$7.00 d $4.00 ’RITE AT receipt. 5 u" ’ svstem U : i to 1.3:: money rm u! Town Pro 3:12.le Smalls .3 e. U) WELDON. i0 Bank building, rl a-v Cay.â€"_), o 2" osphcdina, I nglish Remedy- commended by all anada. Only rel}- m discovered. 813 anteea! to cure all all effects of abuse xccssive use Of To» . Mailed on receiPl5 $5. One will 0 to any address. . y, Windsor, Ont-n oi in Lindsay by -- man-Warden! Hell t0q1:9?.ï¬ll.'"Fees or HE nsnniint! ce effected on Town, Vii- ac and Farm Property. inst-Glass Gnmnanies if u Represented ’_____â€" No Solicitoxs’ Commission . . G, Cornefl, LIN DSAY TINY TIM. s have s ent a do: 'W Kalli: tBickens’ li’ttle “Tiny v ï¬e pleased us because he was ever helping, or ready to help ‘0 , unfortunate. Hope’s TINY TABLETS are ' ~tlv the same thing. They geldlig thousands of unfortunate ouS. broken-down people to get film: 7va TABLET after ' meal and before retiring will on new life. if you feel tired s SERVES- TAKE DE? HO9E'5 INY ABLETS ran man NERVES , B Mail from Dr. H“. milliflu limited. Toronto. CpAgii-‘ic A‘N-ADIAN RY GRlST-MILL HARDWOGD SAW-MILL SHEESE DE BUTTER FACTORY SPfliil'SliiEii PEiESPECTGRS .‘1"'>~'_\'\l. 5.. El. NOTMAX, 7 .Wlti (2.? By, ‘ l; Q; T “ONTO, OxT, w '1 ‘qfsï¬ln‘l‘xa'f‘ X l, L. rig-Limit, A5831 CFFECE ' ‘ - KENT STREET ‘ â€i g l L \ :rq-rmrzri n, l .Ygllii,‘ ran an llUibl lLl U l: AVll‘lOS COMPANY porated under Cap. 169, R. S. O. the; 05:3. 1.1x: sAY, ONT. «fl HONEY TO LOAN 1‘. and farm property atisurrent rates of i. Costs moderate, and no delay. ' avngs Department SI .00 and upward taken, with- : 3y time, upon which currentflrates v... . ‘n- , , .. MC Elli-OWCQ. Secretary l L‘Y“i"ï¬(l Lll.l y“ 3 us of the ap- proacocl cold weather. lie think of putting up Â¥ 3.013., and buying new . Woods can meet you In both. He has a full line oi Coal Stoves, Wood , Stoves and Ranges. The ï¬nest goods in the market. AlSC all the utensils lined with stoves : Kettles, lying Pass and Boilers; {1150 \Vringers and Wash- mg Machines~ Come and - see my stock. KENT STREET. ' It}?! eons‘ue 1“ “mind the weigh scales. M H «may; at , no M176. 3 rams (millage. iwunu nu - The Press Stands for Col. Hughesâ€"The Globe Speaks out AN INJUSTICE â€" MYSTERlOUS IN- FLUENCEâ€"THIS A FREE COUNTRY â€"A STRONG PARAGRAPH FROM THE GOVERNMENT ORGANâ€"MUST HAVE INVESTIGATION The Beaverton Express says: “30]. Sam ‘Hughes writing from Cape Town states he is still unable to ï¬nd military occupation. If this is owing to the influence of General Hutton, command“ ing the Canadian militia. as has been stat- ed, this gentleman has cause to feel heart' ily ashamed of his action which will earn for him the contempt of Canadians every- where- Col. Sam. Hughes, with all. his faults, has ever been an enthusiastic loyalist and military man and one who has taken a keeper interest in the Canadian militia than the highly-paid gentleman whose vindictivensss is now credited with detaining a good soldier from serVice at a time when every available man is required.†THE GLOBE‘S STRONG WORDS. , The Globe says editorially : “Some explanation is due to the public- and will probably be asked for during the session of Parliament, as to the treatinent accorded to Lieut.