jays-my 4TH, I900 r ellev i I I e RELIABLE POST DRIVER. VALUABLE LECTURE. STUDY iN DAIRY FORM. . Management of Live Stack in Health and Emrd’s Dairymmn Gives Two Vgry Fin° d 1 L Homemade Contrivance That II Easxly Disease. Examples of Eminent Dairy Cattle ’ ' SS EsmbllShe Operated by “ Tgam. One With Appropriate Remark... I US] he 1889 ' M‘“ and a o" t th- 1: . d’ B the aid of h me- (1 t We presen [S wee , says Hoar s dri‘fin 111 ch‘ 8. f1 tn“: 3 p0: Dairyman, illustrations of one of the 118 e i g a me, as 1 as re e . p05 S ment of Live Stock 1n Health and noted Jersey bulls of America, Re- 0 can be driven nearly as fast as a Disease,†and gave some new ,3 have N .r EARNING POWER who team can walk on light 30115, and in 61133 3.1g: and corder 29239, a son of the L'orld’s well-tried remedies for variOUS . . ail- Fair cow BrOWn Bessie; even on a heavy so:l,wdl cient SYSTLM 0F TRAINJNG. IT! HAS NO mm in» following lines of preparation under our! each stop, n J ‘ 3.18†Of a ments. Sulphate of iron, he said, most typical Jersey mother, Teasel . atly prolonged, says Peter should be in every stable and was of 75358, the only. living daughter of IUAL. , R' Miller The only difï¬culty W111 be incalculable benefit for all ' , 1. Bookkeeping in drivmg on a rock. The two - - 2. Shortth 3, Typewriting . Tele raphing 4 (Commercig and Railway Vork) . ivil Service eptions 5 C [French and Germ) tudents may commence at any tine. .3. FEITH JEFFERS. PM, Pn'mcipAL was: BELLEVILLE. our. ~30-6m mer (,f) 19 forms of Brown BcSSIe-â€"and both from the of H. C. Taylor, Orfordville, Wisconsin. Recorder presents many clear and decided points of excellence. First of all, it will be seen that he has a vermin, and mixed w' white worms in For horses or cows, as to the gadfly he sug- gested a spray made of sulphide as the wagon is wide and of 4X6 inâ€" ches. Pieces (_e e) 5 feet long, being let into piece '(b) one-half. Cross piece (c) (1 11/2 feet long,mor~ is of 2x4â€"inch an tised into e e 2 inches. Windlass (d) crank on side. Hamâ€" . operated by a crank ,' a _‘ line attached to trip hook on ham- This would prevent the flies bothering the cattle and should there be any in the larval state under the skin, a. small application of this rem- edy would soon kill them. In the matter of feeding, water, the great solvent, is of prime importance and ' Mangels were y GEO. H. Romnson {your work and have i The Famous ONTARTO l sugars: COLLEGE / tured, contained a bud whilst on the other hand b tained more sugar and w fed when only four inches through. Ir. John Bryans of Summerville asked for an opinion upon feeding carrots, and said that he had been 'very successful on his farm in Etobi~ coke in raising and feeding them. His crop ran 25 tons to the acre. Mr. Davidson, in reply, said that he looked upon the carrot as a danger- ous food. Fed indiscriminately to horses it was always their ruin. Even for a man in its raw state it Was unhealthy, oil, ects conâ€" ere ready to RECORDER, A. J. C. C. 99239. strong backbone. Note how full riscs just badk of the Withers. continues strong and full (but straight) to the point This indicatcs a full flow of nervous force to all of the organs. The same predominance will be seen in the cow 'l‘eusel. The mammary organs re- quire a constant and powerful flow of nerve force from the brain and Spinal marrow, and the