JANUARY 4TH,19°° LETTERS FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS W'OOD VI LLE Dr. Neelands, dentist, will be at the Queenie hotel, Woodville, on Tuesday, Jan. 92h. Call in forenoon if possible. W :13. N0. 13 FENELON School report: Sr. «Mbâ€"Florence Thurston. Jr. fourthâ€"Stella Ever- 101;, Della Copp, Ned Thurston, James Daniel, Hillard Copp. Tblrd classâ€" Gilbert Campbell. Second class â€"Wal- tar Greenwood, Agnes Everson,Arnol '- m Thurston, AnnieWood. Pt. 2ndâ€"Phil Thurston, Osgood Imrie, Percy Ever- ‘ Collie Imrie, Fritz Antis. Part Green, Milton Green- Promotions from second to third class Classa‘d'aiter Green. From part 2nd . to ind â€"â€" Philip Thurston, Osgood Im'rie, Part lst to part indâ€"Dollie , Green, Milton Green. M KILLâ€"i HOBO " 7:5. Sangs of Colloden is visiting her dais-ï¬ts: Mrs. John )icAlpin. . i Aggie Allan of Peterhoro 1s ' son, 1 ;g..Dollie my ‘Viss wing old acquaintances here. Bullock of Lindsay is the .r. and Mrs. Wm. Davis of Ver- spent the New Year under the ntal roof, The railway by law is evidently iaing in popularity here, there being a in. rease of ten in the vote for the " in on U ‘11 L3 >1 I) l) I 1 S A U1 «13 to . their many trends ,,- ‘,' 2, v,“ " c... .L ...\. “‘ 3 "l""'"""""""."'.""""""""""""'_' """"" I l i ,1‘ ‘-I a y _ l i - s “5 2: hr 9'7 t) (o b) t5 , w i3 H u: ,q (i r 0 51 r, J r-q '03 (I) F f r 97 O u. ,_. (‘ (D '1 n- We are pleased to note that we, in ' is par: cf the township, have still two -:‘in the Ops council for 1900 in 5 Councillors Byrne and x The inneral of Mrs. Kennedy, mother of Mr. jas. Kennedy, took 1 â€I On Monday from Omemee to Mrs. Kennedy was one of p f f f E, "' oldest inhabitants. iia Calvert entertained the members of the K.O.C.\V. on Friday evening last. An enjoyable evening wasscent We understand that two . ofthe Knights met with what might -. hava’oeen a serious accident on their v ‘Jw - return home. -â€"’-â€"â€".--â€"-â€"â€"â€" CA )1 ER ON. n Copeland, sr., is very ill. has been ailing for some time, and ie is now hourly expected. st meeting of the I.O.F. ct113ers of the past year were all ‘-"-:»‘-d to their respective ofï¬ces ' iness of the year was satis- .-< “‘- 'n‘- dmv t 6.1:: 'vzund up. 5:29:31 teachers have some to spend '32 Xmas holidays with friends at , 3 Among them are: John Cook ' of Auburn, Melville Cundal, who goes 3 i wwwwmlmwwwmw~ . , lï¬arnt River for the present year, -' hie Cundai, who is going to attend n - .gk. ' the London Normal school next ses sion. and A. E. Bryson who is going to Y)- L. -. no.» aygeon. ; was with profound regret that + L. c3 dentcf this place. was seriously ill at {Lawmanv-ille. Still sadder, however, was it felt when two days afterwords the news was sent that she was dead. raised here, 4.. ‘Jias Northcott was attrrxigd our Sunday school, and for ,- nears taught the junior room. * :orpse was brought from Bowâ€" I r .::;';;'..e, anl was buried last week in Elf‘n cemetery, Mariposa. Thus at the early age of twentyï¬ve a very eximable young lady was tsken from amongst us. VEI: (SLAM Kine tithe oldest residents of North ‘V’eruiam died on Monday of last week. Mrs. Kelly, widow of Edward Kelly. Mrs. Kelly came to Verulam from Eldon, and was married twice, her ï¬rst husband being; a brother of her last. Mrs. Kelly lived for many years on the old home- ..<' stead near Red Rock, and largely to her excellent management Mr. and Mrs. is Kelly were enabled to retire to a resi- dence in the village. A large family are left, several of them being still in Vera- lam. , There passed away on Christmas day, a , alady well known throughout the dis- ~ trlcr, in the person of Mrs. H. C. St. George. For many years she resided at White Lake, on the Monk road, there can she had a farm in the management of which she took a great pleasure. A few at years ago she removed to Bobcaygeou. W, and recently built a house, the comfort “ of which, however, she was not long per- mitted to enjoy. For a number of years she had growing in her breast a cancer. ' Will'w- w. w ., ,u, ‘. ,,, . ,. , c.