-Col. Hughes, M.P., in connection with the Canadian contingent. While praise is being given to Canada for its assistance and for the prompt and en- thusiastic manner in which it was given, it is ably fair to remember that Liana-Col. Hughes was one of the very ï¬rst, if not the ï¬rst, to suggest the idea. It does not seem to be quite in accord with justice or with the ï¬tness of things that he should ï¬rst be unable to obtain a place with the contingent, and then that, having sailed to Africa, he should ï¬nd himself at Cape Town followed by some mysterious in- fluence which prevents his engaging in the work which he desires and for which he is thoroughly well ï¬tted. That his enthus- iasm may have led him into committing some breach of military etiquette is pcs' sible, but if any one thing as been thor. oughly discredited in the present war it is military etiquette; and if there is due type of man that is urgently called for it is the man of brains, physique, enthusiasm and resource. The Ottawa Journal says of this 0888 Z"â€" ‘ Hughes has faults. But the particular faults in this case were only over-zeal and misconception of the privileges of a repre- sentative in Parliament of the Canadian people. Hughes was a type of.a class of men, not too numerous, who give honor- able and unselfish service to Canada to military ends; who spend their years, their energy and their monev in large amounts in the often thankless task of maintaining and promoting our volunteer forces in. efï¬ciency; and such men are not ï¬t subjects for ungenerous treatment by any superior ofï¬cer simply because they may be in a little too much of a hurry to get to do some ï¬ghting for Crown and country.‘ The Journal says that Lieut.-Col. Hughes advertised for volunteers for the war, and that when rebuked by General Gen. Buller Will Assault Spion’s Kop in the Dead of Night. Enemy I- Entrenchod Only 1.400 Yards in Front of Him. and Spion’a Kop Commands All the Boer Entrench- meatsâ€"British in Their Attempt. Will Be Exposed to Fearful Rifle Fire, and News of Casualties May Be Expected. London, Jan, 24. â€" (4.40 a. m.)â€" Gcn. Bullcr’s turning movement, of which so much had been expected, has come to a standstill. His careâ€" fully worded message to the War Oflice telling this after a. silence of two days reads like an apology and an explanation. Warren Holds the Ridges. Gen. Warren holds the ridges, but the enemy’s positions are higher. The British artillery are playing on the Boer positions and the Boers are replying. The British infantry is separated by only 1,400 yards from the enemy, but an approach to the steep slopes across the bare open would expose the British to a. fatal rifle ï¬re. An Alumni: by Night. Gen. Buller’s plans have reached their development. He declines to send his infantry across this zone against formidable positions by dayâ€" light and discloses his purpose to as- sault the Spion Kop heights during the night. This appears to be the key to the Boer defence. If he takes it and thus commands the adjacent country an important and possibly a decisive step will be accomplished. “'31- 0ch Keeps Back Nov". It seems that Gen. Buller’s desâ€" patch reached the War Ofï¬ce rather enfly in the night and was the. sub- ject of a prolonged c0nfercnce be- tween Lord Lansdownc, Mr. Balfour and several staff ofï¬cials. A deter- urination appears to have been reach- ed not to give out the message dur- ing? the night, but towards 2 a.m. copies of the dcspatch Were made. for distribution among the newspa- per oflices. These arrived too late for extended comment. Looks Like Bad News. The Morning Post and The Starl- dard touch lightly upon the unpleasâ€" ant featurcs of the dos-patch and take hope from the projected night at- tack, but, all things considered, the despatch looks like preparation for worse news. Parliament at Hand, Parliament Will meet in ï¬ve days. The Cubiuct had been hoping" for one rallyingr British success to chccr the country and to command generous support for fresh rCVCllUL‘ measures. Among: thi-sc will be probably an in- crczrsc of the income tax to a shilling in the pound. but this would onlv provide the cost of live Wot-ks' hos- tiliiicso 'l‘lic (lutivs on tobacco. ailâ€" cohol, 1c::thi-r