it and not of the rump. Most widely attended in A'mca. t c to Windlass (d). g wagon pieces h h are each 1x6 inches and 11,5 feet long, fasten- ed to ends of a and e, leaving space for hammer to work in. Wagon wheels are shOWn at i i. The 3lst YEAR- Scnd for Catalogue. ADDRESS 2 - _ ï¬rst thing we look for in ~Malaga La ers cwo “hum“ no vegetable dairy animals. is to SN. how y . . . Was better when cooked. The carrot centerpieces (J J) the runners for is a peculiar root for BGBINSONJOHNON hammer (f) to work up and down in 7 ’ ' well they are fortified in this ticular. From the joining of the the shoulders, whilst alcohol from nearly. all roots, the carrot is the only one from which it can not be made, has never been abl‘ reason why. A discussion or? kill par- and are placed upright on end of e 0, being braced, as shown, with four pieces. A strip of 1x2 inches and 10 feet long is fastened on the inner face of j j, leaving 1 inch space on each side of the runner. A corâ€" lowed 10d by Mr R â€11g ‘Iffl; fro;- NIMMO HARRIS‘ responding groove is made in each ' ‘ ‘ ' ’ " " ‘ 0 ' ,ï¬; . , He suggested sulphide of potassium, .. side or hammer (f) (shown more .7 ,C‘ SlNESS allll clearly in the small ï¬gure), which is 2'0 lbs" to the all" as ‘ THAN!) ‘ l " inches w -â€"C. B. Peels -â€".Grinobles Walnuts â€"â€"Cooking and Eleme Figs ed Groceries. A full s‘oc k. F.B.A. Belleville, Ont. --Purc Gold Spices -â€"Tarragona Almonds The ï¬nest selected import neck on to the tip of his tail, ecorder is a thorOUgh dairy bull. His head is also (inc, but the neck is too short, although it bears a ï¬ne under outline. He has a strong belly and vigorous vitality. as is shown by the pendant navel: a high arching flank, and well incurved thigh at the roar lino, indicate his descent dairy ancestors. He is the getter of tale with records ranging from 15 pounds . ounces to 20 pounds 10 ounces, and by the character of his Stock demonstrates the value of long, per- sistent breeding in a Sclwctcd line a remedy , , 'wainst wild mustard ; bu M . .. ide and 1 inch deep, and "5 ( t r . . . )1 .' l-‘ i . SllLlPS up and d0“'n 0n J J. «About, 30 I 1““ "(ln Sli‘l that a cheaper reme- . ,-, 3 dy was sulphide of iron, sprayed "‘ ll ' t limitingf small ropclforx hloistipng if)“ ovcr The ï¬eld about the time the ,. ,5 Of- Yonge and CO e S 5‘ ait'IChtéil Itso rigiuplnliloo‘k :35 hairline: mustard is bcginning to bloom, in “ TORONTO, ‘ . . , the ratio of .10 lbs. to the lCl‘C. The and by Simpr pulling on it the ham- ‘ _ - , . t . _ L11" lav “dro 1d at an ' d~sired spray was death to thistlcs and musâ€" -» ~ 6‘ positive advan‘ages. Indiwdual ï¬r 111 ~ bf- ppc ‘ , 5 L _ lard. whilst in no other Way injuring weâ€? ' - ‘t Rc- height. Bitty pounds is “eight. , _ .. . ,. . “c.1011 by experlCECcU Specs 5. ,, _ . “heat. On the qiu-stion of killing ~, ,0 me‘t {or gra-i'es Pros- enough for hammer. lwo blows of - f‘ r 17 J . l o emu? if“? I hammer. under :3 scat :: . _ from is com lete. See our 1' ' r *. nted cows, P mpOrt hue OchHli\A suitlble for Xmas Gifts. “H 't 1 . d from a clear fountain of dairy blood, ordinary conditions, Eel (â€2:21 .nt‘) “:3: â€Ell’bel’l’f‘lff tho tracing in this caSo through his dam Will drive a post. A team, one man ,I f’ _“_' ‘ . ' m )L 5Ԡe to Combination, and from him to old - N . last few dry seasons had almost '~"I MEMO JASARRISO