“ ,. "rifts. l'wwdw' ~ . M Of late it had made more than its usual growth, and consultation with medical authority in Toronto assured her that removal of the cancer was a necessity. As she decided to have the operation per- formed at home in preference. to going to the hospital, a trained nurse was engaged and every care taken but the operation proved to be a very severe one, and one from which even her vigorous consdtu- tion was unable to recover. After a '0‘ struggle of four weeks, the spirit depart- , ed. The funeral was held privately on] Wednesday, her son William, from New York, being present to console his sisters, Mrs. Wish and Miss St. Georgeâ€"Inde- pendent. HARTLEY Miss Annie Campbell, teacher at" Cameron, is spending her holidays under the parental roof. We arepleased to see Peter Gil- christ‘jand Angus McFadyen home from Manitoba. Mr. Duncan McFadyen, teacher at Cresswell, is spending his holidays with his parents and is looking hale and hearty. On the 27th inst. there took place at the residence of Mr. Thos. Thorn- bury a very pleasant and quiet wedd- ing. The contracting parties were his daughter Mary Jane and Mr. Robert _ We all join in wishing them journey Spence. a happy and prosperous through life, The Methodists of this place held their annual anniversary services on Dec. 17th and 18th. On Sunday afternoon and evening two very excel- lent sermons were preached by Rev.R. H. Leitch of'Fenelon Falls, and were highly appreciated by all. The church was ï¬lled to excess at both services, On Monday evening a splendid tea wasI prepared by the good ladies in the hall and after everyone had done justice to the inner man all repaired to the church where a very pleasant evening was spent. Addresses were delivered by Revs. R. H. Leitch, J. R. Butler: T. Snowden and G. W. Clarke, B.A.,’ pastor of the church. The choir, under the alle leadership of Mr. J. F. Bro- kenshire, rendered some very choice selections. Proceeds of tea. and collec- tiOns amounted to seventy-ï¬ve dollars. COBOCONK The employees of the R. A. Callan lime industry met at the home of their employer on Saturday evening and presented him and Mrs. Callan with an address and a beautiful set of china dishes. The address was read by Mr. Jos. Wakelin and the pres- entation was made by Mr. John Hawe, the veteran of the works. After the presentation Mr. Callan made a few appropriate remarks thanking the men for‘ their beautiful gift and the feeling which prompted it. The ad- dress was as follows: To Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Gallan, DEAR FRIENDS;â€" VVe, your employees, have met to- gether here to-night to express to you our appreciation of the consideration and kindness you have extended to us during the year now drawing to a close. We have earnestly tried, while in your employee, to serve your best interests, and we are happy in the a word came that Miss Lily North- belief that you appreciate our eflorts. " a young lady and a former resi- You have shown more than the ordin- ary interest of the employer in our welfare. Your kind remcmberance of us and our families at Christmas tlmes has been a pleasant recollection to us. \Ve ask you to accept this present from us, not for its intrinsic worth. but as a slight token of our good will towards you. May prosperity crown your efforts in business; and long may our present harmonious relationship continue is the unanimous wish of your employbes. Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas and a. happy new year we are, yours truly, THE EMPLOYEES. KINMOUNT About six inches of snow fell here on Sunday, Dec. 24th. We are all hoping for good sleighing. A large number of young men were home from the camps to spend Christ- mas with their parents. We understand the old council of Somervrlle township has been elected by acclamation. This is just as it should be as no fault can be found with them. The township oï¬ices are in good hands. The war drags wearily on and Kin- mount is disgraced on account of the pro-Boer sympathies of some thick- heads who live in our midst. Big Bay John will be ridden on a rail if he lets 100†any more Of his disloyal 85b. thanking all for their valuable gift am There are others just as disloyal and it also {or the kindness shown alike .