and (‘Ollt‘i‘ will likely be rzrisctl. The. (‘ubinci will moi-i at the curl of the wet-k and discuss Hutton he replied that as a member Oflthc Simumm. parliament he was free to call on his own countrymen in the way he had done. If this is the case, we can only say that the oil‘trce, if cflencc it can be called, was trival in the extreme, and certainly did not deserve the punishment of military ostracism. It. would perhaps be just as well to have it understood at the outset that while this is a British country it is also a democratic ceuntry, and that: it intends to conduct its military business as well as its other business on that basis. It will not submit to havea good soldier humiliated or discouraged because his enthusiasm breaks the bonds of military red tape, or disturbes the dig- nity of anybody. Military science is ad- vancing too rapidly in these days for red tape or dignity, and the nation which wants to hold its own in war will adopt business methods in the army. and will use enthusiasm and ability wherever it can be found. We do notknow at present who is to blame for the extraordinary treatment to which Lleuh-Col. Hughes has been subjected, but we think that the parliament of which he is a member ought to take care that the matter is thoroughly investigated.†M Odds and Ends of Fact. Sound moves 7-13 miles per hour. TWo pchonS (fits curry second. The Ilumber of Spanish now in the Philippines is less than at any time (luringr the last. 50 ycttrs. The higlicst iriountains of the Phil- ippine islands are llalCOn (Mindoro), 8,8438 fcct; Apo (Mindanao), 8,804 fez-t; Mayon, active volcano (Luzon), 8,253 fl‘fgl., and Sin Cristobal (Luz- on). 7,375 feet. Once in Central Persia the head- lllZUl of a town, who was much in- tt-rcsti-(l in a travclcr's bicycle, care-- fully felt thc pncuuurtic tire with his thumb. and thou, after Some thought, askml: “Does this get hardcr the more you use it, like the human foot?" Honolulu has more millionaires than any place of its size, probably, in the world. A dozen men are worth from $3,000,000 to $5,000,- 000, and more than a score are rat- ed at $1,000,000. This in a. town of not over 40,000 people is some- thing cxtraordinary. All of them have made thcir fortunes in sugar. ______..____â€"â€"â€"â€"_____ Hi. Trousers Material. He was a proud little fellow as he strutted around in a new pair of trousers that his mother had made for him, and very important he looked as he squared himself in front of his best friend, the corner groceryman, and said: “I bet you can't guess what my trou- sers are made of.†“Of broadcloth?†asked the grocery- mun. “Nope,†replied the little fellow. “Of corduroy, then?†ventured the gro- ceryman. “Nope.†“Of jeans!†“No C." “Wdli, what are they made of the “Qt papa’s old ones,†triumphantly re- plied the happy little renownâ€"Memphls Scimitar. n?†BU LLETlN FROM BU LLER. British \Vern About to Attelnpt to Seine Spiou's limp and Cut the Enemy’s Position in Two. London, Jun. 2-i.â€"-â€"Shortly bcfm†midnight 13m \l'or ()ilicc :mnouncrul that it (llll not expect to isstio anyâ€" thing during the night. There haul been considerable activity at the War Ollict: throughout the day, but at 7 o'clock p.111. and again at 9 it was announced that no frcsli news hail bccit rcct-ivctl. At 11 o'clock the newspaper men attended by appointment and were asked to return at 11.3 They dill so and then found Mr. Arthur Bul- four and other prominent men in at- tendance. llopcs ran high and there. was great disappointment when it Was ï¬nally given out that nothing would be issued until Wednesday forenoou. Gen. Buller's silence is be- ginning to create alarm. 