en up for about 24 years of age, and owned one of the best farms in the section. Darby 3 space 0f time. , . - was a blacksmith and a native of Mos' Mr. Mark, our blacksmith, 13 domg boro. He was about: 30 years of age. . . . e- . 9- rushing business at present. R Both young men were unmarried. pairs of all kinds are being attended â€"The British Columbia. governmen to neatly and horse-shoeing is aspectaiâ€" and legislature unite in endorsing the “Y- YOU will do well to give M" decision to cfl'eracompany of 200 mount- Mark acall. ed scouts, equipped and delivered at Mr. Lucas Harman, from the Unit- Haiifax or any other named port of ed States was visiting friends in this debarkation tor the South Atfrica service. 1 it recent] Mr Harmon was a. Each will be provided with a picked oca l y Y. ' saddle horse, first-class saddle, uniform, resident of this locality twenty years rifle and revolver, the outlay envolved ago and his many friends were glad to being $250 per man, or $50,000 for the corpse. â€"â€"A remarkable surgical operation was performed at Victoria harbor on Saturday and cracked one that has be, WHAT YOU WANT ’ One of Boxall’s Coal Stoves for your Hall or a Range for your Kitchen. 1 am Agent for Buck’s celebrated Happy Thought Range and Radiant Home, Parlor or Hall. Steam Heating, Plumbing, Tin and Copper Work done by experienced men. Call and leave your order at J. BDXllLi’S, Kent Street. Lindsay On Sabbath last Rev. Mr. Tucker, our junior pastor, preached a very in- structive sermon to the young minds of last week. Some two months ago as well as the older ones, taking his Felix Janeau, an employee of the Victoria from the 8th Psalm, 4th verge: Harbor Lumber 00., got his arm caught 1 in some knives connected with the comp- Bsfore assistance arrived the text “What is man, that thou art mindfu of him; and the s0n of man, that thou visitest him? tilated. A trustee meeting was held in the of flesh to fully one half its circumference schcol house a few days ago for the and length. Little hope was entertained purpose of appointing a trustee. Mr. at the time of saving it. Drs. Thom!"son D. McKinnon’s time had expired and and Leask, of Waubaushene, and Dr. is was thought) by most of the rate- Frank Porter of Toronto, held numerous payers that no change was needed this consultations on how to save the arm and - .. 'i am utation the result of which . in Mr. McRinnon “01 p ’ Ye†any way, bUt the was that the father, sister and brothers should agaip serve his term of thieel of the boy willingly agreed to the sugges- years. This tEStlï¬eS that M" MCI‘m‘ tion to allow the surgeons to 0m: some non understands school business as he flash from their oWn bodies for Purpose†has already served ten or twelve years of gra‘ting and thus “we the arm of the in this work. son and brother. The lsoy himself was _ . also willing to take advantage of the DIStI'ICt NOtes' doctor’s suggestion. Accordingly father, â€"-The ratepayers of Orillia township sister and brother all lent themselves on Monday gave a majority of 90 votes subjects to the knives of the surgeons. in favor of the by-law to commute the The operation, or rather the human sa- ' i statute labor tax. In other words, the oriï¬ce, was snccessful.y performed on township has given up the notion' of Saturday last. All are doing well, and trying to maintain and keep its roads in young J uneau’s injured arm, as a result repair under the system of statute labor, 0f the grafting, 1†likely to become strcng and will this year try the experiment and useful. that has worked successfully in other â€"Auother murder of a most dastardly townships of handing the work over to a character, tOOk i311“:e 13“ Friday night in paid commissioner, who will superintend Toronto, the victim being an estimable all road work, repairs and improvements, young lady named Miss Rachel Ferguson, tor which the ratepayers will be taxed at whose home was at 29 First avenue, and the rate of 50 cents per day for every who was bookkeeper at the J. D. Nasmith day’s labor which heretofore they have Company’s establishment at the corner of personally expended on the roads. Jarvis and Adelaide-sis. Unfortunately __\ sad drowning accident occurred on the circumstances of the case do not offer Tuesday afternoon of last week a short much hope for the apprehension of the distance below the bridge at Burk’s Falls. murderer, whose hideous character may Freddie Burke, a child between ï¬ve and