- is needless to say they are grits. can’t ï¬nd a tory on the Boer side, poetry by Mrs. Heemans and Thomas lv by surprise, nevertheless responded .‘ THE WATCHMAN WARDER, LINDSAY: Sledgeha Reductions l. The Union Sunday school held a largely attended concert in the Baptist church on Friday evening last. A large Christmas tree was on exhibiâ€" tion, covered with Christmrs presents for the children. Our ain “Sandy" got a pie. He was always very "pious.†. Court Kinmount, No. 677, C.O.F.. elected the following oflicers for the ensuing year at their meeting in the Orange hall on Friday last: Chief ranger. W. M'. Hales; vice C. R., W. T. Boldt; S.P.C,R., H. P. Chessell; chaplain, J. C. Train; treasurer, J. R. Mark; F.S., Geo. Train; R.S., Amos Train; S. W., N. Newman; S.B., Art. Newman; I. 3., Wm. Lyle; court deputy, W. T. Craig; court physician, R. S. Frost, M.D. One candidate was initiated and several others were ballotted for, The membership now stands at 61, g g To Start the Twentieth Century I l .4 clean sweep fccm one and of the Store to the other I .4 Clothing“ Clearance without parallel in Lindsay. Quick Losses to make Quick Sales. The luurcls of success bucc crowned our eforzis. We intend to keep trade lively here all the, time by turning new goods over to the pcOplc who are willing“ to ISLAY Miss Bella Smith of Lindsay has been engaged as teacher for the coming year. Mr. Dougal McFadyen is home from Manitoba for a few weeks, also Mr. Angus Moynes after spending the sum- mer in Dakota arrived home a few “‘weeks ago. On Friday evening Dec. 29th, Miss S. A. Tolmle was surprised by a large representation from the school and Christian Endeavor Society, gathering at her home. The purpose of the assembly was to show her in some marked way that her services for the past three years were highly appreciated. In the course of the evening’s entertainment, James Stewart stepped forward and read the following address while Archie Graham made the presentation: Dear Teacher,â€"We are very sorry that we have come to the time when we can no longer have you as our teacher. For nearly three years your labors were wholly in our interest. Not only were you successful in teaching us well but your example at all times was such as left an indelible impression upon us for good. We cannot thank you enough for your kindness and loving attention to us. We regret to recall times Whr n we were disobedient but we trust you can forgive and forget. As a small token of our high esteem of so worthy a teacher we ask you to accept this toilet case and copy of Ingelow’s poems, given with the prayer that success may always attend you in your work. Signed in behalf of S. S. No. 2 Feueiou. JAMES STEWART ARCHIE GRAHAM. Immediately following Miss Mary Mc- Eacheru, in behalf of the C. E. Society, read a very suitable address while Miss Maggie McMillan presented Miss Tolmie with two handsomely bound volumes of We have bud u grout trade. accept Bargains in the nick of time. Winter Comfort ut Economy Prices. There’s u stir now for frost-proof Clothing, and this stock is in closest touch with belated buyers. Here’s a special beneï¬t for ï¬lms, m Young“ Men and Boys of small- mcu/zs in immediate need of qurm Clothingâ€"just when most needed, and when more than half the Winter is uhcucl of them. We’ve inaugurated u GRAND 20 E-IIAYS SALE of OVERCOATS, ULSTERS, REEFERS AND WINTER SUITS. We throw our doors open this morning to sell all our surplus stock. Everything in the pink of perfection. Prices all pounded down. Stocks overhauled. Staff strong. Tremendous havoc in the prices for 20 days. 15 to 20 per cent. lower than ordinary stores. It is diï¬cult to specialize items When all are deserving of notice ; but we unhesitatingly say that: N O SUCH BUYING CHAN CES HAVE EVER GREETED CLOTHING BUYERS. Come direct to the fountain head. Watch Graham Grow g Watch Graham Grow l .A..J'.GRAHAM."S l Hood. Miss Tolmie was taken complete- vsry appropriately. Toe remainder of the evening was spent in playing games and all dispersed at a good hour. â€"â€"â€"..