2.15 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Contrary to the an- nouncement made shortly before mid- night by the War Office that nothing further would be issued until Wedâ€" nesday forenoon, the following (le- spatch from Fuller, dated Spearsâ€" mub's Camp, Jan. 23, 6.20 p.lll., has jllr-L been posted: "Warren holds the position he 2min- ed two days ago. In front of him, at about. 1,400 yards, is the enemy's posrtion, “use of Spion s ix’op. It is ('ll highci‘ gt‘o-iiztl alum ‘Nnrrr-u‘s posi- tion, so it is impossible to see it properly. "it can only be approached ovcr burc. opcn slopes, and the ridges hold by Warren are so stccp that guns cannot be placcd on them. But we are sliclliug' the enemy‘s position with llowiizcrs and field artillery, placed on lower ground behind infam- try. “The enemy is replying with Crou- sot and oilicr artillery. In this (incl the advantage. rests with us, as we appear to be searching his trenches and his artillery fire is not causing Us much loss. “An attempt will be made toâ€"night to seize Spinn's Kop, the salient point of which forms the left of the enemy's position facing Trichurtl's Drift, and which divides it from the. posrtion facing I’otgictcr's Drift. It has considerable command over all the enemy's entrenchments." INCREASES THE GREAT STRAIN. How the London Times Looks at Gan. Buller'n Last Bulletin. London. Jan. 24. â€" The Times, commenting editorially upon Geri.’ Bullcr's dcspatch, says: “it can but tend to increase the scvcre strain from which the nation is suffering. We must await the result of his at- tempt to seizes the formidable Boer position, with courage. and coolness. His success may be decisive, but the danger of the attempt is evidently great. The intense excitement of the besieged in Ladysmith may be imag- ined. “'arren II Cautious. "Gen. Warren is moving with com- mendable, indeed " imperative caution. “ But it must not be forgotten that - i ' ‘ ' » delay, howeverg caused, mUSt ten 19 I I I O . ers many respects in favor of the enemy. , A .. ' I The Boers have, it is true, fallen back when hard pressed. but they have gained time to bring up men, guns, ammunition and supplies to the position they have selected 1‘ r their principal standard, and to cutrench it in thorough fashion, the fashion they understand so well. Until that $5.232: geneticsngdn‘: 3:, 500d Cigar. Some Nice 32?...222. .‘Zcuiidysmmh “m“ b" Plug or Cut Tobacen, Smoking or Chewing ; â€"Nav‘al Guua'Dolng Deadly “fork, EngliSh’ American or the Boers Say. " ' F.3d... 5......9 up... mm, m, Canadian, also Pipes 'of ri ay, an. 1 . â€" The British now . ‘ . all Kinds; Clgarettes occupy three positions along the Tug- ela. River. Their naval guns have . and Tobacconists Sun- dries generally H. GROSS DENT 181', ‘ - llIBSAY Ember Royal Dental College. Ont... Headqm for Gocd Dentistryâ€"8t DR SUTTON, DENTIST - lIIBSAY Honor graduate of Toronto Universl (1 College of Dental Surgeons. All the $111333 methods adopted and prices moderate. g ‘ "‘1 11025.“ 2cgver Anderson a Nugcnt‘s, opposite Voncii‘o DR. E. A. TOTTEN DENT lST, - UIDSAY Graduatczof Toronto Unlvcrait - of Dental Surgeons. . Lil†d Royal 0013: Every department of dentistry done in a practical and scientiï¬c manner at moderate prices. (mice over Morgan’s Drug Storeâ€"17. DR. F. A. WALTERS DENTIST. - LINDSAY Honor Graduate of Tor uto Unlvc College of Dental Surgeon; rllty “d Royal All the latest and improved branches of dentist Buccemfully pcrfomcd. Charges moderate OFFICE over Gregory‘s Store. mm'%.1y.m corner Kent and William WHEN YOU ARE NEEDING A BOERS WERE AM BUSHED. Fourteen Wore Killed and 20 'Wounded been ï¬ring steel-pointed armor pierc- ing shells. ' itoern “'oro Ambuuhod. Reports being received that 2,000 British cavalry were attempting to outï¬ank