and so on to the coast. Thcro is still 11 large pilc of-unconsidcrcd claims. The Board has found out, that some ()8 per cent. of the claims presented have bccn gcmiinc, and 2 per cent. have bccn rcjcctcd us being trumped up. Expect Cmmdlun Militia. Kingston, Jamaica, Jan. 3.â€"â€"A de- tachment of the West India. Regiment (colored) embarked yesterday to re- inforce the Bermuda garrison. It is expected that ‘when the Imperial troops go to South Africa Canadian militia. will be sent here for garrison duty. of the Year People are contemplating what they would like to give for Christmas or New Year’s... It may be rather soon, but we are taking time by the forclock and are already .making purchases and re- ceiving goods for that purpose. At the present time we will not enumer- ate goods or prices. Sufï¬ce to say we will show you something, New, NOBBY and at MOST REASON ABLF PRICES We have always carried a large assortment and from our increasing business we must give satisfaction. Remember we do one of the largest '1 ho Bye-Elatitlonfl- Ottawa, Jan. 3.â€"-â€"The byeâ€"elections in the seven vacant; constituencies will all be held on Thursday, the 25th inst., with nominations a week earlier, on Thursday, the 18th. The returning ofï¬cers and places at; which nominations are to be held are as follows: Winnipeg, George Adam; - . West Ontario, Stephen A. Flumuierâ€" busmesseb .in the County. felt, nomination at StOquville; Lu- Our. Repairing and Ella belle, Horace J. Kearney, Pupineuuâ€" gravmg are ever on the ville; Berthier, F. E. Rouleau, Berâ€" increase. thier; Chambley-V’ercheres, Louis Raâ€" Bring us "W kind of Ibpalrlng In cicot, Longueuil; Lotbinierc, H. Le- gendre, St. Croix; Shcrbrooke, Wm. H. Lowell, Sherbrookc. our lino and we will give satisfacâ€" tlon or refund the money. . . . . . Lord Struthcouu Is Ill. London, Jan. 3.â€"Lord Strathconn and Mount Royal. the Canadian High somewhat indis- posed, and.» the doctors forbid him 8. J. PETTY THE JEWELER. . Next the Daly House. ) gentietrg W. H. GROSS DENTIST. - Incas": [ember Royal Dental College or, n m". torooodnmum.â€"u ' n “q DR SUTTON, anIrIsr ’- - ‘ [0008" Honor mduate of Toronto University and Boyd CollegeorDentaJSu eons. All a. mm method: adopted “:3de mode“; WW Ofciger Anderson Nngent‘o, opposite Vottoh‘o I)R.E.A.TOTTEN 05'" IST. ‘7 uunsn Gradunte 0! TO]? I to Unive . of Dental Suryeouis, an) a: d BO!" Colleg Every department of dentistry don t acting] and scientiï¬c manner at modenreeprlce‘e.w over Momn’c pm, “MOPâ€. one. DR. F. A. WALTERS ntImsr. T†urns†codename ppm-app a... All the latest and improved branches of tbtry Succestully performed. Charges moderate,den over Gregory's State W “-81-â€?!118 . corner Kent-ad William DR. NEELANDS DEN TIST. - . LINDSAY hummer without pain by Gum Air udministeredbyhimforzoyeulwtthgreatmceea HeetndledtheguunderDrOottou, or New York theoriginatorofguiormxrngmth. BLOOM write. Dr. Hacienda thothe bu given the gas to 186,417 persons without an accident. Dr. Haciend- mthebeet local pain ohnmden. Beautiful ud- flciolteethinoertedatmodente pnoee. Please send opostolcudbefom coming. ’OEee nearly onpoota the Sing-non Home, Lindsay. -23 DR. ARTH UR DAY DENTIST successor: 10 rue LITE on. an! a“ Member of Toronto Dental College and Toronto University. Also graduate or American Donbl College. 