be easrly inferred from the fact that for a six years of age, son of Mr. J. T. Burke, small pittance of money he took a human with a companion of about his own age, 159' It 30993†Eh“ 81:30“? .16 dot M158l ventured upon the newly-formed ice, "3°50†was pa. 3mg t e 3‘“ ge 95 on sliding and walking out to the edge about Gem'd‘Sb-r 9““ °n he" “'33 h°m° mm twenty feet from the river bank. The work, when a strange man sprang upor ice l‘roke, and Freddie was struggling for 1:“ grggged her into the yard, sand, ’ his life in the icy water, which is there agge or into nn.onscionsness, robbec ï¬ve feet deep. Mrs. Matthews, from her of her purse and then ran away. He. the window of her house on the hill near screams attracted the attention of Miss. by saw him and gave the alarm Mr Tolchard, of 753 Gerrard-st. east, who . as a 31 t th l l Chas. Brown hastened to the river bank w p 8 ng f; 0 t me, and w 10 ran to Dr. Sheaths drug store on Broadview and went out on the ice to rescue the child, who was Still making efforts to get avenue, and gave the alarm. Mrs. l out, but before he could reach the child Sneath, Mi“ TO‘Cth and others ran , back to the scene and saw the murderer the ice gave way under him and he went . , . . , in up to his neck in the water. A boat escaping, and taey found his Vicum lying was then secured, and after a sufï¬cient channel had been broken in the ice Mr. E. Clement and Dr. LeClair went out, the former with a pole raising the boy from the bottom of the river, to which he had sunk. Doctors Hart, Howland and LeClair made efforts to resuscitate, a galvanic battsrv being used to produce artificial respiration,‘ but the child was They found a comb and a mud chain, beyond human skill. ents have the sympathy of all. .__â€".â€"-â€" News of the Week â€"London Out. is a boisterous city. The famous street car strike a year {go .left wounds that rankled till another out- enviable Title. break 0f the same sort occurred. UP to “I think I have discovered the chain- the presznt it has cost $167,000. Thel pion mean man of. New Orleans,†said a pany lcsi: $60,000, the men $12 000‘ lawyer who always has an eye for hu- *h“ merchants the balance ’ man curiosities. “I located him in a l‘CS- taurant the other day, but I must confess that I would never have done so at ï¬rst glance'. The truth is, he concealed his ac- complishments under a rather bland and benevolent exterior and looked like an ordinary, good natured, middle aged per- son in some minor line of business, with nothing especially to distinguish him from thousands of others. "While he was leisurely eating his din- ner and I was leisurely ordering mine, a ncwsboy came in with a bundle 01: pa- pers. The benevolent looking gent beck- oned him over, took a paper and began to peruse it. He went about the reading with care and deliberation, and occasion- ally he laid down the shoot and took a few mouthfuls of dinner. Meanwhile the ncwsboy was ï¬dgcting from one leg to another and shooting anxious glances at possible customers around the room, but the bland gentleman read on regardless. I was watching the pair out of the tail of my eye and kept track of the time by a clock that hung overhead. “Five minutes elapsed, then ten, then 15, and the ncwsboy, who had collapsed wretchcdly into a chair, began to drum the floor with his feet. â€Vtht’s the mat- ter with you'.†said the bland man, look- ing up, ‘you’re the most nervous child I ever saw in my life. But I’ve found what I wanted,’ he added, ‘und i’ll just cut it out. It won’t hurt your paper, for it’s down here in one corner where nobody will notice.’ With that h: produced a pcnknife, cut out a paragraph, folded the paper and handed it back. ‘Hcrc you are,’ he said. ‘Take it and run along!’ “The n-cwsboy made a sort of inarticu- late noise, took the shoot and sliuflicd out. He seemed to be stupcï¬od by the man’s transcendental gall, and the fact is I felt a little that way myself. When 1 last saw him he was putting the clipping in his pocketbook. I am willing to back him at even money against any other mean man in Louisiana.â€â€"New Orleans Times‘ Democrat. __â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"___--_â€"-____.-â€""_‘__.__â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-"" lhe Walchman-Walder THURSDAY. JAN. 11th, 1900. [ffâ€"’6’. W LETTERS FROM l OUR connsronmsl “W WOODVILLE Dentist, Jan. 19Lh, at Queen’s hotel. LINDEN VALLE Y Mrs. John Dundas of this place is visiting friends at Markham and Toronto. She will be absent a couple of weeks, KIRKFIELD Mr. T. Ernest Godson, barrister, of Beaver-ton, will be in his Kirkï¬eld office (Gusty’s Hotel) the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in every month.