us along the Drakensberg ridge, :1. strong patrol was sent to reconnortre. Mistaking the signals, the scouts and patrol proceeded to a kopje, from R I whence a. terriï¬c 2"le and Maxim gun o X 9 ï¬re suddenly opened. The Boers lost. ' 14 men killed and 20 wounded. The British loss was probably insignifiâ€"’ cant. Terriï¬c British Cannonado. BE SURE AND CALL 016 DR. NEELANDS DENTIST, . . LINDSAY lxtrmtcctb without pain by Guthtaliud Air adnunleterod by him for 26 yearn with great once... Be studied thegaa under Dr Cotton, of New York theorlgtnatcrofgnfor cxuncflngtceth. Dam writeIDn'Ncclanda that be has given the gas to 186.417 pct-Iona without an accident. Or. am anthem local pain obtnndcn. Beautiful ant- Idoltocthinacrtcdatmodmte prices. Pleas send ape-talent! before coming. Ofï¬ce nearly opposite the Shnpcon Home, Lindsay. -28 Kent-st. Lindsay _â€"-â€"â€" _â€"â€"-â€"â€" ._â€"..- 0 th ' s,..$‘,.zk‘:,,f“mm“ °f the â€mm at MANSION HOUSE, LINDSAY, they have placed five naval guns and have brought the OFPOSITE 1 l-E MrKET “Cl-d artillery across the river to a OER NEW MANAGEMENT The d 1 - ' UN .â€" no «- $1118.11 1:10p Jekon the northern bank, sign-d respectfully informs the purple of the County elige Cy eep Up an incessant and “Victoria and the travelling public generally, that- terriiic cannonadc on the Boer he has leased the above hotel for a term of years and trenches. bu renovated and refurbished it throughout, making it we of the most comfortable stopping plea to to be found in Lindsay. Having bten for a number of years engaged in catering to the summer tourist trade in Bobcaygcon, my guests may rely on the best AN EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS. DR. ARTHUR DAY , service at all tmesï¬ncrudiugagood table The bar 14 Field Cronota to Be Exchangcd For will bakept Iupplied with good brands olliquora and D E: IN TIST 1‘ Britiah â€an?“ cigars, and farmers and others will ï¬nd ï¬rst-c139; , ac;ommodation for teams in the cummodious London, Jan. 24. â€" According to andatabica. Acallw11lbeappreciatcd.:‘g,.- ’ SUGGESSOR TO THE L‘TE 93- HM†a. special dcspatch from Pretoria, it GARNER HUNTER, Proprietor. m is reported thcre that fourteen field ' corncts will be cxehangcd for four- tccn British ofï¬cers. The Long Tom Being Fired, Head Bocr Inagcr, Ladysmith, Monday, Jan. 22. â€" The quarters of Generals White and Hunter were smashed toâ€"day by a shot from "Long Tom." It is not known Wilc- thcr any of the occupants of the building were killed. Could See shell- Bunting. London, Jun. 24. â€" The Daily Chronicle publishes the following,r hei- iogruphcd message from lnrdysmith, dated Jun. :22, by Way of Zwart hop, . Jan. :23: “Yesterday we could Sce That’s why ï¬remen, policemen the British shclls bursting clost: to and others, who are exposed_to the Boer camp on the plateau. this the weather, are so often troubledovvith side of l’otgicter's Drift, but the Weak, Lame Backs and With erary Troubles. IOAN’S Kidney Pills are helping hundreds of such to health. Mr. John Robinson, chief of the fire department, Dresden, Ont., says: “ Prior to taking these pills I had kid- ney trouble which CllllSL-tl severe pain in London, Jam. 24. â€"â€" A ilcspdii‘h the small of my back and in both sides. to The lvuilj; Mull from l‘ictci‘iiiui'- I had a tired fecliiit: and never seemed to italiurg, (hilt-ll Jun. 223, snvs: bu able to get resli-d. However, I com- “l.oi-tl l‘llllllllllllld hold» mt A'uuu niericctl the use of Irwin's Kidney Pills, U) UHWUV'S “(JOCK PUSS- till'l aftertaking thrwlmxcs amcompletcly "A lcilci‘ received here from ll;'.l'- cured. Ihavenowrmlazckache orurinary rismitli l'clttles that thrcc iii-molt:- trouble, and tlw tin-d fwling is 00m- “‘ct‘o shot in the Markct Sfilllil't‘ fur pletely gone. In fact, I am well and refusing to go to the from “he“ strong.