3"" 3°40") Dentistry W In the no: scientiï¬c manner. Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. Charge. moderate. OFFICEâ€"9‘ Kent Strut ï¬hpeirians DR. A. E. VROOMANâ€"Ofï¬ce and residence north-east Cambridge“ Telephone 51. corner Peel and DR. G s. RYERsON, eo COLLEGEET" TORONTO EYE, EAR, IDS E AND THROAT SPECIALIST DR JEFFERS. Ofï¬ce hours 9m 11 gnu; 2 to 49mg 7 u Stun Ra'- deuce30 Wellingtm street. mépbon. No. 4a .36. R. WHITE, GRADUATE OF of Toronto Unheï¬itv Hed‘ml Facmtv (no grudqu of Trinity [3. iverelty, Ton mo. and Member 350 .Iiegebof Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario ce Sour «put corner Linda; and Russell recto. Telephom lb? -23 l\ y a - DR. A. GILLESI’IE, CA. AND 3.0. OIBce and midneoe (‘orner or Lindmy and Ruined) etroete Licentiate of Ravel Cohen 0'! Pro ercmnr and Surge no, Edinbuvrh.‘ Licentiate of Midwifery, Edirlbur.h. Specie: attention given to $3..†and drum-ea of Women. Telephone 50. DR. blMPbON, PHYSICIAN. (palm and reï¬nance. "II-react, Unis: end door west or York-ct. once 11° an, 9.00 33:3; 10.30 mun, A .w pm. to b p.u.., Ilud 7. la b p.111. DB, J. SIMI’SOh', graduate of Univ. of Trinity 061., Toma-u Media? Culture of Phyelcinm and Sufgeono, Ont. Late of ltucln-vmd Armor: , Kn geron. Grand Trunk Sure-on, lnndaay Dldmlct. Lmdeeay, Febru- ary, 4th, um ï¬arrisirrs, I:. ONALD R ANDE R SON, _ Barrister, Soliciu r. so. Oflrce immeeiately 0 come the Dal; Bullet, Kent-3L, Lindsay. D. R. DEBSUN. H. HOPKINS, Barrister. G' Soncrtor for the Ontario Bank. Money to Lounat Emu-n R~tce. Ofï¬ce No. 6 William Street south. G. B. HOPKINS. STEWART O’CONNOR.â€" Bam'eters, Notaries, etc. Ofï¬ce over Ontario Bank, Kent-st, Lindsay. Money to Learn at very lowed minus. T. STEWA R". MOORE JACKSONâ€"Bar- risters, etc. Solicitors for the County 0! Victoria and the Bank of Montreal. Haney to loan on mortgages at 10m current rates. one»... William-st... Lindsay. F. D. MOORE. L. V. O’CONNOR. B.A‘ ALEX. JAChSOL' ' MCLAUGH LIN . MCDIAR- , MID, Barristers, Solicitors, So. many and pension Falls. LIndeay omce, baker's Block, Kent-at, We “cleaning money on real estate nut mortgage In some large small, to 80.1! borrower; on the best terms so at the very low-u: rowed interest. We do not lead on no’ooor chem 1 security. R. J. McLAUGHLlN l". A. IoDIARlflD ginnionrrrs ETER BROWN, Auctioneer, Oakwood P.0.. 0ntu‘lo.â€"â€"hrm stock and other odes promptly attended to. Charges mod. erate. Sales can be arranged for ot‘l'l-ls WAicu. m omoe. . THOMAS SWAIN, 1a., Auc- tltnt‘ef, Coast on P 0., ()utu‘lo. -â€" Sula conducted in an, part of the Genus of Durham as reasonably as In my own Immediate neith- b0rhood. Experienced in all kinds -f mercantile and stock salve. Terms reasonable. Almiiceieedto conduct sales of all kind. in Maria-en wnnunlp, Correspondence answered pmmptly.-â€"47- Iv. (£110th to loan MONEY TO LOAN I have a large amount of funds for invest- ment on First Mortgages at the lowest rates. Terms to suit borrowers. D R. ANDERSON . Magmaâ€".4 W‘sâ€"M .‘ ,. “rpp‘rfxï¬uefli‘: . . r VIP“, .. e; 09»qu we «3‘92“.