__ PLEASANT POINT The annual Christmas tree and enter- tainment took place in the school house here on the evening of Friday, Dic 22nd The program, which was this year furnish- ed mainly by the pupils of the school, was well rendered. The thanks of all NEW STORE, The One Price King Clothier, - 2 Doors East of Benson House ococaoo occocaoacocoooaoacaaaooocc-mooaaccoaoaooccooccoaoaoa«ca« “-‘»9 tainmenta success. At the conclusion of the program Santa Claus appeared and distributed the presents from the well- laden Xmas tree. During the evening the teacher Mr. W. A. Cameron was pre- sented with a beautiful gentleman’s com- panion and cuff and collar case accom- panied by the following address: Dear teacher,â€"Wo need scarcely say, it is with feelings of deepest regret that Better stop that cough now with a few doses of D r. W o o d ’ 5 Norway Pine SYrup than let ‘ it run on to end Dr. Wood’s 1 4o Second=hand Crosscut Saws, ________ -Your Choice for $1.25 we are ,called upon to realize that the . cords of sympathy and affection which Peï¬haps 1“ Bron‘ Norway 15 second'hand lleally HOCKYOKeS have bound us so closely together as Chltls, Pneu- PIIIO teacher and pupils, must now be torn monia or Con- 25 second'hand AXES asunder. In viewing the past two years’ sumption. It’s SYI'IIP- , ‘ work the least we can say is that your awonderfullung 50 (101611 Dlnner PlfllBS, SOC (lOZBll unfailing kindness and zeal as a teacher have won for you the regard, esteem and approbation of all and we arc glad to place on record our high appreciation of your valuable services. The example you placed before us has ever been that which tends to elevate and enrich our moral characters. Words fail us when we endeavor to express our gratitude to you for the utter lack of selï¬shness which characterized your earnest labors. With keen regret we recall times of careless- ness and disobedience on our part but we trust you will fargivc us. As a slight token of our esteem we ask you to accept this gentleman’s companion and cuff and collar case, accompanied by the prayer that, as in the past, your labors may be crowned with marked success. Wishing you all the happiness that this festsl ’ ' ° _ season affords. Signed in behalf of Little Bl‘ltaln, Pleasant Point Sunday school. _ ELLA M. Baum. Acorn SAMPsON Mr. Cameron made a suitable reply healing remedy that cures the worst kinds of coughsandcolds ' when others fail. Price 25c. 50c. All dealers. Jas. H. Lennon, Opposite the Benson House LAXA- Cure constipation, billousncss, sicl: headache and dyspepsia. Every LIVER pill guaranteed perfect and to act without any griping. weakening or sickening cEccts. use. at all drug- PILLS gists. " There is nothing that will stand like leather When it is well put together.†M. E. Tangney, Forbert’s Boots ARE THE TALK OF THE COUNTRY And they should be: There is no Beat made in Lindsay that equals them for wear, good ï¬t. ease and appearance. They keep your feet warm and dry, and you don’t re uirc to wear rubbers with our boots. Furniture and Undertaking Charges Moderate Lindsay -â€"â€"..~â€"â€"_.... --__-_~â€"â€"-- â€"-â€"-~ . J. B. \Veldon MARIPOSA TOWNSHIP CLERK. Ont. Opp. Benson House, insurance Agent for the following Companies: LIFE â€"Thc North American. Finsâ€"The Gore Mutual, The Equit)’: the Victoria Farmers’ Mutual Insurance Co. Issuer of Marriage Licenses olhmï¬féldiéffï¬hbflhfl not real frost proteciorr. Can and see them. (i d ' . flock 3 OOtton ROOt 6°me ‘ Boot that is superior to all others. n he no 0 or as all Mixtures, widens are don ' 88 per box. - a 1 dc recs stron r _ . a); hfgulgon geceipt. of psi-Ice and two mm extra help and no one Will be kept waxing, y Conveyancing In all it's forms stun s, The Cook Oompny Windsor.0nt. y a u a i u: . asussusswmmm‘“ F ~ R R on parentsan pup s or ng c wo yr». 0 a . _ MP0 . . in which he had been among them. vegï¬tfédgygavggdaylwonday, ï¬No r andlz sold in Lindsay by E. Greg- 0 F 0 BE To . . 01y Dmsglst 4 William-st. North, Lindsay c also make :1 Covered Felt Long They r magi“ for Cook's cm m c..- No matter where you, buy your pill! 8nd boots bring your repamng to us. 88’0“- P"°°vN°- 1' “ï¬e; Satisfaction guaranteed. We have secured rm mavens ._ noun. .