†coiriiii;.iiili-twl." Member of Toronto Dental College and Toronto. University. Also graduate of American Doom C01legc. Hut Modem Dentistry practised in the most scientiï¬c manner. Crown and Bridge Work a Ipeclalty. Charger moderate. Fighting ‘ the Fires. \ . Hard life the plucky ï¬remen bl l lead; out in all sorts of weather, ' â€"â€"losing sleep, catching cold - and straining their backs. Hard to have strong, well kidneys under such conditions. OFFICEâ€"94 Kent Stroot ' iï¬hysirians R. A. E. VROOMANâ€"Oï¬ice and residence north-earn corner Peel and Cambridgam. Telephone 51. -35. DR. G. s. RYERSON, eo COLLEGE-2:511. TORONTO EYE, EAR, NOSE Mil} THROAT S PEClAllST DR. JEFFERS. C3 ice hOurs r9rd ll a.m.; 2 to 4 pr.;7 :. spin. hes.- deuce o0 Wellingto . street. 'l‘cl phnn- ho. 43. camp still remains in position’tht-rc toâ€"(laiy. “\Vc heard very heavy firing all the morning. The bomburilim-ut here is Slack. but. the BOcr bi},r gun on Mount liultiwzuia is still tiring." 'l urea lirlllah Spirit blunt. R. \‘i ll ITE, G F: ADUATE OF oi Tomi): L':i\tr_~.t\ )icd'tz: Faro." grammar I-f Tm ".3 l'. ivory t' . ’1", In to. arm lettuce: of Cti‘lflt' |l l" _\P (in! s and s;z:*.ci,r.-. uni†._ Offtw South-luv. c- rrer bird.» t and to 5rd} 1-1:. «.5 Trio-r 'n'm» 107 â€":'31 ll. 7 DR. A. GILLESY.’ I (LA. 5sz; 5.0. 035cc and h>li‘i'ctt l .rm. «f inns“ and R Pr. 1: rlieeli- Lllci'zl.-!’r I! hav‘ a ‘1 l the {t P1}.‘Bic a1):- a: d tinge Lt, Edinburgh. Lice! ‘);-'r (1 Midwti-‘ry, heretical: Sircm: stint: ll gun. 1.. MidW'lrry and dlncarrl- of ninth. low-3L.†5c 98.â€"3 3. . ) , . . . DR. SlMl SOh, Pill SlClA.~. “if-- and rev-H choc. Russetâ€"«1., Lu ores sec- ond door west of York-3:. Oflzoe h C um, 9.00 3.": to 10.30 2cm†.‘..60 pin in 3 p.m., and 7 to 2: mm. inn. J. srmsm, intrinsic of t'm'v. of irimu 0.1.. Toronto Medina Cul‘egc of Physicians and Eu} u up, Ont. Late of lun'klmd Asylum, hirgrzon. (â€and Trunk Surrmn. Lnxdsay Dlltrlct. Linens-y, Febrn ary, 4th, 1891. ‘ 3}?» lighting at Collin-(barg. l’rctoriat, Sunday, Jan. ‘21. â€"â€" A dispatch from Coli‘sbcrg, (‘irpe l‘ol- oily, Hays the British titiuckcll tlic Boer position there at. 10 o‘clock ilizs morning. There was hc.-.v_v lighting, but the result is not known. Ac- cordingr to the latest uccmmis. the Boers \vcrc holding their positions. A dcsputch from Colcuso of Thursâ€" day, Jan. 18, says a patrol of “.200 men, under Field Cornet Oppcrman, while scouting, Was surrounded, but succeeded in lighting its nay back. It is reported that four men were killed and that 30 were wounded and made prisoners. Unfit-lug No Longer Feared. London. Jan. 24. â€" A Corresponâ€" dent of The Daily Chronicle. at Storkâ€" stroom, iclcgruphing Monday, says: “Many Dutch colonists, although os- tensibly loyal. really sympathize with tho Doors and kc._-p ibczii post- ed rcguz'ding all British movcmcms. 'l'huy discharge rockets llllil niukc otht-r Sll'lltils to the enemy. A gou- ci'ul rilntg. however, is no longer fczii‘cd." Gun. lullwr’s “'uumlmi. giarrisirrs, dc. The most reliable remedy in the market for COUGHS AND COLDS. r 7 ‘ . Sold "emu". ObALD R AlNDE R S O l\, Barrister,Soliciior. dc. Uï¬â€™ ce innreoiaiel} o be the Daily Hones, Kent-8L, Lindsay. 11. R- DERSUN. S. PERRIN, Druggist, 73 Kent-st , Lindsay, Sole Proprietor. G. H. HOPKINS, Barrister. SULCIIOI' for the Ontario Bank. Money to Loanat In. am Rica. Ofï¬ce )‘o. 6 William Street south. G. H. HOPKINS. TEWART 8: O’CONNOR.â€" Barristers, Notaries, etc. Office over 0:.de Bank, Kenn-s1, Lindsay. Money 10 Loan at \d) lowest htcs. T. STE W A RT. lllllmll Mlllllllllllnlllllmllilllllllllll'Ellllllllllifllllllllflg S.J.Petty’s i THANKS ! M)W L. V. O’CONNOR, BA W- _ “ '- 1 7 ~ I l\/ CORE jAL ASQNâ€"Bar- ‘ deters, etc. Ebcltom :0? 