â€"10-lyr. BURNT RI VER The residence of Mr. John English, near the station, was destroyed by ï¬re Monday about one o’clock. A defect- ive p‘pe was the cause of the ï¬re. A portion of the contents were saved. There was no insurance. LITTLE BRITAIN Miss Thursa Jewell is at present visit- ing her cousin, Miss Mary Jewell. A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. 0. Jewel on New Year’s day, when a number of friends and relatives gathered to enjoy themselves. Among those present were Mr. W. Jewel], of Cambray, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jewell of Linden Valley, and Miss Ena .l ewell, teacher of Rosedale. sensele ss RANDOLPHâ€"TINY Mr. T. Tremeer and family spent their Chris-mas in the vicinity of Lindsay. The Maccabees held on oyster supper on Tuesday last. This seems to have been the event of the season. Mr. H. Cookman and family of Hunts- ville spent Christmas and New Year’s par with Randolph friends. Mr. A. W. Bowles, who is in charge of one of the skimming stations in connec- tion with the St. Mary's Creamery, spent his Christmas here. His many friends were pleased to see him. The Christmas entertainment in con- nection with the Zion Sabbath school was com adeclded success ....... The Church of and England also held a Sunday school en- â€"Geo. Rogers of Dsnbigh, a villsge tertainment, which was largely attended. north of Kingston, was drawmg straw Municipal election excitement has now Saturday when he slipped on the load quieted down, This section is repre- and fell on his head on the hard road. sented in the township council by Mr. H. His neck was broken and he died inst- G. Todd, who led the poll as councillor. antly. He leaves a wife and one son, We congratulat him upon his popularity and was aged about 35 years. as shown by his large vote. â€"Mrs.John A. Coppin of Mitchell was F 1' X g E R LO.TI.’L-â€" MA RIP USA accidentally poisoned on Thursday. For some time past she has been suffering from Holidays are .over and a new year inflammation and other diseases. Through has begun With its work. carelessness the nurse gave her iiniment Mr. V‘v'ilson from Michigan was the to drink instead of the proper medicine. guest of Mr. R. Fuse recently. The. doctor was summoned, and be pro- Mr. Wm. Foster, Sr., is said to h‘ve nounced her life in danger. After work- bought Mrs. Brogd’s ï¬ne brick resid- ing With her for several hours he declared once in Little Britain, her to be out Of (13039" Mr. Steel, one of our farmers, lost â€"-Premier Greenway tendered the a valuable horse a. few days ago frOm resignation of himself and government to Lieut-Governor Patterson Saturday mflammation. afternoon. He recommended that Hon. Mr. GBO- Jackson 0f Cartwright and Hugh John McDonald be sent for to Mr. McTaggart of Manchester were form a government. Hugh John was the guests of Mr. John Byam on Sat- called on shortly and, while he now holds the keys of the Provincial Government offices, he has not yet selected his mini sters. son. for an ir.qu:st. urday l--2‘. _ Mr. Cornell, wife and daughter, have taken their departure from our midst and taken up their abode at; Taylor’s â€"Sunday morning about 6 20 John E. . Birrell and Andrew Darby of Mosboro, a the station three miles west of Gus pl), were both killed by a Grand Trunk train while driving over the Mocboro crossing. No one saw the accident but both bodies were found beside the track. The buggy was smashed, but the horse esciped without a scratch. Mr. Birreil was Corners. Miss Edith Frise has returned home after spending a few days with her uncle, Mr. J. W. Hancock, at Linden Valley. The public school has erected a new and sound bell in the place of the old THE WATCHMAN-WAHDER: LlNDSAY.0Nl Women’s Ailments. into the blood, taking titude of pains and natal. drive away pains and when, healthy and happy 6 ' y life. St. John, N.B., says; “ Some time ago I ' a Wt attack of La Grippe. From scum kidney could not turn over in load without assist- came the announcement last week of our Great “Sledge Hammer†Reductions during January. It was as natural as sunshine that the ï¬rst week of our Triumphant Sale would keep up a Six Days Boom in business, And so it did. But the campaign has only got fairly started. ..THIS WEEK. can count on'it, will discount last week. Price is the great convincer, the in- vincible salesman. Putting us to the test costs you nothing, you ‘iIIï¬â€˜lII'III .