and a. boy can operate it. PRINCIPALS killed it out. â€"â€"_‘____ Mercury, whom he greatly resembles. The cow ’l‘casel. as can be soon at a glance, is a dairy cow all but the president _ thought that the seed in the ground - w, W N" THE WEANUNG COLTS‘ would come up in tuturo years. unâ€" \‘ T n . Eli†TERM 3...... over. 1 . ll‘ l' , She is not only a typical Jersey»: but Develop Them Into Horses That ‘ C‘ hum“ ' " (om itions. is moreâ€"“a thorough exponent of m ‘ . ’ u .. d \Viiicommaud Good Prices. dairy performance and capacity 'lhe Begins Jan. 2“ l900 The time is at hand when the colts Muqurhw can†head and neck are docidmlly feminine: Y _ _.- drOpped last spring will, as a rule, _ ' ,. the lean shouldcr. a Stroan backbone :. ‘ ‘ . 111i" . . )1 _ d . 7‘ h“ l t} d . d’ An old stockman says the follmung v'4r3Ltendil‘iC3 up to the prey tune s be “Lana , an as t c at cr- a3 c- is a ruh- of H; 1.3;). ...... mand Ior work hors es la '9 râ€. t determining approxi- strss on WU 'ht th minilem itbdf mainly the Weight of cattle by mons- c. f ‘ i, ‘ ‘ . , 100 er Get. . é’ _ l“ . ‘g L O un-mout: but the Weight. Will vary D the colts from now until grass comes . . ‘ . , , - . . . . 7 much “lib animals of the Same girth, m acvance of any POUS year. ' again is of the highest importance, .. . _ , .f q . 3- . l _ . _ . according to budd and degree of . i v -; ave/4.51122“ 3- {COIOUgh CC‘JD 33¢“; because the desrrcd Weights cannot “mew ’ ("ittle 'irthin r live feet or *- Kzeoing or Sherman-l and per'lIngl be made without food nor by allow- ‘ †' " L‘ 5 . . dinnrilv weigh from (350 to "'50 l mg the colt to :‘oiigli it through the ‘ ‘ ‘ .- no. 1::e...... . . munds; for c-ach additional inch “ : D 1 Winter as best it may on frosted 1' â€" ; eierboro Business allege: in l y . v ‘. ‘ N agrass Door hay: cornstacks and girth â€MI '3" “mulls up to 5†{Wt’ str'iws’acks C36,“ the st rt of th and for each inch aftcr' Six fcct add â€"-_"‘_‘â€" . ‘ ‘Lf " ' t . l“ ‘8‘ e SH pounds, This is the simplest rule - A“ . w PRlNLE, right kind of brooding, and some- I b! . . . kn'nui and l’xincipalltllmg more is wanted during the ‘ is probably as good as : colt's first Winter l t roduce a m m any; but of course the only reliable o i ' r'. c . * . ,. . , ‘. . , I , test is that of llli' St‘ulc'S. birauge l"\“l \ . that “ill bring money 0n the market, " l l ~ I I . .. .. . . .l. V. (‘. 7533‘ In salts to orde -----.---o------ .. . .. . . . as it mm: Ewe-1:1. the Iiiwlish have not , ' . . : l .3†.. “so. \ for u I?“ to shut {Ur â€Sch even the \wr «41%in A†m “at,†Dr mt“. mt nubuldcdl .n in. .1... ..i...L.«, lthe . ~ _ . ‘1‘ , l v t. u l A â€" . l‘ \ U. ‘I _ ..' c . .2 'll‘r ' u 3 best bred colt Will in this way susâ€" 11mm H \k i‘ it â€I, ( um bv g “(g H (Us. do 1» null l- ll“ 1 N 3 PL ‘1‘ . . . . . . .1 v; 1.. c' '_"l f; .,‘ , . " -.. ltain an injury lrom which no utter ‘ ‘ . ‘ . arch, the thin im'Ierin: thighs. and A SREClal diSCOUI’lt Of IO per cent Cï¬ regUIar pTlCCS on all O'dcrs (are “.112 Clitlhlt‘ it to I‘CCOVL‘Z‘. The {all}? â€l;lcjl::;‘llull"l_~:‘; {1'2}: Iii: \Iiilir(:‘1z::gt%§ Lllt'. “limit: l'L'gll‘ lth .U! ll‘v ("HW’ .‘S‘llOSV given illls monlh. Large range Of \VOI'StCClS, SGTSEF, TUJCEdS alid colt ought to be brought. up to .5 .1 l‘ ‘dl's l l. .-. . L†plainly a tonfoiuintiou inane en‘peu- . . ‘ m, and a gOOd TAlLUR '1 O Uâ€"Y'E [HE‘tI Weaning time with such training '13 weights. pulling the platiorm scales ally lor Lh.