1726 Ck ull'.‘ n1: Vicwria and Elle‘Putnk of Mort-rm. Mung) 1.3,...“ on mutt. acts at lnwss'. Ch‘ "chi 1-. ins. 0m..- \Vidlam-et , Lintlbhy. F. D. MivOliE. l.o:i(l('-n. Jan. 21. â€" 'l‘hc ilcspolcli- es [10510.1 ill. llic “or ()illl'u up lo 1-1 o'clcci; )‘t‘stt-i'lltiy, though (kilcil Sicuriiuzii's (Stump, to-.l;t_\', coiiloim-(i litillilllg‘ but cusuuliics. (2cm. ilulâ€" lci‘ :‘cpm'lcd that. the Wound-oil Jun. :30 inclutlt-(l: ScCovul lgmcusliircs â€"â€" (‘opiains Dori, Whytc and Urmoml, om] Licui. Campbcll. York and Lancaster llcc'imcnt â€"- Licuis. Ilaili‘ord and Iiitckwtirih. Wcst Surveys â€"â€"- Cupts. Ruin (since dead) and Warden, and Hours. Smith and chtl, Staffâ€"Capt. Dallas. la )lnl‘ekiu: meg.- lillistcl. A Link. JAL'h’Sl 'X h/ICLAUGH 1.13 8: MCDlAR. MID, Barristers. Soilcxtors, he. Lump-a} and Echelon Falls. Lit-deal) Cram, flute: a Block. Kent-st, We are loaning none) or rea. carat: tars: mortgage in sums largctand small, to suit ‘oormv us, on the best terms and at the \er3 {meet rain-of interest. We do not lend on no‘esor enamel security. R. J. MCLAUGHLLN F. A. \lclflaliMlD Elli}? .‘lflll. lllli. llllll: Ttllllf. .llllé‘i ll’a’ll .llllié illlll'.iillllliiilillilllllg ll MliflIlHllIlllMlllllll llitillilllillllllllllltlillllflllillilull fill ll We take this opportunity to thank our many friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage during the year 1899. â€"-.._.._.-â€"â€"â€" -___.__..__ Guberoucs, Bechuarialand, Wedncs- énï¬tlflntfrï¬ day, Jan. 17. â€"-â€" (Via Lorenzo Murâ€" .. . Que-s. Jun- 23-) â€" Nam-ts \\ ho have We Will have more to say »â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"-â€"â€"-.. PETER BROWN, Auctioneer, Oakwood P.O., 0ntu'lo.-â€"Farm stock and other sales promptly attended to. ca moo. crate. Sales can be arranged for “THE. WA’AOB- KAN Ofï¬ce. THOMAS SWAIN, IR, Auc. tionecr. Caesaiea P.0., Ontario. â€" Sales conducted in an, part of the Ccanrv of Durham as reasonably as in my own immediate neith- bOrhood. Experienced in all kinds --f mar-cant lo and stock sales. Terms reasonable. Also licecaid to conduct sales of all kinds in Maripoaa whusnip. Correspondence answered promptly-4L 17. just arrived report that troops, not ers, are patrolling around ALL“. king. l‘TOlll this ll, lS COchClured that the Boers may littVu retired from that place and that the pati'ollcrsiurc some of Col. Butlenâ€"l‘owoli‘s men. There is increased activity in the Boers’ position at Crocodile Pools, but with the exception of a couple of shells, Col. Plumer's outposts have not heard from them toâ€"day, ladrsmiih Hus nations for 'i wu Months London, Jan. Sirâ€"The Times pub- l3 lishes ti lciicr from Ladysmiih, dated , Dec. 10. the. writer of which says . that the besieged then had full ru- __ tions for at least two months. I I Had Ills Feat li‘t‘uZen, Kingston, Ont., Jan. 24. â€"_ Alad .E named llumc rode in a. box car from “- re . . E Toronto to Ixingston Saturday night, and had his feet so badly frozen that . Next the Daly House- they may have to be amputated. ‘ in a week or two. Prosperity to all is our wish for 1900. WOW 5 I “Himllllll‘lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllIllllllllllillllllllllllllli’lllllll;‘illï¬ll'llllllllllllll llllllif Llllll‘ié illllllflllllll illlll? illllll iilllll illlli?‘llllllll‘lllllllllllllll‘lll (fanning to £0.31 lli lelfllll‘lllflllllmllllll MONEY T0 LOAN THE JEWELER. I have a large amount of funds for invest- ment on First Morigsszts at the lowest rates. Terms to suit borrowers. D R. ANDERSDN "ill lillll‘l'. .é’. it Will llllili-IMMIM “trimming Q: my «mow-A .