- Graham’s January Clothing Sensation willï¬be in full swing with all its potential momentum. Everything in the stereâ€" from the door Strip in front to the wall at the backâ€"from the floor to the ceilingâ€" is unmercifully reduced. From end to end the nimble nicklcs will have more charm for us than the slow Shilling. The altered prices speak for themselves. Look at the Inducements l Read the Price Lists! The Perfection of Clothing cut by skilled artists, worth 100 cents on the dollar, as new as New Year’s, with prices split in two! $2.50 pays for any $3.50 Ulster, Overcoat or Reefer WORKINGMEN’S SUITS $2.85. $365. $445. $5.00.: $3.00 pays for any $4.50 Ulster, Overcoat YOUTHS’ LONG PANT SUITS $3-00.$3-50.$3.95.$4.50. $7.75 pays for any 510, $8.50 for any SI: Lister, Overcoat or Reefer. Watch Graham Grow Watch Graham Grow 9 GENTLEMEN s SUITS or Reefer. ; $5.50, $6 90, $7.85, $8.55. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€" $4-00 pays for any $5.50 Ulster, Overcoat YOUNG MEN’S SUITS 0’ Reefer - .. ., . arge Q $3CO, $4'“Sl $493: $53)} $525 pays {Or any $675 Ulster, Overcoat 335:5 Nun-Wmlvm»wwwmmnm or Reefer. )dauo 3 Lots of winter weather ahead yet! 3 ‘Wmmvmvmmvmv wv, As . m†‘ ' M g The coldest months yet to comeâ€" 5 ‘ __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" I January, February and March. it ,. . as. l $I-OO) $1.-5, $150, $17? $6.00 pays for any $8.00 Ulster, Overcoat = or Reefer. VJ BOYS’ 3â€"PIECE SUITS and ., . , $7.00 pavs for any $900 Ulster, Overcoat 'umol $‘“23) $250) $“‘90) $3 50' Ol’ RCCICI'. gist: aomml \Vr on the ground. She was carried to Dr. Sheath’s and was removed â€VF, afterwards to her home, where she died at ‘2 15 o’clock Saturday morning. Her face was badly bruised and her head out. Detective Forrest and Inspector Arm- 1 strong very promptly went to work on N EW STORE J the case, but so far they have secured 5),, 3097 very little ground upon which to operate, The One Price King Clothier, _ 2 DOOI‘S East Of Benson House :resh The bereaved which had been torn from Miss Fergu- i Ci Coroner Craig has issued a warrant $999..»w’ow» »»»»»»»WW.$ Ii )cbc ___W_ - __.___._- _.â€"_ ______________.___..___m- -__.___.. __..__.__+- _*_____ Y“ A CHAMPION MEAN MAN. 8' | Al .. r‘ . ‘ 3:: How He Earneâ€"mâ€"Iâ€"Iâ€"ight to the 1311- ‘CyC es mt St U! ve n Away E :5: The Grandest Grier Ever Flade Women are com- ing to understand {ï¬rst the Buckac hes, _. Headaches, Tired Feelings and \V’cnk -‘ Spells from which may sander are due ‘1. wrong action of am kidneys. the isons that be carried are sent back tï¬tdi them a mul- Such an Opportunity Will Not Occur Again E To introduce the HIGHEST GRADE of. . . . “PERFECT†WHEEL, a limited number will be placed on the market at it PRIGE NEVER BEFBRE HEARD 0? This oï¬'er continues for but 30 Days Therefore WR o o C . IT “ ONCE. All applications consrdered according to date of receiplf. 1T LOCAL AGENTS \VANTED with whom money-making con- "l“ EGAN’S Kidney Pills women Mrs. C. H. Gillespie, Street, trouble arose, for honored with ‘ ~ . : a number of the M W ‘ in St. tracts Will be made. NO CAPITAL REQLJIRED, Address D John, but received W 1. Hearing 1 as Perfect Wheel Co. WINDSOR, ONT, ' G. T. R. Railway Systeml4% Per Cent. Donn’s Kidney Pills mm ï¬ll of, I short began their use and in It 6 found them to be a. perfect all». Beth takincr 6 these pills I suï¬ered molt bflns‘e thatI 52’ ° ance. Doan’s Kidney Pills have rescued me from this terrible condition, and have removed every pain and echo. . â€". -- V}. ;, V" ‘V â€M- u â€"â€"_ . . y m- .r,-uul-u‘.~nl:wxm V ._ :.:: .1: 3.-.,“ ‘_ _~_ --. 15 xx 19.. marrow: sin- . The undersigned is prepared to loan money in large amounts on good Farm or Town Pro . . . party at 4% per cent. er annuzn. 5 al' Ticket: to all pomts in Ontario, the North- 1 loans at slightly increasedpra'oe m is and British Columbia. Full information .... can. WILDER, The Express Office, Lindsay ' D . ,Z'. . ' a.» =- Ann-4A - ya . \ . I i .1 any W _rk while you sleep without a gripe or pain, curing Dyspepsia, Sick H ache from and Constipation andmake you is ' better in the morning, Price 25c. McSWEYN WELDON, \. .Solicitors, etc., new Ontario Bmk building Lindsay. ’ â€In Omens: every Monday.â€"37.