-splcnd1:l uddmt “13110“, UP IN GOOD STYLE ‘ ‘ A to g..1f;},...(1i,1.r that ‘ W‘jlgll this cow in iu-r ominiy presents a ' if h as possi- brl‘lg‘“. ‘M‘Ull' years ago I edited symphony of dairy harmony. The {L colt as it thi- memoirs dairy ti-Xilpcrum (mt shimw our in every GROCERY STOCK‘ ' lincomont. 'l llt'l‘v no. d l« ‘ uo fairs of hot‘ taking food and turning: ii mlo llt‘bll. . . eryyypaugn, Ont. Special Offering During December . . . " '1: ll' 1 Y- nl'lc it Will miss the both: I ’ ‘[ L “l ‘L milk of the dam as little ble. Indeed, to grow should be , of an octogcnarinn catâ€" H) lli‘.(l bought cattle in A. . .. . . (l i) :i'(l (l‘oy' tl ‘lll to Svr- CUS , l IS not sufucimit for the colt longer \'h\" 1‘ ‘1. r Xth LI'ilL cm 11 “i S“ cox? l than for the first Llll‘iw months or its 81'†t (’1 ( c L ‘ “ . - . - .‘ C C .' . , life; supplementing the milk with He paid {or the cattle in . . . salt who-n hc collltl lle n I meals or grain should begin ‘ ‘ ' . . tic (lt'u‘l'l‘ \K‘l grown, the mothers milk 1 Raisins, Currants. Peels, Nuts, F' I†____._____~ Christmas trade. l'urcs [Sr-«His :llul l'l‘ul‘lt. It is a fact w took the - Salt i‘ro;,. Huxu~us~ where it was then or even (‘Lti‘ll(‘l‘, Si) that by I d dowh tlu Com“ .0 River to - . . - no w. . . - I Weaning lzme it Will be about ready 3‘ cll recognized that no . Luke Hi t. rio. thence shi i red it bv any mtcrrupâ€" 1 I II ‘ branch of the lin- to Wear) itSclf without stock business "l ,1. g l 'l f . suits the masses or people better tion of thrift. Aim-r that food gram â€Stiff", 0‘, {"{Fï¬â€˜im $11,111,313“ 51,22" “‘1‘“ .f"“l‘rili-*i“s‘- It is a raving , - DAKWGOD prcttv well up to the maximum of “I“ “15 ,‘1‘ ‘l’ I“ L ‘ ‘ ‘ ' vocation, and is nllnptml to the . its iinv‘r to Clem in and lot it con fԠ("“3" “Ml “V†that“ h" allowed vounrr as well as Llll‘ old and to , I, ( ) g _, , ' ,. ~ _ ‘ - t . ( i , v listilarg’cly of oaii. (iood \vcllâ€" :1 {will :<)i‘1¢:‘;’-r'y'11;1ch HEW: Of that all sgctions of the country. l‘rime ~ " ' " " ’ '- . - -~ ‘. .2 ‘- wo )arâ€" .. . . ,, ~-â€"~â€"â€"- ‘_ 'l - ‘ "‘ r' . -' i'l» «r'v f' rm 3r 1" H‘ â€l "‘ ‘ ‘ 9Ԡioultry is chirablc in mcr ' woultcr- M~-â€" - A O the peoplf thb :rlflrrli?zg:sbilir:g idrkliishl'ointhteha: he “‘1‘“- “r salt “ï¬rth $20 for a standard l‘r's beginning The Wises: lllt‘tllod'i . . - D‘.’ . . . ‘ ' ' annual. He bought a small bunch â€" ' . , _ ‘ , ‘~ ' h .5 can obtain ior it iii any other Way, . .. . ~. .J _ ' . _ are those learned by exliciiciitc and . . district 111 t urn] l and there is no “1†by which he can of Latili or a Judge who had ‘to pay with small flocks at the istart. Io’ure- he a u l l 01 I, at, "7 t: ‘ - T‘ l got ’1. better price forlhis oats. ï¬brin 1h" l’lm'lhu‘gcr a dollar for taking one bred stocks cost more a ’ the start ., E. ture llne' Fmanyl to ilJCd it [(0 a! '\\'(‘ll"l)l'(3(l draug‘ht “I" llll" (-Htll‘ly r;\\.u‘vi.rthlfl ‘Vgi a'irllgï¬g; but ()llCL‘ CSLabllSllU‘d in [he hrtitxd_ \‘\\E\ ‘ . . . . . ,2. 1' , l' I ‘- ' L’: I ' , . ‘ ‘ - v >06 , . colt. There is something about outs :ml't‘g l; “:15.†l†Tin: jud in said he 01' S 3'11â€! 1‘5 â€0111“!“- ln llllCil(§. and WHOLESALE Au†BETA". DEALERS, LINDSAY " ‘ years WE: hdvellOY'l that makes it lill lllf‘, bill as a horse 5"“; 1' “l " ‘ll ’ ~... ti 1"†rh 5Uâ€; but the consequent valln- of all the speci- W h? , . licod as. no other grain docs, and (101" svldir: \: :Lfill xiiilitz‘†‘ ' mens producvd from the original 5‘ 6d an lilCI‘CaSlCUSï¬ time m. 1.0“ quarts a day is “mm suppoi .l. . h . brooding-birds more than make up Parties intending tobpild Will ï¬nd that . Hard, Soft and Blacksmith 0031, aiqug '50 l too much during the first winter and l ‘ . for the extra outlay spout in the our Lindsay Yard contains all that [rs ne- ill-stock. ' ' .' ton“. \VEZ Sl try; until the youiigso-r can go on grass ,‘ A “1"†(â€u'r'f'rr' ' outset in producing tho very best giftsâ€? mSBagn £1mber.§1pnéber.muatlsg.f Hal‘dtogdhand Mlliwood delivered to 59 l 1,, ]d ’t \ J plpn'V' of opporiupiiv for and 011- Vic“ fl)" "ill'l'l’lllfâ€"l barn-ls Of ul’llh'sx M “ï¬s’nï¬gï¬t 0f the best quality for Stable or , Bra 1:; )Sor Salt (Dmry Cheese and‘Buttb.‘ ‘* IO 10‘ 1 - are. ‘ " ‘ t - ' vooilai l 's or o" any farm )roducc. , . . e l n S. 6 ‘ rl'oumw'ment t" “will“ l?â€â€™ 1f, It “511,, a...“ “A?“ {,0 hump?“ carc~ "‘"V '° KW!) ‘0'“ l"""'""-*- Cellar Floors, alks. etc. All at reasonable prices. ,os 3 : d t.‘ : ’3 a “V’H'Ullls‘l‘ll ““11““ “Mt 1‘" t" j ‘ ' . ‘ 't t' ,r ‘ 1' ll f To save potatoes for S.‘0(l one should ' dEtCnn‘ne in U be raiS'rd. At thc same time, With- full). l“â€,“’f“_ “If†fl“ 1†i †store them where they will be kept ' I ' \VV h- gout coddling the volt. it should be 011““ l’iil'l'i'. .1“! â€J ‘5 an â€â€â€˜l‘dmly G ; creaSB lt. 1: lS Illdei) C(Hlllul'lillill' ' . as cool as possible without freezing. and not exposed to One who has only a collar in which they will wilt. grow soft and ilabby, and sprout long before planting. will do better to store them in a pit out of doors, if he needs many, and if he plants but few, buy them of some one who can keep them in butter conâ€" dition. We have thought that a part of the advantages of sending north for seed every your “'35 due to the potatoes being kept cooler there un- til shippcd in the spring than they are kept in the ordinary house cellar, rather than to the l'lt‘CUSSlty for a change of soil, or any running out of the potato when planted many years on the same soil. m Meat and Grain for Hons. When meat is given it is not neces- ary to allow much grain. For inâ€" 3 the storms that occur (-vory winter. in View WC haput' There is a happy nu-au betwcen the TELEPHONE town OFFICE - 77 l G H AGENT MILL OFFICE - 78 I I c ’ ihothouse product on the one hand ' r l l the 1raunt wishâ€"Iâ€"Woro-dead- 5t am i, , : ‘7 lil dn eiegant Of; looking colt. on the othcr, and the . git and work for it. 0 . ____________, 1n...... l ; wnor of a rood colt ou'rht to find goods. Everng 0 “ D How to Build “ruin Bins. Considerable labor . . may b9 Balcd BARREL CARRIER. oy prom-r construction of grair, bins. 7 ~ - -. . thiwr to get hold of. The holder is . ' {ha Work is more disagreeable than . o ,- . ( .- _ ifas, Slngle Chan’s, lthat of shoveling grain out of a bin, made of iron rods by a blacksmith, ‘frequently the work being done by with handles and straps. It can be . n- ' (r ' n } ' . , r , - opened wide and slipped down over a 'blBS, OEtOlflaHS, LOUS‘ tsetltdllh II'IIEEisulabdincsnmgc tsgevczmbl; barrel, then brought together under ' rlor and Bed-R0011 . ' - . ‘ ' I. ‘0' a. ‘I I) attaching a spout to the 10 'er por- it, as shown in tin. figure It ca tion of the bin. or the front boards then be picked up and carried away may be made removablg, The my With came. “here there are large preferred numbers of barrels to be handled such s rage of a dewco will prove very effective. To to take keep the â€â€˜01! rods from slipping , experience of any tailors in the county. Some of our hands t In havevbeen with us nearly twenty years. en Hry Our goods are all carefully bought and are worth all we ask for them. Nobody can beat us in quality oi goods, prices _ or stylish suits. Come in and look at our stock. anmess. if bins are used for the sto lroots. It is much easier on stance, if meat is fed at noon it will A. CA 1 HRO CO. . - . - - the bottom of the barrel the upper only be necessary t0 scatter 11 ’fCW . h 3333310233“ gliï¬rggï¬ypl$53,513; part of the rods can be flattened to handfuls of oats In each pen to keep These are m t (H the roots in the bin-g they can he kept an edge. the inmates at work. When a hen becomes too fat she will lay soft~ Cl nd 51 iin good condition until spring. ‘ est W00 3 a . -â€"â€"-____ , . .. ... boiled eggs. When plenty o’f meat I l rngrean in Home Rico-din... B c. . ' V j The Live Mock industry. A man need not be very old to rcL littlglegeo?‘lgogsa0330.3: 1:131:31 25:31???)th . I MONEY To LOAN on mortgage at . . . f A . - c ‘L' . . The prices are 35’! According to the report 0f the U-8' .ncrnbcx when a L100 or 1’JOO pound oats may be given. “heat is the Lowest Rates. Notes Discounted. {Commissioner of Labor the value of horse was a heavy draft horse, or a b> t 11- d food and with the ._..____ 0 . t - tl- .xi-minute trotter a speedy roadâ€" â€S a roun ' t, , , Agent for .. .- as 3*) lthe annual DI‘Odllcts Of the slaugh er -. . .1 ., . Waste of the farm, in conjunction C d M ‘ Y- ‘ing and meat packing was next in Times have changet, howtyer, witl meat and the hot mornin 0, us . ana Ian 4 value to that O,f the textile, 1118.1111' V' "1 Lhc heavy draft hOI‘SO lllllSt 111‘ 1; nd XCI‘ClSO \V’lll brin as h The Imperial Life Asgnmnee {ZICEUI‘OFS in 15590 textiles of 'all H‘a‘f’i 300 to 500 pounds more and 1;:(1‘1 gt 9 s, 3 Beauty Peas Company of Can W kinds amounting; to $722,000,000 and {.1 "oadster so a good mam" seconds a u an“ . 38 - , The Scottish Union‘d‘wd Nation- .meats or meat products being $53657 S-I‘lprklodbeIfliiiei is $0222? onï¬zrsof IewWeder. HIGHEST pRICE PAID, a] (Fire) $000,000, wl'le d mininv ro~ Mr W - ' e . * ‘ - . flaky/50% i ducts were gaf‘gggggo Thcitapï¬g" to )e a good one nowadays than it General Lelw XVallacc gas pfurcgiasled Thelgnilon gigance Society of ) ,ure* will r ‘ ’ much increaSed .lid ten or twenty or thirty years a tract of . an near raw or v1 e, 7C. non in the 11033:: :31: bfeport, or were you. The ideals of those days will Ind., and will make a ï¬sdh preserve of Innamon EVBPSOH All exceptionally mg Com- increpsed 1, , when that counâ€" not serve. The breeder must aim to it. The land 18 watere _by a. num- , panics. % p ll : < try ell)ortcllst$i caroooï¬oo worth of get the kind that ranks high to~day, her of excellent creeks and springs, Hardware MflChmtS: Lindsay g V†meat besides th live animals. Truly and this is the Only km zine live stock in est is a. lasge one. some to Day for d that in which will be damm his oats hereafter. pose of trout breedin for. the pun- I ,. A , k . _ egg-gs: no. manor 4%»